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"` 1 * + A 'N )v $  T# U V'!ACF/PKCS#11 DeviceManage the AIX Cryptographic FrameworkChange/Show Cryptographic Framework ParametersChange/Show Cryptographic Framework Tracingno,yesNO,YESYES,NOMaximum I/O Threads4765-001 Maximum Concurrent RequestsPer-process Maximum Heap Size in MegabytesEnable Component TracingTrace User-Space PKCS#11 LibraryTrace IOCTLsTrace Request DispatchingTrace User-Space PKCS#11 RequestsTrace Context ManagementTrace PKCS#11 SlotsTrace PKCS#11 TokensTrace PKCS#11 ObjectsTrace Software CryptoTrace Request Memory MappingTrace Memory AllocationsTrace Kernel-Space PKCS#11 RequestsTrace Directory and File I/OTrace Meta-File ProcessingTrace Internal UtilitiesTrace Cryptographic Hardware4765-001 Maximum Modular Math RequestsTrace ADMIN RequestsCryptographic Coprocessor Maximum Concurrent RequestsLaunch PKCS#11 Administration ToolLaunch PKCS#11 Key Management ToolUsage: %s [ -b ] Validating keyword syntax: %-20s = %-22s[FAILED] [ OK ] Error: Required keyword '%s' does not exist! Error: Unsupported keyword specified for this command. Error: Could not load OpenSSL. Error: No batch commands defined in file: %s Error finding [%s] Error: Could not validate keyword. Error: Invalid %s command value. Error: Could not validate command grammar. Error: Failure batch processing keyword: %s = %s Error: Failure batch processing command: %s Error: Failure processing keyword: %s = %s Error: Failure processing command: %s Welcome to the AIX PKCS#11 Key Management Tool.Function Keys:Enter: Select optionF1 : General helpF2 : Tag and untag objects when availableF3 : Return to previous menuF4 : Import PKCS#11 objects from fileF6 : Copy tagged objects to the target tokenF7 : Move tagged objects to the target tokenF8 : Deleted tagged objects from the source tokenF9 : Toggle tagging on ALL objects on the source tokenF10 : Export tagged PKCS#11 objects to fileNavigation Keys:Up Arrow : Move up selectonDown Arrow : Move down selectonRight Arrow: Scroll rightLeft Arrow : Scroll leftTab : Change focus to next windowShift+Tab : Change focus to previous windowr : Adjust right the Main Window and the Information Window.l : Adjust left the Main Window and the Information Window.Enter : Maximize Information Window when Information Window or the Status Window is in focusCurses Colors:GUI colors are defined by editing the file '.p11km' in the user'shome directory. Add the following stanza to the file, and set thevalues for foreground, background, and view content color options.Options for colors include the following:Notes: - An option containing a '+' sign denotes a drop down menu. - Options appearing in reverse video are disabled.Error MessageHelpTag/UntagBackImportCopyMoveDeleteTag/Untag AllExportMark TrustedSwap Providers Token: n/aTarget Provider: noneSource Provider: noneReturn to the previous menu.Exit MenuYou must first select a token.You must first select and login to a token.Are you sure you want to quit?Error: Password must not be less than 8 characters.Import objects?Error: Passwords must match.Overwrite existing file?Export tagged objects?Copy tagged objects?Move tagged objects?Delete tagged objects?Swap source and target providers?Export PKCS#7 Certificate?Export tagged objects PKCS#12 Certificate?Creates a PKCS#10 certificate signingrequest (CSR) from the provided info.If successful, the CSR will be outputto the file path specified.Create Certification RequestSelect the output file type.Output type : Generates a 'self-signed' certificatefrom the provided information.Upon success, the resultant PKCS#11objects are created on the currentlyselected token.Create Self-Signed CertificateSpecify X.509 extensions to includein this 'self-signed' certificate.X.509 Extensions : Select a message digest algorithm.Message Digest : Select the number of modulus bits.Bits : Specify an ending date for this newcertificate's validity period.Enter the date using the followingUTC time format:If left blank, then use the 'Days'field below to specify the total daysfrom the start date the certificatewill remain valid.Specify the total number of days fromthe specified starting validity datefor this certificate to remain valid.This field is treated as a positiveinteger value.If left blank, use the 'End Date'field to specify the ending validityperiod for this certificate.Days : End Date : Specify a starting date for this newcertificate's validity period.If left blank, the creation date willbe used (default).Start Date : Please enter an Organization Unit.Organization Unit: Please enter an Organization Name.Organization Name: Please enter an email address.Email Address : Please enter a Country.Country : Please enter a State or Province.State/Province : Please enter a Common Name.Common Name : Specify a serial number for this new'self-signed' certificate.If left blank, a randomly generatedserial number will be used (default).Serial : Specify a label for this request.Label : ContinueSpecify path to request file.Request File : Specify path to PKCS#7 file.PKCS#7 File Path: Specify the full path to an OpenSSLconfiguration file and hit toautomatically populate the values forcreating a 'self-signed' certificate.Otherwise just press to fillin values manually.OpenSSL Config File: Specify the full path to an OpenSSLconfiguration file and hit toautomatically populate the values forgenerating this PKCS#10 certificatesigning request (CSR).Self-Signed Certificate MenuConfirm MessageThe operation succeeded.Certificate Request MenuPlease enter the out path and file name.Please enter a label.Start Date