ISO8859-1 2'FFCICM<92  ;M0 P2 2 , K / `@ / ,  Q . B R \ L s` Q !R sI 5FKZ2^O,CaRm\"0G 1!*")@#~j$M%7&''0(,6)Zc*W+,- ./0@1YQ2,3H4;!5S]6Y7O 87[9s :&;u+<,H=z,>-g?-@[-AQ-B.JC4D4EW:F]A)GSAH7AIQBJBeK BLHM)O,O OOO OO O P P P P P P+P8P?PFPVPePvP{PPPPP PPPPPP P!P"P# P$P%Q& Q'Q(Q+) Q2* Q<+ QH, QU  Q`QjQs Q{ Q QQ Q Q Q Q Q QQQQQ RRRRR#R* R2R<  RDRRRYRa Ri RnR|RR $FRBRIS;YSCS0T#?TT?T [T AU0 DUr NU MVPVT@VBVnW)WX{1YR6YFY>ZhZA4ZJZW[*[ \2.]S^] S]!^5"E^T#@a$}a eYebegel netJeusage: %s Disk I/O error occurred while creating the table. You are not authorized to create '%s'. An error occurred while creating '%s'. The table may already exist. Unknown table name '%s'. %s: 0504-300 Success. %1$s: 0504-302 ODM error %2$d occurred trying to read SWVPD data. %s: 0504-304 An unsearchable input was specified for SWVPD data search. %1$s: 0504-306 The search string limit of %2$d has been exceeded. %s: 0504-307 No match was found for the SWVPD data search. %s: 0504-308 Cannot match fileset name with fileset ID. %s: 0504-333 SWVPD returned unknown error: %2$d. %s: Out of memory. %1$s: 0504-100 -%2$s may only be entered once. %1$s: 0504-101 Missing option-arguments with -O. %1$s: 0504-102 Invalid option-arguments with -O. %1$s: 0504-103 -%2$s is an invalid option. %1$s: 0504-104 The following flags are mutually exclusive: A,d,f,h,i,l,p. %1$s: 0504-106 -J may not be used with -%2$s. %1$s: 0504-107 -a may not be used with -%2$s combined with -B. %1$s: 0504-109 -m may not be used with -%2$s. %1$s: 0504-110 -I may not be used with -B. %1$s: 0504-111 There is no PTF ID with microcode in %2$s that matches "%3$s". %1$s: 0504-112 There is no PTF ID in %2$s that matches "%3$s". %1$s: 0504-113 There is no fileset with microcode in %2$s that matches "%3$s". %1$s: 0504-115 There is no fileset or PTF ID with microcode in %2$s that matches "%3$s". %1$s: 0504-116 There is no fileset or PTF ID in %2$s that matches "%3$s". %1$s: 0504-117 There is no PTF ID with microcode in %2$s, %3$s, or %4$s that matches "%5$s". %1$s: 0504-118 There is no PTF ID in %2$s, %3$s, or %4$s that matches "%5$s". %1$s: 0504-120 There is no fileset in %2$s, %3$s, or %4$s that matches "%5$s". %1$s: 0504-124 There is no installation record for this fileset "%2$s". %1$s: 0504-125 Error while processing fileset %2$s. NONEVendor Filesetall%1$s: 0504-126 -%2$s may not be used with -%3$s. %1$s: 0504-127 The option-argument of -O only accepts one occurrence of %2$s. %1$s: 0504-108 -a may not be used with -f. %1$s: 0504-114 There is no fileset in %2$s that matches "%3$s". %1$s: 0504-119 There is no fileset with microcode in %2$s, %3$s, or %4$s that matches "%5$s". %1$s: 0504-121 There is no fileset or PTF ID with microcode in %2$s, %3$s, or %4$s that matches "%5$s". %1$s: 0504-122 There is no fileset or PTF ID in %2$s, %3$s, or %4$s that matches "%5$s". At least %d of the following must be installed {At least %d of the following %-*s %-*s %-*s %smust be installed { At least %d of the following must be installed { (Available on %1$s) is a requisite of %1$s: 0504-128 %2$s does not exist as a path on your system. This probably means nothing has been installed on that path. %1$s: 0504-129 The following flags are mutually exclusive: d,f,h,i,L,l,p,w. Usage: lslpp {-d|-f|-h|-i|-L|-l|-p} [-B | -I] [-acJq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [fileset ... | ptf_id ... | all] OR lslpp -w [-cq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [ filename ... | all ] -a Displays additional ("all") information when combined with other flags. (Not valid with -f, only valid with -B when combined with -h) -B Permits PTF ID input. (Not valid with -L) -c Colon-separated output. (Not valid with -La) -d Dependents (filesets for which this is a requisite). -f Files that belong to this fileset. -h History information. -I Limits listings to base level filesets (no updates displayed). -i Product Identification information (requested per fileset). -J Use list as the output format. (Valid