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[y/n] Changes will take effect only at next reboot Syntax error: -a and -L cannot be used at the same time Syntax error: -a does not take any argument Syntax error: -r and -p cannot be used at the same time Syntax error: -D and -d|-o cannot be used at the same time Syntax error: -r|-p are not allowed without -o|-d|-D value needed for tunable %s %1$s [-h [tunable]] [-L [tunable]] %1$s [-p|-r] [-a] [-o tunable] [[-D] | [-d tunable] [-o tunable=value]] -h : displays help about the command and its arguments -a : displays value for all tunable attributes, one per line -h tunable : displays help about a tunable -L [tunable] : lists information about one or all tunables, using the following format: name current default reboot min max unit type dependencies where: name = name of the tunable current = current value default = default value reboot = reboot value min = minimal value max = maximum value unit = unit of measure type = S for Static : can never be changed D for Dynamic : can be changed at any time R for Reboot : can only be changed during reboot B for Bosboot : can only be change by bosboot and reboot M for Mount : changes are only effective for future mounts I for Incremental if tunable can only be incremented dependancies = name of the first dependent tunable additional lines will be displayed for additional dependencies -r : make change(s) {-D/-d/-o} or display {-a/-o} apply to nextboot value -p : make change(s) {-D/-d/-o} or display {-a/-o} apply to permanent (current and nextboot) value -D : resets all tunables to their default values -d tunable : resets tunable to its default value -o tunable[=value] : displays current value or sets tunable to value %1$s: 1485-100 Help (-h), display (-L, -x, -a, -o tunable) and modification (-o tunable=value, -d tunable, -D) flags cannot be mixed %1$s: 1485-101 -L, -x, -a and -o tunable cannot be mixed %1$s: 1485-102 -h and -h tunable cannot be mixed %1$s: 1485-103 -D and -d tunable | -o tunable=value cannot be used at the same time %1$s: 1485-104 -r|-p are not allowed before -h, -L, -x, or alone %1$s: 1485-105 -r and -p cannot be used at the same time %1$s: 1485-106 -r|-p must be placed first %1$s: 1485-107 Tunable %2$s cannot be used more than once %1$s: 1485-110 Invalid tunable name %2$s %1$s: 1485-111 Invalid value %3$s for tunable %2$s %1$s: 1485-112 Missing value for tunable %2$s %1$s: 1485-114 Static tunable %2$s cannot be changed %1$s: 1485-115 Tunable %2$s is of type %3$c and cannot be changed without -r %1$s: 1485-118 Too many arguments %1$s: 1485-120 Insufficient access rights %1$s: 1485-121 Error reading tunables from nextboot file %1$s: 1485-122 Error writing %2$s in nextboot file %1$s: 1485-123 Error retrieving %2$s %1$s: 1485-124 Error setting %2$s %1$s: 1485-125 Tunables data inaccessible %1$s: 1485-126 Error in %2$s Setting %1$s to %2$s Setting %1$s to %2$s in nextboot file Warning: the %1$s change is only effective after bosboot and a reboot Warning: the %1$s change is only effective after a reboot Warning: the %1$s change is only effective for future mounts Warning: the %1$s change is only effective for future connections Warning: changes will take effect only at next reboot The current kernel does not support the parameter(s) changed. Bosboot must be run later with another kernel and the system rebooted for the change(s) to be effective. Warning: some changes will take effect only after a bosboot and a reboot Run bosboot now? Warning: %1$s which depends on %2$s, will not be set Warning: %1$s was not set; it is of type %2$c and can only be changed with -r Warning: Invalid value %2$s for tunable %1$s in nextboot file Help for tunable %1$s: Type for tunable %1$s is %2$c Unit for tunable %1$s is %2$s Allowed values for tunable %1$s are: %2$s Default value for tunable %1$s is %2$s Minimal value for tunable %1$s is %2$s Maximal value for tunable %1$s is %2$s Without -r, new value for Incremental tunable %1$s must be greater than or equal to its current value %2$s With -r or -p, new value for Incremental tunable %1$s must be greater than or equal to its default value %2$s Value for tunable %1$s must be less than %2$s Value for tunable %1$s must be less than or equal to %2$s Value for tunable %1$s must be greater than %2$s Value for tunable %1$s must be greater than or equal to %2$s %2$s, value of tunable %1$sTunable %1$s cannot be set, if tunable %2$s is not set Tunable %1$s cannot be set, if tunable %2$s is set Tunable %1$s cannot be unset, if tunable %2$s is no set Tunable %1$s cannot be