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version %ld0 short 0x0105 ctab data0 short 0xfe04 structured file0 short 0x1f9d compressed data>2 byte &0x80>0 block compressed>2 byte &0x1f>0 %d bit0 string 16 long 0x00000001 MIPS>16 long 0x00000002 National 32x32>16 long 0x00000003 Intel [34]86>16 long 0x00000004 Motorola 68xxx>28 long 0x00000002 Object file>28 long 0x0000000c Program file>28 long 0x0000001c Program file, unresolved references0 string ! archive>8 string __.SYMDEF random library>8 string __________E - MIPS0 long 0177555 very old pdp11 archive0 short 0177545 old pdp11 archive/4.0 archive0 string System V archive>20 string U with mipsucode members>21 string L with mipsel members>21 string B with mipseb members>19 string L and a EL hash table>19 string B and a EB hash table>22 string X -- out of date0 long 0100554 apl workspace0 short 017037 packed data0 short 017777 compacted data (4.1bsd)0 short 0116437 compressed data 0 string begin uuencoded data0 string 0x232120 shell script >3 string /bin/sh - sh (default shell)>3 string /sbin/sh - sh (default shell)>3 string /usr/bin/sh - sh (default shell)>3 string /bin/bsh - bsh (Bourne shell)>3 string /sbin/bsh - bsh (Bourne shell)>3 string /usr/bin/bsh - bsh (Bourne shell)>3 string /bin/csh - csh (C shell)>3 string /usr/bin/csh - csh (C shell)>3 string /bin/ksh - ksh (Korn shell)>3 string /usr/bin/ksh - ksh (Korn shell)>3 string /bin/tcsh - tcsh>3 string /usr/bin/tcsh - tcsh>3 string /bin/rsh - rsh (remote shell)>3 string /usr/bin/rsh - rsh (remote shell)>3 string /bin/Rsh - bsh (restricted)>3 string /usr/bin/Rsh - bsh (restricted)>3 string /bin/psh - psh (POSIX shell)>3 string /usr/bin/psh - psh (POSIX shell)0 string #! shell script >2 string /bin/sh - sh (default shell)>2 string /sbin/sh - sh (default shell)>2 string /usr/bin/sh - sh (default shell)>2 string /bin/bsh - bsh (Bourne shell)>2 string /sbin/bsh - bsh (Bourne shell)>2 string /usr/bin/bsh - bsh (Bourne shell)>2 string /bin/csh - csh (C shell)>2 string /usr/bin/csh - csh (C shell)>2 string /bin/ksh - ksh (Korn shell)>2 string /usr/bin/ksh - ksh (Korn shell)>2 string /bin/tcsh - tcsh>2 string /usr/bin/tcsh - tcsh>2 string /bin/rsh - rsh (remote shell)>2 string /usr/bin/rsh - rsh (remote shell)>2 string /bin/Rsh - bsh (restricted)>2 string /usr/bin/Rsh - bsh (restricted)>2 string /bin/psh - psh (POSIX shell)>2 string /usr/bin/psh - psh (POSIX shell)0 short 0401 Ultrix-11 Stand-alone or boot executable0 short 0405 old overlay0 short 0407 VAX executable (object file)>8 short >0 not stripped0 long 0410 VAX pure executable>16 long >0 not stripped>2 short >0 - version %d0 short 0411 pdp-11 separate I&D>8 short >0 not stripped>15 byte >0 - version %ld0 short 0413 VAX demand paged pure executable>2 short 02 POSIX>2 short 01 SVID>16 long >0 not stripped0 short 0430 Ultrix-11 overlay text kernel executable0 short 0431 Ultrix-11 user overlay (separated I&D) executable0 short 0437 pdp11 kernel overlay0 short 0450 Ultrix-11 overlay kernel executable0 short 0451 Ultrix-11 overlay kernel (separated I&D) executable0 short 0510 ns16000>28 short 0407 unpure text executable>28 short 0410 pure executable>28 short 0413 demand-paged executable>12 long >0 not stripped>30 short >0 - version %ld>30 short 0 -0 short 0515 ns16000>28 short 0407 unpure text executable>28 short 0410 pure executable>28 short 0413 demand-paged executable>12 long >0 not stripped>30 short >0 - version %ld>30 short 0 -0 short 0524 ns32000>18 short &0004000 apc-II>18 short &0010000 xpc532>18 short &0020000 xpc w/381 fpu>18 short &0040000 xpc w/580 fpu>20 short 0407 unpure text