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NB,O%oP,Q"R]SCT^U"wVWXYZ[ \]e<^,_%`7aO-b!}cd$efg# h-DiFrj4k5l'$mLn3jo(p%q%r%sG9tBu)v:w4)x-^yz({+|4}*(~USXIL- B0`;)DG<M<I7YA)u6s7,>4N-8KX6PVF7F~%!( 76/n:f)O,;|8GI9NI  & 0 ;EHM =-(k   /G#g9''/Q3?;-1o_-*3(9\09;2=p;s.X)LX 0  1  ’xd4_˔&ˬ 1430-001 FAILED: not all devices are virtual devices. 1430-002 FAILED: insufficient space available in /var, %1$d MB required. 1430-003 FAILED: existing altinst_rootvg must be removed/renamed prior to live update. 1430-004 FAILED: the boot disk is not set to the current rootvg. 1430-005 FAILED: the rootvg already has the maximum number of mirror copies. 1430-006 FAILED: file system(s) of unsupported type are mounted. 1430-007 FAILED: diskless AIX clients are not supported. 1430-008 FAILED: Kerberos is configured for NFS mount %1$s. 1430-009 FAILED: the AIX multibos environment is not supported. 1430-010 FAILED: trusted Computing Base is not supported. 1430-011 FAILED: local tape devices are not supported. 1430-013 FAILED: live update cannot be executed from console. 1430-014 FAILED: the lvupdate command cannot be executed directly. 1430-015 ERROR: unable to compute the device size. 1430-016 FAILED: the size of the specified mirror vg device is not sufficient. 1430-017 FAILED: the size of the specified new root vg device is not sufficient. 1430-018 FAILED: the size of the temporary paging space device specified for the original LPAR is not sufficient. 1430-019 FAILED: the size of the temporary dump device specified for the original LPAR is not sufficient. 1430-018 FAILED: the size of the temporary paging space device specified for the surrogate LPAR is not sufficient. 1430-019 FAILED: the size of the temporary dump device specified for the surrogate LPAR is not sufficient. 1430-020 An internal error has occurred. 1430_021 An error occurred during initialization of olvupdate. 1430-022 An error occurred while validating the environment. 1430-023 An error occurred while validating the set up. 1430-024 An error occurred when requesting resources. 1430-025 An error occurred while notifying applications. 1430-026 An error occurred while creating rootvg for surrogate. 1430-027 Failure to start the surrogate LPAR. 1430-028 Failure to restart the surrogate LPAR. 1430-029 An error occurred while mirroring the original root volume group. 1430-030 An error occurred while moving the workload. 1430-031 An error occurred while restarting applications on surrogate. 1430-032 Failed to shut down original. 1430-033 Failure to set up logging for olvupdate. 1430-034 ERROR: unable to divide adapters into two sets so that each has paths to all disks. 1430-035 FAILED: Not enough available space for /var to dump Component Trace buffers. 1430-036 FAILED: Not enough available space for /var to dump Light weight memory Trace buffers. 1430-037 FAILED: insufficient space available in /, %1$d MB required. 1430-038 Invalid destination: The value specified with the -d flag must be 'orig' or 'surr' 1430-039 Invalid phase: The value specified with the -P flag must be one of: 1430-040 Invalid priority: The value specified with the -p flag must be an integer from 1 to 10. 1430-041 The %1$s flags must be specified with the %2$s flag. 1430-042 Internal error accessing %1$s, error code %2$d. 1430-043 The %1$s flag must be specified with the %2$s flag. 1430-044 Add failed, the specified label %1$s may already be in use. 1430-045 The live update operation failed. Cleanup action is started. 1430-046 Syntax error, the %1$s flag is not valid. 1430-047 The file system %1$s of type %2$s is not supported. 1430-048 Error(s) occurred while computing the time estimate, rc: %1$d 1430-049 FAILED: Trace channel-0 is being used cannot perform a liveupdate trace. 1430-050 Nfs configuration not supported. 1430-051 The identifier must be included in the specified inittab entry. 1430-052 The identifier specified in the inittab entry is too long. 1430-053 The runlevel specified in the inittab entry is too long. 1430-054 The action field must be included in the specified inittab entry. 1430-055 The action specified in the inittab entry is too long. 1430-056 The command field must be included in the specified inittab entry. 1430-057 The command specified in the inittab entry is too long. 1430-058 The value specified with the %1$s flag is too long. 1430-059 An inittab entry must be specified with the %1$s flag. 1430-060 Syntax error, too many arguments specified. 1430-061 Please supply disk(s) for temporary paging devices. 1430-062 The disk %1$s cannot be used for live update because it is part of a volume group. 1430-063 The disk %1$s was specified for two different uses during a live update operation. 1430-064 Failed to retrieve HMC session token. The most probable cause is hmcauth has not been executed beforehand. 