ùISO8859-1(L`!­Ï)ä'+8S8Œ !Å %ç  4& .[ Š@«3ì> 9_:™<ÔG/Y"‰7¬Oä:4:odªb'r'š ,Â!-ï"'#"E$fh%Ï&(æ'T (5 dError wrong reference for DmMasterLocUuid %s Location DmUuid: %s DmUuid: %s Error while retrieving cells: %d Error no cell found Error while retrieving admin servers: %d Error no admin server found Error too many admin servers found: %d Error cell/adminserver principal inconsistency: %s / %s Error cell/adminserver adminname inconsistency: %s / %s Error principal %s doesn't exist Error while retrieving locations: %d Error no location found Error no cell with DmAdminName %s and DmCellName %s Error while retrieving dsets for Uuid %s : %d Error no dset found for Uuid %s Error too many dsets found (%d) for DmDatasetUuid:%s DmUuid:%s Error Invalid object type for DmDatasetUuid %s: %s Error no cell with Dset DmAdminName %s and Dset DmCellName %s Error too many dset references found (%d) for DmUuid: %s Error no dset references for DmUuid: %s dataset count: %d Error too many replica references found (%d) for DmUuid: %s Error not only one replica references for DmUuid: %s replica count: %d Error while retrieving servers for Uuid %s: %d Error no server found for Uuid %s Error too many servers found (%d) for DmServerUuid: %s Error type of object should be DmServer and is %s instead for DmServerUuid: %s Error DmOwner %s doesn't exist for DmUuid %s with path %s Error DmGroup %s doesn't exist for DmUuid %s with path %s Error different owners id found for path %s in database and on system In database: %d On system: %d Warning different modes found for path %s in database and on system In database: %o On system: %o Error no DmAdminName field for Uuid %s Error no DmPrincipal field for Uuid %s Error no DmServerUuid field for location %s Error no DmDatasetUuid field for location %s Error no DmDnsName field for server %s Error server %s is not responding Warning different groups id found for path %s in database and on system In database: %d On system: %d Error of unknown type Error Location %s in %s not found in %s Error Version mismatch between Location %s (version:%d) and Replica %s (version:%d) Error export problems for Location %s with %s and %s