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see syslogopendaemonsocket: daemon %s: cannot listenmakeconnection_ds: domain socket name too longdaemon lost $jmakeconnection: service "smtp" unknown851 %s: Name server timeoutThe option is not supported.SMTP outgoing connect on %.40s554 5.3.5 invalid port number: %s%s: cannot popen: %s daemon process doesn't have $j in $=w; see syslogsendmail:getrequests: The system call recvfrom() failed.rejecting new messages: min free: %d421 4.4.5 Too many SMTP sessions for this host%s SRC status!opendaemonsocket: daemon %s: server SMTP socket wedged: exiting554 5.3.0 host "%s" unknownunable to qualify my own domain name (%s) -- using short nameMy unqualified host name (%s) unknown; sleeping for retryFrom %.800s 201d remote from %.100s Arguments:openmailer: cannot chdir(/)TLS: start clientTLS: error: client: SSL_new failedTLS: error: SSL_set_xfd failed=%dTLS: error: SSL_connect failed=%d (%d)SSL_shutdown %s failed: %dSSL_shutdown %s not done454 4.3.0 cannot open %s: %s554 5.3.5 deliver: need SMTP compiled to use clever mailer554 5.3.5 Too many parameters to %s before $u552 Message is too large; %ld bytes max%s... Successfully delivered 554 Cannot send 8-bit data to 7-bit destinationnull destination for %s mailernull host signature for %s554 5.3.5 non-clever IPCService %s unknowndeliver: null host name in signatureUsing cached %sSMTP connection to %s via %s...Connecting to %s via %s...deliver: no host nameConnecting to %s...%s... relayed; expect no further notifications 554 5.3.5 deliver: mci=%lx rcode=%d errno=%d state=%d sig=%s%s... openmailer(%s): cannot dup pipe %d for stdout%s... openmailer(%s): cannot dup pipe %d for stdin%s... openmailer(%s): cannot fork554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error %dempty filename specification for mailer %s%s... end of deliver(%s)!putbody: Cannot open %s for %s from %s%s... openmailer(%s): pipe (to mailer)%s... openmailer(%s): pipe (from mailer)openmailer: setgid(%ld) failed554 5.0.0 Too many hops %d (%d max): from %s via %s, to %sremotename: huge return %s550 Host unknown554 5.3.5 SMTP style mailer not implementedopenmailer: initgroups(%s, %d) failedopenmailer: insufficient privileges to change gidInvalid port number: %ssendall: link(%s, %s)!sendall: link(%s, %s): permanentUsing cached LMTP connection for %s...554 5.3.5 openmailer: no IPCdeliver: cannot create mailer output channel, fd=%ddeliver: cannot create mailer input channel, fd=%d451 4.3.0 mailer %s died with signal %d%smailfile: Cannot open %s for %s from %smailfile: insufficient privileges to change uidmailfile: initgroups(%s, %d) failedmailfile: setgroups() failedmailfile: Cannot chroot(%s)mailfile: cannot chdir(/)mailfile: setgid(%ld) failedmailfile: setuid(%ld) failed554 5.3.0 file changed after open554 5.3.0 cannot fstat %smailfile: %s: wait554 5.3.0 cannot open %s: %smailfile: %s: child died on signal %d<<< No Message Collected >>>openmailer: initgroups(%s, %d) failed%s... openmailer(%s): overlapping mpvect %d %d%s... openmailer(%s): overlapping mpvect %d %d, lockfp = %dLMTP tobuf overflowputbody: %s/df%s: read errorputbody: write errorConnecting to %s port %d via %s...554 5.3.0 deliver: pv overflow after $u for %sopenmailer: Cannot chroot(%s)clone %s, owner=%sSASL: outgoing connection to %.64s: mech=%.16s, bits=%ddeliverable: mailer %s, host %s, user %sdeliverable: mailer %s, user %s250 2.0.0 Sentopenmailer: seteuid(%ld) failedopenmailer: setreuid(%ld, %ld) failedopenmailer: setuid(%ld) failedopenmailer: setgroups() failedhostsignature for host '%s' exceeds maxlen (%d): %d%s... openmailer(%s): cannot dup stdout for stderrmailfile: filename too long (%s/%s)!sendall: unlink(%s): permanentendmailer %s: wait timeout (%d)endmailer %s: waitgetmxrr: res_search (%s) failed with impossible h_errno (%d) MX list for %s points back to %sHost name %s too longbestmx_map_lookup: MX host %.64s includes map delimiter character 0x%02Xloop in ${HOSTALIASES} fileDNS failure: CNAME loop for %sDeferred: DNS failure: CNAME loop for %.100sclosexscript: job not lockedCannot send message for %sMessage could not be delivered for %s Message will be deleted from queue Warning: could not send message for past %sWarning: message still undelivered after %s Will keep trying until message is %s old Can't create transcript file %ssetsender: %s: invalid or unparsable, received from %sopenxscript: job not locked!Can't open /dev/null553 5.3.0 setsender: can't even parse postmaster!cannot prescan from (%s)553 Invalid sender addressConnection reset by no data known during %sConnection refused by %sHost %s is downnon-recoverable errorError %dSymbolic links not allowedHard links not allowedRegular files onlyExecutable files not allowedWorld writable directoryGroup writable directoryFile changed after openWorld writable fileGroup writable fileGroup readable fileWorld readable filehost not foundhost name lookup failureName server: Operation not permittedSYSERR: putoutmsg (%s): error on output channel sending "%s": %sTimeout on file open with , bodytype=%.20s553 5.3.0 header syntax error, line "%s"Truncated MIME %s header due to field size (possible attack)Truncated long MIME %s header (possible attack), msgid=%.100s, proto=%.20sfrom=%.200s, size=%ld, class=%d, nrcpts=%d%.850s, relay=%.100sfrom=%ssize=%ld, class=%ld, nrcpts=%dmsgid=%sproto=%.20s, bodytype=%.20s, %.400srelay=%.100sWarning: truncated header '%s' before check with '%s' len=%d max=%dexpand: recursion too deep (%d max)***UNDEFINED MACRO***Name required for macro/classInvalid macro/class character %cUnbalanced { on %sMacro/class name ({%s}) too long (%d chars max)Macro/class {%s}: too many long namesADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked) Enter
user %d attempted to run daemonuser %d attempted to purge host statusProcessed by %s with -C %s%s set sender to %s using -%cProcessed from queue %sCannot get B1 privilege; aborting... Illegal body type %sCan not use -q with -b%cName too long Warning: HostStatusDirectory disabled with ConnectionCacheSize = 0 Warning: .cf version level (%d) exceeds sendmail version %s functionality (%d)Frozen configurations unsupporteddisconnect level %dDaemon mode not implementeddrop_privileges: setgroups(1, %d) faileddrop_privileges: setgid(%d) faileddrop_privileges: setuid(%d) faileddrop_privileges: setuid(0) succeeded (when it should not)drop_privileges: Unable to drop non-root set-user-id privileges--- open file descriptors: ------ connection cache: ------ ruleset debug_dumpstate returns stat %d, pv: ------ end of state dump ------ dumping state on %s: $j = %s ---*** $j not in $=w ***Duplicate -R flagdaemon: dupInvalid operation mode %cmain: reentered!uname call failedfill_fd: %s: fd %d not open!fill_fd: %s: cannot open /dev/nullDebug flag restricted to root use only disconnect: freopen("/dev/null") failed: %sdaemon: cannot forkCannot use both -G and -U togethercould not restart: need full pathcould not set[ug]id(%d, %d): %min background, pid=%dinterruptInvalid -N argumentInvalid -R valueInvalid syntax in -V flagFile descriptors missing on startup: %sMore than one "from" personBad hop count (%s)cannot open %sWARNING: local host name (%s) is not qualified; fix $j in config fileNo local mailer definedNo prog mailer definedNo *file* mailer definedNo *include* mailer definedmain: cannot stat %sYou do not have permission to process the queuestarting daemon (%s): %ssetuserenv: putenv(%s) failedRecipient names must be specifiedNo MX code compiled in No queue to printdisconnect: open("/dev/null") failed: %sdaemon invoked without full pathname; kill -1 won't workPermission deniedI don't know about queuesQueueDirectory (Q) option must be setuser %d attempted to rebuild the alias map!sasl_server_init failed!restarting %s due to control commandcould not exec %s: %mrestarting %s on signalI don't speak SMTPInvalid operation mode: use the "-bd" flag when invoking sendmail via SRCWarning: HostStatusDirectory required for SingleThreadDelivery Usage: .