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When used with NFS version 4 servers, it allows the construction of a single NFS namespace that covers multiple servers.Starts and stops the administration daemons and enables and disables filesystems for data.Allows to create, display, remove or change the attribute of NDAF entities such as administration and data servers, cell namespaces, datasets, replicas and roles.Starts and stops dmadm and dms administration daemons.Starts and stops dms administration daemons. Enables and disables filesystems for cells/dsets/replicas.Starts the dmadm and dms administration daemons.Stops the dmadm and dms administration daemons.Starts the dms administration daemon.Stops the dms administration daemon.Enables the capability to create cells, datasets or replicas on a filesystem.Prevents the capability to create cells, datasets or replicas on a filesystem.The admin server federates and manages the set of NFS4 servers as a single system. You can create, remove and change the attributes of the admin server.A dataserver system is where data will reside that is provisioned with NDAF. A data server process runs at each data server to carry out actions in underlying file systems.A cell is a collection of datasets organized into a single file name space for use with NFS version 4 servers. NFS version 4 clients are expected to mount the root directory of the cell to access the cell's full namespace.While you are in the data management menu, you can create or remove datasets and replicas, list datasets and replicas, or change their configuration.A role is a set of privileges attached to a set of users, which allows to manage the resources within a cell. You can create, list, remove and change the attributes of roles.Creates the master administration server of the NDAF domain, which will be running the admin server daemon.Shows the attributes of the administration server. With sufficient privileges, you may change some of them.Removes the administration server and cleans its databases of all the objects that have been defined within it.Displays the contents of the log of the administration server.Clears the contents of the log of the administration server.Displays all the data servers that have been defined for a specified admin server.Creates a data server within an administration server, specifying its DNS or IP address attribute.Shows the attributes of a specified data server. If you have enough privileges, you can modify some of those attributes.Removes the data server object and cleans its databases of all the objects that have been defined within it.Allows a cell to use a data server to host its datasets.Prevents a cell to use a data server to host its datasets.Displays all the cells that have been defined for a specified administration server.Creates a cell on a given administration server, which will serve as a unit management for all the datasets it contains.Displays the attributes of a specified cell. If you have enough privileges, you can modify some of those attributes.Removes the cell object and cleans the databases of all the objects that have been defined within it.A dataset (dset) is a directory tree of file system objects (files, directories, ACLs, links, etc). This is the unit of management for replication and namespace. You can create, remove, validate, list, mount and unmount dsets, and change their attributes.Displays the list of all datasets for specified admin server. It is possible to list all datasets for a specified cell, of for a specified data server.Creates a dataset, specifying an admin server, a namespace and a data server.Checks the consistency of a dataset in the specified namespace.Displays the attributes of a specified dataset. If you have enough privileges, you can modify some of them.Displays the physical locations of the specified dataset.Removes the dataset.Makes the dataset available at the specified location on the specified data server.Makes a previously mounted dataset unavailable for use.A replica is a read-only copy of a dataset, which can be distributed across multiple data servers. You can create, remove, validate, update, list, mount, unmount, place and unplace replicas and change their attributes.Displays the list of all replicas for specified admin server and namespace or data server.Creates a read-only copy of a dataset at a specified location.Refreshes a replica from its original source.Checks the consistency of a replica in the specified namespace.Displays the attributes of a specified replica. If you have enough privileges, you can modify some of them.Displays the physical locations of the specified replica.Removes a specified replica.Makes the replica available at the specified location on a cell namespace.Makes a previously mounted replica unavailable for use.Place the replica on a data server, on a location that can be specified.Removes the replica placed on a data server at a specified location.Defines a replica as the master copy for its specified dataset.Specifies another dataset to be the source this replica is a read-only copy of.Displays the list of all roles for a specified cell.Defines a set of privileges associated to a set of users.Displays the attributes of a specified role. If you have enough privileges, you can modify some of them.Removes the definition of a role.The root directory of the NDAF installation. The default is "/var/dmf".The RPC timeout override for valgrind/gdb testing.The security method which is used for data transfers. The possible values are auth_sys, krb5, krb5i (integrity) and krb5p (privacy). The default is krb5.The Kerberos principal if the security method used is RPCSEC_GSS.Specifies the location of the Kerberos keytab for NDAF. If not specified, the default Kerberos keytab file (defined in the /etc/krb5/krb5.conf file) is used.The number of the port for RPC calls from the dmf client to the admin server. The default is 28000.The number of the port for RPC calls from the admin server to the data servers. The default is 28001.The number of the port for RPC callbacks from data servers to admin server. The default is 28002.The number of the port for RPC calls between data transfer agents. The default is 28003.The amount of information written in the log file. The possible values are critical, error, warning, notice and information. The default is notice.Absolute path of the filesystem where cells, datasets and replicas will be allowed to be located. The /proc, / and /tmp filesystems cannot be enabled for the creation of cells, datasets or replicas.Absolute path of the filesystem where cells, datasets and replicas will no longer be allowed to reside.Specifies a name for the admin server that will manage the NDAF domain.Specifies the DNS name or the IP address of the admin server that will manage the NDAF domain. The port can be specified using a colon separator.The external name of the admin server machine that manages the NDAF domain, which may be a true DNS name or IP addressThe generic UUID, which is used as an index.Name of the admin server.The version of the application running on this server. The security method which is used for data transfers.Specifies the names of the users that will own this admin server and therefore be able to manipulate it, comma-separated.Specifies how many records in the log to display.Absolute path name of the file where the status log will be written.Specifies the name of the data server where the data will reside.Specifies