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The Service Request Number is %2$s.Periodic Diagnostics for %1$s reports the following: %2$s Automatic Error Log Analysis for %1$s has detected a problem. The Service Request Number is %2$s.Automatic Error Log Analysis for %1$s reports the following: %2$s Unable to test resource %1$s because another diagnostic session was in progress.Diagnostic Reminder for %1$s has detected a problem. The Service Request Number is %2$s.Diagnostic Reminder for %1$s reports the following: %2$s The system detected resources that were not installed.A software error was encountered while running the Diagnostic Application on %1$s.A hardware problem could not be passed to the Service Focal Point. Use "errpt -a -l %1$s" for more details.A path was not detected that was previously available.Periodic Diagnostics for %1$s has detected a problem. The Service Request Number is %2$s.Automatic Error Log Analysis for %1$s has detected a problem. The Service Request Number is %2$s.Diagnostic Reminder for %1$s has detected a problem. The Service Request Number is %2$s.Dual Channel SCSI RAID Enablement CardPCI-X266 Planar 3Gb SAS RAID AdapterMissing options resolution for PCI Express x1 Auxiliary Cache AdapterMissing options resolution for PCI-X266 Planar 3Gb SAS RAID AdapterAn error was found with the I/O Planar during IPL.An error was found with the Standard I/O Planar during IPL.Power Status register indicates the following problem:Service Request Number is based on machine check log out data.Service Request Number is based on external check log out data.software errormemory - size and location not knownthermal high limitinternal power supply failurepower supply overloadloss of primary powerpower supply fanmemory fanI/O fanmemory cardmultiple(8) simms Service Request Number is based on error log analysisOne memory card and eight simms were found to be defective.Two memory cards and sixteen simms were found to be defective. Translation control word simm test failed during IPLTranslation control word simmError Log Analysis detected machine checkAn error was found with the IOD during IPL.CPU Module test failed during IPL.Interprocessor test unit failed.multiple(4) simmsErrors found during IPL were logged by the BUMP.Multiple memory parity error is diagnosed from error log analysisCheckstop Analysis indicates a down level system planar.Checkstop Analysis indicates CPU bus data parity error.Checkstop Analysis indicates parity error on data bus.Checkstop Analysis indicates CPU sequencer timeout.Checkstop Analysis indicates CPU bus address parity error.Checkstop Analysis indicates internal cache parity error.Checkstop Analysis indicates CPU problem or programming error.Checkstop Analysis indicates SRAM directory parity error.Checkstop Analysis indicates parity error on the system bus.Checkstop Analysis indicates CPU dispatch timeout.Checkstop Analysis indicates CPU internal data cache parity error.Checkstop Analysis indicates CPU bus instruction cache parity error.Checkstop Analysis indicates system bus memory address parity error.Checkstop Analysis indicates CPU detected data parity error.Checkstop Analsyis indicates global checkstop asserted.Checkstop Analysis indicates uncorrectable ECC error.Run the 'Display Checkstop Analysis Results' task for detailed information about the latest checkstop.Any base memory cardmedia fanCPU fandisk drive fanplanar fanfront fanrear fanmain fanMCA fanlogic fanA floating point instruction gives a result that is not correct.Floating Point ProcessorPower On Self Test indicates a processor failure.Processor deconfigured due to errors.Processor has been deconfigured. System is operating in degraded mode.Recoverable errors on resource indicate trend toward unrecoverable error. However the resource could not be deconfigured and is still in use.Processor has been deconfigured due to a trend toward unrecoverable error.Processor has a status of failed.A processor has been deconfigured due to a trend toward an unrecoverable error. The system is operating in a degraded mode. The problem may be corrected by array bit steering. Use map 0235.Recoverable errors on a processor indicate a potential for an unrecoverable error. The resource cannot be deconfigured and is still in use. The problem may be corrected by array bit steering. Use map 0235.A floating point instruction produced a result that is not correct. The processor should be replaced as soon as possible. Verify any critical data calculated using the floating point function.A floating point instruction produced a result that is not correct. Verify any critical data calculated using the floating point function. The operating system will attempt to deconfigure the processor.A memory simm was found to be defective during IPL.A memory card was found to be defective during IPL.1 MB SD1 Memory SIMM2 MB SD1 Memory SIMM4 MB HD2 Memory SIMM8 MB SD1 Memory Card16 MB SD1 Memory Card32 MB HD2 Memory CardA memory card and 2 simms were found to be defective during IPL.A memory card and 3 simms were found to be defective during IPL.32 or 64 MB, S1 or S3 Memory Card32 or 64 MB, S1 or S3 Memory Card4 MB S1.5 Memory SIMM4 MB S3 Memory SIMM8 MB S1.5 Memory SIMM8 MB S3 Memory SIMM32 MB S2.5 Memory Card4 MB S2.5 Memory SIMM1 MB S3 Memory SIMM2 MB S3 Memory SIMM8 MB S3 Memory Card16 MB S3 Memory Card32 MB S1.5 Memory Card32 MB S3 Memory Card64 MB S1.5 Memory Card64 MB S3 Memory CardA Memory SimmMemory Card(s) Memory tests indicate System Planar/CPU card failureL2 cache tests failL2 cacheMCA Riser card8 MB MD2 Memory SIMM32 MB MD4 Memory SIMM8 MB Memory SIMM16 MB Memory SIMM32 MB Memory SIMM8 MB Memory DIMM16 MB Memory DIMM32 MB Memory DIMM64 MB Memory DIMM128 MB Memory DIMMA Memory DIMMA Memory DIMM was found to be defective during IPL.A memory card and 2 DIMMs were found to be defective during