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I# jm 7 T `e! !!$Ch'}'TH";k(FHF`?7o 7!9"n#$%E&$'&)(OP)"*B+$,)+-U./q012aF34>56[78^9r:R;<v=>?<^@<A<B<CRDEF|?GHvI$J4<KrqLhM[MN1O=P;Q+UR?S5TjU2bVvWs X3Y4Z1[K\Lg]J^D_;D`da5b<c1Xdef(gxh;fi3j2k l%m@n]ovpq!r s"tu2*v]w5xx&yz+{/|+L}8x~$,4Q"p"%12$d4;38.g%9?..073hHG1-6_)$X>%\2h7V)(&R$y#2%+>4j66 (AZs"*++V)!)*(#@L8?7<>;{ #"?<[S];±;C)=m=ë<M&<t,ı : 5V7t9ά91 ARAϔD><ZFЗ>IKg:ѳ8D'<lSҩOVMVӤ@<^Y%Ը>1@O'Րո08di%׌:$ _7؀$ڸ;($B g 6ۀ &۷ 3 *,=jM|S!+@(l6ݕC.,?!l$ގ-޳%6">#a <߅!-".#1$3Q%7&*'(+)4/*6d+1,9-9.7A/.y01:243/4$M5r6*71849L":4o;1<*=*>*,?/W@.A8B8Cb(DWE.FRG[eH?I.JP0KOL<MQNg`OPP`QPzRgSh3T_U^VN[WNX.YJ(ZWs[L\P]ki^C_E`._aub}cpdeJfCg92hAli@j@kB0lAsmNn9o2>p$qq<r$s;t>4u1svww7x3Uy0z0{,|7})P~JzDD 7OC>= :H1-755Q;AF6fH8,ML%(?#1c2 </&,VA$E 1PN85 N@K74<H92/A"d&f.ND %Pv"5*+$@<e]f " 8 #  E L d) 8   #I :& %  , !   = ! V D x!    S U cJ b4gXprobevue: Argument of the form option=value. probevue: Error in arguments of c flag. probevue: Memory allocation error. Usage: probevue [-c "{timestamp={0|1} thread={on|off} tid={t1,..} pid={p1,..} }" ] [-b] [-d] [-I ,..] [-s ] [-o ] [-t ] [-K] [-X [-A ""]] [-e ] [ []] probevue -P [] probevue [-l "{syscall|syscallx|syscallx32|syscallx64|interval|systrace}"] probevue: Only root or authorized user can run probevue. probevue: Error fetching parameter. probevue: Unable to create process. probevue: Invalid return from program. probevue: Unable to debug program. probevue: Unable to get thread information. probevue: Unable to execute program. probevue: Maximum number of arguments exceeded for program. probevue: Time interval out of bound. probevue: Buffer size out of bound. probevue: Invalid parameter. Invalid typeInvalid storage classIncompatible castInvalid probe stringIncorrect array dimensionVariable already declaredkernel variable not foundMember operator -> can not be used in left hand sideIncorrect array indexOperation not allowedType not foundarg builtin cannot be used. No defined function.__arg builtin can be used only in entry probe__rv builtin can be used only in exit probe__rv builtin cannot be used. No defined function.argument number not available in function.Unable to start session 0x%016llx Initialization not allowedInvalid flag to function.probevue subsystem is not available.cannot assign voidspace/new line not allowed in probe stringThread local strings are not allowed.Thread local variable assignment in BEGIN/END is not effective.Expression returns voidcannot declare variable as type voidstring size requiredinvalid tokenOperation not allowed in predicateLists can be created only in @@BEGIN clause.Invalid Assignment, Type mismatchMore than one @@BEGIN clause. Only one allowedMore than one @@END clause. Only one allowedInvalid AssignmentAssignment to builtin not allowedString/List type members are not allowed in struct/union.Array of String not allowedExecutable file %s not found in PATH. Unable to execute program %s. Variable not declaredNo authority to access kernel variableReturn value ignoredComment started at line @1 not terminatedPossible unterminated string starting at line @1sizeof(String) returns zero.External or Kernel data can not be traced.List data can not be traced.Associative arrays can not be traced.Invalid interval specifier '@1'.Intervals can be specifed in 100ms increments, will be rounded upwards to next 100 millisecondsExceeded maximum number (@1) of allowed timers per user.Variable '@1' already declared at line @2.'@1' storage class is not supported.Floating point expressions not allowed in predicates.Assignment operation not allowed in predicates.Variable '@1' is of type void, invalid operation.Invalid arithmatic operation between '@1' and '@2', incompatible types.Invalid logical operation between '@1' and '@2', incompatible types.Invalid relational operation between '@1' and '@2', incompatible types.Invalid bit operation between '@1' and '@2', incompatible types.Invalid arithmatic operation between incompatible types.Invalid logical operation between incompatible types.Invalid relational operation between incompatible types.Invalid bit operation between incompatible types.'signed' and 'unsigned' modifiers can not be used together.string and numeric data are not assignment compatible.Variable '@1' of unknown type used in predicate.Function calls are not allowed in predicate.Undefined trace buffer '@1' used in '@2' call.Call to unknown function '@1()'.Non numeric/integer indexes used to access array elements.Trying to index non array.Operation '@1' not allowed on '@2'.Operation '@1' not valid or allowed here.Invalid use of dereference operator.'@1' not allowed in @@BEGIN, @@END and interval probe.Invalid use of structure or union member access operator.__auto can not be used outside the clause block.Declaration not allowed after expression statement.Intervals must be specifed in 100ms increments.Excess number of arguments passed to '@1()'.Less number of arguments passed to '@1()'.__kernel can not be used with String type.Parameter should be constant integer expressionNot a lvalueOut of memory while allocating primary trace buffers Out of memory while allocating secondary trace buffers Out of memory while allocating storage for probe specification strings Use of user-space access functions are only allowed for user probes and syscall probes Number of sessions limit for regular users Illegal address passed to the get_userstring function. Maximum thread limit hit for thread local variables structure or union tag '@1' is undefined.'void' conditional expression in ternary operator.Multiple matching C++ prototypes in process: @1No matching C++ prototype in processNo such process IDStripped process executable%s: archives and libraries not supported%s: not a valid XCOFF file%s: corrupted XCOFF symbol tableQuotes (") required around C++ function name/prototype.probevue: %s No such File - Is a Directory.probevue: File %s not suitable for output.Probe string too long, current limit is 128 characters.structure or union tag '@1' is already defined.Invalid Assignment, Type mismatch in Associative Array's Key type.Type mismatch in Associative Array function delete().Type mismatch in Associative Array function exists().Width of bit fields type can not be of type 'char', 'long' or 'float'.Width of bit fields can not be less than '0' or greater than '32'.Array of bit fields are not allowed.Pointer to bit fields are not allowed.Bit field '@1' has invalid type.Bit field type specified for '@1' is not valid. Type unsigned assumed.Bit fields with a length of '0' must be unnamed.Array of list types are not allowed.Pointer to list types are not allowed.'signed' or 'unsigned' type modifiers can not be used with list type.Variable '@1' is already the member of this structure/union.List type variables can not be type casted to other types.Invalid Storage class for list types.Invalid Java probe.JVMTI agent not initialized.Invalid process id:'@1'.Missing/Invalid process id in probe string.Not a Entry/Exit probe.Method '@1' not found in Java application.Native method '@1' cannot be probed.Tracing overloaded methods not supported.Unknown Java symbol '@1' in predicate.Accessing '@1' not supported; not a basic java type.Accessing '@1' not supported; overloaded methods have different types.