ISO8859-15E4C/V2     &# Jiq y& "#= W9a;Jr= Z!Y "e#*$*%&'( )(*0+45, j-(t./0 1$234l5kgusage: ipcs [-abcmopqrst] [-C corefile] [-N namelist] [-@ wparname] T ID KEY MODE OWNER GROUP CREATOR CGROUPipcs: 0515-001 No valid name list found in %s. ipcs: 0515-002 Unable to open the memory file %s. IPC status from %s as of %s CBYTES QNUM QBYTES LSPID LRPID STIME RTIME CTIME Message QueuesMessage Queue facility not in system. Could not access remote queue NATTCH SEGSZ CPID LPID ATIME DTIME CTIME Shared Memory: Shared Memory facility not in system. NSEMS OTIME CTIME Semaphores: Semaphore facility not in system. ipcs: 0515-003 seek erroripcs: 0515-004 read error no-entryusage: ipcs [-abcMmopPqrst] [-C corefile] [-N namelist] T ID KEY MODE OWNER GROUP MACipcs: 0515-005 readx error%s : failed. The kernel is running in 64-bit mode, but %s cannot be found %s : failed. The kernel is running in 32-bit mode. The 64-bit version of the command cannot be run on this kernel usage: ipcs [ - [ [ at ] | T ] bcmMopqrsX [ [S1] | P ] [ -C corefile ] [ -N namelist ] ] usage: ipcs [ - [ [ at ] | T ] bcmopqrsX [ [S1] | P ] [ -C corefile ] [ -N namelist ] ] T ID KEY STIME RTIME CTIME ATIME DTIME CTIME OTIME CTIME SID : no-entry Error : vmgetinfo failed. SID SID:ipcs: Wrapping the output not allowed with -P flag. PINSIZE:ERROR: Cannot retrieve segment details. LGPG: Y RTFLAGS NAMEipcs: Workload partition not found. ipcs: Option not allowed. WPARusage: ipcs [ - [ [ at ] | T ] bcmMopqrsX [ [S1] | P ] [ -C corefile ] [ -N namelist ] [ -@ [wparname] ] ] usage: ipcs [ - [ [ at ] | T ] bcmopqrsX [ [S1] | P ] [ -C corefile ] [ -N namelist ] [ -@ [wparname] ] ]