IPL.A memory card and 3 DIMMs were found to be defective during IPL.Standard Parallel Port PStandard Parallel Port P register test failed.Standard Parallel Port P wrap test failed.Standard Parallel Port P interrupt test failed.Serial PortMessage number is not valid.Asynchronus Cable EIA-232, Part Number 6323741Printer/Terminal interposer, Part Number 58F286110-pin to 25-pin cable, Part Number 59F3740Standard Serial Port register test failed.Standard Serial Port local chip wrap test failed.Standard Serial Port adapter driver wrap test failed.Standard Serial Port 10-pin to 25-pin cable wrap test failed.Standard Serial Port asynchronous cable wrap test failed.Standard Serial Port interposer wrap test failed.Standard Serial Port adapter test failed.Standard Serial Port converter cable, Part Number 31F459010-pin to 25-pin cable, Part Number 59F4533Standard Serial Port converter cable wrap test failed.Standard Serial Port converter cable, Part Number 31F4126Standard Serial Port converter cable, Part Number 6450242Printer/Terminal Cable, Part Number 12H12048-Port Async Adapter EIA-232Multiport Interface Cable, Part Number 00F5524Asynchronous Cable EIA-232, Part Number 6323741Printer/Terminal interposer, Part Number 58F28618-port Async adapter EIA-232 register test failed.8-port Async adapter EIA-232 local chip wrap test failed.8-port Async adapter EIA-232 driver wrap test failed.8-port Async adapter extension cable wrap test failed.Multiport interface cable wrap test failed.Asynchronous cable wrap test failed.Interposer wrap test failed.8-port EIA-232 adapter test failed.8/16-Port Rack Extension Cable, Part Number 53F3048Printer/Terminal Cable, Part Number 12H120416-Port Async Adapter EIA-23216-Port Interface Cable EIA-232, Part Number 53F3311Asynchronous Cable EIA-232, Part Number 6323741Printer/Terminal interposer, Part Number 58F286116-port Async adapter EIA-232 register test failed.16-port Async adapter EIA-232 local chip wrap test failed.16-port Async adapter EIA-232 driver wrap test failed.16-port Async adapter extension cable wrap test failed.16-port interface cable EIA-232 wrap test failed.Asynchronous cable wrap test failed.Interposer wrap test failed.16-port EIA-232 adapter test failed.8/16-Port Rack Extension Cable, Part Number 53F3048Printer/Terminal Cable, Part Number 12H120464-Port Async Controller Port16-Port Async Concentrator, Part Number 53F3371Asynchronous Cable EIA-232, Part Number 6323741Printer/Terminal interposer, Part Number 58F286164-Port Controller Cable, Part Number 53F3368RJ-45 to DB-25 converter cable, Part Number 53F336764-port Async Controller VPD test failed.64-port Async Controller memory test failed.64-port Async Controller wrap test failed.64-port Controller cable wrap test failed.16-Port Concentrator wrap test failed.RJ-45 to DB-25 converter cable wrap test failed.Asynchronous cable wrap test failed.Interposer wrap test failed.64-port Async Controller test failed.Printer/Terminal Cable, Part Number 12H1204The POS register test failed.The hard reset test failed.The shared memory test failed.The I/O registers test failed.The Vital Product Data test failed.The internal loopback test failed.The external loopback (DIX connector) test failed.The external loopback (BNC connector) test failed.Error log analysis found a problem with the adapter.Configuration fails.SoftwareThe device driver indicates a hardware failure.The Transceiver Test FailedThe TransceiverMultiprotocol Adapter PortAdapter hardware has caused a software failure.Error log analysis indicates a software failure.Error log analysis indicates a device failure.Error log analysis indicates an adapter failure.An adapter software initialization error occurred during the ROS POST test.Extended DRAM SIP test failed.ROS checksum test failed.Internal test failed.Memory size test failed.Interface ID test failed.EIB ID test failed.ROS version test failed.DUSCC Register test failed.CIO register test failed.DMA tegister test failed.X.21 PAL test failed.Port 0 - V.35 external wrap test failed.Port 0 - 232D external wrap test failed.Port 0 - X.21 external wrap test failed.Port 0 - 422A external wrap test failed.Port 1 - 232D external wrap test failed.Port 1 - V.35 external wrap test failed.Port 3 - 232D external wrap test failed.Port 2 - 232D external wrap test failed.Port 2 - 422A external wrap test failed.The twin tail test has failed.Interface cable Port 0 - V.35 connector wrap test failed.Interface cable Port 0 - 232D connector wrap test failed.Interface cable Port 0 - X.21 connector wrap test failed.Interface cable Port 0 - 422A connector wrap test failed.Interface cable Port 1 - 232D connector wrap test failed.Interface cable Port 1 - V.35 connector wrap test failed.Interface cable Port 3 - 232D connector wrap test failed.Interface cable Port 2 - 232D connector wrap test failed.Interface cable Port 2 - 422A connector wrap test failed.RS-232 cable wrap test failed.RS_422 cable wrap test failed.V.35 cable wrap test failed.X.21 cable wrap test failed.Multiprotocol Base CardMultiprotocol Interface Cardinterface cablecable4-Port jumper cable wrap test failed.Configurations fails.The device driver indicates a hardware failure.Software6-Port Portmaster Adapter/A V.356-Port Portmaster Adapter/A X.218-Port Portmaster Adapter/A RS-2328-Port Portmaster Adapter/A RS-422reservedV.35 Electronic Interface Board, Part Number 72F0164.X.21 Electronic Interface Board, Part Number 04G5500.RS-232 Electronic Interface Board, Part Number 53F2612.RS-422 Electronic Interface Board, Part Number 53F2615.reserved1MB/2MB Memory module, Part Number 53F2662/53F2666.1MB Memory module, Part Number 53F2662.2MB Memory module, Part Number 53F2666.Six-port V.35 Interface cable, Part Number 72F1966.Six-port X.21 Interface cable, Part Number 04G5501.Eight-port Interface cable, Part Number 53F2621.software errorReservedPower on