[DC]macro value(s) Unknown "." command %s Usage: =Sruleset or =M Unknown "=" command %s Usage: -d{debug arguments} Unknown "-" command %s Undefined Usage: /[canon|map|mx|parse|try|tryflags] Usage: /mx address getmxrr(%s) returns %d value(s): Usage: /canon address getcanonname(%s) returns %s Usage: /map mapname key No key specified Map named "%s" not found no match (%d) returns %s (%d) Usage: /try mailer address Unknown mailer %s Trying %s %s address %s for mailer %s Rcode = %d, addr = %s Usage: /tryflags [Hh|Ee][Ss|Rr] Usage: /parse address Cracked address = Parsing %s %s address Cannot parse mailer %s, host %s, user %s mailer %s, user %s Unknown "/" command %s No address! == Ruleset %s (%d) status %d Undefined ruleset %s Map named "%s" not open could not set[ug]id(%d, %d): %mWarning: .cf file vendor code mismatch: sendmail expects vendor %s, .cf file vendor is %sWarning: .cf file is out of date: sendmail %s supports version %d, .cf file is version %dWARNING: cannot open alias database %s%sCannot rebuild aliases: no database format definedMethod for binding must be [none|simple|krbv4] not %s in map %sUser map %s: unknown column name %sndbm_map_open: cannot create database %sCannot open DBM database %sdbm map "%s": cannot support GDBMCannot reopen NDBM database %s%s map "%s": %s map file %sDeref must be [never|always|search|find] not %s in map %sownership change on %s failed: %sdb_map_open: cannot pre-open database %sdb_map_open(%s): file changed after pre-opendb_map_open(%s): cannot fstat pre-opened filedb_map_open: cannot lock %sCannot open %s database %sdb_map_open(%s): file changed after openCannot reopen DB database %sdb_map_close(%s, %s, %lx): db close failure421 4.3.5 NIS map %s specified, but NIS not running421 4.0.0 Cannot bind to map %s in domain %s: %s421 4.0.0 Cannot find table %s.%s: %s421 4.0.0 %s.%s: %s is not a table%s: lookup error, expected 1 entry, got %dnisplus_getcanonname: lookup error, expected 1 entry, got %d%s failed to %s in map %sError in ldap_search_st using %s in map %sndbm_map_open(%s): file changed after openfield (%d) out of range, only %d substrings in patterntoo many fields, %d max No filter given in map %sndbm_map_open(%s.{dir,pag}): cannot fstat pre-opened file421 4.0.0 cannot initialize Hesiod map (%s)421 4.0.0 cannot initialize Hesiod map (%d)Illegal option %c map %sIllegal option %c map syslogError getting LDAP values in map %s421 4.0.0 Error getting LDAP values in map %sldapmap_lookup: Internal error: buffer too small for LDAP valuesError getting LDAP attributes in map %s421 4.0.0 Error getting LDAP attributes in map %sError getting LDAP entries in map %s421 4.0.0 Error getting LDAP entries in map %sError getting LDAP results in map %s421 4.0.0 Error getting LDAP results in map %sLDAP map: cannot open secret %sLDAP map: Illegal value in lmap methodreadcf: option LDAPDefaultSpec: Do not set the LDAP search filterreadcf: option LDAPDefaultSpec: Do not set the requested LDAP attributesNo file name for %s map %s050 Warning: duplicate alias name %sreadaliases: db put (%s)050 ownership change on %s failed: %s421 4.0.0 %s failed to %s in map %s421 4.0.0 Cannot bind to map %s in ldap server %s421 4.0.0 Error in ldap_search_st using %s in map %sph_map_parseargs: unknown option -%c ph_map_parseargs: -h flag is requiredtimeout connecting to PH server %.100sph_map_open: cannot connect to PH servertimeout during PH lookup of %.100sph_map_lookup: query %s="%s" return emailprog_map_lookup(%s) failed (%s) -- closingprog_map_lookup(%s): read error %s prog_map_lookup(%s): wait error %s prog_map_lookup(%s): child died on signal %dreadcf: option LDAPDefaultSpec: Do not set non-LDAP specific flagscompile with -DLDAP_REFERRALS for referral support Warning: regex may cause prescan() failure map=%s lookup=%sToo many return attributes in %s (max %d)Scope must be [base|one|sub] not %s in map %sSequence map %s: unknown member map %sSequence map %s: too many member maps (%d max)seq_map_store(%s, %s, %s): no writable maptoo many substrings, %d max Switch map %s: unknown member map %ssyslog_map_parseargs: Unknown priority %s text map "%s": file name requiredtext map "%s": file name must be fully qualifiedtext map "%s": unsafe map file %stext map "%s", file %s: -k should specify a number, not %stext map "%s", file %s: -v should specify a number, not %stimeout conning to LDAP server %.100sndbm_map_open: cannot truncate %s.{dir,pag}mci_uncache: uncaching %lx (%.100s) from slot %d (%d)Unknown mailer error %dflags=%lxmci_generate_persistent_path: null host%s: line %d: Unknown host status line "%s"mci_lock_host: cannot create host lock file %sClosing connection to %snegative mno %d (%s),%serrno=%d, herrno=%d, exitstat=%d, state=%d, pid=%d,%smaxsize=%ld, phase=%s, mailer=%s,%shost=%s, lastuse=%s -------------- Hostname --------------- How long ago ---------Results--------- Deferred: %.*s mci_generate_persistent_path: null path%s: could not read status filestatus=%s, rstatus=%s,%sUnknown host status version %d: %d maxmilter_body: %s/df%s: rewind errormilter_body: %s/df%s: read errormilter_data(%s): EOM ACK/NAK timeout milter_data(%s): lied about adding headers, honoring request anywaymilter_data(%s): lied about changing headers, honoring request anywaymilter_data(%s) lied about adding recipients, honoring request anywaymilter_data(%s): lied about removing recipients, honoring request anywaymilter_data(%s): lied about replacing body, rejecting request and tempfailing messagemilter_data(%s): returned bogus response %cmilter_data: %s/df%s: read errorX%s: empty or missing socket informationX%s: no valid socket protocols availableX%s: unknown socket type %sX%s: local socket name %s too longWARNING: X%s: local socket name %s missing X%s: local socket name %s unsafeX%s: bad address %s (expected port@host)X%s: invalid port number %sX%s: unknown port name %sX%s: Invalid numeric domain spec "%s"X%s: Unknown host name %sX%s: Unknown protocol for %s (%d)X%s: unknown socket protocolX%s: error creating socket: %s X%s: error connecting to filterX%s: `=' expectedX%s: unknown filter equate %c=X%s: duplicate filter definitionToo many filters defined, %d maxInputFilter %s not definedX%s: unknown filter timeout %cname required for mail filter%s(%s): socket %d is larger than FD_SETSIZE %d milter_open(%s): %s failed: %smilter_read(%s): read returned %ld: %smilter_read(%s): read returned %ld, expecting %ldmilter_read(%s): read size %ld out of rangemilter_write(%s): length %ld out of rangemilter_write(%s): write(%c) returned %ld, expected %ld: %smilter_write(%s): timeout before data send 554 5.7.1 Command rejectedmilter_negotiate(%s): impossible statemilter_negotiate(%s): returned %c instead of %cmilter_negotiate(%s): did not return valid infomilter_negotiate(%s): did not return enough infomilter_negotiate(%s): version %ld != MTA milter version %dmilter_negotiate(%s): filter abilities 0x%lx != MTA milter abilities 0x%lx milter_negotiate(%s): protocol abilities 0x%lx != MTA milter abilities 0x%lx milter_reset_df: error writing/flushing %s: %smilter_reset_df: error sync'ing %s: %smilter_reset_df: error closing %s: %smilter_reset_df: error reopening %s: %s%s(%s): select: %s milter_send_command(%s): returned bogus response %cmilter_set_option: invalid Milter option %smilter_set_option: too many macros in Milter.