ISO8859-1n SI^-/ch9lcrsspZmr9u c" w  | = . ;4 j5   ( * ?Q jZ Usage: chlicense -uLicenses -fStatus Changes the number of fixed licenses and the floating licensing status. 3015-100 %s: The number of fixed licenses must be an integer between 1 and 32767. 3015-101 %s: The floating licensing status must be either "on" or "off". %s: The system must be rebooted before the new number of fixed licenses will take effect. Usage: chlicense [ -D | -I ] -uLicenses -fStatus -vVersion Changes the number of fixed licenses and the floating licensing status. Usage: chlicense [ [-D | -I] -u Licenses ] [ [-v Version] -f {on | off} ] Changes the number of fixed licenses and the floating licensing status. %s: Could not update number of fixed licenses. Usage: lslicense [-c] Displays the number of fixed licenses and the status of floating licensing. Usage: lslicense [-A] [-c] Displays the number of fixed licenses and the status of floating licensing. 3015-301 %1$s: Cannot open the file %2$s for read access. Check the permissions on the file and try again. 3015-302 %1$s: Cannot create the file %2$s. Check the permissions on the directory and try again. 3015-303 %1$s: Cannot open the file %2$s for read/write access. Check the permissions on the file and try again. 3015-304 %1$s: Could not retrieve information for the file %2$s. Make sure the file is accessable and try again. 3015-305 %1$s: Could not allocate %2$d bytes of storage. Try again later or contact the systems administrator. 3015-306 %1$s: Could not read all of the file %2$s. Make sure there are no locks on the file and try again. 3015-307 %1$s: Error in the file %2$s. The %3$s entry must have an = symbol. Contact the systems administrator. 3015-308 %1$s: Could not set the file pointer in the file %2$s. Contact the systems administrator with errno %3$d. 3015-309 %1$s: Could not update the file %2$s. Contact the systems administrator with errno %3$d. 3015-310 %1$s: Could not find the %2$s entry in the file %3$s. Use the command chlicense to set the number of users. 3015-311 %1$s: Could not find the %2$s value in the file %3$s. Run the command chlicense to correctly set the number of users. 3015-312 %1$s: The %2$s value which is in the %3$s file is not valid. Set the number of users with the chlicense command. 3015-313 %1$s: Could not retrieve the licensing information. 3015-315 %1$s: Could not update /etc/inittab. 3015-316 %1$s: Could not enable floating licensing. 3015-317 %1$s: Could not disable floating licensing. Floating licensing is enabled. Floating licensing is disabled. Maximum number of fixed licenses is %d. Number of available fixed licenses is %d. 3015-318 %1$s: Number of fixed licenses same as current value. No action taken. 3015-319 %1$s: Number of fixed licenses must be greater than current used fixed licenses.