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RESOURCE NOT AVAILABLE No results were found. Internal error %1$s occurred while trying to perform this command. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. This command has been deprecated. It has been replaced by the %1$s command. Required parameter %1$s or its value is missing or not valid. One of the following parameters must be specified %1$s. Parameters %1$s are mutually exclusive. Remove all but one of the conflicting parameters. Parameter %1$s is not valid. Parameter %1$s was specified more than once. Remove all but one %1$s parameter. Value for parameter %1$s is empty or not valid. The --header parameter can only be specified when the -F parameter is also specified. Remove the --header parameter or add the -F parameter. Quantity of memory specified with the %1$s parameter must be a multiple of the memory region size for the managed system, which is %2$d MB. Parameter %1$s is only valid for operations %2$s. The parameter %1$s is required when the parameters %2$s are specified. Syntax of the --filter parameter is not valid. The --filter parameter has the form "=,=,..." or ""=,,...",..." . Depending on the shell used, any nested double quote characters may need to be preceded by an escape character, which is usually a '\\' character. Filter %1$s cannot be used multiple times within a command. Value for filter %1$s is not valid. Filter %1$s is not valid. Valid filters for this command are %2$s. There are no valid filters for this command. Remove the filter parameter. Filters %1$s and %2$s are mutually exclusive. Remove one of the filters. Syntax of the configuration data is not valid. The correct syntax is "=,=,..." or ""=,,...>",..." . Depending on the shell used, any nested double quote characters may need to be preceded by an escape character, which is usually a '\\' character. Cannot find or open the configuration data file %1$s . Attribute %1$s is not valid. Value for attribute %1$s is not valid. Value specified for the %1$s attribute must be a multiple of the memory region size for the managed system, which is %2$d MB. Value specified for the %1$s attribute is not formatted correctly. The correct syntax is "%1$s=%2$s,...". If both %1$s and %2$s attributes are specified, then their values must be the same.Attribute %1$s only supports the %2$s operations. Attributes %1$s are mutually exclusive. Remove all but one of the attributes. Required attributes %1$s are missing. Attribute %1$s is not valid for a processing mode of dedicated. One of the virtual adapters specified using the %1$s attribute has a missing or invalid virtual slot number. Value specified was %2$s . Virtual adapter defined for virtual slot number %1$i is missing values for required attributes %2$s . Virtual adapter defined for virtual slot number %1$i has an incorrect value for the %2$s attribute. Value specified was %3$s . More than one virtual adapter has been specified for virtual slot number %1$i. A virtual Ethernet adapter MAC address prefix must be 6 hexadecimal characters, must not be a multicast address (010000 bit must be off), and must be a private address (020000 bit must be on). An example MAC address prefix is 0642A0.System name cannot exceed %1$i characters. System name must contain only printable US 7-bit ASCII characters. System name must not use restricted characters. Restricted characters are %1$s . Partition with ID %1$i was not found. Partition named %1$s was not found. Profile named %1$s was not found. Cannot create partition because the system already has the maximum number of partitions. Cannot create partition because a partition with ID %1$i already exists. Partition name %1$s is used by another partition. Partition with name %1$s is not the same as the partition with ID %2$i. Cannot delete partition because it is not powered off. Cannot delete management partition. Cannot find or open file %1$s for reading. Cannot find or open file %1$s for writing. Error occurred reading from file %1$s . Error occurred writing to file %1$s . The system is busy. Retry the command. Additional information: %1$li. You requested to clear all partition configuration data on the managed system and set the configuration back to its original state. Do you want to continue (0 = no, 1 = yes)? You requested to disable all partition configuration data on the managed system. Do you want to continue (0 = no, 1 = yes)? Requested configuration change will take effect on the next restart of the managed system.This task is only allowed when the partition is powered off. Unhandled change error - Code: 0x%1$X, Data: 0x%2$lX. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Configuration changes are only allowed when the partition is powered off. Cannot create partition because one already exists with the specified ID. Partition name cannot exceed %1$i characters. Partition names must contain only printable US 7-bit ASCII characters. Partition name must not use restricted characters. Restricted characters are %1$s . Value for workgroup ID (%1$s) is not valid. Valid values are %2$s. When creating a partition, valid operations for minimum memory (%1$s) include %2$s. When creating a partition, valid operations for desired memory (%1$s) include %2$s. When creating a partition, valid operations for maximum memory (%1$s) include %2$s. Value for minimum memory (%1$s) cannot exceed %2$s MB. Value for minimum memory (%1$s) cannot be less than zero. Value for desired memory (%1$s) cannot exceed %2$s MB. Value for desired memory (%1$s) cannot be less than zero. Value for maximum memory (%1$s) cannot exceed %2$s MB. Value for maximum memory (%1$s) cannot be less than zero. Value for minimum memory (%1$s) must be less than or equal to the value for desired memory (%2$s). Value for desired memory (%1$s) must be less than or equal to the value for maximum memory (%2$s). Value for minimum memory (%1$s) must be at least %2$s MB to support a maximum memory (%3$s) value of %4$s MB. Memory values must be at least %1$s MB on the management partition. Processing mode (%1$s) must be specified. When creating a partition with dedicated processors, the following attributes are required: %2$s. When creating a partition with shared processors, the following attributes are required: %3$s. Processor sharing mode (%1$s) must be specified when changing processing mode or creating a partition. When creating a partition with dedicated processors, the following attributes are required: %2$s. When creating a partition with shared processors, the following attributes are required: %3$s. Minimum processors (%1$s) must be specified. When creating a partition with dedicated processors, the following attributes are required: %2$s. When creating a partition with shared processors, the following attributes are required: %3$s. When creating a partition, valid operations for minimum processors (%1$s) include %2$s. Desired processors (%1$s) must be specified. When creating a partition with dedicated processors, the following attributes are required: %2$s. When creating a partition with shared processors, the following attributes are required: %3$s. When creating a partition, valid operations for desired processors (%1$s) include %2$s. Maximum processors (%1$s) must be specified. When creating a partition with dedicated processors, the following attributes are required: %2$s. When creating a partition with shared processors, the following attributes are required: %3$s. When creating a partition, valid operations for maximum processors (%1$s) include %2$s. Minimum processing units (%1$s) must be specified. When creating a partition with dedicated processors, the following attributes are required: %2$s. When creating a partition with shared processors, the following attributes are required: %3$s. When creating a partition, valid operations for minimum processing units (%1$s) include %2$s. Desired processing units (%1$s) must be specified. When creating a partition with dedicated processors, the following attributes are required: %2$s. When creating a partition with shared processors, the following attributes are required: %3$s. When creating a partition, valid operations for desired processing units (%1$s) include %2$s. Maximum processing units (%1$s) must be specified. When creating a partition with dedicated processors, the following attributes are required: %2$s. When creating a partition with shared processors, the following attributes are required: %3$s. When creating a partition, valid operations for maximum processing units (%1$s) include %2$s. Value for minimum processors (%1$s) cannot exceed %2$i. Value for minimum processors (%1$s) cannot be less than zero. Value for desired processors (%1$s) cannot exceed %2$i. Value for desired processors (%1$s) cannot be less than zero. Value for maximum processors (%1$s) cannot exceed %2$i. Value for maximum processors (%1$s) cannot be less than zero. Value for minimum processors (%1$s) must be less than or equal to the value for desired processors (%2$s). Value for desired processors (%1$s) must be less than or equal to the value for maximum processors (%2$s). Value for maximum processors (%1$s) must be less than %2$i. Processor values must be at least %1$i on the management partition. Value for minimum processing units (%1$s) cannot exceed %2$s. Value for minimum processing units (%1$s) cannot be less than zero. Value for desired processing units (%1$s) cannot exceed %2$s. Value for desired processing units (%1$s) cannot be less than zero. Value for maximum processing units (%1$s) cannot exceed %2$s. Value for maximum processing units (%1$s) cannot be less than zero. Value for minimum processing units (%1$s) must be less than or equal to the value for desired processing units (%2$s). Value for desired processing units (%1$s) must be less than or equal to the value for maximum processing units (%2$s). Value for minimum processing units (%1$s) must be less than or equal to the value for minimum processors (%2$s). Value for desired processing units (%1$s) must be less than or equal to the value for desired processors (%2$s). Value for maximum processing units (%1$s) must be less than or equal to the value for maximum processors (%2$s). Value for minimum processors (%3$s) cannot be greater than %2$i times the value for minimum processing units (%1$s). On this managed system, the value for minimum processing units per virtual processor is %4$s. Value for desired processors (%3$s) cannot be greater than %2$i times the value for desired processing units (%1$s). On this managed system, the value for minimum processing units per virtual processor is %4$s. Value for maximum processors (%3$s) cannot be greater than %2$i times the value for maximum processing units (%1$s). On this managed system, the value for minimum processing units per virtual processor is %4$s. Processing unit values must be at least %1$s on the management partition. Value for uncapped weight (%1$s) cannot exceed %2$i. Value for uncapped weight (%1$s) cannot be less than zero. Value for uncapped weight (%1$s) is not valid. Valid values are %2$s. No Virtual I/O Server partition exists on this system. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Value for maximum virtual slots (%1$s) cannot exceed %2$i. Value for maximum virtual slots (%1$s) cannot be less than zero. Value for maximum virtual slots (%1$s) must be at least %2$i to support the existing partitions. Value for maximum virtual slots (%1$s) must be exactly %2$i. Cannot add virtual adapter in slot %1$i because an adapter already exists in that slot. Value for the management partition maximum virtual slots (%1$s) must be at least %2$i. Cannot create partition because the partition ID %1$i exceeds the configured maximum partitions %2$i. When creating a partition, valid operations for virtual Ethernet adapters (%1$s) include %2$s. Virtual Ethernet adapters in the management partition cannot be configured. Requested virtual slot number is larger than the maximum number of virtual slots in the partition. Virtual adapter defined for virtual slot number %1$i has an incorrect value for the IEEE virtual LAN (%2$s) attribute. Valid values are %3$s. The virtual adapter defined for virtual slot number %1$i has an incorrect value for the port virtual LAN ID (%2$s) attribute. Valid values are %3$s. The virtual adapter defined for virtual slot number %1$i has an incorrect value for the trunk adapter (%2$s) attribute. Valid values are %3$s. IEEE virtual Ethernet is not allowed. Additional virtual LAN IDs are not allowed. Cannot create a virtual Ethernet adapter in slot %1$i because an adapter already exists in that slot. Cannot remove a virtual Ethernet adapter from slot %1$i because the adapter is not a virtual Ethernet adapter. Cannot remove a virtual Ethernet adapter from slot %1$i because there is no adapter in that slot. Virtual Ethernet adapters can only be added to slot numbers %1$s. Cannot dynamically remove all memory from a partition. Cannot dynamically remove all processors from a partition. Cannot dynamically remove all processing units from a partition. The logical partition configuration version is not compatible. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. The logical partition configuration version is too new. Upgrade the Virtual I/O Server software, or clear the logical partition configuration. The current virtual adapter configuration for the management partition is not compatible with the requested configuration. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Additional information provided by firmware - Category: 0x%1$X, Code: 0x%2$X Unhandled firmware extended warning - Category: 0x%1$X, Code: 0x%2$X Unhandled firmware extended error - Category: 0x%1$X, Code: 0x%2$X Unhandled firmware error - Category: 0x%1$X, Code: 0x%2$X There are not enough available processors to complete the request. There are not enough available processor units to complete the request. There is not enough available memory to complete the request. Partition with ID %1$i was not found. There is insufficient memory available for firmware. Remove %1$s MB of memory from partitions and try again. Usage: chsyscfg -r lpar | prof | sys [-m ] -f | -i "" [--help] Changes partitions, partition profiles, or the attributes of a managed system. -r - the type of system resource(s) to be changed: lpar - partition prof - partition profile sys - managed system -m - the managed system's name -f - the name of the file containing the configuration data for this command. The syntax is: attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,... or "attr_name1=value1,value2,...",... -i "" - the configuration data for this command. The syntax is: "attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,..." or ""attr_name1=value1,value2,...",..." --help - prints this help The valid attribute names for this command are: -r sys optional: new_name, pend_lpm_max_lpars -r lpar required: name | lpar_id optional: new_name, work_group_id (none | 1), shared_proc_pool_util_auth (0 | 1) -r prof required: name | lpar_id | lpar_name optional: new_name, min_mem, desired_mem, max_mem, min_procs, desired_procs, max_procs, min_proc_units, desired_proc_units, max_proc_units, proc_mode (ded | shared), sharing_mode (share_idle_procs | keep_idle_procs | cap | uncap), uncap_weight, boot_mode (norm | dd | sms | of | ds), auto_start, max_virtual_slots, virtual_eth_adapters(slot_num/ieee_virtual_eth/ port_vlan_id/addl_vlan_ids/is_trunk/is_required), virtual_scsi_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/is_required), virtual_serial_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ supports_hmc/remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/is_required) Usage: lssyscfg -r lpar | prof | sys [-m ] [--filter ""] [-F []] [--header] [--help] Lists partitions, partition profiles, or managed system information. -r - the type of system resources to be listed: lpar - partitions prof - partition profiles sys - managed systems -m - the managed system's name --filter "" - filters the system resources to be listed. The syntax is: "filter_name1=value,filter_name2=value,..." or ""filter_name1=value1,value2,...",..." Valid filter names are: lpar_ids, lpar_names, profile_names, work_groups -F [] - delimiter separated list of the names of the attributes to be listed for each system resource. If no attribute names are specified, then all attributes will be listed. --header - prints a header of attribute names when -F is also specified --help - prints this help Usage: mksyscfg -r lpar [-m ] -f | -i "" [--help] Creates partitions for a managed system. -r - the type of system resource(s) to be created: lpar - partition -m - the managed system's name -f - the name of the file containing the configuration data for this command. The syntax is: attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,... or "attr_name1=value1,value2,...",... -i "" - the configuration data for this command. The syntax is: "attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,..." or ""attr_name1=value1,value2,...",..." --help - prints this help The valid attribute names for this command are: -r lpar required: name, profile_name, lpar_env (aixlinux), min_mem, desired_mem, max_mem optional: lpar_id, min_procs, desired_procs, max_procs, min_proc_units, desired_proc_units, max_proc_units, proc_mode (ded | shared), sharing_mode (share_idle_procs | keep_idle_procs | cap | uncap), uncap_weight, boot_mode (norm | dd | sms | of | ds), auto_start, max_virtual_slots, virtual_eth_adapters(slot_num/ieee_virtual_eth/ port_vlan_id/addl_vlan_ids/is_trunk/is_required), virtual_scsi_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/is_required), virtual_serial_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ supports_hmc/remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/is_required), work_group_id (none | 1), shared_proc_pool_util_auth (0 | 1) Usage: mkvterm -p | --id [-m ] [--help] Opens a virtual terminal session for an AIX/Linux partition in a managed system. -m - the managed system's name -p - the name of the AIX/Linux partition for which to open the virtual terminal session --id - the ID of the AIX/Linux partition for which to open the virtual terminal session --help - prints this help Usage: rmsyscfg -r lpar [-m ] [-n ] [--id ] [--help] Removes a partition from a managed system. -r - the type of system resource to be removed: lpar - partition -m - the managed system's name -n - the name of the partition to be removed --id - the partition's ID. When removing a partition, this parameter can be used instead of the -n parameter to specify the partition to be removed. --help - prints this help Usage: rmvterm -p | --id [-m ] [--help] Closes a virtual terminal session for an AIX/Linux partition in a managed system. -m - the managed system's name -p - the name of the AIX/Linux partition for which to close the virtual terminal session --id - the ID of the AIX/Linux partition for which to close the virtual terminal session --help - prints this help Usage: chsysstate -r lpar [-m ] [-o on | chkey | dumprestart | shutdown] [-b ] [-k ] [-n ] [--id ] [-f ] [--immed] [--restart] [--help] Changes the state of a partition or managed system. -r - the type of system resource on which to perform the operation: lpar - partition -m - the managed system's name -o on -r lpar - activate a partition -o shutdown -r lpar - shut down (delayed) a partition -o shutdown -r lpar --immed - shut down (immediate) a partition (operator panel function 8) -o shutdown -r lpar --immed --restart - restart (immediate) a partition (operator panel function 3) -o dumprestart -r lpar - restart a partition after initiating a dump (operator panel function 22) -o chkey -r lpar - change the partition keylock position -b - the boot mode to use when activating an AIX/Linux partition: norm - normal dd - diagnostic default boot path sms - boot to SMS menus of - boot to Open Firmware prompt ds - diagnostic stored boot path -k - the keylock position: manual - manual norm - normal -n - the name of the partition on which to perform the operation --id - the ID of the partition on which to perform the operation -f - the name of the profile to use when activating a partition --help - prints this help Usage: chhwres -r mem | proc [-m ] -o a | r | s [-p | --id ] [-q ] [--procs ] [--procunits ] [-w ] [-d ] [--force] [-a ""] [--help] Changes the hardware resource configuration of a managed system. -r - the type of hardware resources to be changed: mem - memory proc - processing -m - the managed system's name -o - the operation to perform: a - add resources r - remove resources s - set attributes -p - the name of the partition to add resources to, to move or remove resources from, or to set attributes for --id - the ID of the partition to add resources to, to move or remove resources from, or to set attributes for -q - the quantity of memory, in MB, to add, move, or remove --procs - the quantity of processors to add, move, or remove --procunits - the quantity of processing units to add, move, or remove -w - the elapsed time, in minutes, after which the DLPAR operation will be aborted -d - the level of detail to be displayed upon return of the requested DLPAR operation - values range from 0 (none) to 5 (highest) --force - force the change -a "" - the attributes to be set with this command the syntax is: "attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,..." or ""attr_name1=value1,value2,...",..." --help - prints this help The valid attribute names for -a are: -r proc : sharing_mode, uncap_weight Usage: lshwres -r io | mem | proc | virtualio [--rsubtype unit | bus | slot | iopool | eth | scsi | serial] [-m ] [--level lpar | pool | slot | sys] [-R] [--maxmem ] [--filter ""] [-F []] [--header] [--help] Lists the hardware resources of a managed system. -r - the type of hardware resources to be listed: io - I/O (physical) mem - memory proc - processing virtualio - virtual I/O --rsubtype - the subtype of hardware resources to be listed: unit - I/O unit bus - I/O bus slot - I/O slot or virtual I/O slot iopool - I/O pool eth - virtual Ethernet scsi - virtual SCSI serial - virtual serial -m - the managed system's name --level - the level of information to be listed: lpar - partition pool - pool slot - slot sys - system -R - only list information for partitions with resources that can be restored due to a dynamic logical partitioning (DLPAR) operation failure --maxmem - maximum memory amount (in MB) for which the required minimum memory amount for partitions is to be listed --filter "" - filters the hardware resources to be listed. The syntax is: "filter_name1=value,filter_name2=value,..." or ""filter_name1=value1,value2,...",..." Valid filter names are: buses, lpar_ids, lpar_names, pools, slots, units, vlans -F [] - delimiter separated list of the names of the attributes to be listed for each hardware resource. If no attribute names are specified, then all attributes will be listed. --header - prints a header of attribute names when -F is also specified --help - prints this help Usage: lsled -r sa -t virtuallpar | virtualsys | phys [-m ] [--filter ""] [-F []] [--header] [--help] Lists LED resource information for a managed system. -r - the type of LED resources to be listed: sa - system attention LEDs -t - the type of system attention LEDs to be listed: virtuallpar - virtual partition virtualsys - virtual platform phys - physical platform -m - the managed system's name --filter "" - filters the LED resources to be listed. The syntax is: "filter_name1=value,filter_name2=value,..." or ""filter_name1=value1,value2,...",..." Valid filter names are: lpar_ids, lpar_names -F [] - delimiter separated list of the names of the attributes to be listed for each LED resource. If no attribute names are specified, then all attributes will be listed. --header - prints a header of attribute names when -F is also specified --help - prints this help Usage: chled -r sa -t virtuallpar | virtualsys [-m ] -o on | off [-p | --id ] [--help] Changes the state of an LED on a managed system. -r - the type of LED resource to be changed: sa - system attention (SA) LED -t - the type of system attention LED to be changed: virtuallpar - virtual partition virtualsys - virtual platform -m - the managed system's name -o - the operation to be performed: on - turn the LED on off - turn the LED off -p - the name of the partition for which the virtual partition SA LED is to be changed --id - the ID of the partition for which the virtual partition SA LED is to be changed --help - prints this help Usage: lsrefcode -r lpar | sys [-m ] [-n ] [--filter ""] [-F []] [--header] [--help] Lists reference code entries for partitions or a managed system. -r - the type of reference codes to be listed: lpar - partition reference codes sys - managed system reference codes -m - the managed system's name -n - the number of reference code entries to be listed for each partition or for the managed system --filter "" - filters the reference code entries to be listed. The syntax is: "filter_name1=value,filter_name2=value,..." or ""filter_name1=value1,value2,...",..." Valid filter names are: lpar_ids, lpar_names -F [] - delimiter separated list of the names of the attributes to be listed for each reference code entry. If no attribute names are specified, then all attributes will be listed. --header - prints a header of attribute names when -F is also specified --help - prints this help Usage: lpcfgop -o dump | clear | disable | enable [-m ] [-f ] [--force] [--help] Performs operations on logical partition configuration data in firmware. -m - the managed system's name -o - the operation to be performed: dump - dumps all logical partition configuration data from managed system firmware to a file clear - marks the logical partition configuration data to be cleared when the managed system is restarted disable - marks the logical partition configuration data to be disabled when the managed system is restarted enable - re-enables partition configuration data -f - the name of the file to write the dump to in the current working directory. If not specified, the default file will be /var/adm/lpm/lparConfig.dump --force - skip confirmation prompts for clear and disable operations --help - prints this help Usage: mkgencfg -o init [-m ] [-i ""] [--help] Performs the initial configuration, including creating virtual Ethernet adapters. Allows setting the virtual Ethernet MAC address prefix for the managed system. -m - the managed system's name -o - the operation to be performed: init - perform initial configuration -i "" - the configuration data for this command. The syntax is: "attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,..." or ""attr_name1=value1,value2,...",..." --help - prints this help The valid attribute names for -i are: mac_prefix, pend_lpm_max_lpars Usage: bkprofdata -o backup [-m ] [-f ] [--help] Backs up logical partition configuration information to a file. The file can then be used to restore the partition configuration with the rstprofdata command. -m - the managed system's name -o - the operation to be performed: backup - back up partition configuration -f - file in the current working directory to contain the logical partition configuration backup. If not specified, the default file will be /var/adm/lpm/profile.bak --help - prints this help Usage: rstprofdata -l [-m ] [-f ] [--ignoremtms] [--ignoremac] [--help] Restores profile data for a managed system from a backup file. See bkprofdata for how to make a backup file. Logical partition configuration must be cleared before performing a restore operation. -m - the managed system's name -l - the type of restore to be performed: 1 - full restore from backup file -f - the name of the backup file in the current working directory that contains the profile data to be restored. If not specified, /var/adm/lpm/profile.bak is used. --ignoremtms - do not fail if the type, model, or serial number of the managed system does not match the type, model, and serial number in the backup file. --ignoremac - do not try to restore the virtual Ethernet MAC addresses. Use automatically generated MAC addresses. --help - prints this help Sample message with no formatting. Sample message:String: %3$s Int: %1$i Float: %2$0.2f Done. Sample Translated message: Float: %2$0.2f String: %3$s Int: %1$i Done. Error logging message ID: %1$#06hx Error parsing message ID: %1$#06hx Date/Time | User | Application (PID) | Client | Type | DataDebugInfo AuditWarn ErrorFatallpm_log [-f filename] [-i f,e,w,i,d] [-u user] [-c a,c,g] f Filename to read from. If this is omitted, then stdin will be used. i The error types to include. If omitted, all error types will be included. u The user to filter for. If omitted, all users will be provided. c The client type to filter for. If omitted, all client types will be included. h This message. Unable to open file: Part An unknown error occurred. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Additional data: %1$s Unrecoverable error occurred, causing the application to exit. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Additional data: %1$s Include the following data when contacting service about a previous log: %1$s An unexpected exception occurred. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Additional data: %1$s A message received from the system was not in the correct form, and failed to validate. If you encounter problems, depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Additional data: %1$s Process ID %1$i prematurely disconnected from the access process. Unable to cancel commands. A firmware communication failure (%1$i) occurred. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Unable to cancel commands. An internal error (%1$i) occurred. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Process ID %1$i attempted to use an access process resource without requesting access. The resource is currently in use by process ID %2$i. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Process ID %1$i attempted to communicate with the access process before completing negotiation. Process ID %1$i attempted to use firmware target 0x%2$x. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. The access process failed to open firmware communication session 0x%1$x. The access process must be restarted to proceed. Review previous log entries to establish the cause. Unknown error %1$i occurred when process ID %2$i attempted to send a message to system firmware. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Error %1$i occurred in the firmware communication interface when process ID %2$i attempted to send a message to the system. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Error %1$i occurred in the firmware communication interface when process ID %2$i attempted to receive a message from firmware. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Process ID %1$i attempted to reserve firmware communication resources which are currently in use by process ID %2$i. This is not an error. The maximum number of connections to the access process has been reached. Process ID %1$i sent an unknown message to the access process which was discarded. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Additional data: %2$i The access process discarded an unexpected message from firmware with a correlation value of %1$li. An error occurred while the access process was attempting to cancel a set of commands from a client which disconnected unexpectedly. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Additional data: %1$s Unknown error occurred during the initialization of the access process which caused it to end. Please contact your service provider with the following data: %1$s Unexpected authority failure while establishing communication with the access process. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. The access process was unable to start because another access process is currently running or has ended abnormally. The access process was unable to initiate communication with firmware. Verify that this system is not managed by an HMC and this partition has sufficient authorities to manage platform firmware. Unknown error %1$i occurred while sending a message to the access process. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Unknown error %1$i occurred while receiving a message from the access process. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Unexpected error %1$i was received from the access process. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. Unexpected error %1$li was received from the access process while attempting to reserve a communication resource. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. %1$s Command %1$s returned %2$i. Additional messages: %3$s Partition name length cannot be less than %1$i. System name length cannot be less than %1$i. Cannot create partition because the system already has the maximum number of partitions. To create more partitions, increase the maximum partitions value and restart the managed system. Value for maximum partitions cannot be less than %1$i. Value for maximum partitions cannot exceed %1$i. A logical partition exists with partition ID %1$i. Value for maximum partitions cannot be less than %1$i. Auto-start for the management partition cannot modified. Processing mode can only be changed when the partition is powered off. There is a pending change for processing mode. Restart partition and try operation again. When partition sharing mode is capped, value for uncapped weight must be zero. Usage: lslparutil -r lpar | pool | sys | config [-m ] [--startyear ] [--startmonth ] [--startday ] [--starthour ] [--startminute ] [--endyear ] [--endmonth ] [--endday ] [--endhour ] [--endminute ] [-n ] [--filter ""] [-F []] [--header] [--help] Lists system firmware configuration and performance history. -r - the type of system resources to be listed: lpar - partitions pool - shared processor pool sys - managed systems config - collection settings -m - the managed system's name --startyear - starting year filter (default 1970) --startmonth - starting month filter (default 1) January is 1. December is 12. --startday - starting day filter (default 1) --starthour - starting hour filter (default 0) Midnight is 0. 11pm is 23. --startminute - starting minute filter (default 0) --endyear - ending year filter (default now) --endmonth - ending month filter (default now) --endday - ending day filter (default now) --endhour - ending hour filter (default now) --endminute - ending minute filter (default now) -n - the maximum number of samples to return --filter "" - filters the system resources to be listed. The syntax is: "filter_name1=value,filter_name2=value,..." or ""filter_name1=value1,value2,...",..." Valid filter names are: lpar_ids, lpar_names -F [] - delimiter separated list of the names of the attributes to be listed for each resource. If no attribute names are specified, then all attributes will be listed. --header - prints a header of attribute names when -F is also specified --help - prints this help Usage: chlparutil -r config [-s ] [-m ] [--help] Changes settings for data collection. -s - the interval in seconds to sample data An interval of zero disables sampling. -m - the managed system's name --help - prints this help Value for sample rate (%1$s) is not valid. Valid values are %2$s. Usage: lssysconn -r all [-m ] [-F []] [--header] [--help] Lists connection information for systems. -r - the type of resources for which connection information is to be listed: all - all managed systems and managed frames -F [] - delimiter separated list of the names of the connection attributes to be listed for each resource. If no attribute names are specified, then all connection attributes will be listed. --header - prints a header of attribute names when -F is also specified --help - prints this helpOperation cannot be completed because the managed system needs to be restarted. Restart the managed system and retry the operation. Format of the backup file is not correct. Syntax error parsing key %1$s . Backup file is missing a required key. Missing key is %1$s . Restore operation cannot be completed because the managed system has existing logical partition configuration. Logical partition configuration can be cleared using the lpcfgop command. Type, model, and serial number in the backup file do not match the type, model, and serial number of the managed system. Backup file might be from a different managed system. Use the --ignoremtms parameter to ignore the type, model, and serial number. Virtual Ethernet MAC addresses in the backup file do not match the virtual Ethernet MAC addresses in the managed system. Either clear the logical partition configuration, or use the --ignoremac parameter to keep the existing MAC addresses. Version of the backup file is not compatible. Configuration version in the backup file is not compatible. Current virtual Ethernet MAC address prefix is not compatible with the requested configuration. To change the MAC prefix, the logical partition configuration must be cleared. Logical partition configuration can be cleared using the lpcfgop command. Insufficient authority to run command. Files can only be created in the current working directory. Cannot create partition because the partition ID %1$i exceeds the currently configured maximum partitions %2$i. The managed system needs to be restarted to apply the pending change to configured maximum partitions. Unable to perform operation because this partition does not have sufficient management authority. Date or time was changed: starting a new log. Logical partition configuration change detected. Performing dynamic operation. Dynamic operations completed. Completion code: %1$i. Failed to automatically start partition %1$i . Failed to run partition autostart command successfully. Cannot automatically start the management partition. Operation is not currently available. -r sys optional: new_name, pend_configured_max_lpars, lpar_comm_default, lpar_comm_ipaddr -r lpar required: name | lpar_id optional: new_name, work_group_id (none | 1), shared_proc_pool_util_auth (0 | 1) -r prof required: name | lpar_id | lpar_name optional: new_name, min_mem, desired_mem, max_mem, min_procs, desired_procs, max_procs, min_proc_units, desired_proc_units, max_proc_units, proc_mode (ded | shared), sharing_mode (share_idle_procs | keep_idle_procs | share_idle_procs_active | share_idle_procs_always | cap | uncap), uncap_weight, boot_mode (norm | dd | sms | of | ds), auto_start, max_virtual_slots, virtual_eth_adapters(slot_num/ieee_virtual_eth/ port_vlan_id/addl_vlan_ids/is_trunk/is_required), virtual_scsi_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/is_required), virtual_serial_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ supports_hmc/remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/is_required) io_slots(drc_index/slot_io_pool_id/is_required) Usage: mkgencfg -o init [-m ] [-i ""] [--help] Performs the initial configuration, including creating virtual Ethernet adapters. Allows setting the virtual Ethernet MAC address prefix for the managed system. -m - the managed system's name -o - the operation to be performed: init - perform initial configuration -i "" - the configuration data for this command. The syntax is: "attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,..." or ""attr_name1=value1,value2,...",..." --help - prints this help The valid attribute names for -i are: -o init optional: mac_prefix, pend_configured_max_lpars One of the I/O slots specified using the %1$s attribute has a missing or invalid slot drc index. Value specified was %2$s . I/O slot %1$8X is missing value for required attribute %2$s . I/O slot %1$8X has an incorrect value for the %2$s attribute. Value specified was %3$s . I/O slot %1$8X is not a valid slot on the system. I/O slot %1$8X specified for removal is not assigned to the partition. I/O slot %1$8X specified for addition is already assigned to the partition. I/O slot %1$8X attribute slot_io_pool_id cannot be specified. Enter "none" or leave blank. Value for I/O slot %1$8X attribute value is_required cannot be true. Enter 0 or leave blank. -r lpar required: name, profile_name, lpar_env (aixlinux), min_mem, desired_mem, max_mem optional: lpar_id, min_procs, desired_procs, max_procs, min_proc_units, desired_proc_units, max_proc_units, proc_mode (ded | shared), sharing_mode (share_idle_procs | keep_idle_procs | share_idle_procs_active | share_idle_procs_always | cap | uncap), uncap_weight, boot_mode (norm | dd | sms | of | ds), auto_start, max_virtual_slots, virtual_eth_adapters(slot_num/ieee_virtual_eth/ port_vlan_id/addl_vlan_ids/is_trunk/is_required), virtual_scsi_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/is_required), virtual_serial_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ supports_hmc/remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/is_required), work_group_id (none | 1), shared_proc_pool_util_auth (0 | 1) io_slots(drc_index/slot_io_pool_id/is_required) When creating a partition, valid operations for I/O slots (%1$s) include %2$s. Unable to communicate with the access process. Error %1$i . Access process is unable to enable client communication. Error type %1$i, number %2$i . Partition communications not active on partition with ID %1$i . Unable to run remote command. Unable to retrieve IP address for partition communications for partition with ID %1$i. Received unexpected result from partition communications subsystem. Thread for partition %1$i not found. Received the following unexpected result from partition communications subsystem: %1$s Value for maximum virtual slots (%1$s) must be at least %2$i . Virtual adapter defined for virtual slot number %1$i specifies additional virtual LAN IDs (%2$s) but is not an IEEE virtual LAN (%3$s) adapter. Values for additional virtual LAN IDs (%1$s) must be between %2$i and %3$i and must not be the same as the port virtual LAN ID (%4$s). The maximum number of additional virtual LAN IDs (%1$s) that may be specified is %2$i. Virtual adapter defined for virtual slot number %3$i specifies too many additional virtual LAN IDs. Virtual Ethernet adapters can only be added to slot numbers greater than or equal to %1$i for this partition. Virtual adapter defined for virtual slot number %1$i specifies the same trunk priority (%2$s) and the same virtual LAN ID %3$i as the virtual adapter defined in virtual slot number %4$i in partition %5$i . Value for attribute %1$s is not valid because the system is not capable (%2$s). I/O slot %1$8X is in use and can cannot be removed. Virtual adapter defined for virtual slot number %1$i is in use and can cannot be removed. Usage: chsysstate -r lpar [-m ] [-o on | chkey | dumprestart | shutdown | osshutdown] [-b ] [-k ] [-n ] [--id ] [-f ] [--immed] [--restart] [--help] Changes the state of a partition or managed system. -r - the type of system resource on which to perform the operation: lpar - partition -m - the managed system's name -o on -r lpar - activate a partition -o shutdown -r lpar - shut down (delayed) a partition -o shutdown -r lpar --immed - shut down (immediate) a partition (operator panel function 8) -o shutdown -r lpar --immed --restart - restart (immediate) a partition (operator panel function 3) -o osshutdown -r lpar - shut down an AIX or Linux partition normally by issuing the "shutdown" command -o osshutdown -r lpar --immed - shut down an AIX or Linux partition normally by issuing the "shutdown -t now" command -o osshutdown -r lpar --restart - shut down and restart an AIX or Linux partition normally by issuing the "shutdown -r" command -o osshutdown -r lpar --immed --restart - shut down and restart an AIX or Linux partition normally by issuing the "shutdown -r -t now" command -o dumprestart -r lpar - restart a partition after initiating a dump (operator panel function 22) -o chkey -r lpar - change the partition keylock position -b - the boot mode to use when activating an AIX/Linux partition: norm - normal dd - diagnostic default boot path sms - boot to SMS menus of - boot to Open Firmware prompt ds - diagnostic stored boot path -k - the keylock position: manual - manual norm - normal -n - the name of the partition on which to perform the operation --id - the ID of the partition on which to perform the operation -f - the name of the profile to use when activating a partition --help - prints this help Usage: chhwres -r io | mem | proc | virtualio [--rsubtype slot | eth ] [-m ] -o a | r | s [-p | --id ] [-l ] [-s ] [-q ] [--procs ] [--procunits ] [-w ] [-d ] [--force] [-a ""] [--help] Changes the hardware resource configuration of a managed system. -r - the type of hardware resources to be changed: io - I/O (physical) mem - memory proc - processing virtualio - virtual I/O --rsubtype - the subtype of hardware resources to be changed: slot - I/O slot eth - virtual ethernet -m - the managed system's name -o - the operation to perform: a - add resources r - remove resources s - set attributes -p - the name of the partition to add resources to, to remove resources from, or to set attributes for --id - the ID of the partition to add resources to, to remove resources from, or to set attributes for -l - the DRC index of the I/O slot to add, or remove -s - the virtual slot number of the virtual I/O adapter to add or remove -q - the quantity of memory, in MB, to add or remove --procs - the quantity of processors to add or remove --procunits - the quantity of processing units to add or remove -w - the elapsed time, in minutes, after which the DLPAR operation will be aborted -d - the level of detail to be displayed upon return of the requested DLPAR operation - values range from 0 (none) to 5 (highest) --force - force the change -a "" - the attributes to be set with this command the format is: "attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,..." or ""attr_name1=value1,value2,...",..." --help - prints this help The valid attribute names for -a are: -r proc : sharing_mode, uncap_weight -r virtualio --rsubtype eth : ieee_virtual_eth, port_vlan_id, addl_vlan_ids, is_trunk, trunk_priority Usage: lslparutil -r lpar | pool | sys | config [-m ] [--startyear ] [--startmonth ] [--startday ] [--starthour ] [--startminute ] [--endyear ] [--endmonth ] [--endday ] [--endhour ] [--endminute ] [-n ] [--spread] [--filter ""] [-F []] [--header] [--help] Lists system firmware configuration and performance history. -r - the type of system resources to be listed: lpar - partitions pool - shared processor pool sys - managed systems config - collection settings -m - the managed system's name --startyear - starting year filter (default 1970) --startmonth - starting month filter (default 1) January is 1. December is 12. --startday - starting day filter (default 1) --starthour - starting hour filter (default 0) Midnight is 0. 11pm is 23. --startminute - starting minute filter (default 0) --endyear - ending year filter (default now) --endmonth - ending month filter (default now) --endday - ending day filter (default now) --endhour - ending hour filter (default now) --endminute - ending minute filter (default now) -n - the maximum number of samples to return --spread - used with -n to distribute displayed samples evenly over time --filter "" - filters the system resources to be listed. The syntax is: "filter_name1=value,filter_name2=value,..." or ""filter_name1=value1,value2,...",..." Valid filter names are: lpar_ids, lpar_names -F [] - delimiter separated list of the names of the attributes to be listed for each resource. If no attribute names are specified, then all attributes will be listed. --header - prints a header of attribute names when -F is also specified --help - prints this help Cannot modify or remove virtual adapters in virtual slot numbers less than %1$i in the management partition. Virtual adapter defined for virtual slot number %1$i is missing values for required attributes %2$s . Must specify a value for at least one of the following attributes %2$s . Virtual adapter defined for virtual slot number %1$i must not specify a value for attribute %2$s if the value for attribute %3$s is %4$s . Virtual adapter defined for virtual slot number %1$i has an incorrect value for attribute %2$s . Cannot create virtual SCSI adapter in the management partition in the virtual slot number specified %1$i. Cannot create virtual serial adapter in the management partition in the virtual slot number specified %1$i. Must specify a Virtual SCSI adapter in slot %1$i. Virtual SCSI adapter defined for virtual slot %1$i must specify the value %2$s for attribute %3$s . Virtual SCSI adapter defined for virtual slot %1$i must specify the management partition for the attributes %2$s . An error occurred while initializing the partition configuration. An error occurred while restoring the management partition configuration. An error occurred while restoring the management partition I/O configuration. An error occurred while restoring the management partition virtual Ethernet configuration. An error occurred while restoring partition with ID %1$i. Restored partition with ID %1$i. Unable to find port group with ID %1$i on physical Host Ethernet Adapter %2$8X. MCS value %1$i is not valid for port group %2$i on physical Host Ethernet Adapter %3$8X. Unable to find physical port with ID %1$i on port group %2$i and physical Host Ethernet Adapter %3$8X. Can only specify up to %1$i number of Virtual LAN IDs for logical port %2$i on port group %3$i and physical Host Ethernet Adapter %4$8X. 'Easy Setting' value is not valid for Host Ethernet Adapter %1$8X. Value is not valid when 'Easy Setting' is a value other than %1$i. Memory regions value must be a multiple of %1$i. Unable to find logical port %1$i on port group %2$i and physical Host Ethernet Adapter %3$8X. Logical port %1$i on port group %2$i and physical Host Ethernet Adapter %3$8X does not exist or is not assigned to the partition. Logical port %1$i on port group %2$i and physical Host Ethernet Adapter %3$8X is already assigned to the partition. When creating a partition, logical port (%1$s) operations %2$s are valid only. Physical Host Ethernet Adapter %1$8X not found. Unable to find logical Host Ethernet Adapter for %1$8X on partition with ID %2$i. Not enough resources available on physical Host Ethernet Adapter %1$8X for attribute %2$s. Value must be less than or equal to %3$i. Value for parameter %1$s is not valid because the managed system lacks the capability (%2$s). -r sys optional: new_name, pend_configured_max_lpars lpar_comm_default, lpar_comm_ipaddr -r lpar required: name | lpar_id optional: new_name, work_group_id (none | 1), shared_proc_pool_util_auth (0 | 1) virtual_eth_mac_base_value -r prof required: name | lpar_id | lpar_name optional: new_name, min_mem, desired_mem, max_mem, min_procs, desired_procs, max_procs, min_proc_units, desired_proc_units, max_proc_units, proc_mode (ded | shared), sharing_mode (share_idle_procs | keep_idle_procs | share_idle_procs_active | share_idle_procs_always | cap | uncap), uncap_weight, boot_mode (norm | dd | sms | of | ds), auto_start, max_virtual_slots, virtual_eth_adapters(slot_num/ieee_virtual_eth/ port_vlan_id/addl_vlan_ids/is_trunk/is_required), virtual_scsi_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/is_required), virtual_serial_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ supports_hmc/remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/is_required), virtual_opti_pool_id, hsl_pool_id, io_slots(drc_index/slot_io_pool_id/is_required), load_source_slot, alt_restart_device_slot, console_slot, alt_console_slot, op_console_slot, lhea_logical_ports(hea_drc_index/port_group_id/ physical_port_id/logical_port_id/ allowed_vlan_ids), lhea_capabilities(hea_drc_index/easy_setting/ interruptible_EQs/noninterruptible_EQs/ QPs/CQs/MRs) virtual_vasi_adapters(virtual_slot_id/vasi_type/ number_of_streams) Usage: chhwres -r io | mem | proc | virtualio | hea [--rsubtype slot | taggedio | eth | hsl | virtualopti] [-m ] -o a | r | s [-p | --id ] [-l ] [-s ] [-q ] [-g ] [--physport [--logport [--procs ] [--procunits ] [-w ] [-d ] [--force] [-a ""] [--help] Changes the hardware resource configuration of a managed system. -r - the type of hardware resources to be changed: io - I/O (physical) mem - memory proc - processing virtualio - virtual I/O hea - Host Ethernet Adapter --rsubtype - the subtype of hardware resources to be changed: slot - I/O slot taggedio - tagged I/O eth - virtual ethernet hsl - HSL OptiConnect virtualopti - virtual OptiConnect vasi - Virtual Asynchronous Services Interface -m - name of the managed system -o - the operation to perform: a - add resources r - remove resources s - set attributes -p - the name of the partition to add resources to, to remove resources from, or to set attributes for --id - the ID of the partition to add resources to, to remove resources from, or to set attributes for -l - the DRC index of the I/O slot to add, or remove -s - the virtual slot number of the virtual I/O adapter to add or remove -q - the quantity of memory, in MB, to add or remove -g - the id of the port group that has the logical port to add or remove --physport - the id of the physical port to be changed --logport - the id of the logical port to add or remove --procs - the quantity of processors to add or remove --procunits - the quantity of processing units to add or remove -w - the elapsed time, in minutes, after which the DLPAR operation will be aborted -d - the level of detail to be displayed upon return of the requested DLPAR operation - values range from 0 (none) to 5 (highest) --force - force the change -a "" - the attributes to be set with this command the format is: "attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,..." or ""attr_name1=value1,value2,...",..." --help - prints this help The valid attribute names for -a are: -r io --rsubtype taggedio : load_source_slot, alt_restart_device_slot, console_slot, alt_console_slot, op_console_slot -r proc : sharing_mode, uncap_weight -r virtualio --rsubtype eth : ieee_virtual_eth, port_vlan_id, addl_vlan_ids, is_trunk, trunk_priority -r virtualio --rsubtype hsl : hsl_pool_id -r virtualio --rsubtype virtualopti : virtual_opti_pool_id -r virtualio --rsubtype vasi: num_streams -r hea : conn_speed, duplex, max_recv_packet_size, promisc_lpar_name, promisc_lpar_id, flow_control, pend_port_group_msc_value, vlan_id_list, lhea_capabilities -r mem : pend_mem_region_size Usage: rsthwres -r io | mem | proc | virtualio | hea [-m ] [-p | --id ] [-l ] [-g --logport ] [-s ] [--help] Restores the hardware resource configuration of a managed system, following the failure of a dynamic logical partitioning (DLPAR) operation. -r - the type of hardware resources to be restored: io - I/O slot (physical) mem - memory proc - processing virtualio - virtual I/O hea - Host Ethernet Adapter -m - name of the managed system -p - the name of the partition that has resources to restore --id - the ID of the partition that has resources to restore -l - the DRC index of the I/O slot to restore -g - ID of the port group that has the logical port to restore --logport - ID of the logical port to restore -s - the slot number of the virtual I/O slot to restore --help - prints this help Usage: lshwres -r io | mem | proc | virtualio | hea [--rsubtype unit | bus | slot | iopool | eth scsi | serial | phys | logical] [-m ] [--level lpar | pool | slot | sys | port_group | port] [-R] [--maxmem ] [--filter ""] [-F []] [--header] [--help] Lists the hardware resources of a managed system. -r - the type of hardware resources to be listed: io - I/O (physical) mem - memory proc - processing virtualio - virtual I/O hea - Host Ethernet Adapter --rsubtype - the subtype of hardware resources to be listed: unit - I/O unit bus - I/O bus slot - I/O slot or virtual I/O slot iopool - I/O pool eth - virtual Ethernet scsi - virtual SCSI serial - virtual serial phys - physical Host Ethernet Adapter logical - logical Host Ethernet Adapter -m - name of the managed system --level - the level of information to be listed: lpar - partition pool - pool slot - slot sys - system port_group - port group port - port -R - only list information for partitions with resources that can be restored due to a dynamic logical partitioning (DLPAR) operation failure --maxmem - maximum memory amount (in MB) for which the required minimum memory amount for partitions is to be listed --filter "" - filters the hardware resources to be listed. The syntax is: "filter_name1=value,filter_name2=value,..." or ""filter_name1=value1,value2,...",..." Valid filter names are: buses, lpar_ids, lpar_names, pools, slots, units, vlans -F [] - delimiter separated list of the names of the attributes to be listed for each hardware resource. If there are no specified attributes, all attributes are listed. --header - prints a header of attribute names when -F is also specified --help - prints this help %1$s value must be less than management partition priority (%2$i). %1$s value for the management