1430-065 Failed to add kernel extension. The Live Update operation is in progress. 1430-066 Failed to add kernel extension. The kernel extension already exists in the safe list. 1430-067 The live update operation failed unexpectedly. Cleanup is needed. 1430-068 Failed to remove kernel extension. The kernel extension doesn't exist in the safe list. 1430-069 FAILED: the mirrorvg name is not available. 1430-070 This operation is not allowed while Live Update is in progress. 1430-071 The specified entry %1$s was not found. 1430-072 FAILED: RSCT services are not started. ctrmc and IBM.DRM must be running. 1430-073 A reducevg operation failed, administrative action is required to remove the live update mirrorvg disk from the rootvg. 1430-074 Bad action field. The action field must be one of the following: respawn, wait, once, boot, off, bootwait, powerfail, powerwait, ondemand, initdefault, sysinit. 1430-075 FAILED: trustchk Trusted Execution Policy is not supported. 1430-076 FAILED: trustchk Trusted Library Policy is not supported. 1430-077 FAILED: Kerberos is configured. 1430-078 FAILED: the rootvg is not uniformly mirrored. 1430-079 FAILED: the rootvg has at least one stale logical volume. 1430-080 FAILED: the kernel extension must reside on rootvg in a directory mounted during boot. %1$s 1430-081 FAILED: the kernel extension configuration method must reside on rootvg in a directory mounted during boot. %1$s 1430-082 FAILED: provided LPAR ID is already in use. 1430-083 FAILED: no virtual slot available. 1430-084 The file system %s is frozen. 1430-085 The specified entry %1$s already exists in %2$s,%3$s,%4$d. 1430-086 The lvupdateRegScript request failed because a Live Update operation is in progress. 1430-087 FAILED: rootvg is part of a snapshot. 1430-088 FAILED: live update is not allowed on remote restart capable lpars. 1430-089 FAILED: trustchk TSD_FILES_LOCK policy is not supported. 1430-090 FAILED: virtual log devices are not supported. 1430-091 FAILED: lpar is using shared memory. 1430-092 FAILED: pkcs11 is installed. 1430-093 FAILED: DoD/DoDv2 profile is applied. 1430-094 The live update operation completed, but one or more errors occurred during post-processing after the update was applied. 1430-095 FAILED: some disks are not supported. 1430-096 FAILED: The HMC authentication token has expired or is invalid. 1430-097 FAILED: HMC error. Check logs for more details. 1430-098 FAILED: a Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnel is configured. 1430-099 FAILED: Firmware level is not supported. 1430-100 FAILED: live update is not allowed if any workload partition is not in 'defined' state. 1430-101 FAILED: Live Update must be started by root. 1430-102 Invalid script: %1$s doesn't exist. 1430-103 Invalid script: %1$s cannot be accessed. 1430-104 Invalid script: %1$s is not a valid path for surrogate scripts. Surrogate scripts must be located on one of the following filesystems: %2$s. 1430-105 FAILED: vNIC resources not available. 1430-106 FAILED: The disks specified for the mirrored rootvg require a volume group factor (%1$hd) greater than the maximum possible (%2$hd). Consider specifying smaller disks. 1430-107 FAILED: The disks specified for the mirrored rootvg require volume group factor %1$hd, allowing at most %2$lld physical volumes. %3$lld are present in rootvg. Consider specifying smaller disks. 1430-108 FAILED: The disks specified for the mirrored rootvg require volume group factor %1$hd, allowing at most %2$lld physical volumes. %3$lld are present in rootvg, with %4$lld to be added for mirroring. Consider specifying fewer disks. 1430-109 ERROR: failed to compute the required volume group factor. 1430-110 The live update operation completed, but one or more errors occurred during the memory transfer. 1430-111 User must be root. 1430-112 Failed to create directory %1$s: %2$s 1430-113 Failed to open log file %1$s: %2$s 1430-114 FAILED: provided LPAR ID is not allowed because higher than maximum partition permitted. 1430-115 Warning: Cleanup from the Live Update failure may not have been successful. Run clvupdate to finish the cleanup. 1430-116 FAILED: Consolidated system trace buffers size exceeds the limit of %1$d MB. 1430-117 FAILED: Block size of all disks in the volume group must be the same. Cannot mix disks with different block sizes. 1430-118 ERROR: unable to compute the memory size. 1430-119 FAILED: the lpar minimal memory size is not sufficient. 1430-120 FAILED: insufficient space available in /home, %1$d KB required. 1430-121 There is not enough managed system memory. 1430-122 %1$s is not found. 1430-123 %1$s is not found in data file. 1430-124 %1$s is invalid in data file. 1430-125 FAILED: the size of the temporary storage specified for the original LPAR (todisk) is not sufficient. 