ISO8859-11* X O ,B |0 }  n3 [ & H J 3  ? JC H c){b. PONEU5X^-i= 4!GQ"]#O$=G%[&O'V1(?)&*:+5*,[`-?.J/G0`1x2"3=4)5I 63j74809p:0u;8<:=D>4_??@=A B C -D9E1PFGBHFIE%J)kK2L!M N0 O <P4]Q>R ST UV WX /Y =Z,J[=w\Y]/^0?_ p`|ab.c%d e f=!g`_hJiG jB Skj lI!m}!KnN!o]"p+"vq "rH"se"tx#^uD#vk$wb$xh$y!%TzN%v{O%|n&}R&~&X&X'K2'K'.(#E(R3(D(F))XH)a4)1)4*!*F*h*P*A*(+83+a(+-+2+?,<,_?,B,9-:-Y6-"-2-.!".)8.L3.6...://ZV/u4/P0+0R0~T0D0:1*71e/14122I23+2}I232+3'>3SA33 3 3>4A4?A4)44N5H5QK5556 G6H6gA6<6=7/7m68?8T 8=828#9695 9l9z69999494: :>:L:[ :d:nV:F: ;;>7;Z ;;;;-<#<3,L>R/>0>V?L?Wc?4@+@=]@i4@.@AA+AmA|)A A 2A /B  7B; 9BsOBJBVCHEC@C5D&0D\DoDME.Ej<E6ETF +FbF&FF (F!3G ".G=#3Gl$:G%1G&)H '8H7(@Hp)4H*4H+*I,%IF-3Il.2I/7I0*J 17J6ex: 0602-000 %s is not a recognized flag. Address_1 > address_2.|ex: 0602-001 The first address cannot exceed the second address. Count is not correct.|ex: 0602-002 The specified count must be greater than 0.ex: 0602-003 An address is not allowed@with the specified command.ex: 0602-004 The specified address is not valid. No match to end of file.|ex: 0602-005 The address search reached the end of the file without matching the specified pattern. No match to top of file.|ex: 0602-006 The address search reached the beginning of the file without matching the specified pattern. Not found|ex: 0602-007 The pattern does not exist.ex: 0602-008 A mark must be the ' character or a single character in the range a through z.ex: 0602-009 The specified mark is not defined@and cannot be referenced.ex: 0602-010 An address cannot be less than 0.@The first buffer line is 1.ex: 0602-011 Not that many lines@exist in the file.ex: 0602-012 The address offset after the command is too large.ex: 0602-013 Cannot get the value of the HOME environment variable. No parameter.|ex: 0602-014 The %s command must be followed by a letter. Parameter not correct.|ex: 0602-015 The parameter to the mark command must be a lower case letter.ex: 0602-016 The preserve command failed. The file is preserved.ex: 0602-017 No write subcommand@since the file was last modified. Use :rew! to force the action.Old tty driver|Not using new tty driver/shell.ex: 0602-018 Buffer names must be a single character, a through z or A through Z Current line is EOF.|ex: 0602-019 The current line is at the end of the file. Command not known.|ex: 0602-020 %c is not a known command character. Extra characters.|ex: 0602-021 There are extra characters at the end of the command. [Warning - %s is incomplete] %d files@to edit. No more files@to edit. Extra characters.|ex: 0602-022 There are extra characters at the end of the %s command.ex: 0602-023 No write@since the file was last changed. The %s! command will force the action. No such open or visual command|ex: 0602-024 %S is not a recognized command while in open or visual mode. No such command|ex: 0602-025 %S is not a recognized command. [Press return to continue] ex: 0602-026 No more memory@for the append. Too many lines in the file. Line too long.|ex: 0602-027 The result of a line join would be greater than 1024 characters. No address for %s.|ex: 0602-028 The %s command requires a destination address.ex: 0602-029 The specified move command would have no effect.ex: 0602-030 The destination address of a move command cannot be within the source address.ex: 0602-031 Cannot use the put command while inside a global command or macro. Line too long.|ex: 0602-032 A shift cannot create a line longer than 1024 characters. Tag not correct|ex: 0602-033 Only one tag is allowed per line.ex: 0602-034 There is no previous tag.ex: 0602-035 The %S entry in the tags file is not correct.ex: 0602-036 No write has occurred@since last change.ex: 0602-037 No tags file exists. Run the ctags command on the file or files being edited.ex: 0602-038 %S is not a valid tag and is not in the tags file.ex: 0602-039 Cannot use the yank command inside a global command or macro. At the end of the file.At the end of the file.Reached the end of the file.Reached the beginning of the file.ex: 0602-040 Cannot use the undo command@in a global command.ex: 0602-041 There is no command to undo.No change.