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NIS: server for domain "%1$s" OKNIS: 1831-038 server not responding for domain "%1$s"; still tryingypbind: 1831-039 broadcaster fork failure. ypbind: 1831-040 Set domain request to host %1$s, from host %2$s, failed (bad port). ypbind: 1831-041 Set domain request to host %1$s, from host %2$s, failed (not root). ypbind: 1831-042 Set domain request to host %1$s, from host %2$s, failed (credentials). ypbind:1831-043 cannot forkypbind: -ypset: allowing ypset! (this is insecure) ypbind -ypsetme: allowing local ypset! (this is insecure) ypbind: Can't ignore pipe exit signal. xdr_ypbind_setdom fails. ypbind: Internal error -- no broadcaster pipe. ypbind: broadcaster fork failure. ypbind: Broadcaster pipe failure. ypbind: Set domain request to host %s, from host %s, failed (ypset not allowed)! ypbind: Set domain request to host %s, from host %s, failed (not local)! %s: Permission denied. Must have root authority. setting PINGTOTTIM to %d seconds nfs_clean: Stopping NFS/NIS Daemons Usage: nfs.clean [-d][-y][-t nfs|nis] Starting NFS services: Starting NIS services: Completed NFS services. Completed NIS services. rpc.lockd -t[timeout] -g[grace_period] -d[debug] rpc.lockd: 1831-044 release_le: add_mon failed rpc.lockd: 1831-045 len(%1$d) greater than max len(%2$d) rpc.lockd: 1831-046 kill process (%1$d) rpc.lockd: 1831-047 add_reclock: insrtp = a = %1$x should not happen!!! rpc.lockd: 1831-048 add_mon = -1 in delete, should not happen rpc.lockd: 1831-049 impossible! rpc.lockd: 1831-050 no lock available rpc.lockd: 1831-051 wakeup(%1$x) cannot take place due to add_call malloc error rpc.lockd: 1831-052 unknown contact monitor (%1$d) contact_mon: 1831-053 problem with private data size (%1$d) to status monitor rpc.lockd: 1831-054 site %1$s does not subscribe to status monitor service rpc.lockd: 1831-055 cannot contact local statd rpc.lockd: 1831-056 cannot create tcp service. rpc.lockd: 1831-057 unable to register (NLM_PROG, NLM_VERS, tcp). rpc.lockd: 1831-058 cannot create udp service. rpc.lockd: 1831-059 unable to register (NLM_PROG, NLM_VERS, udp). rpc.lockd: 1831-060 cannot create tcp service. rpc.lockd: 1831-061 unable to register (NLM_PROG, NLM_VERSX, tcp). rpc.lockd: 1831-062 cannot create udp service. rpc.lockd: 1831-063 unable to register (NLM_PROG, NLM_VERSX, udp). rpc.lockd: 1831-064 unable to register (KLM_PROG, KLM_VERS, udp). rpc.lockd: 1831-065 unable to register (KLM_PROG, KLM_VERS, tcp). rpc.lockd: 1831-066 unable to register (PRIV_PROG, PRIV_VERS, tcp). rpc.lockd: 1831-067 svc_run returned rpc.lockd: 1831-068 process issues request %1$x (proc = %2$d) before obtaining response for %3$x rpc.lockd: 1831-069 unknown klm_reply proc(%1$d) rpc.lockd: 1831-070 unknown nlm_reply proc vaule: %1$d rpc.lockd: 1831-071 inconsistent lock reply exists, ignored rpc.lockd: 1831-072 %1$d not supported in nlm_call rpc.lockd: 1831-073 unable to free arguments rpc.lockd: 1831-074 blocked request (%1$x) cannot be found in message queue rpc.lockd: 1831-075 reclaim request (%1$x) cannot be sent and cannot be queued for resend later! rpc.lockd: 1831-076 could not add lock to local lock table rpc.lockd: 1831-077 rpc not supported rpc.lockd: 1831-078 cancel request pre_le=%1$x pre_fe = %2$x rpc.lockd: 1831-079 lock_granted message discarded due to lock table inconsistencies (unlock reply may be lost!) rpc.lockd: 1831-080 msg(%1$x) is deleted from message queue because reply cannot be created due to malloc problem rpc.lockd: 1831-081 message no longer in msg_queue rpc.lockd: 1831-082 local granted: rpc not supported rpc.lockd: 1831-083 no locks available rpc.lockd: 1831-084 message no longer in wait_queue, this may be a retransmitted msg rpc.lockd: 1831-085 cont_lock: remote and local lock table inconsistencies rpc.lockd: 1831-086 unknown lock return: %1$d rpc.lockd: 1831-087 cannot find lock in table. rpc.lockd: 1831-088 unkown rpc_unlock return: %1$d rpc.lockd: 1831-089 cont_test: unknown return: %1$d rpc.lockd: 1831-090 cont_cancel: remote and local lock tables are inconsistent rpc.lockd: 1831-091 cont_cancel: cannot find blocked lock request in msg queue! rpc.lockd: 1831-092 remote and local lock tables are inconsistent rpc.lockd: 1831-093 unexpected remote_cancel %1$d rpc.lockd: 1831-094 cont_reclaim: blocked rpc.lockd: 1831-095 reclaim blocked request already granted, impossible rpc.lockd: 1831-096 reclaim lock(%1$x) fail! rpc.lockd: 1831-097 reclaim block lock has been granted with reclaim rejected as nolocks rpc.lockd: 1831-098 blocked reclaim request already granted locally, impossible rpc.lockd: 1831-099 reclaim lock req(%1$x) is returned due to grace period, impossible rpc.lockd: 1831-100 unknown cont_reclaim return: %1$d rpc.lockd: 1831-101 File sharing request from %1$s (mode %2$d, access %3$d) conflicts with sharing for %4$s (mode %5$d, access %6$d) rpc.lockd: 1831-102 cannot malloc memory rpc.lockd: 1831-103 malloc error, loopback wakeup rpc.lockd: 1831-104 msg no longer in msg_queue stat_mon: 1831-105 len(=%1$d) is greater than 16! rpc.lockd: 1831-106 stat_mon proc(%1$d) not supported rpc.lockd: 1831-107 Cannot contact status monitor! rpc.lockd: 1831-108 cannot send because socket could not be created. rpc.lockd: 1831-109 udp cannot send due to out of cache ***** granted reclocks ***** ***** message queue ***** ***** no entry in message queue ***** ***** blocked reclocks ***** ***** no blocked reclocks ***** ***** monitor queue on (%s, %d) ***** rpc.lockd: 1831-110 request discarded due to a status monitor problem rpc.lockd: 1831-111 killed upon request rpc.lockd: 1831-112 svcudp_enablecache failed mallocrpc.lockd: cannot forklogfile fopen:rpc.lockd: 1831-528 hostname is not set rpc.lockd -t[timeout] -g[grace_period] -d[debug] -X[Xtensions] -b rpc.statd [-d DebugLevel] [-D] [-t threads] rpc.statd: 1831-113 cannot contact local lockd on %1$s status change, give up! rpc.statd: 1831-114 fopen(stat file) error rpc.statd: 1831-115 cannot talk to statd at %1$s rpc.statd: 1831-117 unable to free arguments rpc.statd: 1831-118 cannot create udp service. rpc.statd: 1831-119 unable to register (SM_PROG, SM_VERS, udp). rpc.statd: 1831-120 cannot create tcp service. rpc.statd: 1831-121 unable to register (SM_PROG, SM_VERS, tcp). rpc.statd: 1831-122 svc_run returned rpc.statd: 1831-123 open of rpc.statd: 1831-124 unlink of rpc.statd: 1831-125 insert_mon: mallocrpc.statd: 1831-126 fseek failedrpc.statd: 1831-127 fsync failedrpc.statd: mkdir currentrpc.statd: mkdir backuprpc.statd: open current directoryrpc.statd: renamerpc.statd: open backup directoryrpc.statd: mallocrpc.statd: closerpc.statd: 1831-128 cannot forkusage: %1$s [-f] chkey: Generating new key for %1$s. chkey: 1831-129 No NIS password found: cannot change key. chkey: 1831-130 No password found: cannot change key. chkey: 1831-131 Invalid password. chkey: 1831-132 cannot find master of publickey database chkey: 1831-133 Password incorrect. chkey: Sending key change request to %1$s... chkey: 1831-134 %1$s: unable to update NIS database (%2$u): %3$s chkey: 1831-135 Perhaps %1$s is down? Done. chkey: 1831-136 Unable to login with new secret key. keylogin: 1831-137 Cannot find %1$s's secret key keylogin: 1831-138 Password incorrect for %1$s keylogin: 1831-139 Could not set %1$s's secret key keylogin: 1831-140 Maybe the keyserver is down? keylogin: Can't find secret key. Maybe NIS is not running Usage: ypcat [-k] [-d domainname] [-t] mapname ypcat -x ypcat: 1831-141 Cannot get %1$s back from system call. ypcat: 1831-142 the %1$s has not been set on this machine. ypcat: 1831-143 cannot bind to NIS server for domain %1$s. Reason: %2$s. ypcat: 1831-144 %1$s argument is bad. ypcat: 1831-145 cannot get first record from NIS. Reason: %1$s. ypcat: 1831-146 cannot get next record from NIS. Reason: %1$s. Use "%1$s" for map "%2$s" Usage: ypmatch [-d domain] [-t] [-k] key [key ...] mname ypmatch -x where mname may be either a mapname or a nickname for a map -t inhibits map nickname translation -k prints keys as well as values. -x dumps the map nickname translation table. ypmatch: 1831-147 %1$s argument is bad. ypmatch: 1831-148 cannot get %1$s back from system call. ypmatch: 1831-149 the %1$s has not been set on this machine. ypmatch: 1831-150 Cannot match key %1$s in map %2$s. Reason: %3$s. Use "%1$s" for map "%2$s" yppasswd: 1831-151 cannot get domain yppasswd: 1831-152 cannot get master for passwd file yppasswd: 1831-153 %1$s is not running yppasswd daemon yppasswd: 1831-154 yppasswd daemon is not running on privileged port yppasswd: 1831-155 could not change passwd NIS passwd changed on %1$s yppasswd: 1831-156 Warning: cannot find public key for %1$s. yppasswd: 1831-157 Warning: could not reencrypt secret key for %1$s Secret key reencrypted for %1$s on %2$s yppasswd: 1831-158 you don't have a login name Changing NIS password for %1$s yppasswd: 1831-159 Not in passwd file. yppasswd: 1831-160 Permission denied. yppasswd: 1831-161 Password unchanged. yppasswd: 1831-162 Please use at least one non-numeric character yppasswd: 1831-163 Please use a longer password yppasswd: 1831-164 Mismatch - password unchanged. yppasswd: 1831-165 NIS login shell changed on %s yppasswd: 1831-166 reason yp_match failed on %s is %d yppasswd: 1831-167 Changing NIS shell for %s yppasswd: 1831-168 Error attempting to revert to real GID yppasswd: 1831-169 %s: cannot change shell and finger information at the same time yppasswd: 1831-170 Old shell: %s New shell: yppasswd: 1831-171 Login shell unchanged. yppasswd: 1831-172 Error setting shell for %s to %s Value is invalid. yppasswd: 1831-173 Error getting shell for %s. yppasswd: 1831-174 Check %s file. yppasswd: 1831-175 Error changing shell for %s to %s Value is invalid. yppasswd: 1831-176 usage: %s [-s [uname [shellprog]]] | [-f [uname]] yppasswd: 1831-177 couldn't change NIS login shell yppasswd: 1831-178 couldn't change NIS Gecos information yppasswd: 1831-179 NIS Gecos information changed on %s yppasswd: 1831-180 Changing NIS Gecos information for %s yppasswd: 1831-181 %s's current gecos: %s yppasswd: 1831-182 Change (%s) or (%s)? >yppasswd: 1831-183 NIS Gecos information not changed. yppasswd: 1831-184 Current available shells: yppasswd: 1831-185 %s's current login shell: %s yppasswd: 1831-186 To?> Password:Retype password:Old NIS password:New password:Retype new password:1831-549 Your password has expired. Please choose a new password. yppasswd: 1831-729 out of memory. Usage: ypwhich [-d domain] [[-t] -m [mname] | [-V1 | -V2] host] ypwhich -x ypwhich: 1831-165 %1$s argument is bad. ypwhich: 1831-166 cannot get %1$s back from system call. ypwhich: 1831-167 the %1$s has not been set on this machine. ypwhich: 1831-168 cannot get first record from NIS. Reason: %1$s. ypwhich: 1831-169 cannot get next record from NIS. Reason: %1$s. ypwhich: 1831-170 cannot find %1$s ypwhich: 1831-171 %1$s is not running ypbind ypwhich: 1831-172 %1$s is not running port mapper ypwhich: 1831-173 cannot call ypbind on %1$sypwhich: 1831-174 Cannot find the master of %1$s. Reason: %2$s. Use "%1$s" for map "%2$s" dump_ypmaps: 1831-175 Cannot bind for domain %1$s. Reason: %2$s ypwhich: 1831-176 Cannot get maplist. Reason: %1$s. ypwhich: 1831-177 Cannot find the master of %1$s. Reason: %2$s. ypwhich: 1831-178 Domain %1$s not bound. ypwhich: 1831-179 clntudp_create errorypwhich: 1831-180 (v2dumpmaps) cannot get maplistusage: %1$s [-aiuv] [-o options] [dir] ... %1$s: 1831-181 options ignored for unexport %1$s: 1831-182 nothing exported %1$s: 1831-183 must be superuser to unexport %1$s: 1831-184 unexported %2$s %1$s: 1831-185 Cannot open %1$s: 1831-186 %2$s not found in %3$s %1$s: 1831-187 re-exported %2$s %1$s: 1831-188 unknown address type: %2$d %1$s: 1831-189 %2$s: unknown host %1$s: 1831-190 unknown option: %2$s %1$s: 1831-191 %2$s allows %3$s access to too many hosts (max %4$d) %1$s: 1831-192 %2$s: sub-directory (%3$s) already exported %1$s: 1831-193 %2$s: parent-directory (%3$s) already exported %1$s: 1831-194 Out of memory %1$s: 1831-195 must be superuser to export Exported %1$s Usage: %1$s [-aiuv] [-o options] [directory] %1$s: A non-numeric UID was used with the anon option. A UID of 0 will be assumed Usage: %1$s [-aiuvF] [-f file] [-o options] [-V exported_version] [directory] %1$s: Can't export %2$s - file system already exported %1$s: Public access for %2$s not supported %1$s: option is repeated: %2$s %1$s: security flavor must be specified before option: %2$s %1$s: option out of order: %2$s %1$s: %2$s must share all security methods with %3$s %1$s: the exname option is only valid for V4 exports %1$s: cannot change the V4 root to %2$s %1$s: cannot change the V4 public to %2$s %1$s: replicas and refer cannot both be used %1$s: %2$s requires NFS version 4 export %1$s: %2$s: invalid locations information %1$s: localhost cannot be used in refer or replicas locations %1$s: %2$s must be a filesystem root %1$s: %2$s must be a filesystem root %1$s: 1831-184 failed to unexport %2$s %1$s: 1831-184 failed to unexport %2$s for version %3$d %1$s: 1831-184 unexported %2$s for version %3$d %1$s: 1831-186 %2$s with version %3$d not found in %4$s %1$s: 1831-184 %2$s with version %3$d not found %1$s: the scatter option is only valid for V4 exports with refer or replica locations %1$s: 1831-186 %2$s with version 3:4 not found in %3$s %1$s: 1831-750 must be superuser or authorized user to unexport Usage: nfsstat [-cnrsmtzabxg] nfsstat: 1831-196 Must be root for z flag nfsstat: 1831-197 kernel is not configured with the server nfs and rpc code. nfsstat: 1831-198 kernel is not configured with the client nfs and rpc code. Client rpc: Server rpc: Client nfs: Server nfs: nfsstat: 1831-545 The client system call nfs_cntl() failed. Version 4: (%1$d calls) Version 4: (%1$d operations) NFS Version 4 server: Compound RPC calls: Memory allocations: Odd attribute requests: State management: Client ID's: Open state: Lock state: State ID's: %s Pseudo filesystem node %s exported as %s Authentication methods: Anonymous UID: %d File operations: rpc.rstatd: IFNET off value = 0x%1$x rpc.rusersd: 1831-209 svc_rpc_udp_create: error rpc.rusersd: 1831-210 svc_rpc_register: error rpc.rusersd: 1831-211 run_svc_rpc should never return rpc.rusersd: 1831-212 cannot open %1$s rpc.rusersd: 1831-213 error svc_rpc_send_resultsusage: %1$s file [-m arg1 arg2 ...] yppasswdd: 1831-214 cannot write %1$s yppasswdd: 1831-215 cannot chdir to /var/yp yppasswdd: 1831-216 cannot bind to a privileged socket yppasswdd: 1831-217 could not create an RPC server yppasswdd: 1831-218 could not register yppasswdd yppasswdd: 1831-219 svc_run shouldn't have returned yppasswdd: 1831-220 could not reply to RPC call yppasswdd: 1831-221 no passwd for %1$s yppasswdd: 1831-222 %1$s: bad passwd yppasswdd: 1831-223 password file busy - try again. yppasswdd: 1831-224 fdopen failed? yppasswdd: 1831-225 fopen of %1$s failed? yppasswdd: 1831-226 couldnt reply to RPC call socket: 1831-227 All ports in use yppasswdd: 1831-228 cannot forkrenamesocketusage: %1$s file [-nopw] [-noshell] [[-m|-r] arg1 arg2 ...] usage: %1$s file [-nopw] [-nogecos] [-noshell] [[-m|-r] arg1 arg2 ...] yppasswdd: unknown option %1$s ignored key=%1$s item=%2$s yppasswdd: no change for %1$s Error changing passwd for %1$s %1$s: 1831-229 warning -- options ignored %1$s: 1831-230 cannot chdir to %1$s: 1831-231 cannot create tcp service %1$s: 1831-232 could not register service %1$s: 1831-233 cannot create udp service ypupdated: 1831-234 cannot forkusage: rpc.mountd [-nid] rpc.mountd: 1831-235 mount dispatch routine: rpc.mountd: 1831-236 cannot forkrpc.rwalld: 1831-237 svc_rpc_udp_create: error rpc.rwalld: 1831-238 svc_rpc_register: error rpc.rwalld: 1831-239 Error: svc_run shouldn't have returned rpc.rwalld: 1831-240 rusersd error rstat: getsockname%1$s: 1831-241 could not create RPC server %1$s: 1831-242 could not register SPRAYPROG %1$s: 1831-243 shouldn't reach this point rpc.sprayd 1831-244 could not reply to RPC call rstat: getsocknameUsage: rpcinfo [ -n portnum ] -u host prognum [ versnum ] rpcinfo [ -n portnum ] -t host prognum [ versnum ] rpcinfo -p [ host ] rpcinfo -b prognum versnum rpcinfo -d prognum versnum rpcinfo: 1831-245 %1$s is illegal port number rpcinfo: 1831-246 program %1$lu is not available rpcinfo: 1831-247 program %1$lu version %1$lu is not available program %1$lu version %1$lu ready and waiting 1831-248 cannot contact portmapper: rpcinfo: 1831-249 No remote programs registered. rpcinfo: 1831-250 broadcast failed: %1$s rpcinfo: 1831-251 Sorry. You are not root rpcinfo: 1831-252 Could not delete registration for prog %1$s version %1$s rpcinfo: 1831-253 %1$s is unknown service rpcinfo: 1831-254 %1$s is illegal program number rpcinfo: 1831-255 %1$s is illegal version number rpcinfo: 1831-256 %1$s is unknown host program %1$lu version %2$lu ready and waiting rpcinfo: 1831-247 program %1$lu version %2$lu is not available rpcinfo: 1831-252 Could not delete registration for prog %1$s version %2$s %1$s does not support portmapper. Try rpcinfo %1$s instead rpcinfo: couldn't find a suitable transport rpcinfo: memory error rpcinfo: netid %1$s not supported rpcinfo: Could not find %1$s Usage: rup [-h] [-l] [-t] [host ...] collecting responses... up load average:Usage: rusers [-a] [-h] [-i] [-l] [-u] [host ...] collecting responses.... rusers: 1831-257 cannot find host name! rusers: 1831-258 too many hosts on network Usage: rwall host .... [-n netgroup ....] [-h host ...] rwall: 1831-259 Cannot open /etc/utmp rwall: 1831-260 Message too long rwall: 1831-261 %1$s is unknown host rwall: 1831-262 Could not contact %1$s: Usage: showmount [-a] [-d] [-e] [host] showmount: 1831-263 %1$s showmount: 1831-264 table overflow: only %1$d entries shown showmount: no exported file systems for %1$s export list for %1$s: (everyone)showmount: Memory allocation failed. showmount: unknown host %1$s Usage: spray host [-i] [-c cnt] [-l lnth] [-d usecs] spray: 1831-265 %1$s is unknown host name sending %1$d packets of length %2$d to %3$s ... %1$d packets (%2$.3f%%) dropped by %3$s no packets dropped by %1$s %1$d packets/sec, %2$d bytes/sec %1$d is max packet size sending %1$d packets of length %2$d to %3$s ... %1$d packets (%2$.3f%%) dropped by %3$s no packets dropped by %1$s %1$d packets/second, %2$d bytes/second %1$d is maximum packet size Usage: automount [-n] [-m] [-tl s] [-tm s] [-tw s] [dir map [-mntopts]]... automount: 1831-266 Bad timeout value automount: 1831-267 Bad timeout switch already_mounted: 1831-268 malloc failed already_mounted: 1831-269 mntctl error Usage: automount [-n] (no mounts) [-m] (ignore NIS auto.master) [-T] (trace nfs requests) [-v] (verbose error msgs) [-tl n] (mount duration) [-tm n] (attempt interval) [-tw n] (unmount interval) [-M dir] (temporary mount dir) [-D n=s] (define env variable) [-f file] (get mntpnts from file) [ dir map [-mntopts] ] ... Must be root to use automount already mounted %1$s:%2$s on %3$s (%4$s) couldn't create mntpnt %1$s %1$s:%2$s no longer mounted remount FAILED: server not responding renew link for %1$s It's on my host automount:shouldignore():getmapent() returned NULL for mntpnt=%1$s, map=%2$s, opts=%3$s Found Internet interface: %1$s %2$s automount:islocal():net drivers misconfigured automount:islocal:gethostbyname() error for hostname=|%1$s| automount:Can