ISO8859-1@2)3\C .>$3c * 4  1 110c41622=(e)<N8cL4 % 7D 1| . '= 5 C$ y( ! % # ! 3! U( w+    (  /. O7 ~ A !C "* <#{ g$! %p &A v'b () "*.+=,B- K.HV/06121 3D>4756X\7b8)9 B:)O;$y<6=: !!2*TSR Ap0506-300 This program should be called mount or umount, not %s. 0506-301 Cannot construct file system data table. 0506-302 There is not enough memory available now. 0506-303 The filesystem is stale. Revision %1$d != revision %2$d. 0506-304 The mntctl call failed.0506-305 Cannot form the full pathname of %s. 0506-306 Cannot create the mount helper process at this time. 0506-307 The AFopen call failed[/etc/filesystems]. 0506-308 There are no stanzas of type %s. 0506-309 %1$s has a gfstype %2$d that is not known. %sD %sT0506-357 Error querying the kernel extension %s. 0506-358 The kernel extension %s already loaded. 0506-359 Error loading the kernel extension %s. 0506-360 Error configuring the kernel extension %s. 0506-361 The kernel extension %s was not loaded. 0506-362 Error unconfiguring the kernel extension %s. 0506-363 Error unloading the kernel extension %s. 0506-310 %1$s%2$s%3$s%4$s%5$s%6$s%7$s. is not valid with the -t flag.0506-311 Cannot inherit multiple mounts. 0506-312 Remote mounts on removeable media are not allowed. 0506-313 The nodename option and the all option should not both be specified. 0506-314 Write permission is required to mount over %s. 0506-315 Only the root user or a system group member can perform mount all. 0506-316 The root filesystem cannot be overmounted. 0506-317 %s is not a known vfs type. 0506-318 %1$s is not a known vfs type for object %2$s. 0506-319 The mount helper is not defined for %s. 0506-320 Only device mounts can be removable. 0506-321 %s is not a clean filesystem. 0506-322 Cannot determine log device to use for %1$s (%2$s). 0506-323 Cannot get information about log device %s. 0506-324 Cannot mount %1$s on %2$s: 0506-325 Cannot parse the mount buffer. 0506-326 %s is not a valid flag. 0506-327 Cannot continue inheriting. 0506-328 Cannot find the vfs type. 0506-329 The strlen call failed. 0506-330 The strcpy call failed. 0506-331 The file system helper failed. 0506-332 Specify the %1$s for stanza %2$s. mount objectremote path0506-333 %s is already mounted. 0506-334 %s is not a known file system. 0506-335 The pipe call failed. 0506-336 The mount helper returned status %d. 0506-337 Cannot determine the default vfs type for %s. 0506-338 Object %s for the inherit mount is not qualified fully. 0506-339 Cannot get the mount status buffer for the inherit mount. 0506-340 Cannot get information about %s: Usage: mount [-fipr] [-n Node] [-o Options] [-t Type] [-{v|V} Vfs] [-F AltFSfile][-a | all | [[Node:]Device] [Directory]] inherited mount of %1$s on %2$s. 0506-341 warning: the permissions on %1$s are incompatible with the permissions in the root directory of %2$s. 0506-342 The superblock on %s is dirty. Run a full fsck to fix. 0506-350 The compression algorithm is either not present or not loaded into the kernel. node mounted mounted over vfs date options0506-351 The log device and fs device must be in the same volume group. 0506-352 Invalid commit type. 0506-353 input cmtype does not match log commit type. Replaying log for %s. 0506-354 Cannot find the valid file system size. 0506-355 JFS2 only supports up to 1TB file system for 32-bit kernel 0506-343 Remote mount with vfs type %s is not allowed. JFS2 file system has read permission only. The device is read-only or the file system contains unsupported features. Use "-o ro" flag to mount as read-only. The CLiC library (libclic.a) is not available. Install clic.rte and run 'efsenable -a'. 0506-356 Only the root user or a system group member or an authorized user can perform mount all. %s is not valid with the remount option. %1$s on %2$s0506-365 Cannot mount guarded filesystem.Mount guard override for filesystem.The filesystem is potentially mounted on another node.The filesystem is potentially mounted on another node: %s.0506-345 The getuid call failed. 0506-346 The setuid call failed. 0506-347 Cannot find anything to unmount. Usage: umount [-sf] {-a|-n Node|-t Type|all|allr|Device|File|Directory|Filesystem} 0506-349 Cannot unmount %s: forced unmount of %s Replaying log for %s. Usage: umount [-f] {-a|-n Node|-t Type|all|allr|Device|File|Directory|Filesystem} 0506-364 There are no file systems of type %s currently mounted.