ùISO8859-1(:`4›;Ð: @GBˆAËä ò  O <n C«.ï=>$|5¡3×0 , <2 iC œI à3 *I ^ì¨;•%Ñl÷!d E†!zÌ"rG#4º$ï%ž€&– 'ð"¶(þ&§mpstat: 0551-022 Unable to retrieve processor statistics. mpstat: 0551-133 Unable to retrieve SMT statistics. mpstat: 0551-155 Unable to retrieve Page Fault statistics. mpstat: 0551-015 Unable to retrieve partition statistics. mpstat: 0551-118 Specify a positive integer for interval/count. mpstat: 0551-119 SMT is disabled, -s option can not be specified. mpstat: 0551-156 -a, -d, -i and -s are mutually exclusive flags. Usage: mpstat [ { -a | -d | -i | -s } ] [ -w ] [ interval [ count ] ] -a Displays all statistics report in wide output mode -d Displays detailed affinity and migration statistics for the threads and dispatching statistics for logical processors in wide output mode -i Displays detailed interrupt statistics in wide output mode -s Displays SMT utilization report if smt is enabled -w Turn on wide output mode Note: -a, -d, -i and -s are mutually exclusive options System configuration: %s configuration: System configuration changed. The current iteration values may be inaccurate. Usage: mpstat [ { -a | -d | -i | -s | -h } ] [ -w ] [ -@ wparname ] [ interval [ count ] ] -a Displays all statistics report in wide output mode -d Displays detailed affinity and migration statistics for the threads and dispatching statistics for logical processors in wide output mode -i Displays detailed interrupt statistics in wide output mode -s Displays SMT utilization report if smt is enabled -h Displays donate statistics -w Turn on wide output mode -@ Displays the WPAR information Note: -a, -d, -i and -s are mutually exclusive options mpstat : The output is applicable only to the Global Environment. mpstat: Workload Partition %s is not found. mpstat: WPAR %s is not active. mpstat: Could not switch to workload partition environment. mpstat: failed. wparname required. mpstat: PARTITION statistics could not be retrieved. Usage: mpstat [ { -a | -d | -i | -s | -h } ] [ -w ] [ -@ ] [ interval [ count ] ] -a Displays all statistics report in wide output mode -d Displays detailed affinity and migration statistics for the threads and dispatching statistics for logical processors in wide output mode -i Displays detailed interrupt statistics in wide output mode -s Displays SMT utilization report if smt is enabled -h Displays donate statistics -w Turn on wide output mode -@ Displays the system information Note: -a, -d, -i and -s are mutually exclusive options mpstat: Bad -O option syntax (an = is missing). mpstat: Only one -O option_name is allowed. mpstat: Unknown command line option with -O flag. mpstat: Incorrect -O option syntax. sortcolumn option is required. mpstat: Incorrect value for -O sortorder option. Use "asc" or "desc". mpstat: Bad count value for -O topcount option. Usage: mpstat [ { -a | -d | -i | -s | -h | -X [-o filename]} ] [ -w ] [-O Options] [ -@ wparname ] [ interval [ count ] ] -a Displays all statistics report in wide output mode -d Displays detailed affinity and migration statistics for the threads and dispatching statistics for logical processors in wide output mode -i Displays detailed interrupt statistics in wide output mode -s Displays SMT utilization report if smt is enabled -h Displays donate statistics -w Turn on wide output mode -@ Displays the WPAR information -O option=value,... sortcolumn=name of metric in mpstat output sortorder=[asc | desc] topcount=number of top cpus to be displayed in sorted order -X Turns on XML output -o used to specify filename. Note: -a, -d, -i , -h, -X and -s are mutually exclusive options Usage: mpstat [ { -a | -d | -i | -s | -h } ] [ -w ] [-O Options] [ -@ ] [ interval [ count ] ] -a Displays all statistics report in wide output mode -d Displays detailed affinity and migration statistics for the threads and dispatching statistics for logical processors in wide output mode -i Displays detailed interrupt statistics in wide output mode -s Displays SMT utilization report if smt is enabled -h Displays donate statistics -w Turn on wide output mode -@ Displays the system information -O option=value,... sortcolumn=name of metric in mpstat output sortorder=[asc | desc] topcount=number of top cpus to be displayed in sorted order Note: -a, -d, -i and -s are mutually exclusive options mpstat: -O sortcolumn and -s flags are mutually exclusive. mpstat: the xml file already exists. Usage: mpstat [ { -a | -d | -i | -s | -h | -A } ] [ -w ] [ -@ wparname ] [ interval [ count ] ] -a Displays all statistics report in wide output mode -d Displays detailed affinity and migration statistics for the threads and dispatching statistics for logical processors in wide output mode -i Displays detailed interrupt statistics in wide output mode -s Displays SMT utilization report if smt is enabled -h Displays donate statistics -w Turn on wide output mode -@ Displays the WPAR information -A Displays Adjunct partition statistics Note: -a, -d, -i and -s are mutually exclusive options mpstat: Option is not supported. mpstat: 0551-156 -a, -d, -i, -s and -v are mutually