executable>20 short 0410 pure executable>20 short 0413 demand-paged executable>20 short 0417 unsupported executable>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short 0 -0 short 0525 ns32000>18 short &0004000 apc-II>18 short &0010000 xpc532>18 short &0020000 xpc w/381 fpu>18 short &0040000 xpc w/580 fpu>20 short 0407 executable>20 short 0410 pure executable>20 short 0413 demand-paged executable>20 short 0417 unsupported executable>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short 0 -0 short 0540 mipseb>20 short 0407 executable>20 short 0410 pure>20 short 0413 demand paged>8 long >0 not stripped>8 long <0 not stripped0 short 0542 mipsel>20 short 0407 407>20 short 0410 pure>20 short 0413 demand paged>8 long 0 executable>8 long >0 not stripped>8 long <0 not stripped0 short 0565 i386 COFF object0 short 0600 mipseb ucode0 short 0602 mipsel ucode0 short 060001 swapped mipseb>20 short 03401 executable>20 short 04001 pure>20 short 05401 demand paged>8 long >0 not stripped>8 long <0 not stripped0 short 061001 swapped mipsel>20 short 03401 407>20 short 04001 pure>20 short 05401 demand paged>8 long 0 executable>8 long >0 not stripped>8 long <0 not stripped0 string head RCS file0 long 04553207 X image0 long 0xdeadbeef core file0 short 0x04fe structured file0 short 017437 packed text0 short 0514 386 System V demand paged executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0537 370 XA sysV executable >12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %d>30 long >0 - 5.2 format0 short 0535 370 sysV executable >12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %d>30 long >0 - 5.2 format0 short 0532 370 XA sysV pure executable >12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %d>30 long >0 - 5.2 format0 short 0530 370 sysV pure executable >12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %d>30 long >0 - 5.2 format0 short 054001 370 sysV pure executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 055001 370 XA sysV pure executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 056401 370 sysV executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 057401 370 XA sysV executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0502 basic-16 executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0503 basic-16 executable (TV)>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0511 x86 executable (TV)>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0x01df Unknown file type 0 short 0x01df Unknown file type 0 short 0x01df Unknown file type 0 short 0x01df Unknown file type 0 short 0560 3b5 executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0561 3b5 executable (TV)>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0570 vax sysV executable>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %ld0 short 0575 vax sysV pure executable>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %ld0 short 074001 vax SysV executable>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %d0 short 076401 vax SysV pure executable>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %d0 short 02401 vax bsd overlay0 short 03401 vax bsd executable>16 long >0 not stripped>2 short >0 - version %d0 short 04001 vax bsd pure executable>16 long >0 not stripped>2 short >0 - version %d0 short 04401 vax bsd separate I&D executable>16 long >0 not stripped>2 short >0 - version %d0 short 05401 vax bsd demand paged executable>16 long >0 not stripped>2 short >0 - version %d0 short 046001 386 System V demand paged executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 072401 386 OS demand paged executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 