ISO8859-1()43(5\$5  - 69 p 8a3CVl)#;W(m=sedmgr [-m {off|all|select|setidfiles}] [-o {on|off}] [-c {system|request|exempt} {file_name|file_group}] [-d {file_name|directory_name}] [-h] -%1$c and -%2$c are mutually exclusive. Unable to initialize odm (odmerrno = %d) Unable to mount ODM object class %s (odmerrno = %d) Unable to open ODM object class %s (odmerrno = %d) Unable to get ODM object in class %s (odmerrno = %d) Stack Execution Disable (SED) mode: Unable to get SED configuration in kernel (errno=%d) SED configured in kernel: %s Only superuser can run sedmgr with -m or -o. Only superuser can run sedmgr with -c and file_group. Invalid -%c value: Invalid parameter: Unable to change ODM object in class %s (odmerrno = %d) System wide SED attribute has been set successfully. It is effective at 64 bit kernel boot time. Cannot find %s %s : Cannot read. %s%s: name too long. %s : Not a regular file. %s : Not an executable. %s : No write permission. %s : No read permission. %s : Not a recognized executable format. %s : Seek error. %s : Write error. %s : Invalid SED flag. chdev %s failed: Failed %s ldedit %s failed: %s Cannot change SED bits for directory %s The processor does not support Stack Execution Disable (SED)