ùISO8859-1"©¬ª5°«Eæ¬ ,­<M®UŠ¯7à°6±TO³¤´?¨µ#è¶@ ·)M¸7w¹M¯ºAý»;?¼9{½µ¾9¹¿6óÀ2*Ç]È7aÉ$™ÊW¾ËDÌD[ÍD Î?åÏB % h  l/ ˆ ” Ÿ ­¹ÊÚ ì ý   % 5 AO ^l € Š –  ¨ ¶ÄËÔæ ø !2" K# W$a%i&r'z(ƒ)“*«+Ã,Ü- ñ.ý/" "3001-750 No argument value specified for option %1$c.3001-751 Option %1$c not recognized. Specify '-?' for utility syntax.3001-752 %1$.100s not specified.3001-753 Specified %1$.100s value not supported -- %2$.1024s3001-754 Specified combination of action '%1$c' and object type '%2$c' not supported.3001-755 Please enter LDAP bind password for %1$.1024s:3001-756 Please enter key file password for %1$.1024s:3001-757 Domain DN must be a distinguished name beginning with 'ibm-eimDomainName='." "3001-760 eimadmin (%1$s) started %2$.40s with options %3$.1024s3001-761 Processing ended normally.3001-762 %1$d records processed -- %2$d successful; %3$d failed.3001-763 Processing stopped due to error.3001-764 Label definition line not found in input file.3001-765 Unrecognized label found starting at column %1$d on input line %2$d.3001-766 Missing final label delimiter '%1$c' on input line %2$d.3001-767 Length of input line %1$d exceeds %2$d characters.3001-768 Error occurred while processing input line %1$d." "3001-770 Service %1$.100s returned error %2$d -- %3$.500s3001-771 Service %1$.100s returned error %2$d -- %3$d.3001-780 Specified action requires root authority." "3001-772 Internal error occurred -- %1$.1024s %2$.1024s3001-773 Program exception occurred.3001-774 Specified combination of option %1$.100s and option %2$.100s is not supported.3001-775 Could not find the certificate file -- %1$.100s -- %2$.500s3001-776 Could not open the certificate file -- %1$.100s -- %2$.500s3001-777 Could not read the certificate file -- %1$.100s -- %2$.500s3001-778 Expected string "-----END CERTIFICATE-----" not found.3001-779 Subject or issuer filter values not found in certificate." "usage: %1$.256s action objectType [options] [controls] where action must be one of the following: -a add object -p purge (remove) object -l list object -m modify (add) attribute -e erase (remove) attribute objectType must be one of the following: -D domain -R registry -I identifier -A association -C access -Y policy options may be any combination of the following, some of which are required depending on the objectType: -c accessType ADMIN,REGISTRY,IDENTIFIER,MAPPING -f accessUserType DN,KERBEROS -g registryParent parent of application registry -i identifier unique identifier name -j otherIdentifier non-unique identifier name -k URI universal resource identifier -n description object description -o information additional object information -q accessUser user DN for accessType -r registryName system or application registry -t associationType ADMIN,SOURCE,TARGET, DOMAIN,REGISTRY,FILTER -u registryUser user ID in registry -x registryAlias additional name for registry -y registryType RACF,OS400,KERBEROS,KERBEROSX, AIX,NDS,LDAP,PD,WIN2K,X509,LINUX, DOMINOS,DOMINOL -z registryAliasType type for registry alias -B attribute POLICY,LOOKUP -E certificate file containing an X.509 certificate -G certificateTemplate file containing an X.509 certificate -F issuerFilter issuer portion of certificate policy name -J subjectFilter subject portion of certificate policy name -T targetRegistry target registry name -d domain domain DN (ibm-eimDomainName=...) -h ldapHost LDAP URL:port -b bindDN LDAP bind DN -w bindPassword LDAP bind password -K keyFile SSL key database file or keyring -P keyFilePassword SSL key database file password -N keyFileCertificate certificate label -S connectType SIMPLE,CRAM-MD5,EXTERNAL,GSSAPI controls may be one or more of the following: -s switch RMDEPS for dependent removal -v verboseLevel trace level number (1-10)actionobject typedependentsverbose levelaccess typeaccess user typeregistry parentunique identifierother identifierURIdescriptioninformationaccess usersource registryassociationregistry userregistry aliasregistry typeregistry alias typedomain DNdomain nameLDAP hostbind DNbind passwordregistry kindswitchkey filekey file passwordcertificate labelconnect typetarget registryregistry user or certificatesubject or issuer filtercertificateattributelookupspoliciesENABLEDDISABLEDdomain policiessource registry lookupstarget registry lookupstarget registry policiestarget registry userpolicy typefilterEnd of inserts