not get my address. WARNING: ldap is not loaded ldap is loaded WARNING: ldap is not configured ldap is configured dlopen(%1$s) failed: $2%s dlsym(%1$s) failed: $2%s Can not open file: %1$s %1$s: Out of memory ldap_init(%1$s) failed ldap_simple_bind_s(%1$s) failed ldap_ssl_client_init() failed, reason = %1$d ldap_ssl_init(%1$s) failed %1$s: ldap_search_s on %2$s %3$s failed: %4$s %1$s: searching for %2$s in nisObjects dlopen(%1$s) failed: %2$s dlsym(%1$s) failed: %2$s usage: %1$s [-n] keyenvoy: 1831-270 This program cannot be used interactively. keyserv: 1831-271 %1$s must be run as root %1$s: 1831-272 unable to create udp service %1$s: 1831-273 unable to register service keyserv: 1831-274 Invalid %1$s keyserv: 1831-275 Cannot find %1$s's secret key keyserv: 1831-276 Invalid password for %1$s keyserv: 1831-277 unable to reply keyserv: 1831-278 unable to free arguments %1$s: 1831-279 writekeyserv: 1831-280 cannot forkrpc.rexd: 1831-281 No host name in %1$s rpc.rexd: 1831-282 mount %1$s: %2$s not in hosts database rpc.rexd: 1831-283 can not map port for %1$s rpc.rexd: 1831-284 %1$s not responding to port map request rexd portmap: 1831-285 %1$s not responding rpc.rexd: 1831-286 %1$s is not running a mount daemon rpc.rexd: 1831-287 %1$s not responding to mount request rexd mount: 1831-288 %1$s not responding rexd mount: 1831-289 not in export list for %1$s rpc.rexd: 1831-290 unable to mount %1$s on %2$s: %3$s rpc.rexd: 1831-291 unknown errorrpc.rexd: 1831-292 %1$s not in hosts database rpc.rexd: 1831-293 Host %1$s is not running mountd rpc.rexd: 1831-294 RPC error %1$d with host %2$s rpc.rexd: 1831-295 %1$s not exported by %2$s rpc.rexd: 1831-296 out of memory in unmount rpc.rexd: 1831-297 invalid mount revision rpc.rexd: 1831-298 mntctl error %1$d rpc.rexd: 1831-299 could not find %1$s to unmount rpc.rexd: 1831-300 svctcp_create error rpc.rexd: 1831-301 service register error rpc.rexd: 1831-302 service rpc register: error rpc.rexd: 1831-303 cannot create temp directory %1$s rpc.rexd: 1831-304 Select returned zero rpc.rexd: 1831-305 NULLPROC error rpc.rexd: 1831-306 reply failed rpc.rexd: 1831-307 mode reply failedrpc.rexd: 1831-308 window change reply failedrpc.rexd: 1831-309 signal reply failedrpc.rexd: 1831-310 No process to wait for! rpc.rexd: 1831-311 child killed to unmount %1$s rpc.rexd: 1831-312 could not umount %1$s from %2$s rpc.rexd: 1831-313 cannot allocate a pty rpc.rexd: 1831-314 cannot fork rpc.rexd: 1831-315 cannot chdir to %1$s rpc.rexd: 1831-316 cannot exec shell %1$s rpc.rexd: 1831-317 cannot exec %1$s rpc.rexd: 1831-318 out of memory rpc.rexd: 1831-319 root execution not allowed rpc.rexd: 1831-320 User id %1$d not valid ioctl: 1831-321 TIOCSETD failed ioctl: 1831-322 TIOCSETN failed ioctl: 1831-323 TIOCSETC failed ioctl: 1831-324 TIOCSLTC failed ioctl: 1831-325 TIOCLSET failed Warning on unmount create: Warning: unmount: rpc.rexd: 1831-549 User login name %1$s not found rpc.rexd: 1831-550 Can't set user credentials. Usage: on [-i|-n] [-d] machine cmd [args]... on: 1831-326 Unknown option %1$s on: 1831-327 unknown host %1$s on: 1831-328 cannot connect to server on %1$s on: 1831-329 cannot find . (%1$s) on: 1831-330 cannot locate mount point for %1$s (%2$s) where: 1831-331 Unable to get working directory (%1$s)where: 1831-332 out of memory in findmount where: 1831-333 invalid mount revisionwhere: 1831-334 mntctl error %1$d usage: %1$s [-d] rpc.bootparamd: 1831-335 cannot access symbols "%1$s", "%2$s", "%3$s" in kernel rpc.bootparamd: 1831-336 cannot open %1$s rthost: 1831-337 symbol not in namelist rtnet: 1831-338 symbol not in namelist rpc.bootparamd: 1831-339 read rthost in kmem failed. rpc.bootparamd: 1831-340 read routehash from kmem failed. rpc.bootparamd: 1831-341 read rt->rt_ifp from kmem failed. rpc.bootparamd: 1831-342 read ifaddr from kmem failed. rpc.bootparamd: 1831-343 read in_ifaddr from kmem failed. rpc.bootparamd: 1831-344 read rtnet in kmem failed. getfile_1: file is "%1$s" %2$s "%3$s" rpc.bootparamd: 1831-345 In debug mode rpc.bootparamd: 1831-346 cannot create udp service. rpc.bootparamd: 1831-347 unable to register (BOOTPARAMPROG, BOOTPARAMVERS, udp). rpc.bootparamd: 1831-348 svc_run returned rpc.bootparamd: 1831-349 unable to free arguments Usage: chnfs [-b num_biods] [-n num_nfsds] [-l num_lockds] [-I|-B|-N] [{-s|-S}] [{-v|-V}] [-r v4_root_node] [-p v4_public_node] [-L v4_lease_time] [-R {on|off|host[+host]}] [-g on | off] [-x xtend_cnt] [-P SS_path] [-G add | remove] Usage: chypdom [-I|-B|-N] newdomainname Usage: lsmaster [ -c | -l ] Usage: %1$s [-c | -l ] [directory] [-V exported version] [ -f exports_file ] Usage: %1$s [-I|-B|-N] Usage: %1$s [-s slave1[,slave2]...] [-O|-o] [-E|-e] [-P|-p] [-U|-u] [-C|-c] [-I|-B|-N] Usage: %1$s -d directory [ -f exports_file ] [-a uid] [-v {2,3,4}] [-e pathname] [-s|-n] [-I|-B|-N] [-x|-X] [-g directory@host[+host][,directory@host[+host]]] [-G directory@host[+host][,directory@host[+host]]] [-o {full|partial|none}] [-S security_method[,security_method] [-t {rw|ro|remove}{rm -h hostname[,hostname]...}] [-r hostname[,hostname]... [-c hostname[,hostname]... [-P|-p] [-D [yes|no] Usage: %1$s -f path_name -d remote_directory -h remote_host [-t {rw|ro}] [-m mount_type_name] [-w {fg|bg}] [{-S|-H}] [{-e|-E}] [{-s|-n}] [{-I|-B|-N}] [-r times_to_retry] [-b read_buffer_size] [-c write_buffer_size] [-o timeout] [-P port_number] [-u acregmin] [-U acregmax] [-v acdirmin] [-V acdirmax] [-T actimeo] [-p num_biods] [-M security_methods] Usage: %1$s [-O|-o] [-I|-B|-N] master Usage: rmnfsexp -d directory [-V exported version] [-f exports_file] [-B|-I|-N] [-F] Usage: rmnfsmnt -f path_name [-I|-B|-N] Usage: rmyp {-s | -c} %1$s: 1831-350 error in updating the domainname of the system %1$s: 1831-351 error in updating %2$s Slave servers for the domain %1$s Domains that are being served These NIS daemons will be started. ypserv will be started on system restart ypbind will be started on system restart yppasswdd will be started on system restart ypupdated will be started on system restart %1$s: 1831-352 Exiting because of errors in %2$s %1$s: 1831-353 error in adding entry to inittab %1$s: 1831-354 encountered an error in rebuilding the inetd data base mknfsexp: 1831-355 an export for %1$s already exists chnfsexp: 1831-356 an export for %1$s does not exist Unable to change %1$s. Aborting action %1$s: 1831-357 Error in unmounting %2$s for change %1$s: 1831-358 Exiting because of errors in %2$s %1$s: 1831-359 error in removing 'rcnfs' entry from inittab rmnfsexp: 1831-360 %1$s is not currently exported and is not in %2$s %1$s: 1831-361 %2$s not currently exported. Unable to change %1$s. Aborting action rmnfsmnt: 1831-362 Error in unmounting %1$s rmnfsmnt: 1831-363 %1$s not currently mounted ERROR: 1831-364 parameter values cannot be less than or equal to 0 Usage: %1$s [ -f exports_file ] [-c | -l ] [directory] Usage: %1$s -f path_name -d remote_directory -h remote_host [-t {rw|ro}] [-m mount_type_name] [-w {fg|bg}] [{-S|-H}] [{-e|-E}] [{-a|-A}] [{-s|-n}] [{-I|-B|-N}] [-r times_to_retry] [-b read_buffer_size] [-c write_buffer_size] [-o timeout] [-P port_number] [-u acregmin] [-U acregmax] [-v acdirmin] [-V acdirmax] [-T actimeo] [-p num_biods] Usage: %1$s -f path_name -d remote_directory -h remote_host [-t {rw|ro}] [-m mount_type_name] [-w {fg|bg}] [{-X|-x}] [{-S|-H}] [{-Y|-y}] [{-Z|-z}] [{-q|-Q}] [{-e|-E}] [{-j|-J}] [{-a|-A}] [{-g|-G}] [{-s|-n}] [{-I|-B|-N}] [-R times_to_retrans] [-r times_to_retry] [-b read_buffer_size] [-c write_buffer_size] [-o timeout] [-P port_number] [-u acregmin] [-U acregmax] [-v acdirmin] [-V acdirmax] [-T actimeo] [-p num_biods] [-K {any|2|3|4}] [-k {any|tcp|udp}] [{-l|-L}] [[-M {security_methods}] [-i {dio|cio[,cior]}] Usage: %1$s [-O|-o] [-C|-c] [-I|-B|-N] master %s: %s: No such file or directory. %s: Error. %s is not an NFS file system. %s: The local host's domain name has not been set.Please set it. Usage: %1$s [-I|-B|-N] [-S server] NIS server %s is not responding %s: %s is not a master NIS server or is not responding %s: no NIS servers are responding. If no NIS server exists on this subnet, then a server will need to be specified %1$s: There is already a master server for this domain running ypbind is currently running and will be restarted at system reboot. ypbind will be started at system reboot. ypbind is currently running but will not be restarted at system reboot. A NIS server will be found by broadcasting. %s is the NIS server. This system is not configured to run ypbind. Host %1$s unknown. Usage: chnfsdom rcnfs entry in the inittab is commented out No inittab entry for rcnfs could be found chnfsexp: 2 entries found, please give -V to specify entry Usage: %1$s -d directory [-V exported version] [ -f exports_file ] [-a uid] [-v {2,3,4}] [-e pathname] [-s|-n] [-I|-B|-N] [-x|-X] [-g directory@host[+host][,directory@host[+host]]] [-G directory@host[+host][,directory@host[+host]]] [-o {full|partial|none}] [-S security_method[,security_method]] [-t {rw|ro|remove}{rm -h hostname[,hostname]...}] [-r hostname[,hostname]... [-c hostname[,hostname]... [-D {yes|no} Usage: %1$s [-c | -l | -p ] [directory] Operation not permitted in the wpar Usage: %1$s -f path_name -d remote_directory -h remote_host [-t {rw|ro}] [-m mount_type_name] [-w {fg|bg}] [{-X|-x}] [{-S|-H}] [{-Y|-y}] [{-Z|-z}] [{-q|-Q}] [{-e|-E}] [{-j|-J}] [{-a|-A}] [{-g|-G}] [{-s|-n}] [{-I|-B|-N}] [-R times_to_retrans] [-r times_to_retry] [-b read_buffer_size] [-c write_buffer_size] [-o timeout] [-P port_number] [-u acregmin] [-U acregmax] [-v acdirmin] [-V acdirmax] [-T actimeo] [-p num_biods] [-K {any|2|3|4}] [-k {any|tcp|udp}] [{-l|-L}] [[-M {security_methods}] [-i {dio|cio[,cior]}] [{-C|-F}] Usage: makedbm -u file makedbm [-b] [-s] [-i YP_INPUT_FILE] [-o YP_OUTPUT_FILE] [-d YP_DOMAIN_NAME] [-m YP_MASTER_NAME] infile outfile 1831-365 items not in pairs 1831-366 cannot open database %1$s 1831-367 entry too big 1831-368 split not paired 1831-369 bad delitem 1831-370 bad block makedbm: 1831-371 cannot open %1$s makedbm: 1831-372 cannot create %1$s makedbm: 1831-373 cannot init %1$s makedbm: 1831-374 ERROR! makedbm: 1831-375 problem storing %1$.*s %2$.*s makedbm: 1831-376 cannot stat %1$s ypserv: 1831-377 Map name string too long. ypserv: 1831-378 ypcheck_domain stat error on file %1$s. ypserv: 1831-379 %1$s execl failure. ypserv: 1831-380 %1$s cannot respond to rpc request. ypserv: 1831-381 %1$s cannot free args. ypserv: 1831-382 %1$s no such map or access denied. ypserv: 1831-383 Domain %1$s not supported ypserv: 1831-384 Domain %1$s not supported (broadcast) ypserv: 1831-385 bad fds bits in main loop select mask. ypserv: 1831-386 invalid timeout in main loop select. ypserv: 1831-387 Cannot catch process exit signal. ypserv: 1831-388 Cannot reply to rpc call. ypserv: 1831-389 Stat error on map file %1$s. ypserv: 1831-390 Unable to create server for ypserv: 1831-391 Unable to register service for ypserv: 1831-392 Stat error on map file %1$s. Usage: ypset [-V1] [-h ] [-d ] server_to_use where host and server_to_use may be either names or internet addresses of form ww.xx.yy.zz 1831-393: Sorry, I cannot get an address for host %s from NIS. 1831-394: Sorry, I got a garbage address for host %s back from NIS. 1831-395: Sorry, the %s argument is bad. 1831-396: Sorry, cannot get %s back from system call. 1831-397: Sorry, the %s has not been set on this machine. 1831-398: Sorry, I cannot make use of NIS. I give up. 1831-399: Sorry, I cannot set up a udp connection to ypbind on host %s. 1831-400: Sorry, I could not send my rpc message to ypbind on host %s. Usage: ypxfr [-f] [-h ] [-d ] [-s ] [-S] [-c] [-C tid prot ipadd port] map where -f forces transfer even if the master's copy is not newer. host may be either a name or an internet address of form ww.xx.yy.zz -S ypxfr will check that ypserv is using "priviledged" ports. -c inhibits sending a "Clear map" message to the local ypserv. -C is used by ypserv to pass callback information. 1831-401: Sorry, I cannot set up a udp connection to ypserv on host %s. ypxfr: 1831-402 Cannot get order number for map %1$s from server at %2$s: use the -f flag. Transferred map %1$s from %2$s (%3$d entries). ypxfr: 1831-403 Cannot translate master name %1$s to an address. bind_to_server: server is not using a privileged port ypxfr: 1831-404 bind_to_server clntudp_create error ypxfr: 1831-405 (info) Cannot get order number from ypserv at %1$s. Reason: %2$s ypxfr(get_v1order) RPC call to %1$s failedypxfr(get_v2order) RPC call to %1$s failedypxfr: 1831-406 Cannot get master name from ypserv at %1$s. Reason: %2$s. ypxfr(get_v1master_name) RPC call to %1$s failedypxfr(get_v2master_name) RPC call to %1$s failedypxfr: 1831-407 Map %1$s at %2$s is not more recent than local. ypxfr: 1831-408 Cannot create temp map %1$s. ypxfr: 1831-409 Cannot dbm init temp map %1$s. ypxfr: 1831-410 Cannot do dbm close operation on temp map %1$s. ypxfr: 1831-411 Version skew at %1$s while transferring map %2$s. ypxfr: 1831-412 Cannot do dbm store into temp map %1$s. ypxfr: 1831-413 Rename error: could not move %1$s to %2$s. ypxfr: 1831-414 Rename error: check that old %1$s is still intact. ypxfr: 1831-415 Map name string too long. ypxfr: 1831-416 Cannot move %1$s to %2$s. ypxfr: 1831-417 Cannot recover from rename failure. ypxfr: 1831-418 Stat error on map file %1$s. ypxfr: 1831-419 Error from ypserv on %1$s (ypall_callback) = %2$s. *** Count mismatch in dbm file %1$s: oldyy=%2$d, new=%3$d *** ypxfr: 1831-420 Wrong version number! *** Count mismatch after emumerate %1$s: oldyy=%2$d, new=%3$d *** ypxfr: 1831-421 Error from ypserv on %1$s (get first) = %2$s. ypxfr: 1831-422 Error from ypserv on %1$s (get next) = %2$d. Duplicate key %1$s in map %2$s key %1$s was not inserted into dbm file ypxfr: 1831-423 Cannot get local machine name. ypxfr: 1831-424 Cannot send ypclear message to ypserv on the local machine. ypxfr: 1831-425 Cannot get master of %1$s. Reason: %2$s. Database file %1$s -- has bad format. Lock error on %1$s. Usage: mkalias mkalias: 1831-426 Unknown option %1$c mkalias: 1831-427 Unable to open input database %1$s mkalias: 1831-428 Unable to open output database %1$s Usage: %1$s [-u username] [-h hostname] newkey: 1831-429 must be root to run %1$s newkey: 1831-430 cannot chdir to newkey: 1831-431 unknown user: %1$s newkey: 1831-432 unknown host: %1$s Adding new key for %1$s. newkey: 1831-433 Password incorrect. Please wait for the database to get updated... %1$s: 1831-434 unable to update NIS database (%2$u): %3$s Your new key has been successfully stored away. Please retype password:%1$s: 1831-435 cannot open %2$s %1$s: 1831-436 ignoring line: %2$s stdhosts: cannot open %s Usage: yppoll [-h ] [-d ] mapname where host may be either a name or an internet address of form ww.xx.yy.zz yppoll: 1831-437 Bad %1$s argument. yppoll: 1831-438 Cannot get %1$s back from system call. yppoll: 1831-439 %1$s has not been set on this machine. yppoll: 1831-440 Ill-formed response returned from ypserv on host %1$s. ypwhich: 1831-441 cannot find %1$s yppoll: 1831-442 Cannot create UDP connection to %1$s. yppoll: 1831-443 Cannot make YPPROC_ORDER call to ypserv at %1$s. yppoll: 1831-444 Cannot create V1 UDP connection to %1$s. yppoll: 1831-445 Cannot make YPPROC_POLL call to ypserv at %1$s yppoll: 1831-446 Cannot make YPPROC_MASTER call to ypserv at %1$s. yppoll: 1831-447 Cannot get any map parameter information. Domain %1$s is supported. Map %1$s has order number %2$d. The master server is %1$s. yppoll: 1831-448 Unknown master server. yppoll: 1831-449 Map %1$s is not supported. yppoll: 1831-450 Map %1$s does not exist at %2$s. yppoll: 1831-451 Domain %1$s is not supported. yppoll: 1831-452 cannot get hostname yppoll: 1831-453 could not get NIS server %1$d Usage: yppush [-d ] [-v] map yppush: 1831-454 Map does not exist. Finding NIS servers:yppush: 1831-455 Cannot get an address for server %1$s. yppush: 1831-456 Cannot set up as a udp server. yppush: 1831-457 Cannot set up transient callback server. yppush: 1831-458 Invalid timeout in main loop select. yppush: 1831-459 No response from ypxfr on %1$s yppush: 1831-460 Cannot reply to rpc call. yppush: 1831-461 Bad server state value %1$d. Status received from ypxfr on %1$s: %2$s yppush listener: 1831-462 Garbage transaction status (value %1$d) from ypxfr on %2$s. yppush: 1831-463 Bad error code passed to rpcerr_msg: %1$d. yppush: 1831-464 Error talking to %1$s: yppush: 1831-465 V1 Error talking to %1$s: yppush: 1831-466 The %1$s argument is bad. yppush: 1831-467 Cannot get %1$s from system call. yppush: 1831-468 The %1$s has not been set on this machine. yppush: 1831-469 Cannot find an NIS server for domain %1$s. Reason: %2$s. yppush: 1831-470 Cannot build server list from map "ypservers". Reason: %1$s. yppush: 1831-471 Internal error trying to talk to %1$s.Map successfully transferred.Transfer not done : master's version isn't newer.Failed 1831-472 - ypxfr there cannot find a server for map.Failed 1831-473 - domain isn't supported.Failed 1831-474 - local resource allocation failure.Failed 1831-475 - ypxfr had an RPC failureFailed 1831-476 - ypxfr could not get the map master's address.Failed 1831-477 - NIS server or map format error.Failed 1831-478 - args to ypxfr were bad.Failed 1831-479 - dbm operation on map failed.Failed 1831-480 - file I/O operation on map failedFailed 1831-481 - map version skew during transfer.Map successfully transferred, but ypxfr could not send "Clear map" to ypserv Failed 1831-482 - no local order number in map - use -f flag to ypxfr.Failed 1831-483 - ypxfr internal error.Failed 1831-484 - Transfer request refused.RPC successRPC Cannot encode argsRPC Cannot decode resultsRPC Cannot sendRPC Cannot receiveNIS server registered, but does not respondRPC version mismatchRPC auth errorRPC remote program unavailableRPC program mismatchRPC unknown procedureRPC Cannot decode argsunknown hostportmap failure (host is down?)RPC prog not registeredRPC system errorInternal error trying to talk to %1$s.%1$s has been called.