should be in the following format: YYMMDDHHMMSSZEnd Date should be in the following format: YYMMDDHHMMSSZError creating X.509 REQ objectError setting versionError creating subject nameError setting subject nameError allocating memory.Error opening out fileError writing DER fileError writing Base64 fileError creating random serialError creating BIGNUMError creating ASN1 IntegerEnd Date or Days must be provided.Error creating Certificate Object.Error: invalid ASN1_TIME object.Error setting CKA_ID.Error setting CKA_ID.Error creating Digest.Error: Algorithm not supportedError Initializing SignatureSignature ErrorError: in dl_EVP_PKEY_newError: in C_GetAttributeValueError: in dl_EVP_PKEY_assignError generating key pairError loading DEFAULT_CA SectionError Creating BIOError executing bn2binError loading config file.Clock InformationSet Clock: Error: Clock not available for this token.UTC Time : Local Time: PKCS#11 Clock InformationSet PKCS#11 Token ClockError: Incorrect time string format.Error: Couldn't set token clock.Set the token clock using thefollowing date/time format: HH:MM:SS mm-dd-YYYYSource Provider: Target Provider: Token: noneProvider Information: Name : Manufacturer: Version : Library : Flags : Random Number Generator : Write Protected : Login Required : User PIN Initialized : Restore Key Not Needed : Clock On Token : Protected Authentication Path : Dual Crypto Operations : Token Initialized : Secondary Authentication : User PIN Count Low : User PIN Final Try : User PIN Locked : User PIN To Be Changed : Security Officer PIN Count Low : Security Officer PIN Final Try : Security Officer PIN Locked : Security Officer PIN To Be Changed: Please enter your new PIN again.Please enter your new PIN.Please enter your current PIN.User PIN: Security Officer PIN: New User PIN : Verify S.O. PIN : Current User PIN : New S.O. PIN : Current S.O. PIN : Reset User PIN : User Login (Source)User Login (Target)Security Officer (SO) LoginReset User PINChange User PIN (Source)Change User PIN (Target)Change Security Officer (SO) PINInvalid PIN OperationEmpty PIN.Error: in C_LoginError: in C_GetTokenInfoError: in C_InitPINError: in C_SetPINError: in C_LogoutLogin to the currently selectedtarget PKCS#11 token.This option is required for copyingor moving sensitive objects such asprivate and secret keys from thesource token to the target token.Log off target PKCS#11 token.Log Off (Target)Select a token to be used as thedestination target for performingmove and copy operations on sourcetoken objects.Select a Target TokenView and manage matched objects.Launch SearchReset search filters.Reset Search FiltersFilter sensitive objects.Sensitive: Filter trusted objects.Trusted : Filter on token objects.Token : Filter on private objects.Private : Filter on object class.Class : Filter on object label.Label : Manage All ObjectsVerify Encryption Password: Export Encryption Password: Enter Path for Export File: PKCS#12 Friendly Name : Import Decryption Password: Enter Path for Import File: Search and Manage ObjectsManage specific PKCS#11 object datafiltered by search criteria.View, copy, move, delete, import,export and backup PKCS#11 objectdata.PKCS#11 Object ManagementError: in C_GetAttributeValue Single TemplateError: in C_GetAttributeValue SensitivityError: in C_GetAttributeValue Check TemplateError: in C_GetAttributeValue Master TemplateError: in C_GetAttributeValue New TemplateError: Creating HMACData digest failure.Error: Operation requires target token.Error: OpenSSL required to export as PKCS12.Error: Too many objects tagged.Error: You must select a certificate and private key.Error: in opening export file.Error writing to export file.Error: IV Generation FailureDeriving export key...Error: PBKDF2 Generation FailureError: AES/Session C_CreateObjectError: Key Generation FailurePerforming %s on object: %d of %dError: in querying objectError: in DH Stage 1 for SourceError: in DH Stage 1 for TargetError: %d DH Stage 1.5 for SourceError: %d DH Stage 1.5 for TargetError: in DH Stage 2 for SourceError: in DH Stage 2 for TargetError: in C_WrapKey for SourceError: in C_UnwrapKey for TargetError: AES C_CreateObject in SourceError: AES C_CreateObject in TargetError: C_WrapKey in SourceError: C_UnwrapKey in TargetError: C_DestroyObject for KeyError: C_CreateObject in TargetError: EVP_DecryptInitError: EVP_DecryptUpdateError: EVP_DecryptFinalError: dl_d2i_RSAPrivateKeyError: dl_EVP_PKEY_newError: dl_EVP_PKEY_assign_RSAError: in dl_d2i_X509Error writing PKCS#12 file.Error: C_DestroyObject in SourceError: Nonce Generation FailureError: AES C_EncryptInitError: C_EncryptError: Session Key C_DestroyObjectError: Object key creation failed.Error: Session Key C_CreateObjectError: Session Key FailureError: Couldn't retrieve object trust.Error: Couldn't set object trust.Select one certificate and one private key.Error opening import file.Error reading import file.Error: File version is newer than expected.Deriving import key...Importing objects... %dError: Import file truncation detected!Error: Init C_DecryptError: Object Size C_DecryptObject decryption failed. Verify password and retry.Error: Import file truncation detected!Error: Object Data C_DecryptError: Object C_DecryptError: Object HMAC Failure.Error: Import C_UnwrapKeyError: Import C_CreateObjectError: Failed to create object key.Object Search MenuPKCS#11 ObjectsCreating initial window...Object Search ResultsTargetSourcePKCS#11 Object Trust ManagementBuilding objects...JanuaryFebuaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberError: in C_GetObjectSizeError: in C_GetAttributeValue