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(!: no; +: yes)Italics print (!: no; +: yes)(not used) Font file nameName To Replace Host Name On Burst Page(not used) Font IDFont ID (overrides pitch and type style)Font ID. Use internal fonts if blank.Restore the Printer at the End of the Print Job? (!: no; +: yes)Condensed Print (!: no; +: yes)Wrap Long Lines (!: no; +: yes)(not used) Page format flagPage format (!: use only printable page +: use entire addressable area)Type of Input Paper HandlingSheet Feeder (0: Disabled or not available 1: Enabled)Type of Input Paper Handling (1: manual, 3: sheetfeed)Type of Input Paper Handling (1: manual, 2: pinwheel, 3: sheetfeed)(reserved for future use)High speed printingUnidirectional printingVertical printingContinuous double wideDouble-Wide Print (!: no; +: yes)Code Page Name For Print Data Stream (file with same name in dir. "d1")Duplex OutputDuplex Output (0: Simplex 1: Duplex 2: Duplex with tumble)Issue Form Feed Between Copies & At Job End (!: no; +: yes)COMMAND AGGREGATESCONTROL CODES (ASCII)DIRECTORIESESCAPE SEQUENCESCOMMAND STRINGS FOR FILTER FLAGS (2 char, 1st="f",2nd=flag)VALUES THAT MAY BE OVERRIDDEN WITH FLAGS ON THE COMMAND LINEPIPELINES FOR INPUT DATA STREAMS (2 char, 1st="i",2nd=data stream name)MISCELLANEOUSFLAGS PROHIBITED FOR INPUT DATA STREAMS (2 char,1st="I",2nd=data str name)OTHER VALUES OF INTEREST TO THE SYSTEM ADMINISTRATORSTAGE 2 TRANSLATE TABLESWORK VARIABLES0: Normal Print; 1: Return Flag Values & Pipeline, But Don't PrintBottom Margin (number of blank lines); Sometimes Called Skip Perf.Input Data Stream TypeEmphasized Print (!: no; +: yes)Single-Character BSD-type Filter Name (e.g., "p" for "pr" filter)Page Number Where Printing Should BeginTitle Used For "pr" Filter When "-f p" Is SpecifiedIndent Value (characters)Initialize the printer (for each print file)? (!: no; +: yes)Print ColorPage Length (lines; 0 means ignore page length)Pitch (characters per inch)Pitch (characters per inch) Initially set to value implied by font ID.(not used) Print QualityPrint Quality (0:12 cpi fastfont; 1:10 cpi draft; 2:NLQ; 3:NLQ II)Print Quality (1: draft; 2: letter 3:NLQ)Print Quality (1: draft; 2: letter)Type Style (name)Top Margin (number of blank lines)Paper Source DrawerPaper Source Drawer (1: Lower 2: Upper or no sheet feeder 3: Envelopes)Paper Source Drawer (1: Upper or no sheet feeder 2: Lower 3: Envelopes)Paper Source Drawer (1; drawer 2; manual 3; envelope)Line Density (lines per inch) examples: 6, 8Page Width (characters)0: CR->CR, LF->LF, VT->VT; 1: CR->CRLF 2: LF->CRLF, VT->CRVT;Double-Strike Print (!: no; +: yes)Rotate Page Printer Output (!:no - portrait +:yes - landscape)Rotate Page Printer Output (# quarter turns clockwise: 0-3)ASCII Control Code to Backspace One CharacterASCII Control Code to Return to the Left Margin (CR without LF)ASCII Control Code to Cancel Double-Wide Printing by LineASCII Control Code to Advance the Paper to Top of Next Page (FF)(not used; handled by formatter) Horizontal TabASCII Control Code to Shift In (i.e., start condensed printing)ASCII Control Code to Advance the Paper One Line (LF without CR)ASCII Null CharacterASCII Control Code to Shift Out (i.e., set double-wide for the line)ASCII Control Code to Ring the Bell OnceASCII Control Code to Select 10 Char per Inch; Cancels Cond., 12 CPI(not used; handled by formatter) Vertical TabSelect the IBM-437 character setSelect Primary (ROM) FontSelect the Roman-8 symbol setSelect Alternate (downloaded) FontSelect the US symbol setSelect the ECMA-94 (Latin 1) symbol setSelect the Windows Latin 1 symbol setSelect the Windows Latin 2 symbol setSelect the Windows Latin 5 symbol setSelect the ISO8859-15 symbol setTurn on or off overstrikeTurn on or off underscoreInitialize local font and Select local character setSet Condensed Mode On/OffNumber of nulls to send to let printer shift into emulation modeSpace Horizontally In Hres Units (used for ident, LF w/o CR)Command To Initialize the PrinterSend Carriage Return & Line Feed ControlsCommand When Switching Between Pri. Mode & Alt. (security label) ModeSet PitchSet Print QualitySet Print Quality (0: fastfont; 1: draft; 2:NLQ; 3:NLQ II)Set Print Quality (0: fastfont; 1: draft; 2:NLQ; 3:enhanced)Command To Restore the Printer at Job EndSet Proportional Spacing On/OffTell the printer what the Horizontal Motion Index isSet line termination modeSet Vertical SpacingSend Carriage Return & Reverse Line Feed ControlsDirectory Containing Stage 1 Translate Tables (data stream to intermed.)Directory Containing Stage 2 Translate Tables (intermediate to printer)Directory Containing Header and Trailer Text FilesDirectory Containing Digested Data Base FilesDirectory Containing Miscellaneous ModulesDirectory Containing Loadable Formatter RoutinesDirectory Containing Fonts To Be DownloadedDirectory For Temporary FilesSet Line Spacing to 8 Lines Per InchSet Line Spacing to 7/72 Inch Per LineTurn On Line Spacing Specified With SET_LS_CMDSet Graphics Line SpacingSet Top of Form(used only for pass-through init) Turn On/Off Automatic Line Feed With CR(used only for init/restore) Select Character Set 2Select Character Set 1Print All Characters(not used; would conflict with formatter processing) Set Code PageCommand to Set Text Line Spacing(used only for init/restore) Set Vertical Tab Stops(used only for init/restore) Set Page Length(used only for init/restore) Set Horizontal TabsTurn On/Off Emphasized PrintingSelect font if specifiedSpecify sheetfeed optionsTurn On/Off Double-Strike PrintingSelect Pitch, Type Style, and QualitySelect QualitySelect Quality or FontSelect Quality, Font, and Italic modeAdvance the Paper by a Variable AmountPrint Graphics at 60 dots/inch hor. & 72 dots/inch vert.Print Graphics at 120 dots/inch hor. & 72 dots/inch vert. (low speed)Select desired print color(not used; handled by formatter) Set Automatic Perforation Skip(used only at init/restore) Cancel Automatic Perforation SkipSpecify the page orientationSelect pitch - default is 10Turn On/Off Proportional Spacing(not used; handled by formatter) Reset H. Tabs to 8 Pos; Clear Vert. TabsPCL ResetTurn On/Off Subscript PrintingTurn On/Off Superscript PrintingChange