ùISO8859-1<?CG*J'uº 'Ó û  0 OMm„»o@½°UndÄ{)Â¥Nh÷Ï{,K%xdžn s r9 æN K o’ »g N4 ¶OnOffYESNODISPLAY/CHANGE DIAGNOSTIC RUN TIME OPTIONSDisplay Diagnostic Mode Selection MenusInclude Advanced DiagnosticsRun Tests Multiple TimesNumber of days used to search error logDisplay Progress IndicatorsDiagnostic Event LoggingDiagnostic Event Log file sizeSave changes to the database?Select values for the options below. When finished, use 'Commit' to continue. Use the 'Tab' key to toggle the value of the option. Press the 'Commit' key when all the run time options have the desired values.The 'Test Multiple Times' option can only be enabled when the 'Include Advanced Diagnostics' option is enabled.This option allows the user to run diagnostics in either System Verification or Problem Determination Mode. When this option is off, diagnostics will run in Problem Determination mode only.This option allows the user to run Advanced Diagnostics from the Task Selection Menu.This option allows the user to control how many times diagnostic applications are run in succession.This option allows the user to control how old error log entries must be before they are no longer analyzed by diagnostics.This option allows the user to control whether or not progress indicators are displayed by diagnostic applications. Not all diagnostic applications are capable of displaying progress indicators.This option allows the user to control whether or not diagnostics logs events.This option allows the user to control the maximum size of the diagnostic event log. The only allowable sizes are in increments of hundreds of kilobytes. The size of the log can never be reduced.If the Run Time Options are not saved to the database, then they will only take affect for this session of diagnostics. If they are saved, then the options will remain in affect until they are changed again.Make changes effective for this session onlyRestore all options to default valuesThis option allows the user to reset all of the diagnostic run time options to their default values.The size of the Diagnostic Event Log cannot be increased unless the size of the /var file system is increased.Usage: diagsetrto [-a on/off] [-d on/off] [-e on/off] [-l size] [-m on/off] [-n days] [-p on/off]Usage: diaggetrto [-a] [-d] [-e] [-l] [-m] [-n] [-p] [-s]The size of the Diagnostic Event Log cannot be decreased below %1$d kilobytes.The number of days used to search the error log must be between 1 and %1$d.The size of the Diagnostic Event Log must be at least %1$d kilobytes and at most %2$d kilobytes. Only sizes divisible by %3$d kilobytes are valid.Usage: diagsetrto [-a on/off] [-d on/off] [-l size] [-m on/off] [-n days] [-p on/off]Usage: diaggetrto [-a] [-d] [-l] [-m] [-n] [-p] [-s]