self test failed.POST DRAM test failed.reservedAdvanced DRAM test failed.reservedBase adapter test failed.Electronic Interface Board/Base adapter test failed.Eight port Interface Cable test failed.Six port V.35 Interface Cable test failed.Six port X.21 Interface Cable test failed.Error opening device driver.Error configuring adapter.Error configuring device driver.Token-Ring NetworkToken-Ring CableThe Token-Ring adapter open test failed at ring speed 4MB.The Token-Ring wrap data test failed at ring speed 4MB.Not able to set Token-Ring speed to 4 MB.The Token-Ring adapter open test failed at ring speed 16MB.The Token-Ring wrap data test failed at ring speed 16MB.Not able to set Token-Ring speed to 16 MB.An error occurred that could not be identified.Error log analysis indicates hardware failure.Tokenring configuration fails.The device driver indicates a hardware failure.Software.3270 NetworkThe 3270 Connection adapter register test failed.The 3270 Connection adapter RAM test failed.The 3270 Connection adapter interrupt test failed.The 3270 Connection adapter mode test failed.The 3270 Connection adapter connection test failed.Adapter hardware has caused a software failure.Configuration fails.Device driver indicates a hardware failure.Software.Expansion adapterAsynchronous Expansion unit adapter interface cableAsynchronous Expansion unit planarReservedReservedReservedReservedReservedReservedAsynchronous Expansion unit adapter register test failed.Asynchronous Expansion unit adapter VPD test failed.Asynchronous Expansion unit adapter internal wrap test failed.Asynchronous Expansion unit adapter address verification test failed.Asynchronous Expansion unit planar register test failed.Asynchronous Expansion unit planar VPD test failed.Asynchronous Expansion unit planar internal wrap test failed.POS test: the memory did not load correctly.POS test: the microcode did not start.POS test failed.POS test: driver IOCTL failed.POS test: a level 2 microcode file open error occurred.POS test: a level 3 microcode file open error occurred.Memory test failed (byte transfer).Memory test failed (word transfer).Memory test failed (longword transfer).There is not enough memory available now.Register test failed.Register test failed (CPU to MSLA interrupt not detected).Hardware test: the microcode started, but never progressed.68k instuction set test failed.RAM test failed.Trap test failed.Timer test failed.MTOS interrupt failed.Hardware test failed.Hardware test: the microcode did not load correctly.Hardware test: the microcode did not load or did not start.Hardware test: a microcode file open error occurred.SDLC wrap test: the memory did not load correctly.SDLC wrap test: the microcode did not start.SDLC wrap test failed.Modem wrap test: the memory did not load correctly.Modem wrap test: the microcode did not start.A modem wrap test error occurred.SDLC wrap test: a microcode file open error occurred.Modem wrap test: a microcode file open error occurred.Interrupt test: the microcode did not start.Interrupt test failed.Interrupt test: the microcode did not finish.Interrupt test: driver IOCTL failed.Interrupt test: IOCTL interrupt count failed.Interrupt test: a microcode file open error occurred.DMA test (CPU to MSLA): the microcode did not start.DMA test (CPU to MSLA): the transfer failed.DMA test (CPU to MSLA): driver IOCTL failedDMA test (CPU to MSLA): a microcode file open error occurred.DMA test (MSLA TO CPU): the microcode did not start.DMA test (MSLA to CPU): the transfer failed.DMA test (MSLA to CPU): driver IOCTL failed.DMA test (MSLA to CPU): a microcode file open error occurred.A hardware error was logged by the PSLA device driver.A hardware error was logged by the SSLA device driver.Keyboard adapter failed.Keyboard adapter control logic failed.Results that were not expected were received when the test ran.Register test failed.Keyboard adapter logic error.Keyboard adapter transmit error.Keyboard adapter receive error.Fuse test failed.Speaker controller error.Device cannot be configured.Unable to open the device.SoftwareFuseKeyboardTablet wrap plug not removed.Tablet adapter wrap test failed.Keyboard adapter reset failed.TabletKeyboard cannot be configured.Keyboard cannot be unconfigured.Keyboard device cannot be opened.Tablet cannot be configured.Tablet cannot be unconfigured.Tablet device cannot be opened.Keyboard/Tablet adapterResults that were not expected were received when the test ran.Status register test failed.Internal wrap test failed.Unable to put mouse adapter into non-block mode.Unable to put mouse adapter into block mode.Mouse.Fuse test failed.Device cannot be configured.Unable to open the device.SoftwareFuseMouse cannot be unconfigured.Mouse cannot be configured.Results that were not expected were received when the test ran.Enable device and disable device test failed.Internal wrap test failed.Wrap test failed.Reset test failed.Fuse test failed.Device cannot be configured.Unable to open the device.SoftwareFuseTablet wrap plug not removed.Tablet cannot be configured.Tablet cannot be unconfigured.Tablet device cannot be opened.An adapter error occurred that was not expected.An device or adapter error occurred that was not expected.Keyboard reset failed.Keyboard is not known.Read keyboard ID test failed.Keyboard layout ID test failed.Keyboard echo test failed.Select scan code set test failed.Error in turning lamps on.Error in turning lamps off.Keyboard does not work.Auto-click cannot be disabled.Auto-click cannot be enabled.Speaker test failed.Error log analysis indicates a device failure.Error log analysis indicates an adapter failure.Error log analysis indicates an unknown failure.Keyboard click test failed.Device cannot be configured.Unable to open the device.Tablet device cannot be opened.Tablet cannot be configured.Tablet cannot be unconfigured.TabletSoftwareSpeaker