ISO8859-10)8.Q @O & *  4 476l!0U*2F!+M3F&2m4*mv: 0653-400 %s: Destination pathname too long. overwrite %s? override mode %o on %s? %s: 0653-401 Cannot rename %s to %s: %s %s: 0653-402 %s: Out of memory. %s: 0653-403 Cannot exec %s. Usage: %s [-I] [-i | -f] [-E{force|ignore|warn}] [--] src target or: %s [-I] [-i | -f] [-E{force|ignore|warn}] [--] src1 ... srcN directory %s: 0653-404 %s: Unable to duplicate owner and mode after move. %s: 0653-405 %s and %s are identical. mv: 0653-406 Cannot remove source file %s %s: 0653-407 %s cannot stat %s %s: 0653-408 %s cannot get extent attributes for %s %s: 0653-409 %s cannot set extent attributes for %s %s: 0653-410 cannot maintain extent attributes for %s %s: 0653-411 %s cannot statfs %s %s: ACL conversion has occurred and is invariably approximate. Check the target ACL carefully to ensure that the access rights are as desired. %s: 0990-010 Cannot identify owner/group for %s %s: 0990-011 Cannot identify group for %s %s: 0990-012 Target filesystem is not efs-enabled %s: 0990-013 Cannot determine target file system's encryption status %s: 0990-014 Unknown file-system Usage: %s [-I] [ -d | -e] [-i | -f] [-E{force|ignore|warn}] [--] src target or: %s [-I] [-d | -e] [-i | -f] [-E{force|ignore|warn}] [--] src1 ... srcN directory Encryption staus of %s is different. Overwrite %s? Encrypted file %s not writable, or keystore not opened. Overwrite %s? %s: Non default system attributes can not be set. Encryption status of %s is different. Overwrite %s? %s: Ignoring the Invalid STDBUFSIZ value.