ISO8859-1,8  _ *5 ; ( d Z  s ] @hP&E!g Z g !%9D&%'j(a )!J)"*#A,$ -%8/&1 'L2(5F)57'*E8]+k:,b=?r|C3H~BHIH>I?`I~I }J L_ M N% NOS>TeU\V X YF[\m\6]=]P] O^N_gef<gghj=k l% m  m }n fp`qmrsst|u=6v7wnx7xiyX{={^{|5/ 6| !:*\c " #@ .d  %"  !q;"e?0* /7=gJz" =!="'#$N%&P'Q('N)v*+R,)$-N../((?QL/K? Y ) g w ~dk]W <Zue?8x-=ĤbŦ  h A( Gj ˲ A 65@AvӸYԞ>RKG hMX8b&L -h  < Z J _>TN=Iy   % Y 6     iDtS#6wO\S [# p&m 4)libct_ffdc.a Status: An FFDC Environment does not exist for this process. This process cannot record failure information to the FFDC Error Stack. libct_ffdc.a Attention: No resource name was provided to the %1$s routine. No resource name was recorded in the report generated by this routine, but the record was made. libct_ffdc.a Attention: The %1$s routine received incomplete information about the the source code file reporting the incident. Default information was provided bythis routine on behalf of the caller. libct_ffdc.a Attention: The %1$s routine was unable to copy the contents of the file %2$s to the %3$s directory. Do not discard the original copy of this file. libct_ffdc.a Attention: No System Log message was provided to the %1$s routine. No message was recorded in the System Log report generated by this routine, but a record was made in the System Log. libct_ffdc.a Attention: No details on the incident were provided to the %1$s routine. The detailed data section of the report made by this routine has been omitted, but the report was recorded. libct_ffdc.a Attention: The %1$s routine was provided a value for detail data size that appears invalid. As a result, this routine used the maximum length permitted for detail data. This may result in some extraneous and unrelated information being recorded in the record generated by this routine. libct_ffdc.a Attention: Both a detail data field and a detail data file name were provided to the %1$s routine. This routine only accepts either a detail data field or a detail data file. The detail data file was ignored in the record generated bythis routine, and the detail data field was used instead. libct_ffdc.a Attention: A valid pointer was not provided to the %1$s routine to permit this routine to return the FFDC Error Identifier of the recording. This routine cannot return the identifier for this record, but the record was made. libct_ffdc.a Attention: An unique FFDC Error Identifier was not generated by the %1$s routine. The report has been made despite this condition. libct_ffdc.a Attention: The %1$s routine could not record informtion on this incident to the System Log. A report was filed in the Error Log for this incident. libct_ffdc.a Attention: An unknown Log Event Type was provided to the %1$s routine. Valid Log Event Types are: FFDC_EMERG FFDC_ERROR FFDC_STATE FFDC_PERF FFDC_TRACE FFDC_RECOV FFDC_DEBUG The value FFDC_DEBUG was substituted for this value in the report generated by this routine, giving this record the lowest severity indication available. libct_ffdc.a Attention: An invalid FFDC Error Identifier was provided to the %1$s routine. libct_ffdc.a Attention: Insufficient information was provided to identify a cataloged message to the %1$s routine. This message information is used to describe the nature of the incident that is being recorded to the FFDC Error Stack. As a result, the description will be displayed using the default message text. Users viewing the FFDC Error Stack contents in other locales will not be able to translate this message into the language used for that locale, meaning that the user may not be able to understand the information recorded by this application. libct_ffdc.a Attention: The %1$s routine did not receive a default message to use as a description for this incident in cases where the cataloged message decription cannot be obtained. If the FFDC Error Stack contents are viewed on a node where the message does not exist, or if the FFDC Error Stack contents are viewed when the message catalog is missing, no description information will be presented for this entry. Users may not be able to understand the nature of the incident without a description, which limits the usefulness of the entry to the system administrator. libct_ffdc.a Attention: Insufficient information was provided to identify a cataloged message to the %1$s routine, and no default message was supplied. Because of these omissions, no decription information was recorded for this incident to the FFDC Error Stack, and no description information will be presented for this incident when the FFDC Error Stack contents are viewed. Users may not be able to understand the nature of the incident without a description, which limits the usefulness of the entry to the system administrator. FFDC Environment inherited from a previously established environment libct_ffdc.a Attention: The information submitted for recording to the FFDC Error Stack exceedes the record length of %1$d bytes. The information has been truncated to fit the record size limit. Some important diagnostic information may have been lost in the process. Errors may occur when this information is displayed later with the fcstkrpt command. This record size limit includes the detecting file information, the message catalog information, the description message, substitutional parameters to the description message, as well as the details of the condition. In the future, record less information, or make use of the detail data file option. 2615-000 %1$s 2615-001 libct_ffdc.a Error: The parameter passed to the library routine fc_init_stack is not valid. The valid values are: FC_STACK FC_TRACE FC_CREAT FC_INHERIT This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack. 2615-002 libct_ffdc.a Error: %1$s is not supported by this version of the %2$s routine. 