1430-126 FAILED: the size of the temporary storage specified for the surrogate LPAR (tsdisk) is not sufficient. 1430-127 FAILED: Advanced Accounting is on. 1430-128 FAILED: HMC not specified. 1430-129 FAILED: The following loaded kernel extensions are not known to be safe for Live Update: %1$s1430-130 FAILED: SMT number must be a power of two and uniform across processors. 1430-131 FAILED: Virtual Trusted Platform Module is on. 1430-132 FAILED: multiple semid lists is on. 1430-133 FAILED: vty0 attached to processes - see log file for details. 1430-134 Notification script '%1$s' failed with exit status %2$d 1430-135 FAILED: HMC must be version %1$s or greater. 1430-003 FAILED: existing altinst_rvgLvup must be removed/renamed prior to live update. 1430-125 FAILED: the size of the temporary storage specified for the original LPAR (tohdisk) is not sufficient. 1430-126 FAILED: the size of the temporary storage specified for the surrogate LPAR (tshdisk) is not sufficient. 1430-136 In, stanza '%1$s' is invalid. 1430-137 In, attribute '%1$s' in stanza '%2$s' is invalid. 1430-138 FAILED: insufficient space available in file system %1$s to apply the interim fix(es), %2$d MB required. 1430-139 FAILED: live update is not allowed on simplified remote restart capable lpars with this version of the HMC. 1430-140 FAILED: At least one of the VIOS failed the minimum level requirement. This can also be due to RMC being busy or inactive. Check logs. 1430-141 FAILED: At least one storage adapter mapping is not visible on the VIOS. This can also be due to RMC being busy or inactive. Check logs. 1430-142 FAILED: Not all disk reserve policies are set to NoReserve. This can also be due to RMC being busy or inactive. Check logs. 1430-143 FAILED: Audit in stream mode is not supported. 1430-144 Reference code (%04x) indicates surrogate LPAR is hanged. Check surrogate's console. 1430-145 Reference code (%04x) indicates surrogate LPAR is waiting input on console. Check surrogate's console. 1430-146 Reference code (%04x) indicates surrogate LPAR failed to boot. Rebooting surrogate. 1430-147 Previous live update was not clean. Run clvupdate first. 1430-148 There are not enough free shared processing units on the managed system. 1430-149 FAILED: Devices to be created by Live Update already exist on this system. They must be removed before Live Update can proceed. %1$s1430-150 FAILED: Managed System state is not operating. 1430-151 FAILED: HMC Error for managed system. Check logs for more details. 1430-152 FAILED: HMC Error for lpar. Check logs for more details. 1430-153 An error occurred while restoring SMT threads on surrogate, check resources. 1430-154 FAILED: Surrogate boot requires at least 20MB of memory per logical CPU. 1430-142 FAILED: Not all disk reserve policies are set to NoReserve or PersistentStorage. This can also be due to RMC being busy or inactive. Check logs. 1430-155 FAILED: Exclusive rsets (sysxrset) found - see log file for details. 1430-138 FAILED: insufficient space for interim fix(es). %1$lu PPs are required, but there are only %2$lu PPs free in the rootvg. 1430-156 FAILED: Live update does not support 16M pages; reconfigure your system so that it does not use a 16M page size. 1430-157 FAILED: HMC Error Msg [%1$s]. 1430-158 FAILED: One or more volume groups are in system management mode. Check /var/adm/ras/liveupdate/logs/lvupdlog for more details. 1430-159 FAILED: No valid PowerVC session token. Run pvcauth. 1430-160 FAILED: PowerVC network devices do not match those present on partition. 1430-161 FAILED: PowerVC volumes do not match hdisks present on partition 1430-162 FAILED: PowerVC token may expire during Live Update. Please run pvcauth again. 1430-163 FAILED: PowerVC must be version %1$s or greater. 1430-164 FAILED: insufficient memory resources. Surrogate boot requires at least the minimum memory defined for the original LPAR and 20MB per logical CPU (if more than 128 logical CPUs). 1430-165 FAILED: insufficient processor resources. Surrogate boot requires at least the minimum processors defined for the original LPAR. 1430-166 Cannot remove temporary Live Update storage until next reboot. 1430-167 This command can only be run on a partition managed by PowerVC. 1430-168 Failed to remove temporary Live Update storage. 1430-169 '%s' is not a valid host name or address. 1430-170 WARNING: The required %1$s attribute in the %2$s stanza is not found in the input file. 1430-171 FAILED: The HMC reports that the RMC state is not active for this partition. 1430-172 FAILED: PowerVC reports that the RMC state is not active for this virtual machine. 1430-173 FAILED: PowerVC virtual machine health status is not 'OK'. 1430-174 FAILED: insufficient processor resources. Surrogate boot requires at least the number of minimum shared processors or assigned dedicated processors, defined for the original LPAR. 1430-175 FAILED: User does not have PowerVC permissions (%1$s role) for Live Update processing. 