partition must be greater than any other priority. %1$s value must be greater than or equal to %2$i and less than or equal to %3$i. The system encountered an error while restoring the physical Host Ethernet Adapter configuration. The system encountered an error while restoring the management partition Host Ethernet Adapter configuration. Logical port %1$i on port group %2$i and physical Host Ethernet Adapter %3$8X is not available with the current MCS value. MCS value %1$i is not valid because it will cause the partition with ID %2$i to become not bootable. Cannot create partition with ID %1$i because it exceeds the system maximum partition ID (%2$i). Usage: lsvet -t code | hist -m [-F []] [--header] [--help] Lists the information about Virtualization Engine Technologies for a managed system. -t - the type of information to be listed: code - activation code generation information hist - activation history log -m - name of the managed system -F [] - delimiter separated list of the names of the attributes to be listed. If there are no specified attribute names, all attributes are listed. --header - prints a header of attribute names when -F is also specified --help - prints this help Usage: chvet -o e -m -k [--accept | --decline] [--help] Performs activation of Virtualization Engine systems technologies on a managed system. -o - the operation to perform: e - enter activation code -m - name of the managed system -k - the activation key to enter --accept - automatically accept any confirmation --decline - automatically decline any confirmation --help - prints this help Specified activation key is not valid. CoD advanced functions activation code entered, resource ID: %1$s, capabilities: %2$s.Virtual I/O server capability enabled.Micro-partitioning capability enabled.Multiple partitions enabled.i5/OS capability enabled.i5/OS processor capacity limit enabled.5250 capacity for application processing enabled.Advanced POWER Virtualization code entered.POWER Hypervisor code entered.Enterprise Enablement code entered.Inactive partition mobility enabled.Active partition mobility enabled.Submission of the key was successful. If the requested function does not appear in the history log within 5 minutes, contact service representative or the approved supplier. If the managed system determines that this activation key is not valid, the managed system will need to power off and then power back on before another activation key can be accepted. Do you want to continue (0 = no, 1 = yes)?Key submission failed because confirmation was not provided. If the managed system determines that the next activation key is not valid, the managed system will need to power off and then power back on before another activation key can be accepted. Managed system rejected activation key because of too many incorrect activation keys have been entered. The managed system must be power off and then power back on before another activation code will be accepted. Unable to submit activation key because the system is busy. Retry the command. Confirmation message %1$4X. Do you want to continue (0 = no, 1 = yes)? Key submission failed because confirmation was not provided. Confirmation message %1$4X. Unable to activate partition with ID %1$i because it contains logical Host Ethernet Adapter ports that are not valid. Logical ports that are not valid can be removed by using the '%2$s' command. Partition environment value is not valid because managed system lacks the capability (%1$s). Value for attribute %1$s is valid for i5/OS partitions only. Value for attribute %1$s is not valid because it exceeds the maximum supported value (%2$i). Attribute %1$s is valid for i5/OS partitions only. Attribute %1$s is not valid for i5/OS partitions. Tagged I/O attributes are valid for i5/OS partitions only. Either load source slot attribute (%1$s) or alternate restart device slot attribute (%2$s) must be specified and at least one must have a value other than "%3$s" when creating an i5/OS partition. Creating an i5/OS partition requires specifying the console slot attribute (%1$s). Load source slot attribute (%1$s) value must be the DRC index of an I/O slot, the slot number of a virtual I/O slot, or "%2$s". Alternate restart device slot attribute (%1$s) value must be the DRC index of an I/O slot, the slot number of a virtual I/O slot, or "%2$s". Console slot attribute (%1$s) value must be either the DRC index of an I/O slot or the slot number of a virtual I/O slot. Alternate console slot attribute (%1$s) value must be the DRC index of an I/O slot or "%2$s". Operations console slot attribute (%1$s) value must be the DRC index of an I/O slot or "%2$s". Parameter %1$s is valid for i5/OS partitions only. Operation %1$s is valid for i5/OS partitions only. Usage: chsysstate -r lpar [-m ] [-o on | chkey | dumprestart | shutdown | osshutdown | dston | retrydump | remotedstoff | remotedston | iopreset | iopdump | consoleservice] [-b ] [-k ] [-n ] [--id ] [-f ] [--immed] [--restart] [--help] Changes the state of a partition or managed system. -r - the type of system resource on which to perform the operation: lpar - partition -m - name of the managed system -o on -r lpar - activate a partition -o shutdown -r lpar - shut down (delayed) a partition -o shutdown -r lpar --immed - shut down (immediate) a partition (operator panel function 8) -o shutdown -r lpar --immed --restart - restart (immediate) a partition (operator panel function 3) -o osshutdown -r lpar - shut down an AIX or Linux partition normally by issuing the "shutdown" command -o osshutdown -r lpar --immed - shut down an AIX or Linux partition normally by issuing the "shutdown -t now" command -o osshutdown -r lpar --restart - shut down and restart an AIX or Linux partition normally by issuing the "shutdown -r" command -o osshutdown -r lpar --immed --restart - shut down and restart an AIX or Linux partition normally by issuing the "shutdown -r -t now" command -o dumprestart -r lpar - restart a partition after initiating a dump (operator panel function 22) -o dston -r lpar - perform operator panel function 21 -o retrydump -r lpar - perform operator panel function 34 -o remotedstoff -r lpar - perform operator panel function 65 -o remotedston -r lpar - perform operator panel function 66 -o iopreset -r lpar - perform operator panel function 67 -o iopdump -r lpar - perform operator panel function 70 -o consoleservice -r lpar - perform operator panel function 65 followed by operator panel function 21 -o chkey -r lpar - change the partition keylock position -b - the boot mode to use when activating an AIX/Linux partition: norm - normal dd - diagnostic default boot path sms - boot to SMS menus of - boot to Open Firmware prompt ds - diagnostic stored boot path -i - the IPL source to use when activating an i5/OS partition: a, b, c, or d -k - the keylock position: manual - manual norm - normal -n - the name of the partition on which to perform the operation --id - the ID of the partition on which to perform the operation -f - the name of the profile to use when activating a partition --help - prints this help -r lpar required: name, profile_name, lpar_env (aixlinux), min_mem, desired_mem, max_mem optional: lpar_id, min_procs, desired_procs, max_procs, min_proc_units, desired_proc_units, max_proc_units, proc_mode (ded | shared), sharing_mode (share_idle_procs | keep_idle_procs | share_idle_procs_active | share_idle_procs_always| cap | uncap), uncap_weight, boot_mode (norm | dd | sms | of | ds), auto_start, max_virtual_slots, virtual_eth_adapters(slot_num/ieee_virtual_eth/ port_vlan_id/addl_vlan_ids/is_trunk/ is_required), virtual_scsi_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/is_required), virtual_serial_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ supports_hmc/remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/is_required), work_group_id (none | 1), shared_proc_pool_util_auth (0 | 1) virtual_opti_pool_id, hsl_pool_id, io_slots(drc_index/slot_io_pool_id/is_required), load_source_slot, alt_restart_device_slot, console_slot, alt_console_slot, op_console_slot virtual_eth_mac_base_value -o init optional: mac_prefix, pend_configured_max_lpars, virtual_eth_mac_base_value Usage: rstprofdata -l [-m ] [-f ] [--ignoremtms] [--ignoremac] [--ignoreio] [--ignorehea] [--help] Restores profile data for a managed system from a backup file. See bkprofdata for how to make a backup file. Logical partition configuration needs to be cleared before performing a restore operation. -m - name of the managed system -l - the type of restore to be performed: 1 - full restore from backup file -f - the name of the backup file in the current working directory that contains the profile data to be restored. If not specified, /var/adm/lpm/profile.bak is used. --ignoremtms - do not fail if the type, model, or serial number of the managed system does not match the type, model, and serial number in the backup file. --ignoremac - do not try to restore the virtual Ethernet MAC addresses. Use automatically generated MAC addresses. --ignoreio - do not try to restore I/O slot or Host Ethernet resources. No I/O slots or Host Ethernet resources will be assigned to client partitions. --ignorehea - do not try to restore Host Ethernet resources. No Host Ethernet resources will be assigned to any partitions. --help - prints this help Partition with ID %1$i is not allowed to use shared processors because it exceeds the value of %2$s (%3$i). Did not create the management partition virtual SCSI adapter for partition with ID %1$i because it is larger than the value of %2$s (%3$i). Cannot add virtual adapter in slot %1$i because it is a reserved slot. The physical Host Ethernet Adapter in the backup file does not exist on this system. Use the --ignorehea parameter to restore partition configurations without Host Ethernet Adapter resources. The physical Host Ethernet Adapter in the backup file does not match the Host Ethernet Adapter on this system. Use the --ignorehea parameter to restore partition configurations without Host Ethernet Adapter resources. Cannot assign logical port to the partition because the partition is not the promiscuous partition for the physical port. Cannot set the promiscuous partition for this physical port because the specified promiscuous partition is not the only partition with a logical port assigned to this physical port. Value of %1$s is not valid for physical port %2$i in port group %3$i and Host Ethernet Adapter %4$8X. Usage: mkauthkeys {-a | --add | -g | -r | --remove | --test} [--ip ] [-u ] [] [--help] Manages SSH authorization keys. -a | --add - adds SSH key as an authorized key -g - gets user's SSH public key -r | --remove - removes SSH key from authorized key list --test - verifies authentication to remote host -u - user to manage --ip - the IP address of a remote host with which to exchange keys - the SSH key string to add or remove --help - prints this help Specifying the parameters %1$s requires the key string parameter. Unable to generate a key pair for SSH. Additional information: %1$s The specified user "%1$s" does not exist. Temporary file %1$s already exists. If this problem persists, remove the temporary file, then retry the operation. Unable to add key to authorized key list. Additional information: %1$s Unable to add key to authorized key list on remote system. Additional information: %1$s Unable to get remote key to add to local authorized key list. Additional information: %1$s The physical Host Ethernet Adapter DRC index is missing from the value of attribute %1$s. The physical Host Ethernet Adapter DRC index has an incorrect value for the %1$s attribute. Value specified was %2$s. Physical Host Ethernet Adapter %1$8X is missing the type value for attribute %2$s. Physical Host Ethernet Adapter %1$8X has an incorrect type value for attribute %2$s. Value specified was %3$s. The I/O slot DRC index is missing from the value of attribute %1$s. The I/O slot DRC index has an incorrect value for the attribute %1$s. Value specified was %2$s. Usage: migrlpar -o s | m | r | v -m [-t ] [--ip [-u ] ] -p | --id [-n ] [-f | -i ""] [-w ] [-d ] [--async] [-v] [--force] [--stderr] [--help] Performs partition migration operations. -o - the operation to perform: s - stop m - validate and migrate r - recover v - validate only -m - name of the source managed system -t - name of the destination managed system --ip - the IP address or hostname of the HMC or IVM managing the destination system -u - the username to use on the destination HMC or IVM -p - the name of the partition on which to perform the operation --id - the ID of the partition on which to perform the operation -n - the name of the partition profile to be created -f - the name of the file that contains the input data for this command. The format is: attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,... or "attr_name1=value1,value2,...",... -i "" - the input data for this command. The format is: "attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,..." or ""attr_name1=value1,value2,...",..." -w - the maximum time, in minutes, the HMC or IVM will wait for the migrating partition to complete operating system commands. -d - the level of detail the HMC or IVM will request from all partitions participating in the migration for operating system commands - values range from 0 (none) to 5 (highest) --async - command returns after all validation completes, does not wait for migration to complete -v - enable verbose mode. Default is verbose. --force - force the recover operation --stderr - display messages to stderr --help - prints this help The valid attribute names for this command are: -o m, v : virtual_scsi_mappings (slot_num/vios_lpar_name/vios_lpar_id), source_msp_name, source_msp_id, source_msp_ipaddr, dest_msp_name, dest_msp_id, dest_msp_ipaddr, shared_proc_pool_id, shared_proc_pool_name Usage: lslparmigr -r manager | lpar | msp | procpool | sys | virtualio [-m ] [-t ] [--ip [-u ] ] [--filter ""] [-F []] [--header] [--stderr] [--help] Lists partition migration information. -r - the type of resources for which to list information: manager - HMC or IVM lpar - partition msp - mover service partitions procpool - shared processor pools sys - managed system virtualio - virtual I/O -m - name of the