ISO8859-1 +    2 A 9  {                   ! " # $ % & ' (- ) * + , - . / 0 1 2T 3% r4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < ,= L> M? N@ `A aB bC cD dE eF fG gH hI J K L M N O P Q R S T U V0 W# X Y Z )[ *\ +] B^ C_ D`O Ea1 b c d]efg*AhliAjkClf]mnVog-paqrst:u&v+wnxynz{c| }~k1MNOPQRSTU>VKFZ(d9[ " ~!G!c"L"N##$$$%&G&1' 2';7'n''A' '))) ) E) )Q)R)S')T)|())5)!**"G*#d*ki+,:-7-d.$.</0!0;12 423345 6*n77ud8L89:M;;;;;;;; ; ; ; ; ;;Z; ;k;:;L;N<,<{=2^>B>?qm@VCrWFG!vH8HxHUJ7JqK"KL99LMM8"MT;MwMYMN)ODOZPNQnR SS$ S-S;#SJSnS~T#T T T TAUGUJUUU)UYVYESNOTo continue, press Enter.Move cursor to selection, then press Enter.Format DiskCertify DiskFormat and Certify DiskFormatFormat and Surface Analysis (approximate run time is three hours)Format without CertifyformattedcertifiedformatcertifyTo return to the Selection Menu, press Enter.Erase DiskerasureerasureTo modify, move cursor to selection and tab to desired value or type in new value. Number of different patterns to writePattern #1Pattern #2Pattern #3%1$d (Random Pattern)%1$d (Pattern %2$d)Write random pattern?Read data from drive?Input starting logical blockHow many blocks should be read?%1$d%% completed.To continue, press Entercylinder / head / sector The data required for this field is a hex numberNo help is available for this fieldRead data from driveWrite patterns to drive%1$s in location %2$s.A software error occurred. The specified action could not be done on the disk. The format operation has completed successfully. The certify operation has completed successfully. Disk Drive Capacity................... %1$d MB Data Errors Recovered................. %2$d Data Errors Not Recovered............. %3$d Equipment Check Errors Recovered...... %4$d Equipment Check Errors Not Recovered.. %5$d The certify operation has stopped before completion because of excessive errors that are not recoverable. It is recommended that the data on the disk drive be backed up and that the disk drive be replaced.The %1$s operation has stopped. It is recommended that diagnostics be run on this disk drive.This disk drive has been formatted with a block size that is incompatible with this operating system. To use this disk drive on this operating system, it must be reformatted.* * * WARNING! * * * The format operation has been cancelled. This made the disk not usable. The disk must be reformatted for future use. The certify operation has been cancelled. The format operation cannot be performed. The disk drive you chose is not available to be formatted. To perform a format operation on this disk drive, you must use this procedure from the removable media package.The certify operation cannot be performed. The disk drive you chose is not available to be certified. To perform a certify operation on this disk drive, you must use this procedure from the removable media package.A software error has occurred. The device driver cannot be opened. A software error has occurred. Unable to determine the position of the mode switch on the front panel.The format and certify operations cannot be performed on the disk drive in location %1$s. This disk drive may be in use by the operating system.This procedure cannot be run on any disk currently in use by the operating system on this machine. To perform format or certify operations on other disk drives, reboot the system in normal mode and run diagnostics.Unable to configure the SCSI device adapter. It is recommended that diagnostics be run on this adapter.Unable to configure the disk drive. It is recommended that diagnostics be run on this disk drive.* * * WARNING! * * * The disk erasure procedure has cancelled.. This disk drive should be re-run through the disk erasure procedure to erase the disk completely. The disk erasure procedure cannot be performed. The disk drive selected is in use. To perform an erasure operation on this disk drive, you must first free up the device and assure no other processes are attempting to access the drive.The following is the data which was read from the drive. There were no bad blocks reallocated. The following bad blocks were reallocated. The bad blocks listed can not be accessed. The disk erasure procedure will not write to the following blocks. The grown defect map could not be accessed. The erasure procedure may not be able to write to all areas on the disk drive. Since all of the blocks are not accessible, this procedure should not be used to erase the drive. To erase the disk with this procedure use the force flag (-F). Error occurred while trying to erase the drive. It is recommended that diagnostics be run on this disk drive. The disk erasure operation has failed, and the disk could not be fully overwritten. It is recommended that diagnostics be run on this disk drive. This disk erasure operation has completed. It is recommended that the disk drive now be formatted. The disk erasure operation has failed due to excessive data errors, and the disk could not