with -l and -L) -L Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Consolidates usr, root and share part information.) -l Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Separates usr, root and share part information.) -O Data comes from [r] root and/or [s] share and/or [u] usr. (Not valid with -L) -p Requisites of installed filesets. -q Quiet (no column headers). -w List fileset that owns this file. %1$s: 0504-130 -%2$s used without -L. %1$s: 0504-131 -L may not be used with -%2$s. %1$s: 0504-132 Fileset %2$s not installed. %1$s: 0504-133 VPD Corrupted : Could not locate %2$s for %3$s. One of the following mutually exclusive flags: d,f,h,i,L,l,p,w must be specified. State Codes: A -- Applied. B -- Broken. C -- Committed. O -- Obsolete. (partially migrated to newer version) ? -- Inconsistent State...Run lppchk -v. Fileset UpdateSupersedes:No Maintenance Level Applied.Processing.....Please Wait. %1$s: 0504-134 -a may not be used with -%2$s combined with -L. 0504-135 The -A flag is not valid. For information on APARS, see the "instfix" command. %1$s: 0504-136 -B may not be used with -L. %1$s: 0504-137 -B requires one or more PTF IDs (ex. lslpp -B U412345). %1$s: 0504-138 Fileset with PTF ID %2$s is not installed. %1$s: 0504-139 No matches were found in the inventory database for file: "%2$s". One of the following mutually exclusive flags: d,f,h,i,L,l,p,w,E must be specified. %1$s: 0504-140 The following flags are mutually exclusive: d,f,h,i,L,l,p,w,E. Usage: lslpp {-d|-f|-h|-i|-L|-l|-p} [-B | -I] [-acJq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [fileset ... | ptf_id ... | all] OR lslpp -w [-cq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [ filename ... | all ] OR lslpp -Lc[v] OR -a Displays additional ("all") information when combined with other flags. (Not valid with -f, only valid with -B when combined with -h) -B Permits PTF ID input. (Not valid with -L) -c Colon-separated output. (Includes all deinstallable levels of software if -Lc) -d Dependents (filesets for which this is a requisite). -f Files that belong to this fileset. -h History information. -I Limits listings to base level filesets (no updates displayed). -i Product Identification information (requested per fileset). -J Use list as the output format. (Valid with -l and -L) -L Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Consolidates usr, root and share part information.) -l Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Separates usr, root and share part information.) -O Data comes from [r] root and/or [s] share and/or [u] usr. (Not valid with -L) -p Requisites of installed filesets. -q Quiet (no column headers). -v Lists additional information from vendor database. (Valid with -Lc only) -w List fileset that owns this file. Usage: lslpp {-d|-f|-h|-i|-L|-l|-p} [-B | -I] [-acJq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [fileset ... | ptf_id ... | all] OR lslpp -w [-cq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [ filename ... | all ] OR lslpp -Lc[v] OR lslpp -E[c] [fileset ... | all] -a Displays additional ("all") information when combined with other flags. (Not valid with -f, only valid with -B when combined with -h) -B Permits PTF ID input. (Not valid with -L) -c Colon-separated output. (Includes all deinstallable levels of software if -Lc) -d Dependents (filesets for which this is a requisite). -E License Agreements. -f Files that belong to this fileset. -h History information. -I Limits listings to base level filesets (no updates displayed). -i Product Identification information (requested per fileset). -J Use list as the output format. (Valid with -l and -L) -L Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Consolidates usr, root and share part information.) -l Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Separates usr, root and share part information.) -O Data comes from [r] root and/or [s] share and/or [u] usr. (Not valid with -L) -p Requisites of installed