1ISO8859-1 tu4h a      h Y  _ S1  1o The command on the specified line is not recognized. Specify a valid command. The line given begins with a control character, but the command is not a valid one. The vc command expects a valid command after the control character. The specified keyword name was not used. The specified keyword name was never used in any replacements. This is only a warning. The specified keyword was not declared. The specified keyword was not declared in a :dcl statement. If you thought you did declare it, check for typographical errors. This is only a warning. There is an if statement with no matching end statement. There is a missing end statement, or an extra if statement. The specified keyword is declared twice on the specified line. Do not declare a keyword more than once on the command line. The named keyword has been declared again on the indicated line. Do not specify more than 40 keywords on the command line. A maximum of 40 keywords per invocation of vc are allowed. This limit has been exceeded. There is a control character on the specified line that is not matched. Specify an ending control character. On the designated line there is no control character to indicate the end of the keyword name. A keyword name on the specified line is too long. A keyword name cannot exceed 9 characters. A keyword name exceeds 9 characters on the indicated line. A keyword name on the specified line is not valid. A keyword name must begin with an alphabetic character and must contain only alphanumeric characters. The keyword name on the indicated line does not start with an alphabetic character, or does not contain only alphanumeric characters. There is an end statement without a matching if statement on the specified line. There is an extra end statement or a missing if statement. There is a parenthesis error on the specified line. Specify a parenthesis only where correct. Specify a right parenthesis for each left parenthesis. A left parenthesis occurred with no matching right parenthesis or a parenthesis was found where it was not expected. An operator on the specified line is not valid. The valid operators are !=, =, <, and >. The legal operators are !=, =, <, and >. There is a value on the specified line that is not numeric. You tried to compare a string which contains characters that are not numeric with another string using the < or the > operator. The :err statement is on the specified line. The user inserted an :err statement on the specified line. The specified line requires too many replacements. The maximum number of replacements per line is 32. Currently, only 32 replacements per line are allowed. The control statement syntax on the specified line is not correct. Make sure there is an = in all :asg statements. Make sure there is a right side to all :asg statements. There is a missing = or the right side of an :asg statement is missing. The if statement syntax on the specified line is not correct. An & or a | occurred in the wrong place, or was not found when it was expected. The syntax on the specified line is not correct. The specified keyword was not assigned a value. The specified keyword name was never used in an assignment statement. This is only a warning. Usage: vc [-a] [-t] [-cCharacter] [-s] [Keyword=Value ...] Substitutes assigned values in place of keywords.