CableA device or adapter error occurred that was not expected.Mouse disable test failed.Mouse reset failed.Mouse read status failed.Mouse device failed.Unknown mouse.Mouse wrap mode failed.Error setting mouse parameters.Device cannot be configured.Unable to open the device.Device cannot be unconfigured.Software.Mouse not attached.Reserved for diagnostic controllerTabletStylus4-button cursorReservedReservedReservedReservedReservedTablet reset and read tests failed.Tablet internal wrap test failed.Tablet conversion and resolution test failed.Tablet indicator light test failed.Tablet origin and sense test failed.Input device indicator light test failed.Input device switch test failed.Tablet incremental data mode test failed.Tablet point mode test failed.Tablet switched incremental data mode test failed.Tablet remote mode test failed.Disable tablet and enable tablet test failed.Device cannot be configured.Unable to open the device.SoftwareCursorTablet cannot be unconfigured.Tablet did not respond.Tablet not attached.Tablet input device not attached.Graphics application input adapterRegister test failed.Testing indicates fuse has failed.VPD verification test failed.Wrap test failed.Control line wrap test failed.Baud rate test failed.Parity test failed.FIFO test failed.The communication drivers failed.Selective reset line driver failed.Error log analysis indicates an adapter failure.Device configuration fails.Software.Device driver indicates a hardware failure.I/O Planar.Dials cable needs replacement.Dials communication line failed.Dials selective reset line failed.Dials reset failed.Dials basic assurance test failed.Dials local wrap test failed.Dials unit failed.Device external power supply failure.Cable from Serial Port to Dial Unit Failed.Serial port that Dial is connected to failed.Device configuration fails.Software.Device driver indicates a hardware failure.I/O Planar.LPFK cable needs replacement.LPFK communication line failed.LPFK selective reset line failed.LPFK reset failed.LPFK basic assurance test failed.LPFK local wrap test failed.LPFK unit failed.Device external power supply failure.Cable from Serial Port to LPFK Unit Failed.Serial port that LPFK is connected to failed.Device configuration fails.Software.Device driver indicates a hardware failure.I/O Planar.150 MB 1/4-Inch Tape DriveCable, SCSI genericTimeout while attempting communication with SCSI device.SCSI device is indicating BUSY.SCSI device is indicating RESERVATION CONFLICT.SCSI device is indicating CHECK CONDITION.Error detected in request sense data.Drive returned sense data that was not expected.Vital Product Data mismatch.Drive returned non-extended sense data when extended sense data was expected.Condition from drive after a RESERVE is not valid.Write protect sensor failed.Condition from drive after a REQUEST SENSE is not valid.Timeout while attempting communication with SCSI device.An error is diagnosed from the error log analysis.The write, read, compare test failed.Unable to configure the device.An unexpected SCSI error occurred.Software Error.8mm Tape DriveCable, SCSI genericTimeout while attempting communication with SCSI device.SCSI device is indicating BUSY.SCSI device is indicating RESERVATION CONFLICT.SCSI device is indicating CHECK CONDITION.Error detected in request sense data.Drive returned sense data that was not expected.Vital Product Data mismatch.Drive returned non-extended sense data when extended sense data was expected.Condition from drive after a RESERVE is not valid.Write protect sensor failed.Condition from drive after a REQUEST SENSE is not valid.Timeout while attempting communication with SCSI device.An error is diagnosed from the error log analysis.The write, read, compare test failed.Unable to configure the device.An unexpected SCSI error occurred.Software Error.1/2 Inch 9-Track Tape DriveCable, SCSI genericTimeout while attempting communication with SCSI device.SCSI device is indicating BUSY.SCSI device is indicating RESERVATION CONFLICT.SCSI device is indicating CHECK CONDITION.Error detected in request sense data.Drive returned sense data that was not expected.Vital Product Data mismatch.Drive returned non-extended sense data when extended sense data was expected.Condition from drive after a RESERVE is not valid.Write protect sensor failed.Condition from drive after a REQUEST SENSE is not valid.Timeout while attempting communication with SCSI device.Refer to the Unit Reference Codes in the 1/2 9-Track Tape Drive documentation.An error is diagnosed from the error log analysis.The write, read, compare test failed.Unable to configure the device.An unexpected SCSI error occurred.Software Error.The display control registers test using direct access failed.The display control registers test using indexed access failed.The horizontal display registers test failed.The vertical display registers test failed.The sprite control registers test failed.The sprite control registers and disable sprite test failed.The miscellaneous registers test failed.The sprite and palette control registers test failed.The test of the Vital Product Data failed.The VRAM memory clear test failed.The VRAM memory write test with 0xFF failed.The VRAM memory write test with 0x33 failed.The VRAM memory write test with 0xCC failed.The VRAM memory write test with 0x55 failed.The VRAM memory write test with 0xAA failed.The VRAM memory pattern write test failed.The VRAM memory 16 bit write test failed.The VRAM memory 32 bit write test failed.The interrupt level test failed.The Bressenham line draw test failed.The multiple line draw test failed.The screen length line draw test failed.The step and draw line test failed.The step and draw multiple line test failed.The step and draw screen length line test failed.The area fill test failed.The color compare test failed.The color plane test failed.The PxBLT octant