ISO8859-1$ #1Uk .   ' !/Q,k-!-M 6 d +   )  F! f- /  6 . :9 i; 1  + -W Y0 d 2 G z) [ +)F2p " " - Sk)&!:R ~q s d > "^6Eg|2ikk/SO' #)A k , >  ,45jP' HP^@: )HrC(A5;wDm,50/F,v. , ^ @^ . 6 9 B> |6 < .!/!^H!q!!$'.*-k12S#2l72%2/2<3E3[@335p5555%5-6 *6? .6j .6 !6 6)7  75!7V%7x7,7H78)98H28897<1%s>: Failed to initialise the ODM <1%s>: Failed to lock the ODM <1%s>: Error accessing the ODM <1%s>: Illegal device specified <1%s>: Failed to open device <2%s> <1%s>: Out of memory <1%s>: System call failed <1%s>: Unknown device <1%s>: The specified device is not configured <1%s>: SSA hardware failure <1%s>: Unknown option -<2%c> <1%s>: Option -<2%c> needs an argument <1%s>: <2%s> is being formatted. <1%s>: <2%s> is off line <1%s>: Reservation conflict accessing <2%s> <1%s>: Internal software error (code <2%d>). <1%s>: <2%s> has been fenced out <1%s>: The function selected cannot be used because the physical disk drive is in use. Either:- 1) The logical resource (hdisk) is open. 2) The logical resource (hdisk) has Fast-Write enabled. 3) The physical disk (pdisk) is a member of a RAID array. Free the resource before retrying this command. <1%s>: Internal software error . Please contact your service representative. <1%s>: Unprocessed parameters at end of command line: Usage: <1%s> -l DiskName <1%s>: <2%s> has <3%d> unconfigured pdisks Usage: <1%s> -l DiskName Usage: <1%s> -l PDiskName -y|-n Usage: <1%s> -l PDiskName -a AdapterName <1%s>: Illegal pdisk specified <1%s>: Illegal adapter specified <1%s>: The specified pdisk is not configured <1%s>: The specified adapter is not configured <1%s>: Unknown device <2%s> Usage: <1%s> -l PDiskName Usage: <1%s> -l SSA_adapter <1%s>: <2%s> This Adapter cannot be formatted <1%s>: <2%s> Cannot be formatted because it is not empty Usage: <1%s> -l PDiskName Usage: <1%s> -l SSA_adapter [-b] <1%s>: Option '-b' is not valid for device <2%s> Usage: <1%s> -l PDiskName Usage: <1%s> -l PDiskName [-n KBytes] [-a] <1%s>: The <2%s> has been wrongly formattedor format is incomplete. Format the device Usage: <1%s> -l PDiskName [-n MaxReadSize] [-a] Usage: <1%s> -l PDiskName [-n MaxReadSize] [-a] <1%s> -l HDiskName [-b StartLBA] [-c] Usage: <1%s> -l PDiskName [-a AdapterName ] -y|-n <1%s>:<2%s> is not found <1%s>:<2%s> is currently in service mode <1%s>: The operation failed. The <2%s> must be at the end of a string or in a closed loop <1%s>:<2%s> not opened via ssa_servicemode <1%s>:<2%s> is currently being certified <1%s>:Adapter <2%s> does not support this command Usage: <1%s> -a AdapterName -L|-P Usage: <1%s> -a AdapterName -L|-P Usage: <1%s> [-l DeviceName] [ -h TimeSteps] Usage: <1%s> -d pdisk -f microcode_file <1%s> -u <1%s> -s [-d pdisk] <1%s>: Failed to open <2%s> <1%s>: Error reading <2%s> <1%s>: Download of <2%s> to <3%s> failed <1%s>: Failed to update VPD for <2%s> <1%s>: <2%s> is not an SSA pdisk <1%s>: The microcode file <2%s> is not suitable for <3%s> <1%s>: Error in VPD for <2%s> <1%s>: There are no available pdisks which are <1%s>: compatible with the available levels <1%s>: of microcode on the system. <1%s>: All available pdisks are currently loaded with <1%s>: the latest available, or better, levels of microcode. Downloading <1%s> to <2%s> ... <1%s>: Cannot Download to <2%s> while in String Configuration <1%s>: Retrying Download to <2%s> Usage: <1%s> -d pdisk -f microcode_file <1%s> -u [-d pdisk] <1%s> -s [-d pdisk] <1%s>: Unrecognised characters in command line: <2%s> <1%s>: This pdisk is currently loaded with the latest <1%s>: available, or better, level of microcode. Usage: <1%s> -d pdisk -f microcode_file [-p] <1%s> -u [-d pdisk | -a adapter ] [-p] <1%s> -s [-d pdisk | -a adapter ] <1%s>: Error in finding suitable microcode files. Usage: <1%s> [-w] SSA User Configuration Error: Node Number <1%d> is set on both Local Host '<2%s>' and Remote Host '<3%s>' SSA User Configuration Error: Node Number <1%d> is set on both Remote Host '<2%s>' and Remote Host '<3%s>' Usage: <1%s> [-l hdisk? ] [-f] Usage:<1%s> -l [-h] [-d DiskName] [-a AdapterName | -n AdapterUID | -s AreaNo] Usage:<1%s> -c [-h] -d DiskName {-a AdapterName |-n AdapterUID |-s AreaNo}[-x] -o Outfile ADAPTER DUMPS DATE TIME ADAPTER UID DISK AREA SIZE STATUS SEQ ADAPTER Writing file out to temporary location Compressing File Activating tar <1%s>:Invalid diskname or no pdisk <1%s>:Incorrect/Invalid ssa adapter name <1%s>:No Dump Found <1%s>:Unable to open file/directory in /tmp <1%s>:Insufficient disk space or error writing temporary file <1%s>:Insufficient Memory <1%s>:Unexpected error from system/ODM call <1%s>:error encountered whilst reading in copy mode <1%s>:Invalid AreaNo DATE TIME ADAPTER UID DISK AREA SIZE STATUS SEQ ADAPTER <1%s>:Transaction failed <1%s>:Permission denied <1%s>:Invalid Adapter name <1%s>:Unable to write status to pdisk. <1%s> ADAPTER DUMPS DATE TIME ADAPTER UID DISK AREA SIZE STATUS SEQ ADAPTER <1%s>:No Outfile specified. <1%s>:No Operation mode specified, either List(-l) or Copy(-c). <1%s>:Specify one AdapterName, AdapterUID or AreaNo only. <1%s>:Invalid device name or AdapterUID. <1%s>:Repeated arguments. Usage: <1%s> -l DeviceName [-a] [-u] Usage: <1%s> -l DeviceName -s <1%s> is not an SSA device <1%s> cannot be detected by the adapter Usage: <1%s> -l DiskName [-h] Disk Primary Secondary Adapter Primary Secondary Reserved Adapter Adapter In Use Access Access to Usage: To display enclosure component settings: <1%s> -l name [-s] [-v] [-i] [-b [card]*] [-t threshold]*] [-a] [-f [fan]*] [-d [drive_bay]*] [-p [PSU]*] [-o] [-c] To modify enclosure component settings: <1%s> -l name [[-I ID] [-U]] [-B mode|card=mode*] [-F speed] [-T threshold=value*] Where: name - enclosure or pdisk name threshold - locrit, lowarn, hiwarn or hicrit fan - 1 .. N drive_bay - 1 .. N PSU - 1 .. N ID - 4 character ID mode - automatic, bypass, inline or open card - 1 .. N speed - 0 .. 7 value - temperature in Celcius For help: <1%s> -? or <1%s> -h <1%s>: Option '-<2%c>' clashes with other options specified earlier <1%s>: Option '-<2%c>' given more than once <1%s>: Illegal parameter '<2%s>' for option '-<3%c>' <1%s>: Identifier must be <2%d> characters long <1%s>: Identifier not specified with '-I' flag <1%s>: Option '-<2%c>' requires a parameter <1%s>: Option '-<2%c>' requires one parameter <1%s>: Option '-<2%c>' requires argument(s) <1%s>: Parameter list for '-<2%c>' should contain one non-assignment, or multiple assignments <1%s>: Parameter list for '-<2%c>' can only contain assignments <1%s>: Option '-<2%c>' requires one parameter <1%s>: Illegal option: '-<2%c>' <1%s>: Illegal option: '-' <1%s>: Unrecognised characters in command line: <2%s> <1%s>: Enclosure name must be specified with '-l' option <1%s>: Option '-U' is not compatible with other options given <1%s>: Option '-U' is only valid with the '-I' option <1%s>: Parameter '<2%s>' for option '<3%c>' specified twice <1%s>: <2%d> is not a legal for option <3%c>. Legal values are: <1%s>: <2%s> has to be an SSA enclosure, or a pdisk in an SSA enclosure <1%s>: Unable to access device Usage: To display enclosure component settings: <1%s> -l name [-s] [-v] [-i] [-b [card]*] [-t threshold]*] [-a] [-f [fan]*] [-d [drive_bay]*] [-p [PSU]*] [-o] [-c] To modify enclosure component settings: <1%s> -l name [[-I ID] [-U]] [-B mode|card=mode*] [-F speed] [-T threshold=value*] Where: name - enclosure or pdisk name threshold - locrit, lowarn, hiwarn or hicrit fan - 1 .. N drive_bay - 1 .. N PSU - 1 .. N ID - 4 character ID mode - automatic, bypass, inline or open card - 1 .. N speed - 0 .. 