unset, if tunable %2$s is set Static tunable %1$s cannot be changed Change to tunable %1$s needs a reboot to be effective Change to tunable %1$s needs bosboot and reboot to be effective Change to tunable %1$s will only be effective for future mounts Change to tunable %1$s will only be effective for future connections Usage: %1$s -h [tunable] | {-L [tunable]} | {-x [tunable]} %1$s [-p|-r] (-a | {-o tunable}) %1$s [-p|-r] (-D | ({-d tunable} {-o tunable=value})) -h Display help about the command and its arguments -h tunable Display help about a tunable -L [tunable] List information about one or all tunables in a table format -x [tunable] List information about one or all tunables in a comma-separated format -a Display value for all tunables, one per line -o tunable Display current value of a tunable -D Reset all tunables to their default values -d tunable Reset tunable to its default value -o tunable=value Set tunable to value -r Make change(s) (-D/-d/-o) or display (-a/-o) apply to nextboot value -p Make change(s) (-D/-d/-o) or display (-a/-o) apply to permanent (current and nextboot) value n/a means parameter not supported by the current platform or kernelParameter types:S = Static: cannot be changedD = Dynamic: can be freely changedB = Bosboot: can only be changed using bosboot and rebootR = Reboot: can only be changed during rebootC = Connect: changes are only effective for future socket connectionsM = Mount: changes are only effective for future mountingsI = Incremental: can only be incrementedValue conventions:K = Kilo: 2^10M = Mega: 2^20G = Giga: 2^30T = Tera: 2^40P = Peta: 2^50E = Exa: 2^60expected numerical value for tunable %s Value for tunable %s must be more than or equal to 5 Value for tunable %s must be more than %ld Value for tunable %s must be less than the value of the tunable %s Value for tunable %s must be more than the value of the tunable %s Value for tunable %s must be more than 1 and less than %ld Value for tunable %s must be an even number Value for tunable %s must be less than or equal to the %s option value Value for tunable %s must be less than or equal to the %s option value Value for tunable %s must be less than the %s option value %1$s: 1485-130 Deprecated tunable %2$s cannot be changed Deprecated tunable %1$s is deprecated and cannot be changed Deprecated tunable %1$s has been superseded by the following tunable(s): d = deprecated: deprecated and cannot be changedCannot access tunable parameters because /unix does not match the running kernel. Tunable %1$s can only be changed if tunable %2$s is set to %3$s Warning: although the change concerns a dynamic tunable, bosboot should be run to optimally restore these settings at reboot On/OffBytesReqPagesNumberThreadsBufsSecondsLevelWarning: a restricted tunable has been modified Modification to restricted tunable %1$s, confirmation required ##Restricted tunables Value of the tunable %1$s cannot be changed in a WPAR Usage: %1$s -h [tunable] | {[-F] -L [tunable]} | {[-F] -x [tunable]} %1$s [-p|-r] (-a [-F] | {-o tunable}) %1$s [-p|-r] (-D | ({-d tunable} {-o tunable=value})) -h Display help about the command and its arguments -h tunable Display help about a tunable -L [tunable] List information about one or all tunables in a table format -x [tunable] List information about one or all tunables in a comma-separated format -a Display value for all tunables, one per line -F Force display of restricted tunables when options (-a/-L/-x) are specified alone on the command line, else ignored -o tunable Display current value of a tunable -D Reset all tunables to their default values -d tunable Reset tunable to its default value -o tunable=value Set tunable to value -r Make change(s) (-D/-d/-o) or display (-a/-o) apply to nextboot value -p Make change(s) (-D/-d/-o) or display (-a/-o) apply to permanent (current and nextboot) value Purpose: Values: Default: Range: Type: Unit: Tuning: StaticDynamicBosbootRebootConnectMountIncrementaldeprecatedbooleanbytesclock ticksdispatchesiterations4KB blocks4KB pagesmicrosecsmillisecondsseconds10 msnumericpagesprocessesprocessors%%%% busy%% memory%% pta segmentsixteenth16KB clusters16KB/cluster16K slabs128KB/bufferspinsticksuidcannot be changedcan be freely changedcan only be changed using bosboot and rebootcan only be changed during rebootchanges are only effective for future socket connectionschanges are only effective for future mountingscan only be incrementeddeprecated and cannot be changedThe system was unable to completely satisfy the request Tunable %1$s is not supported on this hardware