filesets. -q Quiet (no column headers). -v Lists additional information from vendor database. (Valid with -Lc only) -w List fileset that owns this file. Usage: lslpp {-d|-f|-h|-i|-L|-l|-p} [-B | -I] [-acJq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [fileset ... | ptf_id ... | -b file | all] OR lslpp -w [-cq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [ filename ... | all ] OR lslpp -Lc[v] OR lslpp -E[c] [fileset ... | -b file | all] -a Displays additional ("all") information when combined with other flags. (Not valid with -f, only valid with -B when combined with -h) -b Specifies a file or bundle to use as the fileset list source. -B Permits PTF ID input. (Not valid with -L) -c Colon-separated output. (Includes all deinstallable levels of software if -Lc) -d Dependents (filesets for which this is a requisite). -E License Agreements. -f Files that belong to this fileset. -h History information. -I Limits listings to base level filesets (no updates displayed). -i Product Identification information (requested per fileset). -J Use list as the output format. (Valid with -l and -L) -L Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Consolidates usr, root and share part information.) -l Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Separates usr, root and share part information.) -O Data comes from [r] root and/or [s] share and/or [u] usr. (Not valid with -L) -p Requisites of installed filesets. -q Quiet (no column headers). -v Lists additional information from vendor database. (Valid with -Lc only) -w List fileset that owns this file. TYPE: P - Product F - Installp Fileset K - Installp Package C - Component T - Feature State codes: A -- Applied. B -- Broken. C -- Committed. O -- Obsolete. (partially migrated to newer version) ? -- Inconsistent State...Run lppchk -v. Type codes: F -- Installp Fileset P -- Product C -- Component T -- Feature R -- RPM Package E -- Interim Fix Automatically Installed Optionally Installed One of the following mutually exclusive flags: d,f,h,i,L,l,p,w,E,S must be specified. %1$s: 0504-140 The following flags are mutually exclusive: d,f,h,i,L,l,p,w,E,S. Usage: lslpp {-d|-f|-h|-i|-L|-l|-p} [-B | -I] [-acJq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [fileset ... | ptf_id ... | all] OR lslpp -w [-cq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [ filename ... | all ] OR lslpp -Lc[v] OR lslpp -E[c] [fileset ... | all] OR lslpp -S [A|O] OR -a Displays additional ("all") information when combined with other flags. (Not valid with -f, only valid with -B when combined with -h) -B Permits PTF ID input. (Not valid with -L) -c Colon-separated output. (Includes all deinstallable levels of software if -Lc) -d Dependents (filesets for which this is a requisite). -E License Agreements. -S Lists Automatically and Optionally installed filesets. -f Files that belong to this fileset. -h History information. -I Limits listings to base level filesets (no updates displayed). -i Product Identification information (requested per fileset). -J Use list as the output format. (Valid with -l and -L) -L Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Consolidates usr, root and share part information.) -l Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Separates usr, root and share part information.) -O Data comes from [r] root and/or [s] share and/or [u] usr. (Not valid with -L) -p Requisites of installed filesets. -q Quiet (no column headers). -v Lists additional information from vendor database. (Valid with -Lc only) -w Lists the fileset that owns this file. State codes: A -- Applied. B -- Broken. C -- Committed. E -- EFIX Locked. O -- Obsolete. (partially migrated to newer version) ? -- Inconsistent State...Run lppchk -v. Usage: lslpp {-d|-f|-h|-i|-L|-l|-p} [-B | -I] [-acJq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [fileset ... | ptf_id ... | all] OR lslpp -w [-cq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [ filename ... | all ] OR lslpp -Lc[v] OR lslpp -E[c] [fileset ... | all] OR lslpp -S [A|O] OR lslpp -e OR -a Displays additional ("all") information when combined with other flags. (Not valid with -f, only valid with -B when combined with -h) -B Permits PTF ID input. (Not valid with -L) -c Colon-separated output. (Includes all deinstallable levels of software if -Lc) -d Dependents (filesets for which this is a requisite). -E License Agreements. -S Lists Automatically and Optionally installed filesets. -e List all efixes on the system. -f Files that belong to this fileset. -h History information. -I Limits listings to base level filesets (no updates displayed). -i Product Identification information (requested per fileset). -J Use list as the output format. (Valid with -l and -L) -L Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Consolidates usr, root and share part information.) -l Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Separates usr, root and share part information.) -O Data comes from [r] root and/or [s] share and/or [u] usr. (Not valid with -L) -p Requisites of installed filesets. -q Quiet (no column headers). -v Lists additional information from vendor database. (Valid with -Lc only) -w Lists the fileset that owns this file. Usage: lslpp {-d|-f|-h|-i|-L|-l|-p} [-B | -I] [-acJq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [fileset ... | ptf_id ... | -b file | all] OR lslpp -w [-cq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [ filename ... | all ] OR lslpp -Lc[v] OR lslpp -E[c] [fileset ... | -b file | all] OR lslpp -S [A|O] OR lslpp -e OR -a Displays additional ("all") information when combined with other flags. (Not valid with -f, only valid with -B when combined with -h) -b Specifies a file or bundle to use as the fileset list source. -B Permits PTF ID input. (Not valid with -L) -c Colon-separated output. (Includes all deinstallable levels of software if -Lc) -d Dependents (filesets for which this is a requisite). -E License Agreements. -S Lists Automatically and Optionally installed filesets. -e List all efixes on the system. -f Files that belong to this fileset. -h History information. -I Limits listings to base level filesets (no updates displayed). -i Product Identification information (requested per fileset). -J Use list as the output format. (Valid with -l and -L) -L Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Consolidates usr, root and share part information.) -l Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Separates usr, root and share part information.) -O Data comes from [r] root and/or [s] share and/or [u] usr. (Not valid with -L) -p Requisites of installed filesets. -q Quiet (no column headers). -v Lists additional information from vendor database. (Valid with -Lc only) -w Lists the fileset that owns this file. One of the following mutually exclusive flags: d,f,h,i,L,l,p,w,E,S,e must be specified. %1$s: 0504-140 The following flags are mutually exclusive: d,f,h,i,L,l,p,w,E,S,e. %1$s: 0504-141 -b may not be used with -w, -S, or -e. %1$s: 0504-142 Could not find bundle %2$s. Please check paths and permissions. %1$s: 0504-143 This bundle contains efixes, which cannot be listed individually. Run 'lslpp -e' to list all the efixes on the system. Usage: lslpp {-d|-f|-h|-i|-L|-l|-p} [-I] [-acJq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [fileset ... | -b file | all] OR lslpp -w [-cq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [ filename ... | all ] OR lslpp -Lc[v] OR lslpp -E[c] [fileset ... | -b file | all] OR lslpp -S [A|O] OR lslpp -e OR -a Displays additional ("all") information when combined with other flags. (Not valid with -f) -b Specifies a file or bundle to use as the fileset list source. -c Colon-separated output. (Includes all deinstallable levels of software if -Lc) -d Dependents (filesets for which this is a requisite). -E License Agreements. -e List all efixes on the system. -f Files that belong to this fileset. -h History information. -I