From/To Left-to-Right To/From Two-Direction PrintingSend out a two by escape sequenceTurn On/Off Continuous Double-Wide PrintingSend out a multi byte escape sequenceSet Left and Right MarginsPrint Graphics at 120 dots/inch hor. & 72 dots/inch vert. (normal spd)Send out a multi byte escape sequence followed by binary dataPrint Graphics at 240 dots/inch hor. & 72 dots/inch vert.Select the symbol set to be used(used only at init/restore) Turn Off Automatic Line Feed With CRPrint a Single Character From the All Characters ChartSet Character Spacing to 12 Characters Per InchMove to the Right n/120 InchMove to the Left n/120 InchItalics PrintingTurn On Double-High and/or Double-Wide PrintingTurn On/Off Continuous OverscoreSelect font (global) commandStop PrintingTurn On/Off Continuous UnderscoreSet Vertical Units for VAR_LS_CMD and SET_GRA_LS_CMDSet printer aspect ratioHigh-Resolution GraphicsPass thru a printer PMP commandDownload Character FontsReverse Line FeedNull string for ignoring pass thru commands - THIS IS USED - DO NOT CHANGENull string for ignoring pass thru commandsGeneralized Pass thru commandPrinter initialization - overrides formatter init. - DO NOT USE !!!Send out a two by escape sequenceSend out a three byte escape sequenceAlternate Graphics Mode: Print Graphics In Specified Mode(used only on init/restore) Set initial conditionsCommand String for the "c" Filter.Command String for the "d" Filter.Command String for the "f" Filter.Command String for the "g" Filter.Command String for the "l" Filter.Command String for the "n" Filter.Command String for the "p" Filter.Command String for the "t" Filter.Command String for the "v" Filter.PostScriptASCIIPCLGLpass-throughDiablo 630Default overstrike characterDefault overstrike character = '*'Bypass whitespace on overstrike (!: no +:yes)Bypass whitespace on underscore (!: no +:yes)Condensed mode type 1;4207m2 2;4201m3Dbl hi/wide type 1;5202 2;3816Path Name of Font File To Be Downloaded (must include download commands)Graphic unit handling flag 1;4207m2 2;4201m3Graphic unit handling flag 1;5202 2;3816Number of Units Into Which a Horizontal Inch Is DividedEsc I processing flag 1;4207m2 2;4201m3Esc I processing flag 1;5202 2;3816Was condensed print set on the command line? (0:No 1: Yes)Does this printer support font management (!: no +:yes)Printer model numberPercentage of Perf. Skip Value For Top Margin (rest for bottom margin)Character To Be Used When Real One Can't Be PrintedNumber of Units Into Which a Vertical Inch Is DividedString to Send to Printer "mz" Times When Job Is CancelledOutput Data Stream Type (example: ascii); Initialized By "piodigest"Path Name of the Default Formatter (used when running standalone)Input Data Stream Names (1 character, separated by commas) for mp AttributeFile Name Of (Digested) Data Base; Init. By "piodigest" ( name (example: lp0); Initialized By "piodigest"Command String to Invoke Device Driver I/F Program (end of pipeline)Strings (separated by commas) That Identify Print File Data Types (see mi)Queue Name; Initialized By "piodigest"Path Name of "read printer" routine ('load'ed by Dev. Dri. I/F pgm)Was the pitch set on the command line? (0:No 1: Yes)Printer type; Initialized By "piodigest"Printer type; Initialized By "piodigest"Virtual Printer (i.e., queue device) Name; Initialized By "piodigest"Maximum Number of Horizontal Tabs That Can Be DefinedMaximum Number of Vertical Tabs That Can Be DefinedNumber of Times To Send String "mc" to Printer When Job Is CancelledCode page 850 available (!: no +:yes)Pipeline for Header PageUsers, Separated by Commas, to Get Intervention Messages; Null String Is Job SubmitterCommand Line Flags Prohibited For All -d values; Ignored: cmnrDMPRTPipeline for Trailer PageWidth of Attribute Value Area On Header Page (0 means ignore width)Path Name of Stage 2 Translate TablePath Name of First Alternate Stage 2 Translate TablePath Name of Next Alternate Stage 2 Translate TablePrinter Data Stream DescriptionPrinter DescriptionName of message catalog Containing Attribute DescriptorsInteger Set By Formatter For Use By Various CommandsUsed internally by formatter for status of fonts (0: ok 1: bad)Work Variable For Vertical Decrement (in Vres units)Work Variable In Which To Save Horizontal Position From Previous LineThe group identifierVertical Index Increment Used By ESC J & ESC 3Work Variable For Horizontal Increment Per Character (in Hres units)Page Length In Chars, Using Length From Data Base (used in pipelines)Points to string which will hold numeric parameters found in datastreamOverstrike (!; off +; on)Char width (1440s) implied by the active font idThe parameterized character in an escape sequenceSpacing (fixed/prop) implied by the active font idThe command specifierVertical Index Increment Used By ESC AUnderscore (!; off +; on)Work Variable For Vertical Increment (in Vres units)Page Width In Characters, Using Width From Data Base (used in pipelines)Rotate pageCurrently In Subscript Mode? (!: no; +: yes)Currently In "line" Doublewide Mode? (!: no; +: yes)Currently In Superscript Mode? (!: no; +: yes)Name of Current Form Feed CommandGraphics Line Spacing Used By SET_GRA_LS_CMDCurrent Horizontal Tab Settings (terminated by null)Name of Current Vertical Increment CommandNumber of Lines to Space Down For Each Line FeedSmallest legal sheetfeeder drawer numberCurrent Vertical Spacing Mode (0: ESC 0; 1: ESC 1; 2: ESC 2; 3: ESC 3)Currently In Continuous Overscore Mode? (!: no; +: yes)Work Variable for Pass-Through Instead of Formatting (i.e., data stream is not modified) - DO NOT CHANGECurrently In One-Direction Print Mode? (!: no; +: yes)Currently In Proportional Spacing Mode? Init. value depends on font ID.Currently In Proportional Spacing Mode? (!: no; +; yes)Line Spacing: (value/Tunits) inches per line; used by SET_LS_CMDCurrently In Continuous Underscore Mode? (!: no; +: yes)Largest legal sheetfeeder drawer numberCurrent Vertical Tab Settings (terminated by null)Work Variable For Page Width (in Hres units)Name of Current Vert. Decrement CommandPrint Quality - 1 is the only legal value - DO NOT CHANGEDoes Escape X set quality and pitch (!: no; +: yes)Is used to determine whether or not the printer