byte 0x80 8086 relocatable0 short 0xff65 Xenix archive 0 short 062777 Xenix archive1 string makefile PBE makefile0 string 11 string 3.0 (3.0>11 string 2.0 (2.0>11 string 1.0 (1.0>14 byte x %c)0 string 9 string 3.0 (3.0)>9 string 2.0 (2.0)>9 string 1.0 (1.x)0 string 17 string 2.0 (2.0)>17 string 1.0 (1.x)0 string 17 string 1.01 (%s)0 string 10 string 2.0 (2.0>10 string 1.0 (1.0>13 byte x %c)0 string Maker Intermediate Print File FrameMaker IPL file0 short 0x01ef Discontinued 64-bit XCOFF executable or object module>20 long >0 not stripped0 string archive (big format) 512 long 0xeeeeeeee RISC System/6000 system dump 0 long 0x1f8b0808 gzip (.gz) compressed data 0 string HTML document0 long 0Xf9f3f9f4 alog files0 long 0Xf9f3f9f5 console alog files0 long 0Xceeaceea checkpoint file0 string ELF ELF>4 byte 0 invalid class>4 byte 1 32-bit>4 byte 2 64-bit>5 byte 0 invalid encoding>5 byte 1 LSB>5 byte 2 MSB>6 byte >0 version %d>7 byte 1 HPUX>7 byte 2 NetBSD>7 byte 3 Linux>7 byte 4 GNU>7 byte 5 86Open>7 byte 6 Solaris>7 byte 7 AIX>7 byte 8 IRIX>7 byte 9 FreeBSD>7 byte 10 TRU64>7 byte 11 Modesto>7 byte 12 OpenBSD>16 short 0 unknown type>16 byte 1 relocatable>16 byte 2 executable>16 byte 3 shared obj>16 byte 4 core>17 byte 1 relocatable>17 byte 2 executable>17 byte 3 shared obj>17 byte 4 core>18 short 0 unknown machine>18 byte 1 WE32100>18 byte 2 SPARC>18 byte 3 80386>18 byte 4 M68000>18 byte 5 M88000>18 byte 7 80860>18 byte 8 MIPS I>18 byte 9 IBM 370>18 byte 10 MIPS RS3000>18 byte 15 PA-RISC>18 byte 17 Fujitsu VPP500>18 byte 18 SPARC32PLUS>18 byte 19 Intel 80960>18 byte 20 PowerPC>18 byte 21 PowerPC64>18 byte 36 NEC V800>18 byte 37 Fujitsu FR20>18 byte 38 TRW RH-32>18 byte 39 Motorola RCE>18 byte 40 ARM>18 byte 41 ALPHA>18 byte 42 Hitachi SH>18 byte 43 SPARC V9>18 byte 44 Tricore>18 byte 45 ARC>18 byte 46 Hitachi H8/300>18 byte 47 Hitachi H8/300H>18 byte 48 Hitachi H8S>18 byte 49 Hitachi H8/500>18 byte 50 IA-64>18 byte 51 MIPS-X>18 byte 52 Coldfire>18 byte 53 M68HC12>18 byte 54 Fujitsu MMA>18 byte 55 Siemens PCP>18 byte 56 Sony nCPU>18 byte 57 Denso NDR1>18 byte 58 STARCODE>18 byte 59 Toyota ME16>18 byte 60 ST100>18 byte 61 TinyJ>18 byte 66 Siemens FX66>18 byte 67 ST9PLUS>18 byte 68 ST7>18 byte 69 M68HC16>18 byte 70 M68HC11>18 byte 71 M68HC08>18 byte 72 M68HC05>18 byte 73 SG SVx>18 byte 74 ST19>18 byte 75 VAX>18 byte 76 CRIS>18 byte 77 JAVELIN>18 byte 78 FIREPATH>18 byte 79 LSI DSP16>18 byte 80 Knuth MMIX>18 byte 81 HUANY>18 byte 82 PRISM>19 byte 1 WE32100>19 byte 2 SPARC>19 byte 3 80386>19 byte 4 M68000>19 byte 5 M88000>19 byte 7 80860>19 byte 8 MIPS I>19 byte 9 IBM 370>19 byte 10 MIPS RS3000>19 byte 15 PA-RISC>19 byte 17 Fujitsu VPP500>19 byte 18 SPARC32PLUS>19 byte 19 Intel 80960>19 byte 20 PowerPC>19 byte 21 PowerPC64>19 byte 36 NEC V800>19 byte 37 Fujitsu FR20>19 byte 38 TRW RH-32>19 byte 39 Motorola RCE>19 byte 40 ARM>19 byte 41 ALPHA>19 byte 42 Hitachi SH>19 byte 43 SPARC V9>19 byte 44 Tricore>19 byte 45 ARC>19 byte 46 Hitachi H8/300>19 byte 47 Hitachi H8/300H>19 byte 48 Hitachi H8S>19 byte 49 Hitachi H8/500>19 byte 50 IA-64>19 byte 51 MIPS-X>19 byte 52 Coldfire>19 byte 53 M68HC12>19 byte 54 Fujitsu MMA>19 byte 55 Siemens PCP>19 byte 56 Sony nCPU>19 byte 57 Denso NDR1>19 byte 58 STARCODE>19 byte 59 Toyota ME16>19 byte 60 ST100>19 byte 61 TinyJ>19 byte 66 Siemens FX66>19 byte 67 ST9PLUS>19 byte 68 ST7>19 byte 69 M68HC16>19 byte 70 M68HC11>19 byte 71 M68HC08>19 byte 72 M68HC05>19 byte 73 SG SVx>19 byte 74 ST19>19 byte 75 VAX>19 byte 76 CRIS>19 byte 77 JAVELIN>19 byte 78 FIREPATH>19 byte 79 LSI DSP16>19 byte 80 Knuth MMIX>19 byte 