ISO8859-1JM=aJ`fK3   ^ fY r e 3W B 3!41!h:! !L!3",c"` "*"*",#$#Q$$/$JB$ %!%5"%T#b%p$ %%Q%&j&F'D&(\&)R'S*d'+j( ,(v-(.(/(0(1)2)$3)A4)^5C){6B)7*8*9*<:*Y;*v<W*=g*>+S?+p@+A+B+C+D,E,F,;G,XH,uI<,J2,K-L)-!M8-KN8-O&-P2-Q9.R.QS .nT".U..V'.W>/ X[/HY@/Z:/[k0 \N0].0^11 _:1<`1wa>1b%1c61dB2$e)2gf:2g(2h42i3*j3k48lW9$m9|ns=o8>p7?1qk?ir?s@t#@uF@v?A$w)Adx[Ay)Az?B{=BT|5B}-B~-B(C$1CMCEjEFtGJHk;HEH$I8J]JKLvM6 MENJNZ,N,N"N0O"OSFOnOP*P?P,Q 7Q9;QqQRdSxT?U5W/X/X03X`2X4XX_YYZ[;[[t]^=^,_aab$c$c%d d/d7%dRdxd*d;dee)|f fg<SgXwh(i$(iMivjLjhjlJm?m6n;nJ!n!n+n n1o:oI!ooo%o)o:ppT*pr*pIpq6q.+qeq*q3q"r %r0)rV*r9r4r@s-s[ss%s3stt.AtEAtAtu uZu.v!,vP7v}$v v)v4w<wD0w*w)w =x 4xE 1xz hx ,yyB/y/y@z'6zhz,z-z0{F{HD{H{J|E|h/|1|3}&}D &}k!'}"5}#$}$O~%~e&'( )~*l+,3-O./-01w2R3(g445>6?76D8?{9*:;<=W$>|?@A9B# C%1D;WE8FAGH+"I0NJ+K9L9M/N;OOP+Q&R'S4&T6[UAV#WX|Y*Zg[=%\>c]?^<_@`!`a3bc?d)e5>f1tg+h2i*j00k&al.mno1p<qZr*ysTt-uF'v1nw/x y/z*!{L|+d}-~:3 L<m(,*H+1t 6:,>ODU(+4:$5_# /F'nAVS!>C (O2x&0+'/W#p4@ S&z<(.)"7L",9A,,G:t:1>K[9-%#E@iO)0.Z. ? K X c1o""E-^0(   8'Ks &t9O5149&(`0 !3Mj&C "A6+x2,3!8&Z(#-',$@Q * *  , &,3/N~)%-"8!,Z)!2-!O. /4!-d"#3$'%&k'W(&)*" +$C,;h--.!/012 34&5.667 >8 J9V:f;u<<=@>>?>Q@%AB C(D E F$G'BH9jI J KL M)N "O)CP"mQR"S'TDUC=V)W{X('Y'PZ]x[C\]^e_2`N aob3c0̳dHe-fHκg$ho(izҘjk-l%mn֣oSp q=عr=s5te۶uvK%wqx܇yTzyh{ |}~9yQ]L)UvCi)z?APn SR"6YE'm,@4Y8j2I;7,sHH72(j)=,"@*c)3])sP3"4.F<u-9?|Z+H>L@k 8'C7k YR +\=1`#t6y 1@K`/K((.4@R;6?F3a9++-'-U4: 6F4}5*4 Hi8@#_d_$%@"f(#>3Qo'7! 2/_b>.40)e %) +O *{ 9     = : U    ! : > > _   GVd04 !%"2E#8x$%67&5n'&("):*9)+9c,6-#.$/0/;10k2934"56>07$o8D9E:O;7o<L=^>S?@"Ab"B7$C?$UD+$E'$F=$G$%'H4%LI!%J%K2&:L/&mM,&N&O,&P'QB'4R%'wS'T'U'V'W(X$( Y(EZ(`[&(o\Z(]B(^u)4_W)`0*a*3b;*RcI*dU*eD+.f+sg_-hO-{iT-jN.'/qoK/p}/qD0crQ0sf0tl1auR1v02!w2Rx2y63oz3{>4s|4}t5}~8576+6c97X,7@78>;';C<1<]<,=?@=l=9=>(@A A#A-5A4AjsA0503-201 Cannot read the input file %s. Check path name and permissions. 0503-202 %s is not a known command. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-203 A program prerequisite was not found on the system. 0503-204 The specified country %s in the LPP option file is not correct. 0503-205 Cannot get the size and checksum for file %s. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-206 Cannot get information about the system profile %s. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-207 Select one country per installation only. 0503-208 0503-209 0503-210 The HCON server is active. Stop the HCON server before installing or updating HCON. 0503-211 The status of HCON is not correct. Stop the HCON server before installing or updating HCON. 0503-212 The default configuration failed. The installation is stopped. Correct the configuration and try again. 0503-213 Cannot create another process. Try again later or use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-214 The system call execl for %s failed. Use local problem reporting procedures. 0503-215 The installation or update process failed trying to %s. 0503-216 WARNING: I.B.M. C compiler not installed. 0503-217 WARNING: M.R.I. for HCON not installed. 0503-218 Failure occured while attempting to cleanup %s. 0503-219 0503-220 One or more parameters not passed from installp to instal script. 0503-221 Parameter file from installp nonexistent. 0503-222 SNA is currently running. SNA must be stopped before installing or updating sna or lu0. 0503-223 0503-224 The program /etc/inusave failed. 0503-225 The program /etc/inurest failed. 0503-226 The program /etc/errupdate failed. 0503-227 A non-fatal error occurred when the program /usr/bin/peu failed. The installation will continue, but the command /usr/bin/peu must be run successfully before SNA services can be used. 0503-228 mksys failed. 0503-229 mkserver failed. 0503-230 You are unable to install the VS COBOL Run Time Environment because it has already been installed as part of the VS COBOL compiler. X failed to link with extensions. Relinking without extensions... X server is linking... X Failed to link successfully X11 clients are linking... 0503-235 The installation or update process has failed trying to restore the System Diagnostics. 0503-236 The program %s failed. 0503-237 Installation cannot continue because the following file is missing: %s 0503-238 Dos Server is currently running. It must be stopped before a new installation can be performed. 0503-239 The program prerequisite %s was not found on the system. 0503-240 An error was received while recovering saved files. /etc/inurecv return code: %s. 0503-241 An error was received while saving files. /etc/inusave return code: %s. 0503-242 An error was received while restoring files from the media. /etc/inurest return code: %s. 0503-243 Option %s requires at least one of the following programs to be installed on the system: %s. 0503-244 No Message Defined 0503-245 No Message Defined 0503-246 No Message Defined 0503-247 No Message Defined 0503-248 No Message Defined 0503-249 No Message Defined 0503-250 No Message Defined 0503-251 No Message Defined 0503-252 No Message Defined 0503-253 Alert Manager is active, installation has been canceled. 0503-254 Alert Report is active, installation has been canceled. 