|ex: 0602-042 The last command to undo did not change anything.ex: 0602-043 Specify a left side to the definition.ex: 0602-044 Specify a right side to the definition.ex: 0602-045 Definitions do not allow recursion.ex: 0602-046 The left hand side of a map definition must be only 1 character and cannot include the : character.ex: 0602-047 Definitions do not allow recursion.%S not defined|ex: 0602-048 The macro %S is not defined.ex: 0602-049 Cannot create more than 32 macro definitions.ex: 0602-050 Cannot allocate more than 512 characters to macro text.An input line cannot be longer than 1024 characters.ex: 0602-051 The Cntl-H character is discarded in input lines. No file name.|ex: 0602-052 No file name is currently defined. [Read only] [Not edited] [Modified] No defined file name The cursor is at line %1$d of %2$d --%3$ld%%-- .The pattern is too long.ex: 0602-053 The maximum length of an argument is 1024 characters.ex: 0602-054 No alternate file name@to substitute for the # character.ex: 0602-055 No current file name@to substitute for the %% character.ex: 0602-056 The pipe system call failed.ex: 0602-057 Cannot create a process at this time.NCARGS parameter list is too longNARGS parameter list is too longex: 0602-058 There is no file name that matches.ex: 0602-059 Specify a file nameAmbiguous|ex: 0602-060 There are too many file namesex: 0602-061 A file name cannot be longer then 1020 characters [New file] Block special file Teletype Character special file Directory Executable file Archive file [Read only]ex: 0602-062 Use w or w>> to write the file.No file name.|ex: 0602-063 No file name is currently defined. File already exists.|ex: 0602-064 The file already exists. Use w! %s to force the write.ex: 0602-065 The file has read permission only.ex: 0602-066 Use w! to write the partial buffer. [New file] [Existing file] [Last line is not complete] A line cannot be longer than 1024 characters.The limit is 200 nested source files. %1$d/%2$ld (%ld null character)ex: 0602-067 A global within a global@command is not allowed.Global requires regular expression.|ex: 0602-068 A global command requires a regular expression.ex: 0602-069 The command in a global cannot be longer than 256 characters.ex: 0602-070 An error in the requested substitution has created a loop.No match.|ex: 0602-071 No match exists for the substitute pattern.Substitute needs regular expression.|ex: 0602-072 Specify a regular expression for the substitute command.No previous regular expression|ex: 0602-073 Specify a regular expression.No previous substitute regular expression|ex: 0602-074 Specify a substitute regular expression for the & character to repeat.ex: 0602-075 The replacement pattern is too long.@The limit is 256 characters.ex: 0602-076 The substitution creates a line that is too long.@ The limit is 1024 characters.%d substitutions|%d substitutions were made on %d linesex: 0602-077 Regular expressions delimiters cannot be letters or digits.No previous scan regular expression.|ex: 0602-078 no previous scanning regular expression is defined.A regular expression is not correct.|ex: 0602-079 A regular expression \ must be followed by a /, an & or a ? character.ex: 0602-080 Specify a closing delimiter@for the regular expression.Regular expression too long.|ex: 0602-081 The regular expression cannot expand to more than 512 characters.No match for \( delimiter.|ex: 0602-082 There are more \( start delimiters than end \) delimiters.Too many \( expressions.|ex: 0602-083 Specify no more than 9 \(...\) constructs in a regular expression.ex: 0602-084 () or \(\) imbalanceex: 0602-085 Cannot use &@- for a replacement pattern in a regular expression.ex: 0602-086 Cannot use \d@- for a replacement pattern in a regular expression.* character is not valid.|ex: 0602-087 The * cannot be used after a \(...\) construct in a regular expression.Empty character class.|ex: 0602-088 Cannot use an empty [] or [^] character class.ex: 0602-089 [] imbalance.No new lines in re.|ex: 0602-090 Regular expressions cannot contain new line characters.No closing delimiter.|ex: 0602-091 The regular expression must have a closing delimiter.ex: 0602-092 Internal error in regular expression.ex: 0602-093 %S is not a recognized option.@Use set all to see all options.ex: 0602-094 Option %s must be set to a value.ex: 0602-095 Specify the = character@in the assignment for option %s.ex: 0602-096 Specify a number@after the = operator.ex: 0602-097 Option string is too long.