81 HUANY>19 byte 82 PRISM 0 short 0x01f7 64-bit XCOFF executable or object module >20 long >0 not stripped0 long 0xcafebabe JAVA class file 0 string HTML document0 string ELF ELF>4 byte 0 invalid class>4 byte 1 32-bit>4 byte 2 64-bit>5 byte 0 invalid encoding>5 byte 1 LSB>5 byte 2 MSB>6 byte >0 version %d>7 byte 1 HPUX>7 byte 2 NetBSD>7 byte 3 Linux>7 byte 4 GNU>7 byte 5 86Open>7 byte 6 Solaris>7 byte 7 AIX>7 byte 8 IRIX>7 byte 9 FreeBSD>7 byte 10 TRU64>7 byte 11 Modesto>7 byte 12 OpenBSD>16 short 0 unknown type>16 byte 1 relocatable>16 byte 2 executable>16 byte 3 shared obj>16 byte 4 core>17 byte 1 relocatable>17 byte 2 executable>17 byte 3 shared obj>17 byte 4 core>18 short 0 unknown machine>18 byte 1 WE32100>18 byte 2 SPARC>18 byte 3 80386>18 byte 4 M68000>18 byte 5 M88000>18 byte 7 80860>18 byte 8 MIPS I>18 byte 9 IBM 370>18 byte 10 MIPS RS3000>18 byte 15 PA-RISC>18 byte 17 Fujitsu VPP500>18 byte 18 SPARC32PLUS>18 byte 19 Intel 80960>18 byte 20 PowerPC>18 byte 21 PowerPC64>18 byte 36 NEC V800>18 byte 37 Fujitsu FR20>18 byte 38 TRW RH-32>18 byte 39 Motorola RCE>18 byte 40 ARM>18 byte 41 ALPHA>18 byte 42 Hitachi SH>18 byte 43 SPARC V9>18 byte 44 Tricore>18 byte 45 ARC>18 byte 46 Hitachi H8/300>18 byte 47 Hitachi H8/300H>18 byte 48 Hitachi H8S>18 byte 49 Hitachi H8/500>18 byte 50 IA-64>18 byte 51 MIPS-X>18 byte 52 Coldfire>18 byte 53 M68HC12>18 byte 54 Fujitsu MMA>18 byte 55 Siemens PCP>18 byte 56 Sony nCPU>18 byte 57 Denso NDR1>18 byte 58 STARCODE>18 byte 59 Toyota ME16>18 byte 60 ST100>18 byte 61 TinyJ>18 byte 66 Siemens FX66>18 byte 67 ST9PLUS>18 byte 68 ST7>18 byte 69 M68HC16>18 byte 70 M68HC11>18 byte 71 M68HC08>18 byte 72 M68HC05>18 byte 73 SG SVx>18 byte 74 ST19>18 byte 75 VAX>18 byte 76 CRIS>18 byte 77 JAVELIN>18 byte 78 FIREPATH>18 byte 79 LSI DSP16>18 byte 80 Knuth MMIX>18 byte 81 HUANY>18 byte 82 PRISM>19 byte 1 WE32100>19 byte 2 SPARC>19 byte 3 80386>19 byte 4 M68000>19 byte 5 M88000>19 byte 7 80860>19 byte 8 MIPS I>19 byte 9 IBM 370>19 byte 10 MIPS RS3000>19 byte 15 PA-RISC>19 byte 17 Fujitsu VPP500>19 byte 18 SPARC32PLUS>19 byte 19 Intel 80960>19 byte 20 PowerPC>19 byte 21 PowerPC64>19 byte 36 NEC V800>19 byte 37 Fujitsu FR20>19 byte 38 TRW RH-32>19 byte 39 Motorola RCE>19 byte 40 ARM>19 byte 41 ALPHA>19 byte 42 Hitachi SH>19 byte 43 SPARC V9>19 byte 44 Tricore>19 byte 45 ARC>19 byte 46 Hitachi H8/300>19 byte 47 Hitachi H8/300H>19 byte 48 Hitachi H8S>19 byte 49 Hitachi H8/500>19 byte 50 IA-64>19 byte 51 MIPS-X>19 byte 52 Coldfire>19 byte 53 M68HC12>19 byte 54 Fujitsu MMA>19 byte 55 Siemens PCP>19 byte 56 Sony nCPU>19 byte 57 Denso NDR1>19 byte 58 STARCODE>19 byte 59 Toyota ME16>19 byte 60 ST100>19 byte 61 TinyJ>19 byte 66 Siemens FX66>19 byte 67 ST9PLUS>19 byte 68 ST7>19 byte 69 M68HC16>19 byte 70 M68HC11>19 byte 71 M68HC08>19 byte 72 M68HC05>19 byte 73 SG SVx>19 byte 74 ST19>19 byte 75 VAX>19 byte 76 CRIS>19 byte 77 JAVELIN>19 byte 78 FIREPATH>19 byte 79 LSI DSP16>19 byte 80 Knuth MMIX>19 byte 81 HUANY>19 byte 82 PRISM0 short 0xdf01 executable (RISC System/6000) or object module>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0x0401 shared library0 long 0xf9010000 message catalog0 string 0xabcdef message catalog0 long 0xf9010000 compiled message catalog257 string ustar tar archive0 long 0xea6b0009 backup/restore format file0 short 0143561 cpio archive0 string 070707 ASCII cpio archive0 short 017037 packed text0 string archive0 string Rast RST format font raster0 short 0x0301 executable (RT Version 2) or obj module>2 byte 0x50 pure>28 long >0 not stripped>6 short >0 - version %ld0 short 0x0501 ctab data0 short 0x04fe structured