test failed.The 4 bit per pel test failed.The mask test failed.The mask enabled test failed.A VRAM to Host to VRAM DMA transfer failed.A VRAM to Host to VRAM DMA transfer using 4 bits per pel failed.The color display test failed.The clear display test failed.attached monitorAn adapter error occurred that could not be identified.An display error occurred that could not be identified.Global memory test failed.Register test failed.MBC register test failed.Not able to load graphics control processor.Graphics control processor test failed.Graphics control processor not found.Not able to load drawing processor.Drawing processor test failed.Drawing processor not found.Not able to load shading processor.Shading processor test failed.Shading processor not found.Pixel memory test failed.Not able to load multiple cards.EPM card failed.Multiple cards not found.Hardware error logged by device driver.Visual test failed.Graphics subsystem cableCVME interface cardGraphics Control ProcessorShading ProcessorDrawing ProcessorPixel memory cardThe attached monitorDirect memory access (DMA) test failed.FIFO test failed.VPD checksum test failed in Graphics control processorVPD checksum test failed in Drawing processorVPD checksum test failed in Shading processorVPD checksum test failed in Pixel Memory cardVPD checksum test failed in CVME interface cardVPD checksum test failed in Microchannel interface cardMicrocode load failedShared bus test failedAdapter diagnostic subcommand failed.Adapter fuse failed.Wrap test failed.BCR register write and read test failed.POS register write and read test failed.Internal and external reset test failed.Adapter command timed out.Adapter hardware has caused a software failure.Error log analysis indicates hardware failure.ROM CRC error.Adapter RAM error.Control logic failed.Diagnostics completed with previous error.Fuse, SCSI AdapterVPD Test failed.Thermal fuse has tripped.Device failed to configure.Software error.SCSI Bus problemFuse/Thermal device open.A medium error occurred that was not recoverable.The drive motor failed to restart.The drive electronics card failed.A bus failure occurred.Medium format is corrupted.Diagnostic test failed.A hardware error occurred that was not recoverable.Protocol error.A SCSI command timeout error occurred.A SCSI BUSY command error occurred.A SCSI RESERVATION CONFLICT error occurred.A SCSI CHECK CONDITION error occurred.Disk Drive has caused a software failure.Error log analysis indicates a hardware failure.The drive cannot be started.A Disk Drive hardware error occurred.A write protect error occured.857 MB Drive Electronics CardDrive head disk assemblyDrive Electronics CardError Log Analysis has detected error(s) that may require your attention.Use the Subsystem Service Guide to complete Diagnosis.SoftwareAdapter Configuration FailureDevice Configuration FailureThe certify operation failed.Error log analysis indicates a SCSI bus problem.SCSI bus problem: cables, terminators or other SCSI devicesDiskette Adapter failed.Diskette adapter failureDiskette Drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) select test failed.Diskette Drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) deselect test failed.Diskette Drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) recalibration test failed.Diskette Drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) disk change test failed.Diskette Drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) write protect failed.Diskette Drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) index test failed.Diskette Drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) step test failed.Diskette Drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) read test failed.Diskette Drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) write test failed.Diskette Drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) write and read test failed.Diskette Drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) low density test failed.Diskette Drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) verify test failed.Diskette Drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) motor speed failed.Diskette Drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) head settle test failed.Redrive Card Diskette adapter failed.Diskette Drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) select test failed.Diskette Drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) deselect test failed.Diskette Drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) recalibration test failed.Diskette Drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) disk change test failed.Diskette Drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) write protect failed.Diskette Drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) index test failed.Diskette Drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) step test failed.Diskette Drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) read test failed.Diskette Drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) write test failed.Diskette Drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) write and read test failed.Diskette Drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) low density test failed.Diskette Drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) verify test failed.Diskette Drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) motor speed test failed.Diskette Drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) head settle test failed.Redrive Card Error log analysis indicates a diskette drive (5.25 inch 1.2MB) failure.Error log analysis indicates a diskette drive (3.5 inch 1.44MB) failure.Unable to configure the device.Diskette Drive select test failed.Diskette Drive deselect test failed.Diskette Drive recalibration test failed.Diskette Drive disk change test failed.Diskette Drive