ISO8859-1C!8Zt    . G W`u 7+(0E v-#*$'O(w## @!#)",M#7z$9%2&7'HW(3)1*.+5,?P-./10 1% 2& ;3 b4: 5 6 7( 8/ 92 E:0 x;0 <' =( >- +?# Y@' }A$ B0 C! Usage: tic [-vnumber] [files...] Terminfo entry too long: Terminfo entry too long: Infinite use= loop '%s' Cannot find term %s Terminfo entry empty: create '%s' bool cap %s code %s val %d num cap %s code %s val %d str %s code %s val %s str %s code %s val NULL link '%s' '%s' mkdir %sCommand '%s' failed %s: Terminal name too short unlink %s Out of memory, try again. tic: 1375-100 %s is non-existant or permission denied. 1375-101 Backspaced off beginning of line. 1375-102 '%s': Bad first terminal name. 1375-103 '%s': Bad terminal name found in list. 1375-104 %s: Bad terminal name. 1375-105 Wrong type used for capability '%s' 1375-106 Cannot link %1$s to %2$s. tic: 1375-107 Cannot open %s. 1375-108 Cannot open %s/%s *** Possibly corrupted terminfo file. *** 1375-109 mkdir %s returned bad status. tic: 1375-110 %s/%s: Permission denied. tic: Line %1$d in terminal '%2$s': tic: 1375-111 Too many file names. 1375-112 File does not start with terminal names in column one. 1375-113 Illegal character - '%c'. 1375-114 Illegal control character - '^%c'. 1375-115 Illegal character in escape sequence - '\%c'. tic: 1375-116 Line %1$d: Illegal terminal name - '%2$s'. Terminal names must start with a letter or digit. tic: 1375-117 There is an error in following use-links. There is a loop in the links or they reference non-existant terminals. The following is a list of the entries involved: 1375-118 Very long string found. Missing comma? 1375-119 '%s' defined in more than one entry. Entry being used is '%s'. 1375-120 A newline was found in the middle of a terminal name. 1375-121 Missing comma. 1375-122 Missing comma? 1375-123 Not enough memory for use_list element. 1375-124 Missing numeric value. tic: 1375-125 %s is not a directory. tic: 1375-126 %s/%s: Not a directory. 1375-127 NULL string value. 1375-128 At least one synonym should begin with a letter. 1375-129 Out of memory. 1375-130 Premature EOF. 1375-131 Premature EOF. Missing comma? 1375-132 Error in re-reading compiled file %s. tic: PROGRAM ERROR: Line %1$d in terminal '%2$s': 1375-133 Terminal name '%s' synonym for itself. 1375-134 Terminal names not found after a seek. 1375-135 '%s': Terminal name too long. 1375-136 '%s': Terminal name too short. 1375-137 Capability is not recognized: '%s'. tic: 1375-138 Option is not valid. 1375-139 Token type is not recognized. Usage: tic [-v[n]] [-c] source-file tic: Warning near line %1$d in terminal '%2$s': 1375-140 Error in writing %s/%s.