ùISO8859-1#=Ì ; ;GYƒYÝH7H€ 3É iý eg DÍ =AP+’-¾CìC0,t3¡5Õ6 )BUlZÂVatdÖ0 ;c lf Ð * 7!_ b"X Â%U 8 qI ª# ô% ¾ >q ý { o- ë07J-‚4°6å: <W J”Tß 0931-001 You must have root authority to run this command. 0931-003 This command is not supported on this platform. 0931-004 Unable to obtain lock. Try command again later. Usage: drslot_chrp_cpu {-a | -r } [-w timeout] -c cpu [-s drc_name] [-f] [-d dbg_lvl] Usage: drslot_chrp_mem {-a | -r } [-w timeout] -c mem [-s drc_name] [-f] [-d dbg_lvl] 0931-005 There are no dynamically reconfigurable CPUs on this system. 0931-006 There are no dynamically reconfigurable LMBs on this system. 0931-007 You have specified an invalid drc_name. 0931-008 You specified a drc_name for a resource which is already assigned to this partition. 0931-009 You specified a drc_name for a resource which is not assigned to this partition. 0931-010 Could not remove the resource before the timeout period. 0931-011 Unable to allocate the resource to the partition. 0931-012 Unable to unallocate the resource from the partition. 0931-013 Unable to isolate the resource. 0931-014 Unable to unisolate the resource. 0931-015 There are no dynamically reconfigurable CPUs available. 0931-016 There are no dynamically reconfigurable LMBs available. 0931-017 Define method not found for cpu. 0931-018 Configuration method not found for cpu. 0931-019 Unconfiguration method not found for cpu. 0931-020 Configuration method not found for memory. 0931-021 Define method failed for cpu. 0931-022 Configuration method failed for cpu. As root, run cfgmgr -vl %s. 0931-023 Unconfiguration method failed for cpu. As root, run rmdev -dl proc%u. 0931-024 Configuration method failed for memory. As root, run mkdev -l %s. 0931-025 This resource is not available for add operation. Specify another drc_name. 0931-030 Software failure. Data may be out of sync and the system may require a reboot. 0931-031 Software failure. Rerun the command. 0931-032 Firmware failure. Data may be out of sync and the system may require a reboot. 0931-033 The number of LMBs specified is greater than the number supported on this system. 0931-034 The malloc system call failed. 0931-035 This resource's state does not allow it to be allocated to this partition. 0931-036 Configuration method failed for sys0. As root, run cfgmgr -vl sys0. 0931-037 This parameter may not be changed when the system is in dedicated mode. Usage: drslot_chrp_slot {-a | -r} -c slot -s drc_name 0931-026 There are no dynamically reconfigurable SLOTs on this system. 0931-027 Could not turn off LED. 0931-028 Could not power off slot. 0931-029 The specified slot contains a device or devices that are currently configured. Unconfigure the following device or devices with the rmdev command and try again. 0931-030 The specified slot contains Logical Port(s) underneath it. Remove the Logical Port(s) and try again. 0931-400 The specified PHB contains Logical I/O Slots underneath it. Remove the Logical I/O Slots and try again. 0931-401 The specified PHB already exists. 0931-402 Define method not found for the PHB. 0931-403 Configuration method not found for the PHB. 0931-404 Define method failed for the PHB. 0931-405 Configuration method failed for the PHB. 0931-406 Unconfiguration method failed for the PHB. 0931-407 Failed to register the interrupts for the PHB. 0931-408 Failed to unregister the interrupts for the PHB. 0931-409 There are no dynamically reconfigurable PHBs on this system. 0931-600 There are no dynamically reconfigurable HEA port(s) on this partition.