1430-176 WARNING: %1$d MB of mobile memory not returned into the Enterprise Pool. 1430-177 WARNING: %1$d mobile process unit(s) not returned into the Enterprise Pool. 1430-178 FAILED: There is an existing volume group or device named lvup_rootvg. This name is used by live update. Rename or delete this volume group or device and try live update again. 1430-179 FAILED: Neither HMC nor PowerVC is specified. 1430-180 FAILED: HMC and PowerVC stanzas are exclusive. 1430-181 FAILED: The PowerVC authentication token has expired or is invalid. 1430-119 FAILED: the minimum memory size specified in the logical partition's active profile is not sufficient. 1430-182 FAILED: Host is in maintenance mode. 1430-183 WARNING: NFS server %1$s not responding. 1430-184 WARNING: To avoid Live Update failure - correct NFS communication. 1430-185 FAILED: PowerVC networks do not have enough available IP addresses. 1430-186 FAILED: Storage Connectivity Group Status is not enabled. 1430-187 WARNING: Couldn't release the unreturned mobile CoD resources generated on CEC '%s'. 1430-188 FAILED: mkszfile requires mounted jfs2 file systems in rootvg to have 250 KB free (500 free 512-blocks). These file systems have fewer than 500 free blocks: %1$s1430-189 FAILED: PowerVC reports that the virtual machine is about to expire. 1430-190 FAILED: Live Update initialization of PowerVC failed. 1430-191 FAILED: Not enough capacity on SRIOV ports of target host. 1430-192 FAILED: Managed system must not be in comanagement mode. 1430-193 FAILED: PowerVC storage template specified in the data file is invalid. 1430-194 There are not enough free dedicated processors on the managed system. 1430-195 There are not enough free resources on the managed system. 1430-196 FAILED: PowerVC boot set does not satisfy Storage Connectivity Group. 1430-197 '%1$s' is only valid with '%2$s'.1430-198 FAILED: pid %1$s has /dev/pkcs11 open and can't be checkpointed. 1430-199 FAILED: no vSwitch in VEB mode available. 1430-200 FAILED: Not enough processing units available on target host. 1430-201 FAILED: Not enough memory available on target host. 1430-202 FAILED: Live update cannot run when there is active ipsec configuration. 1430-203 This action must be executed on the original LPAR. 1430-204 Could not open %1$s - %2$s. 1430-205 Could not get %1$s status - %2$s. 1430-206 %1$s is empty. 1430-207 FAILED: Not all rootvg volumes are boot volumes in PowerVC. 1430-208 FAILED: Original and destination hosts are not in the same PowerVC host group. 1430-209 FAILED: PowerVM Enterprise Edition is not activated on original and/or destination host. 1430-210 FAILED: Destination host does not support the processor compatibility mode of the LPAR. 1430-211 FAILED: Original and destination hosts do not have the same logical-memory block (LMB) size. 1430-212 FAILED: Destination host does not fulfill the network placement requirements. 1430-213 FAILED: Destination host does not fulfill the storage placement requirements. 1430-214 FAILED: Specified destination host is not managed by PowerVC. 1430-215 An error occurred while migrating back the LPAR. 1430-216 FAILED: Unable to find a destination host that is compatible with the source host. 1430-217 FAILED: force_migration attribute cannot be set to yes in the data file without specifying a destination. 1430-218 The live update preview failed. 1430-219 FAILED: The maximum PowerVC token duration is insufficient to run Live Update with your configuration. 1430-220 FAILED: Previous Live Update was in PVC mode, cannot use alternative HMC 1430-221 An error occurred while migrating the LPAR. 1430-222 FAILED: Not enough free space on storage provider. 1430-223 An error occurred on the PowerVC, which usually indicates an issue with a VIO Server. Make sure the VIOS partitions that manage this VM are up and running with active RMC connections. In some cases you might also need to manually reset the VM state on the PowerVC. 1430-224 An error occurred related to PowerVC operations:%1$s1430-225 FAILED: Destination host does not satisfy the collocation rules. 1430-226 An error occurred related to HMC operations:%1$s1430-227 Hostname: %1$s - cannot use %2$s from a different host. 1430-228 FAILED: Orphan network interface(s) found: %1$s. Please fix your network settings and retry. 1430-229 FAILED: insufficient huge page resources available on the managed system. 1430-230 WARNING: An error occured while trying to match Surrogate's resources (e.g. CPUs or memory) to that of the Original's. The user or administrator may attempt to restore them manually from a management console (e.g. HMC). 