ùISO8859-1ø%8 Xy™ ´ À Í Ø ã 9í 9'0a"’Yµ%9>DèK 4@A/‚²&Ñarp.atm: Cannot open %s. arp.atm: The line %s is not correct. arp.atm: Permission is denied. arp.atm: host name %s NOT FOUND arp.atm: %s: address misformed arp.atm: %s: unknown host %s (%s) at (incomplete) permanent published trailersarp.atm: Entry %s (%s) was not found in local arp table. arp.atm: Entry %s (%s) was not found in local arp table. Entry %s (%s) was deleted from local arp table. arp.atm: arp dump entry not found arp.atm: incomplete dump of the arp table, number dumped = %d number in the table = %d PVC VPI:VCI Handle IP Address llc arp TrueFalse [ATM]Usage: arp -t atm hostname arp -t atm -a[n] [pvc|svc] arp -t atm -d hostname arp -t atm -d pvc vpi:vci if ifname arp -t atm -s atm hostname atm_addr [temp] arp -t atm -s atm pvc vpi:vci [hostname | if ifname] [no-llc] [no-arp] %s (%s) set %s (%s) -- entry is the server connection, it cannot be deleted Device unit %d exceeds the maximum unit number SVC - at%d on device atm%d - IP Addr VPI:VCI Handle ATM Address