__import() not supported in non-java probes.Enable probe failed for process id @1.Disable probe failed for process id @1.Invalid argument '@1' requested.Operation not allowedInvalid Assignment to CONSTANTArgument type mismatch.not a struct/union member.Trace buffer name must be a string constant.Java exit probes are not supported.Error fetching parameter:aso_for_depth.For loop Nesting depth exceeded the maximum. Use probevctrl command to view/modify the maximim depth.Invalid or missing probe string.Invalid C++ probe string.Bad request to agent from probevue, ignored.Undefined Java class name '@1'.Abstract method '@1' can not be traced.Static symbol '@1' not found in Java application.'@1' is not supported in Java Probes.Cannot probe a process that is already being probed.Length of identifier is too long, current limit is 1024 characters.Java probes are not supported when there are multiple probe specifications in a single string.Can not be type casted to list type, invalid cast.Arguments and return values can not be accessed when function prototypes are not available.Invaild or unknown function name or invalid use of built-in name.Invalid Expression type.Accessing java object is not supported; '@1' is a java object type.Builtin Variable '@1' is only allowed in user and syscall probes.User Structure/Union data types can not be accessed, use copy_userdata function.Insufficient permissionInvalid number of tuples in the syscall probe string Invalid syscall probe string Invalid location point in syscall probe stringNProcess being probed has exited Invalid syscall name in syscall probe string Out of memory while allocating syscall probe Process being probed does not exist Invalid process state for probed process Process being probed has exited Validation of function name and process id failed for user probes Enabling of user probes failed Disabling of user probes failed Validation of function name and process id failed for user probes Function or process id failed to match for user probes Out of memory while allocating memory for probe definition Out of memory while allocating for user probes Mismatch in number of function matches Invalid session area parameter passed to initialization routine Invalid percpu probevue stack Out of memory while allocating lists Error encountered while initializing associative array information Error encountered while initializing associative array information Invalid probevue opcode Probevue unimplemented opcode Invalid Probevue opcode address Invalid stacktrace sequence encounteered Number of parameters needed by instruction more than those available No available paramter Insufficient privileges Insufficient RAS privileges Incorrect jump offset direction Incorrect jump offset Incorrect jump offset alignment Validation of the probevue clause failed Invalid ASO probevue opcode Invalid session area parameter passed to exit routine Invalid divide by zero exception Invalid offset for probevue local variable passed to interpreter Invalid offset for probevue local variable passed to interpreter Invalid input parameter passed to difftime routine Invalid input parameter passed to stacktrace routine Out of temporary string area in strcat routine Out of temporary string area in get_userstring routine Out of temporary string area in strstr routine Out of temporary string area in __pname builtin Invalid memory fault in get_userstring routine Out of temporary string area in get_probe routine Out of temporary string area in get_function routine Invalid list passed to list create Element being added to invalid list Element being added to invalid list Invalid list passed to sum routine Invalid list passed to avg routine Invalid list passed to count routine Invalid list passed to min routine Invalid list passed to max routine Invalid page fault encountered while accessing parameters from the stack Invalid page fault encountered while accessing parameters from the stack Invalid address accessed during store Invalid address accessed during increment Invalid address accessed during decrement Invalid address accessed during load Invalid address accessed during store Invalid address accessed during load from thread specific variable Invalid parameter passed to get_userstring Invalid source address passed to strcpy Invalid destination address passed to strcpy Invalid address passed as first parameter to strcmp routine Invalid address passed as second parameter to strcmp routine Invalid address passed as first parameter to strcat routine Invalid address passed as second parameter to strcmp routine Invalid haystack address passed to strstr routine Invalid needle address passed to strstr routine Invalid address passed to atoi routine Invalid address accessed while accessing parameters from the stack Invalid address accessed while accessing parameters from the stack Out of memory while initializing list variables Out of memory while reserving memory for thread specific variables Out of memory while allocating memory for associative arrays Invalid address passed to listcopy routine Invalid address passed to list clear routine Invalid address passed during appending one list to another Invalid destination address encountered while storing bit field Invlaid source address encountered while loading bit field Invalid address passed to strlen routine Invalid parameter size while copying probevue structures Invalid source address passed to probevue copy routine Invalid destination address passed to probevue copy routine Invalid bit field accessed during store Invalid bit field accessed during load Bounds check on array failed Probevue functions are not permitted in predicate Store Operations are not permitted in predicate Invalid code sequence encountered in predicate Invalid code sequence encountered in probevue action Invalid address encountered during global variable access Invalid address encountered during local variable access Invalid address encountered during thread specific variable access Invalid cookie Bad string parameter passed to probevue routine Bad parameter encountered by probevue routine Invalid parameter passed to get_kstring routine Invalid source address passed to get_kstring routine Out of memory while creating temporary string for get_userstring routine Out of memory while creating temporary string for get_kstring routine Invalid input parameter passed to copy_userdata routine Invalid input parameter passed to copy_kdata routine Invalid source address passed to copy_userdata routine Invalid source address passed to copy_kdata routine Invalid destination address passed to copy_userdata routine Invalid destination address passed to copy_kdata routine Invalid page fault encountered in get_userstring routine Invalid page fault encountered in get_kstring routine Invalid page fault encountered in copy_userdata routine Invalid page fault encountered in copy_kdata routine Error encountered while accessing Associative memory address Error encountered while accessing Associative memory address Invalid Associative memory address passed to free Error encountered while freeing Associative memory address Out of memory while allocating memory for Associative arrays Invalid associative array passed to print function Invalid session area parameter passed to print function Error encountered while printing associative array contents Invalid write buffer to write associative array contents in print function Invalid associative array passed to clear function Error encountered while accessing hash table of the associative array