%1$s (v1 ypserv) sent an old-style request.NIS server not registered at %1$s.RPC error to %1$s: Local resource allocation failure - cannot talk to %1$s.System error talking to %1$s: updated passwd pushed passwd could not find %1$s/passwd updated group pushed group could not find %1$s/group updated hosts pushed hosts could not find %1$s/hosts updated ethers pushed ethers could not find %1$s/ethers updated networks pushed networks could not find %1$s/networks updated services pushed services could not find %1$s/services updated rpc pushed rpc could not find %1$s/rpc updated protocols pushed protocols could not find %1$s/protocols updated netgroup pushed netgroup could not find %1$s/netgroup updated bootparams pushed bootparams could not find %1$s/bootparams updated aliases pushed aliases could not find %1$s updated publickey pushed publickey could not find %1$s/publickey updated netid pushed netid updated netmasks pushed netmasks could not find %1$s/netmasks The NIS map netid may be out of date. Please update the netid NIS map. Usage: ypinit -m ypinit -s master_server ypinit -q [-o] [-n] {-m [slave1 [slave2]...] | -s master_server} ypinit:1831-485 Cannot enumerate maps from %1$s. Please check that it is running. ypinit:1831-486 Cannot get local host's name. Please check your path. ypinit:1831-487 The local host's name has not been set. Please set it. ypinit:1831-488 Cannot get local host's domain name. Please check your path. ypinit:1831-489 The local host's domain name has not been set. Please set it. ypinit:1831-490 You have to be the superuser to run this. Please log in as root. ypinit:1831-491 The directory %1$s doesn't exist. Restore it from the distribution. ypinit:1831-492 The host specified should be a running master NIS server, not this machine. Installing the NIS data base will require that you answer a few questions. Questions will all be asked at the beginning of the procedure. Do you want this procedure to quit on non-fatal errors? [y/n: n] OK, please remember to go back and redo manually whatever fails. If you don't, some part of the system (perhaps the NIS itself) won't work. Can we destroy the existing %1$s and its contents? [y/n: n] ypinit:1831-493 Cannot clean up old directory %1$s. Fatal error. OK, please clean it up by hand and start again. Bye ypinit:1831-494 Cannot make new directory %1$s. Fatal error. There will be no further questions. The remainder of the procedure should take a few minutes, to copy the data bases from %1$s. Transferring %1$s... ypinit:1831-495 %1$s's NIS data base has been set up with errors. Please remember to figure out what went wrong, and fix it. ypinit:1831-496 %1$s's NIS data base has been set up without any errors. At this point, make sure that /etc/passwd, /etc/hosts, /etc/networks, /etc/group, /etc/protocols, /etc/services/, /etc/rpc and /etc/netgroup have been edited so that when NIS is activated, the data bases you have just created will be used, instead of the /etc ASCII files. At this point, we have to construct a list of the hosts which will run NIS servers. %1$s is in the list of NIS server hosts. Please continue to add the names for the other hosts, one per line. When you are done with the list, type a . next host to add: %1$s next host to add: The current list of NIS servers looks like this: Is this correct? [y/n: y] Let's try the whole thing again... There will be no further questions. The remainder of the procedure should take 5 to 10 minutes. Building %1$s/%2$s/ypservers... ypinit:1831-497 Could not build NIS data base %1$s/ypservers. Running %1$s/Makefile... ypinit:1831-498 Error running Makefile. ypinit:1831-499 %1$s has been set up as a NIS master server with errors. Please remember to figure out what went wrong, and fix it. If there are running slave NIS servers, run yppush now for any data bases which have been changed. If there are no running slaves, run ypinit on those hosts which are to be slave servers. %1$s has been set up as a NIS master server without any errors. Usage: %1$s [-q] [-pghm filename] %1$s: 1831-500 cannot open %2$s %1$s: 1831-501 syntax error in file "%2$s", line %3$d %1$s: 1831-502 %2$s multiply defined, other definitions ignored %1$s: 1831-503 %2$s's groups exceed %3$d mknetid: 1831-727 out of memory Usage: %1$s -h (by host), %2$s -u (by user) 1831-504 Cycle detected in /etc/netgroup: %1$s. revnetgroup: 1831-505 syntax error in /etc/netgroup 1831-506 fatal error: %1$s revnetgroup: 1831-728 out of memory Invalid option(s), list of options is: ro|rw,soft|hard,fg|bg,intr,secure,noac,rsize=n,wsize=n,timeo=n,retrans=n retry=n,port=n,actimeo=n,acregmin=n,acregmax=n,acdirmin=n,acrdmax=n,biods=n %1$s: 1831-507 already mounted over nfs_mount: 1831-508 %1$d error while mounting %2$s:mount.c: 1831-509 nfsmounts malloc failed mount.c: 1831-510 nfsmounts mntctl error mount.c: 1831-511 automountd: out of memory in unmount mount.c: 1831-512 automountd: invalid mount revision mount.c: 1831-513 automountd: could not find %1$s to unmount Cannot malloc vmount struct, FATAL ERRORInvalid option(s), list of options is: ro|rw,soft|hard,fg|bg,intr,secure,noac,nodev,nosuid,bsy,shortdev,rsize=n, wsize=n,timeo=n,retrans=n,retry=n,port=n,actimeo=n,acregmin=n,acregmax=n, acdirmin=n,acrdmax=n,biods=n FREE_CHILD: process #%1$d exited with status 0X%2$x pc-nfsd error: 1831-514 -s option must be followed by a spooling directory path pc-nfsd: 1831-515 could not open /dev/null pc-nfsd: 1831-516 could not open /dev/console pc-nfsd: started from inetd pc-nfsd: 1831-517 invalid spool directory %1$s pc-nfsd: 1831-518 error - svc_run returned NULLPROC called PCNFSD_AUTH called AUTH returns %1$d %2$d %3$d PCNFSD_PR_INIT called PCNFSD_PR_START called pc-nfsd error: 1831-519 unknown function %1$d called Dispatch() AUTHPROC username=%1$s pc-nfsd: 1831-520 unable to create spool directory %1$s PR_INIT pathname=%1$s PR_START pathname=%1$s PR_START username=%1$s PR_START client= %1$s ...cannot stat it. ...PR_START returns PS_RES_NO_FILE ...PR_START returns PS_RES_ALREADY ...PR_START returns PS_RES_NULL ...renamint %1$s -> %2$s ... trying new spool file -> %1$s pc-nfsd: 1831-521 spool file rename (%1$s->%2$s) failed username is %1$s uid is %1$d gid is %2$d ...run_ps630 invoked ...PR_START returns PS_RES_FAIL ...forked child #%1$d ...PR_START returns PS_RES_OK usage: %1$s infile %1$s [-c | -h | -l | -m] [-o outfile] [infile] %1$s [-s udp|tcp]* [-o outfile] [infile] %1$s: 1831-522 output would overwrite %2$s %1$s: 1831-523 unable to open %1$s, line %2$d: too many files! expected '%1$s'expected '%1$s' or '%2$s'expected '%1$s', '%2$s', or '%3$s'cannot find C preprocessor: %1$s cannot find any C preprocessor (cpp) rpcgen: malloc failure Usage: %1$s -s primary_hostname -m twin_hostname -N primary_net_adapter -n secondary_net_adapter -D first_primary_disk_adapter -H first_secondary_disk_adapter [-d second_primary_disk_adapter] [-h second_secondary_disk_adapter] [-u udp_port] [-l logifle] [-e exports_file] [-t timeout_value] [-g grace_period] [-p number_of_pings] [{-r | -b} daemon_start] Usage: %1$s [-r |-b] %1$s: 1831-524 The configuration file, %2$s, already exists. Please remove it and try again %1$s: 1831-525 %2$s not found %1$s: 1831-526 Invalid UDP value %2$d %1$s: 1831-527 Error in updating %2$s Usage: %1$s -T Twin_primary_hostname -t twin_secondary_hostname -N primary_net_adapter -n secondary_net_adapter -D primary_disk_list -d secondary_disk_list -u udp_port -l logfile -e exports_file -w timeout_value -g grace_period -p number_of_pings usage: nfso [-c] -o option[%1$cnewvalue] [ -o ... ] nfso -d option nfso [-c] -a nfso: 1831-534 %1$s is not a valid variable name. nfso: 1831-535 Error occurred trying to set %1$s to %2$d. nfso: 1831-536 Error occurred trying to set %1$s to %2$d. (default value)nfso: 1831-537 Value %1$s to set variable %2$s is not a number. nfso: 1831-541 Some parameters were not parsed. nfso: 1831-542 Unknown switch. nfso -l hostname nfso: 1831-543 The client system call nfs_cntl(%1$d,%2$d,%3$d) failed. nfso: 1831-546 If nfs_socksize is greater than sb_max, this operation will fail. Use the "no" command to set sb_max. nfso: 1831-547 The '%1$c' option can only be used by root. nfso: 1831-548 The nfs kernel extension is not loaded. Only root can load kernel extensions. nfso -H enable_ha nfso -H disable_ha nfso -H sm_register nfso -H sm_ungegister nfso -H sm_gethost nfso -H dump_dupcache nfso -L [option] usage: nfso [-c] -o[p|r] option[%1$cnewvalue] [ -o ... ] tnfso -h [option] nfso -d[p|r] option nfso -D[p|r] nfso: 1831-549 The call to statd timed out. nfso: 1831-550 The call to lockd timed out. nfso: 1831-551 -l cannot be used with any other flag. nfso: 1831-552 -H cannot be used with any other flag. nfso: 1831-553 -c can only be used with -a or -o tunable. nfso: 1831-554 Out of memory. nfso: 1831-730 cannot contact local statd. nfso: 1831-731 cannot contact local lockd. nfso: -? nfso [-@ wpar] [-c] [-p|-r] (-a|{-o tunable}) nfso [-c] [-p|-r] (-a|{-o tunable}) Unknown workload partition. nfso: %1$s may not be set in a workload partition Portmapper not responding: giving up. Portmapper not responding: still trying. Portmapper ok. load_nfs: 1831-548 The nfs kernel extension is not loaded. Only root can load kernel extensions. rpcbind: 1831-549 Sorry. You are not superuser. rpcbind: 1831-550 %1$s: found %2$d errors with network configuration files. Exiting. usage: -[dw] -a (abort) specified without -d (debugging) -- ignored. rpcbind: 1831-551 cannot stat file = %1$s for reading rpcbind: 1831-552 invalid permissions on file = %1$s for reading rpcbind: 1831-553 rpcbind: xdr_%1$s: failed rpcbind: will start from scratch rpc.mountd: 1831-554 %1$s must be run as root usage: rpc.mountd [-nD] 1831-555 The number of servers must be greater than 0. 1831-556 %1$s: can't chroot to %2$s: %3$s. 1831-557 %1$s: can't chdir to %2$s: %3$s. usage: %1$s [-t timeout] [-g graceperiod] [-d debug] [-x xnfs] [-T retransmissions timeout] [number of server] Usage: nfsd [-a | -p] [-c max_connections] [-w max_write_size] [-r max_read_size] [-replicas=] [-root pathname] [-public pathname] [-gp on | off] [-gpx count] [-P SS_path] [-gpbypass] nservers nfsd -getnodes nfsd -getreplicas The default is to start nfs on both udp and tcp The max_write_size and max_read_size default is 64K The default root and public directories are / The default nservers is 1. Connection oriented Connectionless Version 2: (%1$d calls) Version 3: (%1$d calls) Usage: nfsstat [-cnrsmtz] nfsstat: can not open /dev/kmem nfsstat: failed to get kernel symbols %1$s from %2$s:%3$s Client nfs_translation: Server nfs_translation: 1831-557 n2a: memory allocation failed 1831-559 n2a: successful completion 1831-560 n2a: hostname not found 1831-561 n2a: service name not found 1831-562 n2a: symbol missing in shared object 1831-563 n2a: couldn't open shared object 1831-564 n2a: access denied for shared object 1831-565 n2a: attempt to free unknown object 1831-566 n2a: bad arguments passed to routine 1831-567 n2a: unknown option passed 1831-568 n2a: control operation failed 1831-569 n2a: system error 1831-570 n2a: unknown error 1831-571 n2a: error1831-572 no error1831-573 out of memory1831-574 routine called before calling setnetpath() or setnetconfig()1831-575 cannot open /etc/netconfig1831-576 error in /etc/netconfig: field %1$d of line %2$d 1831-577 netid not found in /etc/netconfig1831-578 no more entries in /etc/netconfig1831-579 unknown error; low version = %1$u, high version = %2$uwhy =1831-580 (unknown authentication error - %1$d)1831-581 Error %1$d1831-582 TLI Error %1$d1831-583 %1$s must be run as root Usage: automountd or: [-T] (trace requests) or: [-v] (verbose error msgs) or: [-D n=s] (define env variable) 1831-583 must be root 1831-584 mount_autofs: invalid mountpoint: /- Usage: autofs mount [-r] [-o opts] map dir 1831-585 autofs mount: memory allocation failed 1831-586 Cannot lock %1$s: 1831-587 Cannot find mount point for %1$s1831-588 fix_mnttab: no memory1831-589 dir %1$s must start with '/'1831-590 hierarchical mountpoint: %1$s and %2$s1831-591 dirinit: memory allocation failed1831-592 Warning: -m option not supported1831-593 Warning: -M option not supported1831-594 Warning: -D option not supported1831-595 Error: invalid value for -t1831-596 command line mountpoints/maps no longer supported1831-597 already mounted1831-598 cannot remount1831-599 Not a directorymountremountedmountedno mountsUsage: automount [ -v ] [ -t duration ]unmountedno unmounts1831-595 Warning: invalid entry for %1$s in %2$s ignored. 1831-595 Warning: invalid entry for %1$s in NIS map %2$s ignored. 1831-595 Warning: invalid entry for %1$s in nisplus map %2$s ignored. not logged cache hit rate: %5d%% (%d hits, %d misses) consistency checks: %6d (%d pass, %d fail) modifies: %6d garbage collection: %6d last garbage collection: %s Usage: cachefsstat [ -z ] [ path ... ] Cannot use %1$s1831-598 warning: problem writing logfile: %1$s (currently unmounted) end size: %1$6dk high water size: %1$6dk total for cache end size: Usage: cachefswssize logfile 1831-600 Cannot initialize stats library 1831-583 must be run by root1831-601 Cache %1$s is in use and cannot be modified.1831-602 no memory 1831-603 Invalid option %1$s 1831-604 invalid argument to option: "%1$s" 1831-605 name of label file %1$s is too long.1831-606 reading %1$s failed1831-607 version mismatch on %1$s1831-608 Cache size cannot be reduced, maxblocks current %1$d%%, requested %1$d%%1831-609 writing %1$s failed1831-610 lowblocks can't be >= hiblocks. 1831-611 lowfiles can't be >= hifiles.1831-612 path name %1$s is too long.1831-613 Reading %1$s failed.1831-614 Version mismatch on %1$s.1831-615 opendir %1$s failed: %2$s1831-616 lstat %1$s failed: %2$s1831-617 Could not open %1$s: %2$s, run fsck 1831-618 Could not stat %1$s: %2$s1831-619 Resource file has wrong size %1$d %2$d, run fsck1831-620 Could not read cache_usage, %1$d, run fsck 1831-621 Could not lseek %1$s: %2$s1831-622 Could not write cache_usage, %1$d, run fsck 1831-623 Could not write file, %1$d, run fsck1831-624 Could not mmap file %1$s: %2$s1831-625 Could not sync file %1$s: %2$s1831-626 Could not successfully close %1$s: %2$s 1831-627 Could not open %1$s.1831-628 Could not open %1$s, %2$s.1831-629 %1$s is not a CacheFS file system1831-630 CacheFS file system %1$s is not mounted demandconst.1831-631 Could not issue consistency request on %1$s %2$s.cfsadmin: %1$s usage: cfsadmin -[cu] [-o parameter-list] cachedir cfsadmin -d [CacheID|all] cachedir cfsadmin -l cachedir cfsadmin -s [mntpnt1 ... | all] cfsadmin: cfsadmin: list cache FS information cfsfstype: %1$s usage: cfsfstype file cfsfstype [-d] -r cfsfstype [-d] -f cfsfstype [-d] -b cfstype: 1831-583 must be run by root1831-633 Cannot open %1$s: %2$s1831-583 Must be run by root1831-635 can't open %1$s1831-636 can't read vtoc1831-637 write_vtoc failure1831-638 cfstagchk: %1$s usage: cfstagchk [-w] device cfstagchk: 1831-639 Cache directory name %1$s is too long 1831-640 Cannot open lock file %1$s 1831-641 Cannot gain access to the cache directory %1$s. 1831-642 Unexpected failure on lock file %1$s %2$s 1831-643 Unexpected failure releasing lock file %1$s1831-644 Cannot stat file %1$s: %2$s 1831-645 File %1$s does not exist. 1831-646 Cache label file %1$s corrupted 1831-647 Cache label file %1$s wrong size 1831-648 Error opening %1$s: %2$s 1831-649 Reading %1$s failed: %2$s 1831-650 Could not remove %1$s: %2$s 1831-651 Error creating %1$s: %2$s 1831-653 Writing %1$s failed: %2$s 1831-654 Writing %1$s failed on sync: %2$s 1831-655 Out of memory 1831-656 Cannot create cache in cachefs filesystem 1831-657 %1$s already exists 1831-658 mkdir %1$s failed:%2$s 1831-659 can't create %1$s 1831-660 unable to delete %1$s 1831-661 creating %1$s failed. 1831-662 create %1$s failed: %2$s 1831-663 out of space %1$d. 1831-664 write %1$s failed: %2$s 1831-665 lseek %1$s failed: %2$s 1831-666 cu write %1$s failed: %2$s 1831-667 fsync %1$s failed: %2$s1831-668 path name %1$s is too long. 1831-669 lstat %1$s failed: %2$s 1831-670 cannot open cache directory %1$s: %2$s 1831-671 unlink %1$s failed: %2$s 1831-672 rmdir %1$s failed: %2$s 1831-673 "%1$s" is not a valid cache id. 1831-674 Readlink of %1$s failed: %2$s 1831-675 directory walk of %1$s failed. 1831-676 failure on file %1$s, flg %2$d. 1831-677 statvfs %1$s failed: %2$s 1831-678 unknown option %1$s1831-679 Cache directory %1$s is in use.1831-680 Path name too long %1$s/%2$s1831-681 Could not process resource file %1$s: %2$s1831-682 Cannot open directory %1$s: %2$s1831-683 Cannot stat %1$s: %2$s1831-684 Cannot chmod %1$s: %2$s1831-685 Error walking tree %1$s.1831-686 Directory removed: %1$s1831-687 Could not finish resource file %1$s: %2$s1831-688 Path name too long %1$s/%2$s1831-689 Cannot open %1$s: %2$s1831-690 Error reading %1$s: %2$d %3$s1831-691 Cache directory name %1$s is too long1831-692 Run cfsadmin and then run fsck.1831-693 Cache label file %1$s repaired.1831-694 Could not stat %1$s: %2$s1831-695 Could not set modes bits on cache directory %1$s: %2$s1831-696 Mode bits reset on cache directory %1$s1831-697 Error on lstat(2) of %1$s: %2$s1831-698 Could not create directory %1$s1831-699 Created directory %1$s1831-700 Cannot remove %1$s: %2$s1831-701 Could not create directory %1$s1831-702 Unable to read link %1$s: %2$s1831-703 Could not open %1$s: %2$s1831-704 Cannot allocate heap space.1831-705 Unknown file %1$s/%2$s1831-706 Unable to remove %1$s: %2$s1831-707 Could not map %1$s: %2$s1831-708 File %1$s size wrong, old %2$d new %3$d:1831-709 Offset %1$d invalid - index %2$d1831-710 Metadata corrupted %1$d1831-711 File %1$s, bad lruno1831-712 Unknown file %1$s/%2$s1831-713 Could not remove file %1$s: %2$s1831-714 File %1$s removed.1831-715 Front file mismatch expected %1$d got %2$d in %3$s1831-716 %1$s bad lruno %1$d 1831-717 Hash table full1831-718 Removed ident %1$d1831-719 Unable to remove %1$s1831-720 Removed attrcache %1$s1831-726 Could not remove directory %1$s: %2$s1831-583 fsck -F cachefs: must be run by root Usage: fsck_cachefs [ -m ] [ -o options ] cache_directory fsck -F cachefs: Usage: mount -V cachefs [generic options] -o backfstype=file_system_type[FSTypespecific_options] special mount_point invalid optionmust specify cache directoryNFS write error on host %1$s: $2$d. NFS %1$s failed for server %2$s: error %3$d. (%4$s) NFS server %1$s ok File: userid=%1$d, groupid=%2$d User: userid=%1$d, groupid=%2$d NFS server %1$s not responding still trying file temporarily unavailable on the server, retrying... cachefs: UFS error on cache, cachefs: error in cache, run fsck AutoFS mounts/unmounts are only allowed by superuser and by members of the system group autofsmnthelp: Invalid command argument: %1$s autofsmnthelp: invalid mountpoint: /- autofsmnthelp: Could not find out hostname. autofsmnthelp: Invalid number of arguments: %d autofsmnthelp: invalid option %1$s ignored autofsmnthelp: Duplicate option %1$s, second specification ignored automount: Unable to start the automountd daemon. automount: Could not establish current mounts. fslock_mnttab: error opening mnttab.lock. fslock_mnttab: error locking mnttab.lock. fslock_mnttab: error closing mnttab.lock. fsaddtomtab: Cannot open %1$s fsrmfrommtab: can't open %1$s fsrmfrommtab: cannot lock %1$s fsrmfrommtab: truncate %1$s fsdupmnttab: Out of memory setmntent: can't malloc %d bytes. setmentent: error calling mntctl(). getmntent: warning - unknown fs type for %1$s %2$d. autofs_vmount: error %1$d while mounting %2$s: getword: input word size %1$d must be > 0 getword: maximum word length (%1$d) exceeded getword: map %1$s: line too long (max %2$d chars) str_opt: Bad option field auto_rddir_malloc: interrupted auto_rddir_strdup interrupted mount_autofs: uname %1$s do_lookup1: Memory allocation failed can't determine hostname, error: %1$d non AUTOFS_MOUNT_RQ requests not implemented the maximam number of automountd thread was set to %1$d unable to increase system resource limit unable to match threads to system resources decreased threads to match low resources unable to increase threads - continue with default chdir / failed unable to create cache_cleanup thread unable to create service PID inform error automountd: svc_run returned SIGHUP received: ignored dupreq_nonidemp: out of memory dupdonereq_nonidemp: out of memorydupdonereq_nonidemp: retry faileddupdonereq_idemp: cannot cache resultdup_request: malloc failedRequest rejected from non-local address %1$sRequest rejected from non-privileged port %1$dautofs_prog: Mount requestDuplicate requestunable to free argumentsmount of %1$s failedmount of %1$s/%1$s failedgetnetconfigent failedmalloc of alp failedmount_generic: Couldn't stat %1$s: %2$mCannot fork: %1$mexec %s: %1$mMemory allocation failed: %1$mservers %1$s not responding: %2$smount on %1$s is soft, and will not be replicated.mount on %1$s is not read-only, and will not be replicated.mount on %1$s is cached, and will not be replicated.mount of %1$s from %2$s failedCould not do thr_keycreatenfsmount: Incorrect NFS version specified for %1$snfsmount: server %1$s not respondingnfsmount: NFS version specified for %1$s not supportednfsmount: %1$s: Couldn't bind to reserved portnfsmount: %1$s doesn't support NFS Version 3nfsmount: %1$s server not responding %2$snfsmount: %1$s: %2$mnfsmount: %1$s not exported securenfsmount: %1$s: unknown authentication flavor %2$dnfsmount: unknown MOUNT version %1$ld on %2$s%1$s: invalid port number %2$dNo network locking on %1$s: contact admin to install server changeMount of %1$s on %2$s: return %3$d %mget_pathconf: Out of memoryget_pathconf: %1$s: server not responding: %2$sget_pathconf: no info for %1$sget_knconf: stat %1$s: %mget_knconf: no memoryportmap_cache_enter: Memory allocation failedno memorypingnfs: %1$s%2$sMount of %1$s on %2$s would result in deadlock, abortedcannot add %1$s to /etc/mnttabcannot add %1$s to /etc/mnttab - stat failedBad numeric option '%1$s'Memory allocation failed: %mumount %1$s:%2$s: Couldn't bind to reserved portportmap_cache: accesses=%1$d lookups=%2$d hits=%3$dhost_cache: accesses=%1$d lookups=%2$d deadhits=%3$d goodhits=%4$dparse_entry: bad key in map %1$s: %2$sparse_entry: mapentry parse error: map=%1$s key=%2$smapline_to_mapent: map %1$s: line too long (max %2$d chars)mapline_to_mapent: bad location=%1$s map=%2$s key=%3$smapline_to_mapent: Memory allocation failedhierarchical_sort: duplicate mntpnt map=%1$s key=%2$sset_mapent_opts: No memoryfstype_opts: No memorymark_and_fake_level1_noroot: out of memoryconvert_mapent_to_automount: Memory allocation failedoption string %1$s too long (max=%2$d)automount_opts: Memory allocation failedparse_fsinfo: mount location error %1$sparse_nfs: Memory allocation failedparse_nfs: bad entry in map %1$s "%2$s"get_dir_from_path: max pathlength exceeded %1$dalloc_hiernode: Memory allocation failedIncorrect NFS version specified for %1$sdo_mapent_hosts: %1$s %2$sdo_mapent_hosts: %1$s: export list: %2$sdo_mapent_hosts: Memory allocation failedmountpoint %1$s in map %2$s key %3$s not mounted: %4$smemory allocation errorrddir_cache_enter: memory allocation failedCouldn't find entry %1$x in cacheWARNING: build_dir_entry_list: could not add offset to index tablecache_cleanup thread unexpected error %1$dunable to set extension debug value to %1$dStarted AutoFS automount daemon via SRC; Process id is %1$d autofsmount: Could not find out hostname. fsdupmnttab: Out of memory svc_create: could not read netconfig databasesvc_create: could not register prog %1$d vers %2$d on %3$ssvc_create: %1$s: cannot open connection: %2$ssvc_create: t_alloc failed svc_create: no well known address for %1$s on transport %2$s svc_create: no memorynfscast: couldn't find addressessort_responses: malloc error. Warning: Bad executable map or key "%1$s %2$s", ignored. leading space in map entry "%1$s" in %2$sbad key "%1$s" in direct map %2$sbad key "%1$s" in indirect map %2$sleading space in map entry "%1$s" in %2$smap %1$s: line too long (max %2$d chars)stack_op: Memory alloc failed : %mread_execout: Cannot create piperead_execout: Memory allocation failedread_execout: Cannot forkread_execout: dup of stdout failed%1$s/%2$s: opts too long (max %3$d chars)FNS home dir query failed: %1$sloadmaster_map returns FAIL gethostkeys: malloc of buffer failedautomount: master_map %1$s not found getmapent_nis: memory alloc failed: %mloadmaster_yp: memory alloc failed: %mcan't read nis map %1$s: %2$s - retryingnis map %1$s: read OK.%1$s in NIS map %2$s: entry too long (max %3$d chars)loadmaster_yp: memory alloc failed: %m%1$s: %2$sgetmapkeys_nis: memory alloc failed: %mnisplus can't list map, %1$s: %2$s nis_list failed%s in nisplus master map: entry too long (max %1$d chars)nisplus_match: malloc failednfsmount: Couldn't stat %1%s: %2$mnfsmount: can't get posix info for %1$sautofsmount: Waiting for a long time; backgrounding set extension debug level to %1$dError: invalid value for -iAttention: -%1$c option not supportedUsing automount master map as file %1$sError: invalid value for -tTrace level was set to %1$d%1$s: command line mountpoints/maps no longer supportedmust be rootCould not establish current mountsuname: %1$m%1$s: already mounted%1$s: cannot remount%1$s: Not a directorymount %1$s: %2$m%1$s remounted%1$s mountedno mountsUsage: automount [ -v ] [ -t duration ] [ -i interval ]%1$s unmountedno unmountsunable to set extension thread timeout value to %1$d Memory allocation: %1$m mynfsmount: maxgroups out of range (17-64), option ignored. automountd: %1$s not in hosts database automountd: Invalid command argument: %1$s Usage: automount [-m] [-n] [-v] [-t duration] [-i interval] [-f file] [-s timeout] [-D value] [-d value] Usage: automountd or: [-n] (nobrowse option) or: [-T] (trace requests) or: [-v] (verbose error msgs) or: [-D n=s] (define env variable) usage: mknfsproxy [-L] -c local_cache_directory -d cachefs_mount_point [-o param=n[,param=n]] -m [nfs_mount_options] remote_server:remote_directory [-e [export_option,[export_option]]] ignore %1$s option%1$s %2$d error while unmounting %2$s usage: rmnfsproxy cachefs_mount_point %1$s mntctl failed %1$s from %2$s:%3$s (Server IP address: %4$s) %s: Domain name not set Usage: %s to list NIS servers %s -m to list NIS master server %s to check if host is an NIS server %s -m to check if host is an NIS master server flags: "-d domainname" to use non default domain "-t timeout" to specify broadcast timeout "-s" to suppress output "-r" exit with non-zero return code if server does not respond "-c" snappy header for smit "-n" extra informative output for smit users # No NIS servers were found on the subnets connected to this machine. # There may be other NIS servers on other subnets which are not listed. # This NIS master server was not found on the subnets connected to # this machine. The master server may be located on another subnet. %s is not responding as a NIS server %s is a server for the %s domain %s is not a server for the %s domain %s is not responding a a NIS server %s is not the master server for domain %s %s is the NIS master server for the %s domain Host %s unknown %s does not have a NIS server registered (not authenticated) Explicit members: HASHTABLE Implicit members: In root_replica_update ... It should be "publickey: %1$s"%2$s. No explicit members No implicit members No recursive members Recursive members: bucket : %1$d dr: %1$x chain: %2$x prevchain: %3$x dr: %1$x next: %2$x prev: %3$x %1$d entries added/updated %1$d entries removed %1$s (from %2$s) %1$s : no replicas %1$s : not a directory. %1$s already serves %2$s! %1$s is a directory! %1$s is already master for %2$s! %1$s is master for %2$s! %1$s is not a directory! %1$s is not a table! %1$s is not a two column table! %1$s is not of type %2$s! %1$s is not unique, please use full host name. %1$s key pair for %2$s (%3$s). %1$s must be run as root %1$s server is %2$s %1$s: %2$s credentials with auth_name '%3$s' already belong to '%4$s'. %1$s: %2$s not found, please install on the system %1$s: %2$s: password differs from login password. %1$s: Authentication Flavor name required. %1$s: ERROR, invalid password. %1$s: Invalid password. %1$s: Invalid root password. %1$s: LOCAL entry for %2$d in directory %3$s not unique %1$s: No searchable columns! %1$s: Not a directory. %1$s: Password unchanged. %1$s: Unable to decrypt secret key for %2$s. %1$s: bad command. %1$s: can only be used on NIS master machine '%2$s' %1$s: cannot access %2$s, errno=%3$d. %1$s: cannot change key-pair for %2$s %1$s: cannot chdir to %2$s%1$s: cannot create '%2$s' to write to. %1$s: cannot delete %2$s %1$s: cannot find master of NIS publickey database %1$s: cannot find my own host name %1$s: cannot generate netname for uid %2$d %1$s: cannot get name of root directory. %1$s: cannot get public key for %2$s. %1$s: cannot read %2$s %1$s: cannot rename %2$s to %3$s %1$s: could not get secret key for '%2$s' %1$s: could not get the equivalent netname for %2$s %1$s: could not get the hostname for %2$s %1$s: could not get the password entry for uid %2$d: %3$s %1$s: could not update unknown database: %2$d %1$s: domain of netname %2$s should be same as that of principal %3$s %1$s: domain of principal '%2$s' does not match destination domain '%3$s'. %1$s: error creating credential, NIS+ error: %2$s. %1$s: error looking at cred table, NIS+ error: %2$s %1$s: error modifying credential, NIS+ error: %2$s. %1$s: error talking to server, NIS+ error: %2$s. %1$s: failed in routine setnetconfig() %1$s: group not found %1$s: hence, unable to update publickey database %1$s: insufficent permission to look at credentials table %1$s: insufficent permission to look up old credentials. %1$s: insufficent permission to update credentials. %1$s: invalid cache time %1$s: invalid local principal '%2$s' (must be number) %1$s: invalid netname, missing @: '%2$s'. %1$s: invalid netname: '%2$s'. %1$s: invalid number of maximum attempts %1$s: invalid principal name: '%2$s' (forgot ending dot?). %1$s: key-pair unchanged for %2$s. %1$s: need not add LOCAL entry for root %1$s: no need to checkpoint root object. %1$s: no passwd found for %2$s in the shadow passwd entry. %1$s: no password entry for uid %2$d %1$s: no password entry found for uid %2$d %1$s: non-root users cannot change their key-pair in %2$s %1$s Attempt to create illegal directory %2$s %1$s: password incorrect. %1$s: principal not found %1$s: server %2$s at %3$s (%4$s) %1$s: too many parameters %1$s: unable to create credential. %1$s: unable to create service over doors %1$s: unable to create service %1$s: unable to determine your principal name for this flavor. %1$s: unable to get result from NIS+ server.%1$s: unable to locate passwd entry for uid %2$d %1$s: unable to locate password record for uid %2$d %1$s: unable to locate shadow password record for %2$s %1$s: unable to update NIS database (%2$u): %3$s %1$s: unable to update nisplus database %1$s: unknown error %2$d %1$s: unknown flavor '%2$s' %1$s: unknown host: %2$s %1$s: unknown user: '%2$s' %1$s: unrecognized netname type: '%2$s'. %1$s: unrecognized option. %1$s: you must create a "LOCAL" credential for '%2$s' first. %1$s: you must create a "local" credential first. ** Unknown flag '%1$c' *** UPDATES *** , ASN.1 ENCODED, CASE INSENSITIVE, CASE SENSITIVE, XDR ENCODED-f option required .. rpc deregistration complete. .. rpc registration complete. ... RPC registration complete. Service starting. ... database initialization complete. Transaction log initialization ... ... transaction log initialized. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Transaction @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ #%1$05d, XID : %2$d Time : %3$s Directory : %4$s ADD Entry ADD Name Aborted the update. Access Rights : Add update #%1$d to trans.log Added "%1$s" to group "%2$s". Added to cache: %1$s : %2$s Added update to trans.log. Adding new key for %1$s. All done. Attempting to create directory %1$s Attempting to remove directory %1$s Attribute #%1$d Attribute Name : Attributes for the server %1$s cannot be updated by "nisupdkeys -s" BINARY DATABound Endpoints: Broadcast packet sent for %1$s CHECKPOINTING. Can't find %1$s's secret key Can't have a searchable column with no name. Can't parse access rights "%1$s" Checkpointing %1$s serving directory %2$s : Column #%1$d : Enter Name : Column #%1$d : Enter Flags [M/C/B/X] : Could not allocate memory Could not find %1$s's secret key Could not find group "%1$s". Could not generate netname Could not open %1$s for update Could not open semaphores! Could not set %1$s's secret key May be the keyserv is down? Could not unset your secret key. Maybe the keyserver is down? Couldn't fork a process exiting. Couldn't locate address information for '%1$s'. Couldn't parse access rights (%1$s) for column %2$s Creating NIS+ object... Creation Time : %1$s Mod. Time : %2$s Object Type : DES principal name : %1$s DES principal name for %1$d not found DIRECTORY Data length : Database initialization ... Default Access rights : Deleted from cache: %1$s : %2$s Dictionary is %1$s Diffie-Hellman (%1$d bits) Directory Name : %1$s Generation : %2$d Directory Object: Domain Name : Domain name too long: %1$s ENTRY ERROR: %1$s Encrypted data Enter Linked name : Enter Master server name :Enter Search path : Enter Universal Address : Enter entry type : Enter flags value [IRN] ? Enter ns type [Z/Y/D] :Enter objects name : Enter replicate server name :Enter separator character : Enter table type : Enter the objects type : Enter time to live value : Entry timestamp : %1$s Principal : %2$s Object name : %3$s .................. Object ..................... Entry type : Error creating credential, NIS+ error %1$s Error: Extra input at the end of the command. Error: Make parent (-p) requires parent domain and at least one host. Error: Parent object cannot be created before creating a root object. Error: Unable to create %1$s Error: Unable to stat %1$s Error: out of memory Extra input beyond name. Failed to apply update. Failed to get group information for user %1$s For NIS+ Name : '%1$s' Search Path : Found cache entry for %1$s: %2$s GROUP Generating new key for '%1$s'. Got it [%1$s] Group Flags : Group Members : Group Name : Group "%1$s" created. Group "%1$s" destroyed. Group "%1$s" not found. Group entry for "%1$s" group: Group name must be fully qualified. Host %1$s does not serve %2$s. Host %1$s is not listed as a replica for %2$s. Use the -fs option to attempt rmdir anyhow. Host Name : I cannot figure out which publickey database you want to update. Illegal character in binary data, '%1$c' Illegal load value Illegal log size. Illegal number of attributes. Illegal number of columns. Illegal number of members. Illegal number of servers. In order to use NIS+, it should be "publickey: nisplus". For more information, see secure_rpc(3N), publickey(3N), & nisaddcred(1). Instead, use the following for all directories served by %1$s %2$s [-a|-C] -H %3$s dir_name ... Insufficent permission to update/create credentials Invalid table schema: %1$s is an invalid column. Invalid table schema: At least one column must be searchable. LINK Last updates for %1$s : Latest update was '%1$s' Link to : Linked Object Type : Linked object, enter real type [Group/Table/Entry] :MODIFY (New Value) MODIFY (Original Value) Master Server : Master server is %1$s Missing access rights for %1$s Missing group name. Missing principal name(s). Must be root to use -r option. Must be some combo of : R = Recursive groups ok N = Negative groups ok I = Implicit groups ok Must be superuser to run %1$s NIS+ Log dump : Log state : NIS+ Log printing facility. NIS+ Directory not set. Exiting. NIS+ Server startup. NIS+ initialization error: %1$s NIS+ server busy, try again later. NONENOT FOUND Name : '%1$s' Type : Name required for Checkpoint operation.Name required for List or Lookup operation. Name required for remove operation. Need %1$s first. No directories allowed with -s option No memory! No root object present; running as non-root server. Number of attributes in this name ? Number of columns for this entry ? Number of columns in this table ? Number of members in this group ? Number of servers for this directory? Number of updates : %1$d Current XID : %2$d Size of Log in bytes : %3$d Object Name : %1$s Directory : %2$s Owner : %3$s Group : %4$s Access Rights : Object flushing not supported One of -c, -r or -p must be specified. Options supported by this version : h - print this help message. C - open diagnostic channel on /dev/console F - force checkpoint at startup time A - authentication verbose messages L [n] - Max load (n) of child processes f - force registration even if program # in use v - enable verbose mode Y - emulate NIS (YP) service B - emulate NIS (YP) dns resolver service t netid - use netid as transport for resolver d [dictionary] - user defined dictionary S [n] - Security level (n) 0,1, or 2 D - debug mode (don't fork) c - checkpoint time in seconds (ignored) T n - Size of transaction log in megabytes PMAP Broadcast packet sent for %1$s PRIVATE Password does not decrypt secret key for %1$s Password incorrect for %1$s Pinging %1$s serving %2$s : Please check that this hostname exists in /etc/hosts Please use local or fully qualified host name. Please wait for the database to get updated ... Principal Name : Principal "%1$s" not found in group. Principal "%1$s" not found. Principal "%1$s" not unique, please use full name. Putting service offline. Killing read only child: pid #%1$dREMOVE Entry REMOVE Name RESYNCING. RPC program registration ... RSA (%1$d bits) Reencrypting key for '%1$s'. Removed "%1$s" from group "%2$s". Replicate : SEARCHABLE, STABLE. Search Path : Sending key change request to %1$s ... Set server state failed : %1$s Setting State on : '%1$s' Setting up NIS+ client ... Setting up parent object ... Setting up root server ... Should have been 744 Should only add DES credential of principal in its home domain Sorry. Stat '%1$s' = '%2$s' Stat '%1$s': Statistics for domain %1$s : Statistics from server : %1$s Successfully updated. TABLE TEXTUAL DATATable Type : %1$s Number of Columns : %2$d Character Separator : %3$c Search Path : %4$s Columns : The -r option is obsolete and no longer necessary for root servers. The default publickey policy is "publickey: %1$s". This machine is in the %1$s NIS+ domain. This new directory's name : This option cannot use user typed in objects. This program must be run as superuser. Time to live : Transaction log corrupt. Exiting. UPDATE time stamp. UPDATING. Unable to REinitialize %1$s Unable to add "%1$s" to group "%2$s": %3$s Unable to create group "%1$s": %2$s Unable to destroy group "%1$s": %2$s Unable to get list of servers serving %1$s Unable to initialize %1$s Unable to map log! Unable to remove "%1$s" from group "%2$s": %3$s Unknown (%1$d)! Unknown (type = %1$d, bits = %2$d) Unknown operation requested. Unrecognized option. Updating %1$s publickey database. Updating directory object %1$s ... Usage: %1$s [-a attempts] [-c minutes] [-D] [-g] [-v] Warning, ttl = 0 prohibits caching. Warning: Bad permissions (%1$o) on the %2$s directory. Warning: Old data exists under the %1$s directory. Warning: The publickey entry in %1$s is "publickey: Warning: There is no publickey entry in %1$s. Wrote secret key into %1$s XDR'd Data "%1$s" is a member of group "%2$s". "%1$s" is not a member of group "%2$s". %1$s The publickey entry in %2$s is "publickey: %3$s". %1$s There is no publickey entry in %2$s. ERROR: could not open file %1$s for storing directories served. Error: Can't open file %1$s for reading. Error: Can't open file %1$s for writing. Error: Could not create a valid NIS+ coldstart file Error: Couldn't decode returned object. Error: Couldn't locate address information for %1$s. Error: Missing source for client setup. Error: No servers responding, use -H option Error: Unable to construct an address from name '%1$s' Error: Unable to find address of host '%1$s' Error: Unable to write parent object. Error: Unable to write root object. Error: system domain name doesn't match that stored in %1$s use the -k option to specify the domain where root's key is stored. Error: system domain name must be the same as or lower than the domain in which root's key is stored. Address is Attribute Value : Clearing server %1$s's key Couldn't resolve remote address! Directory %1$s is not being modified ERROR: %1$s is not a directory. ERROR: Host %1$s does not serve directory %2$s ERROR: No netname for %1$s ERROR: Unable to modify directory object %1$s ERROR: Unable to retrieve object. ERROR: Unknown key type! Enter Flags [S/C/B/X] : Entry data of type %1$s Fetching Public key for server %1$s ... Implicit Membership allowed Installing %1$s's public key in this object Last Update seen was %1$s Last update occurred at %1$s Member #%1$d name : Name : %1$s Public Key : Negative Memberships allowed No keys exist for the server %1$s No last update available for %1$s. No last update time available for %1$s. Pinging ... %1$s Public key : %1$s Recursive Memberships allowed Remote address is [%1$s]. See nisaddcred(1). Server %1$s's public key unchanged. Unable to fetch update time from master server. Unavailable. Universal addresses (%1$d) Updating %1$s's public key in this object Value : [%1$d] - [%2$d bytes] [%1$d] Name : %2$s Attributes : ( BOGUS Objects : DIRECTORY Objects : ENTRY Objects : GROUP Objects : LINK Objects : TABLE Objects : Unknown Objects : generation = %1$d endpoint = (%2$s, %3$s, %4$s) netbuf len = %1$d, maxlen = %2$d netname = '%1$s' rank = %1$d flags = 0x%2$x host num = %3$d endpoint num = %4$d server addr = %5$s callback addr = (%6$s, %7$s, %8$s) usage: %1$s -d [debug_level] -i -m [max size of cache file (in pages) ] -n . -s [initial size of cache file (in pages)] -v xid: %1$u status: %2$d time: %3$d__log_resync: Transaction #%1$d bad size %2$d __log_resync: Transaction #%1$d has a bad magic number adding %1$s to table %2$s apply_update : %1$s %2$s bad auth_len gid %1$d str %2$d auth %3$dbad dbm filebad flag bad key (%1$.