0503-255 No Message Defined 0503-256 No Message Defined 0503-257 No Message Defined 0503-258 No Message Defined 0503-259 No Message Defined 0503-260 Cannot create the Alert Manager data bases, installation has been canceled. 0503-261 The installation of Alert Manager failed. Unable to add 'amrcv 1700/tcp' to /etc/services. 0503-262 No Message Defined 0503-263 No Message Defined 0503-264 No Message Defined 0503-265 No Message Defined 0503-266 No Message Defined 0503-267 No Message Defined 0503-268 No Message Defined 0503-269 No Message Defined 0503-270 No Message Defined 0503-271 No Message Defined 0503-272 No Message Defined 1390-186 X11 or TCP/IP not installed. Error Installing %s. 1390-187 Save of existing files was unsuccessful. 1390-188 Error installing %s. 1390-189 Files installed in /usr/lpp/%s. 1390-190 Adding bootps file to /etc/services directory. 1390-191 Adding bootpc file to /etc/services directory. 1390-192 Warning - TFTP is not in %s. 1390-193 Warning - you must add a nobody account. 1390-196 Default port number %s in use, trying another . 1390-195 Error, no %s file. 1390-197 Removing bootps in %s. 1390-198 Removing x_st_mgr to %s. 1390-199 Error, unable to remove /usr/lpp/%s. 1390-200 Files removed in /usr/lpp/%s. 1390-201 Configuration files exist, saving previous versions. 0503-288 An error was received while reading the Read Only Storage on the processor card. 0503-289 Please read the README file in /usr/lpp/pcsim/samples. 0503-290 An error was received while uncompressing files. 0503-291 PCSIM was unable to bind PCsimExt.o with X for optimum performance of the simulator in VGA mode. 0503-292 This update will not fully take effect until after a system reboot. lpp.reject: Restoring original font families. lpp.reject: This will take a while, please wait. ts.config: Attempting to rebuild installed font families: Times(default) ts.config: Update of font families has failed in setup phase. ts.config: Installing font families. ts.config: This will take a few minutes, please wait. ts.config: Update of font families has failed during build phase. ts.config: Font installation successful! The installation or updating script is unable to continue 0503-293 The program /etc/inucp failed. The cleanup or reject script is unable to continue. 0503-293 The migration of the SNA profiles failed; the installation will continue. After the SNA installation has completed successfully, the old SNA profiles can be found in the file /tmp/.SNAmigration. Something which has just been installed on your system has caused the network boot image to be updated. A new network boot image has been created and replaced the /usr/lib/boot/net.image file. If you have already created a diskless environment and you are serving your /usr filesystem as a SPOT, then you will need to copy the new network boot image into the boot directory associated with this SPOT. To determine the location of the boot directory, execute the following command : lsspot -L (where SPOTname represents the name which was used when the SPOT was created) The boot directory associated with this SPOT will be displayed. You should now copy the new network boot image from /usr/lib/boot/net.image to the boot directory, using a target filename of . Be sure to copy this file, not link it : linking it could result in tftp errors when a diskless client attempts to access it. If you have other SPOTs (ie., SPOTs other than /usr on this machine), then it is recommended that you use the instlclient command to install the changes into those SPOTs also. When the instlclient command is used, you will not have to copy the new network boot image, as instlclient will do this for you. Creating a network boot image for diskless clients. This update will not fully take effect until after all diskless clients are rebooted. By rejecting this ptf the /usr/lib/boot/net.image is now out of date! If this SPOT is used by diskless clients then a new boot image will need to be created by using the following command: bosboot -a -d /dev/network_device where network_device is one of the following: /dev/tok0 /dev/tok1 /dev/tok2 /dev/tok3 /dev/ent0 /dev/ent1 /dev/ent2 /dev/ent3 After creating the new /usr/lib/boot/net.image you will need to copy it into the boot directory associated with this SPOT. To determine the location of the boot directory, execute the following command : lsspot -L (where SPOTname represents the name which was used when the SPOT was created) The boot directory associated with this SPOT will be displayed. You should now copy the new network boot image from /usr/lib/boot/net.image to the boot directory, using a target filename of . Be sure to copy this file, not link it : linking it could result in tftp errors when a diskless client attempts to access it. 0503-300 WARNING NCS 1.1 is not equipped to handle replicatable global brokers, you must have version 1.5.1. Since NCS is part of the base operating system, it cannot simply be removed. To ensure NetLS will install properly we must stop the llbd and nrglbd daemons and remove them from the SRC subsystems database. 0503-301 rmssys failed to remove %s. Cannot continue! 