2615-003 libct_ffdc.a Error: Options %1$s and %2$s cannot be combined as options to the %3$s routine. This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack. 2615-004 libct_ffdc.a Error: Cannot inherit an FFDC Environment because an FFDC Environment has not been previously established. This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack. 2615-005 libct_ffdc.a Error: Cannot create or inherit an FFDC Environment, because an FFDC Environment already exists for this process. fc_init_stack may have been attempted several times by this process. Examine the source code for errors. 2615-006 libct_ffdc.a Error: The FFDC Environment for this process appears to be corrupted. The FFDC Environment is not usable. This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack. 2615-007 libct_ffdc.a Error: Failure in allocating memory. An FFDC Environment cannot be established. This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack. Check this process for memory leak problems, and check the system for processes hoarding memory. 2615-008 libct_ffdc.a Error: An FFDC Environment cannot be established for this process. This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack. This process will also be unable to obtain FFDC Failure Identifiers for reports it makes to the Error Log. This failure occurred because this library could not locate any network adapter information in the Object Data Manager (ODM), or the library could not modify the execution environment of the process, or the operating system could not provide a temporary pipe for this library call. Verify that space available in the /tmp file system, which can cause problems in creating pipes, and notify the system administrator if /tmp appears to be near its capacity. Otherwise, contact the system administrator and have the administrator verify that at least one network adapter is defined in the ODM at the time that this process executes. 2615-009 libct_ffdc.a Error: The FFDC Environment could not be established. An FFDC Error Stack File appears to exist already for this process in the %1$s directory. This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack. 2615-010 libct_ffdc.a Error: The FFDC Error Stack directory %1$s cannot be accessed. The directory may be missing, unmounted, or permissions may have been changed on the directory. Contact the system administrator and report this problem. This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack at this time. 2615-011 libct_ffdc.a Error: An unexpected failure occurred in the routine %1$s. This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack at this time. Contact the IBM Customer Support Center for assistance in resolving this failure. 2615-012 libct_ffdc.a Error: An FFDC Environment does not exist for this process. This process cannot record failure information to the FFDC Error Stack. 2615-013 libct_ffdc.a Error: The %1$s routine could not record information on this incident to the System Log. No incident report was filed by this routine. 2615-014 libct_ffdc.a Error: The FFDC Error Stack file %1$s cannot be accessed. The file may be missing, corrupted, or, permissions may have been changed on the file to prohibit access. Contact the system administrator and report this problem. This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack at this time. 2615-015 libct_ffdc.a Error: The name reserved for the FFDC Error Stack file: %1$s is the name of an existing directory. Ask the system administrator to ensure that system users are not creating subdirectories in the directory: %2$s If this problem occurs in multiple applications, contact the system administrator to have the problem reported to the IBM Customer Support Center. 2615-016 libct_ffdc.a Error: The FFDC Error Stack file %1$s cannot be created. Permissions on the directory have been changed to prohibit creation of files in this directory. Contact the system administrator and report this problem. This process cannot make recordings to the FFDC Error Stack at this time. 2615-017 libct_ffdc.a Error: Insufficent space exists in the file system containing the directory: %1$s to create an FFDC Error Stack file. This routine attempted to reserve and FFDC Error Stack file of a minimum size of %2$d bytes while leaving at least five percent of the file system capacity available. The FFDC Error Stack file could not be reserved under these constraints. This application cannot record information to the FFDC Error Stack until more space becomes available in the file system. 2615-018 libct_ffdc.a Error: Unable to lock the file: %1$s for exclusive use. The file may have been removed by another application, or another application may have locked this file for use and become hung. This process is unable to record incident information to the FFDC Error Stack at this time. 2615-019 libct_ffdc.a Error: Unable to open the FFDC Error Stack file: %1$s The file may have been removed by another application, or the file permissions may have been altered on the file to prohibit this application from opening the file. Permissions on the directory containing this file may have changed to prohibit files within it to be modified. This application cannot record information to the FFDC Error Stack at this time. Error code from open() system call: %2$d. 2615-020 libct_ffdc.a Error: Unable to update the control information within the FFDC Error Stack file: %1$s The file may be corrupted, or this problem can indicate an internal error in the FFDC library software. This process should consider the FFDC Error Stack unusable. Verify that the file exists and can be viewed using the fcstkrpt command. If fcstkrpt