*s) bad op FAILED bad size FAILED badly formed AUTH_SYS principal name. bind failed bind succeeded binding failure binding passed in binding to directory %1$s%2$s%3$s binding to server %1$s c, d, a, r, t, and l options are mutually exclusive. cache entry found for xid=%1$x prog=%2$d vers=%3$d proc=%4$d for rmtaddr=%5$s cache set for xid= %1$x prog=%2$d vers=%3$d proc=%4$d for rmtaddr=%5$s calling server %1$s for %2$s can not create binding cache entry: out of memory can't compile regular expression "%1$s": %2$s can't map uid %1$d to username, skipping can't open %1$s can't open dbmfile %1$s can't open file %1$s can't parse NIS_DEFAULTS environment variable. can't parse nis_defaults argument. can't parse time "%1$s" cannot create %1$s service. cannot remove master %1$s: %2$s. cannot remove replica %1$s: %2$s. check_pingers : check_pingers: ping %1$s check_updaters : starting resync check_updaters : update %1$s check_updaters: unable to resync %1$s checkpoint failed : %1$s checkpoint scheduled on %1$s. clearing tableclient's address is %1$s and %2$s clnt_vc: t_connect error %1$d column not found: %1$s could not update; database %1$d unknown create handle: decode FAILED dirname must be fully qualified. dscmp FAILED encode FAILED error seeking on file flavor %1$s -r [NIS+_principal] found !loopback && !non-PPP interface: %1$s keylogout by root would break the rpc services that use secure rpc on this host! root may use keylogout -f to do this (at your own risk)! keyserv: could not set root's key and netname. keyserv: failed to generate host's netname when establishing root's key. keyserv: the key read from %1$s was too short. killing read only child: pid #%1$dknown flavors are: make_stamp: could not add_update make_stamp: zero xid from begin_transaction merging %1$s into table %2$s must be root to add anothers credentials. nis table not known; specify with -t nis_print_sems: semctl GETALL failednis_quote_key: warning: src string too long nisdomain must be fully qualified. nislog must be run as root. nismkdir: can't contact root server for %1$s: %2$s nismkdir: cannot parse either or both of '%1$s' and '%2$s' nismkdir: host '%1$s' must be in a domain above '%2$s' nismkdir: invalid directory object nisping: RPC error on server %1$s, error %2$s nisstat: Error talking to host %1$s: %2$s nisupdkeys: Can't get address information for host %1$s nisupdkeys: Error talking to host %1$s, error was %2$s no binding information no func or data : %1$s no host/address information for local host, %1$d not local privileged process port = %1$d, addr = %2$x not local privileged process not unix authentication only one implicit column name allowed. only one master can be specified only one option allowed out of memory parse error (key %1$.*s) parse error: %1$s (key %2$.*s) parse error: %1$s (line %2$d) parse error: bad key (line %1$d) parse error: zero key length (line %1$d) port = %1$d, add = %2$x problem storing %1$.*s %2$.*s readonly listener exiting. readonly process spawned in check_updaters() reap %1$d : child process ended: pid %2$d reap %1$d : readonly child ended: pid %2$d reap %1$d : starting to reap child process... refreshing binding release %1$s, status = %2$d remove %1$s? replica_update : %1$s replica_update: %1$d updates from '%2$s' replica_update: Full dump required. replica_update: dumping master's log. replica_update: error result was %1$s replica_update: %1$s failed: srv='%2$s', dir='%3$s', err='%4$s' rerun this command as : %1$s local response for %1$s result: %1$s rmt addr = rpc.nisd : Ready to roll... rpcbind client routines: diagnostics : Getting address for (%1$s, %2$s, %3$s) ... running service, uaddr = %1$s separator must be a single character server %1$s restarted set_up_connection: state = %1$d size FAILED status=%1$s, %2$d objects, [z=%3$d, d=%4$d, a=%5$d, c=%6$d] status=%1$s svc_run returned table has no column named %1$s tablename must be fully qualified. too many replicas type %1$s not supported; supported types are: uid=%1$d, gid=%2$d, grouplen=%3$d %1$s unable to free arguments unable to locate %1$s unable to register (CB_PROG, CB_VERS, %1$s). unable to reply unknown object type unmark: fatal error unrecognized name service type, use one of: Y = Sun YP D = Domain Name Service N = Sun NIS+ update type %1$d, name %2$s.%3$s usage : %1$s -C|a|A|r|R|m|p|l|L [-t G|E|D|L|T] [-S] [-o file] name usage : %1$s [-v] name usage: %1$s [-C | -a] [-H host] [directory] usage: %2$s -s [-C | -a] [-H host] usage: %1$s [-H host] [directory] usage: %1$s [-LPAf] %2$s name ... usage: %1$s [-M] [-s] [-v on|off] [-f dgot [-n obj_name]] [-H host] domain -M: heap memory -s: statistics -v: verbose mode -f: flush cache (dir, group, object, table) [-n obj_name] usage: %1$s [-h [num] | -t [num] ] [-v] usage: %1$s [-p] [-s nisplus | nis | files] usage: %1$s [-pdhgrtsav] p = default principal name. d = default domain name. h = default host name. g = default group name. r = default access rights. t = default time to live. s = default search path. a = all of the above (default). v = verbose. usage: %1$s [-r] usage: %1$s [-uf] [-H hostname] [-r|directory] %2$s -C [-a] [-H hostname] [directory] usage: %1$s [-v] usage: %1$s [-k key_domain] -c -H host|-B|-C coldstart %2$s -r %3$s -p Y|D|N parent_domain host ... usage: keyserv [-n] [-D] [-d] -d disables the use of default keys usage: niscat [-LAMhv] [-s sep] tablename ... niscat [-LPAM] -o name ... usage: niserror error-num usage: nisgrep [-AMchvo] [-s sep] keypat tablename nisgrep [-AMchvo] [-s sep] colname=keypat ... tablename usage: nisgrpadm -a | -r | -t [-s] group princpal ... nisgrpadm -c | -d | -l [-M] [-s] group usage: nisln [-D defaults] [-L] name linkname usage: nislog %1$s [-v] num usage: nisls [-LMlmgdR] [name ...] usage: nismatch [-PAMchvo] [-s sep] key tablename nismatch [-PAMchvo] [-s sep] colname=key ... tablename nismatch [-PAMchvo] [-s sep] indexedname usage: nismkdir [-D defaults] [-m hostname] [-s hostname] dirname usage: nisrm [-if] name ... usage: nisrmdir [-if] [-s hostname] dirname usage: nistest [-LPAM] [-t G|D|L|T|E|P] [-a mode] name usage: rpc.nisd [ -ACDFhlv ] [ -Y [ -B [ -t netid ]]] [ -d dictionary ] [ -L load ] [ -S level ] usage: %1$s [-p principal] [-P NIS+_principal] [-l login_password] usage: %1$s -u username [-s nisplus | nis | files] %2$s -h hostname [-s nisplus | nis | files] usage: nisaddent [-D defaults] [-Parv] [-t table] type [nisdomain] nisaddent [-D defaults] [-Parmv] -f file [-t table] type [nisdomain] nisaddent [-D defaults] [-Parmv] -y ypdomain [-Y map] [-t table] type [nisdomain] nisaddent [-AM] -d [-t table] type [nisdomain] usage: nistbladm [-D defaults] -c [-p path] [-s sep] type colname=[flags][,access] ... tablename nistbladm -u [-p path] [-s sep] [-t type] [colname=access ...] tablename nistbladm -d tablename nistbladm [-D defaults] -a|A colname=val ... tablename nistbladm [-D defaults] -a|A indexedname nistbladm -e|E colname=val ... indexedname nistbladm -m colname=val ... indexedname nistbladm -r|R [colname=val ...] tablename nistbladm -r|R indexedname use either an indexed name or the col=key form. using %1$s at %2$s (%3$s) yp map not known; specify with -Y You entered an invalid login name or password. NIS+ authentication unavailable at this time. Error in accessing NIS+ cold start file... is NIS+ installed?SuccessProbable successNot foundProbably not foundCache expiredNIS+ servers unreachableUnknown objectServer busy, try againGeneric system errorFirst/Next chain brokenPermission deniedNot ownerName not served by this serverServer out of memoryObject with same name existsNot master server for this domainInvalid object for operationMalformed Name, or illegal nameUnable to create callback. Results sent to callback procNot Found, no such nameName/entry isn't uniqueModification failedDatabase for table does not existEntry/Table type mismatchLink Points to illegal namePartial SuccessToo many attributesError in RPC subsystemMissing or malformed attributeNamed object is not searchableError while talking to callback procNon-NIS+ namespace encounteredIllegal object type for operationPassed object is not the same object on serverModify operation failedQuery illegal for named tableAttempt to remove a non-empty tableFull resync required for directoryNIS+ operation failedNIS+ service is unavailable or not installedUnable to authenticate NIS+ serverUnable to authenticate NIS+ clientNo file space on serverUnable to create process on serverMaster server busy, full dump rescheduled.NIS+ authentication unavailable for user %1$s.Unable to contact NIS+ password server.Unable to get a common DES key.%1$s Client out of memory. no public key for %1$s %1$s Can't create SVCXPRT. %1$s Can't get uaddr for %2$s transport. %1$s cannot create callback service. %1$s - select failed: %2$m %1$s data race condition detected and avoided. %1$s bad name '%2$s' %1$s no memory %1$s couldn't find addresses %1$s t_rcvudata: %2$s: buffer overflow %1$s out of memory %1$s:%2$s insert failed, maybe out of memory %1$s:%2$s group object "%3$s", referenced by "%4$s", does not exist. %1$s:%2$s group object "%3$s" does not exist. %1$s:%2$s object "%3$s", referenced by "%4$s", is not reachable. %1$s:%2$s object "%3$s" is not reachable. %1$s:%2$s object "%3$s", referenced by "%4$s", is not a group. %1$s:%2$s object "%3$s" is not a group. NIS+ server for %1$s not responding, still trying %1$s RPC error %2$d %1$s can't convert uaddr %2$s (%3$d) %1$s flavor = %2$s: returning '%3$s' %1$s flavor = DES: returning from cache '%2$s' %1$s Attempt to remove directory %2$s which we still serve! %1$s calling list with name '%2$s' %1$s error doing nis_list: %2$s %1$s null domain cannot get a list of servers that serve '%1$s' %1$s buffer too small %1$s could not lookup '%2$s' table %1$s not a table object NIS+: %1$s wants (%2$s, %3$s()) NIS+: %1$s reusing handle to %2$s (%3$s, %4$s(%5$d)) NIS+: %1$s could not create handle to %2$s (%3$s, %4$s(%5$d)) NIS+: %1$s created handle to %2$s (%3$s, %4$s(%5$d)) %1$s can't find server %2$s in directory %3$s NIS+: can't get rdev %1$s can't stat %2$d %1$s fd %2$d changed, old=0x%3$x, new=0x%4$x %1$s Out of heap. Object file %1$s is corrupt! NIS+ server not responding NIS+ server could not be contacted: %1$s %1$s too many endpoints %1$s can't find netconfig entry for %2$s, %3$s %1$s Unable to convert uaddr %2$s for %3$s (%4$d). %1$s cannot create cred. %1$s non fully qualified name in table path, %2$s, ignored. %1$s NIS+ error %2$s encountered on name %3$s.%4$s in table %5$s's path. %1$s empty namelist %1$s strdup failed %1$s malloc failed %1$s open to get interface configuration: %2$m %1$s malloc failed: %2$m %1$s ioctl (get interface configuration): %2$m %1$s ioctl (get interface flags): %2$m n2a %1$s ioctl (get interface netmask): %2$m n2a %1$s ioctl (get interface address): %2$m %1$s no public key found for %2$s %1$s keyserv(1m) is unable to generate session key %1$s DES encryption failure %1$s verifier mismatch %1$s unable to synchronize clock %1$s keyserv(1m) is unable to encrypt session key : %1$s failed hostname groups Cannot send broadcast packet: %1$m Cannot receive reply to broadcast: %1$m could not t_close() fd %1$d; mem & fd leak %1$s malloc failed when tryng to create buffer %1$s Fatal header serialization error. %1$s can't get info %1$s DES entry for %2$s not unique %1$s netname of '%2$s' too long %1$s unknown nameservice for publickey info '%2$s' %1$s Unknown action for nameservice '%2$s' %1$s expecting uid '%2$s' %1$s should not have uid 0 %1$s missing group id list in '%2$s'. %1$s badly formatted line in %2$s. %1$s DES entry for %2$s in directory %3$s not unique %1$s principal name '%2$s' too long %1$s LOCAL entry for %2$s in directory %3$s not unique %1$s null netname %1$s insufficient space for hostname %1$s invalid host netname %2$s %1$s could not read netconfig database %1$s could not register prog %2$d vers %3$d on %4$s %1$s %2$s: cannot open connection: %3$s %1$s t_alloc failed %1$s no well known address for %2$s on transport %3$s %1$s returned Could not get loopback transport from netconfig database %1$s cannot create server handle on loopback transport %1$s could not get transport information %1$s No transport handle for fd %2$d %1$s multiply defined dup cache %1$s memory alloc failed %1$s undefined dup cache basis %1$s undefined cache %1$s entry not in dup cache %1$s mem_alloc failed %1$s hashing error %1$s cache entry error %1$s xid error %1$s invalid dupdone status must be DUP_DONE or DUP_DROP %1$s bad victim %1$s fd > FD_SETSIZE; Use rpc_control(RPC_SVC_USE_POLLFD,...); %1$s transport does not support data transfer %1$s could not allocate cache %1$s cache already enabled %1$s could not allocate cache data %1$s could not allocate cache fifo %1$s victim not found %1$s victim alloc failed %1$s could not allocate new rpc buffer %1$s unknown protocol %1$s Removing directory : %2$s %1$s invalid netconfig %1$s could not open connection for %2$s %1$s could not do t_sync: %2$s %1$s could not bind: %2$s %1$s could not bind to requested address: %2$s %1$s could not set SO_REUSEADDR: %2$s %1$s illegal netbuf length %1$s other side wants to release connection %1$s connection in a wierd state (%2$d) %1$s bad service type RPC: svc could not create pipe - exiting RPC: svc pipe error - exiting %1$s can't reassign procedure number %2$d %1$s can't find appropriate transport %1$s t_getinfo() failed %1$s unsupported transport size %1$s couldn't register prog %2$d vers %3$d for %4$s %1$s can't find suitable transport for %2$s svc_sendreply failed rpc: rpc_reg trouble replying to prog %1$d vers %2$d rpc: rpc_reg: never registered prog %1$d vers %2$d %1$s no suitable transport %1$s too many open files %1$s can't open connection could not t_close() old fd %1$d; mem & fd leak error: %2$s could not t_sync() duped fd %1$d: error: %2$s %1$s illegal transport %1$s t_bind failed cannot accept connection: %1$s (current state %2$s) _svcauth_des: no public key for nobody or _svcauth_des: key_decryptsessionkey failed for_svcauth_des: bad nickname _svcauth_des: DES decryption failure for_svcauth_des: corrupted window from_svcauth_des: replayed credential from_svcauth_des: invalid timestamp received from_svcauth_des: timestamp is earlier than the one previously seen from_svcauth_des: timestamp expired for_svcauth_des: DES encryption failure forauthdes_getucred: invalid nickname authdes_getucred: unknown netname authdes_getucred: missed ucred cache %1$s no dot found in %2$s %1$s NULL Object in database, ignored. %1$s Corrupted object ('%2$s') in database %3$s %1$s Corrupt database, entry expected for %2$s %1$s Looking for %2$s %1$s table cache hit %1$s looking up %2$s table %3$s %1$s Corrupt object %2$s %1$s exit status is %2$d Added %1$s to the table cache %1$s attempting to %2$s %3$s %1$s child process attempting an add/modify %1$s Unable to create database for NIS+ table %2$s: %3$s. %1$s cannot encode object %2$s %1$s unexpected database result %2$d %1$s Adding object %2$s %1$s Modifying object %2$s %1$s returning %2$s %1$s non-parent process attempting a remove. %1$s Unable to destroy table %2$s: %3$s. %1$s table %2$s not in dictionary (err=%3$d) No NIS+ password entry for user %1$s. NIS+ password has not aged enough. No shadow information for user %1$s. Failure changing NIS+ password. NIS+ password incorrect. Password daemon is not running on the NIS+ master. Root's password: %1$s removing %2$s from the namespace %1$s listing %2$s Database search failed on %1$s, status = %2$d %1$s returning status = %2$d, entries = %3$d %1$s Fetching entry from %2$s %1$s Table: '%2$s', Bad Attribute %1$s Missing table object '%2$s' %1$s Database is corrupt. %1$s Object not found. %1$s returning status of %2$s %1$s Flushing queued entries from %2$s Unable to flush '%1$s' Adding an entry to table %1$s %1$s could not find table object for %2$s %1$s Failure to encode entry. %1$s done. (%2$d) %1$s unable to add entry to %2$s %1$s non-parent process attempting an remove. %1$s unable to remove entry from %2$s Cannot create table: %1$s: no searchable columns. Child process requested to checkpoint! Checkpointing table '%1$s' Checkpointing table 'all' %1$s Unable to checkpoint table '%2$s' %1$s Unable to checkpoint table 'all' %1$s Checkpointing directory '%2$s' %1$s Unable to checkpoint '%2$s' %1$s unable to completely checkpoint %2$s %1$s Unable to checkpoint '%2$s' (%3$d) Can't find directory for %1$s %1$s Object is a link. %1$s Nonsearchable object (type = %2$d). %1$s Unparsable attribute failure. Load limit of %1$d reached! Making callback handle to : %1$s %1$s forked callback child pid %2$d %1$s forked failed Couldn't fork a process! Couldn't allocate memory for callback pid Parent process returning, callback PID = %1$d list: sent entry. status = %1$s %1$s callback to %2$s returned %3$s Authentication ERROR in talking to %1$s. RPC ERROR in talking to %1$s. %1$s Listing table %2$s Unable to list %1$s '%2$s' err=%3$d creation is %1$s by the table. %1$s creation is ALLOWED by the table. %1$s creation is DISALLOWED by the table. %1$s removal is ALLOWED by the table. %1$s removal is DISALLOWED by the table. %1$s modification is ALLOWED by the