@The limit is 128 characters.ex: 0602-098 Cannot change terminal type while in open or visual mode.%d linesex: 0602-099 An address cannot be zero@when using the specified command.ex: 0602-100 No lines@exist in the specified buffer.ex: 0602-101 Out of memory@saving lines for undo.ex: 0602-102 There is a system call error number %d. Your file has been preserved An interrupt signal occurred. An interrupt signal occurred.ex: 0602-103 The temporary file is too large to be placed in the /tmp directory.ex: 0602-104 Out of space in a named buffer or a numbered buffer.ex: 0602-105 Editing buffer %c is empty.ex: 0602-106 Cannot put a partial line inside macroex: 0602-107 Editing buffer %c is empty.The register is greater than 1024 characters.ex: 0602-108 %s is not a recognized terminal type.ex: 0602-109 Specify a shell command@or use the :shell command.ex: 0602-110 A command cannot be longer than 128 characters.ex: 0602-111 No previous command@exists for the ! substitution.ex: 0602-112 No alternate file name@exists for the # substitution.ex: 0602-113 No file name@exists for the %% substitution.[No write]|[There has been no write since the last change]ex: 0602-114 No previous command@is defined to repeat.ex: 0602-115 Cannot create a pipe.ex: 0602-116 Cannot create a process at this time.No %s! ex: 0602-117 Cannot create a pipe.ex: 0602-118 Cannot create another process at this time.ex: 0602-119 Cannot create a pipe for the recovery.ex: 0602-120 Cannot create a process for the recovery.ex: 0602-121 No recovery routine is available.ex: 0602-122 Process number %1$d ended with a signal %2$d.Memory image file created.Pattern does not exist.|ex: 0602-123 The pattern does not exist on the specified line.ex: 0602-124 You are already in open or visual mode.ex: 0602-125 Open or visual mode is not available when the novice option is set.ex: 0602-126 %s is a generic terminal type.[Using open mode]ex: 0602-127 Visual mode requires more cursor capability than the terminal provides.ex: 0602-128 Cannot use visual mode on a terminal which overstrikes.ex: 0602-129 Visual mode requires clear screen capability.ex: 0602-130 Visual mode requires scrolling capability.The screen is too large for the internal bufferDo not know enough about the terminal type to use %sThe terminal is too wideThe screen is too largeex: 0602-131 There is an internal software error in the vscroll function.ex: 0602-132 The specified buffer is empty.ex: 0602-133 There is an internal software error in the vredraw function.ex: 0602-134 An error occurred while reading input.The macro is too long.@It may be recursive.ex: 0602-135 A macro cannot be nested to more than 256 levels.ex: 0602-136 Use Q to enter ex command mode or use :q to exit vi.REPLACE 1 CHARACTERREPLACE MODEINPUT MODEex: 0602-137 A macro cannot be nested to more than 256 levels.ex: 0602-138 An input line cannot be longer than 1024 characters.ex: 0602-140 The window is too small to display the current line.The line is too long for the open commandThe line is too longex: 0602-141 The character class is not recognized@in the [: ... :] construct.ex: 0602-142 There is an internal software error in the cclass function.expreserve: 0602-143 Only a user with proper authority can preserve files. Buffer format errorBuffer read errorCannot find a nameA copy of a file you were editing was saved when the system went down. A copy of a file you were editing was saved when the editor was killed. No name was associated with this file so it has been named LOST. A copy of your file %s was saved when the system went down. A copy of your file %s was saved when the editor was killed. This file can be retrieved using the recover command of the editor. An easy way to do this is to give the command:"ex -r %s". This works for the "edit" and "vi" editors also. The number of parameters to exrecover is not correct. [Dated %1$s. This version is the newest of %2$d saved copies.] [Dated %s]exrecover: 0602-144 There is not enough memory available now.exrecover: 0602-145 There are no preserved files. %1$s saved %2$d lines of file %3$s exrecover: 0602-146 The specified file does not exist.Lost line(s): Temporary file is too largeexrecover: 0602-147 System call error %d has occurred.rRI %1$d more lines@in the file after the %2$s command.