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GT/s5.0 GT/s8.0 GT/sExternal Loopback Changeable: External Loopback: Internal Loopback Changeable: Internal Loopback: Physical Port Promiscuous Mode Changeable: Physical Port Promiscuous Mode: Logical Port Promiscuous Mode: Physical Port All Multicast Mode Changeable: Physical Port All Multicast Mode: Logical Port All Multicast Mode: Physical Port MTU Changeable: Physical Port MTU: Logical Port MTU: Multicast Addresses Enabled: Maximum Exact Match Multicast Filters: Maximum Inxact Match Multicast Filters: Receive TCP Segment Aggregation: Receive TCP Segment Aggregation Large Packets Created: Receive TCP Packets Aggregated into Large Packets: Receive TCP Payload Bytes Aggregated into Large Packets: Receive TCP Segment Aggregation Average Packets Aggregated: Receive TCP Segment Aggregation Maximum Packets Aggregated: Transmit TCP Segmentation Offload: Transmit TCP Segmentation Offload Packets Transmitted: Transmit TCP Segmentation Offload Maximum Packet Size: Jumbo Frames: Transmit and receive flow control status: Number of XOFF packets transmitted: Number of XON packets transmitted: Number of XOFF packets received: Number of XON packets received: Transmit Q%d Statistics: Transmit Q Packets: Transmit Q Multicast Packets: Transmit Q Broadcast Packets: Transmit Q Bytes: Transmit Q No Buffers: Transmit Q Dropped Packets: Transmit SWQ Cur Packets: Transmit SWQ Max Packets: Transmit SWQ Dropped Packets: Transmit OFQ Cur Packets: Transmit OFQ Max Packets: Receive Q%d Statistics: Receive Q Packets: Receive Q Multicast Packets: Receive Q Broadcast Packets: Receive Q Bytes: Receive Q No Buffers: Receive Q Errors: Receive Q Dropped Packets: Statistics structure size mismatch DCBX Status: TLV Exchange TC State PFC State QCN State APPL State no appTraffic ClassBandwidthPriority Group(s)Priority Flow Control: SLI PORT Event Counters: Error Events: Over-Temp Events: Norm-Temp Events: NVLOG Events: Out of RQE Events: Solicited Events: Assigned Interrupt Source Numbers: NICRDMAUnusedMAC Addresses that can be used: VLAN IDs that can be used: Controller Version: Adapter Port Counters: Discarded Receive Packets: Discarded Transmit Packets: ApplicationVF Minimum Bandwidth: VF Maximum Bandwidth: VF Port Vlan ID: PriorityReceive Q No Private Buffers: Device State: InvalidRestartingOpenLimboOpeningEEHClosingDeadDisabledMaintenanceDisabled LimboClosedUnknown <64 bytes 65-127 bytes 128-255 bytes 256-511 bytes 512-1023 bytes 1024-1518 bytes 1519-1522 bytes 1523-1548 bytes 1548-MTU bytes >MTU bytes Unicast Multicast Broadcast Framing Type Non-Framing Type All Frame Type Total Frames Total With Errors <64 bytes: 65-127 bytes: 128-255 bytes: 256-511 bytes: 512-1023 bytes: 1024-1518 bytes: 1519-1522 bytes: 1523-1548 bytes: 1548-MTU bytes: >MTU bytes: Unicast: Multicast: Broadcast: Framing Type: Non-Framing Type: All Frame Type: Total Frames: Total With Errors: Total TX Frames dropped: Total RX Frames dropped: Total RX frames received good: Received frames with bad CRC: Received frames > MTU with bad CRC: Received frames < 64 bytes with bad CRC: Received frames < 64 bytes with good CRC: Received frames dropped due to Overflow: Received frame length Errors: Received frames dropped due to Unicast MAC filter: Received frames dropped due to Multicast MAC filter: Received frames dropped due to VLAN filter: Received frames with length/type in range [1500:46]: Received frames with length/type in range [1535:1501]: Received frames with size larger than 802.3 max: Received frames with PCS error: Transmit Unicast Frames: Transmit Unicast Octects: Transmit Multicast Frames: Transmit Multicast Octects: Transmit Broadcast Frames: Transmit Broadcast Octects: Transmit Frame Errors: Transmit Octect Errors: TSO Requested frames transmitted: TSO Generated frames transmitted: TSO Octects transmitted: Received Unicast Frames: Received Unicast Octects: Received Multicast Frames: Received Multicast Octects: Received Broadcast Frames: Received Broadcast Octects: Receive Frame drops due to no buffer: Receive Octect drops due to no buffer: Receive Frame Errors: Receive Octect Errors: Diagnostics Report: Responder local length errors: Requester local length errors: Responder local QP errors: Requester local QP errors: Responder local EE operation errors: Requester local EE operation errors: Responder local protection errors: Requester local protection errors: Responder CQEs with errors: Requester CQEs with errors: Requester memory window bind errors: Requester bad response errors: Responder local access errors: Requester remote invalid request errors: Responder remote invalid request errors: Requester remote access errors: Requester remote operation errors: Requester transport retries exceeded