write protect test failed.Diskette Drive index test failed.Diskette Drive step test failed.Diskette Drive read test failed.Diskette Drive write test failed.Diskette Drive write and read test failed.Diskette Drive low density test failed.Diskette Drive verify test failed.Diskette Drive motor speed test failed.Diskette Drive head settle test failed.Error log analysis indicates a hardware failure.POS register test failed.VPD CRC check failed.Host Bus Interface Module failed.Adapter Memory test failed.Processor on the base card failed.Processor daughter card failed.Bus Interface Module failed.Bus Interface Module failed to interrupt the host.DMA Bus Interface Module failed.Dynamic Bus Interface Module failed.Handshake Bus to Interface Module failed.Read/Write register failed.Read/Write test failed.VRAM test failed.Z-Buffer DRAM failed.Z-Buffer DRAMs failed.Z-Buffer DRAMs failed.Z-Buffer DRAMs failed.Window memory test failed.Red Screen verification failed.Green Screen verification failed.Blue Screen verification failed.Software Error.Error Log Analysis indicate hardware failure.Graphics Processor Card.Graphics Z-Buffer Card.Processor Card Test failed.Graphic Card Test failed.Option Card Test failed.Pipe Card Test failed.Device failed to open.Device failed to configure.Monitor test failed.This test failed.Attached MonitorPOWER Gt family graphics adapter base card test failed.Graphics card test indicates I/O planar failure.POWER Gt3 Processor CardCD-ROM DriveCable, SCSI genericNot able to reserve device.Not able to do configuration.Not able to open device driver.CD ROM indicates error.Error during audio test.Error during audio test.Error during audio test.Error during audio test.An error occured that could not be identified.After a response, an error occured.After a response, an error occured.Error log analysis indicates medium failure.Error log analysis indicates hardware failure.Error reading data on media.Software370 Parallel Channel Attach AdapterChannel Cable and Interface Box, Part Number 00F0000.Error opening device driver.Error configuring device.ReservedPower on self test failed.POS register test failed.370PCA adapter to system unit interrupt test failed.370PCA 80186 microprocessor test failed.DRAM test failed.SRAM test from 80186 failed.VPD verification test failed.370PCA interrupt level test failed.370PCA internal wrap test failed.370PCA adapter wrap test failed.Reserved.370PCA hardware register test failed.Reserved.Diagnostic microcode download failed.370PCA Channel Cable Interface box wrap test failed.Reserved.Hardware FIFO test from 80186 failed.Hardware FIFO test from Micro Channel Interface failed.Reserved.Reserved.Base address switching test failed.Micro Channel parity test failed.SRAM test from Micro Channel Interface failed.DMA test failed.370PCA interrupt test failed.370PCA data loopback test failed.Software errorDiagnostic self-test failed.Diagnostic self-test stop command sent.Buffer write, read, and compare test failed.Buffer write, read, and compare test stop command sent.Read and write test failed.Read and write test stop command sent.Seek test failed.Seek test stop command sent.Read and verify test failed.Read and verify test stop command sent.IOCINFO test failed.Write and read buffer failed on read and compare.Command timeout.Operating System failure.Disk Drive has caused a software failure.Error log analysis indicates hardware failure.The disk drive has failed. The disk drive has failed. The disk drive has failed. Riser Card 8-Port Asynchronous Adapter EIA-422AMultiport Interface Cable, Part Number 00F5524Terminal Cable EIA-422A, Part Number 30F8966ReservedReservedReservedReservedReserved8 port Async adapter EIA-422A register test failed.8 port Async adapter EIA-422A local chip wrap test failed.8 port Async adapter EIA-422A driver wrap test failed.8-port Async adapter extension cable wrap test failed.Multiport interface cable wrap test failed.ReservedTerminal cable wrap test failed.Reserved8 port EIA422 adapter test failed.ReservedReservedReservedReservedReserved8/16-Port Rack Extension Cable, Part Number 53F304816-Port Asynchronous Adapter EIA-422A16 Port Interface Cable EIA-422A, Part Number 53F3381Terminal Cable EIA-422A, Part Number 30F8966ReservedReservedReservedReservedReserved16 port Async adapter EIA-422A register test failed.16 port Async adapter EIA-422A local chip wrap test failed.16 port Async adapter EIA-422A driver wrap test failed.16-port Async adapter extension cable wrap test failed.16 port interface cable EIA-422A wrap test failed.ReservedTerminal cable wrap test failed.Reserved16 port EIA422 adapter test failed.ReservedReservedReservedReservedReserved8/16-Port Rack Extension Cable, Part Number 53F30488-Port Asynchronous Adapter MIL_STD 188Multiport Interface Cable Part, Number 00F5524Asynchronous Cable EIA-232, Part Number 6323741Printer/Terminal Interposer, Part Number 58F28618 port Async adapter MIL-STD 188 register test failed.8 port Async adapter MIL-STD 188 local chip wrap test failed.8 port Async adapter MIL-STD 188 wrap test failed.8-port Async adapter extension cable wrap test failed.Multiport interface cable wrap test failed.Asynchronous cable wrap test failed.Interposer wrap test failed.8 port MIL-STD188 adapter test failed.8/16-Port Rack Extension Cable, Part Number 53F3048Printer/Terminal Cable, Part Number 12H1204An error was found on the adapter.An error was found on the DRAM SIPs.An error was found with the X.21 interface adapter cable.An error was found with the V.24 interface adapter cable.An error was found with the V.35 interface adapter cable.Error log analysis indicates a hardware error.Adapter hardware has caused a software failure.DRAM SIPs on the adapter cardX.25 Attachment Cable - V.21X.25 Attachment Cable - V.24X.25 Attachment Cable - V.354-Port Multiport/2 Adapter RS-2326-Port Multiport/2 Adapter