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Command requires option "%s". Command requires an attribute. Access to run command is not valid. Not a valid command: %1$s %2$s Flag or parameter not valid. Option flag is not valid. Attribute is not valid. Option combination is not valid. Status value is not valid. Option "%s" requires a parameter. Option "%s" requires an attribute. Option "%s" also requires option "%s". Option "%s" is repeated. Attributes cannot be repeated. "%s" contains a parameter that is not valid. "%s" is not valid. Too many parameters. Too few parameters. Not able to acquire permission to run command. Command did not complete. "%s" was last subcommand run. This command causes a reboot. Continue [y|n]? This command causes the Link Aggregation to be brought down. Continue [y|n]? No commands currently logged. No failed login attempts logged. Too many matches for given physical location code. Continue the installation [y|n]? No Shared Ethernet Adapters associated with device "%s". No Virtual Target Devices associated with device "%s". No device found associated with physical location code. Network service is not valid. The IO Server is already mirrored. Boot Logical Volume not found. Physical volume "%s" appears to belong to another volume group. LVM system call returned an unknown error code (3). Unable to deactivate volume group. Volume group must be activated; use activatevg command. Unable to access a special device file. Logical Volume "%s" belongs to the Operating System. "%s" is not a valid physical volume or logical volume. Physical Volume "%s" contains logical volumes, which is not allowed. Cannot delete a physical volume with allocated partitions. Use either migratepv to move the partitions or reducevg with the -rmlv option to delete the partitions. The activatevg command activates the volume group specified by the VolumeGroup parameter and all associated logical volumes. Displays and alters the list of boot devices available to the system. -mode Specifies which boot list to display or alter. Possible values for the Mode variable are normal, service, both, or prevboot. -ls Indicates that the specified boot list is to be displayed after any specified alteration is performed. The output is a list of device names. -rm Indicates that the device list specified by the -mode flag should be invalidated. -attr Attributes are extra pieces of information about a device. Device Provides the names of the specific or generic devices to include in the boot list. Usage: cattracerpt [-hookid List | -lshid] [-outfile FileName] Formats a report from the trace log. -hookid Limits report to hook IDs specified with the List variable. -outfile Writes the report to the file FileName instead of to standard output. -lshid Displays the list of hook IDs. Usage: cfgdev [-dev Name] Configures devices and optionally installs device software by running the programs specified in the Configuration Rules object class. -dev Specifies the device to configure along with its children. Usage: cfglnagg {-add [-backup] | -rm} LinkAggregation Adapter cfglnagg [-f] -attr Attribute=NewValue ... LinkAggregation Usage: fsck [FileSystem ...] Checks file system consistency and interactively repairs the file system. Usage: chpath -dev Name -op OpStatus [-pdev Parent] [-conn Connection] chpath -dev Name -pdev Parent [-conn Connection] [-perm] -attr Attribute=Value ... Changes the operational status of paths to an MPIO capable device, or changes an attribute associated with a path to an MPIO capable device. -dev Specifies the logical device name of the target device for the path(s) affected by the change. -op Indicates the operational status to which the indicated paths should be changes. The allowable values or this flag are: enable Mark the operational status as enabled for MPIO path selection. disable Mark the operational status as disabled for MPIO path selection. -pdev Indicates the logical device name of the parent device to use in qualifying the paths to be changed. -conn Indicates the connection information to use in qualifying the paths to be changed. If there are multiple paths from the parent to the device, then this flag is required to identify the specific path being changed. -perm Changes the path's characteristics permanently in the database without actually changing the path. The change takes affect on the path the next time it is unconfigured and then configured (possibly on the next boot). -attr Identifies the attribute to change as well as the new value for the attribute. Usage: cleargcl Clears the contents of the global command log. Usage: deactivatevg VolumeGroup The deactivatevg command deactivates the volume group specified by the VolumeGroup parameter along with its associated logical volumes. Usage: entstat [-all] [-reset] Device Shows Ethernet device driver and device statistics. -all Displays all the statistics, including the device-specific statistics. -reset Resets all the statistics back to their initial values. Usage: exportvg VolumeGroup The exportvg command removes the definition of the volume group specified by the VolumeGroup parameter from the system. The primary use of the exportvg command, coupled with the importvg command, is to allow portable volumes to be exchanged between systems. Only a complete volume group can be exported, not individual physical volumes. Usage: extendlv LogicalVolume Size [PhysicalVolume ...] Increases the size of a logical volume. Usage: extendvg [-f] VolumeGroup PhysicalVolume ... The extendvg command increases the size of VolumeGroup by adding one or more PhysicalVolumes -f Forces the physical volume to be added to the specified volume group. Usage: hostmap -addr IPAddress -host Hostname... hostmap -rm IPAddress hostmap -ls Directly manipulates address-mapping entries in the system configuration database. -addr Adds an IP address-to-host name mapping entry for the given Internet Protocol address in the database. -host Specifies a list of hostnames. Entries in the list should be separated by blanks. -rm Deletes the IP address-to-host name mapping entry in the database that corresponds to the given address specified by the IPAddress variable. -ls Shows all entries in the database. Usage: hostname [hostname] Sets or displays the name of the current host system. Usage: importvg [-vg VolumeGroup] PhysicalVolume The importvg command makes the previously exported volume group known to the system. The PhysicalVolume parameter specifies only one physical volume to identify the volume group; any remaining physical volumes (those belonging to the same volume group) are found by the importvg command and included in the import. An imported volume group is automatically activated. -vg Specifies the volume group name rather than having the name generated automatically. Usage: ioslevel Reports the latest installed maintenance level of the system. Usage: lsfailedlogin Display the contents of the failed login log. Usage: lsgcl Display the contents of the global command log. Usage: lsnetsvc NetworkService Gives the status of a network service. Usage: lssw [-hist] Lists installed software products. -hist Displays installation and update history information. Usage: mklv [-mirror] [-lv LogicalVolume | -prefix Prefix] VolumeGroup Size [PhysicalVolume ...] Creates a logical volume. -mirror Turns on mirroring. -lv Specifies the logical volume name to use instead of using a system-generated name. -prefix Specifies the Prefix to use instead of the prefix in a system-generated name for the new logical volume. Usage: mklvcopy LogicalVolume [PhysicalVolume ...] Creates a mirror of a logical volume. Usage: mkpath {[-dev Name] [-pdev Parent] [-conn Connection]} [-def] Adds to the system another path to an MPIO capable device. -dev Specifies the logical device name of the target device to which the path(s) are being added. -pdev Indicates the logical device name of the parent device associated with the path(s) to be added. -conn Indicates the connection information associated with the path to be added. -def Defines a new path to a device by adding a path definition to the system. The new path does not automatically configure when the -def flag is specified. Note that only one path may be defined at a time. Usage: mkvg [-f] [-vg VolumeGroup] PhysicalVolume ... The mkvg command creates a new volume group, using the physical volumes represented by the PhysicalVolume parameter. -f Forces the volume group to be created on the specified physical volume -vg Specifies the volume group name rather than having the name generated automatically. Usage: migratepv [-lv LogicalVolume] SourcePhysicalVolume DestinationPhysicalVolume ... Moves allocated physical partitions from one physical volume to one or more other physical volumes. -lv Moves only the specified logical volume. Physical volume "%s" is not assigned to a volume group. Usage: oem_platform_level Returns the operating system level of the OEM install and setup environment. Usage: oem_setup_env Initiates the OEM install and setup environment. Usage: optimizenet [-reboot | -perm] {-set Tunable[=NewValue]} optimizenet [-reboot | -perm] {-default Tunable} optimizenet -list [Tunable] optimizenet -h [Tunable] Manages network tuning parameters. -reboot Makes changes apply to reboot values when used with -set or -default. -perm Makes changes apply to both current and reboot values when used with -set or -default. -set Displays the value of or sets the Tunable to NewValue. -default Resets Tunable to its default value. -list Lists the characteristics of one or all Tunables. -h Displays help about Tunable parameter. Usage: passwd [User] Changes a user's password. Usage: ping [-n] [-r] [-s PacketSize] [-src hostname/IPAddress] Host [Count] Sends an echo request to a network host. -n Specifies numeric output only. -r Bypasses the routing tables and sends directly to a host on an attached network. -s Specifies the number of data bytes to be sent. -src Uses the IP address as the source address in outgoing ping packets Usage: reducevg [-rmlv] [-f] VolumeGroup PhysicalVolume ... Usage: remote_management {-disable | [-interface Interface] Master} Usage: restorevgstruct {-ls | -vg VolumeGroupLabel [DiskName ...]} Restores the user volume group. -ls Displays a list of saved volume groups. -vg Specifies the name of the volume group. DiskName Specifies the names of disk devices to be used instead of the disk devices listed in the saved volume group. Usage: rmlv [-f] LogicalVolume ... Removes logical volumes from a volume group. -f Removes the logical volumes without requesting confirmation. Usage: rmlvcopy LogicalVolume [PhysicalVolume ...] Removes a copy from a logical volume. Usage: rmpath {[-dev Name] [-pdev Parent] [-conn Connection]} [-rm] Removes from the system a path to an MPIO capable device. -dev Specifies the logical device name of the target device whose path is to be removed. -pdev Indicates the logical device name of the parent device to use in qualifying the paths to be removed. -conn Indicates the connection information to use in qualifying the paths to be removed. -rm Indicates that the specified paths are to be deleted from the system. Usage: diagmenu Brings up the diagnostic menus. Usage: savevgstruct VolumeGroupLabel The savevgstruct command makes a backup of a volume group structure. Usage: showmount Host Displays a list of all clients that have remotely mountable file systems. Usage: starttrace [-event Event[, Event] ...] Records selected system events. -event Specifies the user-defined events for which you want to collect trace data. Usage: startsysdump Starts a system dump. Usage: stoptrace Stops the collection of trace data. Usage: syncvg {-lv | -pv | -vg} Name ... Synchronizes logical volume copies that are not current. -lv Specifies that the Name parameter is a logical volume device name. -pv Specifies that the Name parameter is a physical volume device name. -vg Specifies that the Name parameter is a volume group device name. Usage: traceroute [-hops Hops] [-num] [-port Port] [-src Address] Host [Packetsize] Prints the route that IP packets take to a network host. -hops Sets the maximum time-to-live used in outgoing probe packets. The default is 30 hops. -num Prints hop addresses numerically. -port Sets the base UDP port number used in probes. -src Uses the next IP address in numerical form as the source address in outgoing probe packets. Usage: unmirrorios [PhysicalVolume ...] Removes the mirrors that exist on the rootvg volume group. Usage: cfgnamesrv -add {-ipaddr IPAddress | -dname DomainName | -slist SearchList} cfgnamesrv -rm {-ipaddr IPAddress | -domain | -slist} cfgnamesrv -ch DomainName cfgnamesrv -ls [-namesrv | -domain | -slist] cfgnamesrv -mk [-ipaddr IPAddress [-dname DomainName] [-slist SearchList]] cfgnamesrv -chslist SearchList Directly manipulates domain name server entries for the local resolver routines in the system configuration database. -add Adds an entry to the system configuration database. -ipaddr Indicates that the command deals with a name server entry. -dname Indicates that the command deals with the domain name entry. -domain Specifies that the operation is on the domain name. -slist Specifies that the operation is on the search list, or changes the list in the system configuration database. -namesrv Specifies that the -ls flag prints all name server entries. -ls Shows all domain and name server entries in the configuration system database. -mk Creates the system configuration database. -rm Deletes an entry in the system configuration database. -ch Changes the domain name in the system configuration database. -chslist Changes the search list. Tunable is of type Reboot and cannot be changed without -reboot Flag or parameter information is missing: "%s". Incomplete device driver configuration. Probable cause is the special file for the VG is missing. Execute deactivatevg followed by activatevg to build the correct environment. Volume group must be activated; use activatevg command. The volume group must be deactivated before exporting. Usage: activatevg [-f] VolumeGroup Volume group cannot be activated without a quorum. More physical volumes in the group must be active. Run diagnostics on inactive PVs. Physical volume "%s" is in use as a Virtual SCSI target device. Physical volume "%s" belongs to a volume group. Device "%s" is not a Server Virtual SCSI Adapter (SVSA). Device "%s" is not a Server Virtual Ethernet Adapter (SVEA). Device "%s" is not in AVAILABLE state. Backup in progress. This command can take a considerable amount of time to complete, please be patient... Starting system dump. When completed, the partition will reboot. Usage: lsdev [-type DeviceType ...] [-virtual] [-state DeviceState] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lsdev {-dev DeviceName | -plc PhysicalLocationCode} [-child] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lsdev {-dev DeviceName | -plc PhysicalLocationCode} [-parent | -attr [Attribute] | -range Attribute | -slot | -vpd] lsdev -slots lsdev -vpd The I/O Server license must be accepted before running this command. Only the chlang command may be run before accepting the license. To view the license, run the license command with the -view option. If the -lang flag is not specified the license will be displayed in the current locale (set by the chlang command). If the license is not available in the language selected, English will be the default. To accept the license, run the license command with the -accept option. Usage: license {[-view] [-accept]} [-lang Name] license [-ls] View and accept the I/O Server license agreement. -accept Accept the license agreement. -lang Specifies the language-territory (locale name) the license is displayed in. -ls Lists available locales. -view Displays the license agreement. The license has been accepted The language entered is not valid The license has not been accepted Usage: mount [[Node:Directory] Directory] mount -cd Device Directory Makes a file system available for use. -cd Specifies the cd device name on which to mount. Usage: unmount {Directory | File | FileSystem} Unmounts a previously mounted file system, directory, or file. Name Cultural Convention Language SQ_AL - UTF-8 - Albanian - English sq_AL.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Albanian - English sq_AL - ISO8859-1 - Albanian - English AR_DZ - UTF-8 - Arabic (Algeria) - English ar_DZ - ISO8859-6 - Arabic (Algeria) - English AR_BH - UTF-8 - Arabic (Bahrain) - English ar_BH - ISO8859-6 - Arabic (Bahrain) - English AR_EG - UTF-8 - Arabic (Egypt) - English ar_EG - ISO8859-6 - Arabic (Egypt) - English AR_JO - UTF-8 - Arabic (Jordan) - English ar_JO - ISO8859-6 - Arabic (Jordan) - English AR_KW - UTF-8 - Arabic (Kuwait) - English ar_KW - ISO8859-6 - Arabic (Kuwait) - English AR_LB - UTF-8 - Arabic (Lebanon) - English ar_LB - ISO8859-6 - Arabic (Lebanon) - English AR_MA - UTF-8 - Arabic (Morocco) - English ar_MA - ISO8859-6 - Arabic (Morocco) - English AR_OM - UTF-8 - Arabic (Oman) - English ar_OM - ISO8859-6 - Arabic (Oman) - English AR_QA - UTF-8 - Arabic (Qatar) - English ar_QA - ISO8859-6 - Arabic (Qatar) - English AR_SA - UTF-8 - Arabic (Saudi Arabia) - English ar_SA - ISO8859-6 - Arabic (Saudi Arabia) - English AR_SY - UTF-8 - Arabic (Syria) - English ar_SY - ISO8859-6 - Arabic (Syria) - English AR_TN - UTF-8 - Arabic (Tunisia) - English ar_TN - ISO8859-6 - Arabic (Tunisia) - English AR_AE - UTF-8 - Arabic (UAE) - English ar_AE - ISO8859-6 - Arabic (UAE) - English AR_YE - UTF-8 - Arabic (Yemen) - English ar_YE - ISO8859-6 - Arabic (Yemen) - English AR_AA - UTF-8 - Arabic(ISO) - English ar_AA - ISO8859-6 - Arabic(ISO) - English Ar_AA - IBM-1046 - Arabic(PC) - English BG_BG - UTF-8 - Bulgarian - English bg_BG - ISO8859-5 - Bulgarian - English BE_BY - UTF-8 - Byelorussian - English be_BY - ISO8859-5 - Byelorussian - English C - ISO8859-1 - C (POSIX) - C (POSIX) CA_ES - UTF-8 - Catalan - Catalan ca_ES.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Catalan - Catalan ca_ES - ISO8859-1 - Catalan - Catalan ca_ES.IBM-1252 - IBM-1252 - Catalan - Catalan zh_CN - IBM-eucCN - Chinese (Simplified EUC) - Chinese ZH_CN - UTF-8 - Chinese (Simplified UTF) - Chinese zh_TW - IBM-eucTW - Chinese (Traditional) - Chinese ZH_TW - UTF-8 - Chinese (Traditional) - Chinese HR_HR - UTF-8 - Croatian - English hr_HR - ISO8859-2 - Croatian - English CS_CZ - UTF-8 - Czech - Czech cs_CZ - ISO8859-2 - Czech - Czech DA_DK - UTF-8 - Danish - English da_DK.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Danish - English da_DK - ISO8859-1 - Danish - English NL_NL - UTF-8 - Dutch - English nl_NL.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Dutch - English nl_NL - ISO8859-1 - Dutch - English nl_NL.IBM-1252 - IBM-1252 - Dutch - English NL_BE - UTF-8 - Dutch (Belgium) - English nl_BE.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Dutch (Belgium) - English nl_BE - ISO8859-1 - Dutch (Belgium) - English nl_BE.IBM-1252 - IBM-1252 - Dutch (Belgium) - English EN_AU - UTF-8 - English (Australia) - English en_AU.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - English (Australia) - English EN_BE - UTF-8 - English (Belgium) - English en_BE.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - English (Belgium) - English EN_CA - UTF-8 - English (Canada) - English en_CA.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - English (Canada) - English EN_GB - UTF-8 - English (Great Britain) - English en_GB.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - English (Great Britain) - English en_GB - ISO8859-1 - English (Great Britain) - English en_GB.IBM-1252 - IBM-1252 - English (Great Britain) - English EN_HK - UTF-8 - English (Hong Kong) - English en_HK.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - English (Hong Kong) - English EN_IN - UTF-8 - English (India) - English en_IN.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - English (India) - English EN_IE - UTF-8 - English (Ireland) - English en_IE.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - English (Ireland) - English EN_NZ - UTF-8 - English (New Zealand) - English en_NZ.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - English (New Zealand) - English EN_PH - UTF-8 - English (Philippines) - English en_PH.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - English (Philippines) - English EN_SG - UTF-8 - English (Singapore) - English en_SG.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - English (Singapore) - English EN_ZA - UTF-8 - English (South Africa) - English en_ZA.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - English (South Africa) - English EN_US - UTF-8 - English (United States) - English en_US.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - English (United States) - English en_US - ISO8859-1 - English (United States) - English Et_EE - IBM-922 - Estonian - English ET_EE - UTF-8 - Estonian (UTF) - English FI_FI - UTF-8 - Finnish - English fi_FI.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Finnish - English fi_FI - ISO8859-1 - Finnish - English fi_FI.IBM-1252 - IBM-1252 - Finnish - English FR_FR - UTF-8 - French - French fr_FR.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - French - French fr_FR - ISO8859-1 - French - French fr_FR.IBM-1252 - IBM-1252 - French - French FR_BE - UTF-8 - French (Belgium) - French fr_BE.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - French (Belgium) - French fr_BE - ISO8859-1 - French (Belgium) - French fr_BE.IBM-1252 - IBM-1252 - French (Belgium) - French FR_CA - UTF-8 - French (Canada) - French fr_CA.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - French (Canada) - French fr_CA - ISO8859-1 - French (Canada) - French FR_LU - UTF-8 - French (Luxembourg) - French fr_LU.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - French (Luxembourg) - French FR_CH - UTF-8 - French (Switzerland) - French fr_CH.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - French (Switzerland) - French fr_CH - ISO8859-1 - French (Switzerland) - French DE_DE - UTF-8 - German - German de_DE.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - German - German de_DE - ISO8859-1 - German - German de_DE.IBM-1252 - IBM-1252 - German - German DE_AT - UTF-8 - German (Austria) - German de_AT.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - German (Austria) - German DE_LU - UTF-8 - German (Luxembourg) - German de_LU.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - German (Luxembourg) - German DE_CH - UTF-8 - German (Switzerland) - German de_CH.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - German (Switzerland) - German de_CH - ISO8859-1 - German (Switzerland) - German EL_GR - UTF-8 - Greek - English el_GR - ISO8859-7 - Greek - English GU_IN - UTF-8 - Gujarati - English HE_IL - UTF-8 - Hebrew - English iw_IL - ISO8859-8 - Hebrew(ISO) - English Iw_IL - IBM-856 - Hebrew(PC) - English HI_IN - UTF-8 - Hindi - English HU_HU - UTF-8 - Hungarian - Hungarian hu_HU - ISO8859-2 - Hungarian - Hungarian IS_IS - UTF-8 - Icelandic - English is_IS.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Icelandic - English is_IS - ISO8859-1 - Icelandic - English ID_ID - UTF-8 - Indonesian (Indonesia) - English id_ID.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Indonesian (Indonesia) - English IT_IT - UTF-8 - Italian - Italian it_IT.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Italian - Italian it_IT - ISO8859-1 - Italian - Italian it_IT.IBM-1252 - IBM-1252 - Italian - Italian IT_CH - UTF-8 - Italian (Switzerland) - Italian it_CH.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Italian (Switzerland) - Italian JA_JP - UTF-8 - Japanese - Japanese ja_JP - IBM-eucJP - Japanese(EUC) - Japanese KK_KZ - UTF-8 - Kazakh - English KO_KR - UTF-8 - Korean - Korean ko_KR - IBM-eucKR - Korean - Korean Lv_LV - IBM-921 - Latvian - English LV_LV - UTF-8 - Latvian (UTF) - English Lt_LT - IBM-921 - Lithuanian - English LT_LT - UTF-8 - Lithuanian (UTF) - English MK_MK - UTF-8 - Macedonian - English mk_MK - ISO8859-5 - Macedonian - English MS_MY - UTF-8 - Malay (Malaysia) - English ms_MY.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Malay (Malaysia) - English MR_IN - UTF-8 - Marathi - English NO_NO - UTF-8 - Norwegian - English no_NO.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Norwegian - English no_NO - ISO8859-1 - Norwegian - English PL_PL - UTF-8 - Polish - Polish pl_PL - ISO8859-2 - Polish - Polish PT_PT - UTF-8 - Portuguese - English pt_PT.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Portuguese - English pt_PT - ISO8859-1 - Portuguese - English pt_PT.IBM-1252 - IBM-1252 - Portuguese - English PT_BR - UTF-8 - Portuguese (Brazil) - Portuguese pt_BR.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Portuguese (Brazil) - Portuguese pt_BR - ISO8859-1 - Portuguese (Brazil) - Portuguese RO_RO - UTF-8 - Romanian - English ro_RO - ISO8859-2 - Romanian - English RU_RU - UTF-8 - Russian - Russian ru_RU - ISO8859-5 - Russian - Russian SR_SP - UTF-8 - Serbian Cyrillic - English sr_SP - ISO8859-5 - Serbian Cyrillic - English SR_YU - UTF-8 - Serbian Cyrillic (Yugoslavia)- English sr_YU - ISO8859-5 - Serbian Cyrillic (Yugoslavia)- English SH_SP - UTF-8 - Serbian Latin - English sh_SP - ISO8859-2 - Serbian Latin - English SH_YU - UTF-8 - Serbian Latin (Yugoslavia) - English sh_YU - ISO8859-2 - Serbian Latin (Yugoslavia) - English ZH_HK - UTF-8 - Simp. Chinese (Hong Kong) - Chinese ZH_SG - UTF-8 - Simp. Chinese (Singapore) - Chinese SK_SK - UTF-8 - Slovak - Slovak sk_SK - ISO8859-2 - Slovak - Slovak SL_SI - UTF-8 - Slovene - English sl_SI - ISO8859-2 - Slovene - English ES_ES - UTF-8 - Spanish - Spanish es_ES.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish - Spanish es_ES - ISO8859-1 - Spanish - Spanish es_ES.IBM-1252 - IBM-1252 - Spanish - Spanish ES_AR - UTF-8 - Spanish (Argentina) - Spanish es_AR.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Argentina) - Spanish ES_BO - UTF-8 - Spanish (Bolivia) - Spanish es_BO.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Bolivia) - Spanish ES_CL - UTF-8 - Spanish (Chile) - Spanish es_CL.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Chile) - Spanish ES_CO - UTF-8 - Spanish (Colombia) - Spanish es_CO.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Colombia) - Spanish ES_CR - UTF-8 - Spanish (Costa Rica) - Spanish es_CR.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Costa Rica) - Spanish ES_DO - UTF-8 - Spanish (Dominican Republic) - Spanish es_DO.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Dominican Republic) - Spanish ES_EC - UTF-8 - Spanish (Ecuador) - Spanish es_EC.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Ecuador) - Spanish ES_SV - UTF-8 - Spanish (El Salvador) - Spanish es_SV.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (El Salvador) - Spanish ES_GT - UTF-8 - Spanish (Guatemala) - Spanish es_GT.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Guatemala) - Spanish ES_HN - UTF-8 - Spanish (Honduras) - Spanish es_HN.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Honduras) - Spanish ES_MX - UTF-8 - Spanish (Mexico) - Spanish es_MX.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Mexico) - Spanish ES_NI - UTF-8 - Spanish (Nicaragua) - Spanish es_NI.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Nicaragua) - Spanish ES_PA - UTF-8 - Spanish (Panama) - Spanish es_PA.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Panama) - Spanish ES_PY - UTF-8 - Spanish (Paraguay) - Spanish es_PY.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Paraguay) - Spanish ES_PE - UTF-8 - Spanish (Peru) - Spanish es_PE.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Peru) - Spanish ES_PR - UTF-8 - Spanish (Puerto Rico) - Spanish es_PR.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Puerto Rico) - Spanish ES_US - UTF-8 - Spanish (United States) - Spanish es_US.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (United States) - Spanish ES_UY - UTF-8 - Spanish (Uruguay) - Spanish es_UY.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Uruguay) - Spanish ES_VE - UTF-8 - Spanish (Venezuela) - Spanish es_VE.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Spanish (Venezuela) - Spanish SV_SE - UTF-8 - Swedish - English sv_SE.8859-15 - ISO8859-15 - Swedish - English sv_SE - ISO8859-1 - Swedish - English TA_IN - UTF-8 - Tamil - English TE_IN - UTF-8 - Telugu - English th_TH - TIS-620 - Thai - English TH_TH - UTF-8 - Thai (UTF) - English TR_TR - UTF-8 - Turkish - English tr_TR - ISO8859-9 - Turkish - English UK_UA - UTF-8 - Ukrainian - English Uk_UA - IBM-1124 - Ukrainian - English Vi_VN - IBM-1129 - Vietnamese - English VI_VN - UTF-8 - Vietnamese (UTF) - English Unable to display license agreement Failed to open VG special file. Probable cause is the VG was forced offline. Execute activatevg and deactivatevg commands to bring the VG online. The boot logical volume has been migrated. The bootlist has been updated to include the new physical volume. Network service "%s" is not active. Adds adapter to a Link Aggregation, removes an adapter from a Link Aggregation or changes Link Aggregation attributes. -add Adds the specified Adapter to the specified Link Aggregation. -backup Specifies that the Adapter is being added as a backup adapter. -rm Deletes the specified Adapter from the specified Link Aggregation. -attr Changes the value of the Link Aggregation attribute to the NewValue. Trace is not running. Insufficient memory, not able to complete command. Not able to save structure for Volume Group "%s". Removes physical volumes from a volume group. When all physical volumes are removed from the volume group, the volume group is deleted. -rmlv Deallocates the existing logical volume partitions and then deletes resultant empty logical volumes from the specified physical volumes. -f Removes the requirement for user confirmation when the -rmlv flag is used. Usage: mklv [-lv LogicalVolume | -prefix Prefix] VolumeGroup Size [PhysicalVolume ...] Creates a logical volume. -lv Specifies the logical volume name to use instead of using a system-generated name. -prefix Specifies the Prefix to use instead of the prefix in a system-generated name for the new logical volume. Usage: bootlist -mode Mode {[-ls] [[-rm] | [Device [-attr Attribute=Value...]...]]} The %s parameter cannot exceed %d characters in length. lspv: Warning: Volume group %s is locked. This command will continue retries until lock is free. If lock is inadvertent and needs to be removed, execute 'chvg -unlock %s'. Usage: rmdev {-dev | -pdev} Name [-ucfg] [-recursive] Removes a device from the system. -dev Specifies the logical device, indicated by the Name parameter. -pdev Specifies the parent logical device. -recursive Unconfigures the device and its children. The children are undefined. -ucfg Unconfigures the device without removing it from the system. Usage: xlplm -S -p Policy -l Logfile [-o {MIN}] [Instance] -M {-p Policy | -l Logfile | -o {MIN}} [Instance] -K [Instance] -R {-c Amount | -m Amount} [-g Group] [Instance] -Q [-r] [-f] [Instance] -C -p Policy -T [-r] Start, stop, modify, reserve, and query a cross-logical partition load manager server. Usage: xlpstat [-r] {-p | -f} filename [interval] [count] albanianarabicbulgarianbyelorussiancatalanchinesecroatianczechdanishdutchenglishestonianfinnishfrenchgermangreekgujaratihebrewhindihungarianicelandicindonesianitalianjapanesekazakhkoreanlatvianlithuanianmacedonianmalaymarathinorwegianpolishportugueseromanianrussianserbianslovakslovenespanishswedishtamilteluguthaiturkishukrainianvietnameseCommand parameters cannot exceed "%d" bytes in length. Usage: cplv [-vg VolumeGroup] [-lv NewLogicalVolume | -prefix Prefix] SourceLogicalVolume cplv [-f] SourceLogicalVolume DestinationLogicalVolume Copies the contents of a logical volume to a new logical volume. -vg Specifies the volume group where the new logical volume resides. If this is not specified, the new logical volume resides in the same volume group as the SourceLogicalVolume -lv Specifies the name to use, in place of a system-generated name, for the new logical volume. Logical volume names must be unique system wide names, and can range from 1 to 15 characters. -prefix Specifies a prefix to use in building a system-generated name for the logical volume. The prefix must be less than or equal to 13 characters. A name cannot begin with a prefix already defined in the pdDV class in the Device Configuration Database for other devices, or a name already used by another device. -f Copies to an existing logical volume without requesting confirmation. Locale currently set to: "%s". C C (POSIX) ca_ES Catalan cs_CZ Czech CS_CZ Czech de_CH German (Switzerland) de_DE German DE_DE German en_GB English (Great Britain) en_US English (United States) EN_US English (United States) es_ES Spanish ES_ES Spanish fr_BE French (Belgium) fr_CA French (Canada) fr_CH French (Switzerland) fr_FR French FR_FR French it_IT Italian IT_IT Italian ja_JP Japanese(EUC) JA_JP Japanese ko_KR Korean KO_KR Korean pl_PL Polish PL_PL Polish pt_BR Portuguese (Brazil) PT_BR Portuguese (Brazil) tr_TR Turkish TR_TR Turkish zh_CN Chinese (Simplified EUC) ZH_CN Chinese (Simplified UTF) zh_TW Chinese (Traditional EUC) ZH_TW Chinese (Traditional UTF) Fileset, %s, is not installed. Specify the location of the fileset using the -dev Media flag. Usage: chdate [-year YYyy] [-month mm] [-day dd] [-hour HH] \ [-minute MM] [-timezone TZ] chdate mmddHHMM[YYyy | yy] [-timezone TZ] Displays or changes the system date, time or time zone. The user will need to log out before the new time zone will take effect. To change the time zone for the entire partition, a reboot will be required. If no flags or arguments are specified, the chdate command displays the current date and time. mmddHHMM[YYyy|yy] Corresponds to month, day, hour, minute, optional 4 or 2 digit year. -year sets the year to 'YYyy' (e.g., 2004); -month sets the month to 'mm', (e.g., 10 for October); -day sets the day to 'dd', (e.g., 05 for the fifth day); -hour sets the hour to 'HH' in 24-hour format, (e.g., 23 for 11pm); -minute sets the minute to 'MM', (e.g., 59); -timezone sets the time zone (e.g., CST6CDT) Note: The user must have padmin authority to change the date and time. Invalid year Invalid month Invalid day Invalid hour Invalid minute The ios.cli.rte fileset can not be removed. The following file has been updated: .profile Changes will take affect at next login. Usage: motd motd [-append | -overwrite] -file FileName motd [-append | -overwrite] "The message of the day string" Display or change the message of the day. The default action is to overwrite the contents of current message of the day unless the -append flag is specified. -append Appends the string to the current message of the day. -overwrite Replaces the current message of the day with the specified message. -file Replaces or appends the current message of the day with the FileName contents. error: incompatible flags error: the files cannot be the same error: cannot open %s error: expected a filename Some error messages may contain invalid information for the Virtual I/O Server environment. Command requires one of the following options: %s Usage: updateios -dev Media [-f] [-install] [-accept] updateios -commit | -reject [-f] updateios -cleanup updateios -remove {-file RemoveListFile | RemoveList} Command requires a valid volume group that is in the active state. Commit did not complete successfully, see install.log for details. All uncommitted updates must be committed prior to installing new updates. There are no uncommitted updates. All updates have been committed. This command will reject ALL uncommitted updates! Continue [y|n]? Semicolons are not allowed in the command line option string. Volume group "%s" must be activated; use activatevg command. Usage: lslparinfo The lslparinfo command displays LPAR number and LPAR name. If LPAR does not exist, -1 is displayed for LPAR number and NULL for LPAR name. The following characters are not allowed in the command line option string: %s Usage: lsfware [-all | -dev Name] Displays microcode and firmware levels of the system, adapters and devices -all Displays microcode level information for all supported devices -dev Displays microcode level information for the named device Perform platform (Hardware & Firmware) dump related actions. -reserve Reserves enough disk space on the system for platform dumps. The -reserve flag will create a file system (if one does not exist) exclusively for platform dumps. If a file system already exists and the size is not enough, the file system size will be increased. The fstype must be a valid file system type (jfs, jfs2...). If the file system already exists, any may be specified. -enable Enables platform dumps. -disable Disables platform dumps. -ls Lists the current configuration of platform dump. -size Provides an estimate of disk space required to save the platform dumps when they occur. Usage: lsvg [-map | -lv | -pv] VolumeGroup ... [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lsvg The following script name is not valid: %s Usage: snap [-general] [-dev DeviceName] snap script1 "script2 arg1 arg2" ... Gathers system configuration information. -general Gathers general system information Note: The snap command will capture system configuration information when the -general flag is not specified. -dev Copies the compressed image onto diskette or tape. Option "%s" requires one of the following options: %s "%s" is already being used as a backing device. Specify the -f flag to force this device to be used anyway. This function is no longer supported. Usage: lslv [-pv | -map] LogicalVolume [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lslv -free [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] Usage: loginmsg [-reset | "message"] Modifies the partition's login message and prompt. -reset Resets the initial login prompt message to the default. message Specifies the initial message to be printed out when login prompts for a login name. Logical Volumes can not be associated with more than one virtual SCSI adapter Displays devices in the system and their characteristics. -virtual Lists virtual devices. -type Lists devices of the given types. -dev Displays information for a device given the device name. -plc Displays information for a device given the physical location code. -child Lists child information for a given device. -parent Lists parent information for a given device. -attr Displays the value of the specified attribute of the device or gives list of device attributes if no Attribute is specified. -range Displays the possible range of values of the specified attribute of the device. -slot Displays the slot the device is plugged into. -slots Displays a list of slots that can be dynamically moved from one logical partition to another. -state Displays only the devices in the specified state. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -vpd Displays platform-specific information. "IBM Virtual I/O Server\n\nlogin: "Install CommandsLAN CommandsDevice CommandsPhysical Volume CommandsLogical Volume CommandsVolume Group CommandsUserID CommandsSecurity CommandsMaintenance CommandsShell Commands IPv4 address = IPv6 address = Network Mask = IPv4 alias = IPv6 alias = State =attributes:Route interface route hopcount = interface = active dead gateway detection is on policy = Default (Global) Weighted RR Random Weighted Random Lowest Utilization Hash-Based unknown policy weight = default gateway = destination gateway =Network Interface Attributes Static Routes: DNS information: Ethernet adapters: "%s" is not a valid storage pool. Unable to save default storage pool to "%s" directory. Usage: mkvt {-id PartitionID} Usage: rmvt {-id PartitionID} Displays information about a logical volume. -free Lists logical volumes free to be used as backing devices for virtual storage. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -map Lists logical partition information. -pv Lists information for each physical volume within the logical volume parameter. Usage: lspath [-dev DeviceName] [-pdev Parent] [-status Status] [-conn Connection] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lspath -dev DeviceName -pdev Parent [-conn Connection] -lsattr [-attr Attribute ...] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lspath -dev DeviceName -pdev Parent [-conn Connection] -range Attribute [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] Displays information about paths to MultiPath I/0(MPIO) capable device. -dev Specifies the logical device name of the target device whose path information is to be displayed. -pdev Indicates the logical device name of the parent device of the path(s) to be displayed. -status Indicates the status to use in qualifying the paths to be displayed. -conn Indicates the connection information to use in qualifying the paths to be displayed. -lsattr Displays the attribute name, current values, descriptions, and user-settable flag values. -range Displays the legal values for an attribute name. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -attr Identifies the specific attribute to list. Displays information about volume groups. -map Displays information about the mapping of logical and physical volumes in the volume group. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -lv Displays information about logical volumes in the volume group. -pv Displays information about physical volumes in the volume group. Logical Volume "%s" is not a backing device. "%s" is already used; choose a different name. The device type "%s" cannot be used with types "%s". Usage: rmvdev [-f] {-vdev TargetDevice | -vtd VirtualTargetDevice} [-rmlv] The device "%s" is not a "%s" Unable to remove backing device More than one Virtual Target Devices are associated with "%s", specify the -f flag to delete all connections. Unable to remove Virtual Target Device(VTD) "%s"Unexpected error. Virtual terminal is already connected. Virtual terminal device not found. Permission denied to %s. %s does not exist. Updates the I/O Server to latest maintenance level. -accept Agrees to required software license agreements for software to be installed. -cleanup Cleans up after an interrupted installation and attempts to remove all incomplete pieces of the previous installation -commit Commits all uncommitted updates. -dev Specifies the device or directory containing the images to install. -f When combined with the -dev flag, commits all updates prior to applying any new ones. When combined with the -reject flag, rejects all uncommitted updates with out prompting for confirmation. -file Specifies a file containing a list of entries to uninstall. -install Used to install new filesets onto the Virtual I/O Server. -remove Performs an uninstall of the specified software. -reject Rejects all uncommitted updates. Storage Pool CommandsCopying output files to user's home directory: Copying: %s to %s Usage: pdump -reserve fstype | -enable | -disable | -ls | -size The default storage pool "%s" can not be removed. To change the default storage pool, run chsp with the -default option. Usage: lsuser [ALL | Name[, Name] ...] Displays user account attributes. "%s" is not a valid backing device. Unable to remove Virtual Target Device(VTD) "%s". "%s" is not a valid logical volume. "%s" is a reserved name; choose a different name. Removes the connection between a physical device and the virtual SCSI adapter its associated with. -vdev Specifies the backing device. -vtd Specifies the virtual target device to remove. -rmlv Deletes the backing device. This flag is only valid for logical volume backing devices. -f Forces the removal of all virtual target devices associated with the given backing device. Usage: rmtcpip [-f] [-nextboot] {-all | [-hostname] [-routing] [-interface ifnameList]} rmtcpip [-f] {-all | [-namesrv] [-hostname] [-routing] [-interface ifnameList]} Removes TCP/IP configuration -all Removes all TCP/IP settings, effectively resetting them to a newly installed system -f Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. -interface Removes TCP/IP configuration from listed interfaces. -hostname Resets the hostname to "ioserver". -namesrv Removes DNS information and clears the hosts file. -nextboot Removes the specified information from the configuration files, leaving the current network parameters intact (all except DNS information and hosts file). -routing Removes static routing tables. Usage: chdev -dev Name [-perm] -attr Attribute=Value ... [-restoreroute] Changes the characteristics of a device. -dev Specifies the device logical name, indicated by the Name parameter, whose characteristics are to be changed. -attr Specifies the device attribute value pairs used for changing specific attribute values. -perm Changes the device's characteristics permanently without actually changing the device. By restarting the system, the changes are applied to the device. Not all devices support the -perm flag. -restoreroute Restores routes Invalid password, same password was used too soon. Invalid password, password has expired. Invalid password, too few alpha characters. Invalid password, too few non-alpha characters. Invalid password, password too short. Invalid password, too many repeats in password. Invalid password, too many of the same characters in password. Invalid password, password failed dictionary test. Invalid password, reused password. Invalid password, too soon to reuse password. Invalid password, for other reasons was entered. Usage: errlog [[ -ls][-seq Sequence_number] | -rm Days]] Displays or clears the error log. -ls Displays information about errors in the error log file in a detailed format. -seq Displays information about a specific error in the error log file by the sequence number. -rm Deletes all entries from the error log older than the number of days specified by the Days parameter. Usage: chlang {[-msg msgtran] -lang Name [-dev Media] | -ls} Changes the system locale (language). The user must log out then log in for the changes to take effect. -msg Used to make modifications to the NSLPATH environment variable. msgtran is a colon-separated list of message translations (locale names) that indicates the message translation hierarchy required for the system or user. -dev Specifies the device or directory containing the images to install. -lang This is the language-territory(locale name) that will specify the system environment language. -ls Lists all the available locale names. Usage: sysstat [-long | -short] [user] Prints a summary of current system activity. -long Prints the summary in long form. This is the default. -short Prints the time of day, amount of time since last system startup, number of users logged on, and number of processes running. The directory doesn't exist: "%s". Exiting backupios The tape device doesn't exist: "%s". The tape device name must start with /. The block device doesn't exist: "%s". Unable to access a special device file. Execute redefvg and syncvg to build correct environment. Volume Group already exists under a different name. Volume Group already exists on a different physical disk. Illegal parameter or structure value. "%s" physical volume size, unknown. Warning: Volume group %s is locked. This command will continue retries until lock is free. If lock is inadvertent and needs to be removed, execute 'chvg -unlock %s'. The device name is already used; choose a different name. Illegal parameter or structure value. rmlv: Unable to remove logical volume %s. Unable to find %s in the Device Configuration Database. mklv: Unable to create logical volume. mklv: Unable to access Device Configuration Database. mklv: The specified search criteria is incorrectly formed. Make sure the criteria contains only valid descriptor names and the search values are correct. rmlvcopy: Unable to remove logical partition copies from logical volume %s. rmlvcopy: Name provided is of illegal length or content. rmlvcopy: Incorrect LV identifier. The format must be VG_identifier.LV_minor_number. migratepv: Warning, migratepv did not completely succeed; all physical partitions have not been moved off the PV. remote_management: There is a request to a device or address that does not exist. remote_management: unable to resolve '%s' to to an IP address remote_management: This server has already been configured for remote management. remote_management: The NIM master is not currently allowing registration of NIM clients. reducevg: Unable to reduce volume group. chvg: Unable to change volume group %s. extendvg: The Physical Volume is a member of a currently varied on Volume Group and this cannot be overidden. extendvg: The physical volume %s, will not be added to the volume group. extendvg: Unable to extend volume group. importvg: Volume Group already exists under another name. importvg: Unable to import volume group from %s. importvg: Cannot import %s. Unable to remove physical volume. Volume group cannot be varied on without a quorum. More physical volumes in the group must be active. Run diagnostics on inactive PVs. mklv: This system cannot fulfill the allocation request. There are not enough free partitions or not enough physical volumes to keep strictness and satisfy allocation requests. The command should be retried with different allocation characteristics. Physical volume is not a volume group member. Check the physical volume name specified. Unable to read the volume group descriptor area on specified physical volume. mirrorios: None of the available disks support booting on this specific system or the boot logical volume already exists on the specified disk. If these are new bootable disks and you have not rebooted since configuring them. You may try exporting LVM_HOTSWAP_BOOTDISK=1 and run this command again to override this condition. mirrorios: Failed to mirror the volume group. Usage: lstcpip [-num] [ [-routtable] | [-routinfo] | [-state] | [-arp] ] [-sockets [-family inet | inet6 | unix] ] [-stored] [-adapters] [-hostname] [-namesrv] lstcpip [-state [-field FieldName ...] ] | [-routtable [-field FieldName ...] ] [-fmt delimiter] [-num] lstcpip [-namesrv] | [-interfaces] [-fmt delimiter] Displays the TCP/IP settings. -num Shows network addresses as numbers. -routtable Shows the routing tables. -routinfo Shows the routing tables, including the user-configured and current costs of each route. -state Shows the current state of all configured interfaces. -arp Shows the arp table. -adapters Shows network adapters. -sockets Shows open sockets. -family Specifies socket family (inet, inet6, unix). -namesrv Shows DNS settings: nameservers in search order and search domain. -stored Shows configuration effective on next boot. -hostname Shows the system hostname. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -interfaces Shows the current state of all configurable interfaces. Usage: wkldmgr -start [-reboot] | -stop [-reboot] | -status Stops, starts or queries the status of the WorkLoad Manager. -start starts the Workload Manager. -stop stops the Workload Manager. -reboot configure for starting Workload Manager across reboot. -status state (running or stopped) of the Workload Manager. Usage: wkldagent -start | -stop | -status Stops, starts or queries the status of the WorkLoad Manager Agent. -start starts the Workload Manager Agent. -stop stops the Workload Manager Agent. -status state (running or stopped) of the Workload Manager Agent. There is more that one default gateway, Only one default gateway is supported. Sets, unsets or displays security hardening rules. Configures, unconfigures or displays firewall settings. -level LEVEL Specifies the security LEVEL settings to choose, where LEVEL is 'low', 'medium', 'high', or default. The 'default' LEVEL unsets any previous security LEVEL system settings. Except for the 'default' LEVEL, 10 security LEVEL settings are displayed at a time. The user then can choose the desired security settings by entering comma separated numbers or the word 'ALL' to choose all of the settings or the word 'NONE' to choose none of the settings or 'q' to exit or 'h' for help. Then the security settings chosen are applied to the system. -view Displays the current security level settings. All of the security setting names end with 3 characters 'Xls' where X = l(low), m(medium), h(high) or d(default). For example, the security level name 'minlenlls' is the low level security setting for minimum length of a password. -apply Applies all of the LEVEL security settings to the system. There is no user selectable option. -nonint Non-interactive. -firewall on [[-force] -reload] Configures the default firewall settings from the filter rules in ODM. If reload option is used then the ODM rules are deleted and defaults are loaded from /home/ios/security/viosecure.ctl. If viosecure.ctl file doesn't exist, the user will have to use the force option if he wants to use the hard-coded default firewall settings. -firewall off Unconfigures the firewall settings. Saves all the firewall filter rules from ODM to file at /home/padmin/viosfirewall.rules -firewall allow -port Port [-interface Ifname] [-address IPaddress ] [-timeout Timeout] [-remote] Permits IP activity per port with optional parameters according to interface, ipaddress and time that it is effective. The Port argument can be a number or a service name from the /etc/services file. The remote option specifies that the port is a remote port. All IP activity to/from that remote port is allowed. The default is all IP activity to/from a local port is allowed. The timeout period can be specified as a number (in seconds) or with a number followed by 'm' followed by 'm'(minutes), 'h'(hours) or 'd'(days). The maximum timeout period is 30 days. -firewall deny -port Port [-interface Ifname] [-address IPaddress] [-timeout Timeout] [-remote] Removes a previous firewall 'allow' setting. The Port argument can be a number or a service name from the /etc/services file. If '-port 0' is specified, then all 'allow' settings are removed. The remote option specifies that the port is the remote port. The default is local port. The timeout period can be specified as a number (in seconds) or with a number followed by 'm'(minutes), 'h'(hours) or 'd'(days). The maximum timeout period is 30 days. -firewall view [-fmt delimiter] Displays the current allowable ports. If the fmt option is specified, then it divides output by a user-specified delimiter. Please type in the security hardening tool numbers wanted seperated by commas, the word 'ALL' to choose all of them, the word 'NONE' to skip this panel or 'q' to quit. Invalid input, it should be numbers in the proper range seperated by commas or 'ALL' or 'NONE' or 'h' or 'q'. The viosecure configuration file, /home/ios/security/viosecure.ctl, doesn't exist. Use the force option to open up the ftp, ssh, www, https and rmc ports. All other ports will be denied IP access. Changing the PVID in the ODM. The physical volume appears to belong to another volume group. Unable to create logical volume. Number of LPs should be between 1 and 1048576. It expects a filename: "%s". Usage: vasistat [-all |-debug |-reset] Device Shows VASI device driver and device statistics. -all Displays all the statistics, including the device-specific statistics. -debug Toggle debug flag in the driver. -reset Resets all the statistics. Warning: Unable to open to device: %s. Warning: Unable to connect to device: %s. Warning: Unable to get statistics on device: %s. Warning: Unable to clear statistics on device: %s. Error 22 retrieving statistics for all the operations. Gathering data. This may take 5 to 10 minutes. Please wait. Finished gathering data. Check your home directory for snap.pax.Z The Logical Volume Name exceeds 15 characters in length. Usage: viostat [-sys] [-adapter] [-disk | -extdisk | -tty] [-path] [-time] [PhysicalVolume...] [Interval [Count]] viostat Reports Central Processing Unit statistics, asynchronous input/output, input/output statistics for entire system, adapters, tty devices, disks and CD-ROMs. -sys A system-header row is displayed followed by a line of statistics for the entire system. The hostname of the system is printed in the system-header row. -adapter An adapter-header row is displayed followed by a line of statistics for the adapter. This will be followed by a disk-header row and the statistics of all the disks/CD-ROMs connected to the adapter. -disk A disk-header row is displayed followed by a line of statistics for each disk that is configured. If the PhysicalVolume parameter is specified, then only that PhysicalVolume statistics is displayed. The -disk, -extdisk and -tty flags are exclusive. -extdisk A disk-header row is displayed followed by detailed statistics for each disk that is configured. If the PhysicalVolume parameter is specified, then only that PhysicalVolume statistics is displayed. The -disk, -extdisk and -tty flags are exclusive. -path Displays the throughput for all paths to that device followed by the throughput for that device. -tty Display the statistics for the tty and cpu usage. The -disk, -extdisk and -tty flags are exclusive. -time Prints the time-stamp next to each line of output of viostat. The time-stamp displays in the HH:MM:SS format. Enables the I/O Server to be remotely managed by an operating system NIM master. Remote management utilizes the NIM service handler for client communication (nimsh), so the NIM master must be nimsh capable. -disable Disables the remote management. -interface Specifies network interface to use. Opens a virtual terminal session to an operating system or virtual I/O server partition in a managed system. -id The ID of the partition for which to open the virtual terminal session. Closes a virtual terminal session to an operating system or virtual I/O server partition in a managed system. -id The ID of the partition for which to close the virtual terminal session WorkLoad Manager is already running. WorkLoad Manager is not running. Usage: cfgsvc AgentName [-attr Attribute=Value ... | -ls | -key ] Configures agent specified by the AgentName. Particular agents may create a public key. -attr Changes the value of an attribute. -key Displays public key if agent creates a key during configuration. -ls Lists attributes able to be modified. Usage: startsvc AgentName Starts agent specified by the AgentName. Usage: stopsvc AgentName Stops agent specified by the AgentName. Usage: lssvc [Agent] Lists available AgentNames if Agent name is not given. Lists Agent's attributes and values if Agent name is provided. Virtual terminal has been disconnected. Usage: alt_root_vg [-g] [-z] [-bundle ...] [-location ...] -target ... Copies the current rootvg to an alternate disk and optionally applies maintenance patches. This command is used to minimize downtime and mitigate update risk. -target Specifies a space-delimited list of the names of the target disks where the alternate rootvg will be created. These disks must not currently contain any volume group definition. The lspv command should show these disks as belonging to volume group None. -bundle Path name of optional file with a list of packages or filesets that are installed after creating the rootvg clone. The -location flag must be used with this option. -location Location of the updates to apply after a clone of rootvg. This can be a directory full path name or a device name (such as /dev/rmt0). -g Skip disk bootability checks. -z Upon reboot, does not import any type of non-rootvg volume groups. Target device(s) is a required argument. Please specify which target device(s) to use. The -location flag must be used together with the -bundle flag. Usage: replphyvol [-force] { sourcepvname | sourcepvid } { destpvname } replphyvol [ -recover dir_name ] [ destpvname ] Replaces a physical volume in a volume group with another physical volume. -force Forces to replace a sourcepvname with the specified destpvname unless the destpvname is part of another volume group in the Device Configuration Database or a volume group that is active. sourcepvname Source Physical Volume sourcepvid Source Physical VolumeID destpvname Destination Physical Volume -recover dir_name Recovers replphyvol if it is interrupted by , a system crash, or a loss of quorum. When using the -recover flag, you must specify the directory name given during the initial run of replphyvol. This flag also allows you to change the destpvname NOTE: 1. The destpvname size must be at least the size of the sourcepvname. 2. The replphyvol command cannot replace a sourcepvname with stale logical volume unless this logical volume has a non-stale mirror. 3. The replphyvol command is not allowed on a snapshot volume group or a volume group that has a snapshot volume group. replphyvol: Logical volume hd5 is labeled as a boot logical volume. replphyvol: Warning,save_base failed. Please manually run 'save_base' before rebooting. replphyvol: Warning, replacepv did not completely succeed. replphyvol: Volume group must be varied on; use activatevg command. Replace physical volume in progress. This command can take a considerable amount of time to complete, please be patient.... replphyvol: Warning, replphyvol did not completely succeed. Usage: save_base [-path Directory] [-file File] [-verbose] Saves information about base-customized devices in the Device Configuration database onto the boot device. -path Specifies a directory containing the Device Configuration database. -file Specifies the destination file or device to which the base information will be written. -verbose Causes verbose output to be written to standard input. Note: Base devices are those devices that get configured during phase 1 boot; they may vary depending on the type of boot (mask). For example, if the mask is NETWORK_BOOT, network devices are considered base; for DISK_BOOT, disk devices are considered base. By default, the save_base command retrieves this information from the /etc/objrepos directory Usage: mirrorios [-f] [-defer] [PhysicalVolume ...] Mirrors all the logical volumes on rootvg. This command reboots the partition upon completion. -f Runs the command without prompting the user to proceed. -defer Do not query the user about rebooting the system. Usage: netstat [-num] [-routtable] [-routinfo] [-state] [-socket] [-protocol Protocol] [Interval] netstat [-stats] [-cdlistats] [-protocol Protocol] [Interval] netstat -arp netstat -clear Displays active sockets for each protocol or routing table information, or displays the contents of a network data structure. -num Shows network addresses as numbers. -routtable Shows the routing tables. -routinfo Shows the routing tables, including the user-configured and current costs of each route. -state Shows the current state of all configured interfaces. -stats Shows statistics for each protocol. -cdlistats Shows statistics for CDLI-based communications adapters. -socket Shows the state of all sockets. -protocol Shows statistics about the value specified for the Protocol variable, which is either a well-known name for a protocol or an alias for it. -arp Displays the current ARP entries. -clear Clears all network statistics. Usage: ldfware [-dev Device] -file filename ldfware -commit ldfware -reject Loads the system's flash EPROM with the specified file, which must contain a valid binary flash EPROM image, and then reboots the system. -dev Specifies that the flash update image file is on a device. -file Flash update image file source follows this flag. -commit Commits the temporary image when booted from the temporary image. This effectively causes the permanent image to be copied over by the temporary image. -reject Rejects the temporary image (copies the permanent image to the temporary side). You must be booted off of the permanent image to use this command. Usage: cfgassist Activates the configuration assistance menu Usage: cl_snmp [-debug [level]] [-host dest] [-com community] [-timeout timeout] [-retry retries] [-non non_rep] [-max max_rep] [-port port] [-verbode] [-file conf_file] function [variable [type] [value] [...]] Provides the SNMP manager function from the VIOS shell to query SNMP agents for network management information. -debug Debug level, default level = 0. -host Send request to specified destination. hostname or entry in /etc/clsnmp.conf file. -com Use specified community name. -timeout Timeout in seconds if no response. -retry Number of retries. -non Number of non_repeaters (BULK function). -max Max repetitions (BULK function). -port Port number on which to receive TRAPs. -verbose Verbose : display the name instead of the OID on the response. -file The full path and file name of the configuration file. function The SNMP function/operation to perform GET, GETNEXT, GETBULK, SET, WALK, TRAP, FINDNAME. variable MIB variable name or OID. Usage: snmp_info [ -mode get | next ][ -verbose ][ -com Community ] [ -debug Level ][ -host HostName ][ -file ObjectsFile ] [ -retry Tries ][ -wait Waittime ] Variable Instance snmp_info -mode set [ -verbose ][ -com Community ][ -debug Level ] [ -host HostName ][ -file ObjectsFile ][ -retry Tries ] [ -wait Waittime ] Variable Instance=Value snmp_info -mode dump [ -verbose ][ -com Community ][ -debug Level ] [ -host HostName ][ -file ObjectsFile ][ -retry Tries ] [ -wait Waittime ][ Variable Instance ] Requests or modifies values of Management Information Base variables managed by a Simple Network Management Protocol agent. -com Specifies the community name to be used to query. If the -com flag is not specified, the default community name is public. -debug Specifies the level of I/O debug information. 0 No debug information. 1 Port bindings and the number of bytes transmitted and received. 2 Level 1 plus a hexadecimal dump of incoming and outgoing packets. 3 Level 2 plus an English version of the request and response packets. If the -debug flag is not specified, the default debug level is 0. -host Specifies the host name of the SNMP agent to be queried. If the -host flag is not specified, the default host name is the host name of the machine on which the user is currently logged in. -mode Specifies the mode by which to access the MIB variables. The Option value can be one of: get - Requests information about the specified MIB variables. next - Requests the instances following the specified instances. set - Modifies the specified write access MIB variables. dump - Dumps the specified section of the MIB tree. -file Specifies the name of the objects definition file. If the -file flag is not specified, the default objects definition file name is /etc/mib.defs. -retry Specifies the number of times the snmp_info command transmits. -verbose Specifies that the output from the snmp_info command be displayed. -wait Specifies the wait time in seconds for the response. Usage: snmp_trap [-debug][-host HostName | -target TargetHost] [-com Comunity][-msg Message] Generate a notification (trap) to report an event to the SNMP manager with the specified message. -host Specifies to connect to the SNMP agent on the specified host. If the -host flag is not specified, the default host is the local host. Host can be an IP address or a host name. -com Specifies community name to use. This community must have been set in /etc/snmpdv3.conf for SNMP version 3 and have the read access privilege at least to the SNMP agent running on the specified host or local host. If the -com flag is not specified, the default community name is "public". -debug Enables the debug facility -target Specifies the target network manger host to which the trap message will be sent. It is different from -host flag. The -host flag specifies a host where the SNMP agent (snmp) must be running and the SNMP agent forwards this trap to network mangers. However, the -target flag does not require the SNMP agent to forward the trap message to network managers, and it sends the trap directly to the network manager. If there are no -target and -host flags, the trap will be sent to the SNMP agent on the local host. -msg Defines the message that the snmptrap command will send. Message specifies the information the trap will hold. This information is in the text format.The -msg flag must be the last flag specified. The -msg must be the last flag specified Error: Unable to connect to the LDAP Server. Please verify your system configuration Usage: mkuser [-ldap] [-de | -sr] [-attr Attributes=Value ...] Name The mkuser command creates a new user account. -ldap User account that is identified and authenticated through the LDAP load module. -de Creates a new Development Engineer (DE) user account. -sr Creates a new Service Representative (SR) user account. -attr Identifies the attribute to set as well as the new value for the attribute. To create a view only user, type: mkuser -attr pgrp=view Name Usage: chuser [-ldap] -attr Attributes=Value ... Name Changes user attributes. -ldap User account that is identified and authenticated through the LDAP load module. -attr Identifies the attribute to set as well as the new value for the attribute. Usage: rmuser [-ldap] [-rmdir] Name Removes a user account. -ldap User account that is identified and authenticated through the LDAP load module. -rmdir Removes the user's home directory and files. Usage: shutdown [-force][-restart] Ends system operation. -force Execute a system shutdown, without a User prompt. -restart Restarts the system after being shutdown. Shutting down the VIO Server could affect Client Partitions. Continue [y|n]? Monitoring CommandsUsage: lspv [-map | -lv | -pv | -size] PhysicalVolume lspv [-map | -lv | -pv] PhysicalVolume [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lspv [-avail | -free | -size] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] Displays information about physical volumes. -avail Lists all physical volumes that available to be used as a backing device for virtual SCSI. Devices in this list may already be backing devices. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -free Lists all physical volumes that are free to be used as a backing devices for virtual SCSI. Devices in this list are not being used as a backing device. -map Lists the mapping information of logical volumes on the physical volume. -lv Lists information for each logical volume on the specified physical volume. -pv Lists information about the specified physical volume. -size Displays the size of the physical volume in megabytes. Usage: uname [-snlrmaxupfFM:L] Displays the name of the current operating system. -a Displays all information specified with the -m, -n, -r and -s flags. Cannot be used with the -x flag. If the -x flag is specified with the -a flag, the -x flag overrides it. -F Displays a system identification string comprised of hexadecimal characters. This identification string is the same for all partitions on a particular system. -f Similar to the F flag, except that the partition number is also used in the calculation of this string. The resulting identification string is unique for each partition on a particular system. -l Displays the LAN network number. -L Displays LPAR number and LPAR name. If LPAR does not exist, -1 is displayed for LPAR number and NULL for LPAR name. -m Displays the machine ID number of the hardware running the system. Note: The -m flag cannot be used to generate a unique machine identifier for partitions in an LPAR environment. -M Displays the system model name. If the model name attribute does not exist, a null string is displayed. -n Displays the name of the node. This may be a name the system is known by to a UUCP communications network. -p Displays the architecture of the system processor. -r Displays the release number of the operating system. -s Displays the system name. This flag is on by default. -u Displays the system ID number. If this attribute is not defined, the output is the same as the output displayed by uname -m. -x Displays the information specified with the -a flag as well as the LAN network number, as specified by the -l flag. Usage: dsmc [ -incremental | -schedule] dsmc [ -query | -restore] argv -incremental Backs up all new or changed files or directories in the default client domain or from file systems, directories, or files you specify, unless you exclude them from backup services. -query [ argument] access Displays a list of current authorization rules. archive Displays a list of archived files. backup Displays a list of backup versions. backupset Queries a backup set from a local file, tape device, or the Tivoli Storage Manager server. filespace Displays a list of file spaces in Tivoli Storage Manager storage. You can also specify a single file space name to query. group Displays information about group backups and their members. image Displays information about image backups. inclexcl Displays a list of include-exclude statements in the order in which they are processed during backup and archive operations. mgmtclass Displays information about available management classes. node Displays all the nodes for which an administrative user ID has authority to perform operations. options Displays all or part of your options and their current settings. restore Displays a list of your restartable restore sessions in the server database. schedule Displays information about scheduled events for your node. session Displays information about your session, including the current node name, when the session was shed, server information, and server connection information systeminfo Gathers Tivoli Storage Manager system information and outputs this information to a file or the console. was Displays backups of the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Network Deployment Manager (contains setup, application files, and configuration information) or the Application Server that match the node name and type of the WAS group backup that you specify. -restore [argument] Restores copies of backup versions of your files from a Tivoli Storage Manager server. backupset Restores a backup set from the Tivoli Storage Manager server or a local file. You can also restore a backup from a tape device. group Restores specific members or all members of a group backup. image Restores a file system or raw volume image backup. nas Restores the image of a file system belonging to a Network Attached Storage (NAS) file server. was Restores the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) Network Deployment Manager (contains setup, application files, and configuration information) or the Application Server from the Tivoli Storage Manager server. -schedule Starts the client scheduler on the workstation. Agent does not appear to have a KEY file. "%s" requires attribute "%s". Default value for "%s" not found. Specify with "%s" attribute. "%s" is not valid for non IVM. Only one "%s" can be run at a time. Usage: mksp [-f] StoragePool PhysicalVolume ... mksp -fb StoragePool -sp ParentStoragePool -size Size [-mirror] The mksp command creates a logical volume backed storage pool, using the physical volumes represented by the PhysicalVolume parameter, or creates a file backed storage pool inside a logical volume backed storage pool. -f Forces the storage pool to be created on the specified physical volume -fb File backed storage pool name -sp Logical volume backed storage pool Usage: chsp {-add | -rm} [-f] [-sp StoragePool] PhysicalVolume ... chsp -add [-sp StoragePool] -size Size chsp -default StoragePool The chsp command adds or removes physical volumes from a logical volume backed storage pool, sets the default storage pool, or increases the size of the file backed storage pool. -add Adds the physical volumes, represented by the PhysicalVolume parameter, to a logical volume backed storage pool or increases the size of a file backed storage pool. -rm Removes the physical volumes, represented by the PhysicalVolume parameter, from a logical volume backed storage pool -f Forces the physical volume to be added or removed from a storage pool -sp Specifies the storage pool rather than utilizing the default storage pool -size Specifies the incremental size to add to a file backed storage pool. -default Makes StoragePool the default storage pool Usage: lssp [-type PoolType] [-field FieldName] [-fmt Delimiter] lssp {-detail | -bd} [-sp StoragePool] [-field FieldName] [-fmt Delimiter] lssp -default The lssp command lists information about storage pools. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -bd Displays information about the backing devices in the storage pool. -detail Displays detailed information about the storage pool. -sp Specifies the storage pool to use. -default Displays the default storage pool. -type Specifies the type of the storage pool to list. Usage: rmsp [-f] StoragePool Removes a storage pool. -f Forces the storagepool to be removed even if there are backing devices in the pool. Note: This command does not work with logical volume backed storage pools. Usage: mkbdsp [-sp StoragePool] -bd BackingDevice -vadapter ServerVirtualSCSIAdapter [-tn TargetDeviceName] mkbdsp [-sp StoragePool] Size [-bd BackingDevice] -vadapter ServerVirtualSCSIAdapter [-tn TargetDevicename] mkbdsp [-sp StoragePool] Size -bd BackingDevice Usage: chbdsp [-sp StoragePool] -bd BackingDevice {-size Size | -mv NewName} Usage: mkrep -sp ParentStoragePool -size Size Creates a virtual DVD repository for file backed DVDs. -sp The parent LV_POOL -size Specifies the size of the DVD repository. Unable to create the DVD repository. The specified storage pool does not exist Size of the repository must be a positive number DVD repository already exists Usage: chrep -size Size The chrep command increases the size of a file backed DVD repository. -size Specifies the incremental size to add to the DVD repository. The DVD repository has not been created yet. Not enough space in parent storagepool "%s". Usage: lsrep [-field FieldName] [-fmt Delimiter] The lsrep command lists information about the DVD repository repository -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. Usage: rmrep [-f] Removes the DVD repository. -f Forces the repository to be removed even if file backed DVD media is present in the repository. Unable to locate the specified repository for removal Cannot delete repository while virtual DVDs are in use. DVD repository contains file backed DVD media. Use -f to remove Usage: mkvopt -name FileName {-size FileSize | -dev SourceDevice | -file SourceFile} [-ro] Creates a virtual optical disk (represented as a file) in the virtual DVD repository that can be loaded into one or more file-backed virtual optical drives. -name Name of the virtual DVD to create -size Specifies the size of the new virtual DVD to create -dev Specifies a physical optical device containing data to be copied -file Specifies a virtual optical media to use -ro Specifies the DVD is to be created as a DVD-ROM Unable to locate the specified optical device Unable to locate a valid ISO image on the specified DVD drive The specified file is not in a valid ISO format The specified file already exists within the virtual library. Usage: chvopt -name FileName [-access Value | -mv newFileName] Changes the access of the specified virtual DVD. This command cannot be run while the virtual DVD is loaded into one or more virtual optical drives. -name File name of the virtual DVD -access Specifies the access permissions -mv New file name of the virtual DVD Unable to perform operation while the virtual DVD is loaded. The specified access value is invalid, use ro or rw. Usage: rmvopt [-f] -name FileName Usage: loadopt [-f] [-release] -disk FileName -vtd VirtualTargetDevice Loads the specified virtual optical media into the given file-backed virtual optical device. -disk Specifies the virtual media to load -vtd Specifies the virtual target device of the file backed virtual optical device. -f Forces the virtual media to be loaded even if the virtual optical device has other media loaded. -release Forces the virtual optical device to be released if client partition has issued a reserve on the device. Unable to load the '%s' virtual disk into the '%s' virtual optical device. This device already contains a loaded virtual disk The specified virtual disk is not read-only, and cannot be loaded into multiple devices simultaneously Unable to perform the requested operation. '%s' is currently reserved by the client. Usage: unloadopt [-release] -vtd VirtualTargetDevice Unloads the virtual media from the specified file-backed virtual optical device. -vtd Specifies the virtual target device -release Forces the virtual optical device to be released if client partition has issued a reserve on the device. An error occurred while attempting to unload the virtual target optical device. "%s" does not contain a virtual optical disk to unload Usage: lsvopt [-vtd VirtualTargetDevice] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] Lists the virtual optical disk which is currently loaded into the specified virtual optical device. -vtd Specifies the virtual target device of the file backed virtual optical device -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. There is currently no virtual disk loaded The specified virtual optical target device does not exist Unable to create logical volume "%s". Unable to create file system "%s". Unable to create directory "%s". Unable to mount file systems "%s". "%s" is not a valid file backed storage pool. "%s" is not a valid logical volume backed storage pool. Invalid size format, size must consist of an integer number followed by m/M for megabytes or g/G for gigabytes. Unable to increase the size of "%s". "%s" not found in storage pool "%s". "%s" contain files specify -f to force removal. "%s" contains one or more backing devices assigned to a Virtual SCSI Adapter. The associated Virtual Target Devices (VTD) must be removed before the pools can be removed. The specified backing device and storage pool are not the same type. The backing device "%s" is not in storage pool "%s". Unable to create the backing device file. Unable to extend storage pool. Unable to create storage pool. Unable to mount storage pool. To mount manually run: mount /dev/[Pool Name] /var/vio/storagepools/[Pool Name] Backing device names can not exceed "%s" characters in length. Unable to open file "%s". The file "%s" already exists in storage pool "%s". File "%s" in storage pool "%s" is already associated with a virtual SCSI adapter. The VTD specified "%s" is not associated with a file backed virtual optical device. Unable to query the ODM "%s" contains invalid characters. The following characters can not be used for file backed file names "%s" and the first character can not be a ".". An Error occured when attempting to remove the repository Unable to change the permissions of for %s Unable to remove %s from the repository. Unable to create virtual optical disk. Virtual Media CommandsVirtual Media Repository Created Virtual Media Repository Removed Unable to increase the size of repository Virtual Media RepositoryMust configure first. The Virtual Media Repository parent storage pool can not be removed. "%s" contains at least one file backed storage pool. These pools must be removed before "%s" can be removed. Insufficient space in storage pool to create backing device. Backing device size changed. File "%s" is removed Repository created within "%s" logical volume All or parts of the Virtual Media Repository exist. Run the rmrep command to cleanup the repository Virtual Optical DVD media names can not exceed "%s" characters in length, and the following characters can not be used for DVD names: . As the first character / Within the name The "%s" file was not found within the repository Device name may not contain "%s" getlvname: Illegal name; the prefix of the name is reserved. Choose a different name. The specified device is not mounted Unable to locate any files on the loaded media "%s" contains one or more backing devices assigned to a Virtual SCSI Adapter. The associated Virtual Target Devices (VTD) must be removed before the repository can be removed. Use the -release flag to remove the reserve Unable to change name of '%s' to '%s' Media '%s' already exists Unable to move '%s' while backing device is in use Unable to force the load of the '%s' virtual media Unable to retrieve repository date due to incomplete repository structure Creating file "%s" in storage pool "%s". Creating logical volume "%s" in storage pool "%s". Copy the content of a block device or file to another block device or file. -src Specifies the source to copy from. -dst Specifies the destination to copy to. -progress If specified, one hash is printed to stdout for each block that is copied. Src is not found. Dst device is not found. Surveys the host system for currently installed microcode or Vital Product Data (VPD). -vpd Sets the survey or concatenation type to VPD (the default is Microcode). -report Sends a copy of the formatted text report file to the screen from which the command was invoked. -model Allows input of the host platform machine type and model for hosts that use or require this information. -serial Allows input of the host serial number for hosts that use/require this information. -version Displays the versions of this command and of the logic database currently in use. -rpm The Red Hat Package Manager is used to install, upgrade and remove rpm packages. RPM Options: -i Installs a new package. -e Uninstalls a package. -qp Query for an uninstalled package. --force Used to install a package even if it's already installed. --ignoreos Allows installation of a package even if the operating systems of the host and binary RPM are different. -install Installs microcode for a given device. -file Specifies the file name of the microcode to be installed. -p Specifies the partition ID for -install or -rpm Shutting down the VIO Server could affect Client Partitions. Continue [y|n]? The version number in the backing device information file is not valid: "%s" Unable to create backing device information file: rc = "%s". The backing device "%s" does not have an associated backing device information file Unable to remove "%s" while backing device is in use. Backing deivce information file reference count is greater than zero. Unable to parse backing device information file: rc = "%s". Assigning logical volume "%s" as a backing device. Assigning file "%s" as a backing device. getlvodm: The physical volume, passed in the command is not assigned to a volume group. getlvodm: Unable to find the given device id in the Device Configuration Database. Invalid interface format. rmdev: The device %s was not found in the customized device configuration database. The given device %s is mapped already. chvg: The -factor parameter has either an invalid value or length. Sets, unsets or displays security hardening rules. Configures, unconfigures or displays firewall settings. -level LEVEL Specifies the security LEVEL settings to choose, where LEVEL is 'low', 'medium', 'high', or default. The 'default' LEVEL unsets any previous security LEVEL system settings. Except for the 'default' LEVEL, 10 security LEVEL settings are displayed at a time. The user then can choose the desired security settings by entering comma separated numbers or the word 'ALL' to choose all of the settings or the word 'NONE' to choose none of the settings or 'q' to exit or 'h' for help. Then the security settings chosen are applied to the system. -view Displays the current security level settings. All of the security setting names end with 3 characters 'Xls' where X = l(low), m(medium), h(high) or d(default). For example, the security level name 'minlenlls' is the low level security setting for minimum length of a password. -apply Applies all of the LEVEL security settings to the system. There is no user selectable option. -nonint Non-interactive. -firewall on [[-force] -reload] Configures the default firewall settings from the filter rules in ODM. If reload option is used then the ODM rules are deleted and defaults are loaded from /home/ios/security/viosecure.ctl. If viosecure.ctl file doesn't exist, the user will have to use the force option if he wants to use the hard-coded default firewall settings. -firewall off Unconfigures the firewall settings. Saves all the firewall filter rules from ODM to file at /home/padmin/viosfirewall.rules -firewall allow -port Port [-interface Ifname] [-address IPaddress ] [-timeout Timeout] [-remote] Permits IP activity per port with optional parameters according to interface, ipaddress and time that it is effective. The Port argument can be a number or a service name from the /etc/services file. The remote option specifies that the port is a remote port. All IP activity to/from that remote port is allowed. The default is all IP activity to/from a local port is allowed. The timeout period can be specified as a number (in seconds) or with a number followed by 'm' followed by 'm'(minutes), 'h'(hours) or 'd'(days). The maximum timeout period is 30 days. -firewall deny -port Port [-interface Ifname] [-address IPaddress] [-timeout Timeout] [-remote] Removes a previous firewall 'allow' setting. The Port argument can be a number or a service name from the /etc/services file. If '-port 0' is specified, then all 'allow' settings are removed. The remote option specifies that the port is the remote port. The default is local port. The timeout period can be specified as a number (in seconds) or with a number followed by 'm'(minutes), 'h'(hours) or 'd'(days). The maximum timeout period is 30 days. -firewall view [-fmt delimiter] Displays the current allowable ports. If the fmt option is specified, then it divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -undo Undoes the security settings that have been applied. Invalid IPv6 Address Format Usage: mktcpip -hostname HostName -inetaddr Address -interface Interface [-start] [-netmask SubnetMask] [-cabletype CableType] [-gateway Gateway] [-nsrvaddr NameServerAddress -nsrvdomain Domain] [-plen prefixLength] mktcpip -auto [-interface Interface] mktcpip -hostname HostName -inetaddr Address -interface Interface [-start] [-cabletype CableType] [-gateway Gateway] [-nsrvaddr NameServerAddress -nsrvdomain Domain] [-plen prefixLength] -hostname Hostname Sets the name of the host. If using a domain naming system, the domain and any subdomains must be specified. -inetaddr Sets the IP address of the host. Specify the address in dotted decimal notation. -interface Interface Specifies a particular network interface, for example: tr0 -start Starts the TCP/IP daemons. -netmask SubnetMask Specifies the mask the gateway should use in determining the appropriate subnetwork for routing. -cabletype CableType Specifies cable size for Standard Ethernet or IEEE 802.3 Ethernet networks. Valid values for the CableType variable are dix for thick cable, bnc for thin cable, or N/A for Not Applicable. This flag should be used only for Standard Ethernet (en) and IEEE 802.3 Ethernet (et) interfaces. -gateway Gateway Sets the gateway address for a static route. Specify the address in dotted decimal notation. -nsrvaddr NameserverAddress Specifies the IP address of the name server the host uses for name resolution, if applicable. The address should be entered in dotted decimal notation. -nsrvdomain Specifies the domain name of the name server the host should use for name resolution, if any. The domain name should be in the specified format: subdomain.subdomain.rootdomain. -auto Specifies that stateless autoconfiguration of link-local addresses for IPv6 should be run. -plen prefixLength Specifies the IPv6 prefix length to use -inetaddr Change the IP address of the host. Specify the address in dotted decimal notation. -netmask SubnetMask Specifies the mask the gateway should use in determining the appropriate subnetwork for routing. -interface Interface Specifies a particular network interface, for example: en0 -gateway Gateway Changes the gateway address for a static route. Specify the current address in dotted decimal notation and specify the new gateway address in dotted decimal notation. -add New Default Gateway address to be added -remove Old Default Gateway address to removed -plen PrefixLen IPv6 prefix Length cannot be used with -netmask mkldap: Secure LDAP was selected, insure that the ldap.max_crypto_client fileset is installed from the VIOS Expansion CD, and/or check the -keypath and -keypasswd arguments Removes the specified virtual optical media from the repository. -f Forces the virtual media to be removed even if its loaded into a virtual optical device. -name The name of the virtual optical media to remove. Usage: mkldap -host serverlist -bind bindDN -passwd bindpwd [ -base baseDN ] [ -port serverport ] [ -ctimeout cachetimeout ] [ -csize cachesize ] [ -threads NumberofThreads ] [ -hbeatint heartBeatInt ] [ -keypath directory_path ] [ -keypasswd ssl_password ] [ -auth authType ] [ -users userlist | ALL ] mkldap -deconfig Setup LDAP client configuration. -host A comma separated list of hostnames(server and backup servers). -bind Domain Name to bind to the LDAP server. The Domain Name must exist on the LDAP server. -passwd Password for the bindDN used to bind to the LDAP server. -base Base Domain Name for the mkldap command to search for the user base DN and group base Domain Name. If not specified from the command line, the entire database is searched. -port Port number that the LDAP server is listening to. -ctimeout Maximum time length that a cache entry expires. -csize Maximum number of user entries used in the client side daemon cache. -threads Number of threads the client side daemon uses. -hbeatint Time interval of heartbeat between this client and the LDAP server. -keypath Specifies the full path to the client SSL key ( Requires secure ldap fileset from VIOS Expansion CD ) -keypasswd Specifies the password for the client SSL key ( Requires secure ldap fileset from VIOS Expansion CD ) -auth Authentication mechanism used to authenticate users. -users Comma separated list of user names to enable for LDAP authentication. Specify ALL to enable all users on the client. -deconfig Specifies to undo the previous client setup to the LDAP client configuration file. Invalid storage pool or device. No enough space on destination. The specified device %s is in use by a virtual target device (VTD). You may use -unconfigure flag to unconfigure the VTD before copying OR -f flag to copy forcefully. Error in getting size of %s. User doesn't have read access on %s file. User doesn't have write access to create %s. Invalid mode to check. Unable to get statistics on file %s. Unable to get %s attributes. Unable to get %s's group attributes. Unable to lock %s. Unconfiguring VTD %s failed. However copy proceeds further. %s exists already. You may use -overwrite flag or -f flag to overwrite the existing file. Unable to get %s's home directory. File %s must exist in user's home directory or it may be mounted. Source and destination cannot be same. Unable to read file-backed device meta-data: rc = "%i". Usage: rmbdsp {[-sp StoragePool] -bd BackingDevice | -vtd VirtualTargetDevice} [-savebd] [-f] Removes storage from a virtual SCSI adapter and returns it to the storage pool. -sp Specifies the storage pool rather than utilizing the default storage pool. -bd Specifies the backing device to be removed from the virtual SCSI adapter. -vtd Specifies the virtual target device that maps a backing device to a server virtual SCSI adapter. -savebd Indicates the backing device should not be deleted. -f Forces the file-backed disk meta data file to be removed. If savebd is also specified the backing device will not be removed. This flag should only be used when the file-backed disk meta data file is corrupted. Note: When removing backing device files using the -bd flag a storage pool must be specified. The default storage pool will not be assumed. YesNosave_base command failed Error listing elements Unable to add at least one of the specified physical volumes to the volume group. The maximum number of physical partitions (PPs) supported by the volume group must be increased. Use the lsvg command to display the current maximum number of physical partitions (MAX PPs per PV:) and chvg -factor to change the value. Usage: cpvdi -src input_disk_image -dst output_disk_image [-isp input_storage_pool] [-osp output_storage_pool] [-overwrite] [-unconfigure] [-f] [-progress] Copy the vitual disk image to another virtual disk image. -src Specifies the source to copy from. -dst Specifies the destination to copy to. -isp Specifies the input storage pool when the source is either a logical volume or a file-baked device. Required for file-backed devices. -osp Specifies the output storage pool when the destination is either a logical volume or a file-baked device. Required for file-backed devices. -overwrite If the destination file exists, it will be overwritten. If this flag is not mentioned, error message will be displayed with non-zero exit code. -unconfigure If the source or destination is configured as backing device, specifying this flag will unconfigure the VTD, do a copy operation then reconfigures VTD. If this flag is not mentioned, error message will be displayed with non-zero exit code. -f If the destination file exists, it will be overwritten. If source or destination is configured as backing device, copy will proceed without unconfiguring the device(s). If -unconfigure flag is used with -f, -unconfigure takes the priority. -progress If specified, one hash is printed to stdout for each block that is copied. Usage: cpbd -src input_block_device -dst output_block_device [-unconfigure] [-f] [-progress] Cannot perform the requested function because of missing customized information in the device configuration database. Can not remove the device=%s, it is associated with a VTD. Can not unconfigure the device=%s, it is associated with a VTD. Can not remove the devices, one or more child devices are associated with a VTD. Can not unconfigure the devices, one or more child devices are associated with a VTD. Usage: lsnports [-fmt delimiter] [-field FieldName] Lists available NPIV capable ports and related information. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. Device "%s" is not a Server Virtual Fibre Channel Adapter (SVFCA). Unable to get %s binding information. Usage: vfcmap -vadapter VFCServerAdapter -fcp FCPName Maps the Virtual Fibre Channel Adapter to the physical Fibre Channel Port -vadapter Specifies the virtual server adapter. -fcp Specifies the physical Fibre Channel Port "VMLibrary" is a reserved name for the virtual media repository. Creates a logical volume or file backing device in a storage pool, and/or assigns the backing device to a virtual SCSI adapter. Note: Unlike with logical volume backed devices, a backing device name must be specified when working with file backed devices. Note: When creating or assigning backing device files a storage pool must be specified. The default storage pool will not be assumed. -bd Specifies the backing device name. If the backing device is being created, the specified name will be used instead of a system-generated name. Note: alphanumeric, '-', '_' and '.' characters only. -sp Specifies the storage pool rather than utilizing the default storage pool. -vadapter Specifies the server virtual SCSI adapter. -tn Specifies the name of the TargetDevice. An invalid 'location' attribute value was specified. OS_install images must be stored within the /csminstall filesystem. Creation of filesystem used to store OS_install images failed. This is likely due to insufficient free space within the 'rootvg' volume group. Mount of /csminstall filesystem used to store OS_install images failed. Usage: redefvg { -dev Device | -vgid Vgid } VolumeGroup Redefines the set of physical volumes of the given volume group in the device configuration database. -dev Device The volume group ID, Vgid, is read from the specified physical volume device. You can specify the Vgid of any physical volume belonging to the volume group that you are redefining. -vgid Vgid The volume group identification number of the volume group to be redefined. Command name or parameter %s is too long. Unable to access the device "%s". Usage: To Back Up Files by Name: backup -i [ -b Number ] [ -p [ -e RegularExpression ] ] [ -E{force|ignore|warn} ] [ -f Device ] [ -l Number ] [ -U ] [ -o ] [ -q ] [ -v ] [ -ejt ] [ -help] To Back Up File Systems by i-node: backup [ [ -Level ] [ -b Number ] [ -c ] [ -f Device ] [ -L Length ] [ -U ] [ -u ] ] [ FileSystem ] | [ -w | -W ] [ -ejt ] [ -help] Backs up files and file systems. -b Number For backups by name, specifies the number of 512-byte blocks; for backups by i-node, specifies the number of 1024-byte blocks to write in a single output operation. When the backup command writes to tape devices, the default is 100 for backups by name and 32 for backups by i-node. The write size is the number of blocks multiplied by the block size. The default write size for the backup command writing to tape devices is 51200 (100 * 512) for backups by name and 32768 (32 * 1024) for backups by i-node. The write size must be an even multiple of the tape's physical block size. The value of the -b flag is always ignored when the backup command writes to diskette. -c Specifies that the tape is a cartridge, not a nine-track. -e RegularExpression Specifies that the files with names matching the regular expression are not to be packed. A regular expression is a set of characters, meta characters, and operators that define a string or group of strings in a search pattern. It can also be a string containing wildcard characters and operations that define a set of one or more possible strings. The -e flag is applied only when the -p flag is specified. -ejt Rewinds the tape and takes the tape drive offline. This will unload the tape when appropriate. The tape must be re-inserted before the device can be used again. -E For backups by name, the -E option requires one of the following arguments. If you omit the -E option, warn is the default behavior. force Fails the backup operation on a file if the fixed extent size or space reservation of the file cannot be preserved. ignore Ignores any errors in preserving extent attributes. warn Issues a warning if the space reservation or the fixed extent size of the file cannot be preserved. -f Device Specifies the output device. To send output to a named device, specify the Device variable as a path name(such as /dev/rmt0). To send output to the standard output device, specify a - (minus sign). The - (minus) feature enables you to pipe the output of the backup command to the dd command. You can also specify a range of archive devices. The range specification must be in the following format: /dev/deviceXXX-YYY where XXX and YYY are whole numbers, and XXX must always be less than YYY; for example, /dev/rfd0-3. All devices in the specified range must be of the same type. If the Device variable specifies a range, the backup command automatically goes from one device in the range to the next. After exhausting all of the specified devices, the backup command halts and requests that new volumes be mounted on the range of devices. -help Displays help about parameters. -i Specifies that files be read from standard input and archived by file name. If relative path names are used, files are restored (with the restore command) relative to the current directory at restore time. If full path names are used, files are restored to those same names. -L Length Specifies the length of the tape in bytes. This flag overrides the -c, -d, and -s flags. You can specify the size with a suffix of b, k, m, or g to represent Blocks (512 bytes), Kilo (1024 bytes),Mega (1024 Kilobytes), or Giga (1024 Megabytes), respectively. To represent a tape length of 2 Gigabytes, enter -L 2g. Note: Use the -L flag for i-node backups only. -Level Specifies the backup level (0 to 9). The default level is 9. -l Number (lowercase L) Limits the total number of blocks to use on the diskette device. The value specified must be a non-zero multiple of the number of sectors per diskette track. This option applies to by-name backups only. -o Creates a Version 2-compatible backup by name. This flag is required for compatibility with Version 2 systems because backups by name that are created by a version higher than 2 cannot be restored on Version 2 systems. To create a Version 2-compatible backup by name, use the -o flag along with other flags required for backups by name. Files with attributes and values, such as user IDs and group IDs,that are too large for Version 2 systems will not be backed up. A message is displayed for each such file and each value that is too large. -p Specifies that the files be packed, or compressed, before they are archived. Only files of less than 2GB are packed. Note: This option should only be used when backing up files from an inactive filesystem. Modifying a file when a backup is in progress may result in corruption of the backup and an inability to recover the data. When backing up to a tape device which performs compression, this option can be omitted. -q Indicates that the removable medium is ready to use. When you specify the -q flag, the backup command proceeds without prompting you to prepare the backup medium and press the Enter key to continue. This option applies only to the first volume; you are prompted for subsequent volumes. The -q flag applies only to backups by name. -U Specifies to backup any ACLs or named extended attributes. Without this option the image will include only AIXC ACLs and PCLs in the archive along with the other regular file data. For files containing NFS4 ACLs, conversion to AIXC will happen by default during archival. -u Updates the /etc/dumpdates file with the raw device name of the file system and the time, date, and level of the backup. You must specify the -u flag if you are making incremental backups. The -u flag applies only to backups by i-node. -v Causes the backup command to display additional information about the backup. When using the -v flag, the size of the file as it exists on the archive is displayed in bytes. Additionally, a total of these file sizes is displayed when all files have been processed. Directories are listed with a size of 0. Symbolic links are listed with the size of the symbolic link. Hard links are listed with the size of the file, which is how hard links are archived. Block and character devices, if they were backed up, are listed with a size of 0. When the -v flag is not specified, the backup command displays only the names of the files being archived. This option is used only when backing up by file name. -w Currently disabled. If the -w flag is specified, no other flags are applied. -W Displays, for each file system in the /etc/dumpdates file, the most recent backup date and level. If the -W option is specified, no other flags are applied. Usage: To Restore Files Archived by File Name: restore -x [ d M n Q v q e ] [ -b Number ] [ -f Device ] [ -s SeekBackup [ -p ] ] [ -X VolumeNumber ] [ File ... ] [ -ejt ] To List Files Archived by File Name: restore -T [a l n q v ] [ -b Number ] [ -f Device ] [ -s SeekBackup [ -p ] ] [ -ejt ] To Restore Files Archived by File System: restore -r [ B n q v y ] [ -b Number ] [ -f Device ] [ -s SeekBackup [ -p ] ] [ -ejt ] To Restore Files Archived by File System: restore -R [ B n v y ] [ -b Number ] [ -f Device ] [ -s SeekBackup [ -p ] ] [ -ejt ] To Restore Files Archived by File System: restore -i [ h m n q v y ] [ -b Number ] [ -f Device ] [ -s SeekBackup [ -p ] ] [ -ejt ] To Restore Files Archived by File System: restore -x [ B h n m q v y ] [ -b Number ] [ -f Device ] [ -s SeekBackup [ -p ] ] [ File ... ] [ -ejt ] To List Files Archived by File System: restore -t | -T [ B a l n h q v y ] [ -b Number ] [ -f Device ] [ -s SeekBackup [ -p ] ] [ File ... ] [ -ejt ] To Restore File Attributes Archived by File Name: restore -Pstring [B d qv] [ bNumber] [ s SeekNumber [ -p ] ] [-f Device ] [ File ... ] [ -ejt ] To Restore File Attributes Archived by File System: restore -Pstring [ hqv] [ b Number] [ s SeekNumber [ -p ] ] [-f Device] [ File ... ] [ -ejt ] To Display help about parameters. restore -help Extracts files from archives created with the backup command. -a Specified with the t and/or T option, the -a option displays the list of files in the archive, along with their permissions. -B Specifies that the archive should be read from standard input. Normally, the restore command examines the actual medium to determine the backup format. When using a | (pipe), this examination cannot occur. -b Number For backups done by name, specifies the number of 512-byte blocks;for backups done by i-node, specifies the number of 1024-byte blocks to read in a single output operation. When the restore command reads from tape devices, the default is 100 for backups by name and 32 for backups by i-node. -d Indicates that, if the File parameter is a directory, all files in that directory should be restored. This flag can only be used when the archive is in file-name format. -e Restores the non sparse files as non sparse as they were archived by the name format of backup command for both packed and unpacked files. -ejt Rewinds the tape and takes the tape drive offline. -E The -E option requires one of the following arguments. If you omit the -E option, warn is the default behavior. force Fails the restore operation on a file if the fixed extent size or space reservation of the file cannot be preserved. ignore Ignores any errors in preserving extent attributes. warn Issues a warning if the space reservation or the fixed size of the file cannot be preserved. -f Device Specifies the input device. To receive input from a named device, specify the Device variable as a path name (such as /dev/rmt0). To receive input from the standard output device, specify a - (minus sign). The - (minus) feature enables you to pipe the input of the restore command from the dd command. You can also specify a range of archive devices. The range specification must be in the following format: /dev/deviceXXX-YYY where XXX and YYY are whole numbers, and XXX must always be less than YYY; -h Restores only the actual directory, not the files contained in it.This flag can only be used when the archive is in file-system format. This flag is ignored when used with the -r or -R flags. -i Allows you to interactively restore selected files from a file- system archive. The subcommands for the -i flag are: cd Directory Changes the current directory to the specified directory. add [File] Specifies that the File parameter is added to the list of files to extract. delete [File] Specifies that the File parameter is to be removed from the list of files to be extracted. ls [Directory] Displays the directories and files contained within the Directory parameter. Directory names