ISO8859-1)$h/) # ? `  /   % 05)Hr%)11I.{4303G {!"#$%&'(#) 4050-300 edquota: permission denied Usage: edquota [-u] [-p username] username ... edquota -g [-p groupname] groupname ... edquota [-u] -t edquota -g -t 4050-301 %s: no such user 4050-302 %s: no such group 4050-303 %d: unknown quota type 4050-304 edquota: out of memory 4050-305 Warning: %s 4050-105 Quotas are not enabled on this machineCreating quota file %s 4050-307 edquota: read error in edquota: 4050-308 You have too many processes forkQuotas for %s %s: %s: %s %d, limits (soft = %d, hard = %d) blocks in use:%s %d, limits (soft = %d, hard = %d) inodes in use:4050-309 Can't read temporary file again 4050-310 %s: bad format 4050-311 %s: %s: bad format blocks in use: %d, limits (soft = %d, hard = %d) inodes in use: %d, limits (soft = %d, hard = %d)4050-312 %s: cannot change current allocation Time units may be: days, hours, minutes, or seconds Grace period before enforcing soft limits for %ss: %s: block grace period: %s, file grace period: %s block grace period: %d %s file grace period: %d %sdayshoursminutessecondssecondminutehourday4050-313 %s: bad units, specify %s days, hours, minutes, or seconds