ù2ISO8859-1UÔ0*[-r- ,Î6û$2 W r Ž #® !Ò+ô" CU)h'’)ºä#þ1"6T*‹.¶Lå/26b#™$½â''F8n § º #Ò ö / ) ; e r ‰ ¦2 ¾# ñ $ 2 W p1 Š( ¼ å$ ü !2 : m  Š26 ‘9 È5 1 8[ jR ÆX ` rO ÓX#X|RÕ[(c„RèP;³ŒR@T“ è!„ï"Ot#ZÄ$,Usage: ewlmcfg { -q | -c | -m | -u | -C | -s } [-l limits_file] [-a cpushares=nnnn] Invalid line (%d) '%s' in limits file - ignored Can not open file %s. Default configuration values are being used. Name '%s' not specified, default of %d used. Internal error: Number of limits mismatch. Root authority is required to enable or disable EWLM. Internal error: invalid command %d. EWLM was already enabled. EWLM was already disabled. Can not disable EWLM services. Internal error: DDS size mismatch. Internal error: bad DDS address. Internal error: bad connected pid address. Unknown error %d from _ewlm_init. EWLM is enabled. EWLM is disabled. Process %lld is using the EWLM Services. No process is using the EWLM services. Local %s resource management is enabled. EWLM superclass shares: Error outputting EWLM shares file. Error setting shares for EWLM superclass (0x%X). Incorrect Syntax: This command is for SMIT use only. Unknown attribute name in parameter '%s'. Root authority is required to configure EWLM. EWLM is disabled. The new configuration will be used when EWLM is enabled. An error occurred when setting the new limits: Root authority is required to enable or disable EWLM. EWLM will be enabled at next boot. EWLM will be disabled at next boot. Enterprise Workload ManagementNow,At next boot,BothYes,NoChange/Show EWLM services configurationChange/Show status of the EWLM servicesChange/Show EWLM Local Resource Management ConfigurationEWLM configurationRegistered applicationsRegistered applications per processStarted applicationsStarted applications per registered applicationStarted application instances per processTransactionsBlocks per transactionBind threads per transactionRegistered transactionsRegistered transactions per registered applicationRegistered transactions per processEWLM services maximum memoryApply new configuration changes now?Enable the EWLM ServicesDisable the EWLM ServicesEnable EWLM services now, at next boot, or both ?Priority of the managed server componentCompletion buffer sizeShow the status of the EWLM servicesTransactions per processDisable EWLM services now, at next boot, or both ?EWLM CPU Resource ManagementSharesProvides menus for configuring and administering EWLM.Menus to view and modify the EWLM services configuration.Menus to query, enable, or disable the EWLM services.Dialog to set the local resource shares for EWLM.Maximum number of applications that can be simultaneously registered with the ARM services.Maximum number of applications that can be simultaneously registered by a process.Maximum number of applications that can be simultaneously started with the ARM services.Maximum number of applications that can be simultaneously started in one registered application.Maximum number of applications that can be simultaneously started by a process.Maximum number of transactions that can be simultaneously started with the ARM services.Maximum number of simultaneous arm_block_transaction() requests against one transaction.Maximum number of simultaneous arm_bind_thread() requests against one transaction.Maximum number of transactions that can be simultaneously registered with the ARM services.Maximum number of transactions that can be simultaneously registered in one registered application.Maximum number of transactions that can be simultaneously registered by a process.Maximum number of bytes of kernel heap storage used to store EWLM services data.Specify 'Yes' if you want the new configuration parameters to be used immediately. Specify 'No' if you want to delay using them until the next time the EWLM services are enabled.Enables the EWLM services. Root authority is required to enable the EWLM services.Disables the EWLM services. Root authority is required to disable the EWLM services.Process scheduling priority for the EWLM managed server component process. The priority should be specified such that the EWLM process has a higher priority (lower value) than normal AIX processes but not so high that it interferes with critical system daemons.Displays enabled or disabled status of the EWLM services. If enabled, displays process ID of process connected to the EWLM services.Maximum number of transactions that can be simultaneously started by a process.Size in bytes of the buffer used to store EWLM transaction and process completion records.Sets the CPU shares for the EWLM superclass.