%s (max %d)%s(%s): socket not ready milter_read(%s): timeout before data read %s(%s): timeout X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to base64 by %s id %sX-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by %s id %sX-MIME-Autoconverted: from %.200s to 8bit by %s id %smime7to8: unparsable CTE %smime8to7: Empty parameter in Content-Type headermime8to7: Content-Type: "missing": %s boundarymime8to7: Content-Type: "bogus": %s boundarymime8to7: multipart boundary "%s" too longmime8to7: multipart nesting boundary too deepmime8to7: cannot ftell on df%smime8to7: cannot fseek on df%s554 5.3.0 callsubr: expansion too long554 5.3.5 buildaddr: no host553 5.1.1 Address too long554 5.3.5 buildaddr: unknown mailer %s554 5.3.5 buildaddr: no mailer in parsed address653 Unbalanced '>'554 5.3.5 buildaddr: no user553 5.1.1 Address too long (%d bytes max)553 5.1.0 prescan: token too longTransient parse error -- message queued for future deliveryDeferring message until queue run553 5.1.1 Address contained invalid control characters653 Unbalanced '"'653 Unbalanced '('653 Unbalanced '<'653 Unbalanced ')'653 Illegal character %c653 Illegal character 0x%02x553 5.1.0 prescan: too many tokensrscheck: cannot prescan input: "%s"ruleset=%s, arg1=%s%s, reject=%s554 5.3.5 rewrite: illegal ruleset number %drewrite: excessive recursion (max %d), ruleset %s554 5.3.5 Infinite loop in ruleset %s, rule %d554 5.3.5 rewrite: ruleset %s: replacement $%c out of bounds554 5.3.0 rewrite: expansion too long554 5.3.0 rewrite: map %s not found%.80s map: lookup (%s): deferred553 5.1.0 remotename: too many tokensUnknown ruleset %sAborting queue run: load average too highqueue alg: %d delay %ld next: %ld (now: %ld) can not chdir(%s)committing over bf file!queueup: cannot commit data file %s, uid=%dreadqf: no control file %sreadqf: %s: line %d: bad line "%s"%s is empty orderq: cannot open "%s"runqueue: Flushing queue from %s/%s (pri %ld, LA %d, %d of %d)) ----Q-ID---- --Size-- -Priority- ---Q-Time--- ---------Sender/Recipient-------- ) ----Q-ID---- --Size-- -----Q-Time----- ------------Sender/Recipient------------ %s: locked lockedcan not opendir(%s)orderq: %s too long, %d max characters orderq: can't stat %s/%sorderq: %s/%s is not a regular file, only %d printedqueuedQueueDirectory: can not wildcard relative pathqueueup: cannot create %s, uid=%d: %s!queueup: cannot fsync queue temp file %squeueup: cannot lock %s: %s!queueup: cannot create queue temp file %s, uid=%d!queueup: cannot create data temp file %s, uid=%d!queueup: cannot save data temp file %s, uid=%d!552 Error writing control file %s!452 Error writing control file %scannot rename(%s, %s), uid=%dSkipping %s/%s (sequence %d of %d)Running %s/%s (sequence %d of %d)WorkList for %s maxed out at %dgrew WorkList for %s to %dFAILED to grow WorkList for %s to %ddowork: cannot fork%s: from queue%s: too young (%s) bogus queue file, uid=%d, mode=%obogus file uid in mqueueSECURITY ALERT: extra data in qf: %sbogus queue lineVersion number in qf (%d) greater than max (%d)SECURITY ALERT: bogus qf line %sunrecognized linereadqf: cannot open %sCannot stat %s510 You are not permitted to see the queue (job completed) (no control file)assigned idunlockcannot rename(%s, %s), uid=%dLosing %s: %stoo young (%s) %s (%d request%srunning queue: %sSkipping queue run -- load average too highSkipping queue run -- too many childrenSkipping %s/%s (sequence %d of %d) and flushing rest of queueSkipping queue run -- fork() failedunsupported qf file versionInvalid queue delay algorithm "%s"Warning: OperatorChars is being redefined. It should only be set before ruleset definitions. name server (I option) specified but BIND not compiled incannot open%s: WARNING: dangerous write permissionscannot fstatnot a plain file%s: WARNING: dangerous write permissions invalid rewrite line "%s" (tab expected)Inappropriate use of %s on LHSR line: null LHSreplacement $%c out of boundsInappropriate use of %s on RHSR line: null RHSWARNING: Ruleset %s has multiple definitions invalid argument to V line: "%.20s"invalid V line vendor code: "%s"too many %c lines, %d maxfileclass: cannot open '%s'name required for mailermailer %s: `=' expectedmailer %s: empty path namemailer %s: null end-of-line stringmailer %s: null argument vectormailer %s: null working directorymailer %s: null charsetmailer %s: null user namereadcf: mailer U= flag: unknown user %smailer %s: null group namereadcf: mailer U= flag: unknown group %sM%s: A= argument requiredM%s: P= argument requiredreadcf: null option namereadcf: unknown option name %sreadcf: ambiguous option name %s (matches %s and %s)Option %s used as abbreviation for %sUnknown 8-bit mode %creadcf: option %c: unknown group %sreadcf: I option value %s unrecognizedreadcf: Op line: %s unrecognizedreadcf: option u: unknown user %sInvalid queue sort order "%s"readcf: config K line: no map namereadcf: config K line, map %s: no map classreadcf: map %s: class %s not availableinvalid ruleset name: "%.20s"bad ruleset %d (%d max)bad ruleset definition "%s" (number required after `=')bad ruleset number %d in "%s" (%d max)%s: too many named rulesets (%d max)%s: ruleset changed value (old %d, new %d)settimeout: invalid timeout %sInvalid NoRecipientAction: %sreadcf: option DoubleBounceAddress: value requiredreadcf: option u: uid value (%ld) > UID_MAX (%ld); ignoredreadcf: option ConnectOnlyTo: invalid IP address %sClientPortOptions (O option) set but DAEMON not compiled intoo many daemons defined (%d max)DaemonPortOptions (O option) set but DAEMON not compiled inreadcf: DontBlameSendmail option: %s unrecognizedtoo many mailers defined (%d max)I/O read errorError: %s only allowed with -U Warning: Option: %s unknown parameter '%c' Warning: Option: %s requires SASL support (-DSASL) Warning: Option: %s requires TLS support M%s: unknown mailer equate %c=M%s: too few parameters for [FILE] mailerM%s: Warning: first argument in %s mailer must be %s M%s: first argument in [FILE] mailer must be FILEWarning: Option: %s requires LDAP support (-DLDAPMAP) M%s: too many parameters for [FILE] mailerWarning: MaxMimeHeaderLength: header length limit set lower than 128 Warning: MaxMimeHeaderLength: field length limit set lower than 40 Warning: MaxHeadersLength: headers length limit set lower than %d missing valid ruleset for "%s"Warning: MustQuoteChars too long, ignored. unknown configuration line "%s"mailer %s: null root directoryneed QUEUE to set -odqueue or -oddefer ----Rule Set %d:M%s: P=[TCP] is deprecated, use P=[IPC] instead readcf: option TrustedUser: unknown user %sreadcf: option TrustedUser: uid value (%ld) > UID_MAX (%ld)readcf: option TrustedUser: can not beused on systems which do not support fchown()readcf: option RunAsUser: unknown group %sreadcf: option RunAsUser: unknown user %sUnknown delivery mode %cM%s: too few parameters for %s mailerreadcf: option RunAsUser: uid value (%ld) > UID_MAX (%ld); ignoredAttempt to forward to more then %d addresses (in %s)!Deferred: user database errordeferred: udbexpand: %sforward %.200s => %sinclude: setgroups() failedinclude: initgroups(%s, %d) failed550 Cannot mail directly to programsqueued (user database error): %sremovefromlist: null listsendtolist: null list554 aliasing/forwarding loop broken (%d aliases deep; %d max)550 User %s@%s doesn't have a valid shell for mailing to programs550 Address %s is unsafe for mailing to programsinclude %s: transient error: %s451 4.2.4 Cannot open %s: %s550 Cannot open %s: %s550 Cannot mail directly to files550 User %s@%s doesn't have a valid shell for mailing to files550 Address %s is unsafe for mailing to files554 aliasing/forwarding loop for %s broken554 aliasing/forwarding loop broken%s... expanded to multiple addresses seteuid(%d) failure (real=%d, eff=%d)451 4.4.1 open timeout on %sCannot fstat %s!forwarding to %ssending to %s!seteuid(0) failure (real=%d, eff=%d)setgid(%d) failure!setgid(%d) failure (real=%d eff=%d)!setreuid(-1, 0) failure (real=%d, eff=%d)!setreuid(%d, 0) failure (real=%d, eff=%d)%s: user %s has bad shell %s, marked %s550 UID %d is an unknown user: cannot mail to programs550 UID %d is an unknown user: cannot mail to files550 5.1.1 User unknown%s: unsafe directory path, marked unsafe%s: %s writable %s file, marked unsafeduplicate suppressed550 Cannot mail directly to :include:sincluding file %ssending to login name %s553 5.3.0 cannot parse %s!Original message will be saved in dead.letter. errbody: I/O error553 5.3.5 Can't parse myself! ----- The following addresses had transient non-fatal errors ----- ----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----554 5.3.5 savemail: unknown state %dErrors occurred while sending mail. Message