0503-302 stopsrc failed to stop %s. Cannot continue! 0503-303 RLM is currently installed. Must stop rlmd daemon and remove the SRC subsystem database entry. 0503-306 WARNING The information contained in /usr/lpp/rlm/db/nodelock must be place in /usr/lib/netls/conf/nodelock once NetLS is completely and properly installed. 0503-307 %s failed on %s. Removing entry %s from inittab. 0503-308 rmittab failed! /etc/inittab entry for %s was not removed WARNING: %s: Problem executing %s. Continuing... inurid: Cannot remove the %s lock file. inurid: The inurid command is already running. If it really is not, remove the %s file. inurid: Cannot create the %s lock file. inurid: Failed while attempting to access the SWVPD database. inurid: Cannot execute because a /usr diskless SPOT exists. inurid: The -q and -r flags are mutually exclusive. inurid: The -q flag may only be given once. inurid: The -r flag may only be given once. inurid: Cannot change directory to %s. inurid: Failed cleaning up the inst_root files. Usage: inurid {-q | -r} -q Query if the BIRON variable is set or not returns 1 if BIRON is set to yes and 0 if BIRON is set to no -r Set the BIRON variable to yes and remove appropriate files WARNING: Use of this script will prevent your system from being used as a /usr SPOT or /usr server. This script will not change the BIRON variable to yes if a /usr SPOT already exists. inurid: The installp command is currently running. The inurid command cannot execute while the installp command is running. _____________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Refer to /usr/share/DSMIT/SunOS_4.1.3/inst.images/README for further installation instructions. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ NOTE: Refer to /usr/share/DSMIT/HP-UX_9.0/inst.images/README for further installation instructions. _____________________________________________________________________ Usage: migrate_cfg config_list save_directory or migrate_cfg config_list #with MIGSAVE=name of save directory migrate_cfg: Unable to migrate %s. Saved version remains in $MIGSAVE/%s. migrate_cfg: Error: Unable to read configuration file %s. migrate_cfg: Error: Save directory %s is not a writeable directory. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # + = No license password required # $ = License found # ! = No license found # # The "all_licensed" filter will include filesets with "+" and "$". #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # %s #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # No installable software products were found on the media. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # No enhancements were found on the media. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # No maintenance levels were found on the media. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # No fileset updates were found on the media. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- Failure occurred during pre_rm. WARNING: mkitab failed! Unable to add 'diagd' entry to /etc/inittab WARNING: rmitab failed! Unable to remove 'diagd' entry from /etc/inittab %s: Failed while executing the %s script. Failure occurred while saving config files. Failure occurred during rminstal. 0503-273 inuumsg: Message number %d not found. Bundle %s does not exist. Unable to obtain NetLS information to determine ALL_LICENSED options. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following options in bundle %s were not found on the media. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- Invalid device specified. Input device or directory does not exist. Cannot read input device, directory or table of contents file. System bundles directory %s does not exist. Bundle %s does not contain valid packages or filesets. This command can take a significant amount of time to run. The Display Postscript LPP will not install because a valid iFOR/LS license is not available. Please obtain a valid iFOR/LS license for the DPS LPP before installing the DPS LPP. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # + = No license password required # $ = License found # ! = No license found # # Only filesets with "+" and "$" will be selected. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # No filesets on the media matched the bundle contents. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # No filesets on the media matched the filter criteria. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- Usage: oslevel [ -l | -g | -q ] [ -r ] [ -f ] -l : List filesets at levels earlier than maintenance level specified by the parameter -g : List filesets at levels later than maintenance level specified by the parameter -q : List names of known maintenance levels -r : Applies all flags to Recommended Maintenance Levels -f : Forces cache rebuilt Output indicates that base system software is entirely at or above a particular maintenance level. Corresponding output would be first AIX 4.1 maintenance level. The additional options may be specified to determine which filesets differ from the maintenance level. Error: Only specify one of [ -l | -g | -q ] Error: oslevel cannot be used on AIX Version 3 No maintenance level information is available. Error: Maintenance level %s is invalid or unknown. Known Maintenance Levels ------------------------ There are no complete maintenence levels installed. Fileset Actual Level Maintenance Level ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Package Name Level #--------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Maintenance Levels #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Enhancements #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Fileset Updates #--------------------------------------------------------------------- %s is not a valid keyword. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Unable to obtain NetLS information to determine ALL_LICENSED options. # All options which require a license will be treated as unlicensed. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # No filesets on the media could be used to update the currently # installed software. # # Either the software is already at the same level as on the media, or # the media contains only filesets which are not currently installed. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- @ Currently installed #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # + = No license password required # $ = License found # ! = No license found # @ = Currently installed # # The "all_licensed" filter will include filesets with "+" and "$". #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # + = No license password required # $ = License found # ! = No license found # @ = Currently installed # # Only filesets with "+" and "$" will be selected. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Installing bundle filesets from installation device #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # No automatic bundles were defined in the bundle filesets on the # installation device. Select an individual bundle for further # processing. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # Processing automatic bundles defined on installation device #--------------------------------------------------------------------- Failure occurred running trcupdate. Failure occurred running errupdate. Failure occurred running errinstall. # KEY: # @ = Already installed # + = No license password required # $ = License found # ! = No license found # ? = Licensing information unavailable # "Licensed" filesets include filesets with "+" and "$". (Installation Directory) #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # The following is a list of bundle entries for which no matching # filesets were found on the media. #--------------------------------------------------------------------- 0503-309: %1$s is installed on the system. You must remove %1$s prior to installing %2$s. Aborting Software Installation. The "AUTOMATICALLY install requisite software" option and the "OVERWRITE same or newer versions" option from the previous menu may not be selected together. %1$s: Invalid flag "%2$s". USAGE : which_fileset [file] where: [file] is the file you are searching for. It is not required that [file] be a fullpath. When fullpath is not used a global search will be used. Regular expressions are allowed using grep regular expression syntax. Example: "foo.*" will find all file names and path names that contain "/foo*". The %1$s file does not exist. Please install the "bos.content_list" fileset and try the "which_fileset" command again. which_fileset: No match found for: %1$s # - = Not available on current volume #--------------------------------------------------------------------- # No Media-Defined bundles are available on the installation media #--------------------------------------------------------------------- %s: Interrupt Received! # Package Name Level I/U #--------------------------------------------------------------- Error: No space available to create a larger boot logical volume. In order to proceed with this installation the size of the boot logical volume (hd5) must be increased to %1$s MB. At this time there are not %2$s contiguous physical partitions available on the boot disk (%3$s) for recreating the larger boot logical volume. You must free up this space by removing or relocating one or more logical volumes or file systems from %3$s. Use "lspv -M %3$s" to see its current partition allocation map. Fileset Actual Level Recommended ML ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Recommended Maintenance Levels ------------------------------------ Error: Recommended Maintenance level %s is invalid or unknown. An error has occurred generating Recommended ML list. No recommended maintenance level information is available. oslevel: Timeout obtaining lock. oslevel: Unable to acquire lock. oslevel: Use the -f flag to rebuild cache. oslevel: Error verifying cache. oslevel: Error processing cache, return code %s. lppmgr: Check available space, permissions, and location. lppmgr: Failed to move %s to %s. Move %s to %s ? Moving %s to %s. lppmgr: Unable to locate .toc in %s. lppmgr: Error generating duplicate list. lppmgr: You must be