1430-231 WARNING: An error occured while trying to restore resources (e.g. CPUs or memory) on the Original LPAR. The user or administrator may attempt to restore them manually from a management console (e.g. HMC). 1430-232 FAILED: A mismatch between the desired and the current CPU values has been found. Please run the 'rsthwres' command from a management console (e.g. HMC) to restore the CPU resources. 1430-233 Reference code (0328) indicates halt of surrogate due to signature verification failure. 1430-234 FAILED: DMAPI-managed file systems are not supported. 1430-235 FAILED: An error occurred while checking CPU reduction. 1430-236 Live Update configuration file is missing or incorrect. Please run Live Update or Live Update Preview first. 1430-237 FAILED: No management console specified. LPAR managed by an HMC console: You must specify the 'management_console' and 'user' attributes of the 'hmc' stanza in the file. LPAR managed by a PowerVC console: You must authenticate with this console using the 'pvcauth' command. In addition, you may specify the 'management_console' and 'user' attributes of the 'pvc' stanza in the file. 1430-238 FAILED: the size of the specified mirror vg device is not sufficient (required: %1$s MB, given: %2$s MB). 1430-239 FAILED: the size of the specified new root vg device is not sufficient (required: %1$s MB, given: %2$s MB). 1430-240 FAILED: the size of the temporary storage specified for the original LPAR (tohdisk) is not sufficient (required: %1$s MB, given: %2$s MB). 1430-241 FAILED: the size of the temporary storage specified for the surrogate LPAR (tshdisk) is not sufficient (required: %1$s MB, given: %2$s MB) 1430-242 FAILED: the minimum memory size specified in the logical partition's active profile is not sufficient (required: %1$s MB, given: %2$s MB). 1430-243 Unable to do the preview check for %1$s. 1430-045 The live update operation failed. 1430-244 FAILED: file system(s) of unsupported type are mounted: %1$s These file systems must be unmounted to perform a Live Update. 1430-245 FAILED: file system(s) are frozen: %1$s These file systems must be thawed to perform a Live Update. 1430-246 FAILED: No valid authentication with an HMC console. Use the 'hmcauth -l' command to check the HMC authentication. If needed, run 'hmcauth' command to authenticate with HMC. Check that the attributes of 'hmc' stanza in the match the hmcauth values. 1430-247 FAILED: No valid authentication with a PowerVC console. Use the 'pvcauth -l' command to check the PowerVC authentication. If needed, run 'pvcauth' command to authenticate with PowerVC. Check the attributes of 'pvc' stanza in the match the pvcauth values. 1430-248 FAILED: the first boot device must be an available and bootable hdisk of the rootvg volume group. The first boot device is: %1$s The available hdisks of the rootvg volume group are: %2$s Update your boot list to match an available and bootable hdisk of the rootvg volume group. 1430-249 An error occurred during post-processing. 1430-250 FAILED: Live update cannot run when there is active IPsec configuration (ipsec_v4 or ipsec_v6 device available or IPsec tunnels configured). 1430-251 FAILED: Not enough available space for /var: %1$d MB are provisioned for log and configuration files, %2$d MB are needed for Component Trace (CT) buffers, %3$d MB are needed for Lightweight Memory Trace (LMT) buffers, for a total of %4$d MB needed, only %5$d MB are available under /var. Increase the size of the /var file system (chfs command) or reduce the size of the CT buffers (ctctrl command) or LMT buffers (raso command). 1430-252 FAILED: The following disks involved in Live Update are not supported: %1$s. 1430-253 Failed to extend rootvg. 1430-254 Failed to create paging space volume group. 1430-255 Failed to query paging space volume group '%1$s'. 1430-256 Failed to gather info about rootvg paging spaces and dump devices. 1430-257 Failed to save the boot list. 1430-258 Failed to disable Dynamic Resource Optimizer (DRO) and Automated Remote Restart (ARR). 1430-259 Failed to create HMC resources. 1430-260 Failed to create the private network. 1430-261 Failed to clone the partition. 1430-262 Failed to reset the primary or secondary dump device. 1430-263 Failed to capture the list of mount points. 1430-264 Failed to run DR_CHECK notify scripts. 1430-265 Failed to configure IPv6 on private network. 1430-266 Failed to setup a socket server for mobility. 1430-267 Failed to create new rootvg. 1430-268 Failed to set the boot string. 1430-269 Failed to activate the surrogate partition. 1430-270 Failed to reboot the surrogate partition. 1430-271 Failed to create the surrogate image. 1430-272 Failed to deploy the surrogate image. 1430-273 Failed to delete the surrogate image. 1430-274 FAILED: Unsuported NFS mount setup with Kerberos. The gssd daemon must be started from the System Resource Controller (SRC). 