table. %1$s modification is DISALLOWED by the table. %1$s Unable to remove object %2$s Entry operation '%1$s' for principal %2$s Couldn't locate directory object for %1$s operation completed. %1$s to table %2$s Done, exit status %1$s %1$s Fetch from table %2$s Unable to msync LOG HEADER. Unable to msync LOG UPDATE. Unable to msync transaction log. %1$s Corrupted log! %1$s attempt add transaction from readonly child. Cannot grow transaction log, error %1$s Cannot write one character to transaction log, error %1$s NIS+ server needs to be checkpointed. Use "nisping -C domainname" %1$s failed %1$s could not contact %2$s %1$s RPC error srv='%2$s', dir='%3$s', err='%4$s' %1$s returning %2$d for %3$s from %4$s Resunchronizing transaction log. Log has %1$d transactions in it. Last valid transaction is %2$d. %1$s Transaction #%2$d bad magic number %1$s log truncated, resync to propagate possibly lost changes %1$s Transaction #%2$d bad size %3$d Resync'd transaction #%1$d. Directory was '%2$s'. %1$d valid transactions. %1$s Incomplete last update transaction, removing. Log size is %1$d bytes %1$s Cannot truncate transaction log file %1$s cannot seek to begining of transaction log file %1$s cannot increase transaction log file size %1$s cannot write one byte to transaction log file %1$s error in %2$s Unable to open logfile '%1$s' Unable to map logfile of length %1$ld into address space. Illegal log file, remove and restart Log state is STABLE Log state is RESYNC Log state is IN UPDATE Log state is IN CHECKPOINT %1$s missing backup %1$s unable to read backup %1$s Backup log truncated, fatal error. %1$s Unable to resync after checkpoint restore. Illegal log state, aborting. Unable to decode transaction in log! Data LOST %1$s Failed to remove '%2$s'. %1$s Internal database error (%2$d) %1$s Failed to add '%2$s'. %1$s Internal database error. %1$s Failed to unmodify '%2$s'. %1$s Internal error, log entry corrupt (%2$s). %1$s Failed to re-add '%2$s'. tombstone xid %1$d, time %2$d (%3$s) created making timestamp %1$d for %2$s Checkpointing the log. %1$s Called from readonly child, ignored. %1$s Unable to checkpoint, log unstable. %1$s Unable to checkpoint, can't open backup log (%2$s). %1$s Unable to checkpoint, disk full. %1$s Backup log %2$s created. %1$s Backup log %2$s written. %1$s Checkpointing ... %1$s cannot read transaction log entry. %1$s Transaction %2$d, time %3$d (%4$s) kept %1$s Transaction %2$d, time %3$d (%4$s) removed %1$s all entries removed. Unable to msync() LOG %1$s some entries removed. %1$s Checkpoint failed, unable to resync. %1$s removed timestamp for %2$s (not a directory) %1$s removed timestamp for %2$s (we no longer serve) %1$s removed timestamp for %2$s (no longer exists) %1$s Checkpoint complete. %1$s (cached) returning %2$d for %3$s. %1$s No cache. %1$s returning 0 for %2$s %1$s (log) returning %2$d for %3$s. %1$s dir '%2$s', time %3$d. %1$s Replica of %2$s is out of date. xid %1$d Found %1$d deltas for dir %2$s reap %1$d : unexpected child ended: pid %2$d reap %1$d : waitid() failed: errno = %2$d - %3$m %1$s no pending updates %1$s readonly process spawned. %1$s Unable to fork readonly process. %1$s forked readonly child pid %2$d. %3$s Starting resync. %1$s invalid netconfig structure for prog %2$d vers %3$d %1$s Could not remove directory table %2$s: %3$s. %1$s could not get netconfig information. NIS+ registered on %1$d transports Registered %1$d YPVERS_ORIG handles. %1$s cannot set credential cache size NIS+ service started. verbose mode set. %1$s Unable to create NIS+ directory %2$s %1$s Unable to stat NIS+ directory %2$s Unable to rename NIS+ transaction log. Old and new dir structures cannot coexist. Unable to change database dictionary. Unable to rename directory structure. Service running as root server. WARNING: Dictionary not initialized! NIS+ service listening on %1$d transports. Created %1$d YPVERS_ORIG handles. directory %1$s corrupted during update; attempting recovery recovery for %1$s failed; couldn't get directory object recovery for %1$s failed; couldn't resync Forcing resync by setting update time to 0 for %1$s You may need to restore from backup. Recovery for %1$s completed poll(2) failed: %1$s %1$s Readonly listener spawned. %1$s unable to fork readonly listener process. %1$s forked readonly child pid %2$d Service Checkpoint... %1$s multival_list: miscounted objects (%2$d, %3$d) user=%1$s, sameuser=%2$d ident=%1$ld, rval=%2$ld attempt=%1$d, domain=%2$s no entry found for %1$s %1$s: can't create YP client handle %1$s can't change NIS(YP) passwd for %2$s on %3$s (err: %4$d) %1$s: client could not make RPC call. %1$s: NIS(YP) passwd changed for %2$s on %3$s %1$s Attempt to add a directory %2$s which we don't serve! ... exiting ... NIS+ server does not support the new statistics tags Local NIS+ server is not a master server unable to de-register (%1$s, %2$s) unable to create (%1$s, %2$s) starting rpc.nispasswdd ... unable to open connection for NIS requests unable to get a reserved port unable to register (%1$s, %2$s) no passwd entry found for %1$s permission denied to add a %1$s cred entry for %2$s error creating %1$s cred for %2$s, NIS+ error: %3$s found a $s cred entry for %1$s no %1$s cred for %2$s NIS+ error (%1$d) getting cred entry for %2$s received NIS+ auth request for %1$s not master for %1$s too many failed attempts for %1$s no cache entry found for %1$s but the identifier is %2$d invalid args %1$s and %2$s NIS+ error (%1$d) getting passwd entry for %2$s password has not aged enough for %1$s cannot generate a common DES key for %1$s is keyserv still running? has %2$s keylogged in? password length wrong failed to decrypt password invalid ident value calculated cache corrupted failed to encrypt verifier invalid identifier: %1$ld received NIS+ passwd update request for %1$s failed to decrypt verifier invalid verifier: %1$ld password encryption failed insufficient permission for %1$s to change the gecos insufficient permission for %1$s to change the shell shadow column corrupted not enough buffer space could not update NIS+ passwd tableunable to update NIS(YP) passwd entry on %1$s for %2$s WARNING: unable to undo NIS+ passwd update; maybe out-of-sync with YP map -- verify by hand Generated new key-pair for %1$s in %2$s Cannot encrypt secret key for %1$s in %2$s received yp password update request from %1$s no host/addr in formation: %1$d Local NIS+ server is not running in NIS compat mode no passwd found for %1$s incorrect passwd for %1$s could not update NIS+ passwd: %1$s Unable to create table %1$s: %2$s. %1$s exit status %2$s %1$s exit status PERMISSION DENIED %1$s create DENIED by directory %2$s.%3$s %1$s create ALLOWED by object type. %1$s create DENIED by object type. %1$s create is ALLOWED by the directory. %1$s destroy ALLOWED by directory %2$s.%3$s %1$s destroy DENIED by directory %2$s.%3$s %1$s destroy ALLOWED by object %2$s.%3$s %1$s destroy DENIED by object %2$s.%3$s %1$s destroy ALLOWED by object type %1$s destroy DENIED by object type %1$s modify ALLOWED by directory %2$s.%3$s %1$s modify DENIED by directory %2$s.%3$s %1$s modify ALLOWED by object %2$s.%3$s %1$s modify DENIED by object %2$s.%3$s %1$s modify ALLOWED by object type %1$s modify DENIED by object type Cannot read %1$s! Object operation '%1$s' for principal %2$s %1$s bind request from %2$s %1$s Domain %2$s not supported %1$s (broadcast) request from %2$s %1$s Domain %2$s not supported (broadcast) %1$s %2$s MAP = %3$s from %4$s %1$s %2$s failed for %3$s%4$s. %1$s %2$s from %3$s %1$s returning "%2$s" %1$s maps from %2$s %1$s maps to %2$s and %3$s can't get resolv_clnt netconf %1$s. can't create resolv xprt for transient. can't startup resolv daemon can't exec /usr/sbin/rpc.nisd_resolv: %1$s can't get udp nconf can't create resolv_clnt can't talk with resolv server finished setup for dns fwding. can't get caller uaddr: req not resolved can't get caller ipaddr; req not resolved Restarting resolv server: old one (pid %1$d) died. can't restart resolver: ending resolv service. Restarting resolv server: old one not responding. restarted resolver not responding: ending resolv service. GECOS information was not updated: check NIS+ permissions. SHELL information was not updated: check NIS+ permissions. NIS+ Credential information was not updated. Partial success changing NIS+ password. Attempting to free a free rag! %1$s Low on rags, allocating some more. %1$s Can't allocate more rags. %1$s tag # %2$d '%3$s' could not open file %1$s for updating could not open file %1$s for reading %1$s name '%2$s' %1$s updated %2$s %1$s Couldn't add '%2$s' to pinglist (no memory) %1$s added %2$s Looking for directory object %1$s %1$s Cache hit. %1$s Cache miss. %1$s readonly child called to rmdir, ignored. %1$s Failed to lookup %2$s, status %3$s %1$s Using expired directory object for %2$s Object %1$s isn't a directory. %1$s flavor = NONE: returning '%2$s' Successful creation. %1$s flavor = %2$s: returning from cache '%3$s' %1$s flavor = %2$d(unknown): returning '%3$s' Failed to add object Failed to modify object Failed to remove objectFailed to add entryFailed to remove entryIllegal transaction type on%1$s %2$s %3$s NIS+ STATUS : %4$s Could not destroy table %1$s: %2$s. Could not create table %1$s: %2$s. directory '%1$s' cleared. %1$s out of memory resync aborted. %1$s %2$d objects, still running. %1$s adding %2$s returned %3$s %1$s cannot create table for %2$s:%3$s.%1$s unexpected database error for %2$s: %3$s. %1$s update failed '%2$s': could not fetch object from master. %1$s updating '%2$s' %1$s removing '%2$s' replica_update: %1$s Child process attempting update, aborted. host %1$s thinks that it is the replica for %2$s, but it is the master! %1$s delta update of %2$s %1$s Couldn't contact '%2$s' serving '%3$s' for an update. %1$s master server is busy, will try later. %1$s master server returned NIS_SUCCESS, but 0 updates! %1$s Unable to apply update. %1$s WARNING: last_update(%2$s) returned 0! %1$s Full dump of %2$s %1$s nis_dump result %2$s %1$s %2$d updates, %3$d errors. %1$s master server busy, rescheduling the resync. %1$s trying a full resync again. %1$s errors during resync : srv='%2$s', dir='%3$s' %1$s downrev version of NIS+ service serving dir %2$s as master. %1$s directory %2$s updated %1$s timestamp=0 after full resync completed! %1$s fork failed %1$s forked ping child pid %2$d %1$s Pinging %2$s %1$s directory %2$s time %3$ld %1$s Error (%2$d) zeroing mask for %3$s %1$s Error (%2$d) setting mask for %3$s %1$s Error (%2$d) restoring mask for %3$s %1$s Error (%2$d) creating ping thread for %3$s %1$s Created ping thread %2$d for %3$s %1$s making local call. local LIST local LOOKUP %1$s (safe) called on %2$s nis_finddirectory (safe) : called. %1$s cloning the FD result. %1$s host2netname failed for: %2$s %1$s Unable to get publickey for: %2$s %1$s Could not get conversation key for: %2$s %1$s Out of memory, location request aborted. %1$s Unable to encode resulting directory object. %1$s Location request for directory %2$s Location cache failure on server:%1$s Locating %1$s in the database. Found a directory %1$s Unable to locate directory : %1$s %1$s bad argument %1$s %2$d tags passed %1$s readonly child instructed to checkpoint, ignored. %1$s readonly child called to dump log, ignored. %1$s replica asking for time 0. RESYNC. %1$s No directory object, error %2$s. %1$s request to dump %2$s.%3$s which isn't a directory! %1$s invalid replica '%2$s' %1$s dumping '%2$s' to host '%3$s' %1$s returning status of '%2$s', and %3$d deltas. %1$s Dump directory '%2$s' %1$s one replica is already resyncing. %1$s missing callback. %1$s load limit reached. %1$s directory %2$s has no update timestamp. %1$s Unable to fork a process. %1$s forked child process pid %2$d %1$s Parent process returning. %1$s sending full dump of %2$s to %3$s %1$s Dumping '%2$s' %1$s Couldn't read table '%2$s' %1$s Callback failed with RPC error %2$s. %1$s good dump of %2$s, %3$d total objects. %1$s dump complete. %1$s Finish handshake returned %2$s %1$s readonly child was pung, ignored. %1$s error %2$s. %1$s done: %2$s done: %1$s %2$d tags Unknown tag %1$d %1$s Creating directory : %2$s %1$s readonly child called to mkdir, ignored. %1$s could not get the directory object for %2$s: %3$s %1$s %2$s is not a directory object Can not contact NIS+ server The system default domain '%1$s' is different from the Secure RPC domain %2$s where the key is stored. The Secure RPC domainname is defined by the directory object stored in the /var/nis/NIS_COLD_START file. If you need to change this Secure RPC domainname, please use the nisinit(1M) command with the `-k` option. Make sure that the secret key is store in the domain %1$s can't add directorycan't add replicacan't make directorycan't add masterPartial success changing NIS+ password. Login successfulNIS+ password changed; however, unable to get secret key. Keylogin unsuccessful ; however, unable to generate netname. Keylogin unsuccessful. ; however, user password and Secure RPC (NIS+) password are not the same. Keylogin unsuccessful. ; however, could not set secret key. Keylogin unsuccessful Please enter the Secure-RPC password for %1$s:Try again. Enter the Secure-RPC password for %1$s:Please enter New password:Please enter the login password for %1$s:Try again. Please enter the login password for %1$s:Need a password. Please enter the login password for %1$s: Explicit nonmembers: Implicit nonmembers: No explicit nonmembers No implicit nonmembers No recursive nonmembers Recursive nonmembers: %1$s Removing an entry from table %2$s usage: nisrmuser user Your nisplus password has expired. Please choose a new password. Enter local root login password:Enter %s's login password:Enter %s's root login password:Your nisplus password will expire today. Your nisplus password will expire in %d day(s). usage: nismkuser "attr=value" ... newuser **WARNING: You have specified the '%1$s' option twice. **ERROR: You have specified the '%1$s' option after having selected the '%2$s' option. Please select only one of these options: %3$s. killing process %1$s... **ERROR: invalid security level. It must be either 0 or 2. This can only be used with -F and -Y options. **ERROR: Should never get to this point!!!!! setting up backup files... saving a copy of %1$s... setting up domain information "%1$s"... setting up NIS+ server information... %1$s is already in the /etc/hosts file. setting up the name service switch information... The switch configuration file is already set to use NISPLUS. At the prompt below, type the network password (also known as the Secure-RPC password) that you obtained either from your administrator or from running the nispopulate script. **ERROR: chkey failed. The network password that you have entered is invalid. If this machine was initialized before as a NIS+ client, please enter the %1$s login password as the network password. Or re-type the network password that your administrator gave you. **ERROR: chkey failed again. Please contact your network administrator to verify your network password. Your network password has been changed to your login one. Your network and login passwords are now the same. **ERROR: keylogin failed. The network password that you have typed is invalid. If this machine was initialized before as an NIS+ client and the network password has been changed, please type the new network password. Or re-type the network password that your administrator gave you. **ERROR: keylogin failed again. Please contact your system administratorto verify your network password Please type your login password. Please type the %1$s login password for `uname -n`. **ERROR: chkey failed. **ERROR: chkey failed. Please do the following manually: 1. run "chkey" and type your own %1$s password at the password prompt. you must type your own %1$s password. running nisinit command ... **ERROR: nisinit failed. **ERROR: NIS+ client libraries are not available in 4.x You must access NIS+ tables through NIS (YP). initializing client machine... **ERROR: You must be root to use the -i option. Initializing client `uname -n` for domain "%1$s". as an authenticated NIS+ client. as an unauthenticated NIS+ client. WARNING: this machine serves NIS+ directories. Once this script is executed, you will not be able to restore the existing NIS+ server environment. Are you sure you want to proceed? Once initialization is done, you will need to reboot your machine. killing NIS and/or NIS+ processes... stopping nscd ... -S 2 option specified, setting up security... credential exists for setting up security... starting nscd ... Client initialization completed!! Please reboot your machine for changes to take effect. initializing user information... **ERROR: You cannot use the -u option as a root user. User initialization completed!! **WARNING: it is not necessary to initialize NIS+ users for unauthenticated users. **WARNING: you do not have NIS+ credentials. You can either use NIS+ service as an unauthenticated user or ask your network administrator to create a credentital for you. File %1$s restored! **ERROR: could not restore file %1$s Directory %1$s restored! **ERROR: could not restore directory %1$s Will not start up ypbind process because the nsswitch.conf file shows that you are not using NIS. restarting nis_cachemgr process... restarting NIS (YP) process... Nothing to restore from! This script can only restore from NIS+ setup done with nisclient command.his script must be run as root ... This script will restore the previous network information service. It recovers all the files with the no_nisplus extension and restarts either NIS+ or NIS client processes according to the /etc/irs.conf configuration file. Once restore is done, you will need to reboot your machine. Client files restored! Please reboot your machine for changes to take effect. Type server %1$s's IP address: Restoring your network service... Client files restored! restoring the temporary backup file for %1$s... restoring the temporary backup directory for %1$s... removing the temporary backup file for %1$s... removing the temporary backup directory for %1$s checking %1$s permission... **ERROR: invalid domain name ('%1$s') It must have at least two components. For example, "". checking %1$s domain... **ERROR: Don't know about the domain "%1$s". Please check the domain name. **ERROR: Couldn't get the server %1$s's address. checking info type for %1$s... **WARNING: %1$s is an alias name for host %2$s. You cannot create credential for host alias. **ERROR: this name "%1$s" is in both the passwd and hosts tables. You cannot have an username same as the hostname. **ERROR: invalid name "%1$s". It is neither an host nor an user name. adding %1$s credential for %2$s... ... overwriting the existing entry for principal %1$s! ... principal %1$s already exist -- skipped! ... added LOCAL credential for %1$s. ... could not add %1$s credential for %2$s. **ERROR: missing hostnames or usernames. **WARNING: it is not necessary to create NIS+ credentials for unauthenticated users. **ERROR: invalid security level %1$s. You will be adding %1$s credentials in domain %2$s for ** nisclient will overwrite existing entries in the credential ** table for hosts and users spedified above. ** nisclient will not overwrite any existing entries in the ** credential table. Sorry, no permission to create credentials! For all new NIS+ clients added, you will need to run the following on the client's machine: For all new NIS+ users added, you will need to update their keys on all machines that they are currently logged in by running keylogin(1), chkey(1), or nisclient(1M). **ERROR: you must specify one of the these options: -c, -i, -u, -r. **ERROR: directory %1$s does not exist. **ERROR: invalid security level. It must be either 2 or 3. **WARNING: you must specify the NIS domain name. **WARNING: you must specify the NIS server hostname. NIS+ domain name : %1$s NIS (YP) domain : %1$s NIS (YP) server hostname : %2$s Directory Path : %1$s Security Level : %1$s Credential Password : %2$s standard non-standard **WARNING: Interrupting this script after choosing to continue may leave the tables only partially populated. This script does not do any automatic recovery or cleanup. **ERROR: you must specify both the NIS domain name (-y) and the NIS server hostname (-h). This script will populate the %1$s NIS+ tables for domain %2$s from the NIS (YP) maps in domain %3$s: creating /var/yp/%1$s... **ERROR(%1$s): table %2$s does not exist. %3$s table will not be loaded. removing existing local NIS (YP) map... copying NIS (YP) map from server... **ERROR: NIS map transfer failed. %1$s table will not be loaded. using the existing NIS (YP) map... converting %1$s map... **WARNING: NIS %1$s map conversion failed. %2$s table will not be loaded. **WARNING: couldn't convert timezone! Please manually add timezone for %1$s. populating %1$s table from %2$s NIS (YP) domain... adding %1$s key-value table %2$s... adding standard table %1$s... **WARNING: failed to populate %1$s table. %1$s table done. Done! nispopulate failed to populate the following tables: This script will populate the %1$s NIS+ tables for domain %2$s from the files in %3$s:This script will populate the %1$s NIS+ tables for domain %2$s from the files in %3$s: populating %1$s table from file %2$s/%3$s... **WARNING: file %1$s/%2$s does not exist! %3$s table will not be loaded. **ERROR: the %1$s file does not exist. **ERROR: there is no publickey entry in %1$s. It should be: publickey: nisplus **ERROR: the publickey entry in %1$s is:It should be: publickey: nisplus ***WARNING: no credential will be created for level 0 security. This script will populate the NIS+ credential tables for domain %1$s from the following table(s): %2$s Populating the NIS+ credential table for domain %1$s from %2$s table. ... %1$s already exists ...added %1$s dumping passwd table... exit dumping hosts table... Don't know how to do >>%1$s<< loading credential table... **ERROR: failed dumping %1$s table. The credential table for domain %1$s has been populated. The password used will be %2$s. nispopulate failed to populate the credential table. **ERROR: you must specify one of these options: %1$s or %2$s Credentials have been added for the entries in the %1$stable(s). Each entry was given a default network password (also known as a Secure-RPC password). This password is: %2$s Use this password when the nisclient script requests the network password. restarting process %1$s ... **ERROR: host %1$s is not a valid NIS+ principal in domain %2$s. This %3$s %4$s must be defined in the credential table in domain %5$s. Use nisclient -c to create the host credential. **ERROR: you must specify a fully qualified groupname. **ERROR: invalid group name. It must be a group in the %1$s domain. **ERROR: NIS+ group name must end with a ".". To activate NIS-compatibility mode, uncomment the line 'EMULYP="-Y"' in the /etc/rc.nfs file and restart rpc.nisd with the '-Y' option on %1$s after this script completes Domain name : %1$s NIS+ server : %1$s NIS+ group : %1$s NIS (YP) compatibility : %1$s Security Level : %1$s setting up switch information ... switch configuration file already set to use NIS+. modifying the /etc/rc.nfs file ... You should modify the /etc/rc.nfs file on the following servers to set the proper options for rpc.nisd: servers: %1$s Options: -Y to turn on YP compatibility mode -S %1$s to run at security level %2$s commenting -Y ... adding -Y ... adding -S %1$s ... using default security ... **ERROR: you cannot set up %1$s remotely. To set up %2$s as an NIS+ root master server, run nisserver on %3$s. You must specify the security level: get security info ... %1$s This script sets up this machine "%1$s" as an NIS+ root master server for domain %2$s. This script will set up your machine as a root master server for domain %1$s without NIS compatibility at security level 2. WARNING: this script removes directories and files related to NIS+ under /var/nis directory with the exception of the client_info NIS_COLD_START and NIS_SHARED_DIRCACHE files which will be renamed to .%1$s. If you want to save these files, you should abort from this script now to save these files first. WARNING: once this script is executed, you will not be able to restore the existing NIS+ server environment. However, you can restore your NIS+ client environment using "nisclient -i" with the proper domain name and server information. Use "nisclient -i" to restore your NIS+ client environment. Use "nisclient -r" to restore your current network service environment.setup NIS_GROUP environment variable ... running %1$s ... **ERROR: it failed to initialize the root server. starting root server at security level 0 to create credentials... running nissetup to create standard directories and tables ... **ERROR: it failed to create the tables. adding credential for %1$s.%2$s.. **ERROR: it failed to add the credential for root. creating NIS+ administration group: %1$s ... **WARNING: failed to create the %1$s group. You will need to create this group manually: 1. /usr/bin/nisgrpadm -c %2$s 2. /usr/bin/nisgrpadm -a %3$s %4$s adding principal %1$s.%2$s to %3$s ... **WARNING: failed to add new member %1$s.%2$s into the %3$s group. You will need to add this member manually: 1. /usr/bin/nisgrpadm -a %4$s %5$s.%6$s updating the keys for directories ... WARNING: nisupdkeys failed on directory %1$s You will need to run nisupdkeys manually: 1. /usr/lib/nis/nisupdkeys %2$s change group owner for %1$s.. add read access for nobody ... restarting NIS+ root master server at security level %1$s ... starting NIS+ password daemon ... starting NIS+ cache manager ... starting Name Service Cache Daemon nscd ... %1$s This system is now configured as a root server for domain %1$s You can now populate the standard NIS+ tables by using the nispopulate script or /usr/lib/nis/nisaddent command. **ERROR: %1$s does not exist. **ERROR: no permission to create directory %1$s This script sets up a non-root NIS+ master server for domain This script will set up an NIS+ non-root master for domain %1$s without NIS compatibility, using the same servers for domain %2$s servers: %1$s This script sets up machine "%1$s" as an NIS+non-root master server for domain %1$s without NIS compatibility. checking rpc.nisd process on %1$s ... **ERROR: NIS+ server is not running on %1$s. You must do the following before becoming an NIS+ server: 1. become an NIS+ client of the parent domain or any domain above the domain which you plan to serve. (nisclient) 2. start the NIS+ server. (rpc.nisd) **WARNING: domain %1$s already exists.%1$s is already a master server for thisdomain. If you choose to continue with this script, it will try to create the groups_dir and org_dir directories for this domain. %1$s is already a replica server for this domain. If you choose to continue with this script, it will promote %1$s to be the new master for %2$s If you choose to continue with this script, it will try to create the groups_dir and org_dir directories for this domain. **ERROR: it failed to %1$s the %2$s directory. **WARNING: nisupdkeys failed on directory %1$s This script will not be able to continue. Please remove the %2$s directory using 'nisrmdir'. setting NIS+ group to %1$s ... **WARNING: failed to add the following members into the %1$s group: %2$s You will need to add this member manually: 1. /usr/bin/nisgrpadm -a %3$s %4$s changing the owner on the directory ... NIS+ password daemon already running ... **IMPORTANT: Be sure to start the NIS+ password daemon (rpc.nispasswdd) on the new NIS+ non-root (subdomain) master server %1$s IF NOT ALREADY. The system %1$s is now configured as a non-root server for domain %2$s. You can now populate the standard NIS+ tables by using the nispopulate or /usr/lib/nis/nisaddent commands. **ERROR: no permission to replicate directory %1$s This script sets up an NIS+ replica server for domain ERROR: %1$s is a master server for this domain. You cannot demote a master server to replica. If you really want to demote this master, you should promote a replica server to master using nisserver with the -M option. WARNING: %1$s is already a server for this domain. If you choose to continue with this script, it will try to replicate the groups_dir and org_dir directories for this domain. This script will set up machine "%1$s" as an NIS+ replica server for domain %2$s without NIS compatibility. The NIS+ server daemon, rpc.nisd, must be running on %3$s with the proper options to serve this domain. **ERROR: it failed to replicate the %1$s directory. adding replica principal into group owner ... pinging %1$s directory object on new replica ... %1$s exists and is not a directory %1$s created couldn't create %1$s USAGE: o to create credentials for NIS+ client or NIS+ principals: %1$s -c [-o] [-v] [-x] [-l ] [-d ] ... o to initialize NIS+ client machines: %2$s -i [-S 0|2] [-v] [-x] -h [-a ] [-d ] o to initialize NIS+ users: %3$s -u [-v] [-x] o to restore the network service environment: %4$s -r o to unconfigure NIS+ client %5$s -D OPTIONS: -a specifies the IP address for the NIS+ server. This option is *ONLY* used with the "-i" option. -c adds DES credentials for NIS+ principals. -d specifies the NIS+ domain where the credential should be created when used in conjuction with the -c option. It specifies the name for the new NIS+ domain when used in conjuction with the -i option. The default is your current domain name. -D Remove NIS+ client from this machine. -h specifies the NIS+ server's hostname. This option is *ONLY* used with the "-i" option. -i initializes a NIS+ client machine. Also see the -S option. -l specifies the network password for the clients. This option is *ONLY* used with the "-c" option. If this option is not specified, this script will prompt you for the network password. -o overwrite existing credential entries. The default is not to overwrite. This is *ONLY* used with the "-c" option. -r restores the network service environment. -S 0|2 specifies the authentication level for the NIS+ client. Level 0 is for unauthenticated clients and level 2 is for authenticated (DES) clients. The default is to set up with level 2 authentication. This option is *ONLY* used with -i option. nisclient always uses level 2 authentication (DES) for both -c and -u options. There is no need to run nisclient with -u and -c for level 0 authentication. -u initializes a NIS+ user. -v runs this script in verbose mode. -x turns the "echo" mode on. This script just prints the commands that it would have executed. The commands are printed with leading "+++". Note that the commands are not actually executed. The default is off. "USAGE: o to populate the table from NIS maps: %1$s -Y [-f] [-n] [-S 0|2] [-u] [-v] [-x] -h [-a ] [-l ] [-d ] -y [table] ... o to populate the table from files: %2$s -F [-f] [-u] [-v] [-x] [-S 0|2] [-d ] [-l ] [-p ] [table] ... o to populate the credential table from hosts/passwd tables: %3$s -C [-f] [-v] [-x] [-d ] [-l ] [hosts|passwd] OPTIONS: -a specifies the IP address for the NIS server. This option is *ONLY* used with the "-Y" option. -C populate the NIS+ credential table from passwd and hosts tables using DES authentication (security level 2). -d specifies the NIS+ domain. The default is the local domain. -F populate NIS+ tables from files. -f forces this script to populate the NIS+ tables without prompting for confirmation. -h specifies the NIS server hostname to copy the NIS map from. This is *ONLY* used with the "-Y" option. This host must be already exist in either the NIS+ hosts table or /etc/hosts file. If the hostname is not defined, this script will prompt you for its IP address. -l specifies the network password for populating the NIS+ credential table. This is *ONLY* used when you are populating the hosts and passwd tables. The default passwd is "nisplus". -n do not overwrite local NIS maps in /var/yp/ directory if they already exist. The default is to overwrite the existing NIS maps in the local /var/yp/ directory. This is *ONLY* used with the "-Y" option. -p specifies the directory path where the files are stored. This is *ONLY* used with the "-F" option. The default is the current working directory. -S 0|2 specifies the authentication level for the NIS+ client. Level 0 is for unauthenticated clients and no credentials will be created for users and hosts in the specified domain. Level 2 is for authenticated (DES) clients and DES credentials will be created for users and hosts in the specified domain. The default is to set up with level 2 authentication (DES). There is no need to run nispopulate with -C for level 0 authentication. -u updates the NIS+ tables (ie., adds, deletes, modifies) from either files or NIS maps. This option should be used to bring an NIS+ table up to date when there are only a small number of changes. The default is to add to the NIS+ tables without deleting any existing entries. Also, see the -n option for updating NIS+ tables from existing maps in the /var/yp directory. -v runs this script in verbose mode. -x turns the "echo" mode on. This script just prints the commands that it would have executed. The commands are printed with leading "+++". Note that the commands are not actually executed. The default is off. -Y populate the NIS+ tables from NIS maps. -y specifies the NIS domain to copy the NIS maps from. This is *ONLY* used with the "-Y" option. The default domain name is the same as the local domain name. USAGE: o to set up root master server: %1$s -r [-f] [-v] [-x] [-Y] [-d ] [-g ] [-l ] o to set up non-root master server: %2$s -M [-f] [-v] [-x] [-Y] [-d ] [-g ] [-h ] o to set up replica server: %3$s -R [-f] [-v] [-x] [-Y] [-d ] [-h ] o to unconfigure NIS+ server %4$s -D OPTIONS: -d specifies the name for the NIS+ domain. The default is your local domain. -D Remove NIS+ server from this machine. -f forces the NIS+ server setup without prompting for confirmation. -g specifies the NIS+ group name for the new domain. This option is not valid with "-R" option. The default group is admin.. -h specifies the hostname for the NIS+ server. It must be a valid host in the local domain. Use a fully qualified hostname (for example, to specify a host outside of your local domain. The default for non-root master server setup is to use the same list of servers as the parent domain. The default for replica server setup is the local hostname. This option is *ONLY* used for non-root master or replica servers setup. -l specifies the network password with which to create the credentials for the root master server. This option is *ONLY* used for master root server setup (-r). If this option is not specified, this script will prompt you for the login password. -M sets up the specified host as a non-root master server. Make sure that rpc.nisd(1M) is running on the new master server before this command is executed. -R sets up the specified host as a replica server. Make sure that rpc.nisd(1M) is running on the new replica server. -r sets up the server as a root master server. Use the -R option to set up a root replica server. -v runs this script in verbose mode. -x turns the "echo" mode on. This script just prints the commands that it would have executed. The commands are printed with leading "+++". Note that the commands are not actually executed. The default is off. -Y sets up an NIS+ server with NIS-compatibility mode. The default is to set up the server without NIS-compatibility mode. Do you want to see more information on this command? (type 'y' to get a detailed description, 'n' to exit)Security level (2=DES, 3=RSA): %1$sNIS Hostname: %1$sDirectory Path : %1$s Enter new value :Credential Password : %1$s Enter new value :Type the IP address for NIS (YP) server %1$sDo you want to continue? (type 'y' to continue, 'n' to exit this script)Is this information correct? (type 'y' to accept, 'n' to change)NIS (YP) domain : %1$s Enter new value :NIS+ Hostname: %1$sDomain name: %1$sNIS+ group: %1$sNIS (YP) compatibility (0=off, 1=on): %1$s(type 'y' to continue, 'n' to exit this script)Do you want to create the credential for %1$sType server's hostname:pinging %1$s object on new replica ... NIS+ domain name : %1$s Enter new value :setting up security information for %1$s... This script will set up your machine as a root master server for domain %1$s with NIS compatibility at security level 2. This script will set up an NIS+ non-root master for domain %1$s with NIS compatibility, using the same servers for domain %2$s non-root master server for domain %1$s with NIS compatibility. This script will set up machine "%1$s" as an NIS+ replica server for domain %2$s with NIS compatibility. The NIS+ server daemon, rpc.nisd, must be running on %3$s with the proper options to serve this domain. CAUTION: When setting up the replicas, -h option is required and the nisserver -R command has to run on master server not on the client machine. No options, other than -f, are allowed with the -D flag. CAUTION: EMULYP doesn't exists, please see mk_nisd command with -y option. The system %1$s is now configured as a replica server for domain %2$s The NIS+ server daemon, rpc.nisd, must be running on %3$s with the proper options to serve this domain. If you want to run this replica in NIS (YP) compatibility mode, edit the /etc/init.d/rpc file on the replica server and uncomment the line which sets EMULYP to '-Y'. This will ensure that rpc.nisd will run with the '-Y' option. These actions should be taken after this script completes. Use the command 'mk_nisd -I' on the replica to ensure that rpc.nisd is started at system restart time. The -D flag allows no other options with this command. restoring domain to $DEFDOM..." You may need to add a client entry to the hosts table through nistbladm nistbladm -a name= cname= addr= hosts.org_dir usage: nis setup [-Y] [domain] nfsrgyd: can't fork nfsrgyd: Unable to set local domain, errno = %1$d Usage: nfsrgyd [-f] [-T heartBeatInt] nfsrgyd: Caller is not localhost nfsrgyd: Unable to create service nfsrgyd: Unable to map realm (%1$s) to a domain nfsrgyd: Unable to map local user (%1$s) to a foreign user nfsrgyd: Unable to map local group (%1$s) to a foreign group nfsrgyd: Unable to map foreign user (%1$s) to a local user nfsrgyd: Unable to map foreign group (%1$s) to a local group nfsrgyd: Unable to map local user (%1$s) to a uid nfsrgyd: Unable to map local group (%1$s) to a gid nfsrgyd: Unable to map nobody user (%1$s) to a uid nfsrgyd: Unable to map nobody group (%1$s) to a gid nfsrgyd: Unable to map a member group list from local user (%1$s) nfsrgyd: Unable to load kernel extension nfsrgyd: File %1$s is empty nfsrgyd: Invalid local domain: %1$s nfsrgyd: Cannot open file %1$s nfsrgyd: malloc failed Usage: chnfsdom Domain name too long Could not write to file %1$s Invalid realm: %1$s Invalid domain: %1$s Usage: chnfsrtd [-a|-e|-r realm_name domain_name [new_realm new_domain]] Cannot open file: %1$s Usage: chnfssec [-a|-r ] Invalid security: %1$s malloc failed nfsrgyd: EIM create handle failed, rc = %1$d nfsrgyd: EIM connect failed, rc = %1$d nfsrgyd: EIM get target from identifier failed (realm=%1$s), rc = %2$d nfsrgyd: EIM a unique realm to domain mapping was not found (realm=%1$s) nfsrgyd: EIM get target from source failed (%1$s@%2$s to domain %3$s), rc = %4$d nfsrgyd: EIM a unique target user mapping was not found (%1$s@%2$s to domain %3$s) nfsrgyd: EIM a unique target group mapping was not found (%1$s@%2$s to domain %3$s) nfsrgyd: Warning: EIM not configured nfsrgyd: Invalid EIM directory suffix nfsrgyd: dlsym(%1$s) failed: %2$s nfsrgyd: dlopen(%1$s) failed: %2$s Realm (%1$s) is already mapped to domain (%2$s) Current local domain: %1$s Invalid name: %1$s Usage: chnfsim [-a|-x] [-u|-g] [-i Identity] [-n name] [-d domain] or: chnfsim [-a|-x] [-r realm] [-d domain] or: chnfsim -c [-a] [-t type] [-h hostname] [-e EIMdomain] [-f EIMsuffix] [-w admin password] [-W access password] [-b admin_DN] or: chnfsim -c [-x] [-h hostname] or: chnfsim -c [-l] [-h hostname] or: chnfsim -l [-u|-g] [-i Identity] or: chnfsim -s [-u|-g] [-n name] [-d domain] or: chnfsim -C Unable to create EIM registry for %1$s NFS_Domains is a reserved EIM Identifier Unable to add SOURCE or TARGET associations of %1$s@%2$s for %3$s Unable to remove SOURCE or TARGET associations of %1$s@%2$s for %3$s Unable to add TARGET association of %1$s in %2$s Unable to remove TARGET association of %1$s in %2$s NFS is not configured to run EIM on this system Invalid hostname: %1$s Invalid EIM domain: %1$s Invalid EIM directory suffix: %1$s gethostname() failed, rc = %1$d mksecldap failed, rc = %1$d Can not add EIM directory suffix, rc = %1$d Can not create EIM base entry, rc = %1$d Can not create EIM domain, rc = %1$d Unable to create EIM identity (%1$s) Unable to remove EIM identity (%1$s) Identity mappings for %1$s: Realm to Domain mappings: Error listing identity mappings for %1$s, rc = %2$d Error listing realm-to-domain mappings rc = %1$d No mappings found nfsrgyd: EIM is not configured properly EIM server: %1$s EIM domain: %1$s EIM directory suffix: %1$s Name Domain Error searching for user mapping identities associated with name (%1$s) and domain (%2$s), rc = %3$d Error searching for group mapping identities associated with name (%1$s) and domain (%2$s), rc = %3$d User mapping identities associated with name (%1$s) and domain (%2$s): Group mapping identities associated with name (%1$s) and domain (%2$s): Mapping identity (%1$s) does not exist Unable to create access-only user Unable to create access for access-only user The administrator password must be set if the specified hostname is the local host An argument is greater than 256 characters. gethostbyname_r() failed, rc = %1$d Invalid server type: %1$s Hostname is required for deleting a server entry Can not add a new server entry as already %1$d servers are configured Can not add new server entry, rc = %1$d Can not delete server entry, rc = %1$d Server entry for %1$s hostname is not present in %2$s file nfsrgyd: All the EIM servers are down nfsrgyd: LDAP error on EIM server (%1$s), re-try with the next EIM server, rc = %2$d EIM server type: %1$s nfs4cl: invalid option %s ignored nfs4cl: warning %s overridden by actimeo specification nfs4cl: maxgroups out of range (17-64), option ignored. nfs4cl command failed with errno of %d nfs4cl: invalid %s specified, ignored Usage: nfs4cl [subcommand] [path] [argument] Invalid number of arguments: %d Only superuser or members of the system group can perform setfsoptions Invalid command argument: %s nfs4cl will only print non-default options default options: Example : show info on all the current nfs4_fsid show extra info on the nfs4_fsid of /mnt set the rsize of /mnt to 1000 reset all the options of the /mnt back to the default print this help message show df info on all the current nfs4_fsid show df info on the nfs4_fsid of /mnt return delegation for given file Only superuser or members of the system group can perform delegreturn nfs4cl: invalid pathname nfs4cl: delegation return request failedSpecify this option if you wish to flush the NFS name translation cache.Specify this option if you wish to change the NFS local domain of this system. The NFS local domain of the system must be specified before running NFS V4.Specify this option if you wish to change the configuration of the system to use foreign identity mapping with NFS V4. NFS V4 foreign identity mapping helps translate users and groups from foreign NFS domains to the local NFS domain. It is also used to help translate security principals to Unix credentials. The bos.eim fileset must be installed.Specify this option if you wish to configure the local realm mappings. Local realm mappings are used to translate security principals to Unix credentials when foreign identity mapping is not available.Specify this option if you wish to change the list of security flavors the NFS client will use.Select "yes" to flush the NFS name translation cache.Display the current NFS local domain of the system.Specify this option to change the NFS local domain of the system.Specify the new NFS local domain of the system.Display the local realm to domain mappings specified for this system.Specify this option if you wish to add a new realm to domain mapping.Specify this option if you wish to remove a realm to domain mapping.Specify the Kerberos realm that corresponds to the NFS domain below.Specify the NFS domain that corresponds to the Kerberos realm above.Display the default list of security flavors the NFS client will use.Specify this option if you wish to change the default list of security flavors the NFS client will use.Specify this option if you wish to remove a security from the list.Specify a comma separated list of security flavors to be used by the NFS client. The order of the list determines which security will be used first. The valid security flavors are: sys dh krb5 krb5i krb5pSpecify a comma separated list of security flavors to be removed.Specify this option to configure the Enterprise Identity Mapping (EIM) needed to perform NFS V4 Foreign Identity Mapping. This configuration must be completed before running other NFS V4 mapping commands.Specify this option if you wish to perform user-related NFS V4 mappings functions. These include adding and removing NFS V4 EIM user mapping identities and foreign mappings.Specify this option if you wish to perform group-related NFS V4 mappings functions. These include adding and removing NFS V4 EIM group identities and foreign mappings.Specify this option if you wish to perform realm-to-domain related NFS V4 functions. Realm-to-domain mappings are need to translate security principals to Unix credentials.Specify the hostname of the EIM LDAP server.Specify the domain of the EIM LDAP server used for NFS V4.Specify the directory suffix of the EIM LDAP server used for NFS V4.Specify the password of the EIM LDAP adminstrator. The EIM administrator has read and write priviledges to the NFS EIM data. If the hostname specified is the local host, then this field must be set. If the hostname specified is not the local host, then at least one of the administrator password or access-only password must be set.Specify this option to add a new NFS V4 User Mapping Identity. A Mapping Identity is a unique name to identify a single user through any NFS domain that user belongs to.Specify this option to remove a NFS V4 User Mapping Identity.Specify this option to add a new foreign identity mapping for a specified user mapping identity. A foreign identity mapping defines a user in a NFS domains to be a specified mapping identity.Specify this option to remove a foreign identity mapping for a specified user mapping identity.Specify the user's NFS V4 Mapping Identity. This is a unique string that identifies a single user through any NFS domain that user belongs to.Specify the user name of the NFS V4 Mapping Identity in the NFS domain below. The combination of a user name and NFS domain for the NFS V4 owner string "username@domain".Specify the NFS domain of the NFS V4 Mapping Identity for the above user. The combination of a user name and NFS domain is the format for the NFS V4 owner string "username@domain".Specify this option to add a new NFS V4 Group Mapping Identity. A Mapping Identity is a unique name to identify a single group through any NFS domain that user belongs to.Specify this option to remove a NFS V4 Group Mapping Identity.Specify this option to add a new foreign identity mapping for a specified group identity. A foreign identity mapping defines a group in a NFS domains to be a specified mapping identity.Specify this option to remove a foreign identity mapping for a specified group mapping identity.Specify the group's NFS V4 Mapping Identity. This is a unique string that identifies a single group through any NFS domain that group belongs to.Specify the group name of the NFS V4 Mapping Identity in the NFS domain below. The combination of a group name and NFS domain is the format for the NFS V4 owner group string "groupname@domain".Specify the NFS domain of the NFS V4 Mapping Identity for the above group. The combination of a group name and NFS domain for the NFS V4 owner group string "groupname@domain".Specify this option to add a realm to domain mapping. Realm to domain mappings help translate security principals to Unix credentials.Specify this option to remove a realm to domain mapping.Specify this option to list all identity mappings associated with a given user or group identity.Specify this option to list all realm to domain mappings.Specify this option to determine if this system is configured to use EIM to handle NFS V4 foreign identity mapping.Specify the password of the EIM access-only user. The EIM access-only user has read-only priviledges to the NFS EIM data. If the hostname specified is not the local host, then at least one of the administrator password or access-only password must be set.Specify this option to search for a User Mapping Identity given a user name and a NFS domainSpecify this option to search for a Group Mapping Identity given a group name and a NFS domainSpecify this option to set the heartBeat Interval for nfsrgyd. Please stop and restart nfsrgyd daemon for changes to take effect.Specify this option to remove a EIM server entry from the EIM configuration file.Specify this option to list EIM server entry from the EIM configuration file.Specify this option to select the type EIM server - P for Primary server, S for Secondary server.Usage: nfshostkey -p -f Unable to create directory %1$s Unable to open %1$s Unable to write file %1$s nfshostkey -l %1$s file format is invalid Out of memory Must set primary hostkey before modifying secondary hostkeys nfshostkey -L nfshostkey -a -p -i
nfshostkey -d -p -i
Principal name too long Keytab file name too long Usage: nfshostmap -a ... nfshostmap -d nfshostmap -e ... Out of memory Mapping for %1$s not found nfshostmap -l Specify this option if you wish to change the lease time of the NFS Version 4 server. The lease time of the server is an interval of time for which a NFS Version 4 client is granted state.Change the NFS Version 4 Lease Time for this system. New Lease Time will become active on next start of NFS.Can not get lease timeCan not set lease time New Lease Time will become active on next start of NFSThe Cache File System (CacheFS) is a general-purpose file system caching mechanism that improves NFS server performance and scalability by reducing server and network load. CacheFS is used to cache access to backing file systems.Specify this option to create, remove, modify, and check a Cache File System.Specify this option to mount a Cache File System.Specify this option to check the integrity of data cached withn a Cache File System.Specify this option to create a Cache File System.Specify this option to change/show attributes of a Cache File System.Specify this option to remove a Cache File System.Specify this option to run a consistency check on the specified Cache File System.The pathname of the cache directory.Maximum amount of storage space that CacheFS can use, expressed as a percentage of the total number of blocks in the front file system. If CacheFS does not have exclusive use of the front file system, there is no guarantee that all the space the maxblocks parameter allows will be available.The minimum amount of storage space, expressed as a percentage of the total number of blocks in the front file system, that CacheFS is always allowed to use without limitation by its internal control mechanisms. If CacheFS does not have exclusive use of the front file system, there is no guarantee that all the space the minblocks parameter attempts to reserve will be available.A percentage of the total blocks in the front file system beyond which CacheFS cannot claim resources once its block usage has reached the level specified by minblocks.Maximum number of files that CacheFS can use, expressed as a percentage of the total number of inodes in the front file system. If CacheFS does not have exclusive use of the front file system, there is no guarantee that all the inodes the maxfiles parameter allows will be available. Minimum number of files, expressed as a percentage of the total number of inodes in the front file system, that CacheFS is always allowed to use without limitation by its internal control mechanisms. If CacheFS does not have exclusive use of the front file system, there is no guarantee that all the inodes the minfiles parameter attempts to reserve will be available.A percentage of the total inodes in the front file system beyond which CacheFS cannot claim inodes once its usage has reached the level specified by minfiles.Largest file size, expressed in megabytes, that CacheFS is allowed to cache.Removes the file system whose cache ID you specify.The cache ID of a Cache File System. This can be determined by running the "/usr/sbin/cfsadmin -l " command.Specify this option to mount a Cache File System backed against a NFS filesystem.Specify this option to mount a Cache File System backed against a CDROM filesystem.The pathname of the NFS mount point.The pathname of the exported directory in the NFS server.The hostname of the NFS server.Specify a comma-separated string of NFS mount options.Specifies a backing file system if it is already mounted. If this is not specified, then smit will do the mount itself on a temporary mount point. If this is not specified, then RemoteHost and RemoteDirectory must be specified."now" mounts the directory with the options specified, but does not modify the /etc/filesystems file. "filesystems" causes an entry to be added to the /etc/filesystems file, but the directory is not mounted. "both" adds an entry to the /etc/filesystems file and attempts to mount the file system.Specify whether the Cache File System is automatically mounted at system restart or not.The pathname of the CDROM mount point.The local device name of the CDROM.Specify a comma-separated string of CDROM mount options.Display CacheFS statistics of a given cache directory.Specify the filename of the log.Show logging of a filesystemStart / Change logging of a filesystemHalt logging of a filesystemCacheFS Workspace SizeProxy File SystemSpecify this option to create a Proxy File System.Specify this option to remove a Proxy File System.Cache directory configuration options in the form param=n. The cachefs resource parameter descriptions can be found in the cfsadmin manual page.NFS server export options for the created proxy file system instance.Caused the proxy file system instance to aquire a single lock from its associated NFS back-end that covers the entire file when any byte range locks are requested. When the count of byte range locks drops to zero, the lock on the back-end NFS server is released.I/O ERRORDISK DRIVE HARDWARE OR MICROCODESTOP AND RESTART THE NFS SERVER, stopsrc -s nfsd, starsrc -s nfsdLoading NFSv4 Stable Storage...Load successful. Load failed. Checking NFSv4 Stable Storage. Bypassing NFSv4 Grace Period. NFSv4 Stable Storage not mounted. Cleanup of NFSv4 Stable Storage complete. Could not set Grace Period. Could not set GP auto-extend count. Could not create SS path directory. Could not set FS BLK size. Could not set PATH for GP. Could not set BYPASS for GP. Could not set HACMP awareness. Could not set HACMP load SS bypass. stnfs: %1$s option requires an argument, ignored stnfs: bad argument to %1$s option, ignored stnfs: conflicting options %1$s and %2$s, %3$s ignored stnfs: argument to %1$s option is not a valid number, ignored stnfs: argument to %1$s option is not a number, ignored stnfs: invalid option %1$s ignored stnfs: duplicate option %1$s, second specification ignored stnfs: no memory available stnfs: unable to umount %1$d stnfs: failed to load the extension %1$d stnfs: unknown command %1$s stnfs: wrong number of arguments stnfs: %1$s not in hosts database. %2$d stnfs: vmount failed: %1$d stnfso: Invalid percentage set. stnfso: The client system call stnfs_set_option failed. stnfso: Must be run as root. Usage: stnfso -setpages [percent of max mem] -getpages stnfso: Page percentage set at %1$d%%. Cannot initialize kstatsCannot lookup cachefs key kstatCannot read cachefs key kstatCannot stat %1$s%1$s: not a cachefs mountpointCannot get cachefs key kstatCannot malloc return codeCannot lookup statisticsCannot read statisticsCannot zero statisticsCannot open/create logfile: %1$sCannot stat logfile: %sCannot use existing empty file as a logfileCannot set logfile path for this filesystemCannot set log bitmap for this filesystemCannot lookup kstats for this filesystemCannot read kstats for this filesystemCannot open logfile %1$sCannot read header from logfile %1$s%1$s: Invalid log file header%1$s: Revision too highLogfile was not openTruncated mount recordCannot malloc recordTruncated umount recordTruncated getpage recordTruncated readdir recordTruncated readlink recordTruncated remove recordTruncated rmdir recordTruncated truncate recordTruncated putpage recordTruncated create recordTruncated mkdir recordTruncated rename recordTruncated symlink recordTruncated populate recordTruncated csymlink recordTruncated filldir recordTruncated mdcreate recordTruncated gpfront recordTruncated rfdir recordTruncated ualloc recordTruncated calloc recordTruncated nocache recordCorrupt logfile (position %1$x)Attempt to format invalid log type=%1$d (position %2$x)Out of memoryCannot open dbm file %1$sCannot malloc memory for fid_info recordCannot store fid infoCannot malloc memory for mountinfoCannot store mount infoCannot store attrcache infoUsage: cachefslog [ -v ] [-h | -f ] mountpoint initial size: %1$6dk must be run by rootCannot initialize cachefs library Cannot create stats objectunmount: invalid number of arguments: %1$d unmount: forced unmount not supported for cachefs nfso -H sm_unregister