file0 short 0x9d1f compressed data>2 byte &0x80>0 block compressed>2 byte &0x1f>0 %d bit0 string 16 long 0x01000000 MIPS>16 long 0x02000000 National 32x32>16 long 0x03000000 Intel [34]86>16 long 0x04000000 Motorola 68xxx>28 long 0x02000000 Object file>28 long 0x0c000000 Program file>28 long 0x1c000000 Program file, unresolved references0 string ! archive>8 string __.SYMDEF random library>8 string __________E - MIPS0 long 015577600000 very old pdp11 archive0 short 062777 old pdp11 archive/4.0 archive0 string System V archive>20 string U with mipsucode members>21 string L with mipsel members>21 string B with mipseb members>19 string L and a EL hash table>19 string B and a EB hash table>22 string X -- out of date0 long 015440200000 apl workspace0 short 017436 packed data0 short 0177437 compacted data (4.1bsd)0 short 017635 compressed data 0 string begin uuencoded data0 string 0x232120 shell script >3 string /bin/sh - sh (default shell)>3 string /sbin/sh - sh (default shell)>3 string /usr/bin/sh - sh (default shell)>3 string /bin/bsh - bsh (Bourne shell)>3 string /sbin/bsh - bsh (Bourne shell)>3 string /usr/bin/bsh - bsh (Bourne shell)>3 string /bin/csh - csh (C shell)>3 string /usr/bin/csh - csh (C shell)>3 string /bin/ksh - ksh (Korn shell)>3 string /usr/bin/ksh - ksh (Korn shell)>3 string /bin/tcsh - tcsh>3 string /usr/bin/tcsh - tcsh>3 string /bin/rsh - rsh (remote shell)>3 string /usr/bin/rsh - rsh (remote shell)>3 string /bin/Rsh - bsh (restricted)>3 string /usr/bin/Rsh - bsh (restricted)>3 string /bin/psh - psh (POSIX shell)>3 string /usr/bin/psh - psh (POSIX shell)0 string #! shell script >2 string /bin/sh - sh (default shell)>2 string /sbin/sh - sh (default shell)>2 string /usr/bin/sh - sh (default shell)>2 string /bin/bsh - bsh (Bourne shell)>2 string /sbin/bsh - bsh (Bourne shell)>2 string /usr/bin/bsh - bsh (Bourne shell)>2 string /bin/csh - csh (C shell)>2 string /usr/bin/csh - csh (C shell)>2 string /bin/ksh - ksh (Korn shell)>2 string /usr/bin/ksh - ksh (Korn shell)>2 string /bin/tcsh - tcsh>2 string /usr/bin/tcsh - tcsh>2 string /bin/rsh - rsh (remote shell)>2 string /usr/bin/rsh - rsh (remote shell)>2 string /bin/Rsh - bsh (restricted)>2 string /usr/bin/Rsh - bsh (restricted)>2 string /bin/psh - psh (POSIX shell)>2 string /usr/bin/psh - psh (POSIX shell)0 short 0401 Ultrix-11 Stand-alone or boot executable0 short 02401 old overlay0 short 03401 VAX executable (object file)>8 short >0 not stripped0 long 01000200000 VAX pure executable>16 long >0 not stripped>2 short >0 - version %d0 short 04401 pdp-11 separate I&D>8 short >0 not stripped>15 byte >0 - version %ld0 short 05401 VAX demand paged pure executable>2 short 01000 POSIX>2 short 0400 SVID>16 long >0 not stripped0 short 014001 Ultrix-11 overlay text kernel executable0 short 014401 Ultrix-11 user overlay (separated I&D) executable0 short 017401 pdp11 kernel overlay0 short 024001 Ultrix-11 overlay kernel executable0 short 024401 Ultrix-11 overlay kernel (separated I&D) executable0 short 044001 ns16000>28 short 03401 unpure text executable>28 short 04001 pure executable>28 short 05401 demand-paged executable>12 long >0 not stripped>30 short >0 - version %ld>30 short 0 -0 short 046401 ns16000>28 short 03401 unpure text executable>28 short 04001 pure executable>28 short 05401 demand-paged executable>12 long >0 not stripped>30 short >0 - version %ld>30 short 0 -0 short 052001 ns32000>18 short &0000010 apc-II>18 short &0000020 xpc532>18 short &0000040 xpc w/381 fpu>18 short &0000100 xpc w/580 fpu>20 short 03401 unpure text executable>20 short 04001 pure executable>20 short 05401 