architecture %1$s: Error setting tunable %2$s for nextboot due to lack of %3$s authorization Executing %1$s %1$s: 1485-104 -y is allowed only with -r|-p option Usage: %1$s -h [tunable] | {[-F] -L [tunable]} | {[-F] -x [tunable]} %1$s [-p|-r] (-a [-F] | {-o tunable}) %1$s [-p|-r] [-y] (-D | ({-d tunable} {-o tunable=value})) -h Display help about the command and its arguments -h tunable Display help about a tunable -L [tunable] List information about one or all tunables in a table format -x [tunable] List information about one or all tunables in a comma-separated format -a Display value for all tunables, one per line -F Force display of restricted tunables when options (-a/-L/-x) are specified alone on the command line, else ignored -o tunable Display current value of a tunable -D Reset all tunables to their default values -d tunable Reset tunable to its default value -o tunable=value Set tunable to value -r Make change(s) (-D/-d/-o) or display (-a/-o) apply to nextboot value -p Make change(s) (-D/-d/-o) or display (-a/-o) apply to permanent (current and nextboot) value -y Suppress confirmation prompt before executing bosboot Warning: some changes will NOT take effect until you run bosboot and reboot Usage: %1$s -h [tunable] %1$s [-n name | -u uuid] (-a | {-L | -x} [tunable] | {-o tunable}) %1$s [-n name | -u uuid] (-D | {-d tunable} | {-o tunable=value})) Help: -h Display help about the command and its arguments -h tunable Display help about a tunable Cluster Entity: -n name Specify the name of the entity to which the tunable belongs. The name must be unique; otherwise -u uuid must be used to identify the entity. -u uuid Specify the UUID of the entity. If neither -u nor -n is specified, the invoking node is assumed. Display: -a Display value for all tunables, one per line -L List information about all tunables in a table format -L tunable List information about a specific tunable in a table format. -L tunable may be repeated to list multiple tunables. -o tunable Display current value of a tunable. -o tunable may be repeated to list multiple tunables. -x List information about all tunables in a comma-separated format -x tunable List information about a specific tunable in a comma-separated format. -x tunable may be repeated to list multiple tunables. Set: -D Reset all tunables to their default values -d tunable Reset tunable to its default value. -d tunable may be repeated to reset multiple specific tunables. -o tunable=value Set tunable to value. -o tunable=value may be repeated to set the values of multiple tunables. %1$s: Ignoring option -%2$c. Changes to cluster tunables take effect immediately, persist across reboots, and do not require bosboot. Scope: clusterwideper siteper nodeper interfaceScope codes:applies to the entire clustermay be applied to one or more sitesmay be applied to one or more nodesmay be applied to one or more communication interfaces%1$s: 1485-504 At most one instance of -n or -u may be specified. %1$s: 1485-505 Invalid UUID string %2$s. %1$s: 1485-500 Failed to query cluster information. %1$s: 1485-501 Couldn't find entity %2$s in the cluster. %1$s: 1485-502 Found more than one matching entity. %1$s: 1485-503 This command is only available in a cluster. %1$s: 1485-506 The current cluster level does not support tunable %2$s. %1$s: 1485-507 Failed to canonicalize name %2$s. Help: -h Display help about the command and its arguments -h tunable Display help about a tunable Cluster Entity: -n name Specify the name of the cluster or node entity to which the tunable belongs. The name must be unique; otherwise -u uuid must be used to identify the entity. -u uuid Specify the UUID of the cluster or node entity. If neither -u nor -n is specified, the invoking node is assumed. Display: -a Display value for all tunables, one per line -L List information about all tunables in a table format -L tunable List information about a specific tunable in a table format. -L tunable may be repeated to list multiple tunables. -o tunable Display current value of a tunable. -o tunable may be repeated to list multiple tunables. -x List information about all tunables in a comma-separated format -x tunable List information about a specific tunable in a comma-separated format. -x tunable may be repeated to list multiple tunables. Set: -D Reset all tunables to their default values -d tunable Reset tunable to its default value. -d tunable may be repeated to reset multiple specific tunables. -o tunable=value Set tunable to value. -o tunable=value may be repeated to set the values of multiple tunables. string