to perform the clear function Contents being added to Invalid associative array Invalid contents being stored into associative array Error encountered while adding into hash table to store contents in the associative array Error encountered while accessing the hash table to store contents in the associative array Invalid associative array passed to delete function Error encountered while accessing hash table of the associative array to perform the delete function Invalid associative array passed to exists function Error encountered while accessing hash table of the associative array to perform the exists function Invalid associative array encountered while fetching associative array contents Error encountered while accessing hash table of the associative array to fetch associative array contents NULL value encountered while fetching associative array contents Invalid associative array encountered while incrementing/decrementing associative array contents Error encountered while accessing hash table of the associative array to increment/decrement associative array contents Invalid data type encountered while incrementing/decrementing associative array contents Error encountered while adding into hash table to increment/decrement associative array contents Invalid contents being stored into associative array Invalid java string id passed to load routine Invalid length passed to java string load routine Invalid probevue intermediate code Failed to copy the probevue intermediate code Invalid probevue intermediate code The number of concurrent etrace sessions for the system exceeded Invalid clause Unable to copy a clause Out of memory Unable to copy the probe string Out of memory Out of memory Failed to copy the initialized data Out of memory Failed to copy the probevue intermediate code Script has more than one begin clause Script has more than one end clause Invalid probe string length Invalid clause Probevue intermediate code size is invalid Invalid Probevue intermediate code Checkpoint in progress Invalid Probevue intermediate code Invalid Probevue intermediate code Invalid Probevue intermediate code Invalid Probevue intermediate code Probevue internal error Process to be probed has exited Invalid probe specification string Invalid probe specification string Lesser tuples specified in the probe string User does not have sufficient authorization Null tuple specified in the probe string The specified process cannot be probed or doesn't exist No permission to enable the specified probe Invalid probe specification string Invalid probe type Invalid process Id specified The specified process cannot be probed or doesn't exist Invalid probe specification string Out of memory Probed Process does not exist No permission to enable the specified probe Time out while enabling the probe I/O error while enabling the probe Probed Process does not exist Out of memory The process started by probevue has been continued already The process has exited before probe insertion Cannot probe a process that is already being probed Cannot probe a process that is debugged using ptrace Cannot probe a process that is being traced by procfs Cannot probe a process when in exec() system call Cannot probe shlap processes Unable to patch user probes No user probes could be enabled Unable to unpatch user probe Unable to unpatch user probe Unable to unpatch user probe Out of memory Invalid member for __curthread builtin Invalid member for __curproc builtin Invalid member for __ublock builtin Invalid index for __curthread/__curproc or __ublock builtin not a member of __curthreadnot a member of __curprocnot a member of __ublockIntervals can be specifed in 10ms increments.Use of user-space access functions are only allowed for user probes, syscall probes and profiling probes Type mismatch in Associative Array function print().Type mismatch in Associative Array function clear().Type mismatch in Associative Array function lquantize().Error in scaling factor calculation for lquantize(). Type mismatch in Associative Array function quantize().Error in scaling factor calculation for quantize(). Invalid Assignment, Type mismatch in Associative Array's Value Type.Invalid Assignment, Type mismatch in Associative Array.Associative Arrays of more than one dimension are not allowed.Pointer dereference is deprecated, use copy_userdata function.User pointer data type can not be accessed directly, use copy_userdata function.Builtin Variable '@1' is not allowed in @@BEGIN/@@END probes.Associative arrays are not allowed inside systrace probes Unable to patch probes as process is exiting Value out of range for an integer constant, result will be truncated !!No space to enable the specified probe Invalid operation, types not compatible.Incompatible operation.Out of temporary string area while trying to fetch Associative array value Invalid Key type, Type mismatch in Associative Array.Module name cannot be specified with Java Probe.Stripped process executable or archiveMember %s doesn't exist in archive %sModule name should be of the form [()]Invalid member for __mst builtin Invalid index for __mst builtin not a member of __mstTime taken by the interval probe actions is longer than the interval specified Intervals can be specifed in 100ms increments for non-profiling interval probes.Intervals can be specifed in 10ms increments for profiling interval probes.Invalid location point in syscall probe string '@1' not allowed in @@BEGIN, @@END, systrace and interval probe. Incorrect escape sequence ignored.Builtin function '@1' is not allowed in BEGIN/END and systrace probes.print_args() is only allowed in syscall/syscallx, uft/uftxlc++ entry probesThe pattern to be matched should be specified as "//"No routine in process matches the regular expressionInvalid extended regular expressionNo C++ prototype in process matches the regular expressionFailed to copy the list of routines matching the probe The syscall probe manager supports probes at the entry and exit of well-defined and documented base AIX system calls. List of Probes Supported by Syscall Probe Manager are: The syscallx probe manager allows all base system calls to be traced.Base system calls is the set of system calls exported by the kernel and base kernel extensions, which are available immediately after boot-up. List of 32 bit Probes Supported by Syscallx Probe Manager are: The interval probe manager provides probe points that fire at a user-defined time-interval. The time interval allowed for root users in profiling probes is >= multiple of 1 ms. The time interval allowed for non-root users in profiling probes is >= multiple of 10 ms.The time interval allowed for both root and non-root users in interval probes where pid is not specified is >= multiple of 100 ms. Also there can be only one interval probe that can run at a time for a process. The system trace probe manager provides probe points wherever existing system trace hooks to trace channel zero (system event channel) occur, both within the kernel and within applications.It needs a hookid to be specified to trace the specific system trace hook of interest. See the /usr/include/sys/trchkid.h file for more information on trace hooks. List of 64 bit Probes Supported by Syscallx Probe Manager are: .probevue: Invalid flag passed with -l option. Error while fetching data for probevue -l option Insufficient privileges to list probevue -l option Type Mismatch in %'@1' format specifier. Result could be Truncated due to type mismatch in %'@1'. Excess number of arguments than expected passed to printf. Lesser number of arguments than expected passed to printf. First Argument passed to printf should be a String Constant. '@1' builtin not allowed in probes where function name is specified as a regular expressionNumber of matches found for the regular expression exceeds the maximum supportedInvalid number of entry accessed for get_stktrace routine Out of memory while creating temp string area for get_stktrace routine, increase local table size. Invalid index for source stktrace_t variable Invalid index for destination stktrace_t variable Invalid session area parameter passed to stack trace storing routine Invalid stack trace address encountered while storing stack trace Invalid session area parameter passed to stack trace load routine Invalid stack trace address encountered while loading stack trace Out of memory while creating temp string area for stack trace, increase local table size. Out of memory while allocating memory for stack trace variables String, __list and stktrace_t types are not allowed in struct/union.stktrace_t types can not be traced Invalid Storage class for stktrace_t types Pointer to stktrace_t types are not allowed Array of stktrace_t types are not allowed 'signed' or 'unsigned' type modifiers can not be used with __list/stktrace_t type '@1' function is not allowed in @@BEGIN, @@END, @@systrace and @@uftjava probe.probevue: Percent of dynamic data structures memory out of bound. Out of memory while allocating memory for dynamic type variables(associative arrays & stktrace_t) Depth value can not be greater than '240' for function '@1'.Unary operators '+', '-', '&', '!', '*' and '~' are not allowed for stktrace_t and __list types.sizeof operator for 'stktrace_t' type variable returns zero.sizeof(stktrace_t) returns zero.stktrace_t type variables can not be type casted to other types.Can not be type casted to stktrace_t type, invalid cast.stack trace types are not allowed inside systrace probes.Argument type mismatch for function '@1'.Storage class cannot be used for structure or union membersValue out of range cannot be quantized.Copying from one Associative Array to another is not allowed.Failed to copy the alternate probe strings. Invalid alternate probe strings. Indexing not allowed. Access user/kernel data using user/kernel space access functions.Invalid parameter size while copying user structure Invalid source address passed while copying user structure Invalid destination address passed while copying user structure Invalid Access Flag passed while copying user structure Invalid page fault encountered while copying user structure Return Values of type struct/union cannot be accessed using __rv as the address of the location where the returned structure is to be stored is passed as an argument to the function. DR: CPU add failed by ProbeVue reconfig handlerExceeded one or more ProbeVue Configuration Limits or otherModify ProbeVue Configuration Limits to accomodate DRDR Phase NameLogical CPU NumberLimits to be modifiedOut of temporary string area while copying list, increase local table size Invalid list index passed to getlist routine Out of temporary string area while adding element into list, increase local table size Invalid list index passed to storelist routine Invalid list index passed to listassocjoin routine Invalid address passed to storelist routine Invalid address passed to listassocjoin routine Invalid address passed to assoclistjoin routine set_aso_print_options() is only allowed in begin probeMore than one sort-by/sort-type/list-value flag has been specifiedInvalid number of parameters passed to print() function Invalid number of parameters passed to quantize() function Invalid number of parameters passed to lquantize() function Stripped process executable or archive : '@1'Range type '@1' is already initialized.Invalid Storage class for range_t type.Invalid type cast.Pointer to range_t types are not allowed.Array of range_t types are not allowed.Assignment operation is not allowed for Range type variables.Range types can not be traced.Only power of 2 is supported for power range.Invalid offset of Range variables encountered while initializing Range data info set_range function is allowed only in @@BEGIN probe min value should not be greater than or equal to max.step value should not be lesser than or equal to zero.Invalid number of arguments passed to '@1()'.Uninitialised Range variables are not allowed in qrange routine.Declaration of 'range_t' type is allowed only in @@BEGIN probe.'signed' or 'unsigned' type modifiers can not be used with range_t type.range_t types are not allowed in struct/union.Two different Range variables can not be added to same associative array Out of memeory while copying strings for add_range routine on temp string area, increase local table size add_range routine is not allowed inside systrace probesNumber of slots in the range can not exceed the maximum value of long long data typeConversion from double type to float type is not supported at run time, value may get truncated.Probing '@1' @2 is not supported.Could not find '@1' @2.Process ID specified is invalid.'@1' is an invalid probe manager.'@1' number of tuples than required.'@1' cannot be NULL.'@1' cannot be '*' for '@2' probe type.'@1' has to be '*' for '@2' probe type.Location name '@1' is invalid. Possible location names for probe type '@2' are '@3'.Predicate sectoin syntax is invalid, should be like 'when ( condition )'Unequal numbers of opening & closing braces in Module name.Path cannot be specified in Module name.Keyword '@1' is invalid. Possible keyword for probe type '@2' is '@3'.'@1' builtin not allowed in clauses having multiple probe specificationsFunction name cannot be specified as regular expression in Java probesOnly one profiling interval probe can be active for a process. Dynamic memory manager has run out of memory, increase either pinned memory for regular users or percent of dynamic variable's memory. Excess number of arguments than expected passed to @1. Lesser number of arguments than expected passed to @1. First Argument passed to @1 should be a String Constant. Not enough memory to accommodate all local variables for this probe clause.Increase per-CPU local table size. Failed to allow Live Update Live Update in progress 'signed' or 'unsigned' type modifiers can not be used with '@1' type.'@1' is only allowed in begin probe.Pointer to '@1' types are not allowed.Date format specified in set_date_format() should be a string literal constant.Invalid %s format.'=' is missing. Date format provided is invalid format.Hence using default format.Closing quotes are not found in %s. __kernel can not be used with '@1' types.Usage: probevue [-c "{timestamp={0|1|2} thread={on|off} tid={t1,..} pid={p1,..} }" ] [-b] [-d] [-I ,..] [-s ] [-o ] [-t ] [-K] [-X [-A ""]] [-e ] [ []] probevue -P [] probevue [-l "{syscall|syscallx|syscallx32|syscallx64|interval|systrace}"] Out of memory while allocating trace buffers. Max pinned memory for probevue framework is not enough to accommodate trace buffer size. Modify these tunables appropriately. Out of memory while allocating storage for probe specification strings. Increase Max pinned memory for probevue. Maximum thread limit hit for thread local variables. Increase the number of threads to be traced and accordingly increase the Max pinned memory for probevue. Out of temporary string area in strcat routine. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Out of memory while allocating lists. Increase the Max pinned memory for probevue appropriately. Out of temporary string area in get_userstring routine. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Out of temporary string area in strstr routine. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Out of temporary string area in __pname builtin. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Out of temporary string area in get_probe routine. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Out of temporary string area in get_function routine. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Out of memory while initializing list variables. Increase the Max pinned memory for probevue. Out of memory while reserving memory for thread specific variables. Increase the Max pinned memory for probevue. Out of memory while allocating memory for associative arrays. Modify Dynamic variable memory size and Max pinned memory for probevue appropriately. Out of temporary string area while copying list. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Out of temporary string area while adding element into list. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Out of memory while creating temporary string for get_userstring routine. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Out of memory while creating temporary string for get_kstring routine. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Out of memory. Increase the Max pinned memory for probevue. Out of memory. Increase the Max pinned memory for probevue. Out of memory. Increase the Max pinned memory for probevue. Out of memory. Increase the Max pinned memory for probevue. Out of temporary string area while trying to fetch Associative array value. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Out of memory while creating temp string area for get_stktrace routine. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Out of memory while creating temp string area for stack trace. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Out of memory while allocating memory for stack trace variables. Increase the Max pinned memory for probevue appropriately. Out of memory while allocating memory for dynamic type variables(associative arrays & stktrace_t). Modify Dynamic variable memory size and Max pinned memory for ProbeVue appropriately. Out of memeory while copying strings for add_range routine on temp string area. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Hookid '@1' is invalid.Can not be type casted to String type, invalid cast.Result might be truncated based on the size of long determined by the probe execution context (32/64bit)for %'@1'.Value might be truncated based on the size of long determined by the probe execution context (32/64bit).The pointer assignment can be incompatible based on the probe execution context (32/64bit).Incompatible type cast, value might be truncated.Incompatible assignment, type mismatch in pointer assignment.Incompatible argument, type mismatch in pointer assignment.Invalid format specifier %'@1' encountered.Could not find user function matching '@1' in your application.Incompatible argument type. Value might be truncated.Incompatible argument type. Conversion at runtime from real to integral and integral to real not possible.Incompatible assignment. Value might be truncated.Incompatible assignment, type mismatch. Conversion at runtime from real to integral and integral to real not possible.Incompatible typecast. Conversion at runtime not possible from real to integral and integral to real not possible.Incompatible type cast between signed and unsigned.Incompatible assignment between signed and unsigned.Incompatible argument type (signed and unsigned).Incompatible type cast, probev_timestamp_t not compatible with signed type.Incompatible assignment, probev_timestamp_t not compatible with signed type.Incompatible argument, probev_timestamp_t not compatible with signed type.probevue: Invalid amount of memory specified for dynamic variables. probevue: Invalid number of threads to trace is specified. probevue: Invalid time unit format specified with '-f' flag. Allowed values are 'milli' or 'micro'. DR: memory remove failed by ProbeVue reconfig handlerMax Pinned Memory For Probevue tunable would cross 40% limitReduce the Max Pinned Memory For Probevue tunableCurrent System Physical MemoryMemory requested to removeProbeVue Max Pinned Memory tunable valueOut of memory while allocating space for probe action profiling. Increase Max pinned memory for probevue appropriately. probevue: '%s' and '%s' options use is mutually exclusive. Builtin variable '@1' is allowed only in IO probes.Argument must be literal string for function '@1'.IO probe sub type not foundIO probe sub type is emptyIO probe sub type is invalidIO probe event not foundIO probe event is emptyIO probe event is invalidIO probe operation type not foundIO probe operation type is emptyIO probe operation type is invalidIO probe selector not foundInvalid number of tuples in IO probe specificationIO probe selector is emptyEmpty selector token found in IO probe selector tupleFailed to get ODM record for device @1No disk found with name @1No predefined data found in ODM for disk @1Disk @1 driver is not supported for disk probesNo device number found in ODM for device @1Failed to parse device number got from ODM for device @1Failed to initialize ODMODM call failed to get all disk listNo disks using supported driver found in ODMNo probable object found for the given specificationNo LV or VG found with name @1ODM call failed to get all VG listNo Volume Groups found in ODMODM call failed to get all LV listNo device node found for @1Given device @1 is not a block deviceFailed to open directory @1Memory allocation failed during file system queryFailed to get file system mount infoDid not find the given mount point @1 in file systempath_t type variables can not be typecasted to other types.Can not be typecasted to path_t type, invalid cast.sizeof operator for 'path_t' type variable returns zero.sizeof(path_t) returns zero.Non-existent file path '@1'.Failed to get inode_id for path '@1'.Comma separated multiple probe strings not allowed for IOIO Probe Manager provides the facility to probe in LFS/VFS, JFS2, LVM, Disk and generic block device IO interface. For disk, currently only scsidisk driver is supported. The probe specification string is of this format: @@io::::filter[|filter|filter...] The 'subtype' tuple can have the following string values: disk: Disk driver layer probes. lvm: Logical Volume Manager layer probes. vfs: Logical/Virtual File System layer probes. jfs2: JFS2 File System layer probes. bdev: Generic block device IO probes. The 'probe_event' tuple is subtype dependent. disk: entry: When IO enters the disk layer iostart: When IO is sent to lower layer by disk driver iodone: When IO comes back to disk driver from lower layer exit: When IO leaves disk layer and comes back to upper layer lvm: entry: When IO enters the LVM layer iostart: When IO is sent to lower layer(disk) by LVM iodone: When IO comes back to LVM from lower layer (disk) exit: When IO leaves LVM and comes back to upper layer