a root user to execute this function. lppmgr: %s is not available. lppmgr: Error building table of contents. lppmgr: Unknown command line argument %s. lppmgr: Unable to read .toc in %s check path, permissions, and filesets. lppmgr: Unknown device %s. lppmgr: %s is a not writable directory (see -t flag). lppmgr: %s is not an accessible directory. lppmgr: Failed to mount %s. lppmgr: You must provide a source device. These files use approximately %s KB of disk space. lppmgr: Error running %s command. lppmgr: Error loading nim libraries. lppmgr: Error during trimming operation. lppmgr: Error generating supersedes list. lppmgr: Invalid combination of flags for this operation. lppmgr: Invalid trim level %s. Valid levels are %s. lppmgr: Level conflict: system version=%s lppsource version=%s. lppmgr: Error processing language trim list. lppmgr: Unknown language %s. Checking space requirements. lppmgr: Error during space checking. lppmgr: %s requires %s 512-blocks more free space. Expanding %s. Space check complete. ======================= start list ============================= ======================== end list ============================== ================================================================ lppmgr: Error. The following files contain filesets which are duplicates of other updates or updates that are the same level as base level (installable) filesets present on this media. The following files contain base level filesets which are identical to other base levels. lppmgr: Building table of contents completed. lppmgr: Building table of contents in %s .. lppmgr: WARNING, -t option invoked, .toc may be stale. lppmgr: Generating duplicate list.. Results: No filesets found that can be removed. lppmgr: WARNING, file %s could not be located in %s lppmgr: WARNING, lppmgr does not support multi-volume tocs. lppmgr: Source table of contents location is %s lppmgr: WARNING, The Source is read only. lppmgr: Generating list of non-SIMAGES.. lppmgr: Generating list of language filesets other than %s.. * Trimming nim lpp_source for minimal install * lppmgr: Generating list of superseded filesets.. lppmgr: WARNING - Removing these filesets may limit the performance of some install related operations. The following list of SIMAGES will be used: lppmgr Usage: lppmgr -d [-r|-m ] {[-x][-X][-l][u][b][-k ]} [-p] [-t] [-s] [-V] [-D] lppmgr: Generating base level duplicate list.. install_all_updates: %s could not be accessed. install_all_updates: Generating list of updatable rpm packages. install_all_updates: No updatable rpm packages found. install_all_updates: Error. The following rpm packages will be updated: install_all_updates: Updating rpm packages.. install_all_updates: Error reading media on %s install_all_updates: Checking for updated install utilities on media. install_all_updates: You must be the root user to run this utility. install_all_updates: ATTENTION, no installp images were found on media. install_all_updates: Updating install utilities to latest level on media. install_all_updates: Generating list of updatable installp filesets. install_all_updates: Error running %s command. install_all_updates: Performing installp update. install_all_updates: Error generating toc listing. install_all_updates: Result = SUCCESS install_all_updates: Result = FAILURE install_all_updates: Processing media. install_all_updates: Initializing system parameters. install_all_updates: Log file is %s *** ATTENTION: install utilities updated, reinvoking install_all_updates *** * * * A T T E N T I O N * * * System boot image has been updated. You must reboot the system after install_all_updates completes to properly integrate the updates. install_all_updates: ATTENTION, a higher level of install utilities is available. The preview option will be more accurate and complete after updating to the latest level (see the -i option). System date: %s. Command: install_all_updates %s *** ATTENTION: the following list of filesets are installable base images that are updates to currently installed filesets. Because these filesets are base-level images, they will be committed automatically. After these filesets are installed, they can be down-leveled by performing a force-overwrite with the previous base-level. See the installp man page for more details. *** install_all_updates: The following filesets have been selected as updates to currently installed software: << End of Fileset List >> install_all_updates: Error initializing device %s. install_all_updates: Checking for recommended maintenance level %s. install_all_updates: Executing /usr/bin/oslevel -rf, Result = install_all_updates: ATTENTION, the system recommended maintenance level does not correspond to the highest level known to install_all_updates. For more details, execute /usr/bin/oslevel -rl %s. install_all_updates: Verification completed. Usage: install_all_updates: Updates installed software to latest levels. install_all_updates -d [-picrnsxvNSYVD] -p = Preview only. -i = Update install utilities only. -r = Also update rpms if possible. -s = Skip recommended maintenance verification. -N = Skip updating