SYNC8-Port Multiport/2 Adapter RS-2328-Port Multiport/2 Adapter RS-4228-Port Multiport/2 Adapter RS-232/RS-422reservedRS-232 Electronic Interface Board, Part Number 09F1957.SYNC Electronic Interface Board, Part Number 15F8864.RS-232 Electronic Interface Board, Part Number 09F1889.RS-422 Electronic Interface Board, Part Number 15F8858.RS-232/RS-422 Electronic Interface Board, Part Number 09F1890.256KB/512KB Memory module, Part Number 16F2267/16F2265.256KB Memory module, Part Number 16F2267.512KB Memory module, Part Number 16F2265.Synchronous Interface cable, Part Number 15F8868.Multiport Interface cable, Part Number 00F5524.software errorreservedPower on self test failed.POST DRAM test failed, Low address.POST DRAM test failed, High address.Advanced DRAM test failed, Low address.Advanced DRAM test failed, High address.Base adapter test failed.Electronic Interface Board/Base adapter test failed.Multiport Interface Cable test failed.Synchronous Interface Cable test failed.reservedError opening device driver.Error configuring adapter.Error configuring device driver.I/O Planar - NVRAM test failed.I/O Planar - Time of Day RAM test failed.I/O Planar - CRRA register test failed.I/O Planar - operator test panel LED failed.I/O Planar - battery test failed.I/O Planar - Time of Day a PORI/O Planar - Time of Day clock is not running.I/O Planar - key lock failed.Operator panelI/O Planar - batteryOperator panel key lockThree-Digit DisplayThe EPOW connector test failed.I/O Planar - VPD test failed.The register test on the second I/O planar failed.I/O Planar - mode switch failed.Error log indicates that a DMA error occurredIOD Board - NVRAM test failed.IOD Board - operator panel LCD test failed.IOD Board - key lock failed.IOD Board - Time of Day at PORIOD Board - Time of Day RAM test failed.IOD Board - Time of Day clock is not running.IOD Board - battery test failed.Use the 9333 Installation and Service Guide.Configuration For Device Fails SoftwareDevice driver indicates a hardware failureError log indicates a hardware failureCPU PlanarSerial Optic Channel ConverterBuffer Access Mode Test FailsInternal Wrap Tests FailsInternal Wrap tests FailsData Wrap Tests FailsOptical CableTESTING %1$s %2$s IN LOCATION %3$s Please stand by.TESTING %1$s %2$s IN LOCATION %3$s IN ADVANCED MODE Please stand by.TESTING %1$s %2$s IN LOCATION %3$s IN ADVANCED MODE Testing multiple times. %4$6d passes completed. %5$6d errors logged. To stop the test, use 'Cancel.'%1$6X %2$s OPERATIONAL MICROCODE IS MISSING The %3$s operational microcode is either missing or not accessible. This microcode is necessary in order to use the %4$s in normal system operations.%1$6X %2$s DIAGNOSTIC MICROCODE IS MISSING The %3$s diagnostic microcode is either missing or not accessible. This microcode is necessary in order to run diagnostics on the %4$s.%1$6X %2$s DEVICE DRIVER IS MISSING The %3$s device driver is either missing or not accessible. This device driver is necessary in order to use the %4$s in normal system operations.* * * WARNING! * * * DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CHANGE TO ANOTHER WINDOW UNTIL THIS TEST IS COMPLETED. Changing windows while this test is running may cause unpredictable results to occur. Press Enter to continue or `Cancel' to exit.%1$6X RESOURCE COULD NOT BE RESTORED TO INITIAL STATE No trouble was found. However, resource %2$s could not be restored to its initial configured state. To restore the resource to its initial state, run the following command from the command line: rmdev -l %3$s -d Then run cfgmgr to reconfigure the system: cfgmgr If you are experiencing problems with your system after executing the commands listed above, it may be necessarey to shut down and reboot the system to properly configure all resources.TESTING ANALYZING ERROR LOG ANALYZING POST RESULTS ANALYZING FIRMWARE STATUS ADVANCEDNON ADVANCEDUse Enter to continue.Please stand by.Make selection, use Enter to continue.Loop Mode. %1$6d passes completed. %2$6d errors logged. LOOP MODEMake selection(s), use Commit to continue.Enter selection(s), use Commit to continue.TESTINGANALYZING ERROR LOGANALYZING POST RESULTSANALYZING FIRMWARE STATUSANALYZING CHECKSTOP FILEANALYZING SUBSYSTEM STATUSADVANCED MODENON-ADVANCED%1$6d passes completed. %2$6d errors logged. %1$6X RESOURCE COULD NOT BE RESTORED TO INITIAL STATE No trouble was found. However, resource %2$s could not be restored to its initial configured state. To restore the resource to its initial state, run the following command from the command line: rmdev -l %3$s -dR Then run cfgmgr to reconfigure the system: cfgmgr If you are experiencing problems with your system after executing the commands listed above, it may be necessary to shut down and reboot the system to properly configure all resources.%1$6X RESOURCE COULD NOT BE RESTORED TO INITIAL STATE No trouble was found. However, resource %2$s could not be restored to its initial configured state. Record the configuration of %3$s and its children by running the following commands from the command line: lsdev -l %4$s lsdev -p %5$s Then remove the resource and its children by running the following command: rmdev -l %6$s -dR Then run cfgmgr to reconfigure the system: cfgmgr Verify that the configuration was restored by running: lsdev -l %7$s lsdev -p %8$s Note: The rmdev command may delete user configured information. In addition, resources may have different names following the reconfiguration. If you are experiencing problems with your system after executing the commands listed above, it may be necessary to shut down and reboot the system to properly configure all resources. If the system reboot still does not correct the problem, then contact your service support structure.Adapter card test failed.POS Register Failed.I/O Registers Test Failed.Local RAM Test Failed.Vital Product Data Test Failed.LAN Coprocessor 