vfs: entry: When a read/write operation is done on any file exit: When the read/write operation finishes on any file jfs2: buf_map: When JFS2 maps a logical request to LVM buffer bdev: iostart: When IO is initiated on any block device iodone: When block device IO request is completed The 'operation_type' must be one of 'read'/'write'/'*'. The last tuple can be used to filter specific events. Multiple strings can be given separated by '|'. If '*' is given, then the probe will fire for all events of that type. For more information about what can be used as filter, please refer to probevue documentation.Builtin __iobuf is allowed only in disk, lvm and bdev sub typesBuiltin __file is allowed only in vfs sub typeBuiltin __lvol is allowed only in lvm sub typeBuiltin __volgrp is allowed only in lvm sub typeBuiltin __diskinfo is allowed only in disk sub typeBuiltin __diskcmd is allowed only in disk:iostart and disk:iodone probesBuiltin __iopath is allowed only in disk:iostart and disk:iodone probesBuiltin __j2info is allowed only in jfs2 sub typeProbe string length is more than allowed @1 charactersArgument type mismatch for function '@1'.Array of '@1' types are not allowed.String, __list, stktrace_t, mac_addr_t and path_t types are not allowed in struct/union.'@1' types can not be traced.Invalid Storage class for '@1' types.'@1' types are not allowed inside systrace probes.Unary operators '+', '-', '&', '!', '*' and '~' are not allowed for stktrace_t, __list and path_t types.Only global or local variable of type 'path_t' allowed.Usage: probevue [-c "{timestamp={0|1|2} thread={on|off} tid={t1,..} pid={p1,..} }" ] [-b] [-d] [-I ,..] [-s ] [-o ] [-t ] [-K] [-X [-A ""]] [-e ] [-q info={none|normal|detail}] [ []] probevue -P [] probevue [-l "{syscall|syscallx|syscallx32|syscallx64|interval|systrace|sysproc|io|net}"] Invalid network probe sub type name '@1'.Invalid network probe event name '@1'.Invalid network interface name '@1'.Invalid network protocol name '@1'.Interface open failed for '@1'.Invalid filter.Ignoring Duplicate Network Interface Name(s) '@1'.Couldn't set the filter.Failed to get statistics of the BPF device.Builtin Variable '@1' is allowed only in NET probes.Filter string should be provided in double quotes '@1''@1' protocol is not supported for loopback interface.not a member of __etherhdrnot a member of __ip4hdrnot a member of __ip6hdrnot a member of __tcphdrnot a member of __udphdrnot a member of __arphdrnot a member of __icmpnot a member of __icmp6not a member of __igmpnot a member of __proto_infomac_addr_t types can not be tracedInvalid Storage class for mac_addr_t typesPointer to mac_addr_t types are not allowedArray of mac_addr_t types are not allowedip_addr_t types can not be tracedInvalid Storage class for ip_addr_t typesPointer to ip_addr_t types are not allowedArray of ip_addr_t types are not allowedmac_addr_t type variables can not be type casted to other types.Can not be type casted to mac_addr_t type, invalid cast.ip_addr_t type variables can not be type casted to other types.Can not be type casted to ip_addr_t type, invalid cast.sizeof operator for 'mac_addr_t' type variable returns zero.sizeof operator for 'ip_addr_t' type variable returns zero.sizeof(mac_addr_t) returns zero.sizeof(ip_addr_t) returns zero.mac_addr_t types can not be traced.ip_addr_t types can not be traced.Builtin Variable '@1' is allowed only when protocol is ether or ipv4 or ipv6 or tcp or udp or icmp4 or icmp6 or igmp or arp or rarp.Builtin Variable '@1' is not allowed for loopback interface.Builtin Variable '@1' is allowed only when protocol is ipv4 or tcp or udp or icmp4 or igmp.Builtin Variable '@1' is allowed only when protocol is ipv6 or tcp or udp or icmp6.Builtin Variable '@1' is allowed only when protocol is tcp.Builtin Variable '@1' is allowed only when protocol is udp.Builtin Variable '@1' is allowed only when protocol is arp or rarp.Builtin Variable '@1' is allowed only when protocol is icmp4.Builtin Variable '@1' is allowed only when protocol is icmp6.Builtin Variable '@1' is allowed only when protocol is igmp.Builtin Variable '@1' is allowed only for tcp or udp protocol related events.'@1' function is allowed only in @@syscall and @@uft probes.Pointer to net_info_t types are not allowed.Network Probe Manager provides the facility to gather packet specific information at BPF layer and protocol specific information when TCP and UDP protocols related events occur. Two categories of probe specifications are supported by network probe manager: 1.Probe Specification format to probe packet at BPF layer: @@net:bpf:|||.....:: The 'interface1|interface2...' tuple specifies about interface information. User may provide one or more interfaces and they are seperated by '|'. Possible interface values are enX(en0, en1...) and lo0. '*' value is not supported in this tuple. The 'protocol' tuple specifies the protocol information. User can get the built-in data related to specified protocol through view scripts. Possible protocol values are ether,ipv4,ipv6,tcp,udp,icmp4,icmp6,igmp,arp,rarp and '*'. It allows only one protocol specification at any given time. '*' indicates that the probe will be fired for all protocol types matching the specified filter and none of the built-ins provided by network probe managers are available to Vue scripts. User can access the RAW data of requested size using copy_kdata() Vue function. The 'filter' tuple specifies the BPF filter expression. This supports all Berkeley packet (BPF) filter syntax/expressions. Filter expression should be provided in the double quotes. Filter expression and protocol specified in the fourth tuple should be compatible. 2.Probe Specification format to probe protocol information when TCP and UDP events occur: i.Probe Specification to probe packet for TCP event: @@net:tcp: The 'event_name' tuple specifies the TCP related events. The supported TCP events are: state_change: To probe TCP state change events. send_buf_full: To probe a send buffer full event. recv_buf_full: To probe a receive buffer full event. retransmit: To probe a re-transmission event. listen_q_full: To probe a listen queue full event. ii.Probe Specification to probe packet for UDP event: @@net:udp: The 'event_name' tuple specifies the UDP related events. The supported UDP event is: sock_recv_buf_overflow: To probe socket receive buffer overflow event. For more information, please refer to probevue documentation. Process id provided does not exist or not traceable: '@1'.unknown subprobe provided: '@1'.Invalid pid or pid not existsBuiltin Variable '@1' is not allowed in sysproc probes.__forkfailinfo is only allowed in forkfail sysproc probes__execfailinfo is only allowed in execfail sysproc probes__exitinfo is only allowed in exit sysproc probes__threadcretaeinfo is only allowed in threadcreate sysproc probes__threadexceptinfo is only allowed in threadexcept sysproc probes__sigsendinfo is only allowed in sendsig and sigqueue sysproc probes__sigdisposeinfo is only allowed for sigdispose sysproc probes__sigactioninfo is only allowed for sigaction sysproc probes__sighandlestartinfo is only allowed for sighandlestart sysproc probes__chpriorityinfo is only allowed for chpriority sysproc probes__readyprocinfo is only allowed for offreadyq and onreadyq sysproc probes__dispatchinfo is only allowed for dispatch,oncpu and offcpu sysproc probes__sleepinfo is only allowed for blockthread sysproc probes__foldcpuinfo is only allowed for foldcpu sysproc probes__bindprocessorinfo is only allowed for bindprocessor sysproc probes__changecpuinfo is only allowed for changecpu sysproc probes__resourceinfo is only allowed for resourceattach and resourcedetach sysproc probes__drphaseinfo is only allowed for drphasestart and drphasefinish sysproc probes__srcresourceinfo is only allowed for resourceattach and resourcedetach sysproc probes__tgtresourceinfo is only allowed for resourceattach and resourcedetach sysproc probesBuiltin Variable '@1' is allowed only in sysproc managed probes.'