is to re-load its fontsCurrently In "line" Doublewide Mode? (!: no; +: yes)Currently In "line" Doublehigh Mode? (!: no; +: yes)Set pitchSet double hi modeTurn On/Off Continuous Double-Wide PrintingTurn On Line Double-High Printing (Printronix 9012 only)Turn On/Off Continuous OverscoreSend character font dataDoes Escape X set quality and pitch (!: no; +: yes)Turn On/Off Continuous Double-Wide PrintingTurn On Line Double-High PrintingSelect alternate translate tablePass thru graphics imagesDirectory Containing Flags files (keeps track of loaded fonts)Maximum number of fonts to cache (0 - 24)Listing of allowable typeface/pitch combinationsName of typeface/pitch loaded by printer initializationPitch value in string format - used by the formatter - do not modifyFont number for cached font set - set by the formatterCOMMANDS TO MANAGE FONTSCOMMANDS TO CONVERT CODE PAGE P0 (437) TO CODE PAGE P1 (850)Copy Fonts From Cache To Fonts 0-6Copy Fonts From Fonts 0-6 To CacheInitialize Fonts 0-6Unload Fonts 0-6Logic Included By Commands F0-F6, FA-FBLoad Font For Code Page P1 As Font 7Load Bold Font For Code Page P1 As Font 7Unload Font 7Load Base FontLoad Bold FontLoad Double-Wide FontLoad Bold Double-Wide FontLoad Condensed FontLoad Bold Condensed FontLoad Superscript/Subscript Font(font number is in internal variable f; P1 font is Font 7)Activate fontCopy Characters From CP437 Code Points To CP850 Code PointsCopy Characters From P1 To P0 (437) To Create Code Page 850Continue Copying Characters From P1 To P0 (437) To Create Code Page 850Unload Font 7Delay between print jobs of differing type (seconds) - increase value to increase reliabilityPipeline prefix to control and record the status of the printerPipeline suffix to record the time of completion of this pipelinePaper Size For Manual Feed (1: Letter; 2: Legal; 3: B5; 4: A4; 5: Exec)Paper Size For Tray 1 (1: Letter; 2: Legal; 3: B5; 4: A4; 5: Exec)Paper Size For Tray 2 (1: Letter; 2: Legal; 3: B5; 4: A4; 5: Exec)Envelope Size For Automatic Feed (1: 7 3/4; 2: 9; 3: 10; 4: DL; 5: C5; 6: B5; 7: Other)Envelope Size For Manual Feed (1: 7 3/4; 2: 9; 3: 10; 4: DL; 5: C5; 6: B5; 7: Other)Paper or Envelope Size For the Paper Source Selected By the -O and -u Flag Values (Refer to the s0, s1, s2, s3, and s4 attributes); Default value: %IwQm0-m4 Attributes Are s0-s4 Attributes Updated To Reflect -Q Flag Value Specified On Command LinePaper Source (1: Tray 1; 2: Tray 2; 3: Automatic Envelope Feeder)Default Page Width (characters)Default Page Length (lines)Primary Page Width (-z 0) or Secondary Page Length (-z 1), in pelsPrimary Page Length (-z 0) or Secondary Page Width (-z 1), in pelsPaper or Envelope Size For the Paper Source Selected By the -O and -u Flag Values (Refer to the s0, s1, s2, s3, and s4 attributes)Page Length (lines); Default Value: %IwY (value based on paper size specified with s0 - s5 attributes)Page Width (characters); Default Value: %IwX (value based on paper size specified with s0 - s5 attributes)Page Width (pels) For Portrait OrientationPage Length (pels) For Portrait OrientationPage Width (pels) For Landscape OrientationPage Length (pels) For Landscape Orientationtroff (ditroff) intermediate outputPage Headings Wanted For Text Converted to PostScript? (!: no; +: yes)Use Two Columns for Text Converted to PostScript? (!: no; +: yes)Gaudy Mode Wanted for Text Converted to PostScript? (!: no; +: yes)Print Garbage File Anyway for Text Converted to PostScript? (!: no; +: yes)List Characters Not In Font When Converting Text to PostScript? (!: no; +: yes)Font Name for Header Line of Text Converted to PostScriptMain Part of PostScript PipelineState of the File When in the "custom" Directory (!: inherited attributes excluded; +: inherited attributes included)Attributes reserved for system useParent File From Which Attributes Are Inherited (assumed to be in the "predef" directory)(DO NOT CHANGE THIS VALUE) Current State of the File (!: inherited attributes excluded; +: inherited attributes included)Paper Size for the Paper Source Selected by the -u Flag Value (refer to the s1 and s2 attributes); Default Value: %IwQPaper Source Drawer (1: primary (top); 2: alternate (bottom))Paper Size for Primary Drawer (1: Letter; 2: Legal; 3: B5; 4: A4; 5: Exec 1; 6: Exec 2; 7: Exec 3)Paper Size for Alternate Drawer (1: Letter; 2: Legal; 3: B5; 4: A4; 5: Exec 1; 6: Exec 2; 7: Exec 3)Set Page SizeFormatting Flags for Header PageFormatting Flags for Trailer PageLink Input Paper DrawersFormatting Flags for Header Page (example: -u2 specifies the alternate paper drawer)Formatting Flags for Trailer Page (example: -u2 specifies the alternate paper drawer)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 437 (United States)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 850 (Multilingual)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 851 (Greece)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 853 (Latin 3)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 857 (Latin 5, Turkey)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 869 (Greece)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 852 (Latin 2)Select the Denmark/Norway symbol setSelect Printer Code Page P0Select Printer Code Page P1Select Printer Code Page P2Path Names of Stage 2 Translate Tables, Separated by Commas. The formatter will prepend path names of stage 2 translate tables derived from code page information of resident and cartridge fonts defined by the mU attribute.PIPELINES FOR HEADER AND TRAILER PAGESIdentifies the Font Card Installed in the Top Font Card Slot. The Two-Digit Number Can be Found on the Font Card Just Above the Arrow.Identifies the Font Card Installed in the Bottom Font Card Slot. The Two-Digit Number Can be Found on the Font Card Just Above the Arrow.FONT CARD DEFINITIONSDescription of Resident FontsDescription of Font Card 15 (Greek)Description of Font Card 10 (Turkey)Include Description of Font Card Identified by Internal Variable i.Download Updated Form Feed Macro With Paper Drawer SpecifiedDirectory Containing Dummy Device Files For Printers Driven By, But Not Attached To, the Host Computer (example: printers attached to Xstations)Path Names of Stage 2 Translate