ISO8859-1O8@Ay6?120d. 7 I 1F "x 3fGT:(34$h'-0349-010 Monitord is unable to create the lockfile /etc/security/monitord_lock 0349-011 Monitord is unable to fork the daemon process. 0349-012 Monitord is unable to fork a child for daemon creation. 0349-013 Monitord is unable to change process groups. 0349-014 Monitord ran out of local storage for login tracking. 0349-015 The monitord pipe could not be created. 0349-016 The monitord pipe could not be opened. 0349-017 The monitord pipe could not be read. 0349-018 The action loop has been exited unexpectedly. 0349-019 Monitord could not write to the file /etc/security/monitord.cfg You must have root privileges to start monitord. usage: monitord [-s] [-t Minutes] usage: monitord [-t Minutes] monitord: minutes argument must be a whole number. Monitord is running, or cleanup is required. : Remove /etc/security/monitord_lock before restarting. Monitord could not find any servers with valid AIX licenses installed. A signal was caught by monitord. Monitord shutting down. SERVER INITIALIZATION FAILED SERVER UNAVAILABLE FOR LICENSE CHECKOUT NO LICENSE AVAILABLE MONITORD WAS UNABLE TO OBTAIN A USER LOGIN LICENSE : Softstop policy. Login allowed. HEARTBEAT FAILED INVALID LICENSE RELEASE SERVER UNAVAILABLE FOR LICENSE RELEASE CLEANUP FAILED -- LICENSES MAY STILL BE HELD