ISO8859-1?E2&%Y .8/=$?b ?/ J k s   (!5&Ry    % ,3:AHOV]dkry!6Xs    6 M c z    "   $ 1Xlib: unexpected connection setup reply from server, type %d. Xlib: client uses different protocol version (%d) than server (%d)! Xlib: connection to "%s" refused by server Xlib: Error parsing argument "%s" (%s); %s unknown kindXlib: resource ID allocation space exhausted! Xlib: sequence lost (0x%lx > 0x%lx) in reply type 0x%x! Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0x%lx)! Xlib: unhandled wire event! event number = %d, display = %x .Xlib: unhandled native event! event number = %d, display = %x .no such errorX connection to %s broken (explicit kill or server shutdown). XIO: fatal IO error %d (%s) on X server "%s" after %lu requests (%lu known processed) with %d events remaining. X ErrorRequest Major code %dRequest Minor code %dValue 0x%xAtomID 0x%xResourceID 0x%xError Serial #%dCurrent Serial #%dWarning: missing iconv converter %s_%s. _aixXLoadIM : IM Load Error [%s] Can't create auxiliary data Can't create or update auxiliary data Can't layout auxiliary Can't realize auxiliary Invalid AuxData Not enough memory Invalid num_items Can't create items Can't realloc items Can't create panel OK YES NO ENTER ABORT RETRY IGNORECANCEL HELP SELECTERROR NEXT PREV Invalid Input Style [0x%x] Can't create preediting buffer Can't create string buffer Can't create attribute buffer Invalid Callback Unknown direction [0x%x] Client window is invalid Could not find the client window Can't allocalte LineItems Invalid window in lines[%d] Can't create the status window Can't create the status GC Invalid IM Object Can't create root input window Input window is invalid Can't allocate a color "%s". Could not alloc color Argment is shortage. IMObject create error Cannot create fontset. Unknown error _aixXLoadIM returns NULL. Invalid input style XNInputStyle is not set Specified XIM does not have IMFep Invalid argument [%s] Invalid XIC Not enough mb_buffer