source managed system -t - name of the destination managed system --ip - the IP address or hostname of the HMC or IVM managing the destination system -u - the username to use on the destination system HMC or IVM. --filter "" - filters the data to be listed. The syntax is: "filter_name1=value,filter_name2=value,..." or ""filter_name1=value1,value2,...",..." Valid filter names are: lpar_ids, lpar_names -F [] - delimiter separated list of the names of the attributes to be listed. If no attribute names are specified, then all attributes will be listed. --header - prints a header of attribute names when -F is also specified --stderr - display messages to stderr --help - prints this help Usage: migrremote -o {m | q | r | s | v} -m -f [-w ] [-d ] [-v] One of the Virtual I/O Server IDs is missing or not valid for the %1$s attribute. Specified value: %2$s. One of the virtual SCSI slots specified using the %1$s attribute does not contain a virtual SCSI adapter. Specified value: %2$s. Migration validation failed. The migrating partition requires a capability that is not supported on the destination system: %1$s. Unable to find Virtual I/O Server partition with ID %1$i on managed system %2$s. The partition with ID %1$i on managed system %2$s is not a Virtual I/O Server. Unable to find Virtual I/O Server partition with the name %1$s on managed system %2$s. The partition with name %1$s on managed system %2$s is not a Virtual I/O Server. Unable to find or access storage for the virtual SCSI adapter in slot %1$i in the source Virtual I/O Server on the destination Virtual I/O Server with ID %2$i. Migration cannot be started because the managed system (%1$s) only supports up to %2$i simultaneous active migrations. Migration cannot be started because the managed system (%1$s) only supports up to %2$i simultaneous inactive migrations. The memory region size (%1$i MB) on the destination managed system (%2$s) does not match the memory region size (%3$i MB) on the source managed system. The Virtual I/O Server with ID %1$i on managed system %2$s does not support partition mobility. The destination Virtual I/O Server with ID %1$i does not provide a bridge for virtual LAN ID %2$i. The migration process failed because of an unknown error on the destination system. Additional information: %1$s Specified partition name already exists for another partition on the destination managed system. The partition can be migrated only when in the following states: %1$s. The partition cannot be migrated because the partition type is i5/OS. The partition cannot be migrated because it is a Virtual I/O Server. The partition cannot be migrated because it is a workload group participant. The partition cannot be migrated because it has physical I/O assignments. The partition cannot be migrated because it has Host Ethernet Adapter resource assignments. The partition cannot be migrated because it has a Virtual I/O adapter in slot %1$i that cannot be migrated. The partition cannot be migrated because the virtual SCSI server adapter has a resource assignment that cannot be migrated. The destination HMC or IVM cannot communicate with the Virtual I/O Server with ID %1$i. The destination HMC or IVM cannot communicate with the mover service partition with ID %1$i. The Virtual I/O Server partition is not set as a mover service partition. The Virtual I/O Server partition lacks partition mobility capability. There are no valid mover service partitions on managed system %1$s. Unable to find the specified IP address on the Virtual I/O Server with ID %1$i on managed system %2$s. Specified value: %3$s Specifying %1$s requires attributes %2$s. No streams available on the VASI adapter for the Virtual I/O Server with ID %1$i on managed system %2$s. The partition with ID %1$i does not have the capability to be migrated while active. Unable to create a VASI adapter on Virtual I/O Server. Current virtual Ethernet MAC address base value is not compatible with the requested configuration. Clear the logical partition configuration to change the MAC base value for the management partition. Logical partition configuration can be cleared by using the lpcfgop command. A virtual Ethernet adapter MAC address base value must be 10 hexadecimal characters, must not be a multicast address (0100000000 bit must be off), and must be a private address (0200000000 bit must be on). An example MAC address base value is 0642A02B4E. Virtual Ethernet MAC address base value can be modified only when the partition is powered off. Virtual Ethernet MAC address base value cannot be modified on the management partition. Specified virtual Ethernet MAC address base value is already used by partition with ID %1$i. Partitions with IDs %1$i and %2$i both have the same virtual Ethernet MAC address base value. Clear the logical partition configuration. Logical partition configuration can be cleared by using the lpcfgop command. Virtual Ethernet MAC address prefix and MAC address base value for the management partition are inconsistent. Correct the entries in the backup file and retry. The virtual adapter defined for virtual slot number %1$i has an incorrect value for the number of streams (%2$s) attribute. Valid values are in the range %3$i - %4$i. The specified value %1$i for virtual adapter defined for the virtual slot number %2$i is not valid for the number of streams (%2$s) attribute. Valid values are in the range %3$i - %4$i. I/O slot %1$8X attribute %2$s has an incorrect value. Enter a value in the range %3$i - %4$i, "none", or leave blank. The memory region size specified (%1$i) is not valid. Valid sizes are %2$s. The virtual slot number value is missing from the value of attribute %1$s. The virtual slot number value is not valid for the %1$s attribute. Specified value: %2$s. This type of virtual I/O adapter is allowed in virtual slot number %1$i only. The partition with ID %1$i is not the source of a migration. Use the %2$s parameter to recover the migration. The partition with ID %1$i is not in the process of a migration. The destination system is not compatible with the migrating partition. Additional information: "%1$s" Destination managed system is not compatible with the source managed system. Additional information: %1$s The migrating partition requires firmware interfaces that are not available on the destination managed system. Additional information: %1$s The level of firmware interfaces on the destination managed system is not compatible with the migrating partition. Additional information: %1$s An internal storage size for migrating partition is not compatible with the destination managed system. Additional information: %1$s The effective processor compatibility mode is not compatible with the destination managed system. Additional information: %1$s The effective firmware compatibility mode is not compatible with the destination managed system. Additional information: %1$s The processor cache of the source managed system is not compatible with the destination managed system. Additional information: %1$s The Partition Firmware versions on the source and destination managed systems are not compatible. Additional information: %1$s The Hypervisor versions on the source and destination managed systems are not compatible. Additional information: %1$s Unable to recover migration on destination managed system %1$s. No migration in progress. Value for parameter %1$s does not match stored value (%2$s). Specified value: %3$s. Partition communications not active on partition with ID %1$i . Unable to run remote command. To perform this operation, enable partition communications or power off the partition and try again. Mover service partition with ID %1$i on managed system %2$s cannot communicate with any mover service partition on managed system %3%s. Unable to find or access storage for virtual SCSI adapter in slot %1$i from any Virtual I/O Server on the destination managed system. The destination managed system does not support the processor compatibility mode %1$s. Incorrect overlap in virtual Ethernet trunk adapters. Virtual Ethernet adapters configured for fail over must have exactly the same virtual LAN ID configuration and different trunk priority values. Attribute %1$s cannot be changed for partition with ID %2$i while it is active. A partition can be assigned at most one logical port for each physical port. The partition with ID %1$i on managed system %2$s is not a mover service partition. The %1$s command called on the Virtual I/O Server failed. Additional data: %2$s The migration cannot be stopped. Cannot perform query because partition with ID %1$i is using dedicated processors. Migration of partition with ID %1$i has been stopped. Partition cannot be migrated because it has a virtual Ethernet trunk adapter. Cannot migrate partition because the priority of the partition (%1$i) is greater than that of the management partition (%2$i) on the destination managed system. Cannot migrate partition because the maximum processors value exceeds the largest supported processor value (%1$i) on the destination managed system. Partition named %1$s on managed system %2$s is not a mover service partition. Unable to find managed system %1$s on the destination. The Host Ethernet Adapter physical port configuration is not supported by the platform. Logical Host Ethernet Adapter %1$8X is missing a value for the required attribute %2$s . Logical Host Ethernet Adapter %1$8X has an incorrect value for the %2$s attribute. Value specified was %3$s . Logical port for Host Ethernet Adapter %1$8X is missing a value for the required attribute %2$s . Logical port for Host Ethernet Adapter %1$8X has an incorrect value for the %2$s attribute. Value specified was %3$s . Physical port for Host Ethernet Adapter %1$8X is missing a value for the required attribute %2$s . Physical port for Host Ethernet Adapter %1$8X has an incorrect value for the %2$s attribute. Value specified was %3$s . Port group for Host Ethernet Adapter %1$8X is missing a value for the required attribute %2$s . Port group for Host Ethernet Adapter %1$8X has an incorrect value for the %2$s attribute. Value specified was %3$s . Partition cannot be migrated because it has a virtual SCSI adapter in slot %1$i. The destination system requires that virtual SCSI adapters be assigned to virtual slot %2$i only. The partition has a physical I/O resource configured in slot %1$8X. The resource will not be available on the destination. Shared processor pool with ID %1$i was not found on managed system %2$s . Shared processor pool with name %1$s was not found on managed system %2$s . Partition with ID %1$i cannot be migrated because it is already migrating. Partition with ID %1$i supports virtual adapters only. The value for attribute %1$s is not valid. Partition with ID %2$i supports virtual adapters only. Unable to finish migration because not all tasks have completed. Depending upon where this product was acquired, contact service representative or the approved supplier. The number of values for filter %1$s must be exactly %2$i. There are not enough processors available on the destination managed system to complete the request. There are not enough processor units available on the destination managed system to complete the request. There is not enough memory available on the destination managed system to complete the request. Failed to insert storage information on Virtual I/O Server with ID %1$i on managed system %2$s . Additional messages: %3$s Failed to lock storage information on Virtual I/O Server with ID %1$i on managed system %2$s . Additional messages: %3$s Failed to start the transmission of partition data on the mover service partition with ID %1$i on managed system %2$s . Cannot change partition with ID %1$i because it is migrating. Cannot delete partition with ID %1$i because it is migrating. This is the last message translated in 53L. The destination manager is not capable of remote partition migration. The destination managed system (%1$s) is not capable of performing the migration. Migration of partition with ID %1$i has been stopped by the managed system. Additional information: %2$8X Unable to find or access storage assigned to the migrating partition on the destination Virtual I/O Server with ID %1$i. Virtual Ethernet trunk adapter defined for virtual slot number %1$i specifies an incorrect overlap of virtual LAN IDs or the same trunk priority as the virtual adapter defined in virtual slot number %2$i in partition with ID %3$i . The partition with ID %1$i is not the source of a migration. The migration can only be stopped from the source. An error occurred while processing virtual LAN ID %1$i on destination Virtual I/O Server with ID %2$i. Additional information: %3$i %4$s A warning occurred while processing virtual LAN ID %1$i on destination Virtual I/O Server with ID %2$i. Additional information: %3$i %4$s An error occurred while processing virtual LAN ID %1$i. Additional information: %2$i %3$s A warning occurred while processing virtual LAN ID %1$i. Additional information: %2$i %3$s Host Ethernet Adapter logical port with DRC index %1$8X is in use and cannot be removed. -r sys optional: new_name, pend_configured_max_lpars lpar_comm_default, lpar_comm_ipaddr -r lpar required: name | lpar_id optional: new_name, work_group_id (none | 1), ipl_source (a | b | c | d), allow_perf_collection (0 | 1), lpar_avail_priority, virtual_eth_mac_base_value -r prof required: name | lpar_id | lpar_name optional: new_name, min_mem, desired_mem, max_mem, mem_mode (ded | shared), desired_io_entitled_mem, mem_weight, paging_device, min_procs, desired_procs, max_procs, min_proc_units, desired_proc_units, max_proc_units, proc_mode (ded | shared), sharing_mode (share_idle_procs | keep_idle_procs | share_idle_procs_active | share_idle_procs_always | cap | uncap), uncap_weight, boot_mode (norm | dd | sms | of | ds), auto_start, max_virtual_slots, virtual_eth_adapters(slot_num/ieee_virtual_eth/ port_vlan_id/addl_vlan_ids/is_trunk/is_required), virtual_scsi_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/is_required), virtual_fc_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/remote_slot_num/ wwpns/is_required) io_slots(drc_index/slot_io_pool_id/is_required), load_source_slot, alt_restart_device_slot, console_slot, alt_console_slot, op_console_slot, lhea_logical_ports(hea_drc_index/port_group_id/ physical_port_id/logical_port_id/ allowed_vlan_ids), lhea_capabilities(hea_drc_index/easy_setting/ interruptible_EQs/noninterruptible_EQs/ QPs/CQs/MRs), lpar_proc_compat_mode -r lpar required: name, profile_name, lpar_env (aixlinux | os400), min_mem, desired_mem, max_mem optional: lpar_id, mem_mode (ded | shared), desired_io_entitled_mem, mem_weight, paging_device, min_procs, desired_procs, max_procs, min_proc_units, desired_proc_units, max_proc_units, proc_mode (ded | shared), sharing_mode (share_idle_procs | keep_idle_procs | share_idle_procs_active | share_idle_procs_always| cap | uncap), uncap_weight, boot_mode (norm | dd | sms | of | ds), auto_start, max_virtual_slots, virtual_eth_adapters(slot_num/ieee_virtual_eth/ port_vlan_id/addl_vlan_ids/is_trunk/ is_required), virtual_scsi_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/is_required), virtual_fc_adapters(slot_num/adapter_type/ remote_lpar_id/remote_lpar_name/ remote_slot_num/wwpns/is_required) work_group_id (none | 1), io_slots(drc_index/slot_io_pool_id/is_required), load_source_slot, alt_restart_device_slot, console_slot, alt_console_slot, op_console_slot ipl_source (a | b | c | d), allow_perf_collection (0 | 1), lhea_logical_ports(hea_drc_index/port_group_id/ physical_port_id/logical_port_id/ allowed_vlan_ids), lhea_capabilities(hea_drc_index/easy_setting/ interruptible_EQs/noninterruptible_EQs/ QPs/CQs/MRs), lpar_proc_compat_mode, lpar_avail_priority, virtual_eth_mac_base_value Unable to find or access storage assigned to the migrating partition on any destination Virtual I/O Server. Partition cannot be migrated because the maximum number of virtual slots on the destination Virtual I/O Server has been reached. PowerVM Standard Edition code entered.PowerVM Enterprise Edition code entered. -r io --rsubtype taggedio : load_source_slot, alt_restart_device_slot, console_slot, alt_console_slot, op_console_slot -r proc : sharing_mode, uncap_weight -r virtualio --rsubtype eth : ieee_virtual_eth, port_vlan_id, addl_vlan_ids, is_trunk, trunk_priority -r virutalio --rsubtype scsi: remote_lpar_id, remote_lpar_name, remote_slot_num, adapter_type -r virutalio --rsubtype fc : remote_lpar_id, remote_lpar_name, remote_slot_num, wwpns, adapter_type -r hea : conn_speed, duplex, max_recv_packet_size, promisc_lpar_name, promisc_lpar_id, flow_control, pend_port_group_mcs_value, vlan_id_list, lhea_capabilities -r mem : pend_mem_region_size -r mempool -o a : pool_mem, max_pool_mem, paging_storage_pool, paging_vios_names, paging_vios_ids -r mempool -o s : pool_mem, max_pool_mem I/O slot %1$8X is in use and cannot be removed. Virtual adapter defined for virtual slot number %1$i is in use and cannot be removed. The partition with ID %1$i is not ready to be migrated. The specified key is not supported. The destination mover service partition with ID %1$i cannot communicate with any mover service partition on the source managed system. Unable to remove a device because the system is busy. The command will retry until the device is removed. Additional information: %1$s The mobile partition failed to suspend. The specified shared memory pool already exists. The shared memory pool cannot be created because there is insufficient available virtual slots in the management partition. Increase the management partition's maximum virtual slots value by %1$i, restart the management partition, and retry the command. The specified memory pool does not exist. The management partition must be the paging Virtual I/O Server partition. Multiple paging Virtual I/O Server partitions are not supported. Value for pool memory must be less than or equal to the value for maximum pool memory. Value for pool memory must be greater than or equal to the total I/O entitled memory in the shared memory pool (%1$i MB). Memory values cannot exceed the maximum supported value (%1$s MB). Value for memory attribute (%1$s) cannot exceed %2$s MB. Value for memory attribute (%1$s) cannot be less than zero. Device %1$s not found. Device %1$s cannot be a paging space device. Additional information: %2$s Device %1$s not found or not a paging space device. Device %1$s is busy. Device %1$s not found or cannot be a paging storage pool. The management partition virtual slot number specified (%1$i) by %2$s is specified by another adapter. The attribute %1$s is not valid for the management partition. Requested remote virtual slot number is larger than the maximum number of virtual slots in the management partition. When creating a partition, valid operations for virtual SCSI adapters (%1$s) include %2$s. Cannot create additional virtual SCSI adapter for partition with ID %1$i because it is larger than the value of %2$s (%3$i). Cannot remove virtual SCSI adapter in slot %1$i. Cannot remove a virtual SCSI adapter from slot %1$i because the adapter is not a virtual SCSI adapter. Cannot remove a virtual SCSI adapter from slot %1$i because there is no adapter in that slot. Cannot change virtual SCSI resources for the management partition. Cannot create virtual SCSI server adapter in the management partition because there are no virtual slots available. Virtual SCSI adapter defined for virtual slot %1$i must specify the management partition for the attributes %2$s . When creating a partition, valid operations for virtual Fibre Channel adapters (%1$s) include %2$s. Cannot create a virtual Fibre Channel adapter in slot %1$i because an adapter already exists in that slot. Cannot remove a virtual Fibre Channel adapter from slot %1$i because the adapter is not a virtual Fibre Channel adapter. Cannot remove a virtual Fibre Channel adapter from slot %1$i because there is no adapter in that slot. Cannot create a virtual Fibre Channel adapter for partition with ID %1$i because it is larger than the value of %2$s (%3$i). Cannot create virtual Fibre Channel adapter in the management partition in the virtual slot %1$i because an adapter already exists in that slot. The number of worldwide port names specified for each virtual Fibre Channel adapter must be either %1$i or %2$i. A worldwide port name specified for virtual slot number %1$i is not valid. Each worldwide port name must be exactly %2$i hexadecimal characters in length. Worldwide port name %1$s is in use by another partition. Worldwide port name for slot %1$i is also specified for slot %2$i. The requested operation requires %1$i worldwide port names, but the managed system only has %2$i worldwide port names available. Virtual Fibre Channel adapter defined for virtual slot %1$i must specify the value %2$s for attribute %3$s . Virtual Fibre Channel adapter defined for virtual slot %1$i must specify the management partition for the attributes %2$s . Cannot change virtual Fibre Channel resources for the management partition. Cannot create virtual Fibre Channel server adapter in the management partition because there are no virtual slots available. The managed system does not have any available worldwide port names. Supported values for processor compatability mode attribute (%1$s) for i5/OS partitions include %2$s . Device %1$s cannot be assigned because it is in use. Device %1$s is too small to be used as a paging space device for this logical partition. Choose a device with size at least %2$i MB. Logical partition does not have a paging space device and cannot be activated until a paging space device is assigned. Attribute %1$s is not valid when memory mode is dedicated. Usage: lsmemdev -r avail [-m ] [-p | --id ] [--min ] [--max ] [--filter ""] [-F []] [--header] [--help] Lists block storage devices that can be used as paging space devices. -r - the type of resources to be listed: avail - available devices -m - the managed system's name -p - the name of the paging VIOS partition to query --id - the ID of the paging VIOS partition to query --min - return only block storage devices with size greater than or equal to the specified minimum size in MB --max - return only block storage devices with size less than or equal to the specified maximum size in MB --filter "" - filters the system resources to be listed. The syntax is: "filter_name1=value,filter_name2=value,..." or ""filter_name1=value1,value2,...",..." Valid filter names are: types, storage_pools, redundant -F [] - delimiter separated list of the names of the attributes to be listed for each system resource. If no attribute names are specified, then all attributes will be listed. --header - prints a header of attribute names when -F is also specified --help - prints this help Usage: chhwres -r io | mem | proc | virtualio | hea | mempool [--rsubtype slot | taggedio | eth | scsi | fc | hsl | virtualopti | pgdev] [-m ] -o a | r | s | rs [-p | --id ] [-l ] [-s ] [-q ] [-g ] [--physport [--logport [--procs ] [--procunits ] [--entitled ] [-w ] [-d ] [--force] [-a ""] [--device ""] [--help] Changes the hardware resource configuration of a managed system. -r - the type of hardware resources to be changed: io - I/O (physical) mem - memory proc - processing virtualio - virtual I/O hea - Host Ethernet Adapter mempool - shared memory pool --rsubtype - the subtype of hardware resources to be changed: slot - I/O slot taggedio - tagged I/O eth - virtual ethernet scsi - virtual SCSI fc - virtual Fibre Channel hsl - HSL OptiConnect virtualopti - virtual OptiConnect pgdev - paging space device -m - name of the managed system -o - the operation to perform: a - add resources r - remove resources s - set attributes rs - reset resources -p - the name of the partition to add resources to, to remove resources from, or to set attributes for --id - the ID of the partition to add resources to, to remove resources from, or to set attributes for -l - the DRC index of the I/O slot to add, or remove -s - the virtual slot number of the virtual I/O adapter to add or remove -q - the quantity of memory, in MB, to add or remove -g - the id of the port group that has the logical port to add or remove --physport - the id of the physical port to be changed --logport - the id of the logical port to add or remove --procs - the quantity of processors to add or remove --procunits - the quantity of processing units to add or remove --entitled - the quantity of I/O entitled memory to add or remove -w - the elapsed time, in minutes, after which the DLPAR operation will be aborted -d - the level of detail to be displayed upon return of the requested DLPAR operation - values range from 0 (none) to 5 (highest) --force - force the change -a "" - the attributes to be set with this command the format is: "attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,..." or ""attr_name1=value1,value2,...",..." --device - the device name to add or remove --help - prints this help The valid attribute names for -a are: Usage: lshwres -r io | mem | proc | virtualio | hea | mempool [--rsubtype unit | bus | slot | iopool | eth scsi | serial | fc | phys | logical | pgdev] [-m ] [--level lpar | pool | slot | sys | port_group | port] [-R] [--stat] [--maxmem ] [--filter ""] [-F []] [--header] [--help] Lists the hardware resources of a managed system. -r - the type of hardware resources to be listed: io - I/O (physical) mem - memory proc - processing virtualio - virtual I/O hea - Host Ethernet Adapter mempool - shared memory pool --rsubtype - the subtype of hardware resources to be listed: unit - I/O unit bus - I/O bus slot - I/O slot or virtual I/O slot iopool - I/O pool eth - virtual Ethernet scsi - virtual SCSI serial - virtual serial fc - virtual Fibre Channel phys - physical Host Ethernet Adapter logical - logical Host Ethernet Adapter pgdev - paging space device -m - name of the managed system --level - the level of information to be listed: lpar - partition pool - pool slot - slot sys - system port_group - port group port - port -R - only list information for partitions with resources that can be restored due to a dynamic logical partitioning (DLPAR) operation failure --stat - shows statistics for HEA physical ports or partition I/O entitled memory usage --maxmem - maximum memory amount (in MB) for which the required minimum memory amount for partitions is to be listed --filter "" - filters the hardware resources to be listed. The syntax is: "filter_name1=value,filter_name2=value,..." or ""filter_name1=value1,value2,...",..." Valid filter names are: buses, lpar_ids, lpar_names, pools, slots, units, vlans -F [] - delimiter separated list of the names of the attributes to be listed for each hardware resource. If there are no specified attributes, all attributes are listed. --header - prints a header of attribute names when -F is also specified --help - prints this help Memory mode can only be changed when the partition is powered off. Paging space device %1$s activation failed with error %2$i. Paging space device %1$s activation failed because the maximum number of logical partitions in the shared memory pool has been reached. Cannot add shared memory pool because it would exceed the maximum supported value (%1$s) on this managed system. When creating a partition, valid operations for desired I/O entitled memory (%1$s) include %2$s. When creating a partition, valid operations for shared memory weight (%1$s) include %2$s. Pool memory (%1$s) must be specified. When creating a shared memory pool, the following attributes are required: %2$s. Maximum pool memory (%1$s) must be specified. When creating a shared memory pool, the following attributes are required: %2$s. Logical partition does not have a paging space device and cannot be activated until a paging space device is assigned. There are no paging space devices of sufficient size (%1$i MB) available to be assigned to this logical partition. Use command "%2$s" to list available block storage devices that are eligible to become paging space devices and then use the command "%3$s" to create a paging space device. Logical partition does not have a paging space device and cannot be activated until a paging space device is assigned. There is not sufficient available space in the paging storage pool (%1$s) to create a paging space device of the required size (%2$i MB). There are no paging space devices of sufficient size (%2$i MB) available to be assigned to this logical