@1' is not a member of '@2'sysproc probe manager provides probes to monitor process/thread events, supported Probes are: Invalid Process or Thread id provided Builtin Variable '@1' not allowed in this sysproc probe: '@2'Sysproc builtins only allowed in sysproc probes. Tracing with thread id is not supported for this sysproc probe. probevue: Error in arguments of q flag.Integral types and probev_timestamp_t type are interchangeably provided to ASO '@1'. ASO '@2' Key/Value type is @3 / @4Could not find '@1' user function in module'@2'.Use of user-space access functions are only allowed for user, syscall, sysproc and profiling probes Invalid depth value for function '@1'Out of temporary string area in convert_ip4_addr routine. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Out of temporary string area in convert_ip6_addr routine. Increase the local table size tunable and modify Max pinned memory for probevue accordingly. Invalid Input Ipv6 Address passed to convert_ipv6_addr(). Invalid IP address or hostname. Usage: probevue [-c "{timestamp={0|1|2} thread={on|off} tid={t1,..} pid={p1,..} }" ] [-b] [-d] [-I ,..] [-s ] [-o ] [-t ] [-K] [-X [-A ""]] [-u] [-i ] [-T] [-f ] [-e ] [-q info={none|normal|detail}] [ []] probevue -P [] probevue [-l "{syscall|syscallx|syscallx32|syscallx64|interval|systrace|sysproc|io|net}"] Invalid field name length detected. Failed to allocate memory while processing the expression. Memory allocation failed for size='@1'. Invalid expression length detected. Invalid token detected. Failed to parse expression for the system statistics. Invalid first level ('@1') specified. Field name('@1') not found in '@2' instance table. Field name('@1') not found in '@2' table. Instance or level ('@1') not found in '@2'. Level not found. User does not have sufficient authorization to access the system statistics. Level ('@1') not found or Instance ('@1') with depth ('@2') not supported in '@3'. Internal error detected at '@1'. Instance '@1' does not support any fields. Level '@1' does not support any fields. probevue: Invalid value ('%s') specified for -i flag. probevue: Out of range value ('%s') error in arguments of -i flag. Currently system statistics is not supported. Invalid first sysstat instruction detected. Unexpected instruction detected. Invalid second sysstat instruction. Invalid interface pointer sent by component. Invalid component interface version. Component did not provide required function pointers. Invalid component index detected. Invalid statistics index detected. Invalid statistics pointer provided by component to revoke. Failed to create the sysstat kernel process. Failed to change the state of kernel process. Failed to allocate memory for timer information. Failed to allocate memory for timer control block. Failed to allocate memory for asynchronous statistics. Failed to allocate memory for hold owner. Operation is interuppted. Unexpected critical section lock released. Error invalid returned by kernel extension service. Error no memory returned by kernel extension service. Error busy returned by kernel extension service. Error stale handle returned by kernel extension service. Unknown error code returned by kernel extension service. Invalid instance table index received from user space. Invalid field index received from user space. No field table found. Invalid instance information received in external buffer. Failed to allocate memory for instance information. Instance type not supported. Programming error. Check the logic. Sysstat subsystem not ready. Stale component registered data detected. Invalid data received in the second instruction. Component has not registered for system statistics. Invalid statistics buffer size or statistics pointer returned by component. Failed to allocate memory for direct access buffer. Invalid field information returned by component. Invalid field name returned by component. Invalid field size returned by component. Invalid field type returned by component. Invalid basic information for external buffer. Invalid level index received from user space. Failed to allocate memory to copy external buffer data. Failed to copy external data buffer into kernel buffer. Out of temporary string area while processing the string field from directly accessed statistics. Out of temporary string area while processing the string field from cached statistics. System statistic field type is not supported. System statistics failed to create a new thread to process asynchronous requests. Failed to get direct access to statistics pointer from component due to invalid parameter. Invalid command received by the system statistics main thread. System statistic field type is not supported. Failed to get copy of statistics from component due to invalid parameter error. Failed to get field information from component due to invalid parameter error. Unexpected change in the input parameters by the component. Failed to get statistics from perfstat component due to invalid parameter error. Failed to get direct access to statistics pointer from component due to statistics instance not found. Failed to get statistics from perfstat component due to device not found error. Failed to get the copy of statistics from component due to statistics instance not found error. Failed to get statistics from perfstat component due to device not found error. Failed to get direct access to statistics pointer from component due to statistics instance not found. Failed to get copy of statistics from component due to statistics instance not found or not open error. Failed to get statistics from perfstat component due to open file descriptor limit is reached. Failed to get copy of statistics from component due to open file descriptor limit is reached. Failed to get statistics from perfstat component because call is interrupted. Memory allocation error detected while creating thread for system statistics. System statistic field type is not supported. Invalid parameter detected while starting a thread for system statistics. Failed to get statistics from perfstat component due to invalid file descriptor error. Failed to get statistics from perfstat component due to input/output error. Failed to get copy of statistics from component due to call interruption error. Failed to get copy of statistics from component due to unknown error. Check system trace for more details. System error detected while creating thread for system statistics. System error detected while starting a thread for system statistics. System statistic field type is not supported. Failed to get field information from component due to unknown system error. Check the system trace for more details. Failed to get direct access to statistics pointer from component due unknown error. Check the system trace for more