be fully overwritten. It is recommended that format and certify be run on this disk drive. The disk erasure operation has failed due to equipment errors, and the disk could not be fully overwritten. It is recommended that diagnostics be run on this disk drive. A software error has occurred. A number of attributes are found to be missing from the Data Base. Unexpected results may occur due to this problem. USAGE: %1$s [-d [-%2$c {format|certify|fmtcert*| erase* -a {read|write}} [-c [-F]]]] -c -- Command line mode. No prompting. -F -- Force flag. Forces disk erasure even if all blocks cannot be erased due to errors accessing grown defect map. Valid only in command line mode. * -- These options are available in the command line mode only. Erase option in command line mode uses default values. To selectively read or write on erase, use uformat with no options. If using dformat, use only the -d and -o flags. %1$sThe action %1$s is not supported on this device. The certify procedure failed due to unrecoverable data errors.The certify procedure failed due to excessive recoverable equipment errors.The certify procedure failed due to excessive recoverable data errors.It is recommended that the disk drive be backed up and diagnostics be run on this device. It is also recommended that the drive be formatted and certified and the data restored from backup. It is recommended that diagnostics be run on this device.The certify procedure has stopped before completion due to excessive unrecoverable errors. Device reset occurred multiple times during the certify process. Either the SCSI cables or one or more of the devices attached to this SCSI cable may be defective. Please check the cable connections. If no errors are found with this device, it is recommended that diagnostics be run on other devices attached to this SCSI cable. It is recommended that the data on the disk drive be backed up and that the media maintenance procedure be performed on the drive.It is recommended that the data on the disk drive be backed up and that the disk drive be replaced.Disk Drive Capacity................... %1$d MB Data Errors Recovered................. %2$d Data Errors Not Recovered............. %3$d Equipment Check Errors Recovered...... %4$d Equipment Check Errors Not Recovered.. %5$d A software error has occurred. The %1$s action could not be done on the disk. The system indicates that the disk drive is in use. If multiple systems access this disk, free up the disk and retry the operation. If the disk is not currently in use by other systems, it is recommended that diagnostics be run on this disk.The certify operation has stopped before completion because the disk drive's self-monitoring function indicates the drive should be backed up and replaced as soon as possible.The %1$s operation has stopped because the disk drive's self-monitoring function indicates the drive should be backed up and replaced as soon as possible.The disk erasure operation has failed because the disk drive's self-monitoring function indicates the drive should be backed up and replaced as soon as possible.The certify operation has failed due to irrecoverable equipment errors.The certify operation has completed successfully.It is recommended that the disk drive be replaced.The certify operation is in progress. %1$d%% completed.Please stand by.Manufacturing specific attributes are missing from the Data Base.Disk Drive Capacity................... %1$d MB Data Errors Recovered................. %2$d Data Errors Not Recovered............. %3$d Data Errors Recovered and Reassigned.. %4$d Equipment Check Errors Recovered...... %5$d Equipment Check Errors Not Recovered.. %6$d The certify operation failed due to excessive reassigned data errors.FORMAT MEDIA TASK IN MANUFACTURING MODEFORMAT MEDIA TASKCERTIFY MEDIA TASK IN MANUFACTURING MODECERTIFY MEDIA TASKFORMAT MEDIA TASK Select the type of format desired.Select the disk drive to be %1$s.The %1$s operation is in progress. Please stand by. %2$d%% completed.FORMAT MEDIA TASK * * * WARNING! * * * The format operation has not completed. Stopping the format operation at this time will leave the disk drive in a state that is not usable by the system. In order to use the disk drive after stopping the format operation, the disk drive would need to be formatted again. Do you want to stop this format operation?CERTIFY MEDIA TASK The certify operation has not completed. Do you want to stop this certify operation?The format operation cannot be performed. The disk drive you chose is not available to be formatted. To perform a format operation on this disk drive, you must use this service aid from the removable media package.The certify operation cannot be performed. The disk drive you chose is not available to be certified. To perform a certify operation on this disk drive, you must use this service aid from the removable media package.The Format operation is in progress. Please