demand-paged executable>20 short 07401 unsupported executable>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short 0 -0 short 052401 ns32000>18 short &0000010 apc-II>18 short &0000020 xpc532>18 short &0000040 xpc w/381 fpu>18 short &0000100 xpc w/580 fpu>20 short 03401 executable>20 short 04001 pure executable>20 short 05401 demand-paged executable>20 short 07401 unsupported executable>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short 0 -0 short 060001 mipseb>20 short 03401 executable>20 short 04001 pure>20 short 05401 demand paged>8 long >0 not stripped>8 long <0 not stripped0 short 061001 mipsel>20 short 03401 407>20 short 04001 pure>20 short 05401 demand paged>8 long 0 executable>8 long >0 not stripped>8 long <0 not stripped0 short 072401 i386 COFF object0 short 0100001 mipseb ucode0 short 0101001 mipsel ucode0 short 0540 swapped mipseb>20 short 0407 executable>20 short 0410 pure>20 short 0413 demand paged>8 long >0 not stripped>8 long <0 not stripped0 short 0542 swapped mipsel>20 short 0407 407>20 short 0410 pure>20 short 0413 demand paged>8 long 0 executable>8 long >0 not stripped>8 long <0 not stripped0 string head RCS file0 long 041753022 X image0 long 0xefbeadde core file0 short 0xfe04 structured file0 short 017437 packed text0 short 046001 386 System V demand paged executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 057401 370 XA sysV executable >12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %d>30 long >0 - 5.2 format0 short 056401 370 sysV executable >12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %d>30 long >0 - 5.2 format0 short 055001 370 XA sysV pure executable >12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %d>30 long >0 - 5.2 format0 short 054001 370 sysV pure executable >12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %d>30 long >0 - 5.2 format0 short 0530 370 sysV pure executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0532 370 XA sysV pure executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0535 370 sysV executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0537 370 XA sysV executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 041001 basic-16 executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 041401 basic-16 executable (TV)>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 044401 x86 executable (TV)>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 064001 3b20d executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 064401 3b20d executable (TV)>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 070001 3b5 executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 070401 3b5 executable (TV)>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 074001 vax sysV executable>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %ld0 short 076401 vax sysV pure executable>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %ld0 short 0570 vax SysV executable>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %d0 short 0575 vax SysV pure executable>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %d0 short 0405 vax bsd overlay0 short 0407 vax bsd executable>16 long >0 not stripped>2 short >0 - version %d0 short 0410 vax bsd pure executable>16 long >0 not stripped>2 short >0 - version %d0 short 0411 vax bsd separate I&D executable>16 long >0 not stripped>2 short >0 - version %d0 short 0413 vax bsd demand paged executable>16 long >0 not stripped>2 short >0 - version %d0 short 0514 386 System V demand paged executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0565 386 OS demand paged executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 