ISO8859-1pq+     CF(4v0 >8/=m1Fx S A %M gX =  L! _   " ' ) HARDWARE ERROR REPORTDisplay Error SummaryDisplay Error DetailMove cursor to selection, then press Enter.ERROR SUMMARYERROR DETAILThe System Management Tools and Applications package is not currently installed on the system. This package needs to be installed before using the Hardware Error Report Service Aid. To see additional items in the list, use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys. When finished, press the Enter key to return to the Selection Menu.HARDWARE ERROR REPORT Reading current error log. Please stand by.Display Hardware Errors for Any ResourceDisplay Hardware Errors for PCI-X SCSI RAID AdaptersThis selection allows the user to select any set of resources that has diagnostic support for error log analysis. Selected resources will have their hardware errors displayed.This selection allows the user to select only PCI-X SCSI RAID adapters for the purpose of displaying their hardware errors. Hardware errors for the first generation children of any resource(s) selected are also displayed.To view the detailed output of any entry in the list below, move the cursor to an entry and press 'Enter'. To cancel a selection, press 'Enter' again.TIMESTAMP T C RESOURCE_NAME SRN/MENU LABELErrors are displayed sorted by time of occurence, with the most recent listed first. The timestamp's two leftmost digits are the month, followed by two digits for the day, two digits for the hour, two digits for minutes, and two digits for the year.MenuDisplay Hardware Errors for PCI-X SCSI AdaptersThis selection allows the user to select only PCI-X SCSI adapters for the purpose of displaying their hardware errors. Hardware errors for the first generation children of any resource(s) selected are also displayed.Display Hardware Errors for IBM SAS RAID AdaptersThis selection allows the user to select only IBM SAS RAID adapters for the purpose of displaying their hardware errors. Hardware errors for the first generation children of any resource(s) selected are also displayed.PROCESSING THE ERROR LOG MAY TAKE SEVERAL MINUTES The screen will be blank during processing. Press Enter to start processing the error log. Press F3 To Cancel (return to %1$s Menu). Press F10 To Exit.An error occurred while executing the following command: %1$s The system error log does not contain any entries related to hardware errors.This command must be invoked from diagnostics as the Display Hardware Error Report task.During execution of this Service Aid, an error occured while:Allocating memory.Opening the diagnostic event log.Opening the AIX error log.Accessing the AIX error log.Accessing ODM.Accessing a shared memory segment.Opening the operating system error log.Accessing the operating system error log.