ISO8859-1ik)##+OS"m# "# 0 Qrr    *9*T# ;) _ +  # *   ( o   nD UB  grDISPLAY/ALTER BOOTLISTNormal mode bootlist This selection allows displaying, altering, or erasing the normal mode bootlist.Service mode bootlist This selection allows displaying, altering, or erasing the service mode bootlist.Select an option, then press Enter.NORMAL MODE BOOTLISTSERVICE MODE BOOTLISTDisplay Current bootlistAlter Current bootlistErase Current bootlistSelect an option, then press Enter.CURRENT BOOTLIST DEVICES FOR NORMAL MODE The following devices are listed in the order they appear in the normal mode bootlist.CURRENT BOOTLIST DEVICES FOR SERVICE MODE The following devices are listed in the order they appear in the service mode bootlist.To continue, press Enter.The normal mode bootlist is empty.The service mode bootlist is empty.ALTER NORMAL MODE BOOTLIST DEVICESALTER SERVICE MODE BOOTLIST DEVICESSpecify the access order of the boot devices. Indicate by placing the appropriate integer in the bracketed [] field. (1 is first, 2 is second, etc.)Specify the order of the boot devices. Indicate with the appropriate integer in the bracketed [] field (1 is first, 2 is second, etc.) To use the same network device with different IP addresses, enter a comma separated list of integers (2,5 for second and fifth positions, etc.) Menus will follow to add/change attributes for selected network devices. Speed and duplex can be entered only on the first occurrence.ENTER BOOTLIST DEVICE ATTRIBUTESALTER BOOTLIST DEVICE ATTRIBUTESSpecify the attributes for a network boot using the following device at position %1$s in the boot list: %2$s %3$sclient IP addressserver IP addressgateway IP addressNetwork speedNetwork duplexERASE NORMAL MODE BOOTLISTREJECT Do NOT erase normal mode bootlistACCEPT This action will erase the normal mode bootlist. While the normal mode bootlist is empty, subsequent IPL in normal mode will default to the first available bootable device.Select an option, then press Enter.The normal mode bootlist has been erased.ERASE SERVICE MODE BOOTLISTREJECT Do NOT erase service mode bootlistACCEPT This action will erase the service mode bootlist. While the service mode bootlist is empty, subsequent IPL in service mode will default to the first available bootable device.Select an option, then press Enter.The service mode bootlist has been erased.Unavailable DeviceError retrieving ODM data from %s class.*** WARNING *** Bootlist was NOT altered. Error upon return from /bin/bootlist. Error message received = %s*** WARNING *** One or more devices in the current bootlist are not available as IPL devices. They may not be used when modifying the bootlist. Either ERASE the bootlist first, or do not use these devices in the new list.An error was encountered attempting to configure the following device: - %1$s A device must be in the AVAILABLE state before it can be added to the bootlist. Press Enter to continue adding the remaining devices to the bootlist.There is no bootlist support for service mode on this machine model.An error occurred while attempting to allocate storage. Aborting.*** WARNING *** Network devices require IP address attributes at boot time. A network device in the bootlist without these attributes is skipped.Only network devices are allowed to use the comma separated lists for multiple entries in the bootlist.