ùISO8859-1DGl<´ñ4!1V)ˆ-² =à ) ;H 8„ 9½;÷)3']A…1Ç‹ù…Å #- éô   Œ¾ÏÍY•÷4 Ý!Zø"-S#ô$v%¾ø&i·'%!(JG)F’*0Ù+ ,]Š-Tè.^=/ßœ0“ |1!2t!¡3Ž"4A"¥5“"ç6\#{7ž#Ø8@$w96$¸:J$ï;Y%:<\%”=h%ñ>Q&Z?ˆ&¬@]'5AQ'“Bõ'åC`*ÛDº+<ä+÷0,Ü:- =.HF/†Usage geninstall: Install software from device. geninstall -d [-I ] [-R ] [-E ] [-T] [-N] [-Z] [-f | install_list...] Usage geninstall: List installable software on device. geninstall -L -d 0503-100 %1$s: You must be a root user to run this command. Cleaning up... Initializing %1$s log: %2$s... 0503-101 %1$s: Bad argument: %2$s for option -%3$s. 0503-102 %1$s: Unknown command line option %2$s. 0503-103 %1$s: Device %2$s is not ready. 0503-104 %1$s: Device %2$s is not Available. 0503-105 %1$s: The device or directory: %2$s does not exist. 0503-106 %1$s: Unknown %2$s option %3$s. 0503-107 %1$s: File %2$s does not exist or is zero length. 0503-108 %1$s: File %2$s does not have read permission. 0503-109 %1$s: File %2$s does not have write permission. 0503-110 %1$s: File %2$s does not have execute permission. 0503-111 %1$s: option -%2$s is required. 0503-112 %1$s: Error in routine: %2$s. 0503-113 %1$s: There is no setup file for the %2$s Product %3$s. 0503-114 %1$s: %2$s Product %3$s does not exist. 0503-115 %1$s: The tape device %2$s should be specified as no-rewind-on-close and no-retension-on-open (i.e. /dev/rmt0.1 or /dev/rmt0.5). Usage geninstall: Install software from device. geninstall -d [-I ] [-R ] [-E ] [-N] [-Y] [-Z] -f | install_list... | all Usage geninstall: Uninstall software. geninstall -u -f | uninstall_list... Usage geninstall: List installable software on device. geninstall -L -d Usage geninstall: Install software from device. geninstall -d [-I "" ] [-R ] [-E ] [-e ] [-p] [-N] [-Y] [-Z] -f | install_list... | all Usage geninstall: Uninstall software. geninstall -u -f [-e ] | uninstall_list... Usage geninstall: List installable software on device. geninstall -L -d %1$s: Product %2$s successfully deinstalled. You have requested to deinstall an ISMP feature or component. Deinstalling ISMP components is not allowed. To deinstall an ISMP feature, you must run the uninstaller in interactive mode. The uninstaller for this product can be found at %1$s. To preview an ISMP product installation for the following products, you must run the installer in interactive mode: %1$s Preview information for the selected product(s) can be found on the preinstall summary panel of the wizard. To do this, you may either use Web-based System Manager or invoke the appropriate command from the command line: geninstall -d %2$s J: To preview an ISMP product deinstallation for the following products, you must run the uninstaller in interactive mode: %1$s Preview information for the selected product(s) can be found on the pre-uninstall summary panel of the wizard. To do this, you may either use Web-based System Manager or invoke the appropriate command from the command line: geninstall -u J: You have requested to deinstall the following RPM packages, but rpm.rte is not installed. Before removing the packages listed below you will have to reinstall rpm.rte. Selected Packages: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ RPM Error Summary: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ The following packages were requested for installation but are not valid RPM packages: The following RPM packages were requested for installation but they are already installed or superseded by a package installed at a higher level: The following errors occurred during installation: %1$s is superseded by %2$s%1$s is already installed.The following packages were requested for installation but were not found on the media: %1$s: Product %2$s successfully uninstalled. You have requested to uninstall an ISMP feature or component. Uninstalling ISMP components is not allowed. To uninstall an ISMP feature, you must run the uninstaller in interactive mode. The uninstaller for this product can be found at %1$s. To preview an ISMP product uninstallation for the following products, you must run the uninstaller in interactive mode: %1$s Preview information for the selected product(s) can be found on the pre-uninstall summary panel of the wizard. To do this, you may either use Web-based System Manager or invoke the appropriate command from the command line: geninstall -u J: You have requested to uninstall the following RPM packages, but rpm.rte is not installed. Before removing the packages listed below you will have to reinstall rpm.rte. Selected Packages: A geninstall process is currently running. Please wait for this process to complete before continuing. Validating RPM package selections ...Usage geninstall: Install software from device. geninstall -d [ -I "" ] [ -E | -T | -R ] [ -e ] [-p] [-F] [-Y] [-Z] { -f | install_list... | all } Usage geninstall: Uninstall software. geninstall -u [ -e ] [ -E | -T | -R ] { -f | uninstall_list... } Usage geninstall: List installable software on device. geninstall -L -d [ -e ] geninstall: The -%1$s flag and the -%2$s flag are mutually exclusive. You may generate a response file RECORDING with the -E option, you may generate a response file TEMPLATE with the -T option, or you may specify a response file to use for an ISMP-packaged installation or uninstallation with the -R option. 