partition. Free some space on the paging storage pool, add some storage to the paging storage pool, or use the command "%3$s" to list available block storage devices that are eligible to become paging space devices and then use the command "%4$s" to create a paging space device. Logical partition cannot be activated because it is already activated. Logical partitions with memory mode %1$s require processing mode %2$s. Logical partitions with memory mode %1$s must not have any Host Ethernet Adapter or I/O resources assigned. Logical partition cannot be migrated because the virtual SCSI adapter in virtual slot %1$i has a resource assignment that cannot be migrated. Logical partition cannot be migrated because the virtual Fibre Channel adapter in virtual slot %1$i has a resource assignment that cannot be migrated. Unable to find or access storage for virtual SCSI adapter in virtual slot %1$i of the migrating partition on the destination Virtual I/O Server with ID %2$i. Unable to find or access storage for virtual Fibre Channel adapter in virtual slot %1$i of the migrating partition on the destination Virtual I/O Server with ID %2$i. Virtual slot specified by the %1$s attribute does not contain a virtual Fibre Channel adapter. Specified value: %2$s. Logical partition cannot be migrated because the destination managed system lacks the capability (%1$s).Logical partition cannot be migrated because the destination HMC or IVM does not support virtual Fibre Channel adapters. Logical partition is required to have a virtual SCSI adapter defined in virtual slot %1$i. Failed to insert storage information for virtual slot number %1$i of migrating partition on destination Virtual I/O Server with ID %2$i on managed system %3$s . Additional messages: %4$s Partition communications not active on the source Virtual I/O Server. Failed to lock storage information for virtual slot number %1$i of migrating partition on Virtual I/O Server with ID %2$i on managed system %3$s . Additional messages: %4$s Memory mode %1$s is not supported for the management partition. Logical partition is not capable of dynamically reconfiguring this resource type. Shared memory pool is in use and cannot be removed. Logical partition does not support this operation. Shared memory pools are not supported on this managed system (%1$s). Partition with ID %1$i cannot be migrated because the destination managed system does not support the desired processor compatibility mode. Partition with ID %1$i cannot be migrated because the destination managed system does not support the current processor compatibility mode. Partition with ID %1$i cannot be migrated because it has memory mode %2$s. Cannot migrate partition with ID %1$i. Cannot determine the processor compatibility mode of the logical partition based on the value of the attribute %2$s. Paging space device assignment can only be changed when the partition is powered off. Cannot migrate partition with ID %1$i because the virtual Ethernet MAC address base value is already used by partition with ID %2$i on the destination managed system. Changing the configuration for virtual SCSI adapter in slot %1$i is not allowed. The managed system does not have a valid worldwide port name prefix. Migration recovery failed because the destination managed system cannot shut down the partition with ID %1$i. Shut down the partition and delete it to clean up the system. Shared memory pool configuration, including all paging space devices, in the management partition is missing. Use "%1$s" to recover. Make sure to specify the %2$s attribute if desired, because it cannot be set or changed later. An error occurred while restoring the shared memory pool configuration. Worldwide Port Name code entered.Active Memory Sharing enabled.Cannot determine the processor compatibility mode of partition with ID %1$i. Logical partition cannot be migrated because the destination HMC or IVM does not support the processor compatibility mode. Logical partition specified must be the management partition. Usage: rsthwres -r io | mem | proc | virtualio | hea | mempool [-m ] [-p | --id ] [-l ] [-g --logport ] [-s ] [-a ""] [--help] Restores the hardware resource configuration of a managed system, following the failure of a dynamic logical partitioning (DLPAR) operation. Restores the management partition configuration for shared memory pool after a configuration loss. -r - the type of hardware resources to be restored: io - I/O slot (physical) mem - memory proc - processing virtualio - virtual I/O hea - Host Ethernet Adapter mempool - shared memory pool -m - name of the managed system -p - the name of the partition that has resources to restore --id - the ID of the partition that has resources to restore -l - the DRC index of the I/O slot to restore -g - ID of the port group that has the logical port to restore --logport - ID of the logical port to restore -s - the slot number of the virtual I/O slot to restore -a "" - the attributes to be set with this command the syntax is: "attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,..." or ""attr_name1=value1,value2,...",..." --help - prints this help The valid attribute names for -a are: -r mempool -o a : paging_storage_pool This is the last message translated for 61D. Worldwide port names for slot %1$i cannot be identical. Parameter %1$s is only valid for resource: %2$s Cannot perform query because memory mode of partition with ID %1$i is dedicated. Partition cannot be migrated because the target managed system (%1$s) does not have a memory pool configured. Partition cannot be migrated because the maximum number of logical partitions in the shared memory pool has been reached. Partition cannot be migrated because the memory pool is too small. Partition cannot be migrated because there are no paging space devices of sufficient size (%1$i MB). Partition cannot be migrated because the target does not support redundant paging Virtual I/O Servers. Partition with ID %1$i on managed system %2$s is not a paging Virtual I/O Server. Partition named %1$s on managed system %2$s is not a paging Virtual I/O Server. Logical partition cannot be migrated because the destination HMC or IVM does not support migration of a shared memory partition. The page size (%1$i) of the memory pool on the destination managed system (%2$s) does not match the page size (%3$i) of the memory pool on the source managed system. The page size of the memory pool on the destination managed system does not match the page size of the memory pool on the source managed system. Value for parameter %1$s is empty or not valid. Valid values are: %2$s I/O entitled memory value cannot be greater than the logical memory value. Cannot create a virtual SCSI adapter in slot %1$i because an adapter already exists in that slot. Usage: migrlpar -o s | m | r | v -m [-t ] [--ip [-u ] ] -p | --id [-n ] [--redundantpgvios {0 | 1 | 2}] [-f | -i ""] [-w ] [-d ] [--async] [-v] [--force] [--stderr] [--help] Performs partition migration operations. -o - the operation to perform: s - stop m - validate and migrate r - recover v - validate only -m - name of the source managed system -t - name of the destination managed system --ip - the IP address or hostname of the HMC or IVM managing the destination system -u - the username to use on the destination HMC or IVM -p - the name of the partition on which to perform the operation --id - the ID of the partition on which to perform the operation -n - the name of the partition profile to be created --redundantpgvios - the level of paging redundancy to configure on the destination 0 - do not use redundant paging space devices 1 - use redundant paging space devices 2 - use redundant paging space devices if possible -f - the name of the file that contains the input data for this command. The format is: attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,... or "attr_name1=value1,value2,...",... -i "" - the input data for this command. The format is: "attr_name1=value,attr_name2=value,..." or ""attr_name1=value1,value2,...",..." -w - the maximum time, in minutes, the HMC or IVM will wait for the migrating partition to complete operating system commands. -d - the level of detail the HMC or IVM will request from all partitions participating in the migration for operating system commands - values range from 0 (none) to 5 (highest) --async - command returns after all validation completes, does not wait for migration to complete -v - enable verbose mode. Default is verbose. --force - force the recover operation --stderr - display messages to stderr --help - prints this help The valid attribute names for this command are: -o m, v : virtual_scsi_mappings (slot_num/vios_lpar_name/vios_lpar_id), virtual_fc_mappings (slot_num/vios_lpar_name/vios_lpar_id), source_msp_name, source_msp_id, source_msp_ipaddr, dest_msp_name, dest_msp_id, dest_msp_ipaddr, shared_proc_pool_id, shared_proc_pool_name, primary_paging_vios_name, primary_paging_vios_id, paging_device Usage: lslparmigr -r manager | lpar | msp | procpool | sys | virtualio [-m ] [-t ] [--ip [-u ] ] [--redundantpgvios {0 | 1 | 2}] [--filter ""] [-F []] [--header] [--stderr] [--help] Lists partition migration information. -r - the type of resources for which to list information: manager - HMC or IVM lpar - partition msp - mover service partitions procpool - shared processor pools sys - managed system virtualio - virtual I/O -m - name of the source managed system -t - name of the destination managed system --ip - the IP address or hostname of the HMC or IVM managing the destination system -u - the username to use on the destination system HMC or IVM. --redundantpgvios - which type of memory pools to return 0 - non-redundant memory pools 1 - redundant memory pools 2 - all memory pools --filter "" - filters the data to be listed. The syntax is: "filter_name1=value,filter_name2=value,..." or ""filter_name1=value1,value2,...",..." Valid filter names are: lpar_ids, lpar_names -F [] - delimiter separated list of the names of the attributes to be listed. If no attribute names are specified, then all attributes will be listed. --header - prints a header of attribute names when -F is also specified --stderr - display messages to stderr --help - prints this help Shared memory pool with ID %1$i was not found on managed system %2$s. Shared memory pool with name %1$s was not found on managed system %2$s. Partition cannot be migrated because the destination managed system does not support migration of a shared memory partition. An error occurred while processing storage for virtual slot number %1$i on Virtual I/O Server with ID %2$i on managed system %3$s. Additional information: %4$i %5$s A warning occurred while processing storage for virtual slot number %1$i on Virtual I/O Server with ID %2$i on managed system %3$s. Additional information: %4$i %5$s Parameter %1$s is not valid when memory mode is dedicated. Logical partition will not have a paging space device on the destination managed system and cannot be activated until a paging space device is assigned. There are no paging space devices of sufficient size (%1$i MB) available to be assigned to this logical partition. Logical Host Ethernet Adapter %1$8X was not specified but is required. When logical Host Ethernet Adapters are specified for a logical partition, they must be specified for all Host Ethernet Adapter logical ports used by that logical partition. The following messages are in regards to partition with ID %1$i. Attribute %1$s is not valid when multiple partitions are specified. One of the values specified using the %1$s attribute has a missing or invalid partition ID. Value specified was %2$s . One of the values specified using the %1$s attribute is missing values for partition name or ID. Partition with ID %1$i specified by attribute %2$s is not in the list specified by %3$s. Partition named %1$s specified by attribute %2$s is not in the list specified by %3$s. One of the destination shared processor pools specified using the %1$s attribute has a missing or invalid pool ID. Value specified was %2$s . One of the destination shared processor pool specified using the %1$s attribute has a missing pool name. Attribute %1$s is not valid for dedicated processor partition %2$s (%3$i). One of the primary paging VIOS values specified using the %1$s attribute has a missing or invalid paging VIOS ID. Value specified was %2$s . One of the primary paging VIOS values specified using the %1$s attribute has a missing paging VIOS name. One of the paging device values specified using the %1$s attribute has a missing paging device name. Attribute %1$s is not valid for dedicated memory partition %2$s (%3$i). Specifying a paging device for partition %1$s (%2$i) requires that a primary paging VIOS also be specified. Validation failed because the destination HMC or IVM does not support validating multiple partitions. Partition with ID %1$i was specified multiple times by parameter %2$s. Remove all but one of the duplicate IDs and retry the command. Partition %1$s was specified multiple times by parameter %2$s. Remove all but one of the duplicate names and retry the command. Ignoring parameter %1$s because the memory mode of all requested partitions is dedicated. Successfully recovered temporarily in use resources. No resources are temporarily in use. -r mempool : paging_storage_pool Logical partition %1$i is not capable of retrieving virtual device topology information. Unexpected error %1$s occured while communicating with logical partition with ID %2$i. Additional Data: %3$s. Value for desired processors must be less than or equal to the value for maximum current processors for this partition type on this managed system (%1$i). The partition cannot be migrated because its current processors value is higher than the maximum current processors for this partition type on the destination managed system (%1$i). Value for maximum processors (%1$s) must be less than or equal to %2$i. Logical partition %1$i lacks the capability to migrate between POWER6 and POWER7 managed systems. Management partition on the source managed system requires an update to migrate logical partition %1$i to this managed system. Update the management partition on the source managed system. This is the last message.