1430-275 Failed to export altinst_rootvg. 1430-276 In, attribute '%1$s' in stanza '%2$s' is not found. 1430-277 FAILED: local tape devices are not supported: %1$s These devices must be unmounted to perform a Live Update. 1430-278 ERROR: unable to compute the mirrorvg device size. 1430-279 ERROR: unable to compute the rootvg device size. 1430-280 ERROR: unable to compute the paging space device size. 1430-281 ERROR: unable to compute the dump device size. 1430-282 In, HMC and PowerVC stanzas are exclusive. 1430-283 In, force_migration attribute cannot be set to yes without specifying a destination. 1430-284 Failed to copy the current rootvg to an alternate disk (alt_disk_copy command). 1430-285 Unable to split the virtual Fibre Channel storage adapters into two sets which have paths to all available disks. 1430-286 Unable to split the virtual SCSI storage adapters into two sets which have paths to all available disks. 1430-287 Live Update requires the following disk(s) to have paths configured through at least two adapters: %s1430-288 Error while attempting to divide storage adapters. 1430-289 FAILED: Destination host does not support partitions with dedicated processors. 1430-290 FAILED: /dev/vty0 is opened by processes preventing their checkpoint: %1$s These processes must be stopped before performing a Live Update. 1430-291 FAILED: Volume group named '%1$s' already exists. 1430-292 FAILED: Local host or specified destination host is not managed by the specified PowerVC console. 1430-293 FAILED: Kerberos is not supported on NFS mount %1$s. 1430-294 FAILED: Kereberos authentication method is not supported. 1430-003 FAILED: existing altinst_rvgLvup or altinst_rootvg that is in active state must be removed/renamed prior to live update. 1430-151 FAILED: Unable to retrieve CEC information on the specified HMC. This can happen if the CEC is not managed by this HMC. Verify 'management_console' attribute of the 'hmc' stanza in the file. 1430-295 FAILED: virtual optical devices are not supported: %1$s These devices must be removed before performing a Live Update. 1430-296 FAILED: not all devices are virtual devices.%1$s 1430-297 FAILED: these local tape devices are not supported: %1$s Only NPIV Atape devices are supported. Other tape devices must be unmounted to perform a Live Update. 1430-298 FAILED: Virtual Fibre Channel adapter(s) shared by disks and tapes: %1$s 1430-299 FAILED: local tape devices are not supported in PowerVC mode: %1$s These devices must be unmounted to perform a Live Update. 1430-300 FAILED: Live Update Preview callout failed: %1$s1430-301 This operation is not allowed, please contact support for assistance. 1430-302 FAILED: PowerVC volumes not found on partition: %s 1430-303 FAILED: Partition physical volumes not found on PowerVC: %s 1430-304 This operation is not allowed within a WPAR. 1430-305 Reference code (%04x) indicates surrogate LPAR failed to boot %d times. 1430-039 Invalid phase: The value specified with the -P flag must be one of: %s. 1430-104 Invalid script: %1$s is not a valid path. Scripts must be located on one of the following filesystems: %2$s. 1430-306 Cannot determine if this is the original or the surrogate partition. This can happen if using an incorrect alternate file or if Live Partition Mobility was performed after Live Update. 1430-307 FAILED: No active paging space was found on the LPAR. 1430-308 FAILED: The kernel does not support Live Update if varied on volume groups have encrypted logical volumes. Volume group '%1$s' has %2$s encrypted logical volume(s). 1430-309 FAILED: The kernel does not support Live Update when Private Key Store is enabled. Validating live update input data. Initializing live update on original LPAR. Validating original LPAR environment. Beginning live update operation on original LPAR. Requesting resources required for live update. Notifying applications of impending live update. Creating rootvg for boot of surrogate. Starting the surrogate LPAR. Creating mirror of original LPAR's rootvg. Moving workload to surrogate LPAR. Blackout Time started. Blackout Time end. Workload is running on surrogate LPAR. Shutting down the Original LPAR. The live update operation succeeded. Computing the estimated time for the live update operation: LPAR: %1$s Mode: %1$s Blackout time(in seconds): %1$d Total operation time(in seconds): %1$d Checking mirror vg device size: Required device size: %1$d MB Provided device size: %1$d MB PASSED: device size is sufficient. Checking new root vg device size: Checking temporary paging space device size: Checking temporary dump device size: Checking other requirements: PASSED: sufficient space available in /var. PASSED: sufficient space available in /. PASSED: no existing altinst_rootvg. PASSED: the boot disk is set to the current