stand by. This service aid cannot be run on any disk currently in use by the operating system on this machine.FORMAT MEDIA TASK * * * WARNING! * * * The disk erasure procedure has not completed. This disk drive should be re-run through the complete disk erasure procedure if the operation is stopped at this time. Do you want to stop the erasure procedure?FORMAT MEDIA TASK * * * WARNING! * * * THE ERASURE OPERATION WILL OVERWRITE ALL DATA ON THE DISK DRIVE AND MAY TAKE UP TO 4 HOURS TO COMPLETE. NOTE: The disk drive should be powered on a minimum of 30 minutes prior to attempting a disk erasure operation. If you do NOT wish to erase the disk, hit cancel.FORMAT MEDIA TASK The grown defect map could not be accessed. The erasure procedure may not be able to write to all areas on the disk drive. Since all of the blocks are not accessible, this procedure should not be used to erase the drive. Would you like to continue with this procedure?Data could not be read. The block specified does not exist.FORMAT MEDIA TASK Select the action desired. NOTE: Part of data from drive will be read when read option is selected. Entire disk will be overwritten when write option is selected. FORMAT MEDIA TASK Modify the disk erasure options. FORMAT MEDIA TASK The bad blocks listed can not be accessed. The disk erasure procedure will not write to the following blocks. CERTIFY MEDIA TASK IN MANUFACTURING MODE The certify operation has not completed. Do you want to stop this certify operation?Disk Drive Capacity................... %1$d MB Data Errors Recovered................. %2$d Data Errors Not Recovered............. %3$d Equipment Check Errors Recovered...... %4$d Equipment Check Errors Not Recovered.. %5$d Doing Random Seeks The system indicates that the disk drive is in use and the random seek test cannot be performed. If multiple systems access this disk, free up the disk and retry the operation. If the disk is not currently in use by other systems, it is recommended that diagnostics be run on this disk.The certify operation completed successfully, however, the random seek test failed. Disk performance may be degraded. It is recommended that the data on the disk drive be backed up and that the disk drive be replaced.It is recommended that the data on the disk drive be backed up and that the drive be formatted and certified. Run diagnostics on the drive. If diagnostics reports a problem with the drive replace it. Otherwise, it is recommended that the data on the disk drive be backed up and that the drive be formatted and certified. It is recommended that the data on the disk drive be backed up and that the disk drive be replaced. The certify operation has completed successfully. Disk Drive Capacity................... %1$d MB Data Errors Not Recovered............. %2$d Number of LBA reassignments........... %3$d Equipment Check Errors Not Recovered.. %4$d Disk Drive Capacity................... %1$d MB Data Errors Not Recovered............. %2$d Number of LBA reassignments........... %3$d Equipment Check Errors Not Recovered.. %4$d Disk Drive Capacity................... %1$d MB Data Errors Not Recovered............. %2$d Number of LBA reassignments........... %3$d Equipment Check Errors Not Recovered.. %4$d The %1$s operation has stopped. It is recommended that diagnostics be run on %2$s adapter.Device: %1$s in location %2$s %1$s in location %2$s.Device: %1$s in location %2$s To continue, press Enter.Device: %1$s in location %2$s Move cursor to selection, then press Enter.Device: %1$s in location %2$s To return to the Selection Menu, press Enter.A software error has occurred. Device: %1$s in location %2$s A number of attributes are found to be missing from the Data Base. Unexpected results may occur due to this problem. Device: %1$s in location %2$s * * * WARNING! * * * THE FORMAT OPERATION WILL DESTROY ALL DATA ON THE DISK DRIVE. NOTE: The disk drive should be powered on a minimum of 30 minutes prior to attempting a format operation. Do you want to format this disk drive?Unable to configure the disk drive. It is recommended that diagnostics be run on %1$s adapter. Run diagnostics on the %1$s adapter. If diagnostics reports a problem with the drive replace it. Otherwise, it is recommended that the data on the disk drive be backed up and the disk drive be replaced. The format and certify operations cannot be performed on the disk drive in location %1$s. This disk drive may be in use by the operating system.USAGE: diag -d [-c] -T "format [-s* fmtcert | erase -a {read | write} -P {comma separated list of patterns}] [-F]" diag -d [-c] -T "certify" fmtcert -- Formats and certifies the disk. -c -- Command line mode. No prompting. -F -- Force flag. Forces disk erasure even if all blocks cannot be erased due to errors accessing grown defect map. Valid only in command line mode. * -- These options are available in the command line mode only. -P -- Comma separated list of hexidecimal