install utilities first. -D = Script debug output. Installp specific option flags: -c = Commit updates. -n = Do not automatically install requisites. -x = Do not expand automatically. -v = Verify installation. -S = Suppress multi-volume processing. -V = Verbose output. * * * A T T E N T I O N * * * System boot image has been updated. You should reboot the system as soon as possible to properly integrate the changes and to avoid disruption of current functionality. Initializing epkg.. Enter efix abstract [%s bytes maximum]: Does this efix deliver one or more files ? (yes/no):Enter the location for the pre-install script or "." to skip. Enter the location for the post-install script or "." to skip. Enter the ship file location for efix file number %s: Enter target file location or archive for efix file number %s: Select file type for efix file number %s: Standard (file or executable) Archive/Library Member Other Select the installer which tracks the file that is being fixed by efix file number %s: Currently tracked by installp. Currently tracked by RPM. Currently tracked by ISMP. Currently NOT tracked -OR- tracked by another installer. NEW file that will NOT be tracked. Are there more efix files ? (yes/no):Is a reboot required after installing this efix ? (yes/no):%s 0645-001 The efix label cannot exceed %s characters. %s 0645-002 Invalid file attribute value: attribute=%s, file=%s. %s 0645-003 Error. %s 0645-004 Error getting file size of %s. %s 0645-005 Error getting file checksum for %s. %s 0645-006 Failed to create efix package. %s 0645-007 ATTENTION: %s returned an unexpected result. %s 0645-008 Input byte limit exceeded, please try again. %s 0645-009 Unable to locate or access file %s %s 0645-010 Target file location must be an absolute path. %s 0645-011 Invalid selection. NEW file that will be tracked by installp. NEW file that will be tracked by RPM. NEW file that will be tracked by ISMP. NEW file that will be tracked by another installer. Enter the installp fileset that will track this file: %s 0645-012 Error writing file information to efix control file. Located existing efix directory %s Creating efix directory %s. epkg has located existing efix control file %s. Should epkg use this control file instead of creating a new one ? (yes/no): [Previous Answer: "%s", Enter to accept.] %s 0645-013 Error setting up working directory. %s is a file. Please specify alternate work directory. Enter the location for the pre-remove script or "." to skip. Enter the location for the post-remove script or "." to skip. %s 0645-014 String "%s" contains invalid character group "%s". %s 0645-015 Error processing efix control file information. %s 0645-016 Unable to read file information for efix number %s. Processing efix control file ... %s 0645-017 Error getting file system size for %s. Expanding %s file system ... %s 0645-018 %s requires an additional %s 512-bb of free space. %s 0645-019 Error expanding file system. %s 0645-020 Error populating efix package directory. %s 0645-021 Invalid value for efix attribute %s. %s 0645-022 Checksum mismatch for file %s. %s 0645-023 Error resolving absolute path for %s. %s 0645-024 Unable to access directory %s %s 0645-025 Unable to locate command module %s. Expected sum=%s, Actual sum=%s. %s 0645-026 Error creating efix package file. Packing efix package file ... Package file is: %s %s 0645-027 Error initializing system variables. Are you sure you want to quit this epkg session ? (yes/no): Populating efix directory ... %s 0645-028 Signal received, cleaning up. Enter the location for the efix description file or "." to compose it in an editor: %s 0645-029 Error editing description file. Enter the location for the installp prerequisite file or "." to skip. %s 0645-030 Error calculating install work size. %s 0645-031 Error verifying efix control file. Verifying efix control file ... %s 0645-032 Duplicate target locations for %s. Total number of efix files removed is %s. Return Status: FAILURE %s 0645-033 Error installing efix package. %s 0645-034 Error setting up work directory. Efix Manager Initialization Accessing efix metadata ... %s 0645-035 Efix package did not pass all preview checks. Return Status = SUCCESS Unpacking efix package file ... %s 0645-108 Error processing extraction space requirements. %s 0645-036 The file %s is zero length. %s 0645-037 Error extracting efix metadata. %s 0645-038 Error unpacking efix package. %s 0645-039 You must have root user authority to execute this function. %s 0645-040 Error processing space requirements. Checking space requirements ... %s 0645-041 ATTENTION: this operation is attempting to expand a file system by more then %s megabytes. If this is correct, please retry this operation with the force flag ("-F"). File system=%s, Space Needed=%s megabytes. File system: %s, Free: %s, Required: %s, Deficit: %s. ATTENTION: expansion will be required for file system %s. Space Requirements Efix Description Efix Attributes None %s 0645-042 Description file size cannot exceed %s 512 byte-blocks. Space statistics (in 512 byte-blocks): %s 0645-043 Error processing VRMF level %s %s 0645-044 Error processing installp fileset data. %s 0645-045 ATTENTION: Fileset %s is in an unknown state. %s 0645-046 Error processing installp prerequisites. Installp Prerequisite Verification Verifying prerequisite file ... No prerequisites specified. %s 0645-047 Error verifying prerequisite file. %s 0645-048 The prerequisite file is currently limited to %s entries. Prerequisite Number: %s Fileset: %s Minimal Level: %s Maximum Level: %s Actual Level: %s Type: %s Requisite Met: %s Checking prerequisites ... %s 0645-049 Upper prerequisite level is higher than lower limit. %s 0645-050 Prerequisite number %s did not pass all checks. Please see details above. All prerequisites have been met. %s 0645-051 Syntax or content error in configuration file: %s %s 0645-052 Unable to locate any valid configuration file entries. Installing efix file #%s (File: %s) ... %s 0645-053 Error installing efix file number %s. Removing efix file #%s (File: %s) ... %s 0645-054 Error removing efix file number %s. Saving all files that will be replaced ... %s 0645-055 Error saving efixed files. Efix Installation Setup Initializing efix installation ... %s 0645-056 Error setting up for efix installation. %s 0645-057 ATTENTION: existing directory %s will be renamed %s Installing all efix files: Total number of efix files installed is %s. All efix files installed successfully. Efix File Removal Removing all efix files (in reverse order of installation): %s 0645-058 Removal of efix has failed. %s 0645-059 The save directory is incomplete. Setting up for removal of efix files ... %s 0645-060 Unable to determine owning fileset for %s. Building file-to-package list ... Enter access attributes for file %s in the following format: :: For example to make the user="root", the group="system", and the modes "444", you would enter root:system:444. Enter "." if you want to keep the default (i.e. current) permissions on the existing target file. %s 0645-061 Invalid format for access attributes string. Enter access attributes for file %s in the following format: :: For example to make the user="root",the group="system", and the modes "444", you would enter root:system:444. %s 0645-062 You must specify specific permissions for NEW files. %s 0645-063 Error writing to efix database. %s 0645-064 Error processing efix database. %s 0645-065 An efix with label "%s" is already installed. %s 0645-066 Unable to locate label "%s" in efix database. %s 0645-067 Error writing efix data for file %s. %s 0645-068 File entry already exists. Label="%s", File="%s". %s 0645-069 Error deleting file from efix database. Label="%s", File="%s". %s 0645-070 Target file %s is locked by efix label "%s". Efix Lock Management %s 0645-109 Error processing efix lock data. Checking locks for file %s ... All files have passed lock checks. %s 0645-071 The following target files have failed lock checks: EFIX MANAGER PREVIEW START EFIX MANAGER PREVIEW END %s 0645-072 ATTENTION: missing install data for file %s. File will be skipped. %s 0645-073 Error reading efix database. %s 0645-074 Error reading efix file database. %s 0645-075 ATTENTION: efix data states that the number of files should be %s, but the number of files emgr was able to locate is %s. %s 0645-110 Error executing packaging script. pre-installpost-installpre-removepost-remove%s 0645-076 The %s script has returned an error. Executing %s script ... Efix File Installation Pre-Install Script Post-Install Script Pre-Remove Script Post-Remove Script Return code from %s script is: %s Install Failure Cleanup Initializing failed efix install cleanup ... %s 0645-077 ATTENTION: cleanup did not succeed. Successfully cleaned up failed install. INSTALLING REMOVING BROKEN STABLE NONE %s 0645-078 ATTENTION: efix "%s" has the state of "%s". %s 0645-079 Error changing efix state. Setting efix state to: %s Efix State There is no efix data on this system. Initializing log %s ... STATE codes: S = STABLE M = MOUNTED U = UNMOUNTED Q = REBOOT REQUIRED B = BROKEN I = INSTALLING R = REMOVING %s 0645-080 Efix did not pass all remove preview checks. %s 0645-081 Unable to locate efix with id number %s. %s 0645-082 Unale to locate efix with VUID "%s". %s 0645-083 Label name "%s" is reserved or invalid. %s 0645-084 Error writing to efix prerequisite database. %s 0645-085 Error checking efix status. %s 0645-086 Error checking efix with label "%s" Checking file number %s: %s ... Efix passed all level %s checks. EFIX ID: %s EFIX LABEL: %s %s 0645-087 Access attributes mismatch for file %s Expected access attributes: Actual access attributes: Checking access attributes for %s ... %s 0645-088 ATTENTION: file %s will not be removed. *** This new file was installed by emgr. During the install, emgr could *** *** not determine or lock the owning package. If you have not installed *** *** the permanent version of this file, you can safely remove it. *** %s 0645-089 Efix "%s" no longer meets the following prerequisites: Level at Install: %s Check level is %s. %s 0645-090 Invalid level for verbose flag. Valid levels are %s. %s 0645-091 Error processing ODM database. %s 0645-092 