details. Failed to get statistics from perfstat component due to unknown error. Check the system trace for more details. Out of memory while allocating Probevue Stack. Max pinned memory for probevue framework is not enough to accommodate Probevue Stack size. Modify these tunables appropriately. Failed to calculate hardware storage keyset to read kernel global memory. '@1' function is not allowed in @@BEGIN, @@END and @@uftjava probe.Builtin function '@1' is not allowed in BEGIN/END probes.Out of memory while allocating associative array key type array. Out of memory while allocating associative array key hash link. Key dimension mismatch while storing associative array element. Key dimension mismatch while accessing associative array element. Key dimension mismatch while deleting associative array element. Key dimension mismatch while checking existence of associative array element. Key dimension mismatch while printing associative array. Invalid Associative Array key type at key index @1Invalid Associative Array value typeMaximum supported Associative Array key dimension size is @1Invalid Associative Array expressionNo memory while allocating Associative Array key type arrayNo memory while allocating Associative Array identifier stringNo memory while allocating Associative Array typeIntegral types and probev_timestamp_t type are interchangeably provided to Associative Array '@1'. It is defined as @2.Incompatible key at index @1 for Associative Array '@2'Invalid number of arguments given for function @1()All keys cannot be given as ANY in function @1()Type mismatch in Associative Array function @1()ANY cannot be used as key in this expressionThe maximum number of arguments supported by @1() is @2No memory while allocating print buffer. Invalid sort key index given in function @1(). Default value will be used.More than defined number of keys provided for Associative Array '@1'Less than defined number of keys provided for Associative Array '@1'Stacktrace variables are not allowed with this Hook id.Associative array variables are not allowed with this Systrace hook__pname and __execname are not allowed with this Systrace hook__ublock member access is not allowed with this Systrace hook__mst member access is not allowed with this Systrace hookadd_range is not allowed with this Systrace hookqrange is not allowed with this Systrace hookrange functions are not allowed with this Systrace hook__errno access is not allowed with this Systrace hookget_stktrace() is not allowed with this Systrace hook__stat member access is not allowed with this Systrace hookSystrace probe manager does not allow some construsts be used in some specific environemnts. However if these constrcuts are used in scope of a @@systrace:*:* clause these caluses will be silently skipped by systrace probe manager in such environments. For more information please refer to probevue Documetation. Unable to open file: %s. Following Range variables used in 'qrange' routine are uninitialized: Type can not be determined for the following symbols: Following Range variables used in 'qrange' routine are uninitialized: @1Type can not be determined for the following symbols: @1Failed to get syscall info, please try laterIncompatible probevue binary due to Associative Array changes in the kernel. '@1' is not a memory statistic member'@1' can be used when PROCESS ID is '*'.Invalid CPUID specifier '@1'.CPUID is out of range '@1'.No permission to enable the specified cpu bound interval probe.Online CPU with id '@1' not found in the system. Could not get information about logical CPU '@1'. Logical CPU '@1' is not online. Failed to copy sysstat user space provided info into kernel Failed to copy sysstat static info into kernel Invalid sysstat static info from user space Out of pinned memory while allocating sysstat static info buffer Failed to get static CPU info. Invalid sysstat static info pointer Out of EVM temporary string memory while copying sysstat static info Sysproc builtins only allowed in sysproc probes. Invalid max pinned memory, set the proper 'max_total_mem_size' tunable value. Invalid input parameter passed to get_userbytes routine Invalid input parameter passed to get_kbytes routine Destination object with invalid size has been passed to get_userbytes routine Destination object with invalid size has been passed to get_kbytes routine Invalid source address passed to get_userbytes routine Invalid source address passed to get_kbytes routine Invalid destination address passed to get_userbytes routine Invalid destination address passed to get_kbytes routine Failed due to page fault in get_userbytes routine Failed due to page fault in get_kbytes routine Out of memory during preprocessing. Try -u option of 'probevue'. Some __stat members require unpinned memory access. If during probe execution, the data is not in memory or even the attempt to access it is not allowed, then these members may return 0 as values. Please refer to ProbeVue documentation for more information Another '@1' found before finding '@2'Cannot use '@1' without the corresponding '@2'Usage: probevue [-c "{timestamp={0|1|2} thread={on|off} tid={t1,..} pid={p1,..} }" ] [-b] [-d] [-I ,..] [-s ] [-o ] [-t ] [-K] [-X [-A ""]] [-u] [-i ] [-T] [-f ] [-e ] [-q info={none|normal|detail}] [-g] [-L Library_path] [ []] probevue -P [] probevue [-l "{syscall|syscallx|syscallx32|syscallx64|interval|systrace|sysproc|io|net}"] probevue: Library path '%s' doesn't exist or it is not a directory. Executable name specified is invalid.File '@1' does not exist.'@1': not a valid executable file.'@1' executable file does not contain loader section.File '@1' does not have search permission.File '@1' does not have execute permission.Failed to open executable file:'@1'.Another session is probing this executable based user probe Tmgr probe table is full Wrong Argument type; Second Argument to get_cwd should be a String variable of size PATH_MAX.Insufficient storage for CWD; Second Argument to get_cwd should be a String variable of size PATH_MAX.'@1' not supported in Java probes.'@1' not supported in Java, Interval or systrace probes.Wrong Number of Arguments supplied.'@1': not a valid XCOFF filewarning: One or more processes are being probed for this executable. warning: '@1': cannot be patched, exit probe contains prefixed instruction. Unable to retrieve session information %dUnable to determine the number of configured processors Out of memory Failed to open file %swarning: %llu messages have been dropped due to trace buffers being full Unable to fetch default time interval Unable to retrieve probevue messages Trace start : %llus %llu%cs Probevue session has been aborted 0x%016llx Unable to register signal handlerUnable to read real timeUnable to end probevue session %dError while trying to initiate execution of end probe for session %dUnable to output probevue messagefcntl() failedTrace start : %u:%u:%u %u:%u:%u Not enough memory while allocating user space buffer. Try -u option of 'probevue'. Unable to fetch probe action profiling data for this session. Error code = '0x%llX'. Probe '%s' took '%.3llf ms' which exceeds user set limit of '%.0llf ms' . Unable to fetch details of probe action which exceeded user set time limit. Error code ='0x%llX'. Unable to determine the number of online processors Not enough memory while allocating output grouping buffer. Try -u option of 'probevue'.