ISO8859-1l&7 $^ )  ) $ 1Jav(5)^ # $(!&M"&t#$%&'!(')!;*]+q,%-.'/+0' !1 I2 `3 v4* 5 6 7 8 9 : !; (< /= F> P? V@ kA {B C D E$ F G H I J &K 7L WM eN lO P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ #] '^ +_, /`' \a b c d e f g h /i Ej!k#9l] IB INTERFACE ARP TABLE port avail EQE: %d # of CQE handled per interrupt connection completed: %d CQ errors: %d Number of CQs in use: %d Number of EQs in use: %d Number of MultiCast Groups in use: %d Number of Memory Regions in use: %d Number of QPs in MCast Groups in use: %d Number of QPs in use: %d Number of Reliable Datagram Domains: %d CQ destroy failed: %d INFINIBAND DEVICE INFORMATION (%s) EQ Event Bus ID: 0x%x EQ Event ISN: 0x%x Global ID Prefix: Globally Unique ID List: Hw Version info: 0x%04x Infiniband Debug Disabled Infiniband Debug Enabled IB INTERFACE (%s) INFORMATION Logical Port State: Maximum Address Handles: %d Maximum Number of Completion Queues: %d Maximum Entries per Completion Queue: %d Maximum Multicast Groups: %d Maximum Memory Regions: %d Maximum Memory Windows: %d Maximum Protection Domains: %d Maximum Number of Queue Pairs: %d Maximum Scatter Gather per WQE: %d Maximum Outstanding Work Requests: %d IB INTERFACE INFINIBAND NDP ENTRIES NEQ Event Bus ID: 0x%x NEQ Event ISN: 0x%x Globally Unique ID (GUID): IB NODE INFORMATION (%s) IBSTAT: Device %s not available no CQ entry: %d IBSTAT: No device %s configured no QP entry: %d Current Number of GUID's: %d Current Number of Partition Keys: %d Number of Ports: %d IBSTAT: ODM %s failure, odmerrno - %d ERROR: "%s%": open failed rc=%d, errno=%d Check device state of "icm" and "%s". other QP errors: %d path migrated: %d PHYP call returned busy: %d Given up PHYP call after busy retries: %d Physical Port State: Physical Port State: P_Key[%d]: %04x Partition Key List: Active ActiveArmed port config EQE: %d Disabled Down Link Error Recovery GUID[%d]: Initialized Local ID (LID): %04x Link Up Local Mask Control (LMC): %04x Maximum Transmission Unit Capacity: Unknown (code=%d)UnknownUnknown Unknown (code=%d) No State Change Physical Port Physical State: PORT %d (%s) Sleep Physical Port Speed: Speed: 10G 10G2.5G 2.5G5.0G 5.0GPort State: IB PORT %d INFORMATION (%s) Port Configuration Training Physical Port Width: Width: 12X 1X 4X 8X QP error due to QP modify in error stat: %d ERROR: HCA QUERY PORT: failed rc=0x%x rejoin multicast: %d send queue drained: %d Stale QP: %d IBSTAT: Argument too long wrong CQ count: %d wrong CQ user: %d new QP uses old QP entry: %d wrong QP user: %d usage: ibstat [-abdinpvs] Where: -a ARP: Displays the IB ARP Table. -b NDP: Displays the IB NDP Entries. -d Debug: Displays current debug setting. -i Interface: Displays Network Interface Information. -n Node: Displays only IB node information. -p Port: Displays only IB port information. -v Verbose: Displays all IB device information. -s Statistics: Displays an IB interfaces statistics -h Displays this help message -? Displays this help message Note: If device name is not provided, all infiniband devices are queried for control or information. pending bit recovery count : %d ERROR: DMA Query : failed rc=0x%x DMA Size = 0x%08X %08X