Tables, Separated by CommasDuplex Output (0: Simplex 1: Duplex Long-Edge 2: Duplex Short-Edge)PostScript Command to Set Simplex/Duplex and Tumble ModeSet Duplex/Simplex ModeCommand to Restore Printer Datastream Mode (used only on restore)Does the PostScript Option Have Automatic Mode Switching? (!: no; +: yes)Datastream Mode to Which Printer is Restored at End of Job (0: IBM PPDS; 1: HP PCL; 2: Plotter; 3: PostScript)Page Width in Current Orientation (pels)Page Length in Current Orientation (pels)Effective Line Density (lines per inch x 100)Part Number of the Font Cartridge Installed in the Cartridge SlotIdentifies the Printed Language Selected from the Operator Panel (02: PC Multilingual; 08: Greek; 10: Turkish)Description of Font Card 01 (Italic)Description of Font Card 02 (Prestige)Description of Font Card 03 (Letter Gothic)Description of Font Card 04 (Delegate)Description of Font Card 05 (Script/OCR)Description of Font Card 07 (Compressed)Description of Font Card 16 (Latin 2)Description of Font Card 24 (Combo (Data Stream 1))Return TRUE in Internal Variable r if Resident Code Page Exists For Requested Typestyle and Pitch.Full Path Name of Font File to DownloadDownload Font File (if needed) and Select Code Page Specified in Internal Variable cFont Diskette Installed in Printer (P0: Feature Code 3155, Part 11F7734; CP851: Language Group 3 (Code Page 851 - Greece); CP853: Language Group 3 (Code Page 853 - Turkey)Font Diskette Installed in Printer (MLP: Feature Code 7652, CP851: Language Group 3 (Code Page 851 - Greece); CP857: Language Group 3 (Code Page 857 - Turkey)Set Code PagePath Names of Stage 2 Translate Tables to be Used (separated by commas)Description of Font Card 29 (Presentations)Description of Font Card 27 (NLS I)Description of Font Card 27 (NLS I) ContinuedPostScript Command to Set the Paper SourcePostScript Command to Set the Print ResolutionDescription of Font Card 14 (Japan)Initialize Download Font Area at Start and End of Job? (!: no; +: yes)Description of Font Card 33 (Word Processing)Does PostScript Support Duplex Setting in statusdict? (!: no; +: yes)Description of Font Card 32 (OCR/Symbol)Pass mk Attribute String to Shell to Determine inode Number of Downloaded Font File (if any)String Passed to Shell to Determine inode Number of Downloaded Font FileString Passed to Shell to Save inode Number of Downloaded Font FilePass cX Attribute String to Shell to Determine Font File's inode Number.String Passed to Shell to Determine Font File's inode NumberSelect IBM Personal Computer Code Page 860 (Portugal)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 863 (Canadian French)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 865 (Nordic)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 864 (Arabic)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 862 (Hebrew)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 855 (Cyrillic)Indentifies Country (+: Greece, Turkey; !: Others)Generate List of Code PagesIdentifies the Font Card Installed in the Left Font Card Slot. The value is the Last Two Digits of the Part Number Shown on the Font Card.Identifies the Font Card Installed in the Right Font Card Slot. The value is the Last Two Digits of the Part Number Shown on the Font Card.Description of Font Card 00 (Universal)32 K print buffer installed? (!: no; +: yes)Identifies the Active Code Page for the Installed Print Band (Examples: 437, 850, 851, 852, 853, 855, 857, 860, 862, 863, 864, 865, 869)List of Stage 2 Translate Tables (code pages) Supported by the FontWork Variable for Typeface NumberWork Variable for Type StyleWork Variable for Stroke WeightSet Typeface/style/weightSet Paper Tray Variable (1: upper 2: lower 3: envelope feeder)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 1046 (Arabic)bidi filter (Hebrew/Arabic)Description of Font Card 50 (Arabic 1)Description of Font Card 51 (Arabic 2)Description of Font Card 52 (Arabic 3)Description of Font Card 11 (Hebrew 1)Description of Font Card 19 (Hebrew 2)Description of Font Card 40 (Hebrew 3)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 855 (Cyrillic)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 864 (Arabic)Select IBM Personal Computer Code Page 862 (Hebrew)Description of Font Card 17 (Cyrillic)PARAMETERS FOR ASCII TERMINAL ATTACHED PRINTERSMaximum number of characters to send to the ASCII terminal attached printer in one output operation.Delay (microseconds) between outputs to ASCII terminal attached printer.Priority with which printing will be done relative to terminal activity, the higher the number the greater the printer priority over the terminal.Maximum Characters Per Second (CPS) rate at which characters are output to the ASCII terminal attached printer. The rate chosen should be just below the average print speed.Maximum number of characters the device driver will place in the output queue. The size, in characters, of the printer's input buffer. Select Quality (300; 600)Paper Source Drawer (0: Top Tray; 1: Bottom Tray; 2: Envelope Feeder)Command to set printer resolution Reset commandCommand to set printer languageSelect Quality (1: Quality; 2: Bold Black; 3: Draft; 4: High Quality; 5: Transparency)PostScript command to set print qualityIdentifies the hardware line discipline for the terminal configured on this queue. (rs: Native Port (s1, s2), 8-Port Adapter, or 16 -Port Adapter; lion: 64-Port Adapter; cxma: 128-Port Adapter)Send FORM FEED after each file?EMPHASIZED print?INITIALIZE printer?DOUBLE-STRIKE print?Page ORIENTATIONyes,noportrait,landscapeHOSTNAME for "PRINTED AT:" on HEADER PAGEDIAGNOSTIC LEVELPAGE NUMBER where printing should beginFLAGS PROHIBITED for GL print files-------------- Text Print Options ------------- ----------- Job Processing Options ------------ ----------- Text Formatting Options ----------- ------------- Paper/Page Options -------------- --------- Header/Trailer Page Options --------- ------------- Messages/Diagnostics ------------(diag1) - do not print job; display main pipeline and pre-processing filter,(diag2) - do not print job; display all pipelines and filters,(display) - print job; display all pipelines and filters,(ignore) - print job; ignore stderr produced by