ISO8859-1)}h&61K+}$ ? 0 ? ^ 0z FE=YC-E 1O7!"87Tk8B  ( #! L" d#$ ~$% %& &! '% ( 8) Usage: %s [ -v ] [ -k ] [ -f ] [ -m ] [ -u <%s|%s> ] [ -e ] [ -p ] -a | -q | -? Commands: -a: activate EFS on the system. -q: display list of supported algorithms and ciphers. -?: display this message and exit. Optional: -v: verbose. -k: default algorithm for keys (default: %s) -f: default cipher for files (default: %s) -m: default keystores administration mode (default: %s, other: %s) -u: can the user change its keystore administration mode? (default: %s) -e: algorithm for EFS administration key (default: same as -k) -p: skip PAM configuration (default: PAM is configured for EFS) yesnoUnrecognized algorithm descriptor: %s Unrecognized mode: '%s'. Valid modes are '%s' or '%s' Unrecognized value: '%s'. Expecting '%s' or '%s' List of supported algorithms for keystores:List of supported ciphers for files:Group '%s' not found on the system, keystore creation skipped. Enter password to protect your initial keystore:Enter the same password again:Error: passwords mismatch. An error occured while getting the password: %s Flag %c cannot be used with %c. Unable to load CLiC kernel extension. Please check your installation. Unable to load EFS kernel extension. Please check your installation. Unable to load CLiC library. Please check your installation. Unable to load EFS system library. Please check your installation. EFS has already been enabled on this system. Permission denied. You must have the '%s' authorization to continue. Permission denied. You must be root to continue. Error creating default attribute '%s' in file '%s': %s Unable to retrieve user name: %s Unable to retrieve group list: %s You must be a member of group '%s' to use this command. Unable to lock keystore: %s EFS library error: %s Unable to create keystore: %s Found existing file '%s'. Please remove this file first.Found existing keystore '%s%s'. Please remove the keystore first. Verbosity level set to: %d. This line was removed from /etc/pam.confChecking permissions...Loading EFS components...Creating '%s' subtree as required...Checking for previous installation...Writting EFS configuration in '%s'...'Encrypted filesystem is enabled. Encrypted filesystem is not enabled. Usage: %s [ -v ] [ -k ] [ -f ] [ -m ] [ -u <%s|%s> ] [ -e ] [ -p ] [ -d baseDN ] -a | -q | -? Commands: -a: activate EFS on the system. -q: display list of supported algorithms and ciphers. -?: display this message and exit. Optional: -v: verbose. -k: default algorithm for keys (default: %s) -f: default cipher for files (default: %s) -m: default keystores administration mode (default: %s, other: %s) -u: can the user change its keystore administration mode? (default: %s) -d: baseDN where keystore entries to be created. -e: algorithm for EFS administration key (default: same as -k) -p: skip PAM configuration (default: PAM is configured for EFS) LDAP operation failed.