0503-116 %1$s: Media bundles that span multiple devices or media are not allowed in a NIM environment or with the -S option. Please insert the "%1$s" into device %2$s and press Enter to continue or enter 'q' to quit. You must specify the -f option with the ASK_MEDIA_BUNDLE device option.Usage geninstall: Install software from device. geninstall -d [ -I "" ] [ -E | -T | -R ] [ -e ] [-p] [-F] [-Y] [-Z] [-D] { -f | | all } Usage geninstall: Uninstall software. geninstall -u [ -e ] [ -E | -T | -R ] [-D] { -f | } Usage geninstall: List installable software on device. geninstall -L -d [ -e ] [-D] Usage geninstall: Install software from device. geninstall -d [ -I "" ] [ -E | -T | -R ] [ -e ] [-p] [-F] [-Y] [-Z] [-D] { -f | | all } Usage geninstall: Uninstall software. geninstall -u [ -e ] [ -E | -T | -R ] [-D] { -f | } Usage geninstall: List installable software on device. geninstall -L -d [ -e ] [-D] Usage geninstall: Live update. geninstall -k [-p] [-D] -d { -f | | all } 0503-117 %1$s: A preview install of the interim fix: %2$s was not successful. Please search /var/adm/ras/emgr.log for the latest preview results. 0503-118 %1$s: An interim fix is not tagged as LU CAPABLE. Please search /var/adm/ras/emgr.log for the latest preview results, and LU CAPABLE. 0503-119 %1$s: The software source, %2$s, must be a local or nfs-mounted (non-kerberos) directory for Live Update. Live Update is only supported when installing into the running rootvg, not into NIM SPOTs, WPARs, or other alternate instances of the rootvg. Live Update is not supported during an operating system install. Live Update is not supported in an environment that has alternative logical volume names for the base logical volumes, such as alt_hd5 or bos_hd5. Live Update is not supported on a system with an altinst_rootvg or old_rootvg volume group. 0503-120 %1$s: Another install process has been detected. Please wait until all other install processes are complete, before attempting to do a Live Update. 0503-121 %1$s: Only interim fixes are allowed for Live Update. Live Update is not supported on a TCB enabled system. 0503-122 %1$s: bos.liveupdate.rte must be installed to do a Live Update. 0503-123 %1$s: There is not enough space to copy /var/adm/ras/liveupdate/lvupdate.data. 0503-124 %1$s: Mode must be preview or automated in /var/adm/ras/liveupdate/lvupdate.data. 0503-125 %1$s: The lvupdate call failed. Please see /var/adm/ras/liveupdate/logs/lvupdlog for details. 0503-126 %1$s: The file, /var/adm/ras/liveupdate/lvupdate.data, does not exist. 0503-127 %1$s: Applied updates were found on the system. Please commit all updates before running geninstall to perform a Live Update. 0503-121 %1$s: Only installp format software, or interim fixes are allowed for Live Update. %1$s: installp_flags are ignored during Live Update. All updates are committed. Usage geninstall: Install software from device. geninstall -d [ -I "" ] [ -E | -T | -R ] [ -e ] [-p] [-F] [-Y] [-Z] [-D] { -f | | all } Usage geninstall: Uninstall software. geninstall -u [ -e ] [ -E | -T | -R ] [-D] { -f | } Usage geninstall: List installable software on device. geninstall -L -d [ -e ] [-D] Usage geninstall: Live update. geninstall -k [-p] [-Y] [-D] [ -d ] [ -f | | all | update_all ] 0503-128 %1$s: The live update cannot proceed because the Trusted Execution %2$s policy is on. %1$s: The live update will not proceed because of an install failure. Please check your logs in /var/adm/ras/liveupdate/logs. Please check /var/adm/ras/emgr.log for interim fix status. Usage gencopy: Copy software from media. gencopy -d -t [-b ] Usage gencopy: List software products and packages on media. gencopy -L -d 0503-130 %1$s: Missing copy file argument list. Usage gencopy: Copy software from media. gencopy -d [-t ] [-D] [-X] [-U] [-b ] -f | | all -t Defaults to /usr/sys/inst.images Usage gencopy: List software products and packages on media. gencopy -L -d Usage gencopy: Copy software from media. gencopy -d [-t ] [-D] [-X] [-U] [-b "" ] -f | | all -t Defaults to /usr/sys/inst.images Usage gencopy: List software products and packages on media. gencopy -L -d Usage gencopy: Copy software from media. gencopy -d [-t ] [-D] [-X] [-U] [-b "" ] { -f | | all } -t Defaults to /usr/sys/inst.images Usage gencopy: List software products and packages on media. gencopy -L -d [-D]