ISO8859-1x)- 88'q(12>' >f 5 # 5 5Sb q<|CM*KBvG *4_s*.9(  ) @!! j"# #? $0 %3 !&> U'? (; ); *8 L+L ,H -e .4 /8 09 14 )21 ^3E 4M 55$62Z7:8@9 :;;6<:=.7>Af?F@sA4cB7C/DeE6fF'GLH-I!@J$bK(L3M;NS O8tP:QRS"T*?U/jV1WXYZ [\]^_ `ab"c&d+e0f 7gAhIiRj6[k;lGm5n5Lop&q5r5s0t'Lu?tv!w)x* a minimum of %1$d alphabetic character. a minimum of %1$d non-alphabetic character. a minimum of %1$d character not found in old password. a maximum of %1$d repeated character. a minimum of %1$d character in length. a minimum of %1$d elapsed week between changes. a minimum of %1$d elapsed weeks between changes. 3004-600 The password entry does not match, please try again. 3004-601 Password %s contains a character that is not valid. 3004-602 The required password characteristics are: 3004-603 Your password must have: 3004-604 Your entry does not match the old password. Enter the new password again:New password: Old password: Password: 3004-608 Passwords are required. Please choose a password. 3004-609 Your password has expired. Please choose a new password. 3004-610 You are required to change your password. Please choose a new one. 3004-611 Error opening file "%s" for write3004-612 Error setting lock on file "%s". Please try again later. 3004-613 Error writing to "%s"3004-614 Unable to change directory to "%s". You are in "%s" instead. %s's New password: Enter %s's password or %s's Old password: %s's Old password: %s's Password: a minimum of %1$d alphabetic characters. a minimum of %1$d non-alphabetic characters. a minimum of %1$d characters not found in old password. a maximum of %1$d repeated characters. a minimum of %1$d characters in length. Setting "%s's" password to NULL. 3004-616 User "%s" does not exist. 3004-617 An authentication error occurred on the grammar "%s". 3004-618 User "%s" failed local authentication. 3004-619 Security method "%s" could not be loaded. 3004-620 Security method "%s" has no authentication function. 3004-621 Security method "%s" has no password change function. 3004-622 An error occurred updating the password database. 3004-664 You are not authorized to change "%s's" password. 3004-300 You entered an invalid login name or password. 3004-301 Your account has been locked; please see the system administrator. 3004-302 Your account has expired; please see the system administrator. 3004-303 There have been too many unsuccessful login attempts; please see the system administrator. 3004-304 You are not allowed to login at this time. 3004-305 Local logins are not allowed for this account. 3004-306 Remote logins are not allowed for this account. 3004-307 You are not allowed to su to this account. 3004-308 You are not allowed to use SRC or cron. 3004-309 You are not allowed to access the system via this terminal. 3004-310 This terminal has been locked; please see the system administrator. 3004-311 This terminal can not be used at this time. 3004-312 All available login sessions are in use. 3004-313 User %s has an invalid logintimes value of "%s". 3004-314 Password was recently used and is not valid for reuse. 3004-315 The password database was successfully updated, but an error occurred while updating the password history database. 3004-316 Error retrieving the password history attributes. 3004-317 Error opening the password history database. 3004-318 Error obtaining the user's password information. 3004-319 Error retrieving the "%s" attribute. 3004-320 Only the system administrator can change this password. 3004-321 Please see the system administrator to change your password. 3004-322 "%s" defined by your "%s" password attribute could not be executed. Please see the system administrator. 3004-323 Password composition failure from "%s=%s". 3004-324 Password administration failure from "%s=%s". 3004-325 Password internal error from "%s=%s". "3004-326 Your password has expired, but your password has not reached its minimum age requirement. "3004-327 Your password has been expired for too long. 3004-328 Your password will expire: %s 3004-329 Your encrypted password is invalid. Please choose a new password. 3004-330 Your encrypted password is invalid. 3004-331 Passwords are required. 3004-332 Your password has expired. 3004-333 A password change is required. 3004-334 Error accessing password dictionary "%s". 3004-335 Passwords must not match words in the dictionary. 3004-336 Your password does not meet the password requirements. Please try again. 3004-337 A password change is not allowed at this time. 3004-338 Security method "%s" detected an internal error. Last login: %s on %s Last login: %s on %s from %s Last unsuccessful login: %s on %s Last unsuccessful login: %s on %s from %s 1 unsuccessful login attempt since last login. %d unsuccessful login attempts since last login. sundaymondaytuesdaywednesdaythursdayfridaysaturdayjanuaryfebruarymarchaprilmayjunejulyaugustseptemberoctobernovemberdecember3004-339 You are not allowed to login to this system. 3004-601 Password contains a character that is not valid. 3004-339 Root has been disabled; please login using alternate account. a minimum of %1$d lower case alphabetic characters. a minimum of %1$d upper case alphabetic characters. a minimum of %1$d digit. a minimum of %1$d special character. a minimum of %1$d lower case alphabetic characters. a minimum of %1$d upper case alphabetic characters. a minimum of %1$d digits. a minimum of %1$d special characters. Your password has expired, you have %d grace logins remaining. Your password will expire on %s. Cannot remove "%s's" primary group "%s". Cannot drop "%s" from primary group "%s".