ISO8859-1A (525hE5;>V8 , 1 A- Eo :&/BG#($6&3BZ8:j : | [ X: + .  ' J!> r"/ #& $$ %& -&" T'& w(* )4 *" +! !,= C-, .# / 0 12 344G5&I6p7"89:7;<*&=Q>Am?@A3Usage: mksecpki {-u username -f reference_file [-p CA_port] [-H ldap_host] [-D dn -w password] [-i issuer_dn] | -U username} -u username Setup PKI services. -U username Remove PKI services. -f reference_file File that contains the reference name and phrase. -p CA_port Certificate Authority communication port. -H host LDAP server host name. -D dn Bind dn. -w password Bind password. -i issuer_dn Certificate Authority distinguished name. %s: 3008-502 Specify a user name after the -u flag. %s: 3008-503 Specify a user name after the -U flag. %s: 3008-504 Specify a fully qualified host name after the -H flag. %s: 3008-505 Specify an LDAP bind dn after -D flag. %s: 3008-506 Specify an LDAP bind password after -D flag. %s: 3008-507 Specify a distinguished name after the -i flag. %s: 3008-508 Use -u and -U flags mutually exclusively. %s: 3008-509 Specify either -u or -U flag. %s: 3008-510 Log in as root to run this script. %s: 3008-511 Specify both bind distinguished name and password. %s: 3008-512 -U flag can not be used togethar with any other flags. %s: 3008-513 The correct version of %s is not installed. %s: 3008-514 Cannot read file: "%s". %s: 3008-515 Can not determine the user name. %s: 3008-516 Can not determine system default home directory is. %s: 3008-517 File not found: %s. %s: 3008-518 Cannot write to file: %s. %s: 3008-519 Cannot edit file: %s. %s: 3008-520 User name must be 1 or more characters. %s: 3008-521 User name cannot be "%s".%s: 3008-522 User name cannot start with "SQL", "SYS", or "IBM". %s: 3008-523 User name contains an illegal character. %s: 3008-524 User name starts with an illegal character. %s: 3008-525 User "%s" exists. The user must not exist. Remove the user or select a new user name. %s: 3008-526 The home directory of user "%s" is invalid. %s: 3008-527 A database instance named "%s" exists, but a user named "%s" does not. Consider dropping the instance using the db2idrop command. %s: 3008-528 There is a problem with user "%s". Correct the problem and try again. %s: 3008-529 Cannot create a db2 database instance [%d]. %s: 3008-530 Cannot create directory: %s. %s: 3008-531 Cannot change directory to: %s. %s: 3008-532 Cannot copy file(s): %s. %s: 3008-533 Cannot change the owner of files in "%s" to "%s".%s: 3008-534 "%s" is not installed correctly. %s: 3008-535 Create database failed. %s: 3008-536 Cannot edit file: %s. %s: 3008-537 Cannot update %s in %s. %s: 3008-538 chmod of %s failed. %s: 3008-539 runCreateStores failed. %s: 3008-540 Cannot remove database "%s". %s: 3008-541 Failure editing file: %s, continuing. %s: 3008-542 Password mistmatch. %s: 3008-543 %s is not started. %s: 3008-544 %s is active. First stop it and then try again. %s: 3008-545 Specify a reference file name. You may want to start it manually. Terminating from signal. Enter new Password: Enter the new password again: "%s" is installed. "%s" is updated. db2 instance "%s" and user "%s" exist.Copying files ... Updating ... Undo was cancelled. Looking for user "%s" ... Found user "%s". Remove user and home directory (y/n): User "%s" removed. %s: 3008-546 Failed to remove user "%s". User "%s" does not exist. Undo will remove the database and instance "%s". Continue (y/n): Configuration is completed. User "%s" NOT removed.%s: 3008-547 Specify a port number after -p flag.