filters,(normal) - print job; exit if filters produce stderrCommand to list pre-processing filter namesCommand to validate pre-processing filter nameTOP MARGIN (lines)BOTTOM MARGIN (lines)manual,sheetfeedNumber of columns to INDENTInput PAPER SOURCEmanual paper,tray 1 (upper),tray 2 (lower),envelope feeder,manual envelope Add LINE FEED or CARRIAGE RETURNPAPER SIZE for manual paper feedPAPER SIZE for tray 1 (upper)PAPER SIZE for tray 2 (lower)ENVELOPE SIZE for envelope feederENVELOPE SIZE for manual envelope feedID of font card in top font card slotID of font card in bottom font card slotALIGN page if printer is idleNumber of FORM FEEDS when printer goes idleCommand to run to get current value of 'align' fieldCommand to run to get current value of 'feed' fieldUSERS to get intervention messagesWIDTH of printable area on header pageDefault VERTICAL SPACING (lines per inch)Input PAPER TRAY for header pageInput PAPER TRAY for trailer pageCommand to list datastreamsPrint file TYPEPre-processing FILTER NAMEcifplot filterTeX (DVI) filterFORTRAN filterplot filterpass-through filterditroff filter'pr' filtertroff filterRaster image filterUser defined filter 1User defined filter 2User defined filter 3User defined filter 4User defined filter 5TYPESTYLE and PITCHAttribute to build ring for pitch and typestyleAttribute to validate pitch and typestyleCOLUMNS per pageLINES per pageDetermine lines per page based on lines per inchCommand to display the string 'lines per inch'Command to validate attribute 'sp'FLAGS PROHIBITED for all print filesPAPER SIZE override for input paper sourceFLAGS PROHIBITED for ASCII print filesValidate Attribute Value Strings During Digestion by "piodigest"? (!: no; +: yes)Level of colon files (1: old files converted to new format; 2: new files)Attachment TypePrinter ManufacturerAttribute to validate paper sizelines per inchRemote queue device Remote print server hostnameFLAGS PROHIBITED for PostScript print filesGenerates a yes/no option ringDUPLEX outputsimplex,duplex,duplex with tumbleType of INPUT PAPER HANDLING (backward compatibility purpose only)manual,sheetfeeddrawer,manual,envelopePITCH (characters per inch)TYPE STYLE (name)LINE DENSITY (lines per inch)PAPER SIZE for primary drawerPAPER SIZE for alternate drawer FONT DISKETTE installed in printerFeature Code 7652; Part 1332634,Language Group 3 (Code Page 851 - Greece),Language Group 3 (Code Page 852 - Latin2),Language Group 3 (Code Page 855 - Cyrillic),Language Group 3 (Code Page 857 - Turkey),Language Group 4 (Code Page 862 - Hebrew),Language Group 2 (Code Page 864 - Arabic)LINK input paper drawersFORMATTING FLAGS for header pageFORMATTING FLAGS for trailer pageprimary,alternatefast draft,draft,letter,enhanced letterPrint QUALITY fastdraft,draft,near letter qualityCODE PAGE 850 available?COUNTRY Arabic 1046,Greece; Turkey; Eastern Europe; Arabic; Hebrew,othersTITLE STRING for 'pr' filterPAGE HEADINGS for ASCII print files?TWO COLUMNS for ASCII print files?GAUDY MODE for ASCII print files?PRINT GARBAGE ASCII FILE anyway?LIST CHARACTERS NOT IN FONT for ASCII files?Calculates the tray operand for the setpapertray commandAUTOMATIC MODE SWITCHING for PostScript?portrait,landscape right,portrait upside-down,landscape leftPOINT SIZE for ASCII print filesDOUBLE SPACING?no (single),yes (double)Continuous DOUBLE WIDE?Calculate value for paper source based on _O and _u.manual paper feed,tray 1 (upper),tray 2 (lower),manual envelope feedmanual paper feed, automatic sheet feeder, manual envelope feedASCII PrinterPlotterPostScript PrinterHP LaserJet II Emulation PrinterRESOLUTION of text converted to PostScriptmanual paper feed,tray 1 (upper),tray 2 (lower),envelope feeder,manual envelope feedmanual paper feed,tray 1 (upper),tray 2 (lower),envelope feeder,manual envelope feed,100-sheet auxiliary feederquality,bold black,high speed,high quality,transparencyWIDTH for 'pr' filter for ASCII print filesupper tray,lower trayDELAY between print jobs of differing type (sec)CODE PAGE of printerAUTOMATIC detection of print file TYPE to be done?manual,drawer 1,drawer 2,envelope feeder,single envelope,pinwheelprimary paper casette,alternate paper casettedraft,quality,enhancedportrait,landscape left,portrait upside-down,landscape rightFONT DISKETTE installed in printerFeature Code 3155; Part 70X0759,Language Group 3 (Code Page 851 - Greece),Language Group 3 (Code Page 852 - Latin 2),Language Group 3 (Code Page 853 - Turkey),Language Group 3 (Code Page 855 - Cyrillic),Language Group 4 (Code Page 862 - Hebrew),Language Group 2 (Code Page 864 - Arabic)fastfont,draft,NLQ,enhanceddraft,qualityCalculate value for print quality based on _q and _6PAPER SIZE for upper trayPAPER SIZE for lower traysimplex (single-sided),duplex-- long-edge binding,duplex-- short-edge bindingGenerate a ring list for paper sourcemanual paper feed,upper tray,lower tray,envelope feeder,manual envelope feedGenerate a ring list for paper typesGenerate a ring list for envelope typesGenerate the paper source escape sequencePAPER SIZE for tray 1 PAPER SIZE for tray 2PAPER SIZE for envelope traylower tray,upper tray or no sheet feeder,envelope trayGenerate the correct 'name' parameter for the PostScript setpapertray commandmanual paper,paper tray,envelope feeder,manual envelopemanual,tray 1,tray 2,envelope trayupper tray,lower tray,envelope feederSet the vertical line spacing (VMI)Set the vertical line spacing (lpi)PAPER SIZE for paper trayIs the PostScript Cartridge Plus INSTALLED?12 cpi fastfont,10 cpi draft,NLQ,NLQ IIdraft,letterpinwheel,sheetfeedITALICS print?Print COLORblack,blue,red,magenta,green,cyan,yellow,black,brownDP (fast draft),DP Text (draft),NLQ (near letter quality)no initialization,full initialization,send PCL language switch command onlyPRINTED LANGUAGE selected from the operator panelPC Multilingual,Latin2,Cyrillic,Arabic,Greek,Turkish,Hebrewdraft,data-processing,near letter qualityDOUBLE-HIGH print?Use WHOLE PAGE COORDINATE SYSTEM?RESTORE printer?CONDENSED print?WRAP long lines?DOUBLE-WIDE print?CODE PAGE of print filemanual paper,lower paper cassette,multipurpose tray (paper),envelope feeder,manual envelope,multipurpose tray (envelope),optional 500-sheet cassetteArabic 1046,othersGreece