from %s... sender notifyPostmaster notify: see transcript for details553 5.3.5 Cannot parse Postmaster!554 5.3.0 returntosender: infinite recursion on %sReturned mail: see transcript for detailsSaved message in %s554 5.3.0 savemail: bogus errormode x%x !554 savemail: cannot save rejected email anywherereturn to senderpostmaster notifyUnable to deliver mail ----- Original message lost ----- This is a MIME-encapsulated messageThe original message was received at %srelayed to non-DSN-aware mailersuccessfully delivered to mailing listsuccessfully delivered to mailboxexpanded by alias ----- The following addresses had successful delivery notifications ----- (expanded from: %s)delivered (to mailing list)delivered (to mailbox)relayed (to non-DSN-aware mailer)expanded (to multi-recipient alias)delayedAction: %sStatus: %sRemote-MTA: %s; %.800sDiagnostic-Code: %s; %.800sLast-Attempt-Date: %sWill-Retry-Until: %s ----- Original message follows ----- ----- Message header follows ----- ----- Message body suppressed ----- ----- No message was collected ----- bogus xtext: +%cbogus xtext: +%x%cerrbody: null parentfailedTranscript of session is unavailable. Transcript follows: ----- Transcript of session follows ----- ----- Transcript of session is unavailable ----- ** THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY ** ** YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE **TLS: read error: %swrite W BLOCKwrite R BLOCKwrite X BLOCKsyscall errorgeneric SSL error501 5.0.0 AUTH aborted501 5.5.4 cannot decode AUTH parameter %s235 2.0.0 OK AuthenticatedAUTH failure (%s): %s (%d)500 5.7.0 authentication failed503 5.3.3 AUTH not available503 5.5.0 Already Authenticated503 5.5.0 AUTH not permitted during a mail transactionSMTP AUTH command (%.100s) from %.100s tempfailed (due to previous checks)503 5.3.3 AUTH mechanism %s not available454 4.5.4 Temporary authentication failure503 5.7.0 Authentication required.501 5.5.2 AUTH= requires a value501 5.5.0 Duplicate AUTH parameter501 5.5.4 Syntax error in AUTH parameter value500 5.5.0 smtp: unknown code %d200 2.0.0 Debug set501 5.5.4 cannot BASE64 decode '%s'%.100s did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to %s452 4.4.5 Insufficient disk space; try again later503 %s Duplicate HELO/EHLO451 4.3.0 %s: lost child500 5.5.1 Command unrecognized: "%s"451 4.3.0 %s: cannot fork250 2.0.0 Only one transaction500 5.5.0 ETRN out of memory%s:failed in %s %s:error in %s SMTP %s command (%.100s) from %.100s tempfailed (due to previous checks)"SMTP ETRN command (%.100s) from %.100s tempfailed (due to previous checks)501 5.5.4 Too many parameterspleased to meet you250 2.0.0 Initial submission454 4.5.4 Internal error: unable to encode64452 4.3.0 Internal software errorinvalid domain name (too long) from %.100sinvalid domain name (%.100s) from %.100saccepting invalid domain name421 4.4.1 %s Lost input channel from %slost input channel from %.100s to %s after %s503 5.0.0 Need MAIL command501 5.5.2 missing input501 5.0.0 Missing recipient502 5.5.1 Command not implemented: "%s"%s too old (require version %d)500 5.5.2 Parameter required250 %s Hello %s, %s250-%s Hello %s, %s250 2.0.0 Queuing for node %s started503 5.0.0 Need RCPT (recipient)452 4.5.3 Too many recipientsCommand rejected550 5.7.1 Command rejected554 5.7.1 Command rejected250 2.0.0 Reset stateSASL error: sasl_server_new failed=%d503 5.3.3 SASL TLS failedSASL: connection from %.64s: mech=%.16s, id=%.64s, bits=%dSASL: connection from %.64s: mech=%.16s, id=%.64sSASL encode64 error [%d for "%s"]SASL continue: msg='%s' len=%d SASL decode64 error [%d for "%s"]SASL: available mech=%s, allowed mech=%sSASL error: listmech=%d, num=%dSend Queue=server %s startupserver %s cmd read501 %s requires domain address501 Invalid domain name503 5.5.0 Nested MAIL command: MAIL %s%s didn't use HELO protocolHost %s claimed to be %s%s owned process doing -bs552 5.2.3 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size (%ld)452 4.4.5 Insufficient disk space; try again later250 2.1.0 Sender ok503 5.0.0 Need MAIL before RCPT250 2.1.5 Recipient ok550 5.1.1 Addressee unknown250 2.0.0 %s Message accepted for delivery502 5.7.0 Sorry, we do not allow this operation252 2.5.2 Cannot VRFY user; try RCPT to attempt delivery (or try finger)%.100s: %s [rejected]503 5.0.0 I demand that you introduce yourself first501 5.5.2 Argument required554 5.5.2 Nothing to %s221 2.0.0 %s closing connection"%s" command from %.100s (%.100s)421 4.7.0 %s Too many bad commands; closing connection501 5.5.2 Syntax error in parameters scanning "%s"501 5.5.2 SIZE requires a value501 5.5.2 BODY requires a value501 5.5.4 Unknown BODY type %s504 5.7.0 Sorry, ENVID not supported, we do not allow DSN501 5.5.2 ENVID requires a value501 5.5.4 Syntax error in ENVID parameter value501 5.5.0 Duplicate ENVID parameter504 5.7.0 Sorry, RET not supported, we do not allow DSN501 5.5.2 RET requires a value501 5.5.0 Duplicate RET parameter501 5.5.2 Bad argument "%s" to RET501 5.5.4 %s parameter unrecognized504 5.7.0 Sorry, NOTIFY not supported, we do not allow DSN501 5.5.2 NOTIFY requires a value501 5.5.4 Bad argument "%s" to NOTIFY504 5.7.0 Sorry, ORCPT not supported, we do not allow DSN501 5.5.2 ORCPT requires a value501 5.5.4 Syntax error in ORCPT parameter value501 5.5.0 Duplicate ORCPT parameter501 5.5.4 %s parameter unrecognized502 5.3.0 Sendmail %s -- HELP not implemented214-2.0.0 This is Sendmail version %s504 5.3.0 HELP topic "%.10s" unknown214 2.0.0 End of HELP info451 4.3.0 %s: died on signal %dserver %s child wait503 5.0.0 Polite people say HELO first503 5.5.0 Sender already specified250 2.1.5 Recipient ok (will queue)501 5.5.2 Syntax error (no parameters allowed)SMTP MAIL command (%.100s) from %.100s tempfailed (due to previous checks)503 5.5.0 TLS not available454 4.3.3 TLS not available after start503 5.5.0 TLS not permitted during a mail transactionSMTP STARTTLS command (%.100s) from %.100s tempfailed (due to previous checks)454 4.3.3 TLS not available: error generating RSA temp key454 4.3.3 TLS not available: error generating SSL handle454 4.3.3 TLS not available: error set fd220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLSTLS: error: accept failed=%d (%d)454 4.3.3 TLS not available: can't switch to encrypted layerTLS: can't switch to encrypted layerTLS: RAND_egd(%s) failed: random number generator not seededTLS: can't fstat(%s)TLS: RandFile %s too old: %sTLS: RAND_load_file(%s) failed: random number generator not seededTLS: Warning: safeopen(%s) failedTLS: Error: no proper random file definition %sTLS: Error: missing random file definitionTLS: Warning: random number generator not properly seededTLS: file %s missingTLS: file %s unsafe: %sTLS: error: illegal value '%s' for DHParamTLS: error: SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_server_method()) failedTLS: error: SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method()) failedTLS: error: %s: RSA_generate_key failedTLS: error: %s: SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(%s) failedTLS: error: %s: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(%s) failedTLS: error: %s: SSL_CTX_check_private_key failed(%s): %dTLS: error: %s: SSL_CTX_check_private_key 2 failed: %dTLS: error: %s: cannot read DH parameters(%s): %sTLS: error: %s: BIO_new_file(%s) failedTLS: error: %s: cannot read or set DH parameters(%s): %sTLS: error: %s: %d load verify locs %s, %sTLS: error: %s: SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(%s) failed, list ignored454 4.7.1 Please try again later550 5.7.1 Please try again later502 5.7.0 Verbose unavailable250 2.0.0 Verbose modestab: unknown symbol type %dpoptimer: odd pop (timer=0x%lx, index=%d, NTimers=%d)Timer@0x%lx already on stack, index=%d, NTimers=%dMessage delivered to mailing list %s expanded to %sexpand %.100s => %sMaximum number of UDB entries exceededUnknown UDB spec %savailable AUTH mechanisms do not fulfill requirementsencode64 for AUTH failed%.100s: SMTP DATA-3 protocol error: %serror: safesasl(%s) failed: %sreadauth: cannot open %sSASL: error: can't read %s from %ssaslgetrealm: realm %s available realms %ssaslgetrealm: realm %s not in list %sSASL: outgoing connection to %.64s: mech=%.16s451 4.4.0 smtpinit: state CLOSED553 5.3.5 %s config error: mail loops back to me (MX problem?)