ùISO8859-1ŸP(ð((B(k(”Hex_edit allows you edit the ACTUAL byte stream that comprises blocks. The bytes are displayed in 208 byte blocks, set in a hex window (624 hex nibbles) and in an ASCII window (non-displayable characters are represented by a '.'). Input in hex to change nibbles via the hex window or in characters to change bytes via the ASCII window. Changes will be saved automatically when you leave the current block. You are allowed only to CHANGE bytes in the blocks. You cannot insert/delete/add bytes. .p Pf key settings for Hex_edit are:- pf1 :- Help. pf3 :- Return to Previous Window. pf7 :- Save Changes. pf10:- Exit Program. .p Other key settings for Hex_edit are:- Home:- help. End :- exit Hex_edit or help window. Tab :- Flip from Hex to Ascii window. PageUp :- scroll up the blocks. PageDown:- scroll down the blocks. - :- cursor to right <- :- cursor to left Down Arrow Key:- cursor down Up Arrow Key :- cursor up Hex_edit Simple Help page ?. PageUp, PageDown to scroll Help Text End to exit Simple Help Hex_edit Simple Help ...(cont)