82596 Internal Test Failed.Internal Loopback Test Failed.Thick And Thin Riser Card.External Loopback (DIX Connector) Test Failed.Twisted Pair Riser Card.External Loopback (BNC Connector) Test Failed.External Loopback Parity Test Failed.External Loopback Fairness Test Failed.External Loopback Parity And Fairness Test Failed.External Loopback (Twisted Pair Connector) Test Failed.External Loopback (Twisted Pair Connector) Parity Test Failed.External Loopback (Twisted Pair Connector) Fairness Test Failed.External Loopback (Twisted Pair Connector) Parity And Fairness Test Failed.Twisted Pair Wrap Data Failed.Device Configuration Failed.Software Error.Device Driver Indicates A Hardware Problem.Riser Card Determination Failed.Ethernet Transceiver (Twisted Pair) Test Failed.10BASE-T Transceiver (Twisted Pair) Failed.Ethernet Transceiver (Thick And Thin) Test Failed.10BASE-2 Transceiver (Thick And Thin) Failed.Internal Loopback Test (Twisted Pair ) Failed.Error Log Analysis Indicates A Hardware Problem.Fuse Test FailedBad FusePlacing Adapter In Diagnostics Mode FailurePlacing Adapter In Normal Mode FailurePlacing Adapter in On Line Diagnostics Mode FailureReleasing Adapter From On Line Diagnostics Mode FailureSystem Interface Registers Test FailuerAdapter Shared RAM Test FailureOne Transfer Adapter Ram Buffer FailureTwo Transfers Adapter Ram Buffer FailureThree Transfers Adapter Ram Buffer FailureOne Transfer Adapter Node Processor Bus Data Store FailureTwo Transfers Adapter Node Processor Bus Data Store FailureThree Transfers Adapter Node Processor Bus Data Store FailureOne Transfer Adapter Node Processor Bus Program Store FailureTwo Transfers Adapter Node Processor Bus Program Store FailureThree Transfers Adapter Node Processor Bus Program Store FailureMain Adapter Data Wrap Test FailureDownload Operational Microcode FailureDownload Diagnostics Microcode FailureNode Processor Instruction Test FailureInterface Support Array Chip Test FailureVital Product Data CRC Test FailureNode Processor Data Memory Test Failure Supplemental Logic Interface Test FailureFiber Distributed Data Interface Chip Set Test FailureData Path Between Interface Support Array and RAM Buffer FailureClass B Data Path FailureClass A Data Path FailureOperational Microcode CRC Test FailureExtender Vital Product Data CRC Test FailureExtender Adapter Data Wrap Test FailureExtender AdapterCrossover CableSoftwareDevice Configuration FailureDevice Driver Indicates A Hardware FailureError Log Indicates A Fardware FailureCPU PlanarTAPE DRIVEThe Reserve Unit command failed.The Inquiry command failed.The Load Unit command failed.The Unload Unit command failed.The Mode Select command failed.The Test Unit Ready command failed.The Send Diagnostics command failed.The Read, Write and Compare test failed.The Write Protect test failed.The Release Unit command failed.The Request Sense command failed.The Diagnostic Open command failed.The Device Configuration test failed.The SCSI Adapter Configuration test failed.Error Log Analysis indicates a permanent hardware failure.A Reservation conflict occurred.The drive returned bad or non-extended sense data.An Adapter or Bus I/O error occurred.A device timeout occurred.Test media.Software error.TapeSWUnexpected results from testMemory failureProcessor test failureMicrochannel interface test failureDMA test failureController test failureProcessor storage test failureMemory controller test failureMicrochannel interface controller wrap test failureOn chip monitor testing of Microchannel interface controller failedMicrochannel DMA test failedVPD CRC test failedError log analysis indicated a hardware failureDevice could not be configuredA software error occurredOptical wrapFibre Optic Sub-AssemblySoftware128-Port Async Controller Port16-Port Remote Async NodeAsynchronous Cable EIA-232, Part Number 6323741Printer/Terminal Interposer, Part Number 58F2861128-Port Controller Cable, Part Number 43G0937 (15 foot), Part Number 43G0936 (9 inch)RJ-45 to DB-25 Converter Cable, Part Number 51G8610128-Port Async Controller test failed.16-Port Remote Async Node test failed.128-port Async Controller VPD test failed.128-port Async Controller register verification test failed.16-port Remote Async Node VPD test failed.128-port Controller wrap test failed.16-Port Remote Async Node wrap test failed.RJ-45 to DB-25 converter cable wrap test failed.Asynchronous cable wrap test failed.Interposer wrap test failed.128-port Async Controller line test failed.Pinout converter wrap test failed64-port to 128-port Pinout Converter, Part Number 88G3651Printer/Terminal Cable, Part Number 12H12048-Port Async, EIA-232 (ISA)Multiport Interface Cable, Part Number 11H5967Asynchronous Cable EIA-232, Part Number 6323741Printer/Terminal interposer, Part Number 58F28618-port Async, EIA-232 (ISA) register test failed.8-port Async, EIA-232 (ISA) local chip wrap test failed.8-port Async, EIA-232 (ISA) driver wrap test failed.Multiport interface cable wrap test failed.Asynchronous cable wrap test failed.Interposer wrap test failed.8-port Async, EIA-232 (ISA) adapter test failed.Printer/Terminal Cable, Part Number 12H1204Attempting to exit diagnostics. Please stand by. Diagnostic Log sequence number: %1$u Resource tested: %2$s Description: %3$s Diagnostic Log sequence number: %1$u Resource tested: %2$s Resource Description: %3$s Location: %4$s SRN: %5$s Description: %6$s Possible FRUs: Diagnostic Log sequence number: %1$u Resource tested: %2$s Menu Number: %3$s Description: %4$s Diagnostic Log sequence number: %1$u Resource tested: %2$s Resource Description: %3$s Location: %4$s SRC: %5$s Description: %6$s Priority:Location:FRU:Code Procedure:Configuration Procedure:Maintainence Procedure:External FRU:External Code Procedure:Tool FRU:Symbolic FRU Id:ReservedAdditional Words: 2-%08X 3-%08X 4-%08X 5-%08X 6-%08X 7-%08X 8-%08X 9-%08X