ISO8859-101  2 4B ]j     4Lei /.L \!5x"#9$,%5&N'e(*y)!*4+!,-H=.H/T0*$rcp: %s does not have an account on this machine rcp: shell/tcp: unknown service who are you? Usage: rcp [-p] f1 f2; or: rcp [-rp] f1 ... fn d2 rcp: %s: %s. rcp: invalid user name %s rcp: %s: %s rcp: %s: not a plain file rcp: %s: %s rcp: %s: %s %s/%s: Name too long. rcp: lost connection rcp: ambiguous target unexpected '\n'lost connectionmtime.sec not delimitedmtime.usec not delimitedatime.sec not delimitedatime.usec not delimited%s expected control recordbad modemode not delimitedsize not delimitedrcp: can't set times on %s: %s rcp: %s: %s rcp: dropped connectionrcp: %s rcp: error in writing to %s: check for ulimit rcp: protocol is at fault %s rcp: fstat: %s rcp: malloc: out of memory ERROR: could not allocate space needed. Try again Missing semicolon on hostname Not enough room in get_user() to allocate username space %s does not have an account on this machine host: name %s NOT FOUND %s: address misformed %s: host not found okname: Error converting to widechar (%s) rcp: error in writing to %s : %s rcp: %s and %s refer to the same file (not copied). rcp: kshell/tcp: unknown service rcp: get_auth_methods failed %sUsage: rcp [-p] [-F] [-k realm ] [-m] f1 f2; or: rcp [-rp] f1 ... fn d2 rcp: Kerberos 4 authentication failed : %s library could not be opened rcp: Kerberos 4 authentication failed : %s library did not contain the %s function rcp: no authentication methods configured