fails to indicate an error with the FFDC Error Stack file, contact the system administrator to have this problem reported to the IBM Customer Service Center. Error code from the write() library call: %2$d. 2615-021 libct_ffdc.a Error: Unable to relinquish exclusive access to the FFDC Error Stack file: %1$s This process should consider the FFDC Error Stack unusable. Other ancestor and descendent processes may find it impossible to use the FFDC Error Stack if they also have FFDC Environments established. Report this problem to the system administrator. Do not attempt to use the FFDC Error Stack from this process. Error code from the lockf() library call: %2$d. 2615-022 libct_ffdc.a Error: The FFDC Error Stack file: %1$s appears to have been corrupted. The internal routine that detected this condition is: %2$s This application should consider the FFDC Error Stack unusable, and should not attempt to make any more recordings to the FFDC Error Stack. 2615-023 libct_ffdc.a Error: Unable to record incident information to the FFDC Error Stack file: %1$s The file may be corrupted, or this problem can indicate an internal error in the FFDC library software. This process should consider the FFDC Error Stack unusable. Verify that the file exists and can be viewed using the fcstkrpt command. If fcstkrpt fails to indicate an error with the FFDC Error Stack file, contact the system administrator to have this problem reported to the IBM Customer Service Center. Error code from the write() library call: %2$d. 2615-024 libct_ffdc.a Error: Unable to set the read-write file pointer within the FFDC Error Stack file: %1$s to offset position %2$d The file may be corrupted, or this problem can indicate an internal error in the FFDC library software. This process should consider the FFDC Error Stack unusable. Verify that the file exists and can be viewed using the fcstkrpt command. If fcstkrpt fails to indicate an error with the FFDC Error Stack file, contact the system administrator to have this problem reported to the IBM Customer Service Center. Error code from the write() library call: %3$d. 2615-025 libct_ffdc.a Error: Unable to create or inherit an FFDC Environment. This process environment has been set to prevent the creation or inheritance of FFDC Error Stacks. The system administrator or other privileged user has set this control. While this process remains capable of recording information to the Error Log and the System Log through the FFDC interfaces, this process is not capable of using an FFDC Error Stack. Contact the system administrator if an FFDC Error Stack is required by this process, and ask to have this FFDC function restored to the process environment. fcinit: Usage information: fcinit [-l] | [-s{c|i}] | [-h] Options: -h Displays syntax and usage information -l Permits the process to record information to the Error Log. This option does not need to be specified with the '-si' or '-sc' options, since these options also permit the process to make use of the Error Log. -sc Establish an FFDC Environment that include an FFDC Error Stack. If an FFDC Error Stack has not been previously established by an ancestor process, an FFDC Error Stack will be created. -si Establish an FFDC Environment that include and FFDC Error Stack, if an FFDC Error Stack was previously established by an ancestor process. If an FFDC Error Stack was not previously established, an FFDC Error Stack will not be included in the FFDC Environment for this process. fcinit is used by scripts to establish an FFDC Environment, which allows a process and its descendants to record information about noteworthy incidents for later analysis in problem determination efforts. This FFDC environment may contain an FFDC Error Stack if the command is issued with either the -sc or the -si options. Using an FFDC Error Stack, a process can determine how incidents in threads or children processes can cause related incidents in other threads or parent processes. An FFDC Error Stack cannot be used a process establishes an FFDC Environment for itself using the -sc options, or by inheriting an FFDC Environment containing an FFDC Error Stack from its parent using the -si option. Once an FFDC Environment with an FFDC Error Stack is established, the script can use the fcpushstk command to record incident information to the FFDC Error Stack. Scripts can also make use of the Error Log and the System log by using the fclogerr command when this type of FFDC Environment is established. When issued without any options, fcinit establishes an FFDC Environment which permits the script to record information to the Error Log and the System Log using the fclogerr command. Because an FFDC Error Stack is not included in the FFDC Environment in this case, the script cannot make use of an FFDC Error Stack or the fcpushstk command. fcinit: FFDC Environment successfully established. fcinit: Unable to establish an FFDC Environment for this process. 2615-501 fcinit Error: The '%1$c' option was specified more than once. 2615-502 fcinit Error: Unknown option specified - '%1$c%2$c'. 2615-503 fcinit Error: Cannot specify both the '%1$c' and the '%2$c' options to this command. 2615-504 fcinit Error: Cannot obtain information about this process from the operating system. This indicates an internal problem with this command. Error code from getprocs() is %1$d. Contact the IBM Customer Support Center to report this problem. 2615-505 fcinit Error: This command is being executed in its own shell. This command should be executed within the current shell, so that the command can alter the current shell's process environment. To do this in Korn or Bourne Shells, use this command as follows: . fcinit