ISO8859-1Q,+1!5S1 +  "( :K :"<$E+jB !=!9_4@F0V)A !>"&7#^$z%?&1'<(c .)7 *N + , 0- 9. E/ P0C Y14 2O 3 "4@ ,53 m63 7+ 8 9: :' Y; </ = > ? @ A B C D5 E>F QGH[H&I-J)K/#L@SMFN0O PQ%Command terminated abnormally. Versions of sadc and sar are inconsistent. Option P is inconsistent with input file. sar: 0551-200 Invalid interval length specified. sar: 0551-214 Invalid number of intervals specified. Averagesar: 0551-201 Cannot open %s. Cannot parse %s: Need odd number of parameters. CHARS TRNSFD = %1$ld BLOCKS READ = %2$ld %s: Data does not exist. sar: 0551-202 The stack is empty. sar: 0551-203 ending time (etime) <= starting time (stime)The stack is full. %s is ignored. sar: 0551-204 %1$s is not a valid option of the %2$c flag timex: 0551-205 Specify a command.sar: 0551-206 Cannot specify more than one x-axis value: %s sar: 0551-207 There is no sar data. timex: 0551-208 No process records found. sar: 0551-209 Cannot specify the same file on the -o and -f flags.realsar: 0551-210 Cannot reduce %s. Operating System is restarting. Usage: sag [-s hh[:mm]] [-e hh[:mm]] [-f file] [-i seconds] [-x "spec"] [-y "spec[;spec]..."] [-T term] where Spec has the form Name [Op Name]...[Lo Hi] and Name is a string matching a column header in sar command. Usage: sar { -A | [-a][-b][-c][-d][-k][-m][-q][-r][-u][-v][-w][-y] } [-s hh[:mm[:ss]]] [-e hh[:mm[:ss]]] [-P processor_id[,...] | ALL] [-f file] [-i seconds] [-o file] [interval [number]] sys sar: 0551-211 Specify a positive integer for the time change. Usage: timex [-s][-o][-p[-fhkmrt]] cmdtimex: 0551-212 Try again. usersar: 0551-213 Try running /usr/lib/sa/sa1 With option P, only options acmuw are accepted. [-X] [-i seconds] [-o file] [interval [number]] Invalid input file format. With the -X option, use a binary file generated on AIX 4.3 or AIX 4.2. sar: file or path name %s cannot exceed %d characters. System configuration changed. The current iteration values may be inaccurate. System configuration: lcpu=%d mem=%lldMB drives=%d ent=%.2fsar: CPU %d is offline, it will be monitored once it become online sar: All the specified CPUs are offline. Exiting... Usage: sar { -A [-M] | [-a][-b][-c][-d][-k][-m][-q][-r][-u][-v][-w][-y][-M] } mode=%s sar : The output is applicable only to the Global Environment. With option P,no other option is allowed for WPAR. sar : PARTITION statistics could not be retrieved. sar: Workload Partition %s is not found. sar: WPAR %s is not active. sar: Could not switch to workload partition environment. sar: Option @ not allowed inside WPAR sar: WPAR name required sar: WPAR name %s cannot exceed %d characters. %s configuration: Usage: sar { -A | [-a][-b][-c][-k][-m][-q][-u][-v][-w] } [-s hh[:mm[:ss]]] [-e hh[:mm[:ss]]] [-P processor_id[,...] | ALL | RST] [-o file] [interval [number]] %s configuration: memlim=%lldMB cpulim=%.2f rset=Exclusiverset=Regular This is a WPAR recording.Use the following options. [-P processor_id[,...] | ALL | RST] [-@ wparname] ent=%.2f [-s [YYYYMMDD]hh[:mm[:ss]]] [-e [YYYYMMDD]hh[:mm[:ss]]] [-x] format is not same for -s and -e flagssar: Bad -O option syntax (an = is missing). sar: Only one -O option_name is allowed. sar: Unknown command line option with -O flag. sar: Incorrect -O option syntax. sortcolumn option is required. sar: Incorrect value for -O sortorder option. Use "asc" or "desc". sar: Bad count value for -O topcount option. [-P processor_id[,...] | ALL | RST [-O {sortcolumn=col_name[,sortorder={asc|desc}][,topcount=n][,xmlfile=filename]}]] [-@ wparname] Usage: sar { -A | [-a][-b][-c][-k][-m][-q][-u][-v][-w] } [-s hh[:mm[:ss]]] [-e hh[:mm[:ss]]] [-P processor_id[,...] | ALL | RST [-O {sortcolumn=col_name[,sortorder={asc|desc}][,topcount=n]}]] [-o file] [interval [number]] sar : No disks found on the system.