Limits listings to base level filesets (no updates displayed). -i Product Identification information (requested per fileset). -J Use list as the output format. (Valid with -l and -L) -L Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Consolidates usr, root and share part information.) -l Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Separates usr, root and share part information.) -O Data comes from [r] root and/or [s] share and/or [u] usr. (Not valid with -L) -p Requisites of installed filesets. -q Quiet (no column headers). -S Lists Automatically and Optionally installed filesets. -v Lists only information from the vendor database, which contains ISMP product information. (Valid with -Lc only) -w Lists the fileset that owns this file. Usage: lslpp [-R {Path|"ALL"}] {-d|-f|-h|-i|-L|-l|-p} [-I] [-acJq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [fileset ... | -b file | all] OR lslpp [-R {Path|"ALL"}] -w [-cq] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [ filename ... | all ] OR lslpp [-R {Path|"ALL"}] -Lc[v] OR lslpp [-R {Path|"ALL"}] -E[c] [fileset ... | -b file | all] OR lslpp [-R {Path|"ALL"}] -S [A|O] OR lslpp [-R {Path|"ALL"}] -e OR -a Displays additional ("all") information when combined with other flags. (Not valid with -f) -b Specifies a file or bundle to use as the fileset list source. -c Colon-separated output. (Includes all deinstallable levels of software if -Lc) -d Dependents (filesets for which this is a requisite). -E License Agreements. -e Lists all efixes on the system. -f Files that belong to this fileset. -h History information. -I Limits listings to base level filesets (no updates displayed). -i Product Identification information (requested per fileset). -J Use list as the output format. (Valid with -l and -L) -L Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Consolidates usr, root and share part information.) -l Lists fileset names, latest level, states, and descriptions. (Separates usr, root and share part information.) -O Data comes from [r] root and/or [s] share and/or [u] usr. (Not valid with -L) -p Requisites of installed filesets. -q Quiet (no column headers). -R User Specified Install Location -S Lists Automatically and Optionally installed filesets. -v Lists only information from the vendor database, which contains ISMP product information. (Valid with -Lc only) -w Lists the fileset that owns this file. Workload partition %1$s must be active. StateDescriptionStatusActionUser NameLevelRequisitesDependentsFileDateProduct IdFeature IdPackage NameSourcePTF IdFix InformationDependents FixDependents StateTimeVendorVendrCodePackageFeatureIdFix StateStateFilesetPathTypeSymlinkDirectoryOtherHardlinkUninstallerDestination Dir.Message CatalogMessage SetMessage NumberParentAutomaticEFIX LockedInstall PathBuild DateAVAILABLEAPPLYINGAPPLIEDCOMMITTINGCOMMITTEDREJECTINGBROKENDEINSTALLINGAPPLY-HOLDCOMMIT-HOLDOBSOLETEEFIXLOCKEDUNKNOWNCOMPLETEPENDINGBROKENCANCELEDDEINSTALLEDUNKNOWNAPPLYCOMMITREJECTCLEANUPDEINSTALLUNKNOWNCONFIGURATIONSOURCEARCHIVEUNKNOWNFileArchive entryObject Data ManagerData Management ServicesUNKNOWN%1$s: 0504-201 Internal error - unexpected code for database - %2$c. %1$s: 0504-202 Internal error - unexpected function code - %2$c. %1$s: 0504-203 Error reading lpp database - rc = %2$d, odmerrno = %3$d. %1$s: 0504-204 Inventory entry for file %2$s updated with size %3$d and checksum %4$d. %1$s: 0504-205 Unable to access file %2$s because of permissions. %1$s: 0504-206 File %2$s could not be located. %1$s: 0504-207 Size value for %2$s changed from %3$d to %4$d. %1$s: 0504-208 Size of %2$s is %3$d, expected value was %4$d. %1$s: 0504-209 File %2$s has no checksum in the inventory, no verification can be done. %1$s: 0504-210 Unable to read file %2$s because of permissions. %1$s: 0504-211 Changing checksum for file %2$s, from %3$d to %4$d. %1$s: 0504-212 The checksum for file %2$s is %3$d, expected value is %4$d. %1$s: 0504-213 Unable to open pipe needed to check archive, error was %2$d. %1$s: 0504-214 Unable to fork process needed to check archive, error was %2$d. %1$s: 0504-215 Program %2$s returned the following error text. %1$s: 0504-216 Unable to exec the program %2$s, error code %3$d. %1$s: 0504-218 The fileset %2$s, level %3$d.