or Turkey,othersACTIVE CODE PAGE for the installed print bandError: PostScript virtual printer does not exist. Error: The /usr/bin/enscript command was not found. Error: The /usr/bin/ibm3812 command was not found. Error: The /usr/bin/ibm3816 command was not found. Error: The /usr/bin/hplj command was not found. Error: ASCII virtual printer does not exist. Remote PrinterPCL Printer(Attribute referenced by formatter but not used)Error: The /usr/bin/bprt command was not found. ID of font card installed in left font card slotID of font card installed in right font card slotno initialization,full initialization,send PostScript language switch command onlyno initialization,full initialization,send ASCII language switch command onlyError: The /usr/bin/psplot command was not found. Error: The /usr/ucb/fpr command was not found. UNIDIRECTIONAL print?manual paper,automatic sheet feeder,envelope feeder,manual envelopeverify code page of print fileError: Cannot print separator page because no %s print queue exists for this printer. Error: The %s command was not found. Error: Cannot print %1$s file because no %2$s print queue exists for this printer. TRAILER page LENGTHPOSTSCRIPT option INSTALLED?PAPER SIZE for 100-sheet auxiliary feeder32 K print buffer installed?manual paper feed,paper tray,manual envelope feedTYPE STYLE for ASCII print filesTITLE STRING for 'pr' filter for ASCII filesWRAP long lines for ASCII print files?LINES per page for ASCII print filesPage ORIENTATION for ASCII print filesPAPER SIZE override for ASCII print filesPAPER SIZE for standard 250-sheet cassettePAPER SIZE for multipurpose trayPAPER SIZE for optional 500-sheet lower cassetteENVELOPE SIZE for multipurpose trayENVELOPE SIZE for optional envelope feederstandard 250-sheet cassette,multipurpose tray (paper),optional 500-sheet lower cassette,optional envelope feederstandard 250-sheet cassette,multipurpose tray (paper),optional 500-sheet lower cassette,manual paper feed,multipurpose tray (envelope),optional envelope feeder,manual envelope feedCommand string for setting portrait orientation for envelopesMODE in which to leave printer at end of jobCalculate page length based on paper sizePCL5 emulation option INSTALLED?standard 250-sheet cassette,multipurpose tray (paper),optional 500-sheet lower cassette,manual paper feedstandard 250-sheet cassette,multipurpose tray (paper),optional 500-sheet lower cassettestandard 250-sheet cassette,manual top-rear input tray,optional cassettestandard 250-sheet cassette,optional cassetteblack,red,green,yellow,blue,magenta,cyan,whiteprinter top bin,HCO bin 1,HCO bin 2,HCO bin 3,HCO bin 4,HCO bin 5,HCO bin 6,HCO bin 7,HCO bin 8,HCO face-up bin,printer left-side binmultipurpose tray 1,tray 2,tray 3,high capacity input tray,manual paper feed,optional envelope feeder,manual envelope feedmultipurpose tray 1,tray 2,tray 3,high capacity input tray,optional envelope feederOUTPUT BIN destinationcommand to set output bin destinationBaseStacker,UpperStacker,SideStackerOutput Tray {1=Main, 2=Upper, 3=Side}Input Tray {1=Main, 2=UpSub, 3=LowSub, 4=Side, 5=Env, 6=TopFront}Select the ISO8859-1 symbol setSelect the ISO8859-2 symbol setSelect the ISO8859-3 symbol setSelect the ISO8859-4 symbol setSelect the ISO8859-5 symbol setSelect the ISO8859-6 symbol setSelect the ISO8859-7 symbol setSelect the ISO8859-8 symbol setSelect the ISO8859-9 symbol setSelect the IBM-1251(Cyrillic) symbol setSelect the IBM-1129(Vietnamese) symbol setType of Input Paper Handling (1: manual, 2: sheetfeed)Font Style (0; 1; 32; 64; 128; 160)Set Print Direction (0; 90; 180; 270)Duplex Output (0: Simplex 1: Duplex Long Edge 2: Duplex Short Edge)Select Stroke Weight (From 0:Medium to 7:Ultra Black)Initialize the printer (for each print file)? (0: no; 1: yes)Decimal Part of PitchSet Spacing for Font (0: Fixed; 1: Proportional)Line Density (lines per inch) (1,2,3,4,6,8,12)Select Primary or Secondary Font (0: Primary; 1: Secondary)Rotate Page Output (0:Portrait;1:Landscape;2:Reverse Port;3:Reverse Land)Select the IBM-US symbol setPipeline for Input Data Stream "s" (PostScript)Pipeline for Input Data Stream "a" (extended ASCII)Pipeline for Input Data Stream "c" (PCL)Pipeline for Input Data Stream "g" (IBM Graphics)Pipeline for Input Data Stream "p" (pass-through)Pipeline for Input Data Stream "d" (Diablo 630)Paper Source (1: Tray 1; 2: Tray 2; 3: Manual Envelope Feeder)Pipeline for Input Data Stream "n" (troff (ditroff) intermediate output)Attributes for Hierarchical FilesSelect the IBM-Denmark/Norway symbol setSelect default Typeface : CourierSelect default Style : UprightSelect default value for Bold : 3Set initial default valuesDefines cursor position for scalable fonts, with different rotationnot usedPrint Quality (1: draft)Set TypeStyleSelect double strike printing (! : no ; + : yes)Specify the pitch valueOctal value for NLQOctal value for OCR-BOctal value for DPOctal value for HSOctal value for HSBOctal value for HSCOctal value for OCR-ASet Typestyle and Pitch.Type of Input Paper Handling (0: automatic, 1: manual)Number of additional copies for each page (0:default)Rotate Page Printer Output (0: portrait 1: landscape)PostScript command to reset the Paper SourcePostScript Command to Set the Number of CopiesPostScript command to validate the Manual FeederPostScript command to reset the devicePostScript command to reset the PoliciesDoes PostScript Support Duplex Setting in statusdict? (!: no; +: yes)Number of copies of each page (1:default)Paper Source (1:tray 1, 2:tray 2, 3:manual feed)Paper Source (0:manual feed, 1:tray 1, 2:tray 2)Paper Type (0:Rough, 1:Normal, 2:Transparency, 3:Labels, 4:Cardstock) 1:defaultType of Input (3:paper, 4:envelope)Secondary Source specification and Type of Input (3:paper from tray 1, 2, or 3, 4:envelope from manual feed, feeder (1), or feeder 2, 5:paper from manual feed, feeder (1), or feeder 2) - see _u attributePaper Source - combined with _O attribute (1-3 for trays 1-3 repectively or 1:manual feed, 2:feeder(1), and 3:feeder 2)Paper or Envelope Size for the Paper Source Selected By the -O and -u Flag Values (Refer to s1, s2, and s3 attributes)Paper or Envelope Size for Tray 1 (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 