7 value - temperature in Celsius For help: <1%s> -? or <1%s> -h Usage: To display enclosure component settings: <1%s> -l name [-s] [-v] [-i] [-b [card]*] [-t threshold]*] [-a] [-f [fan]*] [-d [drive_bay]*] [-p [PSU]*] [-o] [-c] To modify enclosure component settings: <1%s> -l name [[-I ID] [-U]] [-B mode|card=mode*] [-T threshold=value*] Where: name - enclosure or pdisk name threshold - locrit, lowarn, hiwarn or hicrit fan - 1 .. N drive_bay - 1 .. N PSU - 1 .. N ID - 4 character ID mode - automatic, bypass, inline or open card - 1 .. N value - temperature in Celsius For help: <1%s> -? or <1%s> -h Usage: To display enclosure component settings: <1%s> -l name [-s] [-v] [-i] [-r] [-b [card]*] [-t threshold]*] [-a] [-f [fan]*] [-d [drive_bay]*] [-p [PSU]*] [-o] [-c] To modify enclosure component settings: <1%s> -l name [[-I ID] [-U]] [-B mode|card=mode*] [-S [d [drive_bay]*]|[b [card]*]|[p [PSU]*]|r|c|o] [-T threshold=value*] Where: name - enclosure or pdisk name threshold - locrit, lowarn, hiwarn or hicrit fan - 1 .. N drive_bay - 1 .. N PSU - 1 .. N ID - 4 character ID mode - automatic, bypass, inline or open card - 1 .. N value - temperature in Celsius For help: <1%s> -? or <1%s> -h Usage: To display enclosure component settings: <1%s> -l name [-s] [-v] [-i] [-b[card ...]] [-t[threshold ...]] [-a] [-f[fan ...]] [-d[drive_bay ...]] [-p[PSU ...]] [-o] [-c] To modify enclosure component settings: <1%s> -l name [-I ID [-U]] [-B mode | card=mode ...] [-S {d[drive_bay ...] | b[card ...] | p[PSU ...] | r | c | o }] [-T threshold=value ...] Where: name - enclosure or pdisk name threshold - locrit, lowarn, hiwarn or hicrit fan - 1 .. N drive_bay - 1 .. N PSU - 1 .. N ID - 4 character ID mode - automatic, bypass, inline or open card - 1 .. N value - temperature in Celsius For help, type: <1%s> -? or <1%s> -h Usage: To display enclosure component settings: <1%s> -l name [-a] [-b[card ...]] [-c] [-d[drive_bay ...]] [-e] [-f[fan ...]] [-i] [-o] [-p[PSU ...]] [-r] [-s] [-t[threshold ...]] [-v] To modify enclosure component settings: <1%s> -l name [-B mode | card=mode ...] [-I ID [-U]] [-S {d[drive_bay ...] | b[card ...] | p[PSU ...] | r | c | o }] [-T threshold=value ...] Where: name - enclosure or pdisk name threshold - locrit, lowarn, hiwarn or hicrit fan - 1 .. N drive_bay - 1 .. N PSU - 1 .. N ID - 4 character ID mode - automatic, bypass, inline or open card - 1 .. N value - temperature in Celsius For help, type: <1%s> -? or <1%s> -h Usage: <1%s> -l pdisk [-s] <1%s> -a adapter {-p Loop | -n Network} [-s] <1%s> -x [-e] <1%s>: Device not found Usage: <1%s> -a Adapter [-l|-p|-c] <1%s>: Option -<2%c> cannot be used with option -<3%c> <1%s>: Option -<2%c> requires -<3%c> <1%s>: Failed to get fastwrite data from <2%s> <1%s>: The specified device does not have fastwrite enabled <1%s>: Cannot retrieve SSA logical disk information for device <2%s> <1%s>: Cannot retrieve SSA adapter information for device <2%s> <2%s>. Usage: <1%s> -d device -f codefile [-t] <1%s> -u -d device -f codefile [-t] Download new controller microcode to an SSA SES enclosure. -d device : can be a pdisk or an enclosure -f codefile : name of the hex file containing microcode [-t] : optional flag. If given, code is not blown into the controller EPROM -u : update all. Device specified twice Codefile specified twice Unknown option given: <1%c> No codefile specified No device specified <%1s>: Invalid file format: No (':') <%1s>: Invalid file format: Address < 0x8000 <%1s>: Invalid file format: Bad checksum. <%1s>: Invalid file format: Zero length line. <%1s>: Invalid file format: Zero length file. <%1s>: Failed to open file <2%s> <%1s>: Failed to allocate page. <%1s>: Download of <2%s> was successful. <%1s>: Failed to read SES page. <%1s>: Failed to write SES page. <%1s>: Failed to close device <%2s>. <%1s>: IOCtl failed <%1s>: Failed to find route to device <2&s> <1%s>: Device <2%s> is not an enclosure or a pdisk within an enclosure. <1%s>: File <2%s> is corrupt. <1%s>: You must have root privileges to use this command <1%s>: No microcode files found in /etc/microcode <1%s>: All specified or all available enclosures are currently loaded with the latest available, or better, levels of microcode. <2%s>. Usage: <1%s> -d device -f codefile [-t] <1%s> -u [-d device] [-f codefile] [-t] Download new controller microcode to an SSA SES enclosure. -d device : can be a pdisk or an enclosure -f codefile : name of the hex file containing microcode [-t] : optional flag. If given, code is not blown into the controller EPROM -u : update all.