%s does not support 8BITMIME%.100s: SMTP MAIL protocol error: %s%.100s: SMTP RCPT protocol error: %s%.100s: SMTP DATA-1 protocol error: %s451 4.4.1 timeout writing message to %s%.100s: SMTP DATA-2 protocol error: %s451 4.4.1 reply: read error from %s... while talking to %s: system config errorsmtpquit: mailer%s%s exited with exit value %d prog_open: cannot chdir(/)checkfdopen(%d): %s not open as expected!prog_open: cannot chroot(%s)%s: cannot dup2 for stdout%s: cannot dup2 for stderr%s: changed fds:%s: cannot forkprog_open: setgid(%ld) failed!Out of memory!!proc_list_probe: lost pid %d%s: cannot create pipe for stdouttimeout waiting for input from %.100s during %sprog_open: setuid(%ld) failedunlink %s%s: unlink-fail %dPOSSIBLE ATTACK from %.100s: newline in string "%s"unable to write %s%s: cannot execresolved via %1$s resource record to %2$s 500 5.0.0 Bad usage 501 5.6.0 Data format error:550 5.3.0 Cannot open input 550 5.1.1 User unknown 550 5.1.2 Host unknown 554 5.0.0 Service unavailable:554 5.3.0 Internal error:451 4.0.0 Operating system error:554 5.3.5 System file missing:550 5.0.0 Can't create output:451 4.0.0 I/O error 450 4.0.0 Deferred 554 5.5.0 Remote protocol error:550 5.0.0 Insufficient permission 554 5.3.5 Local configuration errorcommand line usage errordata format errorcannot open inputaddressee unknownhost name unknownservice unavailableinternal software errorsystem error (e.g., can't fork)critical OS file missingcan't create (user) output fileinput/output errortemp failure; user is invited to retryremote error in protocolpermission deniedconfiguration error#vers 2cpyr cpyr Copyright (c) 1998, 1999 Sendmail, Inc. and its suppliers.cpyr All rights reserved.cpyr Copyright (c) 1983, 1995-1997 Eric P. Allman. All rights reserved.cpyr Copyright (c) 1988, 1993cpyr The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.cpyr cpyr cpyr By using this file, you agree to the terms and conditions setcpyr forth in the LICENSE file which can be found at the top level ofcpyr the sendmail distribution.cpyr cpyr $$Id: helpfile,v 2000/07/19 18:54:55 gshapiro Exp $$cpyr smtp This is sendmail version $vsmtp Topics:smtp HELO EHLO MAIL RCPT DATAsmtp RSET NOOP QUIT HELP VRFYsmtp EXPN VERB ETRN DSN AUTHsmtp STARTTLSsmtp For more info use: HELP .smtp To report bugs in the implementation send email tosmtp For local information send email to Postmaster at your HELP [ ]help The HELP command gives help info.helo HELO helo Introduce yourself.ehlo EHLO ehlo Introduce yourself, and request extended SMTP mode.ehlo Possible replies include:ehlo SEND Send as mail [RFC821]ehlo SOML Send as mail or terminal [RFC821]ehlo SAML Send as mail and terminal [RFC821]ehlo EXPN Expand the mailing list [RFC821]ehlo HELP Supply helpful information [RFC821]ehlo TURN Turn the operation around [RFC821]ehlo 8BITMIME Use 8-bit data [RFC1652]ehlo SIZE Message size declaration [RFC1870]ehlo VERB Verbose [Allman]ehlo ONEX One message transaction only [Allman]ehlo CHUNKING Chunking [RFC1830]ehlo BINARYMIME Binary MIME [RFC1830]ehlo PIPELINING Command Pipelining [RFC1854]ehlo DSN Delivery Status Notification [RFC1891]ehlo ETRN Remote Message Queue Starting [RFC1985]ehlo STARTTLS Secure SMTP [RFC2487]ehlo AUTH Authentication [RFC2554]ehlo XUSR Initial (user) submission [Allman]ehlo ENHANCEDSTATUSCODES Enhanced status codes [RFC2034]mail MAIL FROM: [ ]mail Specifies the sender. Parameters are ESMTP extensions.mail See: HELP DSN for details.rcpt RCPT TO: [ ]rcpt Specifies the recipient. Can be used any number of times.rcpt Parameters are ESMTP extensions. See 'HELP DSN' for detailsdata DATAdata Following text is collected as the End with a single dot.rset RSETrset Resets the system.quit QUITquit Exit sendmail (SMTP).auth AUTH mechanism [initial-response]auth Start authentication.starttls STARTTLSstarttls Start TLS negotiation.verb VERBverb Go into verbose mode. This sends 0xy responses that areverb not RFC821 standard (but should be) They are recognizedverb by humans and other sendmail implementations.vrfy VRFY vrfy Verify an address. If you want to see what it aliasesvrfy to, use EXPN instead.expn EXPN expn Expand an address. If the address indicates a mailingexpn list, return the contents of that list.noop NOOPnoop Do nothing.send SEND FROM: send replaces the MAIL command, and can be used to sendsend directly to a users terminal. Not supported in thissend implementation.soml SOML FROM: soml Send or mail. If the user is logged in, send directly,soml otherwise mail. Not supported in this implementation.saml SAML FROM: saml Send and mail. Send directly to the user's terminal,saml and also mail a letter. Not supported in thissaml implementation.turn TURNturn Reverses the direction of the connection. Not currentlyturn implemented.etrn ETRN [ | @ | # ]etrn Run the queue for the specified , oretrn all hosts within a given , or a specially-namedetrn (implementation-specific).dsn MAIL FROM: [ RET={ FULL | HDRS} ] [ ENVID= ]dsn RCPT TO: [ NOTIFY={NEVER,SUCCESS,FAILURE,DELAY} ]dsn [ ORCPT= ]dsn SMTP Delivery Status Notifications.dsn Descriptions:dsn RET Return either the full message or only headers.dsn ENVID Sender's envelope identifier for tracking.dsn NOTIFY When to send a DSN. Multiple options are OK, comma-dsn delimited. NEVER must appear by itself.dsn ORCPT Original recipient.-bt Help for test mode:-bt ? :this help message.-bt .Dmvalue :define macro `m' to `value'.-bt .Ccvalue :add `value' to class `c'.-bt =Sruleset :dump the contents of the indicated ruleset.-bt =M :display the known mailers.-bt -ddebug-spec :equivalent to the command-line -d debug flag.-bt $$m :print the value of macro $$m.-bt $$=c :print the contents of class $$=c.-bt /mx host :returns the MX records for (host).-bt /parse address :parse address, returning the value of crackaddr, and-bt the parsed address.-bt /try mailer addr :rewrite address into the form it will have when-bt presented to the indicated mailer.-bt /tryflags flags :set flags used by parsing. The flags can be 'H' for-bt Header or 'E' for Envelope, and 'S' for Sender or 'R'-bt for Recipient. These can be combined, 'HR' sets-bt flags for header recipients.-bt /canon hostname :try to canonify hostname.-bt /map mapname key :look up (key) in the indicated (mapname).-bt /quit :quit address test mode.-bt rules addr :run the indicated address through the named rules.-bt Rules can be a comma separated list of rules.control Help for smcontrol:control help This message.control restart Restart sendmail.control shutdown Shutdown sendmail.control status Show sendmail status.552 Message exceeds maximum fixed size (%ld)alias database %s autorebuilt by %salias database %s rebuilt by %s %s (%d request %s (%d requests%s: line %d: dbm map "%s": missing map file %sdbm map "%s": unsafe map file %s%s map "%s": missing map file %s%s map "%s": unsafe map file %salias database %s%s name too long421 4.3.1 Out of disk space for temp file421 4.3.0 collect: Cannot write %s (%s, uid=%d, gid=%d)gethostbyaddr(%.100s) failed: %d, %d day(s), %d hour(s), %d minute(s), %d second(s), %d week(s)opendaemonsocket: daemon %s: optional socket disabledopendaemonsocket: daemon %s: server SMTP socket (%d) too largeopendaemonsocket: daemon %s: setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF)opendaemonsocket: daemon %s: setsockopt(SO_SNDBUF)554 5.3.5 service "smtp" unknowngetmodifiers too long, ignoredsetsockaddroptions: domain socket name too long: %s > %dmakeconnection: long sa_data: family %d len %dmakeconnection: setsockopt(SO_SNDBUF)makeconnection: setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF)makeconnection: cannot bind socket [%s]makeconnection (%s [%s]) failed: %smakeconnection_ds: unsafe domain