No ODM data available for fileset %s. %s 0645-093 Error changing emgr bit in ODM. %s: installp fileset %s is already locked by emgr. %s: locking installp fileset %s. %s 0645-094 Error locking package %s. %s 0645-095 Error unlocking package %s. %s: unlocking installp fileset %s. %s: installp fileset %s is already unlocked. %s: no lockable package for this file. %s 0645-096 Error processing package locks. %s 0645-097 Error processing inventory data for file number %s. Processing package locking for all files. All package locks processed successfully. Package Locking Initializing emgr manual maintenance tools. %s 0645-098 ATTENTION: File number %s will be replaced by an efix file that has been designated as "new" by the package. The replaced file has been saved in %s. * Original File: %s * Saved File: %s Processing package unlocking for all files. %s: installp fileset %s is locked by another efix. %s 0645-099 Error writing to pkglock database. Operation Summary %s 0645-100 Error listing package locks. No locks for the specified packages. Reboot Processing Reboot is not required by this efix package. *** NOTICE *** This efix package requires the target system to be rebooted after the current operation is complete. It is recommended that you reboot the target system as soon as possible after installation to avoid disruption of current functionality. *** NOTICE *** emgr has detected that this operation is executing in an alternate root environment (such as NIM SPOT or alt_disk_install). The efix package being installed has specified that a reboot is required. Be sure that the boot image is rebuilt before booting from the target alternate root environment. %s 0645-101 Error during reboot processing. Rebuilding boot image ... %s 0645-102 Error rebuilding boot image. Successfully rebuilt boot image. ATTENTION: boot image rebuilding aborted by user. %s 0645-103 Error installing archive member. Enter the file name of the target archive member for efix file number %s. This should be the name of the archive member that will be installed or replaced in the target archive %s. %s 0645-104 Error initializing efix database. %s 0645-105 Error getting archive member size. %s 0645-106 Error extracting archive member. Archiving member %s ... %s 0645-107 Error getting archive member checksum. Force removing efix with label "%s"... Efix Force Removal %s 0645-148 ATTENTION: efix label "%s" is selected for force removal. The recommended method for removing an installed efix is to use the standard removal process (-r flag). The force remove option will not delete any of the efix files, saved data, or execute remove scripts. This option should only be used if the standard remove process cannot be accomplished. %s 0645-111 This operation requires that you confirm it with the FORCE flag (-F flag). %s 0645-112 Error initializing log %s Efix package file is: %s Processing Efix Package %s of %s. Processing Efix Selection %s of %s. %s 0645-113 No valid entries to process in bundle file %s. %s 0645-114 Error processing label variable. Initializing check operation ... INSTALLREMOVECHECKFORCE REMOVEFAILURE CLEANUPFAILURESUCCESSUnknownEFIX NUMBEREPKG NUMBERINSTALL PREVIEWREMOVE PREVIEWCumulative Space Requirements %s 0645-115 Error processing cumulative space requirements. Processing space requirements for all successful operations ... %s 0645-116 ATTENTION: label "%s" has already been processed. %s 0645-117 Target file %s will be locked by efix label "%s". Efix label "%s" was mount installed. Unmounting efix file %s ... Efix Mounts %s 0645-118 Error removing efix mounts. MOUNTED UNMOUNTED %s 0645-119 file %s is not mounted. %s 0645-120 Error mounting efix files. %s 0645-121 Efix with label "%s" is not mount installed. EFIX MOUNTEFIX UNMOUNTMounting efix label "%s". File %s: %s is already mounted. File %s: %s is NOT mounted. Mounting ... All files successfully mounted. %s 0645-122 Error unmounting efix files. All files successfully unmounted. Unmounting efix label "%s". File %s: %s is already unmounted. File %s: %s is mounted. Unmounting ... %s 0645-123 There are no mount installed efix files on this system. %s 0645-124 Efix package file name must end in the "%s" extension. %s 0645-125 Error processing emgr locks. %s 0645-126 emgr is currently locked by process %s. If you believe this lock is in error, use the -K flag to force unlock. %s 0645-127 Error processing TCB state. %s 0645-128 Error processing TCB data. %s 0645-129 Efix file number %s cannot be mount installed because it is designated as "new". %s 0645-130 Mount install is not supported on TCB enabled systems. ATTENTION: This file may still be tracked in the TCB database. If the file is replaced with a non-TCB file, you should unregister it from TCB with the following command: /usr/bin/tcbck -d %s. %s 0645-131 ATTENTION: efix file number %s will not be removed because it was designated as new and has been replaced by a tracked file. %s 0645-132 Efix file number %s has been designated as new by the package, but it is tracked by one or more installers on this system. Usage emgr: List efix data. emgr -l [-L