3:B5, 4:A4, 5:Exec, & 6:A5 or 1:7 3/4, 2:9, 3:10, 4:DL, 5:C5, 6:B5, & 7:Other)Paper or Envelope Size for Tray 2 (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 3:B5, 4:A4, 5:Exec, & 6:A5 or 1:7 3/4, 2:9, 3:10, 4:DL, 5:C5, 6:B5, & 7:Other)Paper or Envelope Size for Manual Feed (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 3:B5, 4:A4, 5:Exec, & 6:A5 or 1:7 3/4, 2:9, 3:10, 4:DL, 5:C5, 6:B5, & 7:Other)Separator Pages (0:None, 1:Between Copies, 2: Between Jobs, and 3:Between Pages)Separator Page Source (see _u attribute)Envelope Size for PJL initializaton (based on -Q flag)Paper Size for PJL initialization (based on -Q flag)PJL command to set Number of copies for each page and if supported by this printer, PJL command to set Collation Mode (%IpC)PJL command to set Paper SourcePJL command to set Paper SizePJL command to set Paper Type (see _y attribute)Calculated PJL value for setting Paper Type (see -y flag)Paper or Envelope Size for the Paper Source Selected By the -O and -u Flag Values (Refer to s1, s2, and s3 attributes)Separator Page Source (1:tray 1, 2:tray 2, 3:tray3, 4:feeder (1), 5:feeder 2) default = 1Paper Source (1:tray 1, 2:tray 2, 3:multipurpose feeder) default = 1Paper Source (0:tray 1, 1:tray 2, 2:multipurpose feeder) default = 0Paper Size for the Paper Source Selected by the -u Flag (Refer to the s1, s2, and s3 attributes)Paper Size for the Paper Source Selected by the -u Flag (Refer to the s0, s1, and s2 attributes)Paper Size for Multipurpose Feeder (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 3:B5, 4:A4)Collation Mode (!:no, +:yes) default = ! (no)PJL command to set Collation Mode (see _S attribute)Paper Source (0:manual feed, 1:tray 1, 2:tray 2, 3:tray 3, 4:feeder (1), 5:feeder 2)Paper or Envelope Size for the Paper Source Selected by the -O and -u Flag Values (Refer to the s0 - s5 attributes)Paper Size for Tray 1 (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 3:B5, 4:A4)Paper Size for Tray 2 (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 3:B5, 4:A4)Stat Alert Mode (0:off, 1:beep and flash continuously, 2:beep 4 times and flash continuously, 3:flash continuously)Set Stat Alert ModePJL command for Stat Alert Mode of beep and flash continuouslyPJL command for Stat Alert Mode of beep 4 times and flash continuouslyPJL command for Stat Alert Mode of flash continuouslyPJL commands to set Separator Pages Mode and SourcePaper Source (0:manual feed, 1:tray 1, 2: tray 2, 3: tray 3, 4: feeder (1), 5:feeder 2) default = 1Print Quality (300, 600, 1200 dpi) default=600Paper Size for Tray 1 (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 3:B5, 4:A4, 5:Exec, 6:A5)Paper Size for Tray 2 (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 3:B5, 4:A4, 5:Exec, 6:A5)Paper Size for Tray 3 (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 3:B5, 4:A4, 5:Exec, 6:A5)Paper or Envelope Size for Feeder (1) (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 3:B5, 4:A4, 5:Exec, & 6:A5 or 1:7 3/4, 2:9, 3:10, 4:DL, 5:C5, 6:B5, & 7:Other)Paper or Envelope Size for Feeder 2 (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 3:B5, 4:A4, 5:Exec, & 6:A5 or 1:7 3/4, 2:9, 3:10, 4:DL, 5:C5, 6:B5, & 7:Other)Foreground Color from Simple Color 3-plane RGB palette (0:Black, 1:Red, 2:Green, 3:Yellow, 4:Blue, 5:Magenta, 6:Cyan, 7:White) default = nonePCL 5 Set Foreground ColorPaper or Envelope Size for the Paper Source Selected By the -O and -u Flag Values (Refer to s0, s1, and s2 attributes)Secondary Source specification and Type of Input (3:paper from tray 1, 2, or 3, 4:envelope from manual feed, envelope feeder or envelope from multipurpose tray, 5:paper from manual feed or multipurpose tray - see _u attributePaper Source - combined with _O attribute (1-3 for trays 1-3 repectively or 1:manual feed, 2:envelope feeder, and 3:multipurpose tray)Paper or Envelope Size for Manual Feed (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 3:B5, 4:A4, 5:Exec, 6:A5, 7:A5, 8:A3, 9:11 x 17(Ledger), & 10:Custom or 1:7 3/4, 2:9, 3:10, 4:DL, 5:C5, 6:B5, & 7:Other Envelope)Paper Size for Tray 1 (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 4:A4, 7:B4)Paper Size for Tray 2 (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 4:A4, 7:B4, 8:A3, 9:Ledger(11 x 17))Paper Size for Tray 3 (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 3:B5, 7:B4, 8:A3, 9:Ledger(11 x 17))Envelope Size for Envelope Feeder (1:7 3/4, 2:9, 3:10, 4:DL, 5:C5, & 6:B5)Paper or Envelope Size for Multipurpose Tray (1:Letter, 2:Legal, 3:B5, 4:A4, 5:Exec, 6:A5, 7:A5, 8:A3, 9:11 x 17(Ledger), & 10:Custom or 1:7 3/4, 2:9, 3:10, 4:DL, 5:C5, 6:B5, & 7:Other Envelope)Separator Page Source (1:tray 1, 2:tray 2, 3:tray3, 4:envelope feeder, 5:multipurpose tray) default = 1Generate Ring for Input Type (based on _u attribute value)printer top bin, finisher bin 1, finisher bin 2, finisher bin 3, printer left-side binFinisher Output: FACEUP or FACEDOWN (default)Set Finisher Output to FACEUP or FACEDOWNFinisher Offset: ON or OFF (default)Set Finisher Offset FunctionFinisher Staple Function: OFF, Staple 1, or Staple 2 (default = OFF)Set Finisher Staple FunctionPAPER SIZE for tray 3PAPER SIZE for tray 4PAPER SIZE for tray 5PAPER or ENVELOPE SIZE for multipurpose trayPAPER or ENVELOPE SIZE for manual feedPaper Source - O:Manual Feed, 1:Tray 1, 2:Tray 2, 3:Tray 3, 4:Tray 4, 5:Tray 5, 6:Envelope Feeder, 7:Multipurpose Tray (Default:Tray 1)Input Source, Selected with the -u and -O Flags - (u/O) 1/3=Tray 1, 2/3=Tray 2, 3/3=Tray 3, 1/4=Manual Envelope, 2/4=Envelope Feeder, 3/4=Multipurpose Tray, 1/5=Manual Paper, 2/5=not used, 3/5=Multipurpose Tray, 1/6=Tray 4, 2/6=Tray 5, 3/6=not usedPaper Size for the Paper Source Selected by -u Flag Values (Refer to the s0 - s3 attributes)Paper or Envelope Size for the Paper Source Selected by the -O and -u Flag Values (Refer to the s0 - s7 attributes)Standard Bin, Bin 1, Bin 2, Bin 3, Active BinPaper Source (0:manual feed, 1:tray 1, 2:tray 2, 3:multipurpose feeder) default = 1Separator Page Source (1:tray 1, 2:tray 2, 3:tray 3, 4:tray 4, 5:tray 5, 6:envelope feeder, 7:multipurpose tray) default = 1Generate a ring list for paper sizesGenerate a ring list for envelope