socketinterrupt (%s)Could not remove daemon %s socket: %s: %scould not drop privileges: %sMy unqualified host name (%s) unknown; sleeping for retryWarning: mailer %s: LMTP flag (F=z) turned offUsing cached SMTP/LPC connection for %s...openmailer: setusercontext() failedgiveresponse: null envelope%s... openmailer(%s)%s... openmailer(%s): bogus mpvect %d %dopenmailer: insufficient privileges to change gid, RunAsUid=%d, new_gid=%d, gid=%d, egid=%dopenmailer: insufficient privileges to change uid, new_euid=%d, RunAsUid=%dmailfile: insufficient privileges to change uid, RunAsUid=%d, RealUid=%d554 Server does not support Deliver By554 Message can't be delivered in time; %ld < %ldAUTH TLS switch failed in clientmailfile: filename too long (%s)bestmx_map_lookup: MX host %.64s includes map delimiter character 0x%02XWarning: Delivery time (%lds) exceeded!dropenvelope(%s): cannot commit data file %s, uid=%d!Can't open %sTruncated long MIME %s header (length = %ld) (possible attack)Fixed MIME %s header field (possible attack), daemon=%.20sWarning: redefined ruleset for header=%s, old=%s, new=%sUnable to assign macro/class ID (mid = 0x%x)user %d changed syslog labelCan not use -Q with -b%cCan not use -q!GCan not use multiple -qG optionsInvalid -q valueCan not use -Q with -q%cuser %d attempted to %sdrop_privileges: setregid(%d, %d) faileddrop_privileges: setresgid(%d, %d, %d) faileddrop_privileges: Unable to set effective gid=%d to RunAsGid=%ddrop_privileges: setreuid(%d, -1) faileddrop_privileges: second setuid(%d) attempt faileddrop_privileges: setgid(%d) succeeded (when it should not)main: setreuid(%d, %d) failedmain: setuid(%d) failedMail submission program cannot be used as daemonCan't initialize mailbox database "%s": %sMail submission program must have RunAsUser set to non root userQueue group %s unknownNo default queue (mqueue) definedPermission denied (real uid not trusted)User %d cannot rebuild aliases in mail submission program!sasl_server_init failed! [%s]restarting %s due to %scould not exec %s: %sMethod for binding must be [none|simple|krbv4] (not %s) in map %sMust compile with -DUSE_LDAP_INIT to use LDAP URIs (-H) in map %spattern-compile-error: %sDeref must be [never|always|search|find] (not %s) in map %sdns %.100s => %sdb_map_lookup: get (%s)451 4.3.5 NIS map %s specified, but NIS not running451 4.3.5 Cannot bind to map %s in domain %s: %s451 4.3.5 Cannot find table %s.%s: %s451 4.3.5 %s.%s: %s is not a table451 4.3.5 %s failed to %s in map %s451 4.3.5 Error in ldap_search using %s in map %sno fchown(): cannot change ownership on %sph_map_parseargs: WARNING: -v option will be removed in a future release - please use -k insteadph_map_send_debug: ==> %s451 4.3.5 cannot initialize Hesiod map (%s)451 4.3.5 cannot initialize Hesiod map (%d)Error getting LDAP results in map %s451 4.3.5 Error getting LDAP results in map %s451 4.3.5 Error getting LDAP values in map %s451 4.3.5 Error getting LDAP attributes in map %s451 4.3.5 Error getting LDAP entries in map %s451 4.3.5 Error getting LDAP results in map %s%s: Default LDAP string too longLDAP version %d exceeds max of %d in map %sLDAP version %d is lower than min of %d in map %sLDAP map: secret in %s too longDuplicate attribute (%s) in %sUnknown attribute type (%s) in %sLDAP recursion requested in %s but no returnable attribute givenLDAP recursion requested in %s can not be used with -nreadcf: LDAPDefaultSpec: class ldap not availablereadaliases: dbm put (%s): %dmap "%s": map file %s name too long%s map "%s": %s map file %s050 no fchown(): cannot change ownership on %sarith_map: unknown operator %cScope must be [base|one|sub] (not %s) in map %sCan not specify both an LDAP host and an LDAP URI in map %sldap %.100s => %smci_cache: caching %lx (%.100s) in slot %dmci_purge_persistent: failed to unlink %s: %smci_read_persistent: NULL fpmci_read_persistent: NULL mciMilter (%s): body, sendMilter (%s): body, sentMilter message: body replacedmilter_data(%s): lied about quarantining, honoring request anywaymilter=%s, quarantine=%sMilter: reject, dataMilter (%s): empty or missing socket informationMilter (%s): no valid socket protocols availableMilter (%s): unknown socket type %sMilter (%s): local socket name %s too longMilter (%s): local socket name %s unsafeMilter (%s): bad address %s (expected port@host)Milter (%s): invalid port number %sMilter (%s): unknown port name %sMilter (%s): Invalid numeric domain spec "%s"Milter (%s): Unknown host name %sMilter (%s): Unknown protocol for %s (%d)Milter (%s): unknown socket protocolMilter (%s): error creating socket: %sMilter (%s): error connecting to filter: %sMilter (%s): to error stateMilter (%s): quit filterMilter (%s): abort filterMilter: no active filterMilter: connect to filtersMilter: connect, endingMilter (%s): headers, sendMilter (%s): header, %sMilter (%s): headers, sentMilter change: default header %s value with %sMilter add: header: %s: %sMilter delete: header %s %s: %sMilter change: header %s %s: from %s to %sMilter (%s): init failed to %sMilter (%s): init success to %sMilter (%s): open %s failed: %sMilter add: rcpt: %sMilter delete: rcpt %sMilter: rcpts: %sMilter (%s): read returned %ld: %smilter_read(%s): cmd read returned %ld, expecting %ldMilter (%s): write(%c) returned %ld, expected %ld: %sMilter (%s): timeout before data writeMilter (%s): negotiate, impossible stateMilter (%s): negotiate: returned %c instead of %cMilter (%s): negotiate: did not return valid infoMilter (%s): negotiate: did not return enough infoMilter (%s): negotiate: version %d != MTA milter version %dMilter (%s): negotiate: filter abilities 0x%x != MTA milter abilities 0x%lxMilter (%s): negotiate: protocol abilities 0x%x != MTA milter abilities 0x%lxmilter=%s, action=%s, reject=%smilter=%s, action=%s, rejectmilter=%s, action=%s, discardmilter=%s, action=%s, tempfailmilter=%s, action=%s, acceptedmilter=%s, action=%s, continuemilter=%s, reject=%smilter=%s, rejectmilter=%s, discardmilter=%s, tempfailMilter (%s): select(%s): %smilter_send_command(%s): action=%s returned bogus response %cMilter: reject, no senderMilter: senders: %sMilter: reject, sendersMilter: reject, no rcptMilter (%s): socket(%s) not readyMilter (%s): %s %s %s %sMilter read(%s): timeout before data readMilter (%s): time command (%c), %dmime8to7: Content-Type: "%s": %s boundarymime8to7: cannot sm_io_tell on %cf%smime8to7: cannot sm_io_fseek on %cf%smime7to8: unparsable CTE %s554 5.3.0 Too many subroutine calls (%d max)cataddr: string too long553 5.1.1 Address too long553 5.1.0 Address "%s" too long (%d bytes max)can't find queue group name %s, selection ignoredqueue group name %s -> %drewrite: expansion too long, ruleset=%s, ruleno=%d501 5.1.3 8-bit character in mailbox address "%s"501 5.1.7 8-bit character in mailbox address "%s"553 Illegal character %c553 Illegal character 0x%02x553 5.3.0 %sruleset=%s, arg1=%s%s, discardruleset=%s, arg1=%s%s, quarantine=%sruleset=%s, arg1=%s%s, reject=%s554 5.3.0 rewrite: missing mapname554 5.3.0 rewrite: missing key for map %s501 5.1.3 Syntax error in mailbox address "%s" (%s)501 5.1.7 Syntax error in mailbox address "%s" (%s)gatherq: cannot open "%s"can not opendir(%s/%s)gatherq: %s too long, %d max charactersgathe: can't stat %s/%sgatherq: %s/%s is not a regular fileERROR: persistent queue runner=%d restarted too many times, queue runner lostQueuePath %s not absoluteQueuePath %.256s too long (%d max)QueuePath %s not subpath of QueueDirectory %sQueueDirectory: path too long: %d, max %dQueueDirectory: can not wildcard relative path "%s"QueueDir must be defined before queue groupsdoworklist: cannot forkSECURITY ALERT: extra or bogus data in queue file: %squeue file version %d not supported: %sreadqf: %s: incomplete queue file readqueueup: fsync(dfp)runqueue: %srunqueue: %s (%d)runqueue: %s: %sreadqf: no control file %squeueup: fsync(e->e_dfp)too many queue file systems (%d max)can not write to queue directory %s (RunAsGid=%d, required=%d)dangerous permissions=%o on queue directory %scan not