ùISO8859-1<*1+.]KŒDØ!&?(f - 9½ 3÷ + ,L%y%Ÿ(Å#î/B#Z%~¤PÁE-X†;¦0âC35w 1­!cß"eC#@©$1ê%r &d 'e ô(| Z)K ×*L #+G p,H ¸-w .f y/f à0h G1h °2434N4uƒ5uù6o7ï8`o9Ð:ê;ñ<CUnable to create file with our process id Communications with cfgfilt program not possible Continuing with logging daemon initialization Filter logging daemon %1$s (level %2$d.%3$02d) initialized at %4$s on %5$s Suppressed logging of %1$d packet message(s) due to buffer overflow Unable to fork child process: %m Error return from setpgrp routine: %m Unable to fork second child process: %m This daemon must run with root authorization sysconfig call to query kernel extension %1$s failed: %m Kernel extension %1$s not loaded -- can't continue Socket creation call failed: %m Netinet device driver not at required level Error on ioctl call (SIOCGFWLOG): %m Can't get current deferred log queue Error return from SIOCGFWLOG ioctl call Unexpected error exit with rc %1$d Terminating logging daemon due to above errors Error on open %1$s: %m Filter support verification failed Error on ioctl call (SIOCGFWLVL): %m Error writing file %1$s: %m Filter logging daemon terminating at %1$s on %2$s due to receipt of %3$s signal %s%d %s %s%s %s%s %s%s %s%s %s%d %s%d %s%s %s%s %s%s %s%d %s%s %s%d Context specification deleted for tunnel:%d Error reading file %1$s: %2$s. Error converting ascii pid number (%1$s) to decimal: %2$s. There is a running ipsec_logd(pid: %1$d), exit. Error opening file %1$s: %2$s. NAT unable to allocate Registered Address for Secured Address %1$s NAT released Registered Address %1$s to address pool Communications with mkfilt program not possible. TC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel %2$d with ESP SPI %3$u and AH SPI %4$u for IPv%5$d was activated at %6$s on %7$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel %2$d with ESP SPI %3$u and AH SPI %4$u for IPv%5$d was deactivated at %6$s on %7$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel cache for IPv%2$d was cleared at %3$s on %4$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel %1$d not found at %2$s on %3$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel cache not found. src addr = %2$s, dst addr = %3$s, SPI = %4$u, tunnel id = %5$d at %6$s on %7$sTC_LOG%1$d: AH failure. src addr = %2$s, dst addr = %3$s, SPI = %4$u, flow id = %5$d at %6$s on %7$sTC_LOG%1$d: ESP failure. src addr = %2$s, dst addr = %3$s, SPI = %4$u, flow id = %5$d at %6$s on %7$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel expired. src addr = %2$s, dst addr = %3$s, ESP SPI = %4$u, AH SPI = %5$u tunnel id = %6$d at %7$s on %8$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel interface module for IPv%2$d was started at %3$s on %4$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel interface module for IPv%2$d was shutdown at %3$s on %4$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel cache module for IPv%2$d was started at %3$s on %4$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel cache module for IPv%2$d was shutdown at %3$s on %4$sTC_LOG%1$d: Unknown message: src addr = %2$s, dst addr = %3$s, ESP SPI = %4$u, AH SPI = %5$u, id = %6$d at %7$s on %8$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel IKE%2$d with ESP SPI %3$u and AH SPI %4$u for IPv%5$d was activated at %6$s on %7$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel IBM%2$d with ESP SPI %3$u and AH SPI %4$u for IPv%5$d was activated at %6$s on %7$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel IKE%2$d with ESP SPI %3$u and AH SPI %4$u for IPv%5$d was deactivated at %6$s on %7$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel IBM%2$d with ESP SPI %3$u and AH SPI %4$u for IPv%5$d was deactivated at %6$s on %7$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel IKE%1$d not found at %2$s on %3$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel IBM%1$d not found at %2$s on %3$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel cache not found. src addr = %2$s, dst addr = %3$s, SPI = %4$u, tunnel id = IKE%5$d at %6$s on %7$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel cache not found. src addr = %2$s, dst addr = %3$s, SPI = %4$u, tunnel id = IBM%5$d at %6$s on %7$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel expired. src addr = %2$s, dst addr = %3$s, ESP SPI = %4$u, AH SPI = %5$u tunnel id = IKE%6$d at %7$s on %8$sTC_LOG%1$d: Tunnel expired. src addr = %2$s, dst addr = %3$s, ESP SPI = %4$u, AH SPI = %5$u tunnel id = IBM%6$d at %7$s on %8$sThe cryptographic routines did not load properly. Check the level of the bos.crypto* filesets. Error reading utmp file. Alert Alert, filter rule %d matched. This daemon must run with root authorization or RBAC authorization