byte 0x80 8086 relocatable0 short 0x65ff Xenix archive 0 short 0177545 Xenix archive1 string makefile PBE makefile0 string 11 string 3.0 (3.0>11 string 2.0 (2.0>11 string 1.0 (1.0>14 byte x %c)0 string 9 string 3.0 (3.0)>9 string 2.0 (2.0)>9 string 1.0 (1.x)0 string 17 string 2.0 (2.0)>17 string 1.0 (1.x)0 string 17 string 1.01 (%s)0 string 10 string 2.0 (2.0>10 string 1.0 (1.0>13 byte x %c)0 string Maker Intermediate Print File FrameMaker IPL file0 short 0xef01 64-bit OS executable or object module>20 long >0 not stripped0 string archive (big format) 512 long 0xeeeeeeee OS system dump 0 long 0x08088b1f gzip (.gz) compressed data 0 string HTML document0 long 0Xf4f9f3f9 alog files0 long 0Xf5f9f3f9 console alog files0 long 0Xeaceeace checkpoint file0 string 070701 expanded ASCII cpio archive0 string 070702 expanded ASCII cpio archive - CRC header0 short 070707 cpio archive0 long 0177555 obsolete ar archive0 long 0100554 apl workspace0 long 0x01010101 MMDF mailer spool file0 short 0432 Compiled Terminfo Entry0 short 0433 Curses screen image0 short 0434 Curses screen image0 short 0437 pdp11 kernel overlay0 short 0502 basic-16 executable>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %ld0 short 0503 basic-16 executable (TV)>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %ld0 short 0510 x86 executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0511 x86 executable (TV)>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0550 3b20 executable>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %ld0 short 0551 3b20 executable (TV)>12 long >0 not stripped>22 short >0 - version %ld0 short 0560 WE32000 executable>12 long >0 not stripped>18 short ^00010000 - N/A on 3b2/300 w/paging>18 short &00020000 - 32100 required>18 short &00040000 and mau hardware required>20 short 0443 (target shared library)>20 short 0410 (swapped)>20 short 0413 (paged)>22 short >0 - version %ld0 short 0561 WE32000 executable (TV)>12 long >0 not stripped>18 short &00020000 - 32100 required>18 short &00040000 and mau hardware required>22 short >0 - version %ld0 string LZ DOS built-in0 short 0520 mc68k executable>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0521 mc68k executable (shared)>12 long >0 not stripped0 short 0522 mc68k executable (shared demand paged)>12 long >0 not stripped0 string core core file (Xenix)0 byte 0xf0 MS-DOS library0 short 0x206 Microsoft a.out>0x1e short &0x10 overlay>0x1e short &0x2 separate>0x1e short &0x4 pure>0x1e short &0x800 segmented>0x1e short &0x400 standalone>0x1e short &0x8 fixed-stack>0x1c byte &0x80 byte-swapped>0x1c byte &0x40 word-swapped>0x10 long >0 not-stripped>0x1e short ^0xc000 pre-SysV>0x1e short &0x4000 V2.3>0x1e short &0x8000 V3.0>0x1c byte &0x4 86>0x1c byte &0xb 186>0x1c byte &0x29 286>0x1c byte &0x9 286>0x1c byte &0xa 386>0x1e short &0x1 executable>0x1e short ^0x1 object file>0x1e short &0x40 Large Text>0x1e short &0x20 Large Data>0x1e short &0x120 Huge Objects Enabled0 short 0x140 old Microsoft 8086 x.out>0x3 byte &0x4 separate>0x3 byte &0x2 pure>0 byte &0x1 executable>0 byte ^0x1 relocatable>0x14 long >0 not stripped0 long 0xe807 object file (z8000 a.out)0 long 0xe808 pure object file (z8000 a.out)0 long 0xe809 separate object file (z8000 a.out)0 long 0xe805 overlay object file (z8000 a.out)0 string kbd!map kbd map file>8 byte >0 Ver %d:>10 short >0 with %d table(s)0 string GIF87a GIF image>0 string GIF89a GIF image>6 short >0 (%d x>8 short >0 %d) 0 short 0xf701 64-bit XCOFF executable or object module >20 long >0 not stripped0 long 0xbebafeca JAVA class file 0 string HTML document 8 string s sccs