exclusive flags. Usage: mpstat [ { -a | -d | -i | -s | -h | -v } ] [ -w ] [ -@ wparname ] [ interval [ count ] ] -a Displays all statistics report in wide output mode -d Displays detailed affinity and migration statistics for the threads and dispatching statistics for logical processors in wide output mode -i Displays detailed interrupt statistics in wide output mode -s Displays SMT utilization report if smt is enabled -h Displays donate statistics -w Turn on wide output mode -@ Displays the WPAR information -v Virtual processor level utilization statistics Note: -a, -d, -i, -s and -v are mutually exclusive options Usage: mpstat [ { -a | -d | -i | -s | -h | -v } ] [ -w ] [ -@ ] [ interval [ count ] ] -a Displays all statistics report in wide output mode -d Displays detailed affinity and migration statistics for the threads and dispatching statistics for logical processors in wide output mode -i Displays detailed interrupt statistics in wide output mode -s Displays SMT utilization report if smt is enabled -h Displays donate statistics -w Turn on wide output mode -@ Displays the system information -v Virtual processor level utilization statistics Note: -a, -d, -i, -s and -v are mutually exclusive options SMT operation in progress, try when it is complete Usage: mpstat [ { -a | -d | -i | -s | -h | -A } ] [ -w ] [ -@ wparname ] [ -t ] [ interval [ count ] ] -a Displays all statistics report in wide output mode -d Displays detailed affinity and migration statistics for the threads and dispatching statistics for logical processors in wide output mode -i Displays detailed interrupt statistics in wide output mode -s Displays SMT utilization report if smt is enabled -h Displays donate statistics -w Turn on wide output mode -@ Displays the WPAR information -A Displays Adjunct partition statistics -t Displays the timestamp Note: -a, -d, -i and -s are mutually exclusive options Usage: mpstat [ { -a | -d | -i | -s | -h | -v } ] [ -w ] [ -@ wparname ] [ -t ] [ interval [ count ] ] -a Displays all statistics report in wide output mode -d Displays detailed affinity and migration statistics for the threads and dispatching statistics for logical processors in wide output mode -i Displays detailed interrupt statistics in wide output mode -s Displays SMT utilization report if smt is enabled -h Displays donate statistics -w Turn on wide output mode -@ Displays the WPAR information -v Virtual processor level utilization statistics -t Displays the timestamp Note: -a, -d, -i, -s and -v are mutually exclusive options Usage: mpstat [ { -a | -d | -i | -s | -h | -v } ] [ -w ] [ -@ ] [ -t ] [ interval [ count ] ] -a Displays all statistics report in wide output mode -d Displays detailed affinity and migration statistics for the threads and dispatching statistics for logical processors in wide output mode -i Displays detailed interrupt statistics in wide output mode -s Displays SMT utilization report if smt is enabled -h Displays donate statistics -w Turn on wide output mode -@ Displays the system information -v Virtual processor level utilization statistics -t Displays the timestamp Note: -a, -d, -i, -s and -v are mutually exclusive options Usage: mpstat [ { -a | -d | -i | -s | -h | -A | -E | -X [-o filename]} ] [ -w ] [-O Options] [ -@ wparname ] [ -t ] [ interval [count ] ] -a Displays all statistics report in wide output mode -d Displays detailed affinity and migration statistics for the threads and dispatching statistics for logical processors in wide output mode -i Displays detailed interrupt statistics in wide output mode -s Displays SMT utilization report if smt is enabled -h Displays donate statistics -w Turn on wide output mode -@ Displays the WPAR information -O option=value,... sortcolumn=name of metric in mpstat output sortorder=[asc | desc] topcount=number of top cpus to be displayed in sorted order -X Turns on XML output -o Used to specify XML filename. -A Displays Adjunct partition statistics -E Displays SPURR based ultilization metrics if SPURR-capable processor -t Displays the timestamp Note: -a, -d, -i, -h, -X, -s and -E are mutually exclusive options Usage: mpstat [ { -a | -d | -i | -s | -h | -v | -E | -X [-o filename]} ] [ -w ] [-O Options] [ -@ wparname ] [ -t ] [ interval [count ] ] -a Displays all statistics report in wide output mode -d Displays detailed affinity and migration statistics for the threads and dispatching statistics for logical processors in wide output mode -i Displays detailed interrupt statistics in wide output mode -s Displays SMT utilization report if smt is enabled -h Displays donate statistics -w Turn on wide output mode -@ Displays the WPAR information -O option=value,... sortcolumn=name of metric in mpstat output sortorder=[asc | desc] topcount=number of top cpus to be displayed in sorted order -X Turns on XML output -o Used to specify XML filename. -v Virtual processor level utilization statistics -E Displays SPURR based ultilization metrics if SPURR-capable processor -t Displays the timestamp Note: -a, -d, -i, -h, -X, -s, -v and -E are mutually exclusive options