ISO8859-10&Ip""0 *< g ( ' )9 6.WA-"13T'$- >_$z 8!&"@# @$4 \% &, ', (+ )$ 8* ]+8 y,= -5 .4 &/* [0D 1' 2 3+ 4. :5J i6: 7O 8; ?9; {:/ ;& <=>%?7@LAcBzC D EF GHI J KL MN$2O WP aQnRvS#T$U VWXYZ%[#\] !^l/_@`"ab*c@dPehfgh iJjkXl m>n<To+pBqrs#t <u Iv Uw ax#my5z{8X|}7~2]'r_Argument cannot be NULL.You must be root to perform HMC calls.Failed to initialize cURL.Allocation error for <%1$s>: %2$s.Could not retrieve <%1$s>.Could not retrieve <%1$s>: <%2$s>.Unexpected content for <%1$s>.Invalid <%1$s> object provided, missing details.Could not create a working copy of <%1$s>.Failed to create profile.Failed to create client network adapter.Could not create <%1$s>: incorrect URL.Could not create <%1$s>: URL is too long.Could not create <%1$s>: Content-Type <%2$s> is too long.Failed to create <%1$s>: <%2$s>.Could not update <%1$s>: headers are too long.Failed to log onFailed to log offAuthentication failure.Failed to retrieve saved token. Please logon first using hmcauth.Missing information to retrieve or set token.Invalid address or port specified.Specified HMC user name, port or token is too long.Failed to store session token.Failed to delete partition.Failed to delete object <%1$s>: <%2$s>.Could not find <%1$s> inside <%2$s>.Could not find <%1$s> inside <%2$s> for %3$s.Could not determine object type.<%1$s> should not be NULL.<%1$s> should not be of type <%2$s>.Bad object provided: expected: <%1$s>, provided: <%2$s>.Provided hmcHandle is not of a <%1$s>.Failed to set a parameter or perform the request: <%1$s> (%2$d).Failed to open ODM: <%1$s>.Could not get ODM object with criteria '%1$s': %2$s.ODM value <%1$s> not recognized.ODM values <%1$s> and <%2$s> not recognized.Could not execute <%1$s>: %2$s failed: %3$s.bootlist command ended with an error: %1$s.Invalid logical unit address <%1$s>.Invalid slot number <%1$s>.Could not generate <%1$s> element: %2$s <%3$s> too long.Could not get %1$s entry for <%2$s>: device name is too long.Could not get %1$s entry for <%2$s>: ODM error: %3$s.Could not get %1$s entry for <%2$s>: no such device.Could not obtain location code for <%1$s>.Could not find adapter <%1$s> with location code <%2$s> in HMC data.Could not move <%1$s>: URL is too long.URL %1$s/%2$s is too long.Unsupported adapter type for device <%1$s>.Could not figure out WWPNs for adapter <%1$s>.Could not figure out whether adapter <%1$s> was a required adapter or not.Could not figure out VIOS partition id for adapter <%1$s>.Could not figure out location code of server adapter for client adapter <%1$s>.Could not figure out client slot number for adapter <%1$s>.Could not figure out server slot number for adapter <%1$s>.Could not figure out URL for partition id %1$s.Value of argument <%1$s> is not valid.contextmanaged systemlogical partitionlogical partition IDlogical partition namelogical partition listlogical partition profile(s)HMC user nameHMC passwordlinksession tokenpartition cloningreception bufferreceived datadata storageunknownvirtual networkclient network adaptervirtual fibre channel client adapterhmcHandlecurrent timecontentVIOS partition idBuffer <%1$s> would overflow: %2$s.Could not find an available VLAN id.Enter %s: Enter HMC password: Usage: %s [-h] [-r] [-l] [-u ] [-p ] [-a ] [-P ] -h for help -r remove the token (default is to set the token) -l to list know tokens Optionally provide the username, the HMC URI and the HMC port. Missing information will be prompted for interactively. The port can be provided whether in the URI, or separately using -P. If none is provided, the default one will be used (12443). Invalid option '%c'.Error occured reading %s.You must be root to run this program.An error occured getting the token.HMC URIHMC user nameTimeout reached when waiting for job to complete on the HMC. Expected job status <%s>, last status was <%s>.Job execution on HMC failed with status <%1$s>. Message: <%2$s>.The provided handle is not a leaf.Unknown option '%d'.No virtual slot available on partition %s.Bad URL format.Unable to resolve host.Unable to connect to host.Operation timed out.client vscsi adapterFailed to create dedicated vNIC.Could not find newly created mapping on VIOS %1$s for client adapter %2$s.The HMC did not return a backing device for server adapter %1$s. Please check that VIOS #%2$s is reacheable and has RMC running. Failed to update <%1$s>: request failed %2$d times due to concurrent changes; giving up.Failed to update <%1$s>: <%2$s>.Reserve Policy for %1$s on VIOS %2$s is %3$s (expecting %4$s).Could not find mapping on VIOS %1$s for client adapter %2$s.VIOS %1$s: level is %2$s (%3$s is required)Could not retrieve VIOS level for VIOS %1$s. Check RMC connection.desired memory sizeprocessor typedesired processor numberUsage: %s [-h] [-r] [-l] [-u ] [-p ] [-a ] [-P ] -h for help -r remove the token -l to list known tokens Optionally provide the username, the HMC URI and the HMC port. Missing information will be prompted for interactively. The port can be provided whether in the URI, or separately using -P. If none is provided, the default port of 12443 will be used. If neither -r or -l are specified, the default action will be to authenticate with the HMC and store a new token locally.Address : User name: Port : Invalid mapping for adapter <%1$s>.Multiple option '%c' found and not allowed to repeat.Usage: - Get a HMC session token : %1$s [-u ] [-p ] [-a ] [-P ] - Revoke a HMC session token : %1$s -r [-u ] [-a ] - List HMC session tokens : %1$s -l Optionally provide the username, the HMC URI and the HMC port. Missing information will be prompted for interactively except for the HMC port. The port can be provided whether in the URI, or separately using -P. If none is provided, the default port of 12443 will be used. If neither -r or -l are specified, the default action will be to authenticate with HMC and store a new token locally.This HMC version does not support automated log capture.The log capture failed.Global time out. Log capture jobs may still be running.The log capture completed with this message: '%s' The log capture request has timed out but may still be running. Check home directory on VIOS.Usage: - Get a HMC session token : %1$s [-u ] [-p ] [-a ] [-P ] [-q] - Revoke a HMC session token : %1$s -r [-u ] [-a ] - List HMC session tokens : %1$s -l Optionally provide the username, the HMC URI and the HMC port. Missing information will be prompted for interactively except for the HMC port. The port can be provided whether in the URI, or separately using -P. If none is provided, the default port of 12443 will be used. If -q is specified, HMC test ping is not done. If neither -r or -l are specified, the default action will be to authenticate with HMC and store a new token locally.Usage: - Get a HMC session token : %1$s [-u ] [-p ] [-a ] [-P ] - Revoke a HMC session token : %1$s -r [-u ] [-a ] - List HMC session tokens : %1$s -l Optionally provide the username, the HMC URI and the HMC port. Missing information will be prompted for interactively except for the HMC port. The port can be provided whether in the URI, or separately using -P. If none is provided, the default port of 12443 will be used. If neither -r or -l are specified, the default action will be to authenticate with HMC and store a new token locally.