rootvg and is bootable. PASSED: the rootvg does not have the maximum number of mirror copies. PASSED: all of the mounted file systems are of a supported type. PASSED: this AIX instance is not diskless. PASSED: no Kerberos configured for NFS mounts. PASSED: multibos environment not present. PASSED: Trusted Computing Base not defined. PASSED: no local tape devices found. PASSED: live update not executed from console. PASSED: the execution environment is valid. PASSED: Trace channel-0 not being used. PASSED: all devices are virtual devices. Required device size: %1$s MB Given device size: %1$s MB Validating the adapters and their paths: PASSED: adapters can be divided into two sets so that each has paths to all disks. PASSED: enough available space for /var to dump Component Trace buffers. PASSED: enough available space for /var to dump Light weight memory Trace buffers. PASSED: nfs configuration supported. PASSED: HMC token is present. PASSED: RSCT daemons are active. The Live Update kernel status indicates that some processes from live update might still be running. Please run cleanup tool later or, if this is not the case, use -u to proceed with cleanup anyway. Cleanup action succeeded. Cleanup action failed. PASSED: the mirrorvg name is available. PASSED: The trustchk Trusted Execution Policy is not on. PASSED: The trustchk Trusted Library Policy is not on. PASSED: no Kerberos configuration. PASSED: the rootvg is uniformly mirrored. PASSED: the rootvg does not have stale logical volumes. Live AIX update in progress. Live AIX update completed. PASSED: Provided LPAR ID is available. PASSED: A virtual slot is available. INFO: Any system dumps present in the current dump logical volumes will not be available after live update is complete. Non-interruptable live update operation begins in 10 seconds. PASSED: rootvg is not part of a snapshot. PASSED: lpar is not remote restart capable. PASSED: The trustchk TSD_FILES_LOCK policy is not on. PASSED: no virtual log device configured. PASSED: lpar is using dedicated memory. PASSED: pkcs11 is not installed. PASSED: DoD/DoDv2 profile is not applied. PASSED: the disk configuration is supported. PASSED: HMC token is valid. PASSED: HMC requests successful. PASSED: no Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE) tunnel configured. PASSED: Firmware level is supported. PASSED: No active workload partition found. PASSED: vNIC resources available. PASSED: The disks specified for the mirrored rootvg resulted in a valid volume group factor. unquoted special characterundefined shell variablecommand substitution not permittedmemory allocation failureshell syntax errorpopen() failureerror reading psh datathe function is not supportedThe Live Update lock is taken, indicating that a Live Update operation might be in progress. Use -l to forcefully remove the lock and proceed with cleanup anyway. The Live Update kernel state is INIT, which normally indicates that the system is in a clean state. Use -e to proceed with cleanup anyway. The Live Update kernel state has an unexpected value of %1$d. Use -e to proceed with cleanup anyway. Live Update status is clean. Nothing to do. PASSED: Provided LPAR ID is allowed. Detected the following processes already running: %1$s PASSED: Consolidated system trace buffers size is within the limit of %1$d MB. Required device block size: %1$s Given device block size: %1$s Checking lpar minimal memory size: Required memory size: %1$s MB Current memory size: %1$s MB PASSED: memory size is sufficient. PASSED: sufficient space available in /home. Error: A new mount point was created during Live Update: %1$s (%2$s). Checking temporary storage size for original LPAR: Checking temporary storage size for surrogate LPAR: PASSED: Advanced Accounting is not on. PASSED: SMT number is valid. PASSED: Virtual Trusted Platform Module is not on. PASSED: multiple semid lists is not on. PASSED: No process attached to vty0. PASSED: HMC is at a supported level. PASSED: no existing altinst_rvgLvup. PASSED: sufficient file system space for interim fix(es) is available. PASSED: the simplified remote restart configuration is supported. PASSED: All VIOS are at supported level. PASSED: All storage adapter mappings are visible on VIOS. PASSED: All disk reserve policies set to NoReserve. PASSED: Audit is not enabled in stream mode. The Live Update lock is taken, indicating that a Live Update operation might be in progress. Use -l to forcefully remove the lock and run clvupdate again. The clean up process has been aborted because the original partition is still active. Turn off partition manually or use '-o' option to force shutdown first. PASSED: Managed System state is operating. PASSED: HMC requests for managed system successful. PASSED: HMC requests for lpar successful. At least one *lvupdate