%1$d fewer lines@in the file after the %2$s command.%d more lines%d fewer lines%d lines%a %sD %TOn %a %sD at %sTex: 0602-148 The parameter to the partial character option must be a single character.ex: 0602-149 Specify an f, g, r, or w@parameter after the = character.There are %d more files to edit. %1$d line, %2$ld characterex: 0602-150 There are fewer characters than specified There are %d more files to edit. %1$d line, %2$ld characters %1$d lines, %2$ld characters (%ld null characters)tvi: 0602-151 New mappings cannot be defined.tvi: 0602-152 Tags are not allowed.tvi: 0602-153 Shell escapes are not allowed.tvi: 0602-154 The Q command is not allowed.tvi: 0602-155 The recover command is not allowed.tvi: 0602-156 The open command is not allowed.tvi: 0602-157 The preserve command is not allowed.tvi: 0602-158 Mode switching is not allowed.The value is set to %d. The value is set to %d. The value is set to %d.ex: 0602-159 The tabstop option cannot be %d. Use a value greater than 0.ex: 0602-160 The hardtabs option cannot be %d. Use a value greater than 0.ex: 0602-161 The shiftwidth option cannot be %d. Use a value greater than 0.ex: 0602-162 Cannot find the terminfo database.Usage: ctags [-BFamtuwvx] [-f Tagfile] File ... ctags: 0602-164 There is not enough memory available to sort the functions requested. ctags: 0602-165 The file %1$s at line %2$d contains a duplicate entry %3$s. ctags: 0602-166 The files %1$s and %2$s contain a duplicate function %3$s. This is a warning only. ctags: 0602-163 The -%c option requires an operand. ctags: 0602-174 The -%c option is invalid. Line too long.|ex: 0602-027 The result of a line join would be greater than 8192 characters.An input line cannot be longer than 8192 characters. A line cannot be longer than 8192 characters.ex: 0602-138 An input line cannot be longer than 8192 characters. [Shared lock] [Exclusive lock] [FILE BEING MODIFIED BY ANOTHER PROCESS] [File open by another process] Cannot set novice interactively - invoke as veditex: The -%c option requires an option argument.ex: The -%c option requires an integer option argument.The %s option must be greater than 0. Default value used.ex: 0602-167 Invalid multibyte character string encountered, conversion failed.ex: 0602-168 Invalid wide character string encountered, conversion failed.ex: 0602-169 Incomplete or invalid multibyte character encountered, conversion failed.ex: 0602-170 Wide character could not be converted to file code form.ex: 0602-171 Invalid multibyte character encountered with mblen.ex: 0602-172 Property invalid for the current locale.ex: 0602-173 Error in character collation value.There is %d more file to edit.ex: 0602-133 Unable to redraw screen. Switching to line mode. Issue the vi subcommand to return to visual mode.ex: 0602-174 The macro text for the macro %S is at least 100 characters long.ex: 0602-175 Specify a valid numeric interval.ex: 0602-176 Only one comma allowed in interval expressions.ex: 0602-177 Terminate an interval expression with \}.ex: 0602-178 Numbers specified in interval expressions must be less than RE_DUP_MAX.number following \ is not valid or in error\{\} imbalanceUnusable end point in range expressionInvalid regular expressionInvalid character in interval expression?, *, or + not preceded by valid regular expressionOut of memory compiling the regular expressionex: 0602-179 There is not enough memory available. ex: 0602-180 Ignoring the exrc line %s as it is too long. ex: 0602-182 History file has no read permission.ex: 0602-183 Invalid history file format.ex: 0602-184 Not enough memory, history value set to %d.ex: 0602-185 Not enough memory, ignoring last-line mode history.ex: 0602-186 Failed to save last-line mode history. pvi: 0602-187 Only one file can be opened at a time.pvi: 0602-188 %s cannot be edited by pvi. pvi: 0602-189 %s could not be found. pvi: 0602-190 Error raising or lowering privileges.pvi: 0602-191 An existing file must be specified. pvi: 0602-192 The system is not in Enhanced RBAC Mode. pvi: 0602-193 Authorization check failure.pvi: 0602-194 Writing to a new file name is prohibited.