ùISO8859-1R"°*Ó(þ$'2L/0¯8à 8 4R )‡ $± !Ö+ø$$,I=v;´@ð71i:q#¬/Ð5;G4ƒ(¸&á$ .-!-\"9Š#9Ä$7þ%( 6&" _'$ ‚(7 §)' ß*% + -, E-) b.* Œ/0 ·0+ è15 2+ J3- v4! ¤5) Æ65 ð73 &86 Z9 ‘: ›;E ¯< õ= > 4? M@# `A3 „B8 ¸C ñDAE?QF$‘G;¶H$òIKJ$cK=ˆL$ÆM:ëN&&O&MP_tQSÔR(1285-300 The %c flag is not valid.1285-301 The state %1$d %2$o is not valid.1285-302 The parse tree is too large. %s Try using the following: %e Number1285-303 There is not enough memory available now.1285-304 Cannot push more than 1000 characters.1285-305 The character value %d is out of range.1285-306 The character table declaration is not correct.1285-307 Cannot use character %o (octal) more than once.1285-308 Cannot use the %c character more than once.1285-309 There are too many positions. %s Try using the following: %p Number1285-310 The string does not end.1285-311 There are too many transitions. %s Try using the following: %a Number1285-312 End of file reached inside comment.1285-313 End of file reached in string or character constant.1285-314 Cannot have more than 300 positions for one state.1285-315 There is not enough memory for character table reverse.1285-316 There is not enough memory for right contexts.Error: 1285-317 lex rule statements should occur right after %%%%1285-318 %S is not a valid request.1285-319 Cannot specify language at this point.Line %1$d: %2$s 1285-320 Definition cannot be longer than 1000 bytes.1285-321 Start conditions cannot be longer than 1024 bytes.1285-322 There are too many large character classes.1285-323 There are too many definitions.1285-324 There are too many states. %s Try using the following: %n Number1285-325 The iteration range must be positive.1285-326 There is not enough memory to begin.1285-327 There is not enough memory for state generation.1285-328 There is not enough memory for final processing.1285-329 There is not enough memory for the parse tree.1285-330 The definition %S is not found.1285-331 Cannot read input file %s1285-332 Cannot read standard input.1285-333 Substitution strings cannot begin with digits.1285-334 Cannot open the lex driver %s.1285-335 The lex action does not end.1285-336 Cannot open %s1285-337 Cannot open file %s1285-338 Character class is not portable.1285-339 Ratfor is not supported with lex.1285-340 The rules section delimiter is missing.1285-341 Start condition %S is not defined.1285-342 Definition not given; null string is assumed1285-343 There is an output table overflow.1285-344 End of file reached before expected.1285-345 Found a shift character.1285-346 String cannot exceed 1000 bytes.1285-347 There are too many packed character classes.1285-348 Cannot use more than 256 start conditions.1285-349 Cannot define more than 256 start conditions.Warning: Extra slash removed%d/%d nodes(%%e); %d/%d positions(%%p); %d/%d (%%n); %ld transitions %d/%d packed char classes(%%k) %d/%d packed transitions(%%a) %d/%d output slots(%%o) Invalid Character %d/%d multi-byte output slots(%%h) %d/%d multi-byte character class output slots(%%z) %d/%d multi-byte character class match table slots(%%m) %d%% hash table vacancy(%%v) 1285-350 Invalid number of multi-byte output slots specified. %d1285-351 There are too many multi-byte character transitions.%s Try using the following: %h Number1285-352 There are too many multi-byte character classes.%s Try using the following: %z Number1285-353 There are too many multi-byte character class character matches.%s Try using the following: %m Number1285-354 Executable statements should occur right after %%%%.1285-355 Invalid bracket expression.1285-356 Class name or collating element name is too long.1285-357 Invalid multi-byte character.1285-358 Invalid character class name.1285-359 [^ ] will not match multibyte characters unless %%h and %%m are set greater than zero.1285-360 . will not match multibyte characters unless %%z is set greater than zero.String cannot exceed 520 bytes.