patterns to be written to the drive serially. Up to 8 patterns can be specified using a single command. The patterns must be 1, 2, or 4 bytes long without a leading 0x or 0X. Example using 5 patterns: -P ff,a5c0,00,fdb97531,02468ace Note: If no patterns are specified for the erase disk option in command line mode, then the default pattern of 00 is used. USAGE: diag -d [-c] -T "format [-s* fmtcert | erase -a {read | write} -P {comma separated list of patterns}] [-F]" diag -d [-c] -T "certify" fmtcert -- Formats and certifies the disk. -c -- Command line mode. No prompting. -F -- Force flag. Forces disk erasure even if all blocks cannot be erased due to errors accessing grown defect map. Valid only in command line mode. * -- These options are available in the command line mode only. -P -- Comma separated list of hexidecimal patterns to be written to the drive serially. Up to 8 patterns can be specified. The patterns must be 1, 2, or 4 bytes long without a leading 0x or 0X. Example using 5 patterns: -P ff,a5c0,00,fdb97531,02468ace Note: If no patterns are specified for the erase disk option in command line mode, then the default pattern of 00 is used. USAGE: diag -d [-c] -T "certify" -c -- Command line mode. No prompting. FORMAT MEDIA TASK The selected device does not support format. However, this task can be used to overwrite the data on the media. Do you want to continue this task to select data patterns to use to overwrite the media?The selected device does not support format or certify. This device does support the erase action of the format task. This disk erasure operation has completed successfully. FORMAT MEDIA TASK * * * WARNING! * * * THE ERASURE OPERATION WILL OVERWRITE ALL DATA ON THE DISK DRIVE AND DEPENDING ON THE SIZE OF THE DISK, MAY TAKE HOURS TO COMPLETE. THE PERCENTAGE OF COMPLETION WILL BE UPDATED. NOTE: The disk drive should be powered on a minimum of 30 minutes prior to attempting a disk erasure operation. If you do NOT wish to erase the disk, hit cancel.The removable disk cartridge is not installed. Insert a disk cartridge and try again.FORMAT MEDIA TASK The removable disk cartridge is not installed. Insert the removable disk cartridge and select Yes to try again or No to exit. The removable disk cartridge is write protected. Move the write protect tab to the unlock position and try again.FORMAT MEDIA TASK The removable disk cartridge is write protected. Move the write protect tab to the unlock position and select Yes to try again or No to exit. The command to prevent media removal failed, however Press Enter to proceed with the erase function. Do not remove the media while the erase operation is in progress. Pass %1$s of the disk erasure procedure is in progress. PARALLEL FORMAT MEDIA TASKPARALLEL CERTIFY MEDIA TASKSelect the type of format desired.Device Location Progress %1$-20.20s%2$-30.30s%3$-30sThis screen will update every %1$d seconds until all drives have completed the operation. * * * WARNING! * * * THE FORMAT OPERATION WILL DESTROY ALL DATA ON THE DISK DRIVE. NOTE: The disk drive should be powered on a minimum of 30 minutes prior to attempting a format operation. Do you want to format the following disk drive(s)? Device Location %1$-20.20s%2$-30.30s Disk Drive Capacity................... %1$d MB Data Errors Recovered................. %2$d Data Errors Not Recovered............. %3$d Equipment Check Errors Recovered...... %4$d Equipment Check Errors Not Recovered.. %5$d Disk Drive Capacity................... %1$d MB Data Errors Not Recovered............. %2$d Number of LBA reassignments........... %3$d Equipment Check Errors Not Recovered.. %4$d * * * WARNING! * * * At least one disk drive has not completed the format operation. Stopping the format operation at this time will leave any disk drive that has not completed the format operation in a state that is not usable by the system. In order to use the disk drive after stopping the format operation, the disk drive would need to be formatted again. Do you want to stop this format operation? At least one disk drive has not completed the certify operation. Do you want to stop this certify operation?ProcessingFinishedFinished %1$sFormat: %1$d%%Format: Error Error Details: %1$s Certify: %1$d%%Certify: %1$d%% Disk Drive Capacity................... %2$d MB Data Errors Recovered................. %3$d Data Errors Not Recovered............. %4$d Equipment Check Errors Recovered...... %5$d Equipment Check Errors Not Recovered.. %6$d Certify: Doing Random SeeksCertify: Error Error Details: %1$s Terminated. Run Diagnostics.Software ErrorUnavailable for operationAn error occurred while executing the following command: %1$s This Service Aid must be invoked from Diagnostics via the diag command.An error occurred.Unable to allocate memory.Unable to access ODM.Unable to access a shared memory segment.This task supports a maximum of %1$d resources at a time. Please select fewer resources.