%4$d.%5$d %6$s, was present in the %7$s data but not in %8$s. %1$s: 0504-218 The fileset %2$s, level %3$d.%4$d.%5$d %6$s, is not uniformly applied to the system. It is in state %7$s in %8$s but in state %9$s in %10$s. This will probably function properly but should be corrected. %1$s: 0504-219 The fileset %2$s, level %3$d.%4$d.%5$d %6$s, is not uniformly applied to the system. It is in state %7$s in %8$s but in state %9$s in %10$s. This may cause the system to function incorrectly. %1$s: 0504-220 No link found from %2$s to %3$s. %1$s: 0504-221 Unable to read existing link at %2$s. %1$s: 0504-222 Existing symbolic link at %2$s is not a link to %3$s. %1$s: 0504-223 Existing entry at %2$s is not a link to %3$s. %1$s: 0504-224 An error occurred while creating the link from %2$s to %3$s. The error code was %4$d. %1$s: 0504-225 New link created from %2$s to %3$s. %1$s: 0504-226 No fileset entries were found that match the name - %2$s. %1$s: 0504-227 No files were found that matched the file name given for fileset %2$s. %1$s: 0504-228 The requsites for %2$s, %3$d,%4$d.%5$d.%6$d %7$s, were not satisfied by the current status of the system. This should be corrected to assure proper operation. %1$s: 0504-229 The requsites for %2$s, %3$d,%4$d.%5$d.%6$d %7$s, were satisfied by the current status of the system but at least one tested fileset was not committed, while this fileset is already committed. This probably needs to be corrected to ensure proper operation of the system. %1$s: 0504-230 %2$d files have been checked. %1$s: 0504-231 The following inconsistencies were found while verifying fileset requisites. Fileset %1$s (%2$s part) at level %3$02d.%4$02d.%5$04d.%6$04d %7$s requires: %8$s%1$s%2$sAt least %3$d of: %4$s%1$s Usage: %2$s -{f|c|l|v} [-u] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-mn] [fileset [filelist]] -f Fast check (file existence, file length) -c Checksum verification -v Fileset version consistency check -l File link verification -u Update inventory (only valid with -c or -l) -O Data base(s) to be processed, default is all u = /usr/lib/objrepos, r = /etc/objrepos, s = /usr/share/lib/objrepos -mn n=1-3 controls detail of messages, 3 is most verbose fileset specifies filesets to be checked, may include "*", etc to specify multiple filesets filelist one or more file names (optionally using "*", etc.) to be checked. May be in form 'member:archive' to specify archive members that are to be checked. --- one and only one of the flags -f, -c, -l and -v may be specified --- filelist is not allowed with -v option %1$s: 0504-208 Size of %2$s is %3$d, expected value was %4$d. %1$s Usage: %2$s [-R {Path|"ALL"}] -{f|c|l|v} [-u] [-O{[r][s][u]}] [-mn] [fileset [filelist]] -f Fast check (file existence, file length) -c Checksum verification -v Fileset version consistency check -l File link verification -u Update inventory (only valid with -c or -l) -O Data base(s) to be processed, default is all u = /usr/lib/objrepos, r = /etc/objrepos, s = /usr/share/lib/objrepos -R User Specified Install Location -mn n=1-3 controls detail of messages, 3 is most verbose fileset specifies filesets to be checked, may include "*", etc to specify multiple filesets filelist one or more file names (optionally using "*", etc.) to be checked. May be in form 'member:archive' to specify archive members that are to be checked. --- one and only one of the flags -f, -c, -l and -v may be specified --- filelist is not allowed with -v option diskettetapefileUNKNOWNUsage: swvpdmgr [-ps] Fileset ... Flags: -p = Privatize Fileset. -s = Share Fileset with client systems. %1$s: ATTENTION: %2$s returned an unexpected result. Return code = %3$d.