the name of the data server. You can either enter the name or choose it in the list of data servers defined for this admin server.Name of the data server where the data reside.Specifies the DNS name or IP address of the system you wish to use as the data server. The port number where the data server listens on can be added, separated with a comma.The external name of the client machine, which may be a true DNS name or an IP address.If the data server is an external server, it is not running an NDAF daemon. Hence this system should not be used for replication purposes.Minimum RPC port number to be used for data transfer between servers.Maximum RPC port number to be used for data transfer between servers.Local path on a server that new datasets should be created in if no path is specified in the command.Local path on a server that incoming replicas should be placed in if no path is specified in the command.Specifies the names of the users that will own this data server and therefore be able to manipulate it, comma-separated.Specifies the name of the methods you want to allow this data server to use for data transfer.Specifies the name of the cell which will contain the data.Specifies the name of the cell which contains the data you wish to reach. You can either type in the name or choose it in the list of cells defined for this admin server.Name of the cell where the data reside.Specifies the maximum number of locations that will be returned to an NFS client for a replica.Specifies the names of the users that will own this cell and therefore be able to manipulate it, comma-separated.Selects for which type of container you want to list the dsets. You can select to list dsets for a specified cell (which is the default) or for a specified data server.Displays the list of all datasets created on a specified cell, or all of them if the cell field is left blank.Displays the list of all datasets created on a specified data server, or all of them if the data server field is left blank.Specifies the name of the cell which contains the data you wish to reach. You can either type in the name or choose it in the list of cells defined for this admin server. If you leave this field blank, the command will list all the dsets defined for each cell within this admin server.Specifies the name of the data server which contains the data you wish to reach. You can either type in the name or choose it in the list of data servers defined for this admin server. If you leave this field blank, the command will list all the dsets defined for each data server within this admin server.Specifies a name for the set of filesystems objects you wish to create.Specifies the name of the set of filesystems objects you wish to work upon. You can either type in the name or choose it in the list of dsets defined for this admin server in the cell.Name of the set of filesystems objects.Specifies where on the server the dset will be created. If nothing is specified, the new dset will be created on the default dset path defined for this server.Version of the replica dataset.Specifies the owner that should be set in the file system for this dset.Specifies the group that should be set in the file system for this dset.Specifies the mode that should be set in the file system for this dset.The maximum number of entries that will be returned to an NFS client for a dset.Specifies the names of the users that will own this dset and therefore be able to manipulate it, comma-separated.Specifies the roles that will be able to manage this dset.Specifies the name of the methods you want to allow this dset to use for data transfer.Specifies the location in the cell namespace where the dataset will be mounted.Specifies the location where the dset is currently mounted.Specifies for which type of container you want to list the replicas. You can select to list replicas for a specified cell (which is the default) of for a specified data server. You can also choose to list replicas for all of them.Displays the list of all replicas created on a specified cell, or all of them if the cell field is left blank.Displays the list of all replicas created on a specified data server, or all of them if the data server field is left blank.Specifies the name of the read-only copy of a dset you want to create.Specifies the name fo the read-only copy of a dset you wish to work upon. You can either type in the name of the replica or choose it in the list of replicas defined for this admin server in this cell.Name of the read-only copy of a dset.Specifies the location on the server where this replica will be placed. If it is not specified, the replica will be located at the default replica path defined for this server.Specifies the location in the cell namespace where the replica will be mounted.Specifies the location where the replica is currently mounted in the cell namespace.Specifies the location where the replica will be copied. If no location is specified, the replica will be copied on the default replica path defined for this server.Specifies the location where the replica is currently copied on this server.Specifies the location that will become the master copy for this replica.Specifies the dset that will become the source of this replica.Specifies the owner that should be set in the file system for this replica.Specifies the group that should be set in the file system for this replica.Specifies the mode that should be set in the file system for this replica.Specifies how many locations in the cell can be returned to an NFS client.Specifies the names of the users that will own this replica and therefore be able to manipulate it, comma-separated.Select roles that will be able to manage this replica.Specifies the name of the methods you want to allow this replica to use for data transfer.Specifies the name of the set of privileges and users able to perform them you want to define.Specifies the name of privileges and users able to perform them. You can either enter the name or choose it in the list of roles defined for this admin server in the cell.Name of a set of privileges and users able to perform them.Specifies the names of the users that will own this role and therefore be able to manipulate it, comma-separated.Select roles that will be able to manage this role.Specifies the name of users that will be able to perform the actions specified in this role.Specifies the servers where this role allows to perform actions.Grants the right to create a dset.Grants the right to destroy a dset.Grants the right to modify a dsetGrants the right to duplicate (replicate) a dset.Grants the right to create a role.Grants the right to remove the definition of a role.Grants the right to modify a role.Lets you specify when the system should perform the requested action. The three options given are: now - Makes requested changes immediately, but makes no permanent changes to the system. next restart - Makes necessary changes to the system so changes occur on the next system restart. both - Combines the system restart and now options so that changes requested take place immediately and for every subsequent system restart.The default directory where the datasets will be created. The default is "/var/dmf/dsets".The default directory where the replicas will be created. The default is "/var/dmf/replicas".Specifies options to be passed to NFS during exportfs operations. For instance, "sec=krb5".The directory where the logs will be created. The default is "/var/dmf/log".