ùISO8859-1=ô28$P3uX©6%Q<w -´ Câ 4& [ <x=µ(ó)3F+z5¦>ÜE1a:“(Î)÷.!<P87ÆþN  = k!^ ©"< # E$ ^% }&4 '6 Ò( )" **] M+R «,. þ-. -. \/3 p0C ¤1F è25 /34 e4_ š5- ú6G(7'p8&˜Error: Unable to get user data from the LDAP user directory. Error parsing configuration. Only superuser can run radldapuser. Invalid number of maximum authentication sessions. Usage: radldapuser: The first flag must be one of: -l -a -c -d -m -r -v List: -l [-u ] Add: -a -u [-t maxlogin] [-e ] [-w weeks] Change: -c -u [-t maxlogin] [-e ] [-w weeks] Delete: -d -u Password Modify: -m -u Clear Active: -r -u Verbose: -v Invalid EAP type. noneCould not connect or authenticate to the LDAP Server. User Id not found in LDAP directory. get_ldap_user_list:Error in the ldap_count_entries: rc =%d. add_ldap_user:Error in the ldap_add: rc =%d. add_ldap_user:Error in the ldap_add for radiusactiveusers: rc =%d. add_ldap_user:LDAP radiusUser object created. DN=%s LDAP user has been created. User Id entered is greater than the maximum 256 characters. Password entered is greater than the maximum 128 characters. LDAP user information has been changed. Error in changing LDAP user information. change_ldap_user:Error in the ldap_modify: rc =%d. change_ldap_user:LDAP user modified. DN=%s add_ldap_user:LDAP radiusActiveUsers created, DN=%s. delete_ldap_user:Error in the radiusUser ldap_delete: rc =%d. delete_ldap_user:Error in the radiusActiveusers ldap_delete: rc =%d. delete_ldap_user:LDAP radiusUser deleted. DN=%s. delete_ldap_user:LDAP radiusActiveUser object(s) deleted. LDAP user information has been deleted. Error in deleting LDAP user information. No User Ids were found in the LDAP directory. There was an error is retrieving the list of LDAP User Ids. get_ldap_user_list:Error in the ldap_search_s: rc = %d. get_ldap_user_list:Number of LDAP user Ids found = %d. Error in creating LDAP user. clear_ldap_active:Error in the ldap_modify for one radiusactiveusers: rc =%d. clear_ldap_active:LDAP active user sessions modified. DN=%s. LDAP user's active session information has been cleared. The user is no longer authenticated. Error in clearing the LDAP user active session information. Enter %s's new password:Enter %s's new password again:Error, passwords do not match. mod_ldap_password:Error in the ldap_modify: rc =%d. mod_ldap_password:LDAP user password modified. DN=%s. Password modified successfully. Error in modifying user password. Error, LDAP is not configured as the user id database location. Check the radiusd.conf file. New maximum login count equals the existing maximum login count, nothing changed. Error, unable to decrease the maximum logins. Error, unable to increase the maximum logins. Return code is %d. get_ldap_user:Error in the ldap_search_s: rc = %d. change_by_add:Successfully increased the maximum number of logins. change_by_delete:Successfully decreased the maximum number of logins. Could not initialize (ldap_init) to the LDAP Server. Could not bind (ldap_sasl_bind) to the LDAP Server. Warning: New maximum login count equals the existing maximum login count, maximum not changed. Invalid number of Password Expiration weeks. Invalid number of Password Expiration weeks. Must be between 0 and 52. Non printable characters in User Name. Non printable characters in password.