are displayed with a /(slash) after the name. extract Restores all the directories and files on the extraction list. pwd Displays the full path name of the current directory. verbose Causes the ls subcommand to display the i-node number of files and directories. setmodes Sets the owner, mode and time for all directories added to the extraction list. quit Causes restore to exit immediately. -help Displays a summary of the subcommands. -l Specified with the -t and -T option. When specified, displays a detailed list of files, which includes the timestamp, file permissions, file size, owner, and group. The -l option overrides the -a option. -M Sets the access and modification times of restored files to the time of restoration. The -M flag is used when the data is in the AIX 4.2 backup by-i- node or by-name format. -m Renames restored files to the file's i-node number as it exists on the archive. -n By default the restore command will restore any ACLs, PCLs, or named extended attributes in the archive. -p Places the tape head at the beginning of the archive that is specified by the -s option. -Pstring Restore only the file attributes. Does not restore the file contents. String parameter can be a combination of the following characters: A restore all attributes. a restore only the permissions of the files. o restore only the ownership of the files. t restore only the timestamp of the files. c restore only the ACL attributes of the files. -Q For backups done by name, specifies that the command should exit upon encountering any type of error rather than attempt to recover and continue processing the archive. -q Specifies that the first volume is ready to use and that the restore command should not prompt you to mount the volume and hit Enter. -r Restores all files in a file-system archive. -R Requests a specific volume of a multiple-volume, file-system archive. The -R flag allows a previously interrupted restore to be restarted. -s SeekBackup Specifies the backup to seek and restore on a multiple-backup tape archive. -t Displays information about the backup archive. -T Displays information about the backup archive. If the archive is in file-name format, the information contained in the volume header is written to standard error, and a list of files found on the archive is written to standard output. The File parameter is ignored for file-name archives. If the archive is in file-system format, the behavior is identical to the -t flag. -v Displays additional information when restoring. -x Restores individually named files specified by the File parameter. The restore command allows for shell-style pattern matching metacharacters to be used when specifying files for archive extraction. The rules for matching metacharacters are the same as those used in shell pathname globbing, namely: * (asterisk) Matches zero or more characters, but not a '.' (period) or '/' (slash). ? (question mark) Matches any single character, but not a '.' (period) or '/' (slash). [ ] (brackets) Matches any one of the characters enclosed within the brackets. \ (backslash) Matches the immediately following character, preventing its possible interpretation as a metacharacter. -X VolumeNumber Begins restoring from the specified volume of a multiple-volume, file-name backup. -y Continues restoring when tape errors are encountered. The device name "%s" is invalid. The device name must start with "ent" followed by digits. Usage: mkvdev [-f] {-vdev TargetDevice | -dplc PhysicalLocationCode} {-vadapter VirtualSCSIServerAdapter | -aplc PhysicalLocationCode} [-dev DeviceName] mkvdev -fbo {-vadapter VirtualSCSIServerAdapter | -aplc PhysicalLocationCode} [-dev DeviceName] mkvdev -sea TargetDevice -vadapter VirtualEthernetAdapter ... -default DefaultVirtualEthernetAdapter -defaultid SEADefaultPVID [-attr Attributes=Value ...] [-migrate [-auto]] mkvdev -lnagg TargetAdapter ... [-attr Attribute=Value ...] mkvdev -vlan TargetAdapter -tagid TagID Adds a virtual device to the system. -aplc Specifies the virtual server adapter by its physical location code. -attr Specifies additional attributes. -auto Brings down and restores the ethernet interface when creating a SEA adapter with the -migrate option. -dev Specifies the name of the device to be created. -default Specifies the default virtual Ethernet adapter. -defaultid Specifies the Shared Ethernet Adapter (SEA) default PVID. -f Force the specified device to be used as a VSCSI backing device even if it is already being used as a backing device -fbo Create a file backed optical device. -lnagg Specifies the TargetAdapters for creating an etherchannel device. -migrate Migrates the settings from the physical adapter interface to the SEA adapter interface -dplc Specifies the target deivce for creating a virtual SCSI device by its physical location code. -sea Specifies the TargetDevice for creating virtual Ethernet connections. -tagid Specifies the tag ID for a vlan device. -vadapter Specifies the virtual server adapter. -vdev Specifies the TargetDevice for creating a virtual SCSI device (disk, optical or tape). -vlan Specifies the TargetAdapter for creating a tagged vlan device. Unable to get %s information. Unable to get %s attributes. To see the newly added disk, client partition needs reboot. If the added PV is not seen on client side, client partition may need reboot. %s contains invalid characters. Can not perform the requested operation. The logical volume is being used as a file storage pool. Use storage pool commands. Device "%s" is not a Paging Device. Usage: lsmap {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -plc PhysicalLocationCode | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType ... | -net | -npiv ] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lsmap -ams {-vtd PagingDevice | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType ... ] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] Displays the mapping between physical and virtual devices. -all Displays mapping for all the server virtual adapter devices. Defaults to VSCSI adapter devices. -vadapter Specifies the server virtual adapter device by device name. -plc Specifies the server virtual adapter device by physical location code. -vtd Specifies the (AMS)Active Memory Sharing Paging Device to be displayed. -type Specifies to display virtual devices whose backing device matches the type given. -net Specifies supplied device is a virtual server Ethernet adapter. -npiv Displays NPIV binding information. -ams Displays (AMS)Active Memory Sharing paging space device information. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. Usage: prepdev [-dev devicename] Prepares the disk to be used as an AMS paging device. -dev Device name Type "%s" is not valid with option "%s". The chbdsp command increases the size of or renames a backing device. -sp Specifies the storage pool rather than utilizing the default storage pool. -bd Specifies the backing device to change. -mv Specifies the new name of the backing device. -size Specifies the incremental size to add to the backing device. Could not find one or more devices specified in the device configuration database. vfcmap command failed. Run lsnports command to see if the port is capable. Other possible reasons for failure could be, Switch does not support NPIV or Port is not connected to switch. Device "%s" is in use as an AMS backing device. Device "%s" is in use as a VSCSI backing device. LV "%s" is in use on device "%s" as an AMS backing device. Error accessing ODM Database. WARNING! The VIOS has detected that this physical volume is currently in use. Data will be lost and cannot be undone when destructive actions are taken. These actions should only be done after confirming that the current physical volume usage and data are no longer needed. The VIOS detected that this physical volume is in use for a file system, logical volume or volume group. The lspv command displays all physical volumes on the system and lists volume groups that they are associated with. Destructive action: Destroy the file system or logical volume as appropriate. Remove the physical volume from the volume group using reducevg command. The VIOS detected that this device is in use as an exported virtual target device. The lsmap command displays all virtual target devices. Destructive action: Destroy the binding of the physical volume from the Virtual Host Adapter using the rmdev command. The VIOS detected that this device is in use as an Active Memory Sharing paging device. The lsmap -ams displays all AMS paging devices. Destructive action: Destroy the binding of the physical volume from the paging device using the HMC or IVM. The VIOS could not determine the usage of this device. Destructive action: Destroy current usage of this device by zeroing out known sector on the physical volume. NOTE: This action will write 0s to the entire block located at sector 7. This command must be run in the oem shell. dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hdiskX seek=7 count=1 bs=blocksize_of_device The VIOS could not determine the current usage of this device. System doesn't have NPIV capable ports or no NPIV ports with the link up. Usage: invscout [-vpd | -report] [-model Type-Model] [-serial SerialNumber] invscout -version invscout -rpm rpmPackage [-p partition_id] rpmOption ... invscout -install Device [-file FileName [-p partition_id]] The volume group contains one or more logical volumes, which must be closed. If the logical volume contains a filesystem then it must be unmounted to close the logical volume. Usage: viosbr -backup -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -nobackup viosbr -view -file FileName [-type devType] [-detail] viosbr -view -file FileName -mapping viosbr -view -list [UserDir] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-validate] [-type devType] [-inter] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-type devType] [-force] Backup virtual & logical configurations, list the configurations and restore the configurations of the VIO server. -backup Take the backup of vios configurations. A compressed file with extension .tar.gz will be created. -file Name of the configurations file. Either absolute path or relative path can be given. -frequency Frequency of the backup to run automatically. Note:User may add/edit crontab entry for backup frequencies other than daily, weekly, monthly. A compressed file in the form XX.tar.gz will be created, where is the argument to -file and XX is a number from 01 to numfiles provided by user. max numfiles value is 10. -numfiles When backup runs automatically, this number indicates the maximum backup files that can be saved. Older file gets deleted for next cycle of backup. -nobackup Stops auto backups. -view Display the information of all the backed up entities. -type Only given type of devices are considered for listing or restore operation. -detail Displays all the devices from the backup file with all their attribute values. -mapping Displays mapping information for SPs, FBSP, repositories, etherchannel, SEA,vscsi adapters, vfc adapters and paging devices. -list Lists the backup files either from default directory or from user given directory. -restore Takes backup file as input and brings the VIOS partition to the same state when the backup was taken. -validate Validates the devices on the VIO Server against the devices listed in the backup file. -inter Interactively deploy each device with user confirmation. -force In non interactive mode, restoration of a device that has not been successfully validated, will be tried. This option cannot be used in combination with -inter or -validate. Maximum backup files that can be saved are only %d. File %s does not exist. Usage: topas [-disks num_of_monitored_hot_disks] [-interval monitoring_interval_in_seconds] [-nets num_of_monitored_hot_networks_interfaces] [-procs num_of_monitored_hot_processes] [-wlms num_of_monitored_hot_WLM classes] [-cpus num_of_monitored_hot_CPUs] [-procsdisp | wlmdisp | cecdisp] [-filesys number_of_monitored_file_system] [-tape] [-fullscreen { process | WLM | lpar | disk | net | CEC | vg | filesys | tape }] Reports selected local system statistics. -disks Specifies the number of disks to be monitored. The default is 2. -interval Sets the monitoring interval in seconds. The default is 2 seconds. -nets Specifies the number of hot network interfaces to be monitored. The default is 2. -procs Specifies the number of hot processes to be monitored. -wlms Specifies the number of hot Work Load Management (WLM) classes to be monitored. The default is 2. -cpus Specifies the number of hot CPUs to be monitored. The default is 2. -procsdisp Displays the full-screen process display. -wlmdisp Displays the full-screen WLM class display. -cecdisp Displays the full-screen cross-partition display. -filesys Specifies the number of File systems to be monitored. -tape Toggles the tape display section on or off in the main topas display. -fullscreen Displays the statistics of the given parameter in fullscreen mode. The parameter can be: process, WLM (Work Load Manager), lpar (Logical Partition), disk, net (Network), CEC, vg (Volume Group), filesys (File System), tape. Usage: wkldout [-report reportType] [-interval MM] [-beg HHMM] [-end HHMM] [-fmt [-mode modeType]] [-graph] [-BinToAscii] -filename Provides post-processing of recordings made by wkldagent. The files are located under /home/ios/perf/wlm path. -report detailed | summary | disk | lan -interval MM Split the recording reports into equal size time periods. Allowed Values(in min.) are 5, 10, 15, 30 and 60 -beg HHMM Begin time in hours (HH) and minutes (MM). Range is between 0000 and 2400 -end HHMM End time in hours (HH) and minutes (MM). Range is between 0000 and 2400 and is greater than the begin time. -fmt Spreadsheet import format. -mode min | max | mean |stdev | set -graph Generate the csv file under /home/ios/perf/wlm in the format xmwlm.YYMMDD.csv, which can be input to Nmon analyzer to produce some nice graphs to aid in analysis and report writing. Nmon analyzer requires Excel 2002 or later. -BinToAscii Converts the recording from Binary to ASCII text format. The output binary file is located at /var/adm/perfmgr/daily// directory. -filename Absolute path to the input recording file. Device "%s" does not appear to be a valid FC port (FCP). max_xfer_size attribute of device "%s" does not match that of current FC port. Device '%s' is currently busy. Try again later. Unexpected error. Usage: chkdev [-dev devicename] [-verbose] [-field FieldName...] [-fmt delimiter] Checks devices for virtual device provisioning capability. -dev Device name. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Separates output by a user-specified delimiter. -verbose Displays additional detail information. Usage: postprocesssvc AgentName { -attr Attribute[=Value] ... | -ls } Perfroms more activities on agents after starting with startsvc. -attr List of actionable agent options. -ls Lists attributes able to be processed. There are no security rules to undo. Usage: chvg [-unlock] [-suspend | -resume] [-factor ] [-chksize] VolumeGroup Sets the characteristics of a volume group. -resume Resumes normal I/O operations for a volume group. -suspend Drains I/O's for this volume group and suspends future I/O's. -unlock Unlocks the volume group. This option is provided if the volume group is left in a locked state by abnormal termination of another Logical Volume Manager (LVM) operation (such as the command core dumping, or the system stopping). Note: Before using the -unlock flag, make sure that the volume group is not being used by another LVM command. -factor Changes the limit of the number of physical partitions per physical volume, specified by factor. factor should be between 1 and 16 for 32 disk volume groups and 1 and 64 for 128 disk volume groups. If factor is not supplied, it is set to the lowest value such that the number of physical partitions of the largest disk in volume group is less than factor x 1016. If factor is specified, the maximum number of physical partitions per physical volume for this volume group changes to factor x 1016. Notes: 1 This option is ignored for Scalable-type volume groups. 2 factor cannot be changed if there are any stale physical partitions in the volume group. 3 This flag cannot be used if the volume group is varied on in concurrent mode. 4 The maximum number of physical volumes that can be included in this volume group will be reduced to (MAXPVS/factor). -chksize Will examine all the disks in the volume group to see if they have grown in size. If any disks have grown in size attempt to add additional PPs to PV. If necessary will determine proper 1016 multiplier and conversion to big vg. Notes: 1 The user might be required to execute deactivatevg and then activatevg on the volume group to see the size change on the disks. 2 There is no support for re-sizing while the volume group is activated in classic or enhanced concurrent mode. 3 There is no support for re-sizing for the rootvg. Malformed optical image %s. Unable to compress %s. Volume group is not changed. None of the disks in the volume group have grown in size. Usage: topasrec {-local | -cec | -cluster} [-count sample_count] [-interval seconds] [-out filename] [-trace ] The topasrec command generates binary recording of local system metrics, CEC and cluster metrics. -count Specifies the number of records to generate. -interval Specifies the recording interval in seconds. -out Specifies the name of the output file. -cec Records CEC statistics in binary format. -local Records local statistics in binary format. -cluster Records cluster statistics in binary format. -trace Specifies a trace level. Trace data will be stored under /home/padmin/.topasrec/. It can be set from 1 to 9. More trace data is generated at higher trace levels. This trace data is useful recording status and for debugging purposes. This is only for local recording. Unable to clear PVID of "%s". Usage: chlv {-lv NewLogicalVolumeName | -bbr value} LogicalVolume Changes the characteristics of a logical volume. -lv Specifies the new logical volume name. -bbr Sets bad block relocation policy. value can be: yes - Causes bad block relocation to occur. no - Prevents bad block relocation from occurring. "%s" option can not be used with "%s". Clearing PVID from destination. Please type in the security hardening tool numbers wanted seperated by commas, the word 'ALL' to choose all of them, 'a' to apply the selected rules, the word 'NONE' to skip this panel or 'q' to quit. Invalid input, it should be numbers in the proper range seperated by commas or 'ALL' or 'NONE' or 'a' or 'h' or 'q'. Usage: viosecure -level LEVEL [-apply] [-rule ruleName] | [-outfile filename] viosecure -view [ -actual | -latest ] [ -rule ruleName | -nonint ] viosecure -file rulesFile viosecure -changedRules viosecure -undo viosecure -firewall on [[-force] -reload] | off viosecure -firewall allow | deny -port number [-interface ifname] [-address IPaddress] [-timeout Timeout] [-remote] viosecure -firewall view [-fmt delimiter] Sets, unsets or displays security hardening rules. Configures, unconfigures or displays firewall settings. -level LEVEL Specifies the security LEVEL settings to choose, where LEVEL is 'low', 'medium', 'high', or default. The 'default' LEVEL unsets any previous security LEVEL system settings. Except for the 'default' LEVEL, 10 security LEVEL settings are displayed at a time. The user then can choose the desired security settings by entering comma separated numbers or the word 'ALL' to choose all of the settings or 'a' to apply so far selected settings or the word 'NONE' to choose none of the settings or 'q' to exit or 'h' for help. Then the security settings chosen are applied to the system. -view Displays the current security level settings. All of the security setting names start with 3 characters 'Xls' where X = l(low), m(medium), h(high) or d(default). For example, the security level name 'lls_minlen' is the low level security setting for minimum length of a password. -apply Applies all of the LEVEL security settings to the system. There is no user selectable option. -nonint Non-interactive. -outfile Specifies that security rules be output to a specific file. -file Specifies the security rules file to be applied. -rule Specifies the name of the rule. for example, lls_maxexpired, hls_telnet. -changedRules Displays new values, if they are changed by any other commands. -latest Displays last applied rules. -actual Displays actual values for the rules that are set. -undo Undoes the latest security settings that have been applied. Use -latest to view latest security settings. -firewall on [[-force] -reload] Configures the default firewall settings from the filter rules in ODM. If reload option is used then the ODM rules are deleted and defaults are loaded from /home/ios/security/viosecure.ctl. If viosecure.ctl file doesn't exist, the user will have to use the force option if he wants to use the hard-coded default firewall settings. -firewall off Unconfigures the firewall settings. Saves all the firewall filter rules from ODM to file at /home/padmin/viosfirewall.rules -firewall allow -port Port [-interface Ifname] [-address IPaddress ] [-timeout Timeout] [-remote] Permits IP activity per port with optional parameters according to interface, ipaddress and time that it is effective. The Port argument can be a number or a service name from the /etc/services file. The remote option specifies that the port is a remote port. All IP activity to/from that remote port is allowed. The default is all IP activity to/from a local port is allowed. The timeout period can be specified as a number (in seconds) or with a number followed by 'm' followed by 'm'(minutes), 'h'(hours) or 'd'(days). The maximum timeout period is 30 days. -firewall deny -port Port [-interface Ifname] [-address IPaddress] [-timeout Timeout] [-remote] Removes a previous firewall 'allow' setting. The Port argument can be a number or a service name from the /etc/services file. If '-port 0' is specified, then all 'allow' settings are removed. The remote option specifies that the port is the remote port. The default is local port. The timeout period can be specified as a number (in seconds) or with a number followed by 'm'(minutes), 'h'(hours) or 'd'(days). The maximum timeout period is 30 days. -firewall view [-fmt delimiter] Displays the current allowable ports. If the fmt option is specified, then it divides output by a user-specified delimiter. The volume group contains a media repository logical volume, VMLibrary_LV, which must be renamed to VMLibrary. The volume group import has succeeded, but the media repository will not be usable until the logical volume has been successfully changed from VMLibrary_LV to VMLibrary. Please run 'chlv -lv VMLibrary VMLibrary_LV'. If problem persists, please note error conditions and take appropriate corrective actions. Failed to obtain the ODM lock. Please retry the command later. Usage: backupios -file {Directory} [-nosvg][-nomedialib] backupios -file {Filename} [-mksysb][-nosvg][-nomedialib] backupios -tape Device [-blocks Number] [-nopak] [-verify] [-nosvg][-nomedialib] backupios -cd Device {-udf | -cdformat} [-accept] [-nosvg][-nomedialib] Creates an installable image of the root volume group either onto a file, bootable tape, or a bootable multi-volume CD/DVD. -file Specifies the directory on which the image is to be stored. Enter the complete directory pathname. Images are reinstalled using NIMOL. Note: When the -mksysb flag is used, the NIMOL resources are not saved in the image. With -mksysb option, specify filename. -mksysb Creates an image without the NIMOL resources. -tape Specifies the tape device name on which the image is to be stored. -cd Specifies the cd device name on which the image is to be stored. -blocks Number Specifies the number of 512-byte blocks to write in a single output operation. Default is 100. Should be used with tape device only. -nopak Disables software packing of the files as they are backed up. -nosvg Prevents the volume group structure of user defined volume groups from being saved as part of the backupios process. -nomedialib Prevents the contents of the media repository from being saved as part of the backupios process. -verify Verifies a tape backup. -udf Creates a UDF(Universal Disk Format) file system on DVD-RAM media. -cdformat Creates DVD sized images. -accept Accepts licenses. The role %s is reserved for system and the requested operation is not allowed. Authorization id must be greater than 15000. Authorization ids upto 15000 are reserved for system. %s is reserved for system-defined authorizations. Usage: startnetsvc [telnet|ftp|xntpd|ssh|snmp|cimserver|ndpd-host|ldap|ALL] [tracelog|errorlog] Starts the telnet, ftp, xntpd, ssh, snmp, ldap, cimserver or ndpd-host daemons. Specifying ALL starts all services, but does not enable the tracelog or errorlog options. Selecting tracelog or errorlog will send CLI tracing information or system error log information to the system log. Warning: This may make the log grow very quickly. Usage: stopnetsvc [telnet|ftp|xntpd|ssh|snmp|cimserver|ndpd-host|ldap|ALL] [tracelog|errorlog] Stops the telnet, ftp, xntpd, ssh, snmp, ldap, cimserver or ndpd-host daemons. Specifying ALL stops all services, but does not disable the tracelog or errorlog options. Selecting tracelog or errorlog will stop sending CLI tracing information or system error log information to the system log. This function is no longer supported. Use topasrec command for recordings. The attributes "roles" and "default_roles" has system defined values for -de, -sr and view-only user types. Use chuser command to modify these two attributes for -de, -sr and view-only user types. Cluster %s successfully created with ID: %llu. Logical Unit %s successfully created with ID: %llu. Edition requested is already the current edition of the system. Edition can not be determined. A signature file was not found in the /usr/lpp/ios directory. The edition of the system has not been updated. Edition can not be determined. Multiple signature files were found in the /usr/lpp/ios directory. The edition of the system has been changed to %s. Could not copy the %s signature file from the /usr/lpp/ios/editions directory. geninstall returned a non-zero value. The edition being changed to does not contain a bundle file. The %s signature file was not found in the /usr/lpp/ios/editions directory. Usage: chedition -list | { -exp | -std | -ent } [ -dev [-preview] ] Allows query or change of the current signature file on the system. -list Displays the current edition. -ext Changes to Express edition. -std Changes to Standard edition. -ent Changes to Enterprise edition. -dev Installs the bundles associated with the edition, found in the given path. -preview Performs a preview of the bundle file installation. Please remove any software specific to the previous edition by referring to the %s edition bundle in %s Specified NextGen object is currently not cluster capable. A VIOS is currently already a member of an existing cluster. Request cannot be currently serviced because cluster is busy. Not able to locate a specified physical volume. Addition of a new object to the cluster failed. Removal of an object from the cluster failed. A VIOS is currently not a member of a cluster. Action cannot be completed due to the existance/non-existance of dbependent objects. Action cannot be completed due to internal errors. Storage capacity is not sufficient to complete the request. Action failed due to the existence/non-existance of the specified object. Incomplete list returned due to an error. Unable to unload the '%s' virtual disk from the '%s' virtual optical device. Invalid cluster action. Not a Valid SP object type. Unknown exception type. Usage: chtcpip {-interface Interface -inetaddr Address -netmask SubnetMask} chtcpip {-interface Interface -gateway -add New_Gateway_Address -remove OLD_Gateway_Address} chtcpip {-ip6 -interface Interface -inetaddr Address -plen PrefixLen} chtcpip {-ip6 -interface Interface -gateway -add New_Gateway_Address -remove OLD_Gateway_Address} %s agent required command not found. An invalid value was passed by the user. Specified LU is not unique. Please select the LU UDID from the below list. %s Available. Usage: mkbdsp [-sp StoragePool] -bd BackingDevice -vadapter ServerVirtualSCSIAdapter [-tn TargetDeviceName] mkbdsp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool -bd LogicalUnit -vadapter ServerVirtualSCSIAdapter [-tn TargetDevicename] [-luudid LUUDID] mkbdsp [-sp StoragePool] Size [-bd BackingDevice] -vadapter ServerVirtualSCSIAdapter [-tn TargetDevicename] mkbdsp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool Size -bd LogicalUnit -vadapter ServerVirtualSCSIAdapter [-tn TargetDevicename] [-luudid LUUDID] mkbdsp [-sp StoragePool] Size -bd BackingDevice mkbdsp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool Size -bd LogicalUnit Attaches storage from a storage pool to a virtual SCSI adapter, or creates a file backing device or logical unit without assigning it to a virtual scsi adapter. Note: Unlike with logical volume backed devices, a storage pool must be specified when working with file backed devices or the default pool will be assumed. Note: When creating or assigning backing device files a storage pool must be specified. The default storage pool will not be assumed. Note: When creating logical unit default size will be in MB. -bd Specifies the backing device or logical unit name. If the backing device is being created, the specified name will be used instead of a system-generated name. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. Note: alphanumeric, '-', '_' and '.' characters only. -luudid Specifies the LU UDID in case specified lu is not unique. -sp Specifies the storage pool rather than utilizing the default storage pool. -vadapter Specifies the server virtual SCSI adapter. -tn Specifies the name of the TargetDevice. Usage: rmbdsp {[-sp StoragePool] -bd BackingDevice | -vtd VirtualTargetDevice} [-savebd] [-f] rmbdsp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool [[-bd NextGenObject] [-luudid LUUDID]] Removes storage from a virtual SCSI adapter and returns it to the storage pool. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -sp Specifies the storage pool rather than utilizing the default storage pool. -bd Specifies the backing device or logical unit to be removed from the virtual SCSI adapter. -luudid Specifies the LU UDID in case specified lu is not unique. -vtd Specifies the virtual target device that maps a backing device to a server virtual SCSI adapter. -savebd Indicates the backing device should not be deleted. -f Forces the file-backed disk meta data file to be removed. If savebd is also specified the backing device will not be removed. This flag should only be used when the file-backed disk meta data file is corrupted. Note: When removing backing device files using the -bd flag a storage pool must be specified. The default storage pool will not be assumed. Usage: cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs ListOfPhysicalVolumes ... -spname StoragePool -sppvs ListOfPhysicalVolumes ... -hostname HostName cluster -addnode -clustername ClusterName -hostname HostName cluster -rmnode [-f] -clustername ClusterName {-hostname HostName | -uuid HostUuid} cluster -delete -clustername ClusterName cluster -listnode -clustername ClusterName Creates cluster and performes cluster related operations. -addnode Adds member node in the cluster. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -create Creates a new cluster. -delete Deletes an existing cluster. -f Forces VIOS partitions to be removed from the cluster. -hostname Specifies VIOS host name. -listnode Lists all the member nodes from the specified cluster. -repopvs List of Physical Volumes to create repository. -sppvs List of Physical Volumes to create NextGen Storagepool. -rmnode Removes member node from the cluster. -spname Specifies the storage pool name. -uuid Specifies VIOS host Uuid. Usage: lssp [-type PoolType] [-field FieldName] [-fmt Delimiter] lssp {-detail | -bd} [-sp StoragePool] [-field FieldName] [-fmt Delimiter] lssp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool -bd lssp -clustername ClusterName lssp -default The lssp command lists information about storage pools. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -bd Displays information about the backing devices or logical unit in the storage pool. -detail Displays detailed information about the storage pool. -sp Specifies the storage pool to use. -default Displays the default storage pool. -type Specifies the type of the storage pool to list. Usage: chsp {-add | -rm} [-f] [-sp StoragePool] PhysicalVolume ... chsp -add [-f] -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool PhysicalVolume ... chsp -add [-sp StoragePool] -size Size chsp -replace -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool -oldpv PhysicalVolume ... -newpv PhysicalVolume ... chsp -default StoragePool The chsp command adds, removes and replace physical volumes from a logical volume backed storage pool, sets the default storage pool, or increases the size of the file backed storage pool. -add Adds the physical volumes, represented by the PhysicalVolume parameter, to a logical volume backed storage pool or increases the size of a file backed storage pool. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -newpv List of new set of physical volumes as replacement. -oldpv List of old physical volumes need to be replaced. -replace Replaces the physical volumes from oldpv parameter to the physical volumes specifed in newpv parameter. -rm Removes the physical volumes, represented by the PhysicalVolume parameter, from a logical volume backed storage pool -f Forces the physical volume to be added or removed from a storage pool -sp Specifies the storage pool rather than utilizing the default storage pool -size Specifies the incremental size to add to a file backed storage pool. -default Makes StoragePool the default storage pool Usage: lspv [-map | -lv | -pv | -size] PhysicalVolume lspv [-map | -lv | -pv] PhysicalVolume [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lspv [-avail | -free | -size] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lspv -clustername ClusterName -capable lspv -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool Displays information about physical volumes. -avail Lists all physical volumes that available to be used as a backing device for virtual SCSI. Devices in this list may already be backing devices. -capable Lists all physical volumes those are cluster capable -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -free Lists all physical volumes that are free to be used as a backing devices for virtual SCSI. Devices in this list are not being used as a backing device. -map Lists the mapping information of logical volumes on the physical volume. -lv Lists information for each logical volume on the specified physical volume. -pv Lists information about the specified physical volume. -size Displays the size of the physical volume in megabytes. -sp Specifies the storage pool to use. An invalid action was requested by the user. Mapping failed between LU to VSCSI Server Adapter. Action cannot be completed due to the existence/non-existence of dependent objects. Action failed due to the existence of the specified object. Usage: alert -set -clustername ClusterName -spname StoragePool [-type threshold] -value alert -unset -clustername ClusterName -spname StoragePool [-type threshold] alert -list -clustername ClusterName -spname StoragePool [-type threshold] Set or remove alert for a cluster and storage pool. -set Set an alert. -unset Remove an alert. -list List alerts. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -spname Specifies the storage pool name. -type Type of alert [threshold]. -value Value of the alert depends on type default is threshold and value is in percentage. Usage: sysstat [-long] [-short] [user] Partition %s has been added to the %s cluster. Cluster %s has been created successfully. Partition %s has been removed from the %s cluster Cluster %s has been removed successfully. "%s" is not a valid cluster. "%s" is not a valid Logical Unit. "%s" is not a valid Storage Pool. Logical Unit %s has been created with udid: %s. Usage: lsmap {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -plc PhysicalLocationCode | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType ... | -net | -npiv ] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lsmap -ams {-vtd PagingDevice | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType ... ] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lsmap -clustername ClusterName {-all | -hostname [-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter]} Displays the mapping between physical and virtual devices. -all Displays mapping for all the server virtual adapter devices. Defaults to VSCSI adapter devices. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -hostname Specifies the host name. -vadapter Specifies the server virtual adapter device by device name. -plc Specifies the server virtual adapter device by physical location code. -vtd Specifies the (AMS)Active Memory Sharing Paging Device to be displayed. -type Specifies to display virtual devices whose backing device matches the type given. -net Specifies supplied device is a virtual server Ethernet adapter. -npiv Displays NPIV binding information. -ams Displays (AMS)Active Memory Sharing paging space device information. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. The requested operation has been failed due to an error. The request has been processed successfully with some exceptions. Action failed due to the non existence of a udid of the object. The specified virtual server adapter does not exist. Takes a snap shot of a single or multiple LU's and combines them into a single file. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -create Optional snapshot file name, if this is not specified, then a system generated name will be assigned, in the format of: SS_pid_YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS -delete Specifies the SnapShot file name to be deleted. -spname Specifies the storage pool name. -lu Specifies an LU or space seperated LU list. Usage: snapshot -clustername ClusterName -create -spname StoragePool -lu LU_Name .... snapshot -clustername ClusterName -delete -spname StoragePool -lu LU_Name .... The Specified alert operation has been failed. Takes a snap shot of a single or multiple LU's and combines them into a single file. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -create Optional snapshot file name, if this is not specified, then a system generated name will be assigned, in the format of: SS_pid_YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS -delete Specifies the SnapShot file name to be deleted. -list Lists SnapShot within LU. -spname Specifies the storage pool name. -lu Specifies an LU or space seperated LU list. -luudid Specifies the LU-UDID, for this LU. Usage: snapshot -clustername ClusterName -create -spname StoragePool [-lu LU_Name(s) | -luudid LUUDID(s)] snapshot -clustername ClusterName -delete -spname StoragePool [-lu LU_Name(s) | -luudid LUUDID(s)] snapshot -clustername ClusterName -rollback -spname StoragePool [-lu LU_Name | -luudid LUUDID] snapshot -clustername ClusterName -list -spname StoragePool [-lu LuName | -luudid LUUDID] Usage: rmbdsp {[-sp StoragePool] -bd BackingDevice | -vtd VirtualTargetDevice} [-savebd] [-f] rmbdsp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool [-bd LogicalUnit | -luudid LUUDID] Valid threshold values are 0 to 99 Usage: lsmap {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -plc PhysicalLocationCode | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType ... | -net | -npiv ] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lsmap -ams {-vtd PagingDevice | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType ... ] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lsmap -clustername ClusterName {-all | -hostname HostName} Usage: mkbdsp [-sp StoragePool] -bd BackingDevice -vadapter ServerVirtualSCSIAdapter [-tn TargetDeviceName] mkbdsp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool {-bd LogicalUnit | -luudid LUUDID} -vadapter ServerVirtualSCSIAdapter [-tn TargetDevicename] mkbdsp [-sp StoragePool] Size [-bd BackingDevice] -vadapter ServerVirtualSCSIAdapter [-tn TargetDevicename] mkbdsp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool Size -bd LogicalUnit -vadapter ServerVirtualSCSIAdapter [-tn TargetDevicename] mkbdsp [-sp StoragePool] Size -bd BackingDevice mkbdsp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool Size -bd LogicalUnit Action failed due to the storage pool filesystem set to read-only. Specified object is currently not cluster capable. Creates cluster and performs cluster-related operations. -addnode Adds member node in the cluster. -clustername Name of the cluster. -create Creates a new cluster. -delete Deletes an existing cluster. -f Forces VIOS partitions to be removed from the cluster. -hostname VIOS Partition Host Name/IP Address. -repopvs List of Physical Volumes on which to create repository. -rmnode Removes member node from the cluster. -spname Name of the storage pool. -sppvs List of Physical Volumes on which to create shared storage pool. -sync Synchronizes the cluster and ODM. -uuid Specifies VIOS host Uuid. Usage: alert -set -clustername ClusterName -spname StoragePool [-type threshold] -value ThresholdValue alert -unset -clustername ClusterName -spname StoragePool [-type threshold] alert -list -clustername ClusterName -spname StoragePool [-type threshold] Synchronization completed successfully. Invalid cluster name passed. Synchronization failed. Usage: cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs PhysicalVolume ... -spname StoragePool -sppvs PhysicalVolume ... -hostname HostName cluster -addnode -clustername ClusterName -hostname HostName cluster -rmnode [-f] -clustername ClusterName {-hostname HostName | -uuid HostUuid} cluster -delete -clustername ClusterName cluster -sync -clustername ClusterName Unable to remove specified logical unit due to mapping "%s" on remote system "%s". The VIOS detected that this device is a cluster disk. Destructive action: Remove the physical volume from the cluster by running the following command: cleandisk -s hdisk# The VIOS detected that this device is in use as a cluster repository device. Destructive action: To remove the current usage of the device as a cluster repository disk, run the following command: cleandisk -r hdisk# All Logical Units from the storage pool "%s" have been removed. Usage: viosbr -backup -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -backup -clustername clusterName -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -nobackup viosbr -view -file FileName [-type devType] [-detail | -mapping] viosbr -view -file FileName -clustername clusterName [-type devType][-detail | -mapping] viosbr -view -list [UserDir] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-validate | -inter] [-type devType] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-type devType] [-force] viosbr -restore -file FileName -skipcluster viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -subfile NodeFile [-validate | -inter | -force][-type devType][-skipcluster] viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -repopvs list_of_disks [-validate | -inter | -force][-type devType] Backup virtual & logical configurations, list the configurations and restore the configurations of the VIO server. -backup Take the backup of vios configurations. A compressed file with extension .tar.gz will be created. -clustername Clustername to generate/display/restore configuration file along with all the nodes which are active, for this cluster. -subfile Node configuration file to be restored. This option needs to be used when the valid cluster repository exists on the disks. It cannot be used with '-repopvs' option. This option is ignored if the backup file is not a cluster backup. -repopvs List of hdisks to be used as repository disks, for restoring the cluster (space separated list of hdiskX). The given disk(s) should not contain repository signature. -file Name of the configurations file. Either absolute path or relative path can be given. -frequency Frequency of the backup to run automatically. Note:User may add/edit crontab entry for backup frequencies other than daily, weekly, monthly. A compressed file in the form XX.tar.gz will be created, where is the argument to -file and XX is a number from 01 to numfiles provided by user. max numfiles value is 10. Format of the cluster backup file is .XX..tar.gz -numfiles When backup runs automatically, this number indicates the maximum backup files that can be saved. Older file gets deleted for next cycle of backup. -nobackup Stops auto backups. -view Display the information of all the backed up entities. -type Only given type of devices are considered for listing or restore operation. -detail Displays all the devices from the backup file with all their attribute values. -mapping Displays mapping information for SPs, FBSP, repositories, etherchannel, SEA,vscsi adapters, vfc adapters and paging devices. -list Lists the backup files either from default directory or from user given directory. -restore Takes backup file as input and brings the VIOS partition to the same state when the backup was taken. -inter Interactively deploy each device with user confirmation. -validate Validates the devices on the VIO Server against the devices listed in the backup file. -skipcluster Restores all local devices, except cluster0. -force In non interactive mode, restoration of a device that has not been successfully validated, will be tried. This option cannot be used in combination with -inter or -validate. Invalid physical volume Failure in virtualcfg "%s". Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device %s is not in a correct state. Device "%s" is in use as a cluster device. Failed to remove crontab entry. Failed to copy file to "%s". Failed to list directory "%s". Action cannot be completed due to dependency. Requested action failed due to some error. Action failed due to some error. Invalid compressed file %s. Failed to rmdir "%s". The directory doesn't exist: "%s". Usage: chsp {-add | -rm} [-f] [-sp StoragePool] PhysicalVolume ... chsp -add [-f] -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool PhysicalVolume ... chsp -add [-sp StoragePool] -size Size chsp -default StoragePool The chsp command adds and removes physical volumes from a logical volume backed storage pool, sets the default storage pool, or increases the size of the file backed storage pool. -add Adds the physical volumes, represented by the PhysicalVolume parameter, to a logical volume backed storage pool or increases the size of a file backed storage pool. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -rm Removes the physical volumes, represented by the PhysicalVolume parameter, from a logical volume backed storage pool -f Forces the physical volume to be added or removed from a storage pool -sp Specifies the storage pool rather than utilizing the default storage pool -size Specifies the incremental size to add to a file backed storage pool. -default Makes StoragePool the default storage pool User can not perform updates using install media. User can not perform updates with media repository(s) loaded. Please unload media images. LU "%s" created but Mapping to virtual SCSI adapter "%s" failed. Usage: cfglnagg {-add [-backup] | -rm} [-parent ParentName] LinkAggregation Adapter cfglnagg [-f] [-parent ParentName] -attr Attribute=NewValue ... LinkAggregation cfglnagg -failover [-parent ParentName] LinkAggregation Adds adapter to a Link Aggregation, removes an adapter from a Link Aggregation or changes Link Aggregation attributes. -add Adds the specified Adapter to the specified Link Aggregation. If the adapter must be added as a back up adapter, the -backup flag must be specified. -attr Changes the value of the Link Aggregation attribute to the NewValue. -backup Specifies that the Adapter is being added as a backup adapter. -f Instructs the command, not to prompt the user. -failover Forces a failover of the specified Link Aggregation. -parent Name of the parent adapter. For example, SEA. -rm Deletes the specified Adapter from the specified Link Aggregation. The specified adapter can be either a primary or back up adapter. Set or remove alert for a cluster and storage pool. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -list List alerts. -set Set an alert. -spname Specifies the storage pool name. -type Type of alert. The default is threshold. -unset Remove an alert. -value Value of the alert. This depends on the alert type. For type threshold, the value is in percentage. Warning: %s. Usage: snapshot -clustername ClusterName -create -spname StoragePool {-lu LU_Name(s) | -luudid LUUDID(s)} snapshot -clustername ClusterName -delete -spname StoragePool {-lu LU_Name(s) | -luudid LUUDID(s)} snapshot -clustername ClusterName -rollback -spname StoragePool {-lu LU_Name | -luudid LUUDID} snapshot -clustername ClusterName -list -spname StoragePool [-lu LuName | -luudid LUUDID] Usage: mkbdsp [-sp StoragePool] -bd BackingDevice -vadapter ServerVirtualSCSIAdapter [-tn TargetDeviceName] mkbdsp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool {-bd LogicalUnit | -luudid LUUDID} -vadapter ServerVirtualSCSIAdapter [-tn TargetDevicename] mkbdsp [-sp StoragePool] Size [-bd BackingDevice] -vadapter ServerVirtualSCSIAdapter [-tn TargetDevicename] mkbdsp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool Size -bd LogicalUnit -vadapter ServerVirtualSCSIAdapter [-tn TargetDevicename] [-thick] mkbdsp [-sp StoragePool] Size -bd BackingDevice mkbdsp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool Size -bd LogicalUnit [-thick] Attaches storage from a storage pool to a virtual SCSI adapter, or creates a file backing device or logical unit without assigning it to a virtual scsi adapter. Note: Unlike with logical volume backed devices, a storage pool must be specified when working with file backed devices or the default pool will be assumed. Note: When creating or assigning backing device files a storage pool must be specified. The default storage pool will not be assumed. Note: When creating logical unit default size will be in MB. -bd Specifies the backing device or logical unit name. If the backing device is being created, the specified name will be used instead of a system-generated name. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. Note: alphanumeric, '-', '_' and '.' characters only. -luudid Specifies the LU UDID in case specified lu is not unique. -sp Specifies the storage pool rather than utilizing the default storage pool. -vadapter Specifies the server virtual SCSI adapter. -tn Specifies the name of the TargetDevice. -thick Creates the device as a thick provisioned device. The default is thin provisioned. Invalid size format, size must consist of an integer number. Invalid block size, size must be greater then or equal to 4. The requested operation is not allowed because partition is a member of "%s" cluster. Repository and Storagepool cannot use same physical volume. Usage: viosbr -backup -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -backup -clustername clusterName -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -nobackup viosbr -view -file FileName [-type devType] [-detail | -mapping] viosbr -view -file FileName -clustername clusterName [-type devType][-detail | -mapping] viosbr -view -list [UserDir] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-validate | -inter] [-type devType] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-type devType] [-force] viosbr -restore -file FileName -skipcluster viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -subfile NodeFile [-validate | -inter | -force][-type devType][-skipcluster] viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -repopvs list_of_disks [-validate | -inter | -force][-type devType][-currentdb] Backup virtual & logical configurations, lists configurations and restores configurations. -backup Takes backup of VIOS configuration. A compressed file with extension .tar.gz will be created. -clustername Specifies name of cluster to generate, display, or restore configuration file. -subfile Node configuration file to be restored. This option needs to be used when the valid cluster repository exists on the disks. It cannot be used with '-repopvs' option. This option is ignored if the backup file is not a cluster backup. -repopvs Space separated list of physical volumes to be used as repository disks, The given physical volume(s) cannot contain repository signature. -file Name of the backup configuration file. Either absolute path or relative path can be given. -frequency Frequency of the backup to run automatically. -numfiles When backup runs automatically, this number indicates the maximum amount of backup files that can be saved. Oldest file is deleted for next cycle of backup. -nobackup Stops auto backups. -view Display the information of all virtual and logical devices from backup file. -type Only devices of given type are used for list or restore operation. -detail Displays all the devices from the backup file with all their attribute values. -mapping Displays mapping information for SPs, FBSP, repositories, etherchannel, SEA,vscsi adapters, vfc adapters and paging devices. -list Lists the backup files either from default directory or from user given directory. -restore Takes backup file as input and brings the VIOS partition to the same state when the backup was taken. -inter Interactively deploy each device with user confirmation. -validate Validates the devices on the VIO Server against the devices listed in the backup file. -skipcluster Restores all local devices, except cluster0. -currentdb Restores the cluster without restoring database from the backup. -force In non interactive mode, restoration of a device that has not been successfully validated, will be tried. This option cannot be used in combination with -inter or -validate. Logical unit "%s" with udid "%s" is removed. Usage: cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs PhysicalVolume ... -spname StoragePool -sppvs PhysicalVolume ... -hostname HostName cluster -addnode -clustername ClusterName -hostname HostName cluster -rmnode [-f] -clustername ClusterName {-hostname HostName | -uuid HostUuid} cluster -delete -clustername ClusterName cluster -status -clustername ClusterName [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] [-verbose] cluster -sync -clustername ClusterName Creates cluster and performs cluster-related operations. -addnode Adds member node in the cluster. -clustername Name of the cluster. -create Creates a new cluster. -delete Deletes an existing cluster. -f Forces VIOS partitions to be removed from the cluster. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -hostname VIOS Partition Host Name/IP Address. -repopvs List of Physical Volumes on which to create repository. -rmnode Removes member node from the cluster. -spname Name of the storage pool. -sppvs List of Physical Volumes on which to create shared storage pool. -status Displays the cluster health status. -sync Synchronizes the cluster and ODM. -uuid Specifies VIOS host Uuid. -verbose Displays additional detailed information. Unable to get storage pool information (node %s) Usage: viosbr -backup -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -backup -clustername clusterName -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -nobackup viosbr -view -file FileName [ [-type devType] [-detail] | [-mapping] ] viosbr -view -file FileName -clustername clusterName [ [-type devType] [-detail] | [-mapping] ] viosbr -view -list [UserDir] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-validate | -inter] [-type devType] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-type devType] [-force] viosbr -restore -file FileName -skipcluster viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -subfile NodeFile [-validate | -inter | -force][-type devType][-skipcluster] viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -repopvs list_of_disks [-validate | -inter | -force][-type devType][-currentdb] viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -subfile NodeFile -xmlvtds viosbr -recoverdb -clustername clusterName [ -file FileName ] viosbr -migrate -file FileName Backup virtual & logical configurations, lists configurations and restores configurations. -backup Takes backup of VIOS configuration. A compressed file with extension .tar.gz will be created. -clustername Specifies name of cluster to generate, display, or restore configuration file. -currentdb Restores the cluster without restoring database from the backup. -detail Displays all the devices from the backup file with all their attribute values. -file Name of the backup configuration file. Either absolute path or relative path can be given. -force In non interactive mode, restoration of a device that has not been successfully validated, will be tried. This option cannot be used in combination with -inter or -validate. -frequency Frequency of the backup to run automatically. -inter Interactively deploy each device with user confirmation. -list Lists the backup files either from default directory or from user given directory. -mapping Displays mapping information for SPs, FBSP, repositories, etherchannel, SEA,vscsi adapters, vfc adapters and paging devices. -migrate Migrates earlier cluster version of backup file to current version. New file will be created with _MIGRATED string appended to the given filename -nobackup Stops auto backups. -numfiles When backup runs automatically, this number indicates the maximum amount of backup files that can be saved. Oldest file is deleted for next cycle of backup. -recoverdb Recovers from SSP database corruption, either from backup file or from solidDB backup. -repopvs Space separated list of physical volumes to be used as repository disks, The given physical volume(s) cannot contain repository signature. -restore Takes backup file as input and brings the VIOS partition to the same state when the backup was taken. -skipcluster Restores all local devices, except cluster0. -subfile Node configuration file to be restored. This option needs to be used when the valid cluster repository exists on the disks. It cannot be used with '-repopvs' option. This option is ignored if the backup file is not a cluster backup. -type Only devices of given type are used for list or restore operation. -validate Validates the devices on the VIO Server against the devices listed in the backup file. -view Display the information of all virtual and logical devices from backup file. -xmlvtds Restores SSP mappings which are not in database, but are in backup xml file. This option is valid only when restoring a node using cluster backup file Usage: snapshot -clustername ClusterName -create [filename] -spname StoragePool {-lu LU_Name(s) | -luudid LUUDID(s)} snapshot -clustername ClusterName -delete filename -spname StoragePool {-lu LU_Name(s) | -luudid LUUDID(s)} snapshot -clustername ClusterName -rollback filename -spname StoragePool {-lu LU_Name(s) | -luudid LUUDID(s)} snapshot -clustername ClusterName -list -spname StoragePool [-lu LuName | -luudid LUUDID] Usage: vfcmap -vadapter VFCServerAdapter -fcp [FCPName] Usage: mklv [-mirror] [-lv LogicalVolume | -prefix Prefix] [-type Type] VolumeGroup Size [PhysicalVolume ...] Creates a logical volume. -mirror Turns on mirroring. -lv Specifies the logical volume name to use instead of using a system-generated name. -prefix Specifies the Prefix to use instead of the prefix in a system-generated name for the new logical volume. -type Sets the logical volume type. Usage: updateios -dev Media [-f] [-install] [-accept] updateios -commit updateios -cleanup updateios -list -dev Media updateios -fs FilesetName -dev Media updateios -remove {-file RemoveListFile | RemoveList} Updates the I/O Server to latest maintenance level. -accept Agrees to required software license agreements for software to be installed. -cleanup Cleans up after an interrupted installation and attempts to remove all incomplete pieces of the previous installation -commit Commits all uncommitted updates. -dev Specifies the device or directory containing the images to install. -f When combined with the -dev flag, commits all updates prior to applying any new ones. -file Specifies a file containing a list of entries to uninstall. -install Used to install new filesets onto the Virtual I/O Server. -remove Performs an uninstall of the specified software. -list List the filesets on the VIOS install media, that are availble to be installed. -fs FilesetName to be installed from the VIOS install media. Logical unit %s with udid "%s" is removed. Usage: viosecure -level LEVEL [-apply] [-rule ruleName] | [-outfile filename] viosecure -view [ -actual | -latest ] [ -rule ruleName | -nonint ] viosecure -file rulesFile viosecure -changedRules viosecure -undo viosecure -firewall on [[-force] -reload] | off viosecure -firewall {allow | deny} -port number [-interface ifname] [-address IPaddress] [-timeout Timeout] [-remote] viosecure -firewall view [-fmt delimiter] Cannot perform the requested function because the parent "%s" of the specified device does not exist. Virtual target device "%s" does not exist. Warning: Failed to open catalog file Using Default C Message. Requested operation has failed. Creating logical volume in storage pool "%s". Usage: rmbdsp {[-sp StoragePool] -bd BackingDevice | -vtd VirtualTargetDevice} [-savebd] [-f] rmbdsp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool {-bd LogicalUnit | -luudid LUUDID | -all} Removes storage from a virtual SCSI adapter and returns it to the storage pool. -all Specifies to remove all the LUs belonging to a storage pool. -bd Specifies the backing device or logical unit to be removed. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -f Forces the file-backed disk meta data file to be removed. If savebd is also specified then the backing device will not be removed. This flag should only be used when the file-backed disk meta data file is corrupted. -luudid Specifies the LU UDID in case the specified lu name is not unique. -savebd Indicates the backing device should not be deleted. -sp Specifies the storage pool rather than utilizing the default storage pool. -vtd Specifies the virtual target device that maps a backing device to a server virtual SCSI adapter. Note: When removing backing device files using the -bd flag a storage pool must be specified. The default storage pool will not be assumed. Usage: cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs PhysicalVolume ... -spname StoragePool -sppvs PhysicalVolume ... -hostname HostName cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs PhysicalVolume ... -spname StoragePool -file -sppvs FileName -hostname HostName cluster -addnode -clustername ClusterName -hostname HostName cluster -rmnode [-f] -clustername ClusterName {-hostname HostName | -uuid HostUuid} cluster -delete -clustername ClusterName cluster -status -clustername ClusterName [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] [-verbose] cluster -list [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] cluster -sync -clustername ClusterName Note: For setting up a VIOS node as a member of a Shared Storage Pool cluster, IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration is suggested. Creates cluster and performs cluster-related operations. -addnode Adds member node to the cluster. -clustername Specifies the name of the cluster. -create Creates a cluster. -delete Deletes a cluster. -list Lists all clusters which have membership of the current node. -f Forces VIOS partitions to be removed from the cluster. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -file Specifies that a filename has to be provided with the -sppvs option. The file must contain physical volume names separated by a white space. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -hostname Specifies the VIOS partition host name or IP address. -repopvs List of Physical Volumes on which to create repository. -rmnode Removes member node from the cluster. -spname Specifies the name of the storage pool. -sppvs Lists the physical volumes on which a shared storage pool can be created. With '-file' option, it specifies the filename with the list of physical volume names. -status Displays the health status of the cluster. -sync Synchronizes the cluster and the ODM. -uuid Specifies the uuid of a node. -verbose Displays additional detailed information. replphyvol: NOTE: If this program is terminated before the completion due to a system crash or ctrl-C, and you want to continue afterwards execute the following command replphyvol -recover %s Usage: replphyvol [-force] { sourcepvname | sourcepvid } { destpvname | destpvid } replphyvol [ -recover dir_name ] [ destpvname ] Replaces a physical volume in a volume group with another physical volume. -force Forces to replace a sourcepvname with the specified destpvname unless the destpvname is part of another volume group in the Device Configuration Database or a volume group that is active. sourcepvname Source Physical Volume sourcepvid Source Physical VolumeID destpvname Destination Physical Volume destpvid Destination Physical VolumeID -recover dir_name Recovers replphyvol if it is interrupted by , a system crash, or a loss of quorum. When using the -recover flag, you must specify the directory name given during the initial run of replphyvol. This flag also allows you to change the destpvname NOTE: 1. The destpvname size must be at least the size of the sourcepvname. 2. The replphyvol command cannot replace a sourcepvname with stale logical volume unless this logical volume has a non-stale mirror. 3. The replphyvol command is not allowed on a snapshot volume group or a volume group that has a snapshot volume group. Subsystem not configured. Usage: lsmap {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -plc PhysicalLocationCode | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType | -net | -npiv] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] lsmap -ams {-vtd PagingDevice | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] lsmap -clustername ClusterName {-all | -hostname HostName} [-field Fieldname ...] [-fmt Delimiter] lsmap -suspend {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] Displays the mapping between physical, logical and virtual devices. -all Specifies that the mapping information should be displayed for all the virtual SCSI devices. If the -all flag is used with the -net flag, virtual Ethernet adapters are displayed. If used with the -npiv flag, virtual fibre channel adapters are displayed. If used with -suspend flag, suspended virtual SCSI adapters are displayed. -ams Displays paging space device information used in active memory sharing. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Specifies a delimiter character to separate output fields. -hostname Specifies the host name and IP address of the VIOS partition. -net Specifies the supplied device is a server virtual Ethernet adapter or if used with the -all flag all virtual Ethernet adapters and backing devices are displayed. -npiv Displays NPIV binding information. -plc Specifies the device physical location code of a server virtual adapter. This flag cannot be used with the -vadapter flag. -suspend Displays suspended virtual adapters. -type Specifies the type of devices to display. -vadapter Specifies the device name of a server virtual adapter. This flag cannot be used with the -plc flag. -vtd Specifies the Active Memory Sharing(AMS) Paging Device to be displayed. The specified device is in the wrong state to perform the requested function. Cannot perform the requested function because the required filesystem is full or is out of inodes. Cannot access a device. Usage: alert -set -clustername ClusterName -spname StoragePool [-type {threshold | overcommit}] -value value alert -unset -clustername ClusterName -spname StoragePool [-type {threshold | overcommit}] alert -list -clustername ClusterName -spname StoragePool [-type {threshold | overcommit}] Sets, removes and lists alert for a cluster and storage pool. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -list Lists alerts. -set Sets an alert. -spname Specifies the storage pool name. -type Specifies the type of alert. The type is either threshold for pool free space or overcommit for pool overcommit space. The default is threshold on set or unset operations. If the type is not specified on the list operation, all the alerts are listed. -unset Removes an alert. -value Specifies the value of the alert in percentage. Valid overcommit values are 0 to 32767 Usage: snap [-copy] snap [-general][-z ALL | "product_name=ProductName,..." | "class=ClassName,..."][-dev DeviceName] [-M Timeout] snap [-z ADD "product_name=ProductName" "class=ClassName" "command_path=Absolutepathofyourdebugcommand" ] snap [-z DELETE "product_name=ProductName" ] snap script1 "script2 arg1 arg2" ... Gathers system configuration information. -copy Copies previously collected snap data from temp location to the user's home directory. -general Gathers general system information Note: The snap command will capture system configuration information when the -general flag is not specified. -dev Copies the compressed image onto diskette or tape. -z External scripts registration,deregistration with snap and gathers system configuration information. -M Max timeout value in seconds for one external script execution. Usage: failgrp -add [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -fg FGName: PhysicalVolume ... -add [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -file -fg FGName: FileName failgrp -remove [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -fg FGName failgrp -modify [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-fg FGName] -attr Attribute=value ... failgrp -list [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-fg FGName] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] failgrp -addpv [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -fg FGName1: PhysicalVolume ... [FGName2: PhysicalVolume ...] -addpv [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -file -fg FGName1: FileName1 [FGName2: FileName2] failgrp -listpv [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-fg FGName] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] Creates failure group and performs failure group related operations. -add Adds failure group in shared storage pool. -addpv Adds given physical volumes to failure groups. -attr Specifies failure group attribute and a value to be changed. -clustername Specifies name of the cluster. -fg Specifies name of the failure group. With -add or -addpv option, it specifies the physical volume names which are separated by a white space or the filename, along with the failure group name. -file Specifies that a filename has to be provided with the -add and -addpv options. The file must contain physical volume names separated by a white space. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Separates output by a user-specified delimiter character. -listpv Lists physical volumes in failure groups. -list Lists failure groups in a shared storage pool. -modify Modifies the property of a failure group. -remove Removes failure group from a shared storage pool. -sp Specifies name of the shared storage pool. %s failuregroup added successfully. Given physical volume(s) added successfully. Cluster does not exist. Usage: backupios -file {Directory} [-nosvg][-nomedialib] backupios -file {Filename} [-mksysb][-nopak][-nosvg][-nomedialib] backupios -tape Device [-blocks Number] [-nopak] [-verify] [-nosvg][-nomedialib] backupios -cd Device {-udf | -cdformat} [-accept] [-nosvg][-nomedialib] Hostname "%s" does not match with system hostname "%s". System Hostname already set. Retry without -hostname option. Hostname "%s" does not match with system hostname "%s". System Hostname will not be altered. /etc/hosts file will be updated. Default gateway "%s" does not match with system default gateway "%s". Default gateway already set. Retry without -gateway option. Usage: To add a static IPv4 address: mktcpip -hostname HostName -inetaddr Address -interface Interface [-start] [-netmask SubnetMask] [-cabletype CableType] [-gateway Gateway] [-nsrvaddr NameServerAddress -nsrvdomain Domain] To run IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration: mktcpip -auto [-interface Interface] [-hostname Hostname] To add a static IPv6 address: mktcpip -hostname HostName -inetaddr Address -interface Interface [-start] [-plen PrefixLength] [-cabletype CableType] [-gateway Gateway] [-nsrvaddr NameServerAddress -nsrvdomain Domain] Note: For IPv6 networks, stateless autoconfiguration is suggested. -hostname Sets the name of the host. If using a domain naming system, the domain and any subdomains must be specified. -inetaddr Sets the IP address of the host. -interface Specifies a particular network interface, for example: en1 -start Starts the TCP/IP daemons. -netmask Specifies the mask the gateway should use in determining the appropriate subnetwork for routing. -cabletype Specifies cable size for Standard Ethernet or IEEE 802.3 Ethernet networks. Valid values for the CableType variable are dix for thick cable, bnc for thin cable, or N/A for Not Applicable. This flag should be used only for Standard Ethernet (en) and IEEE 802.3 Ethernet (et) interfaces. -gateway Sets the gateway address for a static route. -nsrvaddr Specifies the IP address of the name server the host uses for name resolution, if applicable. -nsrvdomain Specifies the domain name of the name server the host should use for name resolution, if any. The domain name should be in the specified format: subdomain.subdomain.rootdomain. -auto Specifies that stateless autoconfiguration for IPv6 should be run. -plen Specifies the IPv6 prefix length to use Option flag "%s" is not valid. Option "%s" is not valid with "%s" The requested operation is not allowed because partition is a member of "%s" cluster. Interface being used is "%s" ("%s" Family) for cluster communication. Usage: rmtcpip [-f] [-nextboot] {-all | [-hostname] [-routing] [-interface ifnameList [-family Family]]} rmtcpip [-f] {-all | [-namesrv] [-hostname] [-routing] [-interface ifnameList [-family Family]]} Removes TCP/IP configuration -all Removes all TCP/IP settings, effectively resetting them to a newly installed system -f Executes the command without prompting for confirmation. -interface Removes TCP/IP configuration from listed interfaces. -hostname Resets the hostname to "ioserver". -namesrv Removes DNS information and clears the hosts file. -nextboot Removes the specified information from the configuration files, leaving the current network parameters intact (all except DNS information and hosts file). -routing Removes static routing tables. -family TCP/IP family to remove on interface(s). Supported values are inet and inet6. No valid configuration found on interface "%s" "%s" is not a valid interface Invalid family "%s" specified for -family -inetaddr Change the IP address of the host. -netmask Specifies the mask the gateway should use in determining the appropriate subnetwork for routing. -interface Specifies a particular network interface, for example: en0 -gateway Changes the gateway address for a static route -add New Default Gateway address to be added -remove Old Default Gateway address to be removed -plen IPv6 prefix Length cannot be used with -netmask Usage: mkldap -host serverlist -bind bindDN -passwd bindpwd [ -base baseDN ] [ -port serverport ] [ -ctimeout cachetimeout ] [ -csize cachesize ] [ -threads NumberofThreads ] [ -hbeatint heartBeatInt ] [ -keypath directory_path ] [ -keypasswd ssl_password ] [ -auth authType ] [ -users userlist | ALL ] mkldap -deconfig If the DN contains a space, it must be placed in double quotes. Setup LDAP client configuration. -host A comma separated list of hostnames(server and backup servers). -bind Domain Name to bind to the LDAP server. The Domain Name must exist on the LDAP server. If the DN contains a space, it must be placed in double quotes. -passwd Password for the bindDN used to bind to the LDAP server. -base Base Domain Name for the mkldap command to search for the user base DN and group base Domain Name. If not specified from the command line, the entire database is searched. If the DN contains a space, it must be placed in double quotes. -port Port number that the LDAP server is listening to. -ctimeout Maximum time length that a cache entry expires. -csize Maximum number of user entries used in the client side daemon cache. -threads Number of threads the client side daemon uses. -hbeatint Time interval of heartbeat between this client and the LDAP server. -keypath Specifies the full path to the client SSL key ( Requires secure ldap fileset from VIOS Expansion CD ) specified from the command line, the entire database is searched. -port Port number that the LDAP server is listening to. -ctimeout Maximum time length that a cache entry expires. -csize Maximum number of user entries used in the client side daemon cache. -threads Number of threads the client side daemon uses. -hbeatint Time interval of heartbeat between this client and the LDAP server. -keypath Specifies the full path to the client SSL key ( Requires secure ldap fileset from VIOS Expansion CD ) -keypasswd Specifies the password for the client SSL key ( Requires secure ldap fileset from VIOS Expansion CD ) -auth Authentication mechanism used to authenticate users. -users Comma separated list of user names to enable for LDAP authentication. Specify ALL to enable all users on the client. -deconfig Specifies to undo the previous client setup to the LDAP client configuration file. More than one cluster exists. More than one storage pool exists. Error: Socket %s failed, errno=%d. Error: Ioctl %s failed, errno=%d. %s is an empty file. %s is a binary file. The given request is partially succeeded. Usage: chsp {-add | -rm} [-f] [-sp StoragePool] PhysicalVolume ... chsp -add [-f] -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool PhysicalVolume ... chsp -add [-f] -file -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool FileName chsp -add [-sp StoragePool] -size Size chsp -replace -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool -oldpv PhysicalVolume ... -newpv PhysicalVolume ... chsp -replace -file -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool -oldpv FileName1 -newpv FileName2 chsp -default StoragePool The chsp command adds, removes and replace physical volumes from a logical volume storage pool, sets the default storage pool, or increases the size of the file storage pool. It performs add and replace operations in shared storage pools. -add Adds the given physical volume into a specified storage pool. If a storage pool is not specified, the physical volumes get added to the default pool. When combined with the -add flag, filename must be specified in place of physical volumes. Note: In case of shared storage pools, it is mandatory to specify the storage pool name. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -default Sets the specified logical volume storage pool or the file storage pool as the system default pool. -f When combined with the -add flag, forces the physical volume to be added to the specified storage pool unless the physical volume is part of another storage pool or volume group in the Device Configuration Database or a volume group that is active. When combined with the -rm flag, forces the removal of all logical volumes on the physical volume before removal from the storage pool. -file Specifies that a filename has to be provided with the -newpv and -oldpv options. The file must contain physical volume names separated by a white space. -newpv List of new set of physical volumes as replacement. It specifies the filename instead of physical volumes if the -newpv option is used with the -file option. -oldpv Lists the old physical volumes, which need to be replaced. It specifies the filename instead of physical volumes if the -oldpv option is used with the -file option. -replace Replaces one or more physical volumes within a shared storage pool. -rm Removes the specified physical volume from specified storage pool. If a storage pool is not specified, the physical volume is removed from the default pool. The user is prompted to confirm the removal of any logical volumes from the physical volume. Note: shared storage pools are not supported with the -rm option. -sp Specifies the storage pool name. -size Specifies the minimum amount of storage to add to the file storage pool. Continue bos.rte.install installation [y|n]? Failed to install bos.rte.install fileset. Insufficient space in %s. Required size is %llu and available size is %llu Increasing size of %s in progress Failed to increase free space in %s. Try deleting unwanted files and then run "snap -copy", which will copy earlier collected snap data from temp location to user's home directory (%s) Unexpected Error Usage: chdev -dev Name [-perm] -attr Attribute=Value ... [-restoreroute][-force] Changes the characteristics of a device. -dev Specifies the device logical name, indicated by the Name parameter, whose characteristics are to be changed. -attr Specifies the device attribute value pairs used for changing specific attribute values. -perm Changes the device's characteristics permanently without actually changing the device. By restarting the system, the changes are applied to the device. Not all devices support the -perm flag. -restoreroute Restores routes. -force Forcefully attempts to change device attribute. Note: Currently supports network interface and inet0. Usage: vasistat [-all|-stream streamID] [-interval time_interval] Device vasistat [-debug|-reset] Device Shows VASI device driver and device statistics. -all Displays all the statistics, including the device-specific statistics. -debug Toggle debug flag in the driver. -reset Resets all the statistics. -interval Sets LPAR mobility monitoring time interval in seconds. -stream Displays statistics for the specified stream only. More than one Failure Group exists. %s failuregroup removed successfully. Given attribute(s) modified successfully. %s is an invalid Failure Group Name. Usage: lspv [-avail | -free | -size] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] lspv [-map | -lv | -pv | -size] PhysicalVolume lspv [-map | -lv | -pv] PhysicalVolume [-field FieldName] [-fmt delimiter] lspv -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool [-state] lspv -clustername ClusterName -capable Displays information about physical volumes. -avail Lists only physical volumes that are available for use as a backing device for virtual SCSI. If the physical volume is assigned to a shared memory pool (to be used as a paging space device by a shared memory partition), it is not available and is not listed. -capable Lists only physical volumes those are shared storage pool capable. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -free Lists physical volumes that can be used as a backing device. If the physical volume is already used as a backing device, or is assigned to a shared memory pool(to be used as a paging space device by a shared memory partition), or is a part of a volume group (having LVM signature on disk), the physical volume is unavailable and it does not appear in the list. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Specifies a delimiter character to separate output fields. -lv Lists information for each logical volume on the specified physical volume. -map Lists the mapping information of logical volumes on the physical volume. -pv Lists information about the specified physical volume. -size Displays the size of the physical volume in megabytes. -sp Specifies the storage pool. -state Specifies to list the state of the physical volume. Logical unit names can not exceed "%d" characters in length. Usage: mkvdev [-f] {-vdev TargetDevice | -dplc TDPhysicalLocationCode} {-vadapter VirtualServerAdapter | -aplc VSAPhysicalLocationCode} [-dev DeviceName] mkvdev -fbo {-vadapter VirtualServerAdapter | -aplc VSAPhysicalLocationCode} [-dev DeviceName] mkvdev [-f] {-vdev TargetDevice | -dplc TDPhysicalLocatonCode} {-vadapter VirtualServerAdapter | -aplc VSAPhysicalLocationCode} {-attr mirrored=true} [-dev DeviceName] mkvdev -sea TargetDevice -vadapter VirtualEthernetAdapter ... -default DefaultVirtualEthernetAdapter -defaultid SEADefaultPVID [-attr Attribute=Value [Attribute=Value...]] [ -migrate [ -auto]] mkvdev -lnagg TargetAdapter ... [-attr Attribute=Value [Attribute=Value...]] mkvdev -vlan TargetAdapter -tagid TagID Adds a virtual device to the system. -aplc Specifies the virtual SCSI adapter using the physical location code. -attr Specifies the device attribute value pairs to be used instead of the defaults. The Attribute=Value variable can be used to specify one attribute value pair or multiple attribute value pairs for one -attr flag. If you use an -attr flag with multiple attribute value pairs, the list of pairs must be enclosed in quotation marks with a blank space between the pairs. For example, entering -attr Attribute=Value lists one attribute value pair per flag, while entering -attr 'Attribute1=Value1 Attribute2=Value2' lists more than one attribute value pair. -auto Brings down and restores the Ethernet interface when creating a SEA adapter with the -migrate option. -default Default virtual adapter to use for non-VLAN-tagged packets. This flag maps to the SEA device attribute pvid_adapter. -defaultid The SEADafaultPVID is the VID used for untagged frames. All untagged packets are assigned the SEADefaultPVID value. When a tagged frame is received by a port, the tag is used. Otherwise if the frame is untagged, the value contained in the PVID is considered as a tag. This flag maps to the SEA device attribute pvid. -dev By using the -dev flag, you can specify the name you want the device to be known by. If you do not use the -dev flag, a name will be automatically generated and assigned. Not all devices support user-supplied names. -dplc Specifies the physical device using the physical location code. -f Force the physical volume specified to be used as a backing device even if its already associated with a virtual SCSI adapter. If the specified backing device is an optical device, -f forces the optical device will be removed from the virtual SCSI adapter it is currently assigned to before reassigning it to the new virtual SCSI adapter. -fbo Create a virtual optical device. -lnagg Creates a Link Aggregation device. -migrate Migrates the settings from the physical adapter interface to the SEA adapter interface. -sea Creates a Shared Ethernet Adapter which maps VirtualEthernetAdapter to the adapter TargetDevice. TargetDevice can be a physical adapter or a Link Aggregation adapter. -tagid Specifies the VLAN tag ID. -vadapter Specifies the virtual server adapter or virtual Ethernet adapter the new device will be mapped to. If multiple virtual Ethernet adapters are specified, separate the adapter names with commas and no spaces. -vdev Creates a virtual device mapped to the physical/logical device TargetDevice and the virtual server adapter VirtualServerAdapter. The TargetDevice can be either a physical volume, logical volume, tape, or optical device. Physical volumes assigned to volume groups cannot be used as target devices. -vlan Creates a Virtual Local Area Network device. Usage: lssp [-type PoolType] [-field FieldName] [-fmt Delimiter] lssp {-detail | -bd} [-sp StoragePool] [-field FieldName] [-fmt Delimiter] lssp -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool -bd [-field FieldName] [-fmt Delimiter] lssp -clustername ClusterName [-field FieldName] [-fmt Delimiter] lssp -default The lssp command lists information about storage pools. -clustername Specifies the cluster name to list the storage pools. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Specifies a delimiter character to separate output fields. -bd Displays information about the backing devices or logical unit in the storage pool. -detail Displays detailed information about backing devices and the logical volume-based storage pool. -sp Specifies which storage pool to display information about. -default Displays the default storage pool. -type Specifies the type of the storage pool to list. Given attribute is not valid Supported attributes are: %s Please reboot the client partition to see the newly added disk. Usage: viosecure -level LEVEL [-apply] [-rule ruleName] | [-outfile filename] viosecure -view [ -actual | -latest ] [ -rule ruleName | -nonint ] viosecure -file rulesFile viosecure -changedRules viosecure -undo viosecure -firewall {on [[-force] -reload]| off} [-ip6] viosecure -firewall {allow | deny} -port number [-interface ifname] [-address IPaddress] [-timeout Timeout] [-remote] [-ip6] viosecure -firewall view [-fmt delimiter] [-ip6] Sets, unsets or displays security hardening rules. Configures, unconfigures or displays firewall settings. -level LEVEL Specifies the security LEVEL settings to choose, where LEVEL is 'low', 'medium', 'high', or default. The 'default' LEVEL unsets any previous security LEVEL system settings. Except for the 'default' LEVEL, 10 security LEVEL settings are displayed at a time. The user then can choose the desired security settings by entering comma separated numbers or the word 'ALL' to choose all of the settings or 'a' to apply so far selected settings or the word 'NONE' to choose none of the settings or 'q' to exit or 'h' for help. Then the security settings chosen are applied to the system. -view Displays the current security level settings. All of the security setting names start with 3 characters 'Xls' where X = l(low), m(medium), h(high) or d(default). For example, the security level name 'lls_minlen' is the low level security setting for minimum length of a password. -apply Applies all of the LEVEL security settings to the system. There is no user selectable option. -nonint Non-interactive. -outfile Specifies that security rules be output to a specific file. -file Specifies the security rules file to be applied. -rule Specifies the name of the rule. for example, lls_maxexpired, hls_telnet. -changedRules Displays new values, if they are changed by any other commands. -latest Displays last applied rules. -actual Displays actual values for the rules that are set. -undo Undoes the latest security settings that have been applied. Use -latest to view latest security settings. -firewall on [[-force] -reload] [-ip6] Configures the default firewall settings from the filter rules in ODM. If reload option is used then the ODM rules are deleted and defaults are loaded from /home/ios/security/viosecure.ctl. If viosecure.ctl file doesn't exist, the user will have to use the force option if he wants to use the hard-coded default firewall settings. If -ip6 flag is specified, the IPv6 version of the command is called. The default type is IPv4. -firewall off [-ip6] Unconfigures the firewall settings. Saves all the firewall filter rules from ODM to file at /home/padmin/viosfirewall.rules. If -ip6 flag is specified, the IPv6 version of the command is called. The default type is IPv4. -firewall allow -port Port [-interface Ifname][-address IPaddress] [-timeout Timeout] [-remote] [-ip6] Permits IP activity per port with optional parameters according to interface, ipaddress and time that it is effective. The Port argument can be a number or a service name from the /etc/services file. The remote option specifies that the port is a remote port. All IP activity to/from that remote port is allowed. The default is all IP activity to/from a local port is allowed. The timeout period can be specified as a number (in seconds) or with a number followed by 'm' followed by 'm'(minutes), 'h'(hours) or 'd'(days). The maximum timeout period is 30 days. If -ip6 flag is specified, the IPv6 version of the command is called. The default type is IPv4. -firewall deny -port Port [-interface Ifname] [-address IPaddress] [-timeout Timeout] [-remote] [-ip6] Removes a previous firewall 'allow' setting. The Port argument can be a number or a service name from the /etc/services file. If '-port 0' is specified, then all 'allow' settings are removed. The remote option specifies that the port is the remote port. The default is local port. The timeout period can be specified as a number (in seconds) or with a number followed by 'm'(minutes), 'h'(hours) or 'd'(days). The maximum timeout period is 30 days. If -ip6 flag is specified, the IPv6 version of the command is called. The default type is IPv4. -firewall view [-fmt delimiter] [-ip6] Displays the current allowable ports. If the fmt option is specified, then it divides output by a user-specified delimiter. If -ip6 flag is specified, the IPv6 version of the command is called. The default type is IPv4. Warning: IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration on interface "%s" is not migrated. Unable to change logical volume. Unsupported file '%s' found in Virtual Optical Repository. Either filename exceeds %d characters or it contains invalid characters: . as the first character or *;&$/ within the name Virtual Optical DVD media names can not exceed "%d" characters in length, and the following characters can not be used for DVD names: . as the first character *;&$/ within the name DHCP is configured on the system, which is unsupported configuration. The physical location code "%s" either does not exist on the system or the device associated with it is not in AVAILABLE state. The specified connection is not valid. Invalid target device specified: %s Usage: fcstat [ -z [ -D ] [ -d ] | -d | -e [ -d ] ] device_name fcstat -n wwpn device_name fcstat -client The fcstat command displays statistics gathered by the specified fibre channel device driver. -d Displays the statistics by opening the adapter in diagnostic mode. -D Displays all the statistics, which includes the driver queue statistics about the adapter and protocol. The device is opened in the non-diagnostic mode. You can choose to open the adapter in the diagnostic mode by adding the -d flag. -e Displays all the statistics, which includes the device-specific statistics. -z Resets some of the statistics back to their initial values. Only privileged users can issue this flag. -n Displays the statistics on a virtual port level by specify. the virtual adapter's World-wide Port Identifier. -client Displays the statistics on a per client basis. The given request has been partially succeeded. Usage: importpv [-f] [-optype OperationType] [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-fg FGName] PhysicalVolume:LuName ... importpv -file [-f] [-optype OperationType] [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-fg FGName] FileName importpv -show [-clustername ClusterName] The importpv command is used to import one or more physical volumes (PVs) into a VIOS Shared Storage Pool (SSP). Physical volumes can have any kind of data which needs to be imported. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -f Force the specified physical volume to be imported even if it has a client volume group signature. -fg Specifies the failure group name. -file Specifies that a filename has to be provided which contains a list of colon separated physical volume and logical unit pairs. Each pair of Physical volume and logical unit names are white space separated. For example: PhysicalVolume1:LuName2 PhysicalVolume2:LuName2 ... -optype Specifies the type of operation which can be used after previously failed import that is deemed recoverable. This flag is only allowed after a previous import operation has failed and was not able to completely recover. All other command line arguments must match those used in the original command. This flag can take three arguments: retry, abort, undo. -show This flag requests to inspect the VIOS database for the existence of any previous import operation which is currently awaiting a retry/undo/abort request and will display all the arguments/parameters belonging to the request. -sp Specifies the storage pool name. Usage: chdev -dev Name [-perm] -attr Attribute=Value ... [-restoreroute][-force] chdev -udid Udid [-perm] -attr Attribute=Value ... [-restoreroute][-force] Changes the characteristics of a device. -dev Specifies the device logical name, indicated by the Name parameter, whose characteristics are to be changed. -udid Specifies the unique identifier of the device, whose characteristics are to be changed. -attr Specifies the device attribute value pairs used for changing specific attribute values. -perm Changes the device's characteristics permanently without actually changing the device. By restarting the system, the changes are applied to the device. Not all devices support the -perm flag. -restoreroute Restores routes. -force Forcefully attempts to change device attribute. Note: Currently supports network interface and inet0. rmvdev {-sea SEAdevice} [-migrate -auto] rmvdev {-lnagg LnaggDevice} [-migrate -auto [-interface TargetInterface]] Removes the Shared Ethernet Adapter (SEA) device -sea SEAdevice Specifies the SEA device name. -migrate -auto Migrates the settings from the SEA adapter interface to the physical adapter interface Removes the Etherchanel (LNAGG) device -lnagg LnaggDevice Specifies the LNAGG device name. -migrate -auto Migrates the settings from the LNAGG adapter interface to the physical adapter interface. -interface TargetInterface Migrates the settings from the LNAGG adapter interface to the target interface when removing the LNAGG device with the -migrate -auto options. Usage: mkvdev [-f] {-vdev TargetDevice | -dplc TDPhysicalLocationCode} {-vadapter VirtualServerAdapter | -aplc VSAPhysicalLocationCode} [-dev DeviceName] mkvdev -fbo {-vadapter VirtualServerAdapter | -aplc VSAPhysicalLocationCode} [-dev DeviceName] mkvdev [-f] {-vdev TargetDevice | -dplc TDPhysicalLocatonCode} {-vadapter VirtualServerAdapter | -aplc VSAPhysicalLocationCode} {-attr mirrored=true} [-dev DeviceName] mkvdev -sea TargetDevice -vadapter VirtualEthernetAdapter ... -default DefaultVirtualEthernetAdapter -defaultid SEADefaultPVID [-attr Attribute=Value [Attribute=Value...]] [ -migrate [ -auto]] mkvdev -lnagg TargetAdapter ... [-attr Attribute=Value [Attribute=Value...]] [ -migrate -auto [-interface TargetInterface]] mkvdev -vlan TargetAdapter -tagid TagID Adds a virtual device to the system. -aplc Specifies the virtual SCSI adapter using the physical location code. -attr Specifies the device attribute value pairs to be used instead of the defaults. The Attribute=Value variable can be used to specify one attribute value pair or multiple attribute value pairs for one -attr flag. If you use an -attr flag with multiple attribute value pairs, the list of pairs must be enclosed in quotation marks with a blank space between the pairs. For example, entering -attr Attribute=Value lists one attribute value pair per flag, while entering -attr 'Attribute1=Value1 Attribute2=Value2' lists more than one attribute value pair. -auto Brings down and restores the Ethernet interface when creating a SEA adapter with the -migrate option. -default Default virtual adapter to use for non-VLAN-tagged packets. This flag maps to the SEA device attribute pvid_adapter. -defaultid The SEADafaultPVID is the VID used for untagged frames. All untagged packets are assigned the SEADefaultPVID value. When a tagged frame is received by a port, the tag is used. Otherwise if the frame is untagged, the value contained in the PVID is considered as a tag. This flag maps to the SEA device attribute pvid. -dev By using the -dev flag, you can specify the name you want the device to be known by. If you do not use the -dev flag, a name will be automatically generated and assigned. Not all devices support user-supplied names. -dplc Specifies the physical device using the physical location code. -f Force the physical volume specified to be used as a backing device even if its already associated with a virtual SCSI adapter. If the specified backing device is an optical device, -f forces the optical device will be removed from the virtual SCSI adapter it is currently assigned to before reassigning it to the new virtual SCSI adapter. -fbo Create a virtual optical device. -migrate Migrates the settings from the physical adapter interface to the SEA adapter interface. -sea Creates a Shared Ethernet Adapter which maps VirtualEthernetAdapter to the adapter TargetDevice. TargetDevice can be a physical adapter or a Link Aggregation adapter. -tagid Specifies the VLAN tag ID. -vadapter Specifies the virtual server adapter or virtual Ethernet adapter the new device will be mapped to. If multiple virtual Ethernet adapters are specified, separate the adapter names with commas and no spaces. -vdev Creates a virtual device mapped to the physical/logical device TargetDevice and the virtual server adapter VirtualServerAdapter. The TargetDevice can be either a physical volume, logical volume, tape, or optical device. Physical volumes assigned to volume groups cannot be used as target devices. -vlan Creates a Virtual Local Area Network device. -lnagg Creates a Link Aggregation device. -interface Migrates setting from the target interface to the newly created LNAGG interface when uses with -migratge -auto options . Usage: snmp_info [ -mode get | next ][ -verbose ][ -com Community ] [ -debug Level ][ -host HostName ][ -file ObjectsFile ] [ -retry Tries ][ -wait Waittime ] Variable.Instance snmp_info -mode set [ -verbose ][ -com Community ][ -debug Level ] [ -host HostName ][ -file ObjectsFile ][ -retry Tries ] [ -wait Waittime ] Variable.Instance=Value snmp_info -mode dump [ -verbose ][ -com Community ][ -debug Level ] [ -host HostName ][ -file ObjectsFile ][ -retry Tries ] [ -wait Waittime ][ Variable.Instance ] Usage: chdate [-year YYyy] [-month mm] [-day dd] [-hour HH] [-minute MM] [-timezone TZ] chdate [mmddHHMM[YYyy | yy]] [-timezone TZ] Displays or changes the system date, time or time zone. The user will need to log out before the new time zone will take effect. To change the time zone for the entire partition, a reboot will be required. If no flags or arguments are specified, the chdate command displays the current date and time. mmddHHMM[YYyy|yy] Corresponds to month, day, hour, minute, optional 4 or 2 digit year. Note: If you do not specify the first 2 digits of the year, values in the range 70 - 99 refer to the twentieth century, 1970 - 1999 inclusive, and values in the range 00 - 37 refer to years in the twenty-first century, 2000 - 2037 inclusive. If a 4-digit year is specified, the chdate command tries to set the year to YYyy and fails for values that are out of range (less than 1970 and greater than 2105). For years in the range 2038 - 2105, specify the year in the yyyy format. -year sets the year to 'YYyy' (e.g., 2004); -month sets the month to 'mm', (e.g., 10 for October); -day sets the day to 'dd', (e.g., 05 for the fifth day); -hour sets the hour to 'HH' in 24-hour format, (e.g., 23 for 11pm); -minute sets the minute to 'MM', (e.g., 59); -timezone sets the time zone (e.g., CST6CDT) Note: The user must have padmin authority to change the date and time. Invalid character in date/time specification. Format of date/time specification is not valid. Specified value of date/time is out of range. Invalid timezone. Cannot be parsed. Could not write to /etc/environment. Check permissions on the file. Usage: tier -create [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -tier TierName: PhysicalVolume ... tier -create [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -file -tier TierName: FileName tier -remove [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -tier TierName tier -modify [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TierName] -attr Attribute=Value tier -list [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-verbose | -field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter [-header]] Performs tier related operations in a shared storage pool. -attr Specifies a tier attribute and a value. -clustername Specifies name of the cluster. -create Creates a new user tier in a shared storage pool. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -file Specifies that a filename has to be provided with the -create option. The file must contain physical volume names separated by a white space. -fmt Separates output by a user-specified delimiter character. -header Specifies to display field names in the formatted listing output. -list Lists tiers in a shared storage pool. -modify Modifies the property of a tier. -remove Removes tier from a shared storage pool. -sp Specifies name of the shared storage pool. -tier Specifies name of the tier. -verbose Displays detailed tier information. "%s" tier has been created successfully. "%s" tier has been removed successfully. "%s" is an invalid tier name. Access to run command option is not valid. [! @ # % , :] are valid delimiters. Usage: pdump {-reserve fstype | -enable | -disable | -ls | -size} Physical volume(s) not specified. Filename is not specified. pv -add [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] [-fg FGName1:] PhysVol ... [FGName2: PhysVol ...] ... pv -add -file [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] [-fg FGName1:] FileName1 [FGName2: FileName2 ] ... pv -remove [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] -pv PhysVol ... pv -remove -file [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] -pv FileName pv -replace [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] -oldpv PhysVol ... -newpv PhysVol ... pv -replace -file [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] -oldpv FileName1 -newpv FileName2 pv -list [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] [-fg FGName] [-attr Attribute=Value] [-verbose | -field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter [-header] ] pv -list -capable [-clustername ClusterName] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter [-header]] Performs physical volume related operations in a shared storage pool. -add Adds given physical volumes to shared storage pool. When combined with the -file option, filename must be specified in place of physical volumes. -attr Specifies physical volume attribute and a value -capable Lists physical volumes which can be added to shared storage pool -clustername Specifies name of the cluster. -fg Specifies name of the failure group. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -file Specifies that a filename is provided with the -oldpv, -newpv and -pv options. The file must contain physical volume names separated by a white space. -fmt Separates output by a user-specified delimiter character. -header Specifies to display field names in the formatted listing output. -list Lists physical volumes in a shared storage pool. -newpv List of one or more physical volumes that are replacing existing physical volumes in the shared storage pool. It specifies the filename instead of physical volumes if used with the -file option. -oldpv List of one or more physical volumes that are in shared storage pool, to be replaced by new physical volumes. It specifies the filename instead of physical volumes if used with the -file option. -pv List of one or more physical volumes that needs to be removed from shared storage pool. It specifies the filename instead of physical volumes if used with the -file option. -remove Removes one or more physical volumes from a shared storage pool. When combined with the -file option, filename must be specified in place of physical volumes. -replace Replaces one or more physical volumes within a shared storage pool. -sp Specifies name of the shared storage pool. -verbose Displays detailed physical volume information. Given physical volume(s) have been added successfully. Given physical volume(s) have been removed successfully. Given physical volume(s) have been replaced successfully. Usage: lu -create [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -lu LuName -size LuSize [-vadapter VadapterName [-vtd TargetDeviceName]] [-thick] lu -list [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool][-attr Attribute=Value] [-verbose|-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter [-header]] lu -map [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] {-lu LuName | -luudid LuUDID} -vadapter vAdapterName [-vtd TargetDeviceName] lu -remove [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] {-lu LuName | -luudid LuUDID | -all} lu -unmap { [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] {-lu LuName | -luudid LuUDID} | -vtd TargetDeviceName } Creates, maps, unmaps, removes and lists logical units within a storage pool -all Specifies all logical units. -attr Specifies logical unit attribute and a value. -clustername Specifies name of the cluster. -create Creates a Logical Unit (LU) in shared storage pool. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Separates output by a user-specified delimiter character. -header Specifies to display field names in the formatted listing output. -list Lists logical units in a shared storage pool. -lu Specifies logical unit name. -luudid Specifies logical unit UDID. -map Creates a Virtual Target Device (VTD). -remove Removes one or more logical units. -size Specifies logical unit size. -sp Specifies name of the shared storage pool. -thick Creates a thick provisioned logical unit. By default thin provisioned logical unit is created. -unmap Unmaps specified LU from a virtual SCSI adapter. -vtd Specifies name of the virtual target device. -vadapter Specifies the server virtual SCSI adapter. -verbose Displays detailed logical unit information. Attribute value is not specified. Same File is provided for multiple FailureGroups. Usage: failgrp -create [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -fg FGName: PhysicalVolume ... failgrp -create [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -file -fg FGName: FileName failgrp -remove [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] -fg FGName failgrp -modify [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-fg FGName] -attr Attribute=Value failgrp -list [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-verbose | -field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter [-header]] Creates failure group and performs failure group related operations. -create Creates failure group in shared storage pool. -attr Specifies failure group attribute and a value to be changed. -clustername Specifies name of the cluster. -fg Specifies name of the failure group. With -create option, it specifies the physical volume names which are separated by a white space or the filename, along with the failure group name. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -file Specifies that a filename has to be provided with the -create option. The file must contain physical volume names separated by a white space. -fmt Separates output by a user-specified delimiter character. -header Specifies to display field names in the formatted listing output. -list Lists failure groups in a shared storage pool. -modify Modifies the property of a failure group. -remove Removes failure group from a shared storage pool. -sp Specifies name of the shared storage pool. -verbose Displays detailed logical unit information. Backup file %s is not in correct format Failed to uncompress the backup file: %s Error opening the XML file, this backup requires -clustername to %s. Failed to identify XML file in the given backup %s Usage: fcstat [ -z | -e ] [ -d ] device_name fcstat -n wwpn device_name fcstat -client Assigning %s '%s' as a backing device. The specified VTD name '%s' already exists on the system. Please choose a different name. The fcstat command displays statistics gathered by the specified fibre channel device driver. -d Displays the statistics by opening the adapter in diagnostic mode. -e Displays all the statistics, which includes the device-specific statistics. -z Resets some of the statistics back to their initial values. Only privileged users can issue this flag. -n Displays the statistics on a virtual port level by specifying the virtual adapter's World-wide Port Identifier. -client Displays the statistics on a per client basis. %s FailureGroup has been created successfully. %s FailureGroup has been removed successfully. '%s' is an invalid FailureGroup name. FailureGroup name not specified User does not have access to execute '%s' option. The physical volume, passed in the command was not found in the system database. The specified attribute value '%s' is not valid. Tier name has been modified successfully. '%s' has been set as default tier successfully. '%s' tier type has been modified successfully. Tier name not specified. '%s' is not confirming to uuid format. Usage: cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs PhysicalVolume -spname StoragePool -sppvs PhysicalVolume ... -hostname HostName cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs PhysicalVolume -spname StoragePool -file -sppvs FileName -hostname HostName cluster -addnode -clustername ClusterName -hostname HostName cluster -rmnode [-f] -clustername ClusterName {-hostname HostName | -uuid HostUuid} cluster -delete -clustername ClusterName cluster -status -clustername ClusterName [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] [-verbose] cluster -list [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] cluster -sync -clustername ClusterName Note: For setting up a VIOS node as a member of a Shared Storage Pool cluster, IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration is suggested. Creates cluster and performs cluster-related operations. -addnode Adds member node to the cluster. -clustername Specifies the name of the cluster. -create Creates a cluster. -delete Deletes a cluster. -list Lists all clusters which have membership of the current node. -f Forces VIOS partitions to be removed from the cluster. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -file Specifies that a filename has to be provided with the -sppvs. The file must contain physical volume names separated by a white space. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -hostname Specifies the VIOS partition host name or IP address. -repopvs Physical Volume to create repository. -rmnode Removes member node from the cluster. -spname Specifies the name of the storage pool. -sppvs Lists the physical volumes on which a shared storage pool can be created. With '-file' option, it specifies the filename with the list of physical volume names. -status Displays the health status of the cluster. -sync Synchronizes the cluster and the ODM. -uuid Specifies the uuid of a node. -verbose Displays additional detailed information. The specified VTD '%s' either does not exist on the system or is not an SSP VTD. Cannot unmap/remove it. %s '%s' does not exist %s '%s' has no VTD mappings associated with it on this system All Logical Units from the tier '%s' have been removed. The chsp command adds, removes and replace physical volumes from a logical volume storage pool, sets the default storage pool, or increases the size of the file storage pool. It performs add and replace operations in shared storage pools. -add Adds the given physical volume into a specified storage pool. If a storage pool is not specified, the physical volumes get added to the default pool. When combined with the -file option, filename must be specified in place of physical volumes. Note: In case of shared storage pools, it is mandatory to specify the storage pool name. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -default Sets the specified logical volume storage pool or the file storage pool as the system default pool. -f When combined with the -add flag, forces the physical volume to be added to the specified storage pool unless the physical volume is part of another storage pool or volume group in the Device Configuration Database or a volume group that is active. When combined with the -rm flag, forces the removal of all logical volumes on the physical volume before removal from the storage pool. -file Specifies that a filename has to be provided with the -oldpv and -newpv options. The file must contain physical volume names separated by a white space. -newpv List of new set of physical volumes as replacement. It specifies the filename instead of physical volumes if the -newpv option is used with the -file option. -oldpv Lists the old physical volumes, which need to be replaced. It specifies the filename instead of physical volumes if the -oldpv option is used with the -file option. -replace Replaces one or more physical volumes within a shared storage pool. -rm Removes the specified physical volume from specified storage pool. If a storage pool is not specified, the physical volume is removed from the default pool. The user is prompted to confirm the removal of any logical volumes from the physical volume. Note: shared storage pools are not supported with the -rm option. -sp Specifies the storage pool name. -size Specifies the minimum amount of storage to add to the file storage pool. Valid values for the specified attribute '%s': %s Usage: alert -set [-clustername ClusterName] [-spname StoragePool] [-type {threshold | overcommit}] -value value alert -unset [-clustername ClusterName] [-spname StoragePool] [-type {threshold | overcommit}] alert -list [-clustername ClusterName] [-spname StoragePool] [-type {threshold | overcommit}] [-fmt Delimiter [-header] ] Sets, removes and lists alerts in a shared storage pool. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -fmt Separates output by a user-specified delimiter character. -header Specifies to display field names in the formatted listing output. -list Lists alerts. -set Sets an alert. -spname Specifies the storage pool name. -type Specifies the type of alert. The type is either threshold for pool free space or overcommit for pool overcommit space. The default is threshold on set or unset operations. If the type is not specified on the list operation, all the alerts are listed. -unset Removes an alert. -value Specifies the value of the alert in percentage. Supported fields(case insensitive) are - %s Attaches storage from a storage pool to a virtual SCSI adapter, or creates a file backing device or logical unit without assigning it to a virtual scsi adapter. Note: Unlike with logical volume backed devices, a storage pool must be specified when working with file backed devices or the default pool will be assumed. Note: When creating or assigning backing device files a storage pool must be specified. The default storage pool will not be assumed. Note: When creating logical unit default size will be in MB. -bd Specifies the backing device or logical unit name. If the backing device is being created, the specified name will be used instead of a system-generated name. To create backing devices in file-backed storage pool, backing device name must be specified. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. Note: alphanumeric, '-', '_' and '.' characters only. -luudid Specifies the LU UDID in case specified lu is not unique. -sp Specifies the storage pool rather than utilizing the default storage pool. -vadapter Specifies the server virtual SCSI adapter. -tn Specifies the name of the TargetDevice. -thick Creates the device as a thick provisioned device. The default is thin provisioned. "%s" is an invalid Failure Group name. Usage: prepdev {-dev devicename} Usage: lspv [-avail | -free [-include usageType] | -size] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] lspv [-map | -lv | -pv | -size] PhysicalVolume lspv [-map | -lv | -pv] PhysicalVolume [-field FieldName] [-fmt delimiter] lspv -clustername ClusterName -sp StoragePool [-state] lspv -clustername ClusterName -capable Displays information about physical volumes. -avail Lists all physical volumes that available to be used as a backing device for virtual SCSI. Devices in this list may already be backing devices. -capable Lists all physical volumes that are capable of being used in a cluster. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -free Lists all physical volumes that are free to be used as a backing devices for virtual SCSI. Devices in this list are not being used as a backing device. -map Lists the mapping information of logical volumes on the physical volume. -lv Lists information for each logical volume on the specified physical volume. -pv Lists information about the specified physical volume. -size Displays the size of the physical volume in megabytes. -sp Specifies the storage pool to use. -include Lists the physical volume(s) with the given usage along with the unused physical volume(s), provided these physical volumes are not actively used in the current VIOS system. The usage types are - ALL, VG, AMS, CLPOOL, and CLREPO. Displays information about physical volumes. -avail Lists all physical volumes that available to be used as a backing device for virtual SCSI. Devices in this list may already be backing devices. -capable Lists all physical volumes that are capable of being used in a cluster. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -free Lists all physical volumes that are free to be used as a backing devices for virtual SCSI. Devices in this list are not being used as a backing device. -map Lists the mapping information of logical volumes on the physical volume. -lv Lists information for each logical volume on the specified physical volume. -pv Lists information about the specified physical volume. -size Displays the size of the physical volume in megabytes. -sp Specifies the storage pool to use. -state Specifies to list the state of the physical volume. -include Lists the physical volume(s) with the given usage along with the unused physical volume(s), provided these physical volumes are not actively used in the current VIOS system. The usage types are - ALL, VG, AMS, CLPOOL, and CLREPO. Usage: rmdev {-dev | -pdev} Name [-ucfg] [-recursive] [-f] Removes a device from the system. -dev Specifies the logical device, indicated by the Name parameter. -pdev Specifies the parent logical device. -recursive Unconfigures the device and its children. The children are undefined. -ucfg Unconfigures the device without removing it from the system. -f Forcefully removes or unconfigures the device even if it is in use. Note: This option can only be used with physical volumes in cluster environment where the device is not used in the active cluster of this system. Cannot open a file or device. pv -add [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] [-fg FGName1:] PhysVol ... pv -add [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] -fg FGName1: PhysVol ... [FGName2: PhysVol ...] ... pv -add -file [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] [-fg FGName1:] FileName pv -add -file [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] -fg FGName1: FileName1 [FGName2: FileName2 ] ... pv -remove [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] -pv PhysVol ... pv -remove -file [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] -pv FileName pv -replace [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] -oldpv PhysVol ... -newpv PhysVol ... pv -replace -file [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] -oldpv FileName1 -newpv FileName2 pv -list [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] [-fg FGName] [-attr Attribute=Value] [-verbose | -field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter [-header] ] pv -list -capable [-clustername ClusterName] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter [-header]] Shared Storage Pool CommandsUsage: lspath [-dev DeviceName] [-pdev Parent] [-status Status] [-conn Connection] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lspath -dev DeviceName -pdev Parent [-conn Connection] -lsattr [-attr Attribute ...] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter] lspath -dev DeviceName -pdev Parent [-conn Connection] -range Attribute Usage: cl_snmp [-debug [level]] [-host dest] [-com community] [-timeout timeout] [-retry retries] [-non non_rep] [-max max_rep] [-port port] [-verbose] [-file conf_file] function [variable [type] [value] [...]] Usage: viostat [-sys] [-adapter] [-disk | -extdisk | -tty] [-path] [-time] [PhysicalVolume...] [Interval [Count]] Usage: alert -set [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TierName] [-type {threshold | overcommit}] -value value alert -unset [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TierName] [-type {threshold | overcommit}] alert -list [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TierName] [-type {threshold | overcommit} | -field Fieldname ...] [-fmt Delimiter [-header] ] Sets, removes and lists alerts for tiers in a shared storage pool. If tier is not specified, alerts correspond to the meta data tier. Otherwise, alerts correspond to the specified tier. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Separates output by a user-specified delimiter character. -header Specifies to display field names in the formatted listing output. -list Lists alerts. -set Sets an alert. -sp Specifies the storage pool name. -tier Specifies the tier name. -type Specifies the type of alert. The type is either threshold for tier free space or overcommit for tier overcommit space. The default is threshold on set or unset operations. If the type is not specified on the list operation, all the alerts are listed. -unset Removes an alert. -value Specifies the value of the alert in percentage. Usage: cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs PhysicalVolume -sp StoragePool -sppvs PhysicalVolume ... [-hostname HostName] cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs PhysicalVolume -sp StoragePool -file -sppvs FileName [-hostname HostName] cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs PhysicalVolume -sp StoragePool [-systier [SysTierName:] PhysicalVolume ...] -usrtier UsrTierName: PhysicalVolume ... [-hostname HostName] cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs PhysicalVolume -sp StoragePool -file [-systier [SysTierName:] FileName] -usrtier UsrTierName: FileName1 [-hostname HostName] cluster -addnode [-clustername ClusterName] -hostname HostName cluster -rmnode [-f] [-clustername ClusterName] {-hostname HostName | -uuid HostUuid} cluster -remove [-clustername ClusterName] cluster -status [-clustername ClusterName] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] [-verbose] cluster -list [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] cluster -sync [-clustername ClusterName] Note: For setting up a VIOS node as a member of a Shared Storage Pool cluster, IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration is suggested. Creates cluster and performs cluster-related operations. -addnode Adds member node to the cluster. -clustername Specifies the name of the cluster. -create Creates a cluster. -remove Removes a cluster. -list Lists all clusters which have membership of the current node. -f Forces VIOS partitions to be removed from the cluster. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -file Specifies that a filename has to be provided with the -sppvs or -systier and -usrtier options. The file must contain physical volume names separated by a white space. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -hostname Specifies the VIOS partition host name or IP address. -repopvs Physical Volume to create repository. -rmnode Removes member node from the cluster. -sp Specifies the name of the storage pool. -sppvs Lists the physical volumes on which a shared storage pool with co-mingled type tier, can be created. With '-file' option, it specifies the filename with the list of physical volume names. -systier Specifies optional name of the system tier. List of physical volumes or a filename is followed, which are used to create a system tier. -usrtier Specifies name of the user tier. List of physical volumes or a filename is followed, which are used to create a user tier. Without -systier option, it creates a co-mingled type tier. -status Displays the health status of the cluster. -sync Synchronizes the cluster and the ODM. -uuid Specifies the uuid of a node. -verbose Displays additional detailed information. Usage: failgrp -create [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TierName] -fg FGName: PhysicalVolume ... failgrp -create [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TierName] -file -fg FGName: FileName failgrp -remove [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TierName] -fg FGName failgrp -modify [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TierName] [-fg FGName] -attr Attribute=Value failgrp -list [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TierName] [-verbose | -field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter [-header]] Creates failure group and performs failure group related operations. -create Creates failure group in shared storage pool. -attr Specifies failure group attribute and a value to be changed. -clustername Specifies name of the cluster. -fg Specifies name of the failure group. With -create option, it specifies the physical volume names which are separated by a white space or the filename, along with the failure group name. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -file Specifies that a filename has to be provided with the -create option. The file must contain physical volume names separated by a white space. -fmt Separates output by a user-specified delimiter character. -header Specifies to display field names in the formatted listing output. -list Lists failure groups in a shared storage pool. -modify Modifies the property of a failure group. -remove Removes failure group from a shared storage pool. -sp Specifies name of the shared storage pool. -tier Specifies name of the tier. -verbose Displays detailed logical unit information. Usage: lu -create [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TierName] -lu LuName -size LuSize [-vadapter VadapterName [-vtd TargetDeviceName]] [-thick] lu -list [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TierName] [-attr Attribute=Value] [-verbose|-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter [-header]] lu -map [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] {-lu LuName | -luudid LuUDID} -vadapter vAdapterName [-vtd TargetDeviceName] lu -move [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] {-lu LuName | -luudid LuUDID} -dsttier DestinationTierName [-nonrecursive] lu -remove [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] {-lu LuName | -luudid LuUDID | [-tier TierName] -all} lu -resize [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] {-lu LuName | -luudid LuUDID} -size NewLuSize lu -unmap { [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] {-lu LuName | -luudid LuUDID} | -vtd TargetDeviceName } Creates, maps, unmaps, removes, resizes, moves to other tier, reports cumulative size and lists logical units inside tiers within a shared storage pool -all Specifies all logical units. -attr Specifies logical unit attribute and a value. -clustername Specifies name of the cluster. -create Creates a Logical Unit (LU) in shared storage pool. -dsttier Specifies name of the destination tier. -nonrecursive Along with the -move option, only the given Logical Unit is moved to the destination tier. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Separates output by a user-specified delimiter character. -header Specifies to display field names in the formatted listing output. -list Lists logical units in a shared storage pool. -lu Specifies logical unit name. -luudid Specifies logical unit UDID. -map Creates a Virtual Target Device (VTD). -move Moves Logical Unit to another tier. By default, all its descendants are also moved to the destination tier. -remove Removes one or more logical units. -resize Changes the size of a logical unit. -size Specifies logical unit size. -sp Specifies name of the shared storage pool. -thick Creates a thick provisioned logical unit. By default thin provisioned logical unit is created. -tier Specifies name of the tier. -unmap Unmaps specified LU from a virtual SCSI adapter. -vtd Specifies name of the virtual target device. -vadapter Specifies the server virtual SCSI adapter. -verbose Displays detailed logical unit information. Usage: pv -add [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] [-tier TierName] [-fg FGName1:] PhysVol ... pv -add [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] [-tier TierName] -fg FGName1: PhysVol ... [FGName2: PhysVol ...] ... pv -add -file [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] [-tier TierName] [-fg FGName1:] FileName pv -add -file [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] [-tier TierName] -fg FGName1: FileName1 [FGName2: FileName2 ] ... pv -remove [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] -pv PhysVol ... pv -remove -file [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] -pv FileName pv -replace [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] -oldpv PhysVol ... -newpv PhysVol ... pv -replace -file [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] -oldpv FileName1 -newpv FileName2 pv -list [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp Storagepool] [-tier TierName] [-fg FGName] [-attr Attribute=Value] [-verbose | -field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter [-header] ] pv -list -capable [-clustername ClusterName] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt delimiter [-header]] Performs physical volume related operations in a shared storage pool. -add Adds given physical volumes to shared storage pool. When combined with the -file option, filename must be specified in place of physical volumes. -attr Specifies physical volume attribute and a value -capable Lists physical volumes which can be added to shared storage pool -clustername Specifies name of the cluster. -fg Specifies name of the failure group. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -file Specifies that a filename is provided with the -oldpv, -newpv and -pv options. The file must contain physical volume names separated by a white space. -fmt Separates output by a user-specified delimiter character. -header Specifies to display field names in the formatted listing output. -list Lists physical volumes in a shared storage pool. -newpv List of one or more physical volumes that are replacing existing physical volumes in the shared storage pool. It specifies the filename instead of physical volumes if used with the -file option. -oldpv List of one or more physical volumes that are in shared storage pool, to be replaced by new physical volumes. It specifies the filename instead of physical volumes if used with the -file option. -pv List of one or more physical volumes that needs to be removed from shared storage pool. It specifies the filename instead of physical volumes if used with the -file option. -remove Removes one or more physical volumes from a shared storage pool. When combined with the -file option, filename must be specified in place of physical volumes. -replace Replaces one or more physical volumes within a shared storage pool. -sp Specifies name of the shared storage pool. -tier Specifies name of the tier. -verbose Displays detailed physical volume information. Usage: snapshot [-clustername ClusterName] -create [filename] [-sp StoragePool] {-lu LuName(s) | -luudid LUUDID(s)} snapshot [-clustername ClusterName] -remove filename [-sp StoragePool] {-lu LuName(s) | -luudid LUUDID(s)} snapshot [-clustername ClusterName] -rollback filename [-sp StoragePool] {-lu LuName(s) | -luudid LUUDID(s)} snapshot [-clustername ClusterName] -list [-sp StoragePool] [-lu LuName | -luudid LUUDID] Takes a snap shot of a single or multiple LU's and combines them into a single file. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -create Optional snapshot file name, if this is not specified, then a system generated name will be assigned, in the format of: SS_pid_YYYY-MM-DD_HH:MM:SS -remove Specifies the SnapShot file name to be removed. -list Lists SnapShot within LU. -sp Specifies the storage pool name. -lu Specifies an LU or space seperated LU list. -luudid Specifies the LU-UDID, for this LU. Usage: startnetsvc {telnet|ftp|xntpd|ssh|snmp|cimserver|ndpd-host|ldap|ALL} {tracelog|errorlog} Usage: stopnetsvc {telnet|ftp|xntpd|ssh|snmp|cimserver|ndpd-host|ldap|ALL} {tracelog|errorlog} '%s' pool does not exist '%s' tier does not exist '%s' failure group does not exist '%s' failure group does not exist in '%s' tier Unable to get Hostname. Usage: importpv [-f] [-optype OperationType] [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TeirName] [-fg FGName] PhysicalVolume:LuName ... importpv -file [-f] [-optype OperationType] [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TeirName] [-fg FGName] FileName importpv -show [-clustername ClusterName] The importpv command is used to import one or more physical volumes (PVs) into a VIOS Shared Storage Pool (SSP). Physical volumes can have any kind of data which needs to be imported. -clustername Specifies name of the cluster. -f Force the specified physical volume to be imported even if it has a client volume group signature. -fg Specifies name of the failure group. -file Specifies that a filename has to be provided which contains a list of colon separated physical volume and logical unit pairs. Each pair of Physical volume and logical unit names are white space separated. For example: PhysicalVolume1:LuName2 PhysicalVolume2:LuName2 ... -optype Specifies the type of operation which can be used after previously failed import that is deemed recoverable. This flag is only allowed after a previous import operation has failed and was not able to completely recover. All other command line arguments must match those used in the original command. This flag can take three arguments: retry, abort, undo. -show This flag requests to inspect the VIOS database for the existence of any previous import operation which is currently awaiting a retry/undo/abort request and will display all the arguments/parameters belonging to the request. -sp Specifies name of the shared storage pool. -tier Specifies name of the tier. Logical unit with udid '%s' has been moved successfully. Logical unit %s with udid '%s' has been moved successfully. LU Name: %s LU UDID: %s Cumulative Size of the specified LU (MB): %lld Cumulative Size of the specified LU in '%s' tier (MB): %lld Usage: viosbr -backup -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -backup -clustername clusterName -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -nobackup viosbr -view -file FileName [ [-type devType] [-detail] | [-mapping] ] viosbr -view -file FileName -clustername clusterName [ [-type devType] [-detail] | [-mapping] ] viosbr -view -list [UserDir] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-validate | -inter] [-type devType] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-type devType] [-force] viosbr -restore -file FileName -skipcluster viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -subfile NodeFile [-validate | -inter | -force][-type devType][-skipcluster] viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -repopvs list_of_disks [-validate | -inter | -force][-type devType][-db] viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -subfile NodeFile -xmlvtds viosbr -recoverdb -clustername clusterName [ -file FileName ] viosbr -migrate -file FileName Backup virtual & logical configurations, lists configurations and restores configurations. -backup Takes backup of VIOS configuration. A compressed file with extension .tar.gz will be created. -clustername Specifies name of cluster to generate, display, or restore configuration file. -db Restores the SSP database from the backup file. By default, the database from the pool is used. -detail Displays all the devices from the backup file with all their attribute values. -file Name of the backup configuration file. Either absolute path or relative path can be given. -force In non interactive mode, restoration of a device that has not been successfully validated, will be tried. This option cannot be used in combination with -inter or -validate. -frequency Frequency of the backup to run automatically. -inter Interactively deploy each device with user confirmation. -list Lists the backup files either from default directory or from user given directory. -mapping Displays mapping information for SPs, FBSP, repositories, etherchannel, SEA,vscsi adapters, vfc adapters and paging devices. -migrate Migrates earlier cluster version of backup file to current version. New file will be created with _MIGRATED string appended to the given filename -nobackup Stops auto backups. -numfiles When backup runs automatically, this number indicates the maximum amount of backup files that can be saved. Oldest file is deleted for next cycle of backup. -recoverdb Recovers from SSP database corruption, either from backup file or from solidDB backup. -repopvs Space separated list of physical volumes to be used as repository disks, The given physical volume(s) cannot contain repository signature. -restore Takes backup file as input and brings the VIOS partition to the same state when the backup was taken. -skipcluster Restores all local devices, except cluster0. -subfile Node configuration file to be restored. This option needs to be used when the valid cluster repository exists on the disks. It cannot be used with '-repopvs' option. This option is ignored if the backup file is not a cluster backup. -type Only devices of given type are used for list or restore operation. -validate Validates the devices on the VIO Server against the devices listed in the backup file. -view Display the information of all virtual and logical devices from backup file. -xmlvtds Restores SSP mappings which are not in database, but are in backup xml file. This option is valid only when restoring a node using cluster backup file Logical unit with udid '%s' has been successfully changed. Logical unit %s with udid '%s' has been successfully changed. Current system settings are different from the best practice recommendations for a VIOS. To view the differences between system and the recommended settings, run the following: $rules -o diff -s -d To deploy the VIOS recommended default settings, run the following: $rules -o deploy -d $shutdown -restart Usage: lsmap {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -plc PhysicalLocationCode | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType | -net | -npiv | -vnic] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] lsmap -ams {-vtd PagingDevice | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] lsmap -clustername ClusterName {-all | -hostname HostName} [-field Fieldname ...] [-fmt Delimiter] lsmap -suspend {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] Displays the mapping between physical, logical and virtual devices. -all Specifies that the mapping information should be displayed for all the virtual SCSI devices. If the -all flag is used with the -net flag, virtual Ethernet adapters are displayed. If used with the -npiv flag, virtual fibre channel adapters are displayed. If used with the -vnic flag, virtual NIC adapters are displayed. If used with -suspend flag, suspended virtual SCSI adapters are displayed. -ams Displays paging space device information used in active memory sharing. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Specifies a delimiter character to separate output fields. -hostname Specifies the host name and IP address of the VIOS partition. -net Specifies the supplied device is a server virtual Ethernet adapter or if used with the -all flag all virtual Ethernet adapters and backing devices are displayed. -npiv Displays NPIV binding information. -plc Specifies the device physical location code of a server virtual adapter. This flag cannot be used with the -vadapter flag. -suspend Displays suspended virtual adapters. -type Specifies the type of devices to display. -vadapter Specifies the device name of a server virtual adapter. This flag cannot be used with the -plc flag. -vnic Displays VNIC binding information. -vtd Specifies the Active Memory Sharing(AMS) Paging Device to be displayed. Unable to get VNIC %s binding information. Device "%s" is not a Server Virtual NIC Adapter (SVNIC). Usage: cfgdev [-dev Name | -drc DRCName] Configures devices and optionally installs device software by running the programs specified in the Configuration Rules object class. -dev Specifies the device to configure along with its children. -drc Specifies the device to configure identified by it's drc name. Only the specified device gets configured. Logical name is required OR a device is already existing with the given name. Usage: mirrorios [PhysicalVolume ...] Mirrors all the logical volumes on rootvg. Usage: rmdev {-dev | -plc | -pdev} Name [-ucfg] [-recursive] [-f] Removes a device from the system. -dev Specifies the logical device, indicated by the Name parameter. -plc Specifies the device indicated by the physical location code. -pdev Specifies the parent logical device. -recursive Unconfigures the device and its children. The children are undefined. -ucfg Unconfigures the device without removing it from the system. -f Forcefully removes or unconfigures the device even if it is in use. Note: This option can only be used with physical volumes in cluster environment where the device is not used in the active cluster of this system. Creates an installable image of the root volume group either onto a file, bootable tape, or a bootable multi-volume CD/DVD. -file Specifies the directory on which the image is to be stored. Enter the complete directory pathname. Images are reinstalled using NIMOL. Note: When the -mksysb flag is used, the NIMOL resources are not saved in the image. With -mksysb option, specify filename. -mksysb Creates an image without the NIMOL resources. -tape Specifies the tape device name on which the image is to be stored. -cd Specifies the cd device name on which the image is to be stored. -blocks Number Specifies the number of 512-byte blocks to write in a single output operation. Default is 100. Should be used with tape device only. -nopak When the -nopak flag is used with the -tape flag, the -nopak flag disables software packing of files because the files are backed up. Some tape drives use their own packing or compression algorithms. When the -nopak flag is used with the -file flag, the -nopak flag excludes files that are listed line by line in the /etc/exclude_packing.rootvg file from being packed. -nosvg Prevents the volume group structure of user defined volume groups from being saved as part of the backupios process. -nomedialib Prevents the contents of the media repository from being saved as part of the backupios process. -verify Verifies a tape backup. -udf Creates a UDF(Universal Disk Format) file system on DVD-RAM media. -cdformat Creates DVD sized images. -accept Accepts licenses. Adds a virtual device to the system. -aplc Specifies the virtual SCSI adapter using the physical location code. -attr Specifies the device attribute value pairs to be used instead of the defaults. The Attribute=Value variable can be used to specify one attribute value pair or multiple attribute value pairs for one -attr flag. If you use an -attr flag with multiple attribute value pairs, the list of pairs must be enclosed in quotation marks with a blank space between the pairs. For example, entering -attr Attribute=Value lists one attribute value pair per flag, while entering -attr 'Attribute1=Value1 Attribute2=Value2' lists more than one attribute value pair. -auto Brings down and restores the Ethernet interface when creating a SEA adapter with the -migrate option. -default Default virtual adapter to use for non-VLAN-tagged packets. This flag maps to the SEA device attribute pvid_adapter. -defaultid The SEADafaultPVID is the VID used for untagged frames. All untagged packets are assigned the SEADefaultPVID value. When a tagged frame is received by a port, the tag is used. Otherwise if the frame is untagged, the value contained in the PVID is considered as a tag. This flag maps to the SEA device attribute pvid. -dev By using the -dev flag, you can specify the name you want the device to be known by. If you do not use the -dev flag, a name will be automatically generated and assigned. Not all devices support user-supplied names. -dplc Specifies the physical device using the physical location code. -f Force the physical volume specified to be used as a backing device even if its already associated with a virtual SCSI adapter. If the specified backing device is an optical device, -f forces the optical device will be removed from the virtual SCSI adapter it is currently assigned to before reassigning it to the new virtual SCSI adapter. The -f flag can also be used to force the mkvdev command to continue working when it fails, because the device is in use as a cluster device. The user must know every host to which the disk is visible and how it is used, before forcing the mkvdev command to continue working. -fbo Create a virtual optical device. -migrate Migrates the settings from the physical adapter interface to the SEA adapter interface. -sea Creates a Shared Ethernet Adapter which maps VirtualEthernetAdapter to the adapter TargetDevice. TargetDevice can be a physical adapter or a Link Aggregation adapter. -tagid Specifies the VLAN tag ID. -vadapter Specifies the virtual server adapter or virtual Ethernet adapter the new device will be mapped to. If multiple virtual Ethernet adapters are specified, separate the adapter names with commas and no spaces. -vdev Creates a virtual device mapped to the physical/logical device TargetDevice and the virtual server adapter VirtualServerAdapter. The TargetDevice can be either a physical volume, logical volume, tape, or optical device. Physical volumes assigned to volume groups cannot be used as target devices. -vlan Creates a Virtual Local Area Network device. -lnagg Creates a Link Aggregation device. -interface Migrates setting from the target interface to the newly created LNAGG interface when uses with -migrate -auto options . Specified device is currently being used for caching. Please use cache_mgt command to interact with caching devices. Specified volume group is currently being used for caching. Please use cache_mgt command to interact with caching devices. The specified volume group does not exist. The specified logical volume does not exist. Tier has Logical Units and further Logical Units are not allowed to create in this tier. However, existing Logical Units can be moved to different user tier(s). Usage: viosbr -backup -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -backup -clustername clusterName -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -nobackup viosbr -view -file FileName [ [-type devType] [-detail] | [-mapping] ] viosbr -view -file FileName -clustername clusterName [ [-type devType] [-detail] | [-mapping] ] viosbr -view -list [UserDir] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-validate | -inter] [-type devType] [-skipdevattr] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-type devType] [-force] viosbr -restore -file FileName -skipcluster viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -skipdevattr viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -subfile NodeFile [-validate | -inter | -force][-type devType][-skipcluster][-skipdevattr] viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -repopvs list_of_disks [-validate | -inter | -force][-type devType][-db] viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -subfile NodeFile -xmlvtds viosbr -dr -clustername clusterName -file FileName -type devType -typeInputs name:value [,...] [-repopvs list_of_disks][-db] viosbr -recoverdb -clustername clusterName [ -file FileName ] viosbr -migrate -file FileName viosbr -autobackup {start | stop | status} [ -type {cluster | node} ] viosbr -autobackup save Backup virtual & logical configurations, lists configurations and restores configurations. -backup Takes backup of VIOS configuration. A compressed file with extension .tar.gz will be created. the database from the pool is used. -detail Displays all the devices from the backup file with all their attribute values. -dr Restore can be performed on different hardware using the backup taken at some other hardware. Device type(s) need to be specified with -type option. -file Name of the backup configuration file. Either absolute path or relative path can be given. -force In non interactive mode, restoration of a device that has not been successfully validated, will be tried. This option cannot be used in combination with -inter or -validate. -frequency Frequency of the backup to run automatically. -inter Interactively deploy each device with user confirmation. -list Lists the backup files either from default directory or from user given directory. -mapping Displays mapping information for SPs, FBSP, repositories, etherchannel, SEA,vscsi adapters, vfc adapters and paging devices. -migrate Migrates earlier cluster version of backup file to current version. New file will be created with _MIGRATED string appended to the given filename -nobackup Stops auto backups. -numfiles When backup runs automatically, this number indicates the maximum amount of backup files that can be saved. Oldest file is deleted for next cycle of backup. -recoverdb Recovers from SSP database corruption, either from backup file or from solidDB backup. -repopvs Space separated list of physical volumes to be used as repository disks, The given physical volume(s) cannot contain repository signature. -restore Takes backup file as input and brings the VIOS partition to the same state when the backup was taken. -skipcluster Restores all local devices, except cluster0. -skipdevattr It skips the restore of the physical device attributes. Which implies that it does not modify the current system's physical device attributes. -subfile Node configuration file to be restored. This option needs to be used when the valid cluster repository exists on the disks. It cannot be used with '-repopvs' option. This option is ignored if the backup file is not a cluster backup. -type Only devices of given type are used for list or restore operation. Also used with '-autobackup' option for device type cluster and node only. -typeInputs Additional inputs can be passed for the specified types with -type Type Required input and value. ------------- ------------------------- cluster hostnames_file: pooldisks_file: -validate Validates the devices on the VIO Server against the devices listed in the backup file. -view Display the information of all virtual and logical devices from backup file. -xmlvtds Restores SSP mappings which are not in database, but are in backup xml file. This option is valid only when restoring a node using cluster backup file. -autobackup This option is valid for autoviosbr backup only. It accepts the following parameters start, stop, status and save. Virtual Optical DVD media names cannot exceed "%d" characters in length, and the following characters can not be used for DVD names: . as the first character any non-alphanumeric character other than "%s" within the name. Usage: importpv [-optype OperationType] [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TeirName] [-fg FGName] PhysicalVolume:LuName ... importpv -file [-optype OperationType] [-clustername ClusterName] [-sp StoragePool] [-tier TeirName] [-fg FGName] FileName importpv -show [-clustername ClusterName] The importpv command is used to import one or more physical volumes (PVs) into a VIOS Shared Storage Pool (SSP). Physical volumes can have any kind of data which needs to be imported. -clustername Specifies name of the cluster. -fg Specifies name of the failure group. -file Specifies that a filename has to be provided which contains a list of colon separated physical volume and logical unit pairs. Each pair of Physical volume and logical unit names are white space separated. For example: PhysicalVolume1:LuName2 PhysicalVolume2:LuName2 ... -optype Specifies the type of operation which can be used after previously failed import that is deemed recoverable. This flag is only allowed after a previous import operation has failed and was not able to completely recover. All other command line arguments must match those used in the original command. This flag can take three arguments: retry, abort, undo. -show This flag requests to inspect the VIOS database for the existence of any previous import operation which is currently awaiting a retry/undo/abort request and will display all the arguments/parameters belonging to the request. -sp Specifies name of the shared storage pool. -tier Specifies name of the tier. Usage: lsmap {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -plc PhysicalLocationCode | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType | -net | -npiv | -vnic] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter | -fmt2 Delimiter] lsmap -ams {-vtd PagingDevice | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter | -fmt2 Delimiter] lsmap -clustername ClusterName {-all | -hostname HostName} [-field Fieldname ...] [-fmt Delimiter | -fmt2 Delimiter] lsmap -suspend {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter | -fmt2 Delimiter] Displays the mapping between physical, logical and virtual devices. -all Specifies that the mapping information should be displayed for all the virtual SCSI devices. If the -all flag is used with the -net flag, virtual Ethernet adapters are displayed. If used with the -npiv flag, virtual fibre channel adapters are displayed. If used with the -vnic flag, virtual NIC adapters are displayed. If used with -suspend flag, suspended virtual SCSI adapters are displayed. -ams Displays paging space device information used in active memory sharing. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Specifies a delimiter character to separate output fields. A single space gets displayed in the output for any empty field. -fmt2 Specifies a delimiter character to separate output fields. No character gets displayed for any empty field. Note: [! @ # % , :] are valid delimiters. -hostname Specifies the host name and IP address of the VIOS partition. -net Specifies the supplied device is a server virtual Ethernet adapter or if used with the -all flag all virtual Ethernet adapters and backing devices are displayed. -npiv Displays NPIV binding information. -plc Specifies the device physical location code of a server virtual adapter. This flag cannot be used with the -vadapter flag. -suspend Displays suspended virtual adapters. -type Specifies the type of devices to display. -vadapter Specifies the device name of a server virtual adapter. This flag cannot be used with the -plc flag. -vnic Displays VNIC binding information. -vtd Specifies the Active Memory Sharing(AMS) Paging Device to be displayed. Usage: chedition -list | { -std | -ent | -linux } [ -dev [-preview] ] Allows query or change of the current signature file on the system. -list Displays the current edition. -std Changes to Standard edition. -ent Changes to Enterprise edition. -linux Changes to linux edition. -dev Installs the bundles associated with the edition, found in the given path. -preview Performs a preview of the bundle file installation. Usage: viosbr -backup -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -backup -clustername clusterName -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -nobackup viosbr -view -file FileName [ [-type devType] [-detail] | [-mapping] ] viosbr -view -file FileName -clustername clusterName [ [-type devType] [-detail] | [-mapping] ] viosbr -view -list [UserDir] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-validate | -inter] [-type devType] [-skipdevattr] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-type devType] [-force] viosbr -restore -file FileName -skipcluster viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -skipdevattr viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName [-subfile NodeFile] [-validate | -inter | -force][-type devType][-skipcluster][-skipdevattr] viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -repopvs list_of_disks [-validate | -inter | -force][-type devType][-db] viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName [-subfile NodeFile] -xmlvtds viosbr -dr -clustername clusterName -file FileName -type devType -typeInputs name:value [,...] -repopvs list_of_disks [-db] viosbr -recoverdb -clustername clusterName [ -file FileName ] viosbr -migrate -file FileName viosbr -autobackup {start | stop | status} [ -type {cluster | node} ] viosbr -autobackup save Backup virtual & logical configurations, lists configurations and restores configurations. -backup Takes backup of VIOS configuration. A compressed file with extension .tar.gz will be created. the database from the pool is used. -detail Displays all the devices from the backup file with all their attribute values. -db Restores the SSP database from the backup file. By default, the database from the pool is used. -dr Restore can be performed on different hardware using the backup taken at some other hardware. Device type(s) need to be specified with -type option. -file Name of the backup configuration file. Either absolute path or relative path can be given. -force In non interactive mode, restoration of a device that has not been successfully validated, will be tried. This option cannot be used in combination with -inter or -validate. -frequency Frequency of the backup to run automatically. -inter Interactively deploy each device with user confirmation. -list Lists the backup files either from default directory or from user given directory. -mapping Displays mapping information for SPs, FBSP, repositories, etherchannel, SEA,vscsi adapters, vfc adapters and paging devices. -migrate Migrates earlier cluster version of backup file to current version. New file will be created with _MIGRATED string appended to the given filename -nobackup Stops auto backups. -numfiles When backup runs automatically, this number indicates the maximum amount of backup files that can be saved. Oldest file is deleted for next cycle of backup. -recoverdb Recovers from SSP database corruption, either from backup file or from solidDB backup. -repopvs Space separated list of physical volumes to be used as repository disks, The given physical volume(s) cannot contain repository signature. -restore Takes backup file as input and brings the VIOS partition to the same state when the backup was taken. -skipcluster Restores all local devices, except cluster0. -skipdevattr It skips the restore of the physical device attributes. Which implies that it does not modify the current system's physical device attributes. -subfile Node configuration file to be restored. This option needs to be used when the valid cluster repository exists on the disks. It cannot be used with '-repopvs' option. This option is ignored if the backup file is not a cluster backup. -type Only devices of given type are used for list or restore operation. Also used with '-autobackup' option for device type cluster and node only. -typeInputs Additional inputs can be passed for the specified types with -type Type Required input and value. ------------- ------------------------- cluster hostnames_file: pooldisks_file: -validate Validates the devices on the VIO Server against the devices listed in the backup file. -view Display the information of all virtual and logical devices from backup file. -xmlvtds Restores SSP mappings which are not in database, but are in backup xml file. This option is valid only when restoring a node using cluster backup file. -autobackup This option is valid for autoviosbr backup only. It accepts the following parameters start, stop, status and save. Usage: sspcache -enable {-sp | -tier TierName} -size cachelvsize sspcache -disable {-sp | -tier TierName} sspcache -resize {-sp | -tier TierName} -size cachelvsize sspcache -status Manages SSP caching on the cluster. -enable Enables caching for a given pool or tier. If caches are set up on any systems using the specified tier or pool, then they will begin to cache the specified pool or tier. -disable Disables caching for a given pool or tier. Any system caching the given pool or tier will stop caching that pool or tier. -resize Increases the size of the cache. NOTE: You can not resize to a smaller size than the current size. -status Provides a list of pools and tiers indicating whether or not they have caching enabled. Additionally, will report any existing caches that are present on every node. -sync If the node is no longer in a cluster, this will remove all the cacheLVs. This will fail if there is a viocluster0, an existing cluster ID, or an existing poolID. -sp Specifies that the given operation should be performed on the storage pool. -tier Specifies that the given operation should be performed on a tier. Must be followed by a valid tier name. -size Indicates a size to either increase the cache size to, or to create caches as. Default in mb, gb can be specified. (GB or gb) Displays the mapping between physical, logical and virtual devices. -all Specifies that the mapping information should be displayed for all the virtual SCSI devices. If the -all flag is used with the -net flag, virtual Ethernet adapters are displayed. If used with the -npiv flag, virtual fibre channel adapters are displayed. If used with the -vnic flag, virtual NIC adapters are displayed. If used with -suspend flag, suspended virtual SCSI adapters are displayed. -ams Displays paging space device information used in active memory sharing. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -cpid Displays the mapping between physical, logical and virtual devices for the given partion id in decimal. This option can be used along with -all, -npiv or -vnic. -dec Displays client partition id in decimal. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Specifies a delimiter character to separate output fields. A single space gets displayed in the output for any empty field. -fmt2 Specifies a delimiter character to separate output fields. No character gets displayed for any empty field. Note: [! @ # % , :] are valid delimiters. -hostname Specifies the host name and IP address of the VIOS partition. -net Specifies the supplied device is a server virtual Ethernet adapter or if used with the -all flag all virtual Ethernet adapters and backing devices are displayed. -npiv Displays NPIV binding information. -plc Specifies the device physical location code of a server virtual adapter. This flag cannot be used with the -vadapter flag. -suspend Displays suspended virtual adapters. -type Specifies the type of devices to display. -vadapter Specifies the device name of a server virtual adapter. This flag cannot be used with the -plc flag. -vnic Displays VNIC binding information. -vtd Specifies the Active Memory Sharing(AMS) Paging Device to be displayed. Paging Device to be displayed. Usage: lsmap {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -plc PhysicalLocationCode | -all } [-type BackingDeviceType | -npiv | -vnic] [-dec] [-cpid clientPartitionIdDecimal] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter | -fmt2 Delimiter] lsmap {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -plc PhysicalLocationCode | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType| -net ] [-dec] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter | -fmt2 Delimiter] lsmap -ams {-vtd PagingDevice | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType] [-dec] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter | -fmt2 Delimiter] lsmap -clustername ClusterName {-all | -hostname HostName} [-dec] [-field Fieldname ...] [-fmt Delimiter | -fmt2 Delimiter] lsmap -suspend {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType] [-dec] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter | -fmt2 Delimiter] Usage: alt_root_vg [-g] [-z] [-bundle ...] [-location ...] [-accept] -target ... Copies the current rootvg to an alternate disk and optionally applies maintenance patches. This command is used to minimize downtime and mitigate update risk. -target Specifies a space-delimited list of the names of the target disks where the alternate rootvg will be created. These disks must not currently contain any volume group definition. The lspv command should show these disks as belonging to volume group None. -bundle Path name of optional file with a list of packages or filesets that are installed after creating the rootvg clone. The -location flag must be used with this option. To update all the currently installed software to the latest level that is available on the installation media, specify the update_all option instead of the bundle_name option. The update_all option updates only the currently installed software and does not install new software or bundles. To install all the available software on the installation media, specify the install_all option instead of the bundle_name option. -accept Agrees to required software license agreements for software to be installed. This flag is only valid with the -bundle option. -location Location of the updates to apply after a clone of rootvg. This can be a directory full path name or a device name (such as /dev/rmt0). -g Skip disk bootability checks. -z Upon reboot, does not import any type of non-rootvg volume groups. Usage: sspcache -enable -sp -size cachelvsize sspcache -disable -sp sspcache -resize -sp -size cachelvsize sspcache -status sspcache -statistics Manages Shared Storage Pool caching on the cluster. -enable Enable local caching of a given object in the Shared Storage Pool. -disable Disable local caching of a given object in the Shared Storage Pool. -resize Increase the requested cache size for a Shared Storage Pool object that already has local caching enabled. NOTE: You can not resize to a smaller size than the current requested size. -status Display the Shared Storage Pool caching status for all nodes in the cluster. The status indicates which Shared Storage Pool objects are being cached. as well cache specific information for each SSP cache in the cluster. -sp Specifies that the given operation should be performed on the entire Shared Storage Pool. -size Takes the desired cache size as an argument. Default in mb, gb can be specified. (GB or gb) -statistics Display caching statistics for all caches on this node. NOTE: Statistics will be provided for both SSP caches and non-SSP caches. Cluster restore not allowed from vios level lower that Cannot perform the requested function because the specified device is not supported on this platform. Usage: viosbr -backup -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -backup -clustername clusterName -file FileName [-frequency daily|weekly|monthly [-numfiles fileCount]] viosbr -nobackup viosbr -view -file FileName [ [-type devType] [-detail] | [-mapping] ] viosbr -view -file FileName -clustername clusterName [ [-type devType] [-detail] | [-mapping] ] viosbr -view -list [UserDir] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-validate | -inter] [-type devType] [-skipdevattr] viosbr -restore -file FileName [-type devType] [-force] viosbr -restore -file FileName -skipcluster viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -skipdevattr viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -curnode [-validate | -inter | -force][-type devType][-skipcluster][-skipdevattr] viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -repopvs list_of_disks [-compvs list_of_disks] [-validate | -inter | -force][-type devType][-db] viosbr -restore -clustername clusterName -file FileName -curnode -xmlvtds viosbr -dr -clustername clusterName -file FileName -type devType -typeInputs name:value [,...] -repopvs list_of_disks [-db] viosbr -recoverdb -clustername clusterName [ -file FileName ] viosbr -migrate -file FileName viosbr -autobackup {start | stop | status} [ -type {cluster | node} ] viosbr -autobackup save Backup virtual & logical configurations, lists configurations and restores configurations. -backup Takes backup of VIOS configuration. A compressed file with extension .tar.gz will be created. the database from the pool is used. -detail Displays all the devices from the backup file with all their attribute values. -db Restores the SSP database from the backup file. By default, the database from the pool is used. -dr Restore can be performed on different hardware using the backup taken at some other hardware. Device type(s) need to be specified with -type option. -file Name of the backup configuration file. Either absolute path or relative path can be given. -force In non interactive mode, restoration of a device that has not been successfully validated, will be tried. This option cannot be used in combination with -inter or -validate. -frequency Frequency of the backup to run automatically. -inter Interactively deploy each device with user confirmation. -list Lists the backup files either from default directory or from user given directory. -mapping Displays mapping information for SPs, FBSP, repositories, etherchannel, SEA,vscsi adapters, vfc adapters and paging devices. -migrate Migrates earlier cluster version of backup file to current version. New file will be created with _MIGRATED string appended to the given filename -nobackup Stops auto backups. -numfiles When backup runs automatically, this number indicates the maximum amount of backup files that can be saved. Oldest file is deleted for next cycle of backup. -recoverdb Recovers from SSP database corruption, either from backup file or from solidDB backup. -repopvs Space separated list of physical volumes to be used as repository disks, The given physical volume(s) cannot contain repository signature. -restore Takes backup file as input and brings the VIOS partition to the same state when the backup was taken. -skipcluster Restores all local devices, except cluster0. -skipdevattr It skips the restore of the physical device attributes. Which implies that it does not modify the current system's physical device attributes. -curnode This option is used to restore the current node configurations. If the node was previously part of a cluster and the cluster is active then the node will be joined to the cluster. -type Only devices of given type are used for list or restore operation. Also used with '-autobackup' option for device type cluster and node only. -typeInputs Additional inputs can be passed for the specified types with -type Type Required input and value. ------------- ------------------------- cluster hostnames_file: pooldisks_file: -validate Validates the devices on the VIO Server against the devices listed in the backup file. -view Display the information of all virtual and logical devices from backup file. -xmlvtds Restores SSP mappings which are not in database, but are in backup xml file. This option is valid only when restoring a node using cluster backup file. -autobackup This option is valid for autoviosbr backup only. It accepts the following parameters start, stop, status and save. -compvs Space separated list of physical volumes to be used for disk communication. Given physical volumes should be free disks. Usage: cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs PhysicalVolume -sp StoragePool -sppvs PhysicalVolume ... [-addcompvs PhysicalVolume] [-hostname HostName] cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs PhysicalVolume -sp StoragePool -file -sppvs FileName [-addcompvs PhysicalVolume] [-hostname HostName] cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs PhysicalVolume -sp StoragePool [-systier [SysTierName:] PhysicalVolume ...] -usrtier UsrTierName: PhysicalVolume ... [-addcompvs PhysicalVolume] [-hostname HostName] cluster -create -clustername ClusterName -repopvs PhysicalVolume -sp StoragePool -file [-systier [SysTierName:] FileName] -usrtier UsrTierName: FileName1 [-addcompvs PhysicalVolume] [-hostname HostName] cluster -addnode [-clustername ClusterName] -hostname HostName cluster -rmnode [-f] [-clustername ClusterName] {-hostname HostName | -uuid HostUuid} cluster -remove [-clustername ClusterName] cluster -status [-clustername ClusterName] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] [-verbose] cluster -list [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter] cluster -sync [-clustername ClusterName] cluster -addcompvs PhysicalVolume cluster -rmcompvs PhysicalVolume cluster -addips -hostname HostName cluster -rmips -hostname HostName Note: For setting up a VIOS node as a member of a Shared Storage Pool cluster, IPv6 stateless autoconfiguration is suggested. Creates cluster and performs cluster-related operations. -addnode Adds member node to the cluster. -clustername Specifies the name of the cluster. -create Creates a cluster. -remove Removes a cluster. -list Lists all clusters which have membership of the current node. -f Forces VIOS partitions to be removed from the cluster. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -file Specifies that a filename has to be provided with the -sppvs or -systier and -usrtier options. The file must contain physical volume names separated by a white space. -fmt Divides output by a user-specified delimiter. -hostname Specifies the VIOS partition host name or IP address. -repopvs Physical Volume to create repository. -rmnode Removes member node from the cluster. -sp Specifies the name of the storage pool. -sppvs Lists the physical volumes on which a shared storage pool with co-mingled type tier, can be created. With '-file' option, it specifies the filename with the list of physical volume names. -systier Specifies optional name of the system tier. List of physical volumes or a filename is followed, which are used to create a system tier. -usrtier Specifies name of the user tier. List of physical volumes or a filename is followed, which are used to create a user tier. Without -systier option, it creates a co-mingled type tier. -status Displays the health status of the cluster. -sync Synchronizes the cluster and the ODM. -uuid Specifies the uuid of a node. -verbose Displays additional detailed information. -addcompvs Specifies physical volume to be used for disk communication. -rmcompvs Specifies physical volume to be removed from disk communication. -addips Specifies IP address to be added for cluster communication. -rmips Specifies IP address to be removed for cluster communication Add com disk(s) successful. Remove com disk(s) successful. Additional IPs associated with hostname %s has been added to the %s cluster. Additional IPs associated with hostname %s have been removed from the %s cluster. The VIOS detected that this device is in use as comdisk device in ssp cluster. Destructive action: To remove the current usage of the device run the following command: cleandisk -c hdisk# The specified version is not supported. Usage: lsmap {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -plc PhysicalLocationCode | -all } [-type BackingDeviceType | -npiv | -vnic] [-dec] [-label] [-cpid clientPartitionIdDecimal] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter | -fmt2 Delimiter] lsmap {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -plc PhysicalLocationCode | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType| -net ] [-dec] [-label] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter | -fmt2 Delimiter] lsmap -ams {-vtd PagingDevice | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType] [-dec] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter | -fmt2 Delimiter] lsmap -clustername ClusterName {-all | -hostname HostName} [-dec] [-field Fieldname ...] [-fmt Delimiter | -fmt2 Delimiter] lsmap -suspend {-vadapter ServerVirtualAdapter | -all} [-type BackingDeviceType] [-dec] [-field FieldName ...] [-fmt Delimiter | -fmt2 Delimiter] Displays the mapping between physical, logical and virtual devices. -all Specifies that the mapping information should be displayed for all the virtual SCSI devices. If the -all flag is used with the -net flag, virtual Ethernet adapters are displayed. If used with the -npiv flag, virtual fibre channel adapters are displayed. If used with the -vnic flag, virtual NIC adapters are displayed. If used with -suspend flag, suspended virtual SCSI adapters are displayed. -ams Displays paging space device information used in active memory sharing. -clustername Specifies the cluster name. -cpid Displays the mapping between physical, logical and virtual devices for the given partion id in decimal. This option can be used along with -all, -npiv or -vnic. -dec Displays client partition id in decimal. -label Displays the user defined label for the virtual adapter. -field Specifies a list of fields to be displayed. -fmt Specifies a delimiter character to separate output fields. A single space gets displayed in the output for any empty field. -fmt2 Specifies a delimiter character to separate output fields. No character gets displayed for any empty field. Note: [! @ # % , :] are valid delimiters. -hostname Specifies the host name and IP address of the VIOS partition. -net Specifies the supplied device is a server virtual Ethernet adapter or if used with the -all flag all virtual Ethernet adapters and backing devices are displayed. -npiv Displays NPIV binding information. -plc Specifies the device physical location code of a server virtual adapter. This flag cannot be used with the -vadapter flag. -suspend Displays suspended virtual adapters. -type Specifies the type of devices to display. -vadapter Specifies the device name of a server virtual adapter. This flag cannot be used with the -plc flag. -vnic Displays VNIC binding information. -vtd Specifies the Active Memory Sharing(AMS) Paging Device to be displayed. Shared FS commandsFailed to get fiber channel protocol information. Could not remap as %s has smaller number of IO queues. Choose another FC adapter or change the num_io_queues attribute. Please note: The num_io_queues attribute cannot be changed dynamically. Usage: backupios -file {Directory} [-nosvg]{-nomedialib | -exclude} backupios -file {Filename} [-mksysb][-nopak][-nosvg]{-nomedialib | -exclude} backupios -tape Device [-blocks Number] [-nopak] [-verify] [-nosvg]{-nomedialib | -exclude} backupios -cd Device {-udf | -cdformat} [-accept] [-nosvg]{-nomedialib | -exclude} Creates an installable image of the root volume group either onto a file, bootable tape, or a bootable multi-volume CD/DVD. -file Specifies the directory on which the image is to be stored. Enter the complete directory pathname. Images are reinstalled using NIMOL. Note: When the -mksysb flag is used, the NIMOL resources are not saved in the image. With -mksysb option, specify filename. -mksysb Creates an image without the NIMOL resources. -tape Specifies the tape device name on which the image is to be stored. -cd Specifies the cd device name on which the image is to be stored. -blocks Number Specifies the number of 512-byte blocks to write in a single output operation. Default is 100. Should be used with tape device only. -nopak When the -nopak flag is used with the -tape flag, the -nopak flag disables software packing of files because the files are backed up. Some tape drives use their own packing or compression algorithms. When the -nopak flag is used with the -file flag, the -nopak flag excludes files that are listed line by line in the /etc/exclude_packing.rootvg file from being packed. -nosvg Prevents the volume group structure of user defined volume groups from being saved as part of the backupios process. -nomedialib Prevents the contents of the media repository from being saved as part of the backupios process. -exclude Prevents the contents of /etc/exclude.rootvg being saved as part of the backupios process. Will not include /var/vio/VMLibrary. -verify Verifies a tape backup. -udf Creates a UDF(Universal Disk Format) file system on DVD-RAM media. -cdformat Creates DVD sized images. -accept Accepts licenses.