use multiple queues for MSPfilesys_setup failed twice, result=%dqueue %s: `=' expectedqueue %s: empty path nameQ%s: unknown queue equate %c=too many queue groups defined (%d max)!cannot allocate memory for work queues, need %d bytes@can't commit %s!452 Error renaming control file %s!queueup: cannot create queue file %s, euid=%d!queueup: cannot save data temp file %s, uid=%d!552 Error writing data file %s!452 Error writing data file %sname required for queuerestart queue runner=%d due to signal 0x%xsqr: wgrp=%d, cgrp=%d, qgrp=%d, intvl=%ld, QI=%ld, runall=%d, lastrun=%ld, nextrun=%ld, sched=%dcheckqueuerunner: queue %d should have been run at %s, queue interval %ldrq: curnum=%d, MaxQueueChildren=%d, CurRunners=%d, WorkGrp[curnum].wg_maxact=%drwg: wgrp=%d, qgrp=%d, qdir=%d, name=%s, curqgrp=%d, numgrps=%drunqueue %s, pid=%d, forkflag=%drqe: donerun_work_group: cannot forkreadqf: cannot stat directory %scannot stat queue directory %scan not stat(%s)queueup: unlink(%s) failed: %squeueup %sR line: too many wildcardstoo many arguments for map lookupcannot nest map lookupssyntax error in map lookupmissing map name for lookmissing key name for lookupmissing map closing tokenillegal filename '%s'fileclass: missing file namefileclass: bogus map specificationfileclass: F{%s}: Default LDAP string too longfileclass: F{%s}: missing map classfileclass: F{%s}: class %s not availablefileclass: F{%s}: map open failedfileclass: F{%s}: map lookup failedmailer %s: null queuemailer %s: unknown queue %sreadcf: unknown option name 0x%xWARNING: mailer=%s, flag=%c deprecated!xtextify string too long554 5.3.0 returntosender: cannot select queue for %srelayed (Deliver-By trace mode)delayed (Deliver-By notify mode)relayed (Deliver-By notify mode)554 savemail: cannot save rejected email anywhereSTARTTLS: read error=%s (%d), errno=%d, get_error=%sSTARTTLS: read error=%s (%d)STARTTLS: write error=%s (%d)@sasl_read failure: outbuf == NULL but outlen != 0read W BLOCKread R BLOCKAUTH error: sasl_server_new failed=%dMilter: initialization failed, rejecting commandsMilter: initialization failed, temp failing commandsMilter: connect: host=%s, addr=%s, rejecting commandsMilter: connect: host=%s, addr=%s, temp failing commandsMilter: connect: host=%s, addr=%s, shutdown%s: probable open proxy: command=%.40s%s did not use CRLFunauthorized PIPELINING, sleepingAUTH=server, relay=%s, authid=%.128s, mech=%.16s, bits=%dAUTH encode64 error [%d for "%s"]AUTH decode64 error [%d for "%s"]AUTH failure (%s): %s (%d) %sSTARTTLS=server, error: fd %d/%d too largeSTARTTLS=server, error: accept failed=%d, SSL_error=%d, timedout=%d, errno=%dMilter: helo=%s, reject=%sMilter: helo=%s, reject=Command rejectedMilter: data, reject=%sMilter: data, reject=554 5.7.1 Command rejectedMilter: data, discardMilter accept: message%s: possible SMTP attack: command=%.40s, count=%uset automode for I (%d)/O (%d) in SMTP serverAUTH error: listmech=%d, num=%dAUTH: available mech=%s, allowed mech=%sAUTH warning: no mechanismssrvfeatures: unknown feature %sMilter: %s=%s, reject=%sMilter: %s=%s, reject=550 5.7.1 Command rejectedMilter: %s=%s, discarddelaying=%s, load average=%d >= %dSTARTTLS: can't switch to encrypted layer535 5.7.0 authentication failed501 5.5.2 AUTH mechanism must be specified504 5.3.3 AUTH mechanism %.32s not available%s: ETRN %sERROR: srv_features=tempfail, relay=%.100s, access temporarily disabledSMTP ETRN command (%.100s) from %s tempfailed (due to previous checks)%s: %s [rejected]421 4.7.0 %s Rejecting open proxy %s250 2.1.5 Recipient ok%s250 2.0.0 Queuing for queue group %s started421 4.7.0 %s closing connectionSMTP MAIL command (%.100s) from %s tempfailed (due to previous checks)%s: Possible SMTP RCPT flood, throttling.stab: total=%d (%d)stab: type[%2d]=%2d (%d)hesioded to %sudbexpand: db-get %.*s stat %dudbexpand: hesiod-get %.*s stat %dudbexpand: hesiod-getmail %s stat %d%.100s: SMTP DATA-1 protocol error: remote server returned response before final dot451 4.4.0 smtpinit: state CLOSED (was %d)553 5.3.5 %s config error: mail loops back to me (MX problem?)451 4.4.1 timeout writing message to %sserver=%s [%s] returned extensions despite HELO commandAUTH=client, error: can't open %s: %sAUTH=client, error: can't read %s from %sgetauth %s=%sAUTH=client, relay=%.64s [%.16s], authinfo %sfailedAUTH username '%s'AUTH authid '%s'AUTH=client, realm=%s, available realms=%sAUTH=client, realm=%s not in list=%sAUTH=client, available mechanisms do not fulfill requirements!cleanstrcpy: length == 0Warning: prog_open: program %s unsafe: %sstarted as: %sdns map %s: wrong type %sdns map %s: missing -R typedbm map "%s": map file %s name too longdbm map "%s": %s map file %salias database %s %srebuilt by %sforward: %s: %sforward %s: %sforward: %s: %sBerkeley DB version mismatch: compiled against %d.%d.%d, run-time linked against %d.%d.%dhave been rejecting connections on daemon %s for %sdelaying connections on daemon %s: load average=%d >= %dtcpwrappers (%s, %s) rejectionownership change on %s to uid %d failed: %s050 ownership change on %s to uid %d failed: %sMemory dump unavailable. To fix, run sendmail with -dsm_check_heap.4 To fix, rebuild with -DSM_HEAP_CHECK getrequests: acceptrejecting new messages: min free: %ldopendaemonsocket: daemon %s: unsafe domain socket %sopendaemonsocket: daemon %s: setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF)opendaemonsocket: daemon %s: setsockopt(SO_SNDBUF)554 5.3.5 service "smtp" unknown554 5.3.5 Unknown delivery mode %cmakeconnection_ds: unsafe domain socket %smakeconnection_ds: domain socket name %s too longmakeconnection_ds: could not create domain socket %sstopping daemon, reason=%ssrc_reply: sending %d msg, %d len = '%s'src_stats: sending '%s'src_stats: END packetproc_src: action = %dSRC stop receiveddaemon: setsockoptSRC refresh received%s mailer (%s) exited with EX_TEMPFAILdiscarded%s: clone: owner=%sdeliver: fork 1%s: sendall: null lockfpdeliver: fork 2sendenvelope, flags=0x%lxsync_dir: %s: fsync(%d)!sync_dir: cannot fsync directory %ssync_dir: cannot fsync directory %s: %s!dup_queue_file: can't commit %sremotename: huge return path %sopenmailer: setreuid(%d, %d) failedWarning: program %s unsafe: %sCannot exec %sAUTH=client, relay=%.100s, mech=%.16s, bits=%dAUTH=client, relay=%.100s, temporary failure, connection abortMessage is too large; %ld bytes max%s... Deliver-by notify: relayed %s... Deliver-By trace: relayed endmailer %s: wait timeout (%ld)putbody: %s/%cf%s: read errormailfile: insufficient privileges to change gid, RealGid=%d, RunAsUid=%d, gid=%d, egid=%dSTARTTLS=client, start=okSTARTTLS=client, error: SSL_new failedSTARTTLS=client, error: SSL_set_xfd failed=%dSTARTTLS=client, error: fd %d/%d too largeSTARTTLS=client, error: connect failed=%d, SSL_error=%d, timedout=%d, errno=%dMX records for %s contain empty stringdropenvelope, e_flags=0x%lx, OpMode=%c, pid=%ddelivery time expired %ldsDelivery time (%lds) expired Warning: Delivery time (%lds) exceeded dropenvelope(%s): unlocking job %.400srelay=%sDropped invalid comments from header addressTruncated MIME %s header due to field size (length = %ld) (possible attack)Fixed MIME %s header (possible attack) truncated long MIME %s header (length = %ld) (possible attack) fixed MIME %s header field (possible attack) Frozen configurations unsupported Invalid operation mode %c WARNING: Ignoring submission mode -%c option (not in submission mode) WARNING: Ignoring submission mode -%c option with -q -D file must be before -dWARNING: Can not use -d with -q. Disabling debugging. WARNING: local host name (%s) is not qualified; see cf/README: WHO AM I?Warning: Cannot use HostStatusDirectory = %s: %s queue control process: lost all children: wait returned ECHILDpersistent queue runner control process: lost all children: wait returned ECHILDpersistent queue runner=%d core dumped, signal=%dpersistent queue runner=%d died, signal=%dpersistent queue runner=%d, exitedconnect from %sdisconnect: sm_io_reopen("%s") failed: %sCan not use -Q. Authentication-Warning: %.400sdns map %s: wrong type %sError in ldap_search using %s in map %sph_map_recv_debug: <== %ssocket map "%s": empty or missing socket informationsocket map "%s": no valid socket protocols availablesocket map "%s": unknown socket type %ssocket map "%s": local socket name %s too longsocket map "%s": local socket name %s unsafesocket map "%s": bad address %s (expected port@host)socket map "%s": invalid port number %ssocket map "%s": unknown port name %ssocket map "%s": Invalid numeric domain spec "%s"socket map "%s": Unknown host name %ssocket map "%s": Unknown protocol for %s (%d)socket map "%s": unknown socket protocolsocket map "%s": error creating socket: %s socket map "%s": Unknown protocol for %s (%d) socket map "%s": error connecting to socket map: %s socket_open (%s): failed to create stream: %s socket_map_close(%s), pid=%ld socket_map_close(%s) already closed socket_map_close(%s): closed %s (shared SOCKET connection) socket_map_lookup(%s, %s) %s 451 4.3.0 socket_map_lookup(%s): failed to send lookup request451 4.3.0 socket_map_lookup(%s): failed to read length parameter of reply451 4.3.0 socket_map_lookup(%s): reply too long: %u451 4.3.0 socket_map_lookup(%s): missing ':' in reply451 4.3.0 socket_map_lookup(%s): can't allocate %u bytes451 4.3.0 socket_map_lookup(%s): received only %u of %u reply characters451 4.3.0 socket_map_lookup(%s): missing ',' in replysocket_map_lookup(%s): %s not found socket_map_lookup(%s, %s): server returned error: type=%s, reason=%s mci_cache: caching %p (%s) in slot %d mci_uncache: uncaching %p (%s) from slot %d (%d) mci_close: mci_out!=NULL, where=%s mci_close: mci_in!=NULL, where=%s Milter (%s): socket(%s) %d is larger than FD_SETSIZE %dMilter (%s): %s %s %smilter_read(%s): socket closedmilter_write(%s): socket closedmilter_write(%s): Sending %*s WARNING: X%s: local socket name %s missing Milter (%s): error creating socket: %s milter_set_option: invalid Milter option, must specify suboptionmilter_body: %s/%cf%s: rewind errormilter_body: %s/%cf%s: read errorMilter insert (%d): header: %s: %sMilter delete (noop): header: %sMilter change (add): header: %s: %sMilter delete: header%s %s: %sMilter change: header%s %s: from %s to %smilter_data: %s/%cf%s: read errormilter_unknown(%s) 553 Unbalanced '"'553 Unbalanced '('553 Unbalanced '<'553 Unbalanced ')'553 Unbalanced '>'ruleset=%s, arg1=%s%s, discard!queueup: cannot create queue file %s, euid=%d, fd=%d, fp=%pRunning %s/%s (sequence %d of %d)Skipping queue run -- fork() failedgatherq: %s too long, %d max characters gatherq: can't stat %s/%sgatherq: cannot open %s: %s dowork, pid=%ddoworklist, pid=%dchangedbogus queue file, uid=%d, gid=%d, mode=%oVersion number in queue file (%d) greater than max (%d) (permission denied) (job completed) queue directory "%s": Not safe: %sfilesys_update failed: %s, fs=%s, avail=%ld, blocksize=%ldfunc=init_sem, sem_key=%ld, sm_sem_start=%dunable to write %s: %sunable to read %s: %skey=%ld, sm_shmsetowner=%d, RunAsUid=%d, RunAsGid=%dcan't %s shared memory, key=%ld: %sshared memory does not contain expected data, ignoredsm_shmstop failed=%sAdding %s to stab, path: %sdup_df: can't link %s to %s, error=%s, envelope splitting failedsplit: maxrcpts=%d, rcpts=%d, count=%d, id%s=%ssplit: count=%d, id%s=%sunquarantine%s: Already quarantined with "%s" %s: Quarantine changed from "%s" to "%s" quarantine=%sSkipping %s: Error reading %s: %s Skipping %s: Incomplete file: %s Skipping %s: Error writing %s: %s quarantine_queue_item: rename(%s, %s): %sError renaming %s to %s: %s Error removing %s: %s missing map name for lookupWarning: %s: line %d: map %s not found connection_rate_check connection rate: %dM%s: P=[TCP] must be replaced by P=[IPC]M%s: too %s parameters for [FILE] mailerWARNING: RunAsUser for MSP ignored, check group ids (egid=%d, want=%d) Warning: Option: %s requires at least OpenSSL 0.9.7 Warning: Option: %s unknown parameter '%c' Warning: Option: %s requires Milter support (-DMILTER) returntosender: q_finalrcpt is NULLStatus: Action: Last-Attempt-Date: Will-Retry-Until: STARTTLS: write error=%s (%d), errno=%d, get_error=%sERROR: DNS RDLENGTH=%d > data len=%dERROR: DNS TXT record size=%d <= text len=%ddns_lookup: unknown resource type: `%s' lost input channel from %s to %s after %sAUTH continue: msg='%s' len=%u SMTP AUTH command (%.100s) from %s tempfailed (due to previous checks)454 4.3.0 Please try again laterSMTP STARTTLS command (%.100s) from %s tempfailed (due to previous checks)454 4.3.3 TLS not available: can't switch to encrypted layerinvalid domain name (too long) from %sinvalid domain name (%s) from %.100s451 4.0.0 Test failureSMTP %s command (%.100s) from %s tempfailed (due to previous checks)503 5.0.0 I demand that you introduce yourself first501 5.5.2 Argument required554 5.5.2 Nothing to %s500 5.5.2 Parameter required459 4.5.4 Queue %s unknown%s did not issue MAIL/EXPN/VRFY/ETRN during connection to %s"%s" command from %s (%.100s)Sending "%s" to Milter500 5.5.1 Command unrecognized: "%s"502 5.5.1 Command not implemented: "%s"Milter: cmd=data, reject=%sMilter: cmd=data, reject=550 5.7.1 Command rejectedMilter: cmd=data, discard@collect: bfcommit(%s): already on disk, size=%ld@Cannot reopen %sfcntl(inchfd, F_GETFL) failed: %sfcntl(outchfd, F_GETFL) failed: %s552 5.2.3 Message size exceeds maximum value552 5.2.3 Message size invalid501 5.5.2 BY= requires a value501 5.5.2 BY=%s out of range501 5.5.2 BY= missing ';'501 5.5.4 mode R requires BY time > 0555 5.5.2 time %ld less than %ld501 5.5.2 illegal by-mode '%c'501 5.5.2 illegal by-trace '%c'555 5.5.4 %s parameter unrecognized501 5.5.4 Bad argument "%s" to NOTIFY504 5.7.0 Sorry, ORCPT not supported, we do not allow DSNSTARTTLS: RAND_egd(%s) failed: random number generator not seededSTARTTLS: can't fstat(%s)STARTTLS: RandFile %s too old: %sSTARTTLS: size(%s) < %d: %sSTARTTLS: RAND_load_file(%s) failed: random number generator not seededSTARTTLS: Warning: safeopen(%s) failedSTARTTLS: Error: no proper random file definition %sSTARTTLS: Error: missing random file definitionSTARTTLS: Warning: random number generator not properly seededSTARTTLS: %s%s missingSTARTTLS=%s: file %s unsafe: %sSTARTTLS=%s, inittls: ctx == NULLSTARTTLS=%s, error: illegal value '%s' for DHParamSTARTTLS=%s, error: SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_%s_method()) failedSTARTTLS=%s, error: PEM_read_bio_X509_CRL(%s)=failedSTARTTLS=%s, error: BIO_new=failedSTARTTLS=%s, error: X509_STORE_add_lookup(hash)=failedSTARTTLS=%s, error: RSA_generate_key failedSTARTTLS=%s, error: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(%s) failedSTARTTLS=%s, error: SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(%s) failedSTARTTLS=%s, error: SSL_CTX_check_private_key failed(%s): %dSTARTTLS=%s, error: SSL_CTX_check_private_key 2 failed: %dSTARTTLS=%s, error: cannot read DH parameters(%s): %sSTARTTLS=%s, error: BIO_new_file(%s) failedSTARTTLS=%s, error: cannot read or set DH parameters(%s): %sSTARTTLS=%s, Diffie-Hellman init, key=%d bit (%c)STARTTLS=%s, error: load verify locs %s, %s failed: %dSTARTTLS=%s, error: SSL_CTX_set_cipher_list(%s) failed, list ignoredSTARTTLS=%s, init=%dSTARTTLS=%s, get_verify: %ld get_peer: 0x%lxSTARTTLS=%s, relay=%.100s, version=%.16s, verify=%.16s, cipher=%.64s, bits=%.6s/%.6sSTARTTLS=%s, cert-subject=%.256s, cert-issuer=%.256s, verifymsg=%sSTARTTLS=%s, SSL_shutdown failed: %dSTARTTLS=%s, SSL_shutdown not doneSTARTTLS=server, tmp_rsa_key: RSA_generate_key failed!STARTTLS=server, tmp_rsa_key: new temp RSA keySTARTTLS: info_callback where=0x%x, ret=%dSTARTTLS: %s:%sSTARTTLS: SSL3 alert %s:%s:%sSTARTTLS: %s:failed in %sSTARTTLS: %s:error in %sSTARTTLS: internal error: tls_verify_cb: ssl == NULLSTARTTLS: %s cert verify: depth=%d %s, state=%d, reason=%sSTARTTLS=%s: %lu:%s:%s:%d:%s553 5.3.5 system config errorunable to write pid to %s: file in use by another processunable to write pid to %s: %sdbm map "%s": map file %s name too long host=%s, lastuse=%sDeferred: %.*s