errors: Requester RNR NAK retry exceed errors: Responder RNR NAK sent: Requester RNR NAK recieved: Requester remote aborted errors: Requester invalid EE context number errors: Requester invalid EE context state errors: Responder Out of Sequence request recieved: Requester Out of Sequence NAK received: Responder bad MCAST packets received: Responder RESYNC operations: Requester RESYNC operations: UD drops due to no desc on queue: UC drops due to no desc on queue: CQ overflows: EQ overflows: Bad doorbells: Queue Pair Queue Pair Context: Send Work Queue: Send Completion Queue: Receive Work Queue: Receive Completion Queue: Last Send WQE Posted: Hardware Stats: VLAN Priority: No VLAN Priority Transmit Stats on Loopback: Extended Interface Statistics: QP State: Transport Service Type: RSS : Path migration FSM state: Protection Domain: MTU: Maximum message size: Receive WQ size: Receive WQE stride: Enable prefetch on the SQ: Send WQ size: Send WQE Basic Block size: Reserved LKey: UAR number for DoorBells: Local QP number: Remote QP number: Primary Address Path: Force Loopback: VLAN Insertion: Index to Pkey table: Counter Table Index: Use GRH: MAC Table Index: Remote LID: Ack timeout timer: Link type: MGID Index: Maximum static rate control: IP Hop Limit: Egress packets Sniffed on Responder: Ingress packets Sniffed on Responder: Egress packets Sniffed on Requester: Ingress packets Sniffed on Requester: Traffic Class: Flow Label: Remote GID (hex): Schedule Queue: VLAN-ID Table Index: Force Source MAC (Raw Eth QPs only): Force Source IP (Raw Eth QPs only): Force VLAN ID: Spoofing Protection: RSS QP: tbl_sz: base_qpn: default_qpn: hash_fn: rss_flags: rss_key (hex): base_qpn_udp: Remote MAC address [Upper 16 bits]: Remote MAC address [Upper 32 bits]: alt.raw (hex): ACK required frequency: Max outstanding Atomic/RDMA Reads: Transport timeout retry count: RNR NAK retry limit: Fast Registration Work Request Enabled: Current RNR retry counter: Current transport retry counter: Next PSN to be sent: CQ Num for Send Queue completions: Last ACKed PSN: Requester Send Sequence Number: Max RDMA Read/Atomic Op on RQ: RDMA Read enabled on RQ: RDMA Write enabled on RQ: Atomic Op enabled on RQ: WQE start Addr: Invalid Credits: Collective offload slave receive: Collective offload slave send: Collective offload Master En: Minimum RNR NAK timer: Next PSN to be received: SRCD: CQ Num for Recv Queue completions: QP DB Record Addr: QKey: Shared Receive Queue: Shared Receive Queue Number: Responder's current msg seq num: Current RQ WQE Counter: Current SQ WQE Counter: RQ Producer Index set by RECEIVE_EN: SQ Producer Index set by SEND_EN: MKey for RDMA Write request: Reliable Multicast: In-line scatter enabled: Header Separation: Reliable Multicast QP number: Num remote peers in Reliable Multicast group: Base MKey: MTT page size: MTT Base Address [39:32]: MTT Base Address [31:3]: VFT header Added : Priority in VFT header: VF ID in VFT header: exch_size: exch_base: Hop count for VFT header: My_ID_indx: CQE Status: CQE Collapsed: Overrun Ignored: Event Delivery State Machine: Offset of first CQE: CQ Size: UAR page: Event Generation moderation timer (usec): Event Generation Moderation counter: Event Queue: MTT page size: MTT Base Address [39:32]: MTT Base Address [31:3]: Last Notified Index: Solicit Producer Index: Consumer Counter: Producer Counter: CQ DB Record Address: CQ Address: CQ Length: CQ TCE Address: CQ Number of CQEs: CQ Index to Poll: WQE Memory Address: WQE TCE Address: WQE Size: Max Packets Allowed: Max WQEs Allowed: Next WQE Index posted: Next WQE Index from Queue: Number of WQEs posted: Number of SGEs: HW ownership of Ring: Total buffers posted: WQE Ownership: No Error Completion: Protocol: HW packet parsing: Protocol Offset: IP Offset: WQE Reread: Opcode: Large Send Off-load (LSO) SEND Insert VLAN: VLAN ID: Fence: WQE Size: DMAC [MSB]: DMAC [LSB]: Strong Ordering: Fiberchannel CRC : Hardware Protocol Checksum: Hardware IP Checksum: Generate CQE: Force loopback: 10GbE PCIe2 CX2 Network Adapter 40GbE PCIe2 CX3 Network Adapter Transmit Q%d Statistics: Transmit Q Packets: Transmit Q Multicast Packets: Transmit Q Broadcast Packets: Transmit Q Bytes: Transmit Q No Buffers: Transmit Q Dropped Packets: Transmit SWQ Cur Packets: Transmit SWQ Max Packets: Transmit SWQ Dropped Packets: Transmit OFQ Cur Packets: Transmit OFQ Max Packets: Receive Q%d Statistics: Receive Q Packets: Receive Q Multicast Packets: Receive Q Broadcast Packets: Receive Q Bytes: Receive Q No Buffers: Receive Q Errors: Receive Q Dropped Packets: <64 bytes Receive TCP Segment Aggregation Maximum Packets Aggregated: 10GbE PCIe2 CX3 Network Adapter 10GbE PCIe3 CX3 Network Adapter 40GbE PCIe3 CX3 Network Adapter PAUSE frames PAUSE duration PAUSE Transition