sizesPAPER SIZE for multipurpose feederSeparator Page Source (1:tray 1, 2:tray 2, 3:multipurpose feeder) default = 1Paper Source - 1:tray 1, 2:tray 2, 3:multipurpose feeder (or when -O=1 then manual feed) default = 1Lvalue part of PJL command to set paper sizePrinter top bin,HCO bin 1,HCO bin 2,HCO bin 3,HCO bin 4,HCO bin 5,HCO face-up bin,Printer left-side bin,Stapler binCommand used for end-of-job statement for the stapler binNumber of copies executed by the printerPJL command to set the number of copies executed by the printermultipurpose tray 1,tray 2,tray 3,high capacity input tray,manual paper feed,optional envelope feeder,manual envelope feed,auto selectPrinter top bin,HCO bin 1,HCO bin 2,HCO bin 3,HCO bin 4,HCO bin 5,HCO bin 6,HCO bin 7,HCO bin 8,HCO face-up bin,Printer left-side bin,Stapler binmultipurpose tray 1,tray 2,tray 3,manual feed,auto selectmultipurpose tray 1,tray 2,tray 3,auto selectmultipurpose tray 1,tray 2,tray 3,envelope (tray 1),auto selectprinter top binmultipurpose tray 1,tray 2,tray 3,high capacity input tray 4,tray 5,manual paper feed,optional envelope feeder,manual envelope feed,auto selectmultipurpose tray 1,tray 2,tray 3,high capacity input tray,optional envelope feeder,auto selectprinter top bin,HCO face down,HCO face uptray 1,tray 2,tray 3,high capacity inputPAPER SIZE for 3000 sheet input drawermultipurpose tray 1,tray 2,tray 3,envelope (tray 1),manual envelope feed,manual paper feed,auto selectmultipurpose tray 1,tray 2,tray 3,tray 4,tray 5,tray 6,envelope (tray 1),manual envelope feed,manual paper feed,auto selectPAPER SIZE for tray 6Work variable to calculate horizontal spacing of a fixed spaced font in terms of the number of characters per inchPJL command to set Simplex/Duplex ModePJL command to set Job Storage ModeJob Storage ModePrivate Pin: (####, 0-9)off,private job,proof and holdoff,private job,proof and hold,quick copy,stored job(public),stored job(private)Work variable for Job submitter's nameWork variable for Job nameWork variable for Private pintray 2,tray 1,tray 3,autoauto, bin 1, bin 2, bin 3, bin 4, bin 5, Stapler binauto select, Tray 1, Tray 2, Tray 3, Tray 4, Tray 5Tray 1,Tray 2,Auxiliary Tray,Automatic Tray SelectionManual Paper,Paper Sheet FeedTray 1,Tray 2,Tray 3,Auxiliary Tray(Paper),Auxiliary Tray(Envelope),Envelope Feeder,Automatic SelectionMain,Mailbox Bin 1,Mailbox Bin 2,Mailbox Bin 3,Mailbox Bin 4,Mailbox Bin 5,Mailbox Bin 6,Mailbox Bin 7,Mailbox Bin 8,Mailbox Bin 9,Mailbox Bin 10,OffsetTray 1,Tray 2,Auxiliary Tray(Paper),Auxiliary Tray(Envelope),Envelope Tray,Automatic SelectionMain,Face-UpPAPER SIZE for Tray 1 and 2PAPER SIZE for Auxiliary TrayNumber of RePro Collated Copies to PrintType of Output Paper HandlingNumber of Copies to PrintWork Variable for Output Paper HandlingENVELOPE SIZEMAILBOX PAPER SIZEGenerate a ring list for Mailbox Paper sizePaper or Envelope Size For the Paper Source Selected By the -O and -u Flag Values (Refer to the s0, s1, s2 and s3 attributes); Default value: %IwQPAPER SIZE for Tray 3IBM Network PrinterDefault,Lightest,Lighter,Light,Normal,Dark,Darker,DarkestBrightnessDefault,Normal,Matte,GlossyFinishDefault,CMYK,GrayscaleColor ModelDefault,Scanner,Highlight,Photographic,Presentation,Monitor,Solid ColorColor Rendering DictionaryDefault,Photo Quality,Business GraphicsPrint ModeDefault,Main,Face-Up,Upper Finisher Bin Face Down,Middle Finisher Bin Face Down,Lower Finisher Bin Face Down,Upper Finisher Bin Face Up,Middle Finisher Bin Face Up,Lower Finisher Bin Face Up,Auto Finisher Bin Face DownStapling/CollatingDefault,Portrait Staple,Landscape Staple,Two Portrait Staples,Two Landscape Staples,Offset Jog at end of Job,Offset Jog at end of Set,No Stapling or CollatingPaper Size For the Paper Source Selected By the -O and -u Flag Values (Refer to the s0 and s1 attributes)Joblog Options (0:OFF; 1:ON)Joblog Options Work VariableMain,Main-OffsetPAPER/ENVELOPE SIZE for multipurpose trayPAPER/ENVELOPE SIZE for Tray 1, 2, or 3PAPER SIZE for 2000 sheet input drawerCurrent Input Source,Tray 1,Auxiliary Tray Manual Feed (Paper),Auxiliary Tray Manual Feed (Envelope),Auxiliary Tray (Automatic),Tray 2,Envelope Tray,Tray 3,2000 sheet input drawerPaper or Envelope Size For the Paper Source Selected By the -u Flag Value (Refer to the s0, s1, s2, s3, s4 and s5 attributes); Default value: %IwQPaper or Envelope Size For the Paper Source Selected By the -u Flag Value (Refer to the s0, s1, s2, s3, s4, s5 and s6 attributes); Default value: %IwQDefault,Main,Face-Up,Finisher Bin 1,Finisher Bin 2,Finisher Bin 3,Any Finisher BinPAPER SIZE for Tray 1PAPER SIZE for Tray 2 and 3PAPER SIZE for Tray 4 and 5Current Input Source,Tray 1,Auxiliary Tray Manual Feed (Paper),Auxiliary Tray Manual Feed (Envelope),Auxiliary Tray (Automatic),Tray 2,Envelope Tray,Tray 3,Tray 4,Tray5Default,Offset Jog at end of Job,Offset Jog at end of Set,No CollatingCollatingSeparator Page Source - printer internal optionSeparator Pages - printer internal optionNumber of copies of each page - printer internal optionInput SourceCollation ModeSize for the selected Input SourceType of InputFinisher OffsetFinisher StaplesFinisher OutputPaper TypePAPER or ENVELOPE SIZE for Tray 1PAPER or ENVELOPE SIZE for Feeder (1)PAPER or ENVELOPE SIZE for Feeder 2None,Between Copies,Between Jobs,Between PagesTray 1,Tray 2,Tray 3,Multipurpose FeederManual Feed,Tray 1,Tray 2,Tray 3,Multipurpose FeederTray 1Manual Feed,Tray 1Tray 1,Tray 2,Multipurpose TrayManual Feed,Tray 1,Tray 2,Multipurpose TrayStandard Bin, Bin 1, Bin 2, Bin 3, Bin 4, Bin 5, Bin 6, Bin 7, Bin 8, Bin 9, Bin 10Hole PunchSet Hole Punch FunctionTray 1,Tray 2,Tray 3,Tray 4,Tray 5,Envelope Feeder,Multipurpose TrayManual Feed,Tray 1,Tray 2,Tray 3,Tray 4,Tray 5,Envelope Feeder,Multipurpose TrayTray 1,Tray 2,Tray 3,Tray 4Manual Feed,Tray 1,Tray 2,Tray 3,Tray 4Off,Between Copies,Between JobsManual Feed,Tray 1Path Name of File Being PrintedNumber of Bytes To Be Passed Through For %xInterface Type (0: Other; 1: parallel; 2: serial; 3: tty)Base Directory for Static Files (normally, /usr/lib/lpd/pio)Base Directory for Dynamic Files (normally, /var/spool/lpd/pio/@local)Null StringBase Directory for Dynamic Files (normally, /var/spool/lpd/pio)