process is still running. Wait for it to complete or kill it. View the Kernel extension customization topic in IBM Knowledge Center for more details. PASSED: All disk reserve policies set to NoReserve or PersistentStorage. Some LVM settings could not be restored to their original values. Check /var/adm/ras/liveupdate/logs/lvupdlog for more details. PASSED: No exclusive rsets (sysxrset) found. PASSED: PowerVC token is valid. PASSED: PowerVC network devices match those present on partition. PASSED: PowerVC token expiration date is valid. PASSED: PowerVC volumes match hdisks present on partition. PASSED: PowerVC is at a supported level. PASSED: the memory resources for the surrogate LPAR are sufficient. PASSED: the processor resources for the surrogate LPAR are sufficient. INFO: Mobile CoD resources will be temporarily activated for this operation. The temporary Live Update storage was successfully removed. PASSED: The HMC reports that the RMC state is active for this partition. PASSED: PowerVC virtual machine health status is 'OK'. PASSED: User has PowerVC permissions for Live Update processing. PASSED: Host is not in maintenance mode. Surrogate boot disk(s) have been imported as %1$s for debugging purposes. Use clvupdate -d to remove them when done. PASSED: Capacity check on SRIOV ports of target host. PASSED: Managed system in classic HMC management mode. PASSED: a vSwitch in VEB mode is available. PASSED: Sufficient processing units available on target host. PASSED: Sufficient memory available on target host. PASSED: No active ipsec configuration found. PASSED: All rootvg volumes are boot volumes in PowerVC. PASSED: Original and destination hosts are in the same PowerVC host group. PASSED: PowerVM Enterprise Edition is activated on both original and destination hosts. PASSED: Destination host supports the processor compatibility mode of the LPAR. PASSED: Original and destination hosts have the same logical-memory block (LMB) size. PASSED: Destination host fulfills the network placement requirements. PASSED: Destination host fulfills the storage placement requirements. Migrating to temporary destination. Migrating back to initial host. INFO: Temporary migration server: %1$s. INFO: Temporary migration server: selected by PowerVC. PASSED: Enough free space on storage provider. PASSED: Destination host satisfies the collocation rules. WARNING: The PowerVC token duration may be insufficient to complete the Live Update operation, you may have to regenerate a new token with the pvcauth command during the Live Update execution. WARNING: The PowerVC token will expire in %1$d mn, please run pvcauth command to generate a new one. WARNING: The PowerVC token has expired. PASSED: Not any left over tmp device created by previous Live Update is found. PASSED: Not any large page (16M) configured on the system. PASSED: Not any volume group named lvup_rootvg defined. PASSED: Mounted jfs2 files systems in rootvg have at least 250KB free. PASSED: loaded kernel extensions are considered as safe for Live Update. PASSED: the size of the disk specified for the mirrored rootvg is sufficient. PASSED: the size of the disk specified for the new rootvg is sufficient. FAILURES WARNINGS SUCCESSES INFORMATION Live Update PREVIEW: Live Update operation will not actually occur. End of Live Update PREVIEW: No Live Update operation has actually occurred. Pre-Live Update Verification... Verifying environment...Verifying %1$s file...Computing the estimated time for the live update operation...Live Update Requirement Verification... done Results... EXECUTION INFORMATION HMC: %1$s PowerVC: %1$s user: %1$s End of Information Section End of Success Section End of Failure Section End of Warning Section Live Update Preview Summary... The live update preview succeeded. Initiating log capture. Starting clean up operations. PASSED: all of the mounted file systems are not frozen. file system %1$s of type %2$s unknown %sLocal log capture in progress. On completion, log archive will be stored as: %s Local log capture failed as a snap process is already running. Log capture disabled by user. - %1$s PASSED: Destination host satisfies the partition CPU mode. Waiting for remote log capture to complete. WARNING: A snap process is running. This may prevent automated local log collection in case Live Update fails. PASSED: No volume group named '%1$s' exists. PASSED: no virtual optical devices found. PASSED: No NPIV adapter shared by disks and tapes. PASSED: All registered callout scripts ran successfully. PASSED: All PowerVC volumes found on partition. PASSED: All partition physical volumes found on PowerVC. Local log capture in progress and can be tracked from: %s On completion, log archive will be stored as: %s Usage: Add a command to the Live Update boot script: lvupdateBootRVGTask -a -n